Europeana Space – Spaces of possibility for the creative reuse of Europeana’s content CIP Best practice network - project number 621037 Deliverable number D4.9 Title Outcomes of the Museums Pilot Due date Month 24 Actual date of 4 February 2016 delivery to EC Included (indicate Executive Summary Abstract Table of Contents as appropriate) Project Coordinator: Coventry University Professor Sarah Whatley Priority Street, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK +44 (0) 797 4984304 E-mail:
[email protected] Project website address: Page 1 of 66 EUROPEANA SPACE Deliverable: D4.9 Title: Outcomes of the Museums Pilot Context: Partner responsible for FST deliverable Deliverable author(s) Tiziana Lombardo, FST Beatrix Lehmann, Museumsmedien Peter Werder, Museumsmedien Xavier Martin, EUREVA Philippe Martineau, EUREVA Sarah Wassermann, SPK Marlene Scholz, SPK Sarunas Bagdonas, LAM Marju Niinemaa, EVK Deliverable version number 1.0 Dissemination Level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) History: Change log Version Date Author Reason for change 0.1 08/12/2015 Tiziana Lombardo, FST First release, contents and inputs Beatrix Lehmann, Museumsmedien Peter Werder, Museumsmedien Xavier Martin, EUREVA Philippe Martineau, EUREVA Sarah Wassermann, SPK Page 2 of 66 EUROPEANA SPACE Deliverable: D4.9 Title: Outcomes of the Museums