CITY OF SPOKANE OBSTRUCTION NOTICE For more information contact Jessica Fisher 509.625.6749;
[email protected] March 12 – 19, 2021 Some construction projects have been suspended due to the pandemic and others are on different schedules. Please be prepared for changes in street obstructions. For details on projects throughout Spokane County, visit Don’t compete. Share the street. Visit for rules of the road and safety tips. Projects highlighted in RED have notable changes this week. Construction is tentative and subject to change at any time. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS GEIGER BOULEVARD PHASE 2 FROM SODA TO GROVE ROAD Work on this project will start Monday, March 15. Geiger Boulevard from Flightline Boulevard to Soda Road will be closed with a detour in place. The project includes water and sewer main installation. This is a $1 million project. HAMILTON STREET CORRIDOR SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Work on this project will resume Monday, March 15. Crews will be working at the intersections of Indiana Avenue and North Foothills Drive. There will be no left turns onto Indiana Avenue or North Foothills Drive. Hamilton will be reduced to one lane in each direction and motorists should anticipate delays. The project is designed to make safety and traffic flow improvements at six intersections, including the addition of dedicated left turn pockets and signals. This is a $3.3 million project funded with local and federal funds. NORTH SPOKANE CORRIDOR – CLEVELAND, GREENE, GRACE, JACKSON, RALPH Ralph Street is closed from Cleveland to Marietta Avenue. Local access will be maintained. This project will relocate city utilities associated with construction of the North South Corridor.