February 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1251 She was always very busy with her it was clear to me that the urgent humanitarian which often goes unpunished because of work, but she always made time to crisis in the region needs more attention from unreliable witnesses. mentor people, especially a lot of the the media and the public—not less. On February 14, this Nation once young women who were also part of the Despite their ongoing detention, the two again witnessed a horrific tragedy that labor movement. journalists agreed to publication this took place at a high school in Florida. Gwen left us far too soon, and it was month of their special report detailing the role Seventeen lives were taken at the very tragic in how she did, but I want of the military and Rakhine Buddhists in these hands of a gunman with way too much all of her friends and family out there atrocities. I salute these journalists for their firepower. The horror and tragedy that to know just what a big impact that willingness to bravely support the truth despite shook the Florida high school should she made on this world and for the the personal risks to them. be an unimaginable event in our coun- State of Texas and for workers every- and are both ethnic try. Yet, tragically, our Nation has lost where. Buddhists who grew up in , too many loved ones at the hands of She is survived by her husband, Mark of . Their work on the ethnic gun violence, to the point where we York; her daughter, Alyson Reed; and cleansing and humanitarian crisis has won a often see the same reaction: hand her sister, Wanda Goode. joint honorable mention from the Society of wringing, blaming going around, but f Publishers in Asia. Additionally, Wa Lone has nothing being done to stop the vio- written an acclaimed children’s book and co- lence. URGING THE RELEASE OF IMPRIS- founded a charity that promotes tolerance be- The city of Philadelphia knows all ONED JOURNALISTS IN BURMA tween different ethnic groups. too well the lives we have lost at the (Ms. MCCOLLUM asked and was Government officials, including Secretary of hands of gun violence. In 2017, we saw given permission to address the House State Rex Tillerson and United Nations Am- the city experience its largest homi- for 1 minute and to revise and extend bassador Nikki Haley have called for the jour- cide epidemic since 2012. There were her remarks.) nalists’ release. Top United Nations officials, over 370 homicides in Philadelphia, ac- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise as well as the leaders of many nations—in- cording to the data from the Philadel- to urge the immediate release of two cluding Canada and the — phia Police Department. Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw have also urged their release. And with the continuing scourge of Soe Oo, who have been imprisoned in Mr. Speaker, a free press is essential to a gun violence in Philadelphia, last year Burma for their fearless reporting on democratic society. I join the State Depart- I hand-delivered a letter to Pennsyl- the atrocities being perpetrated ment and governments around the world urg- vania Attorney General Josh Shapiro against the Rohingya. ing Burma to release Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe outlining our Commonwealth’s need to The ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya Oo immediately and allow them to reunite with use all resources possible to advocate shocked the conscience of the world in their families and resume their vital work. for commonsense gun reform. Since I part because of the important public f handed that letter to the Common- testimony gathered by these two jour- wealth’s attorney general, we have had GUN VIOLENCE nalists. In December, these journalists more heartbreaks in America, includ- were invited to meet with the police, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ing the unspeakable tragedy at a they were handed documents by offi- BACON). Under the Speaker’s an- church, a place of worship and refuge, cers they had never met before, and nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the in Texas, and the mass shooting in Las then they were immediately arrested gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Vegas. under an obscure colonial-era law. The EVANS) is recognized for 60 minutes as Mr. Speaker, there is a gentleman arrest of these journalists and the Bur- the designee of the minority leader. who is our leader from our Caucus who mese Government’s refusal to grant GENERAL LEAVE will speak to this issue. He knows an them bail is highly irregular. It seems Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- awful lot about it. I have watched him obvious that the only purpose of their imous consent that all Members have 5 in the short period of time I have been continued detention is to chill the legislative days to revise and extend here: the Honorable JAMES CLYBURN independent media in Burma. their remarks and to include extra- from the Sixth District. Mr. Speaker, a free press is essential neous material on the subject of my Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I thank to a democratic society. I join the Special Order. Representative EVANS for yielding to State Department and governments The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there me. around the world urging Burma to re- objection to the request of the gen- Mr. Speaker, I proudly represent the lease these journalists immediately tleman from Pennsylvania? Sixth Congressional District of South and to allow them to reunite with their There was no objection. Carolina in this august body. This past families and to return to their impor- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, it is with week, I spent a significant amount of tant work. great honor that I rise today to anchor time throughout the district meeting Mr. Speaker, I rise to urge the immediate the CBC Special Order. I would like to with faith leaders as well as other com- release of two Reuters journalists—Wa Lone thank CBC Chairman CEDRIC RICHMOND munity-based organizations. And one and Kyaw Soe Oo—who have been impris- for his leadership in this effort. Chair- of the things I kept hearing came from oned Burma for their fearless reporting on the man RICHMOND has been leading this ef- people who are particularly interested atrocities being perpetrated against the fort and raising the question about in whether or not this Congress will do Rohingya. when the President said what do we anything to respond to this horrific The ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya has have to lose. The chairman indicated problem that we have with guns. shocked the conscience of the world, in part that we have a lot to lose. Of all the things that I find myself because of the important public testimony So for the next 60 minutes, we have talking about, the one thing that both- gathered by these two journalists. an opportunity to speak directly to the ers me most is the fact that we seem to In December, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo American people about issues of great be no longer safe in our most sacred in- were invited to meet with police officers in importance to the Congressional Black stitutions. , were handed documents by two po- Caucus and the millions of constitu- I often quote Alexis de Tocqueville, lice officers they had never met before, and ents we represent. Tonight’s Special who came to this country way back in then were immediately arrested for allegedly Order is about gun violence. I thank the early 1800s seeking what he called breaching Burma’s Official Secrets Act, a little- my colleagues for joining me here the magic of this great country. He used colonial era law on government secrecy. today to speak about the national epi- said that he went throughout the coun- The arrest of these journalists and the Bur- demic of gun violence, an important try looking at our institutions—edu- mese government’s refusal to grant them bail topic to us all. cational institutions, legislative bod- is highly irregular. It seems obvious that the The Black community is at a critical ies—trying to find the magic of this only purpose of their continued detention is to time because we have a lot to lose be- great country. Alexis de Tocqueville chill the independent media in Burma. cause too many of our neighbors, un- said that he could not find it in any of I visited Burma and Bangladesh as part of fortunately, have been subject to gun these places. He said that it was not a Congressional delegation in November, and violence at a consistent rate, a crime until he went into our churches and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:58 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.046 H26FEPT1 H1252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 26, 2018 synagogues that he found the real has been hanging around now for 8 he has—and that is Chairman CEDRIC magic of this great country. He said months. I am going to ask all of my RICHMOND from the Second District of that he came to the conclusion that, in colleagues, Democrats and Repub- Louisiana. spite of all of the difficulties and chal- licans, to sign this discharge petition Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman lenges we had as a country, that Amer- before the end of this Black History from Louisiana (Mr. RICHMOND). ica was great because Americans are Month so that we can say to those Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I want good. souls: Rest in peace. to thank the gentleman from Pennsyl- And he went on to surmise that, if Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, may I ask vania for, once again, leading the Con- Americans ever cease to be good, the gentleman a question. gressional Black Caucus’s Special America will cease to be great. It is If the gentleman could just talk a lit- Order hour, where we get to address the kind of interesting that he came to tle more about that magic he talked American people and talk directly to that conclusion by visiting our places about and how do we get there. Does the American people about what it is of worship. And tonight I want to re- the gentleman have any sense of how that is going on in Congress, what we mind the American people that that sa- we get there? would like to do. cred institution has been violated time Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I thank Tonight is a very somber but impor- and time again. the gentleman for his question. tant Special Order hour. We are talk- And on this question of gun violence, I am sort of a history buff, and so I ing about protecting American lives. It we remember the Emanuel 9: nine soul- have spent a little time trying to find would not be Black History Month ful Bible study pupils in the basement out what this country is all about. I without a quote from Dr. Martin Lu- of their church, once again reestab- also recall a great writer, George San- ther King, a Morehouse graduate. He lishing the goodness of Americans. tayana, once writing that if we fail to says: ‘‘At some point, silence becomes They had that goodness violated by a learn the lessons of our history, we are betrayal.’’ young man with a gun who sat among bound to repeat them. I want us to just think about that: si- them for a full hour before opening I believe that history should be in- lence becomes betrayal. When it comes fire, killing nine of them. structive, and I think that that is what to our communities being inundated Now, when we think about that inci- de Tocqueville was talking about in his with guns, this Congress has been far dent and we ask ourselves how could writings. He really came to this coun- too silent. In fact, what we do is just such a thing happen, one of the things try, from France, to study our penal take moments of silence, one after an- that we do know is that this young system on that particular occasion, but other, whether it is Virginia Tech, mo- man was able to purchase a weapon, al- he was enamored with this country be- ment of silence; Sandy Hook, moment though under the law he was not eligi- cause of its people. of silence; Pulse nightclub, moment of ble to make the purchase; but because Now, the interesting thing about silence; First Baptist Church, moment of a loophole that we have in the law, this, remember, the early 1800s when he of silence; Las Vegas, moment of si- a loophole that I have taken to call the came here, slavery was the law of the lence; Mother Emanuel, moment of si- ‘‘Charleston Loophole,’’ which says land, and he wrote about how con- lence. simply that, if the background check is tradictory that was to what he found in So far in 2018, we have already seen not completed within 3 days, the pur- people’s hearts, the goodness that he 8,200 incidents of gun violence in Amer- chase can proceed to conclusion. found in people. ica, including 34 mass shootings. These Now, the fact of the matter is, this So irrespective of what the chal- acts of violence have taken more than gun was purchased in West Columbia. I lenges may be of the various institu- 2,200 lives. That is 2,200 families af- don’t know whether or not this young tions that we may have, the various fected by gun violence. man had enough sophistication about legal issues that may come before us, I would just say that it is time for the law to give the wrong information the various legislative accomplish- Congress to do something, at least about his address. but what we do know ments we might make, irrespective of have the debate, but we ought not be- is that the wrong address was keyed in; all that, there is a certain goodness in come coconspirators with the crimes and because it was keyed in, there was Americans that ought to be on dem- that are being committed across this difficulty trying to get the information onstration at all times. country. that was needed. I really feel that it will demonstrate I know that many people will say: that goodness if we can say to these Hey, you all are in Congress, you all b 1945 nine souls that, just as Alexis de deal in theory. We deal in reality. Ban- By the time they found out the prob- Tocqueville found in our places of wor- ning assault weapons wouldn’t have lem, the 3 days had expired, and the ship, what the basic goodness about kept this kid from being able to buy an young man went back to get the gun, America is all about, that is what they AR–15. and, within days, traveled all the way were in pursuit of as they sat in the Well, let me just tell you, that is not from Columbia, South Carolina, down basement of their church, Emanuel true. to Charleston. AME, on Calhoun Street, Charleston, An AR–15 from the store ranges He picked this church because, he South Carolina, they were there per- about $500 and $600. A kid could prob- said, it was historic. He wanted to go petuating that goodness, and it was ably get $500 or $600, but during the into a historic Black church. violated. days of the assault weapons ban, those Well, this month, the Nation has set I believe that this body can take a guns, the street value became three aside time to honor the contributions long step toward demonstrating how times as much. So that means that $600 of Black Americans. I can think of no important that is by saying, in their gun that he bought would have been way for us to better highlight what memory, we are going to close this $1,800. The question is whether he this month is all about than to, once loophole so that their nine souls can would have had access to get to that and for all, close this Charleston loop- rest in peace. $1,800, whether good common sense hole, to demonstrate to those nine Af- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I thank would have prevailed before he got to rican-American worshippers, who were the gentleman for his comments. $1,800, whether somebody would have going about the business of helping to Mr. Speaker, you just heard the gen- caught on to his plan while he tried to make this country great, going about tleman from South Carolina, in my get $1,800. the business of demonstrating the view, lay out a very clear vision of At some point, we can’t not do any- goodness of Americans, to have their what it should be like from an aspira- thing because we say it wouldn’t have lives snuffed out; I can think of no bet- tional standpoint. made a difference. ter way for us to honor their lives than Speaking of the leader of the Con- The one thing I will say is it is amaz- for us to close this loophole. gressional Black Caucus leading the ing to see these young people rise up Tomorrow, I am going to come before conscience of this body, the gentleman and speak out with one voice that they this body with a discharge petition, be- from the great State of Louisiana, he want something done. cause the legislation to close this loop- knows a little bit about that—from my It is a sad day in America when our hole was filed in this body last July. It understanding, there is legislation that seniors can’t go to church without fear

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:36 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.047 H26FEPT1 February 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1253 of gun violence, when families can’t go 2,200 families that had to get up and ror you felt this past summer on the to the movies because of fear of gun vi- hear the preacher say: Oh, pain may baseball diamond when you were sense- olence, and when children can’t go to endureth through the night, but joy lessly attacked with a rifle? Do you re- school because of fear of gun violence. cometh in the morning. member the terror you felt as grown We as a Congress, both Democrats Well, joy is not going to come in the men? and Republicans, have an obligation to morning if the same thing keeps hap- Now imagine being a teenager, with- this country to make sure that we pro- pening and Congress will not do any- out the protection of trained Capitol tect people who are vulnerable. I don’t thing about it, because that means Police officers at your side, being think it is too much to ask for both those lives were lost in vain, and that senselessly attacked with an AR–15. sides to come together and ignore the is just as big a sin, in my estimation. Imagine being raised in a world will of the National Rifle Association, I just think that we have to do some- where fear of being shot at school, on but to listen to the people in our coun- thing about it. your block, or in a park was a daily re- try who are demanding that we do It is one thing when the cameras are ality. something. there and the family has the support at Countless daily shootings that do not When we start talking about back- the funeral of all these people, the make the news certainly don’t spur ground checks, assault rifles, high-ca- Congressperson comes, family comes, you to act. Losing 20 elementary pacity cartridges that go in these guns and says, ‘‘Oh, we are going to be with school students didn’t spur you to act. which allow people to shoot large you, and we are going to support you A colleague suffering a severe brain in- amounts of people in a very short order and pray for you during this time,’’ but jury didn’t spur you to act. You, your- of time, those guns—let’s just be clear, at the end of the day, that mother and selves, being the targets hasn’t even and I want Congressman EVANS to un- father goes back to that house, and spurred you to act. derstand what we are talking about: that kid’s room is empty. In the aftermath of Parkland, our nobody is talking about ending the There are no words of comfort that children have made one thing abun- Second Amendment. The right to bear we can give to that family when they dantly clear: If you do not act to end arms is as fundamental and as pro- walk by that room every night and it is this senseless violence, America will tected as anything else in this country. empty because we let somebody with replace you with bold leaders who will. However, when we start talking about mental issues get their hands on an The solutions are simple: mandatory AR–15s and these assault weapons and AR–15 and slaughter a bunch of kids in background checks on all gun sales, in- these automatic things, we are talking school. So if it sounds like I am upset, cluding purchases online and at gun about weapons of mass destruction. then you are right, because those par- shows, and tightening the background We went to Afghanistan looking for ents shouldn’t have to pass an empty check system; closing the loopholes; weapons of mass destruction, when room. removing weapons of war from our they are right here in this country. We Every empty room that happens, my streets; implementing gun violence don’t have to go to Iraq, we don’t have fear is that we are complicit by omis- protective orders; allowing scientists to go to Afghanistan. If you are look- sion of letting it happen over and over to study this issue for what it is, a pub- ing for weapons of mass destruction, again, and I don’t want that on my lic health crisis; and investing in pro- they are sold in our sporting goods conscience. grams that provide young people with shops all across this country, and they Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman hope so they put down guns and pick are being used to slaughter American for yielding. up pens, pencils, books and job skills; citizens. b 2000 So I would just ask, in closing, that when appropriate, access to mental at some point, silence is betrayal. As Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I thank health. You cut the budget to mental for me, because of my conviction, be- the gentleman for laying out that elo- health, yet you blame mental health as cause of my conscience, and because I quent statement. the reason these things are happening. don’t lack any courage, I will not be si- Next is someone who is from the None of these proposals are new. In lent. great State of Illinois, who, since I my first term in Congress, I issued the I would just urge this body that we have been here, has been relentless on Kelly Report, studying this issue, with can’t be silent anymore as weapons of this issue, particularly from an inner- each of these recommendations. I will mass destruction destroy our commu- city standpoint, an urban standpoint. I gladly provide every Member of this nities. have watched her over and over again House a copy. Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, before the constantly stand up and make com- The solutions and the choice are gentleman leaves, being that this is the ments, and I wonder if she thinks any- clear. 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assas- body is listening, but I am going to Will you stand up to the NRA? Will sination, I would ask the gentleman, to give her that opportunity to say a few you even read my report? the point that he raises about the mo- things here this evening. Our children are demanding it. ments of silence, if we look back and Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I would look where we are today, are we any woman from the Second District of Illi- like to ask just one question to the closer to addressing these moments of nois (Ms. KELLY). gentlewoman from Illinois, who has silence, because I hear frustration in Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I been speaking to this issue a lot. his voice? thank my distinguished colleague, Mr. Does the gentlewoman have any Mr. RICHMOND. I am frustrated. I EVANS, for yielding and for his leader- sense of optimism of people hearing her come from a funeral home family, and ship. I associate myself with the words in any way? Does she see any signs? I know what it is like when people have of my colleagues who have already spo- I mean, she just ticked off some in- to bury loved ones, and I know the nat- ken. formation. What are her thoughts ural order of things, because I have had Mr. Speaker, I never tire in my call about change around here? to bury my father and my stepfather to end senseless gun violence. But I am Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I and my grandparents, who were—my emboldened this evening by the grass- couldn’t be in this job if I wasn’t an op- grandfather specifically, who stepped roots movement we have seen from the timist, believe me. I think people hear in for my father when he died, but that brave and bright students that sur- me. It is whether they are willing to is the natural order of things. Al- vived the shooting at Marjorie act. though my dad died when he was 32, it Stoneman Douglas High School in There are bipartisan bills ready to was of natural causes. Parkland, Florida, which took the lives go; bipartisan bills. Some bills are Parents shouldn’t be burying chil- of 17 of their classmates and teachers. sponsored by Republicans, some by dren. Children shouldn’t be victims and These brave students remind me of the Democrats. They have a lot of cospon- shot in school. So the frustration determined young people I have come sors, but the leadership has to hear; the comes because I know the pain associ- to know in the Chicago area who have leadership has to want to do some- ated. been calling for change. thing. Actually, the leadership on both So when we start talking about the Mr. Speaker, I ask my Republican sides has been very, very silent, unfor- 2,200 people who were killed, that is colleagues: Do you remember the ter- tunately. But I am hoping that the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:58 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.049 H26FEPT1 H1254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 26, 2018 pressure will continue to be put on by I marvel at some of my colleagues chine. And if anybody has ever had an everybody across this United States. who probably couldn’t hit anything opportunity to fire one, which I have, Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I have with a gun, but they want to stand up it is not accurate at all; but it will someone who I have had the utmost re- and defend people who buy assault spray a lot of bullets out and will do spect for. He smiles. I told him he weapons. I challenge them to come, get some killing, like we just saw in Flor- could get elected in Pennsylvania. He up at 4:30, 5 in the morning, and let’s ida and a lot of other places. is from the great State of Mississippi. I go to the woods and let’s do what real It is not who we are as a nation. We don’t want to shock the people of Mis- hunters do. Let’s not just get on TV are a better people than that. But sissippi. He is not leaving Mississippi. and brag about my Second Amendment adults are going to have to do the right Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman rights, and then put on a $500 suit and thing. Otherwise, the young people of from the Second Congressional District go on downtown and don’t go to the this country will do it for us. of Mississippi (Mr. THOMPSON). woods. Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I thought Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. What we saw in Florida, it was abso- the gentleman gave a really clear sense Speaker, I thank my good friend from lutely tragic. Errors occurred. We need of what the challenge is and what we Pennsylvania for yielding. I won’t be to fix it. But I dare to say—and I abso- face today. coming and running, though; but, lutely hope I am wrong—when the com- Mr. Speaker, how much time do I nonetheless, I appreciate the kind ments subside, I doubt that we will have remaining? words. have any legislation brought forward The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- I am going to talk in a little different to address this assault weapon problem tleman from Pennsylvania has 22 min- direction than from most of the pre- we have in this country. I doubt that utes remaining. vious speakers. Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, coming be- Mr. Speaker, as you know, I am a we will have any legislation brought country boy. I live in the country. forward to look at the loopholes associ- hind the gentleman from Mississippi, Hunting is a rite of passage for most ated with purchasing guns. I doubt that we have someone who knows a little people who live in the country. we will have the age limit raised on in- bit about weaponry. She herself has a For the record, this past Friday, I dividuals purchasing guns. The will is background. She was the police chief in hunted rabbit with three ministers, not here. I wish my colleagues could Orlando. And since she and I are in the two deputy sheriffs, a county commis- man up, or woman up, and do the right same class, I have learned a lot from sioner, and just a bunch of everyday thing. her. people. But I don’t need an assault I am training my grandson, who is 12 b 2015 years old, the right way to own a gun, weapon to hunt rabbit with. And coming behind the gentleman So this notion that somehow an in- to handle a gun, to do the things that from Mississippi, who laid some things fringement on my Second Amendment are correct. He will have to go through out here, is someone who has run a po- right to bear arms is associated with a gun safety classes before he gets his li- lice department, and she couldn’t be a killing weapon, a weapon that was de- cense. But more importantly is he un- signed for war, a weapon that is de- derstands that this weapon is either for better person for us to have come. I signed to reap carnage in whatever en- sport or protection. But, you know, I yield to the gentlewoman from the vironment that it is in—for those of us don’t need an AR–15. I have deer rifles. State of Florida (Mrs. DEMINGS), from who hunt deer, who hunt ducks, who I have shotguns. That is what sports- the 10th District. hunt pheasants, we look at this whole men use. Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I want discussion and ask: Who are these peo- So all this killing that is going on is to thank my colleague from Pennsyl- ple who want 30-, 40-, 50-shot clips in a bad, and I really wish we would take vania for yielding to me. gun? What are they hunting? the emotions out and say, let’s just get Mr. Speaker, I rise today to talk Those of us who are outdoorsmen, rid of these high-powered weapons that about an all-too-familiar topic, and those of us who love the environment, are killing machines. that is gun violence in America, mass we are not supportive of this notion I could go on and on, but I won’t. But shootings in the United States of that these kind of guns are made for I can just say that it is a problem, and America. outdoors. They are not. So it is a false I don’t think the will is here in this A few days ago, I purchased a card of premise, Mr. Speaker, that somehow body to address it. Every time a trag- sympathy for the family of a young my rights are being abridged. edy occurs, we take a moment of si- man who died way too soon. The card Now, as important with this is this lence and we do nothing. that I finally chose read: ‘‘I hardly notion that somehow we are not safe Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I would know what to say.’’ unless I own a gun like this. Well, the like to ask the gentleman, since I have When I think about yet another mass people that I hunt with, they have ab- never seen this thing called an AR–15, shooting in a country where, through solutely no problem applying for what- can he describe what this gun looks ingenuity and determination, we have ever license they are required to have like? solved some of the world’s toughest to own their guns. They don’t have a Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. This problems and challenges but yet we problem with waiting so that they can AR–15? have chosen to do nothing about mass clear up whatever question it is from Mr. EVANS. Yes. shootings, I hardly know what to say. the standpoint of owning a gun. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Well, Mr. Speaker, you know last week a They really don’t have a problem it is a weapon designed to kill. It is a man used a semiautomatic rifle to bru- with saying gun shows should be out- weapon designed for war. tally murder 17 children and educators lawed because those are places where My friends who are in law enforce- in Parkland, Florida. Unlike past people sell guns, and sometimes there ment, I want them to have weapons shootings, we have not just moved on. is a question about the legality of the like that to defend themselves here; This is because of the survivors—not guns they are selling. but we have made these guns street- our generation doing something, but Background checks. You know, if I legal, so there is the potential that our the children. It is because of them. have to have a background check for fi- friends in law enforcement are going to You see, this generation believes that nancing of anything. Then why run up on people who have guns as pow- they can change the world. I mean, shouldn’t I have a background check to erful, if not more powerful than they isn’t that exactly what we as parents own a weapon? are. taught them, that they can change the A bump stock. Now, until what had That gun is not made for hunting. It world? They believe in what President occurred in Las Vegas, most of us had is not made for anything other than to Obama called the audacity of hope. Not never heard of a bump stock. I mean, it kill. I want my soldiers who are fight- our generation, but the generation of was just some kind of exotic thing you ing wars to have weapons like that. our children and grandchildren. put on a gun to make it an automatic But, again, for us to try to stretch And they have stood up to declare weapon. But, again, all those things, to the margin, that that is a Second what should be obvious to all of us: those of us who hunt, that is not who Amendment right to bear arms, it is that every American should have the we are. not any arm. Again, it is a killing ma- right to go to school, to go to church,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:58 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.050 H26FEPT1 February 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1255 to go to a mall, to go to a movie the- really law and order and on the side of sacred innocent students and teachers ater or a nightclub without being bru- the police if this is happening and run- in an American school. The 19-year-old tally murdered by someone with a gun, ning amok? I mean, if you were police killer legally purchased an AR–15 as- no less an assault rifle, which greatly chief and you had that responsibility of sault rifle and killed 17 students at diminishes their chances of survival. protecting people—and we in Congress, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Sure, high school is tough for some as was stated by the chairman of the School. children, but the worst our children Congressional Black Caucus, the mo- My heart goes out to the victims, should have to fear is whether they can ments of silence. If you were on the their classmates, families, and the en- make a friend in a new school or front line again, you were out there, tire Parkland community. We must whether they will make the track team and you still know a lot of the people take action so that this never happens or whether the boy or girl they like who are part of the police departments, again. Newtown, Aurora, Charleston, will notice them in the hallway or in how do you think the police depart- Orlando, Las Vegas, and now Parkland, class. ments feel when they are outgunned this is not normal in a civilized soci- 150,000 American children have expe- and the challenges that they have? Can ety. rienced a school shooting. That is not you talk a little bit about that? The United States of America is the something a great society tolerates. Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, one of only developed nation that experiences That is something we change. my biggest fears as a 27-year law en- mass shootings with this level of fre- Mr. Speaker, I am proud of the forcement officer was that my officers, quency. This doesn’t happen anywhere strength, the courage, and the passion the officers who worked for me, the of- else in the world. Of course, we know it of these young people in Florida. Not ficers who swore that they would pro- is because the National Rifle Associa- our generation, but the teenagers. And tect and serve, would find themselves tion can’t buy their votes in other I am also proud of previous survivors in an active shooter situation where countries, and the children’s lives come and activists who laid the groundwork they would be outgunned. first. for the movement that is growing As I indicated earlier, the AR–15 and Speaker RYAN and the Republicans in across America. other weapons like it, if you are shot Congress have been bought by the Na- Survivors of the Pulse nightclub with one, your chances of survival are tional Rifle Association, making it shooting have joined Parkland sur- greatly diminished. As my colleague easier for mass shootings to occur. vivors to work for change. That shoot- from Mississippi indicated earlier, the Let me just say that mass shootings ing, which took place in my congres- weapon is designed to create mass dev- in public schools, unfortunately, are sional district, was the second worst just the tip of the iceberg when it mass shooting in U.S. history, after astation. It was designed for the battle- comes to gun violence in America. Our Las Vegas. field. That is not the only mass shooting to And you are right; on the battlefield, communities, especially our urban torment Florida. In 2017, a man shot we want our soldiers to take the enemy communities, are war zones. On an average day, 93 innocent lives and killed five people at the Ft. Lau- down as quickly as possible. But those in America are cut short due to gun vi- derdale airport. In 2013, a man shot and weapons were not designed for our killed six people at an apartment com- streets, for our neighborhoods where olence. This year alone, there have plex in Miami-Dade County. In 1990, a our children play, for our schools. If we been over 8,200 incidents of gun vio- man shot and killed nine people in are a great society, if we want to be lence in America, including 24 mass Jacksonville. According to the Gun Vi- the great Nation that we always talk shootings. These senseless acts of vio- olence Archive, there have been at about, then let’s do what is within our lence have taken more than 2,200 lives least 113 mass shootings, defined as power as one of the most powerful bod- already. I represent the 13th Congressional four or more persons injured or killed, ies in the world. District of California in the bay area, in Florida since 2013. My 5-year-old granddaughter’s kin- Instead of simply waiting and re- dergarten class had a moment of si- which includes the city of Oakland, sponding to mass shootings, we should lence. I believe, as Members of Con- which has been brutalized by gun vio- work to prevent them. We should work gress, we can do better than that. lence. Since 2014, 312 of my constitu- to prevent them. We should work to Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I thank ents have had their lives cut short by prevent them. the gentlewoman from Florida. gun violence. Our community feels As Orlando, Florida’s, former chief of Mr. Speaker, I have someone who, their loss every single day. Here are police, my goal was to not merely save when I came here, I said I have to meet just a few of their names and tragic lives of those who experienced vio- her. She is a very dynamic person. She stories. lence, but we tried to stop the violence is the Honorable BARBARA LEE from Davon Ellis: Davon was a star foot- from occurring in the first place. When the 13th Congressional District of Cali- ball player and an excellent student at we know better, we are supposed to do fornia, and I yield to the gentlewoman. Oakland Tech High School. He was better. Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I want to shot and killed while walking home Some proposals may need more de- thank Congressman EVANS for his tre- from school. My nephew was walking bate, some less, but let us have that de- mendous leadership and his friendship, with him when he was gunned down. bate. and I thank him for hosting this very Travon Godfrey: Travon was killed in As a former law enforcement officer, important Special Order hour. His lead- 2016 while sitting in a car with his our job was to enforce the laws and to ership in our caucus to fight the epi- friends in front of his home. Every protect the innocent. As a Member of demic of gun violence in America is time I think about Travon, my heart Congress, our job is to create laws that bold, it is visionary, and I thank him breaks. Travon came to a town meet- protect the innocent. Well, Congress is for calling us together tonight. ing that I held on gun violence in Janu- failing at that job. Mr. Speaker, let me also just ac- ary of 2016. The best gift, Mr. Speaker, we can knowledge my sister and colleague He was worried about coming to that give to our teachers and our students Congresswoman ROBIN KELLY, who town meeting, and he shared the toll and to every American is to pass legis- spoke earlier. Congresswoman KELLY that gun violence had taken on his life lation that keeps deadly guns out of chairs our Congressional Black Caucus and that of his friends’ lives, yet he the hands of bad people. Thoughts and Health Braintrust, and she continues was determined to make a difference prayers are good. God will order our to demand that gun violence be treated and finish school and go on to college. steps, but we have to move our feet. as the public health crisis that it is. Less than a year later, on November 28 Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I would Mr. Speaker, I rise today with my in 2016, Travon and his lifelong friend, like to ask my colleague from Florida colleagues in the Congressional Black Deante Miller, were shot and killed in a question, since she talked about her Caucus to say enough is enough. The broad daylight. law enforcement background. And she epidemic of gun violence in America Anibal Andres Ramirez: Anibal was is correct, Congress is to make laws. must be brought to an end. Oakland’s youngest gun victim in 2017. This Presidential administration Two weeks ago, the world stood in He was only 13 years old and was shot talks about being law and order. Is he shock as yet another gunman mas- outside of a community center.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:58 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.052 H26FEPT1 H1256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 26, 2018 Francisca Martinez Ramirez: She was So I want to speak, Mr. Speaker, to a cated, to mistakes on the local and one of Oakland’s first homicide victims particular point that I have heard from Federal level, to mistakes on his men- in 2018, killed by her husband during a the stander-uppers of the NRA, par- tal health situation. We all can stand domestic dispute. ticularly the president and CEO when in blame. But they are adults. Sadly, these heartbreaking stories he spoke to the conservative organiza- What the response has been from our are all too familiar in communities tion just this past week. I was cer- good friends who are the gun advo- across the country. More than 30,000 tainly shocked to hear accusations cates, so they say, has been to close Americans lose their lives to gun vio- about Democrats are socialists, even to their eyes, close their ears, and not sit lence each year. Shootings now kill as the extent of calling out Members’ down at the table of reconciliation. many Americans as car accidents. names, which I think patently rejects The gun manufacturers cannot con- Last year, there were 77 gun violence the comity and collegiality of recog- tinue to dominate the discussion of homicides in my home city of Oakland. nizing democracy accepts two distinct sensible gun legislation, from Gabby b 2030 parties and some other parties and re- Giffords to the tragedies that I have spects differences of opinion. listed, to children who are saying: I Already this year there have been 12. But let me be very clear on the hover in my room, my bedroom, listen- This is only February, Mr. Speaker. record. No one Member of this body, ing to gunfire in my neighborhood be- How much bloodshed will we see this nor the distinguished gentleman, can cause the proliferation of guns is so ex- year? We need action and we need it now. eliminate the Second Amendment. No tensive. So guns are being trafficked illegally We need to pass, of course, the bipar- group of 20 Members of Congress, no because of the gun culture. There are tisan King-Thompson legislation that Republicans of Congress and no Demo- many elements that will go into this. strengthens background checks and crats of Congress, can eliminate the The Congressional Black Caucus has keeps guns out of the wrong hands. Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is a con- been at the forefront of changing that And, yes, we need to reinstitute a ban stitutional amendment, and there is a gun culture, as Congresswoman KELLY on assault weapons to get these weap- decided practice of a percentage of has preached about, because of what ons of war out of our communities. We Members of Congress and the percent- happened in Chicago. I join her because need to close the gun show loophole age of Members of 50 States. With that what happens in our neighborhood is once and for all. Passing our assistant leader Con- in mind, let us clear the air. But if we that our children are cowering over want to know the truth, what is being gun violence, period. gressman CLYBURN’s legislation to close the 3-day loophole to require fought is gun safety legislation, not No, arming our teachers is not the background checks to be completed be- gun eradication. answer. Securing our school is; banning In my State, you cannot rent a car if fore you can buy a gun, that legislation those weapons of war is; extending the you are not 21. The Federal law says is long overdue. That is common sense. timeframe is; lifting the age is; and At some point we have to stand up that you cannot buy a gun if you are getting the background checks to close and say enough is enough and stand up not 21. I will be introducing legislation the loopholes is. to this NRA. Ninety-seven percent of to raise the age of 21. I already have So I am asking this floor and this Americans support some kind of gun legislation, a 7-day waiting period ban- leadership, as we are doing good legis- violence prevention legislation. ning bump stocks, and, of course, deal- lation on human trafficking, of which I So that is why I am standing here to- ing with automatic weapons. I know we will participate in tomorrow, that we night with my colleagues from the CBC are introducing one now. put on the floor legislation of gun safe- demanding that the Speaker take ac- There are a multitude of introduc- ty. tion and bring commonsense gun legis- tions of bills and a multitude of deci- Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman lation to the floor for a vote. sions being made by the Florida dele- for yielding and for his leadership to- Give us a vote, Speaker RYAN, give us gation which we should listen to. I night. a vote. hope they will come forward in a bipar- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I think tisan way. Mr. Speaker, there are no words in the showing those pictures, if anything, But let me talk about the children English language to fully capture the pain and should get our point across. I hope that and parents. I was on the air today suffering that a parent will endure in the face those pictures will send a message to talking—or hearing that parents are of losing a child. Imagine then the immense all of us. hovering and scared of sending their pain that the families of the 17 Americans who Closing out tonight—and I think all children to school, and the children are were murdered during a mass shooting at the our colleagues really just summed up scared. This last week I went into my Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, this gun violence issue—is someone schools where children were not only Florida must be experiencing at this moment. who, again, I have known well and ad- talking about not arming teachers, but Even worse, imagine how they must feel as mired, the Honorable SHEILA JACKSON the gunfire in their neighborhoods by our nation remains crippled by inaction in the LEE from the 18th District of Texas. handguns, or those who were in schools wake of the senseless gun violence that con- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- dealing with children who had steered tinues to tear apart countless families and woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). in the wrong direction. Those children communities throughout our country. That is Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, let were talking about you got to pack. our reality today as Congress fails to act, once me thank the distinguished gentleman Gun culture doesn’t realize what we again, on commonsense legislation to reduce from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for are turning our children into that they gun violence. his leadership. I am delighted to join have got to pack. We cannot allow the violence that we have the Congressional Black Caucus this So from Las Vegas to Orlando, to witnessed at the Stoneman Douglas High evening under the leadership of Chair- Virginia, to Sandy Hook, to San School to become our new norm. More impor- man RICHMOND. Bernardino, to now Douglas High tantly, we cannot allow our inaction in the face As my colleagues have said, we have School, the question is: When are we of such tragic violence to also define what we been, sadly, a leader on commonsense going to act? can and cannot accept as a society. We are gun safety legislation, sadly, because An average of 1,297 children die annu- all too familiar with gun violence in the United many of our districts, although we rep- ally from a gun-related injury. A ma- States. There have already been over 8,200 resent the huge numbers of diverse jority of Americans now support gun incidents of gun violence in 2018 alone. This Americans—our districts represent An- policy proposals, such as barring people violence has claimed the lives of 2,200 individ- glos, African Americans, Hispanics, with mental illness from buying guns. uals, upending the lives of countless friends and Asians, and all economic back- But let me make it very clear. I don’t and families who are impacted by these grounds, all wealth backgrounds, all label people who suffer from mental deaths. I am here to join my colleagues and backgrounds dealing with religion—we health issues. What I say is: Let us pro- countless Americans across our nation by de- are able to speak because many of our vide the resources for those individuals claring in one voice, ‘‘Enough is enough.’’ districts have the reality of gun vio- and clearly between mistakes of re- Our children deserve the right to an edu- lence. porting what this young man had indi- cation without a cloud of fear in their hearts

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:58 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.053 H26FEPT1 February 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1257 and the sound of gunshots ringing in their The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act addressed ican taxpayers. He is the Representa- ears. The people of the United States deserve these problems and put more money in tive of the Eighth District of Texas and representation that works in the face of sense- the pockets of hardworking Americans the chairperson of the Ways and Means less violence to deliver real solutions that work so they can make decisions about how Committee. for millions of Americans. We need solutions to use their own money. Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I that include stronger background checks, Up until now we have talked about thank Congressman MITCHELL and Con- while also providing the resources for states to the possibilities and the dream of tax gresswoman MIMI WALTERS for arrang- contribute complete and timely records to the cuts and reform. Now we can talk ing this Special Order to highlight the National Instant Criminal Background Check about the realities of what tax reform benefits of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. System (NICS). We need solutions that re- is bringing to America. I am excited to be joined by our Texas duce the proliferation of assault weapons on Representative WALTERS and I have colleagues. our streets, including high-capacity magazines, organized a series of floor speeches Texas is a big winner, like many flash suppressors, and other accessories that that begin tonight a little later than States, because of the Tax Cuts and enhance the lethality of firearms. More impor- originally planned. Each legislative Jobs Act. They estimate it will create tantly, we need everyone to come to the table week we have designated one or more 81,000 new, good-paying jobs in our in a meaningful way that is not driven by fear States’ delegations that will join us State alone. But that is not just our or emotion so that we can deliver on the and talk about tax reform, tax cuts, State. You see huge job gains in Cali- promises that we made when we took the and the impact it is having on their fornia, New York, throughout the oath of office. constituents and their districts. Southern States, throughout our Mid- Mr. Speaker, I am calling for action. I am Texas is kicking off that initiative west area, and throughout our manu- calling for action that is already long overdue, tonight. facturing regions. and I call for others to find the compassion in Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- This historic tax reform is making a their hearts to also get this done. I call for the woman from California (Mrs. MIMI real difference for our families and our courage to make the difficult choices that we WALTERS), who is the co-chair of the workers. We all know about tax relief finally need to make. Our failure to act now is Tax Truth Squad. for our small businesses, the first ever a failure of our leaders to do what is right, not- Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of California. 20 percent small business deduction in withstanding political affiliation or preference. I Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman history. The bill will be a write-off on am calling for action and I am calling for ac- from Michigan for yielding and for his day one in new investment in plants, tion now. Enough is enough. efforts to share the stories of Ameri- equipment, software, and technology. f cans who are seeing the positive im- People know that we made our com- THE TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT pacts of tax reform. panies more competitive so they can Mr. Speaker, I rise today to set the compete and win all around the world, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. record straight on the Tax Cuts and especially here at home. FERGUSON). Under the Speaker’s an- Jobs Act. From day one, misinforma- I get excited about what we did for nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the tion about the benefits of this historic families, lowering the tax rates at gentleman from Michigan (Mr. MITCH- tax reform plan have circulated. The every level. So whether you made ELL) is recognized for 60 minutes as the truth is that Americans across the $20,000 or $520,000, you keep more of designee of the majority leader. country are receiving bonuses, pay in- what you earn. We doubled the stand- GENERAL LEAVE creases, and other benefits that are ard deduction so few people have to Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask helping them support their families itemize. We doubled the child credit unanimous consent that all Members and save for their futures. and quadrupled how many Americans may have 5 legislative days in which to Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from can actually use it. For the first time, revise and extend their remarks and in- Michigan and I started the Truth Tell- all middle class Americans are going to clude extraneous material germane to ers Initiative on Tax Reform to high- get help raising children. We are doing the topic of this Special Order. light the many ways this bill helps the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there away with the AMT except for house- American people. objection to the request of the gen- holds up to $1 million. What that Since December, we have witnessed tleman from Michigan? means next year is, instead of 5 million There was no objection. the positive impacts of tax reform. Americans getting caught up with that Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I am Small businesses are expanding, jobs double tax, it is about 200,000, a frac- here with Mrs. WALTERS from Cali- are being created, retirement and ben- tion of what it is today. fornia, who is the co-chair of the Tax efit packages are increasing in value, What I really love are the stories. I Truth Squad. This has been an exciting and the American people are keeping was in Home Depot the other day, on first 14 months for me serving Michi- more of their hard-earned paychecks. Sunday. Apparently, we are redoing gan’s 10th Congressional District. I had Over the coming months, Representa- our bathroom. So my wife was looking the privilege of representing the fresh- tives from each State will have the op- at samples, and a woman came up and man class in House leadership. portunity to share how tax reform has introduced herself. Her name is Pam. Tax cuts and tax reform are impor- helped their constituents. She is a small-business person. She tant to me, as I grew up the oldest of Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, as we redoes furniture, repaints, and all that, seven kids in a family in which dad go through the evening, I will try to but she works at Home Depot to make built trucks in a line and my mom highlight some important components ends meet. She introduced herself and worked full time more often than not of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. said: to support our family. I saw firsthand I think one of the most important Thank you. I get $184 more every pay- the difficulties experienced to make components is the larger standard de- check. Maybe that couple thousand dollars ends meet and support that family. duction. We have doubled the standard doesn’t mean much in Washington, but for That is why I am committed to ensur- deduction from $12,000 to $24,000 for my family, it really means a lot. Thank you ing policies that create jobs, economic married couples. We created a simpler for that. growth, and wages in the pockets of filing process. What we created was, in Donald from Willis, Texas, saw the people who go to work every day and essence, a filing process where 90 per- benefits of this law in his pay stub. He get a paycheck. cent of Americans can file their taxes said: Until last December, it seemed to be on a form about this size, significantly My Federal tax deducted from my pay- only a dream that we could achieve better than the current Tax Code. check went from 12 to 9 percent. Yes, I am meaningful tax cuts and reform. It had Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman very happy. been more than 30 years since that had from Texas (Mr. BRADY), who is a good Mr. Speaker, because of tax reform, been updated. Since that time, layers friend, a colleague, and the gentleman Texans are excited for a strong and of rules and new additions to the Tax who led us through the whole battle to growing economy. Code had grown that into a beast of achieve this epic change. Congressman Larry from Spring, Texas, said: 74,000 pages. You would have to be a KEVIN BRADY is the author of the legis- As a 78-year-old retiree working part time, wizard to know what was in it. lation and a true champion for Amer- even a small difference in take-home pay is

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