Journal of Medicinal Research Vol. 4(9), pp. 766-788, 4 May, 2010 Available online at DOI: 10.5897/JMPR10.001 ISSN 1996-0875 © 2010 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Some medicinal plants of Arabian Pennisula

Saganuwan, Alhaji Saganuwan

Department of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +2348027444269, +2347039309400.

Accepted 28 January, 2010

Many nations of the world have traditional medicine. Arabs were the first to distil alcohol. The existence and use of plants to treat human diseases is as old as man. Some plants have opportunity, either to be or of being transferred from their original natural environment to another. To determine whether traditional medicines were available for the treatment of diseases in Arabian Pennisula, a literature review of the plants used by Arabs was completed which led to identification of about 150 medicinal plants used in the treatment of human diseases in the Pennisula. Some of the listed plants are already available in Nigeria perhaps as a result of interaction between Arabs/Jews from Middle East and Arab- Barbas, Tuaregs, Fulanis and Hausas in Africa through trans Sahara trade and pilgrimages.

Key words: Medicinal plants, Arabs, Middle East.


Many nations of the world have traditional medicine. exploited for their medicinal uses in some parts of the World wide between 50,000 and 80,000 flowering plants world (Mann et aI., 2003). The ratios of traditional doctors are used medicinally (IUCN species survival commission, to patients in Kenya, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, 2007; Marinelli, 2005). Many ancient nations have Uganda and Zimbabwe are 1:987, 1:1200, 1:100, 1:450, awoken to the importance of herbal medicine and every 1:708, and 1:966 respectively. But the ratios of medical patient should be treated with plants of his land, it brings doctors to patients in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan are more cures (Ashur, 1986). Plants and drugs to fight life- 1:33000, 1:216539 and 1:11000 respectively and the threatening diseases such as diabetes, asthma, entire Eritrea had only 120 medical doctors as at 1995 hypertension, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired (De Smet Peter, 1999) pointing to the need for alternative immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV), and diarrhoea are medicine. However, some ethnic groups of the world are being developed from plants from African countries such not aware of the plants used to treat some ailments in as Egypt, Somalia, Libya, Gambia (Barnett, 2006) and other ethnic groups. Because of migration due to war, Nigeria (Saganuwan, 2009). More than 80% of South hunger, business and other purposes, some plants stand Asian’s (1.4 billion people) have no access to modern chance of being transferred from one ecological health care; they rely instead on traditional medicine environment to another and such plants may not be using native species (Robertson, 2008). Arabian known by the people of that environment. In view of this, Pennisula is a large area of land which is surrounded by a literature review of some plants used by Arabs in the Arabian Sea on the east, red sea on the west with the treatment of human diseases was carried out with intent bay between and Mediterranean Sea on the north (Ash, to providing other ethnic groups of the world with the 2005). It is surrounded from the north by Syria, Jordan, information about medicinal values of those plants. and Kuwait and from the South by Indian Ocean. It covers about one-quarter of Europe (Ahmad et al., 1983). MATERIALS AND METHODS People that live in the Pennisula are predominantly Arabs, followed by Persians and the Jews (Ash, 2005). Literatures including, textbooks, journals, proceedings, periodicals Despite human medicine was well developed in Asian and databases written in English, Arabic, Hausa and Nupe on minor during antiquity (Davis, 1988) the existence and Medicinal Plants used to treat human diseases in Arabian use of plants to treat diseases is as old as man. Man's Pennisula and other parts of the world were consulted for relevant information. Dictionaries of English/ Arabic and Arabic/ English dependence on has in no way decreased, yet there were also consulted for accuracy. The plants and plant names are comprehensive documentations of the plants (Scientific, English, Arabic and Persian), plant parts, associated Saganuwan 767

diseases and phytochemical principles of the plants were recorded. and Wynn, 2005). Our reports support also, the work of Decoctions, infusions, and concoctions are prepared from leaves, Longer and Robinson (1985), indicating that since the unripe fruits, seeds and stems of the listed plants. The preparations beginning of humanity, the struggle against diseases has are used according to Arab cultures (Ashur, 1986; Baydoun, 2003; Blench, 2006; Carr et al., 1978; Cowan, 1960; Davis, 1988; been part of every day life and that plant materials have Adjonohoun et al., 1989; Brown, 2004; Al-Eisawi, 2004; Patzelt; played a primary role in the treatment of sickness. The 2004; Duke et al., 2002; Gbile, 1986; Kapoor, 2001; Barneth, 2006; observation that over 100 medicinal plants are reported Robertson, 2008; IUCN, 2007; Tuxhill, 1999; Mann et al., 2003; to have therapeutic value suggests a vast number of Roper, 1998; Saganuwan, 2009; Steentoft 1988; Tindall, 1986; biologically active compounds within the plant kingdom of World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010; Wehmeir et al., 2005; Yineger et al., 2008; Nwosu, 1997; Adeniji, 2003; Akpata, ecosystem in Arabian Pennisula and these plants can be 1979; Dreisbach, 1983; Eghianruwa, 2002; Gefu et al., 2000; used in herbal medicine. But the geographical distribution Gibbon and Pain, 1988; Iwu, 1993; Keay et al., 1964; Okogun, of the plants starts from Yemen to passing through 1986). Jordan to Israel and crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt, Mauritania, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan in the North African region. However, the RESULTS distribution extends to Saudi Arabia crossing the Red A list of about 150 Medicinal plants with various medicinal Sea to Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Kenya in Africa. uses was evolved from various literatures translated from The Bilad As-Sham which comprises Jordan, Palestine, Arabic into English, and vice versa, Arabic to Hausa and Syria and Lebanon has about 4,500 species belonging to English to Hausa. The plants are obtainable in the Arab six biogeographical regions, Lebanon, with 2,800 - 4,500 nations such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Jordan, species is the richest area. The plants of the area Oman, Palestine etc and Israel from the Middle East, represent the dry ecosystem of the region of which many Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Somalia, Eritrea, species are international genetic resources especially the Ethiopia, Tunisia and Sudan from North Africa. A few of cereals, legumes and fruit trees, almost 25% of the the listed plants are also obtainable in Nigeria and other species are medicinal plants (Al-Eisawi, 2004). But the parts of the world and identified with different ethnic total flora of Oman comprises about 1100 species appro- names. All the plants listed in this report as having ximately 15% of the species are endemic or regionally biological activities grow in Arabian Pennisula and some endemic with three largest families Compositae, other tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Euphorbiaceae and Asclepiadaceae. Southern Oman is a Some of the listed plants have been used since the regional centre of endemism with about 150 species in beginning of mankind, while others are currently being the fog desert (Patzelt, 2004). United Arab Emirate (UAE) used in several nations of the Pennisula to maintain has 600 species in 70,000 square kilometers of the UAE, health and medical care (Ashur, 1986; Duke et al., 2002; prosopis cinerea extended to the country from the Kapor, 2001; Robertson, 2008). For example neighbouring regions. But Haloxylon persicum occurs in Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cocos nucifera, Borago coastal saline areas, the easternmost limit of distribution officinalis, Choriandrum sativum and pistachia lenticus of this species in Arabian Peninsula. Some species are are used for the treatment of psychosis. But Citrus found in Wadis and Jebels. Although Prosopis juliflora sinensis, and Inabudubb and Cicer aurietium are used for and Calotropis procera are under threat from the treatment of cancers. Several of the listed plants are development (Brown, 2004). Since part of the objectives useful in the treatment of asthma, hypertension, diabetes, of this compilation is to conserve plants biodiversity, there tuberculosis, liver and kidney problems. While others like is need for all the ethnic and religious groups of the world pistachio, Phaseolus vulgaris, Olea europoea, Orchis to know the plant biodiversity of one another, because spp, lycopersicum esculentum, Helianthus annus, 15,000 plant species may face extinction due to over Glacyrrhiza glabra, Arvena sativa, Cicer aurietium, harvesting and habitat loss (IUCN, 2007), translating to Brassica juncea, Allium porum, Prumis americana and the Earth losing at least one potential major drug every Allium cepa contain protein and sulphur that may be used two years (Robertson, 2008). Each species of plant lost to boost immunity in HIV/AIDs patients. to extinction represents not only the potential loss of life- saving cures for diseases such as cancer or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDs), but also the loss of DISCUSSION possible protein-or vitamin-rich foods or more productive and stable crops (Robertson, 2008). Our findings support the report of WHO (1998) indicating Medicinal species are very profitable. A 1995 analysis that medicinal plants are used throughout the developed estimated that each year new plant derived drug is worth and developing countries as home remedies, over the an average of $94 million to drug companies and $449 counter drug products and raw materials for pharma- million to society (Mendelsohn and Bialick, 1995). Sales ceutical industries. These plants, which represent a of $24.4 billion from non-prescription and over-the- substantial global drug markets contain phytochemicals, counter plant-based drugs was made world wide in 1985 which are bioactive compounds used to maintain health (Pearcea and Noran, 1994; Tuxhill, 1999). Examples of and treat diseases in many parts of the world (Remilard plant - derived medicines found from medicinal plants of 768 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Arabian Pennisula include aloe obtained from Aloe traditional medicine was systematically recorded and species used for the treatment of burns and wounds incorporated into regular system of medicine that refined, (Marinelli; 2005), aspirin obtained from (Salix developed and became a part of the material medica of species) used for pain relief, promotion of heart - health these countries. The ancient civilization of India, China, and blood thinning (Tuxhill, 1999), codeine obtained from , Arab and other countries of the world developed opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) for the treatment of their systems of medicine independent of each other but pain relief and cough suppression (Online medicine, all of them were predominantly plant based. Indian was 2007), colchicines obtained from Autumn crocus known as a place of rich natural resources, knowledge, (Colchicum autumnale) for the treatment of gout and wisdom and scholarship. People from other countries of cancer (Tuxhill, 1999) and taxol from Taxus species for the world as China, Cambodia, Indonesia and Baghdad the treatment of breast and other cancers (Robertson, in Iraq used to come to the ancient universities of India 2008) (Table 1). Our report of some medicinal plants of like Takshila (700 BC) and Nalanda (500 BC) to learn Arabian Pennisula agrees with the report of Simpson and health sciences of India particularly ‘Ayurveda’. It is Ogorzaly (1995), Green (2003) and Gill (1994) indicating perhaps the oldest (6000 BC) among the organized that use of plants predates the orthodox health problems traditional medicine. It spread with Vedic, Hindu and and that excavations of cave dwellings occupied over Buddhist cultures and reached as far as Indonesia in the 300,000 years ago revealed that peeking man, the extinct east and to the west it influenced the ancient Greek who species closest in resemblance to modern man (Homo developed a similar form of medicine (Tewari, 2000). But sapien) gathered wall nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts and the very first university established after Christ, the rosehips. These findings did not indicate that man university of Cordoba in Spain established in the 9th discovered that he could eat plants as food but rather century and other three, Qarawiyyin University in Fez, people’s ability to manipulate plants became increasingly Morocco; Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt and sophisticated with time and exposure. Zaytuniyyah University in Tunis, Tunisia all of which were Recent archaeological findings revealed that at least established in the 10th century and became the 3000 plant taxa has been used as food by man and 200 institutions the west first came in contact with the idea of out of these have successfully been domesticated. Many tertiary education (Femi, 2010). The distribution of the of the plants reported in this compilation contain primary, medicinal plants may suggest possible transportation of secondary and tertiary metabolites which denote that the the plants from Arabian Pennisula to North Africa during plants can be used as food, resources for pharmaceutical the trans-Sahara trade between the merchant Arabs of industries and biotechnology. Hence our report agrees Middle East and Tuaregs and Arab-Barbas of the North with the report of Heiser (1990), Green (1995), Gill (1994) Africa and Hausas, Fulanis and Shuwa-Arabs of West and Lewington (1990) indicating that plants are used to African regions. And this may suggest why Ivory Coast is produce gums, clothes, resins, tannins, carbohydrate the 3rd world producer of Coffee, Brazil being the first, derivatives, sugar, protein, alkaloids, glycosides, Columbia the second and Indonesia fourth (Lilicarp and flavonoids, anthraquinones, deoxyribnonucleic and Cousins, 2006). The presence in Nigeria of some of the ribonucleic acids which are used in food and drug reported plants may also be as a result of interactions production and genetic engineering. The distribution of between Arabs, Persians and Jews from the Middle East some medicinal plants of Arabian Pennisula to Africa and and Arab Barbas, Fulanis, Shuwa-Arabs, Tuaregs and other parts of the world may be connected with 800 years Hausas from Africa during pilgrimage to either Saudi- of Islamic society and culture in Spain between the 8th Arabia or Jerusalem. This shows that positive interactions and 15th centuries. The contribution of Muslim Spain to between different ethnic and religious groups could yield the preservation of classical learning during the Dark beneficial consequences. Our reports further support the Ages and the first flowerings of the Renaisance has long work of Kapoor (2001) revealing that during the intimate been recognized. The medieval Islamic world, from contact between even the old Hindu and the Arabian Central Asia to the shores of Atlantic was a world where medicine, which lasted for a century, there was a great scholars and men of learning flourished (Femi, 2010). deal of intermingling, and each utilized the material During the period, Jews and Christians interacted with medica of the other. Our compilation of over 100 Muslim Arabs and they used material medica of one medicinal plants from Arabian Pennisular agrees with the another. Also Arab-Barbas, Tuaregs, Hausas, Fulanis report of Ogundipe and Ajayi (2008) indicating that in all and Shuwa-Arabs of Africa interacted with Persians, countries of the world, earliest type of medicine in most Jews and Arabs from the Middle East during the same cultures was the use of plants (herbalism). period. Many of the traits on which modern Europe prides Hence, to protect plant germplasm and ensure itself came from Muslim Spain. Diplomacy, free trade, availability, the public should be educated to the open borders, the techniques of academic research, importance of the plants and all possible avenues should anthropology, etiquette, fashion, alternative medicine be used to encourage the public to become acquainted hospitals all came from Spain which was one time a city of with their medicinal uses and to cultivate the plants on the Islamic world (Femi, 2010). In many eastern cultures such farms and in gardens and flower pots for therapeutic uses as those of India, China and the Arab/Persian world, (Saganuwan, 2009). Also the incorporation and Saganuwan 769

Table 1. Medicinal plants of Arabian Peninsula.

Family, scientific and Vernacular S/No. Plant part(s) used Medicinal uses Principles english names name(s) 1. Lauraceae Sinamik (A) Bark: the three types of Uterine and ovarian diseases, antipyretic, Cinnamic Cinnamomum cinnamic are: true, wood diuretic, laxative, blurred vision pimples, zeylanicum and clove cinnamic eczema, cough , catarrh, pains, strangury, Cinnamic (E) stimulant, asthma, psychosis, liver and heart diseases

2. Salvadoraceae Siwak (A) Arak (A) Root, fresh root is better Teeth cleansing, good vision, clear voice, Sinnigrin, tannic acid, myrosin, sodium Salvadora persica Darkhat-e-misbak stimulant, deodorant, antihelmintic, blood chloride, potassium chloride, oxalates Tooth brush tree (E) (P) tonic, carminative diuretic, deobstruent

3. Solanaceae Atropa Sittulhiss (A) Leaves, roots Miosis, local anaesthetic, gastric ulcer, Atropine, belladonine, hyoscyamine, bella donna anticolic (the plant is used in manufacturing asparagine Deadly night shade (E) of medicated eye glasses)

4. Cephaelis ipecacuanha Irqussuss (A) Roots Wound, gastritis, tonic, adison disease, Salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, Ipecacuanha (E) diarrhoea, cough phosphate and sex hormones

5 Cruciferae Raphanus Fajal (A) Juice, seeds (it is not good Diuretic, whooping cough, stomach and Vitamins A and C, salts of calcium, iron, Sativus Wild radish (E) for diseased liver) heart tonic, carminative aphrodisiac, iodine, sulphur, manganese herpetic eruptions, aesthetic, deafness, gout, pains of joint and sciatic nerve, vomiting, cough

6. Arbutus unedo Firawala (A) Leaves Aids digestion, laxative, blood tonic, Calcium, iron, sugars, vitamins B, C, E Wild radish (E) antipoison, aesthetic, cholagogue, allergy, and K joint, gall bladder, kidney and liver diseases, inflammations, diarrhoea (Leaves or roots decoction is taken)

7. Pistachio (E) Fustaq (A) Oil, seed (Oil is highly Nerve and blood tonic Oil, vitamin B, protein, phosphorus, nutritious and costly) copper, iron, calcium

8. Labiatae Filiyya (A) Sap, whole plant Central nervous stimulant, ammenorrhoea, Mentha pulgiam dysmenorrhoea, colic, heart diseases Penny Royal (E) -

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Table 1. Cont’d.

9. Papilionaceae Fasuliyya (A) Roots, leaves, seeds Heart failure, hypertension, maldigestion, Vitamins A, B, and C, calcium, Phaseolus vulgaris diuretic, sedative, kidney and liver diseases, phosphorus, proteins, inositol, enzymes Common european retarded growth, fatigue, burns, bean (E) inflammations, tetter

10. Papilionaceae Ful (A) Flower Diuresis, digestive stimulant, vomiting, pain, Protein Vigna unguiculata inflammations of kidney, gall and urinary Common bean (E) bladders, decoction of 50-60 flowers in 2 cups is taken

11 - Fulssuya (A) Oil, fruits Digestive, body and bone builder, Oil, phosphorus cholesterolaemia, diabetes

12. Compositae Qirtim (A) Flowers Jaundice, aesthesia, rheumatism, oedema, Oil paralysis of extremities, amenorrhoea, dysmenrrhoea, postnatal problem, cough, asthma

13. Brassicaceae Qaranbit Whole plant Renal calculi, asthma Phosphorus

14. Myrtaceae Qaranfal (A) Oil, seeds Liver tonic, aids digestion, strong CNS Oil Eugenia caryophyllata Mismar (A) stimulant, blurred vision, renal incontinence, infertility, antipyretic, disinfectant, antipoison, toothache, diarrhoea, vomiting

15. Urticaceae Fleurya Qiraas (A) Roots, leaves Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, blood tonic, ovalifolia Stinging nettle promotes hair growth, haemorrhage, pile, (E) renal colic (root decoction is taken orally) -

16. Onagraceae Trapa Qustul (A) Barks, leaves Inflammations, cerebral stimulant, aesthesia, Azotia compound, iron, calcium, bispinosa Syn: anaemia, ulcers, haemorrhoids, colic, phosphorus, manganese, sulphur, tannic Custanea sativa diabetes whooping cough acid Chestnut (E) 17. Vitaceae Qasiyn (A) Leaves, flowers roots Stimulant, digestive, foot cracking, vomiting, Volatile oil, inulin, helenin Heliotropium indicum diarrhoea, anuria, tuberculosis, rheumatism Syn: Cissus and joint diseases (leaf or flower decoction quadrangularis Vitis taken) quadrangularis Bone setter (E)

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Table 1. Cont’d.

18. Araceae Colocasia Qalqas (A) Stems, roots CNS stimulant, cough, voice clearing, Salts of phosphorus, calcium, little antiquorum Elephant’s tumours. protein, sugar and starch ear (E)

19. Graminae/Poaceae Qamh (A) Seeds chaff Whitlow, cough, fevers, constipations, Salts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, Triticum sativum diarrhoea, rheumatism, maldigestion, colic, iron, magnesium, calcium, silicon, Wheat (E) prophylactic sulphur, sugar, cellulose, vitamins A and B

20. Erythrea Centaurium Qantariyun (A) Flowers, stems Wounds, ulcers, haemostatic, splenic and - Centaury (E) hepatic diseases, amenorrhoea, ecbolic, vermifuge, alopecia, malaria, (menstruating and pregnant women should avoid it)

21. Coffea arabica Coffee Qahawa (A) Fruits Diarrhoea, stimulant, fevers, digestive, Caffeine, caranella, oleic and palmitic (E) (chronic consumption causes insomnia). It is acids, tannin cardiotoxic

22. Linaceae Kitan (A) Bark Inflammations, ulcers, aesthesia, burns, Alum, oil pain, renal colic, diarrhoea, (Decoction is Linum usitatissimum taken orally; oil is rubbed topically) Flax (E)

23. Zingiberaceae Zingiber Zanjebil (A) Rhizomes Hepatoprotective, clears vision, digestive, Gum, resin, volatile oil, resin oil, gingerin, officinale Ginger (E) aphrodisiac, gout, rheumatism, voice calcium, vitamins A and B clearance, sudorific, antipyretic, antiscurbutic, food condiment

24. Palmae Zytun (A) Oil, leaves, barks Aesthetic, liver diseases, thrush, dental Protein, oil, salts of phosphorus, iron caries, oesophageal swelling, ulcers, Olea europoea oedemas, wound, demulcent, emollient, Olive tree (E) cholagogue, calculi, diabetes (2 spoonful of oil is taken twice daily)

25. Rhamnaceae Zizyphus Zyzafun (A) Leaves, flowers, oils Antispasmodic, emollient, coughs, sudorific, Volatile oil, saponin, hormones, spp antipoison, laxative, skin eruptions (powder Zizyphic acid or decoction is used topically and orally).

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Table 1. Cont’d.

26. Amaranthaceae Sabanih (A) Whole plant Jaundice, inflammation, blood tonic, laxative, Phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, Amaranthus hybridus Isfanakh (A) digestive manganese, calcium, vitamins A and B, Spinach (E) acids, azotia agent, iron

27. Orhchis spp Salep (E) Sahlab (A) Leaves, roots Demulcent, astringent, diarrhoea, colic, Gum, starch, protein, volatile oil, mineral poisoning haemorrhoids, haematuria, salts genitourinary tract inflammations, ulcer

28. - Sirru Khiss (A) Roots, leaves, stems Fresh wounds, vermifuge, carminative, Flouro chlorticine lumbago, rheumatism, pains, migraine, dental caries, fatigue (embryocidal)

29. Rutaceae Sazaab (A) Leaves, oil Facial paralysis, colic, hiccup, jaundice, Oil Ruta graveolens splenitis, vermifuge, strangury, urinary Common rue (E) diseases, piles, cancer, headache, lumbago, arthritis, gout, anaemia, ankylosis, inflammations

30. Labiatae Thymus Saatar (A) Whole plant Digestive, fatigue, helminthiasis, Thymol serpyllum Wild thyme carminative, stimulant, sudorific, (E) emmenagogue, antispasmodic, mucolytic, jaundice, antidote for poisoning from snake venom and other poisons, expel rodents

31. Rosaceae Cydonia Safarjal (A) Whole plant Phthisis, hepatitis, antiemetic, blenorrhalgia, Vitamins A and E, sulphur, phophorus, oblongata Quince, skin cracking. haemorrhoid, diarrhoea, calcium, soldium, potassium Cydonia (E) cancer, whooping cough, digestive, enteritis

32. Curcubitaceae Silq (A) Juice, whole plant Facial paralysis, headache, migraine, Vitamins A and C, iron calcium Luffa acutangula eryspelax, cholagogue, splenitis, herpetic Silk guard (E) eruptions, leprosy, warts, alopecia, gout, oedema, aesthesia, emollient, diuretic

33. Anacardiaceae Summaq (A) Seed, leaves Suppresses bile, antinausea, haemorrhage, Large amount of tannin Rhus radicans scabies, small pox, oedema, bee sting, Sumac, Rhus (E) uterine and ear discharges

34. Pedaliaceae Simsim (A) Infertility, cholagogue, voice clearing, Sesame oil Sesamun indicum nephritis, snake bite, aesthetic, Sesame (E) emmenagogue, ecbolic. arteriosclerosis, diuretic Saganuwan 773

Table 1. Cont’d.

35. Solanaceae Scurvy, rheumatism, renal and urinary Vitamins A, B, C and D, protein, mineral Lycopersicum calculi, arthritis, diuretic, foot cracking, salts, β carotene, carbohydrate, esculentum Tamatim (A) Fruits aesthetic lycopene, cellulose, tannin Tomato (E)

36. Compositae Consolation, malaria, diuretic, mucolytic, Proteins, minerals, vitamins, glycerins, arteriosclerosis, hypercholesterolaemia, phosphorus, oil Helianthus annus Ibadusshams (A) Seeds, roots Sunflower (E) gingivitis, night blindness

37. Lens culinaris Annuria, anaemia, dental caries, cough, Hydro-carbons, oil Lentil (E) chest pain, digestive, wound, kidney Adas (A) Whole plant disease, lumbago, thirst (it causes cancer)

38. Cupressaceae Chronic cough, chest pains, digestive, - Juniperus oxycedrus stomachic, colic, haemorrhoids, diabetes, Juniper (E) antipoison, expels rodents, anti- sweating, Arar (A) Flowers diuretic, urinary purifier, rheumatism, skin diseases

39. - Irqulhalawa (A) Diuretic, laxative, sudorific, stimulant, Saponin, protein, chlorophyll, gum resin Alhashiyshatus rheumatic diseases, arthritis sabuniyya (A) Root, leaves

40. Fabaceae Diuretic, sudorific, appetizer, stomachic, skin Protein, sulphur, calcium oxalates, resin Glacyrhiza glabra Irzulmusahal (A) Roots, gum, leaves and disease, renal disease

41. Rutaceae Cough, inflammations, thirst, polycythemia, - hepatic and adrenal problems, gastritis, Citrus sinensis Fruits, leaves, stem, bark, Grape (E) Inab (A) sedative, diuretic, laxative, cancer, bladder roots and renal pains

42. - Diuretic, urinary tract purifier, nephritis, Phenol glycoside prostate cancer, renal colic, renal Inabudubb (A) Leaves incontinence, ex-vaginale, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea

43. Rhamnaceae Tonic, digestive, perfume, stimulant, Gum, sterol, cinnamic, volatile oils, resin Zizyphus vulgaris Anbar (A) Oil, seeds, leaves sudorific, cough, mucolytic Jujube (E)

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Table 1. Cont’d.

44 Rhamnaceae Asthma, diuretic, constipation, cough, - Zizyphus jujube Syn: inflammation, thirst, polycythemia, liver, Zizyphus maritim J kidney and urinary bladder diseases, Unab (A) Fruits, leaves anasarca , diseases of lower parts of body, jujube (E) itching, eryspelax, gangrene, throat diseases

45. - Haemorrhoids, renal incontinence, laxative, - Aquul (A) shaukul- Stem, leaves digestive, arthritis jamal (A)

46. Liliaceae/ Aliaceae Alkarkam (A) Euphoric, digestive, clear vision, choleretic, Cholchicine Colchicum autumnale Arraihaqan (A) ecbolic, Stimulant, enmenogogue, gout Aljadiy (A) Leaves

47. Graminae/ Poaceae Diuretic, blood tonic, diabetes, diaphoretic, Alum, saponins Dactylis glomerata fever, skin rashes, rheumatism, gout, cystitis Dactylis (E) Najiyl (A) Roots (15 g of root is decocted for 10 min) and taken in 4 cups

48. Labiatae Mentha Nausea, gastric pain, choking, vermifuge Menthon, menthol (insect expeller) piperita toothache, heart tonic, inflammations, Peppermint (E) Naanaa (A) Mint emulsion cholagogue, anti stimulant, cough, asthma, diuretic, rheumatism, aphrodisiac

49. Rutaceae Fevers, cold, malaria, eczema, aesthesia, Neroli oil anthelmintic, ecbolic, colic, carminative, Citrus aurantifolia Naranj (A) Peels, leaves, flowers Bitter lemon (E) antispasmodic

50. Compositae Diuretic, cholagogue, digestive, scorpion Inulin Cichorium endivia sting, spleno-renal problems, jaundice, Chicory, Handaba (A) Roots snake bite, wasp sting, anti-microbial, Endive (E) annuria, opthalmia, haemorrhoid

51. - Mucolytic, methaemoglobinamia, diuretic, - Haluk (A) Whole plant calculi, antiobesity, hypertension

52. Curcubitaceae Digestive, diuretic, soothner, constipation, Vitamins A and B, and amino acids, Curcubita maxima Yaqtin (A) Seeds enteritis, diabetes, insomnia, skin eruption, leucine, tyrosine, piperazine Pumpkin (E) impotence, cystitis, urethritis

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Table 1. Cont’d.

53. Apiaceae Lactogogue, mucolytic, hemiplegia, facial Sapsin, volatile oil Anethum graveolens paralysis, hiccup, cancer, emmenagogue, Dill (E) Shibt (A) Seeds spleen and liver problems, cholagogue, Jaundice, vomiting, piles, carminative

54. Marry tree (E) Shajratu Maryam Anti pyretic, sudorific, thirst, jaundice, - (A) Shawkatu rheumatic pains, haemorhoids Maryam (A) Leaves, roots

55. Gramnae/ poaceae Cough, diarrhoea, diuretic, purgative, Protein, starch, minerals, phosphorus, Sorghum bicolor laxative, antipyretic, euphoric, emollient calcium, iron, potassium, hordenin, Guinea corn (E) hepatoprotective, hypertension, diarrhoea, malarin Shair (A) Seeds, flowers, leaves tuberculosis, general debility, nephritis, cystitis

56. Apiaceae Foeniculum Cholagogue, short sightedness, anaemia, Vitamins A, B, and C, calcium, vulgare lactogogue, diuretic, emmenogogue, calculi, phosphorus, potassium Sweet fennel (E) Shimr (A) Whole plant nephritis, cystitis, analgesic, vermifuge, aphrodisiac, appetizer, hypnotic, colic

57. Curcubitaceae Dropsy, jaundice, cholagogue, laxative, Sugar, vitamin C, iron, cupper, Cucumis melo Musk emollient, purifier, renal calculi, potassium, sulphur, phosphorus Melon, antiputrefactive, astringent, demulcent, Shamam (A) Fruits, leaves Cantaloupe (E) antipyretic, anaemia, diarrhoea, haemorrhoid, oliguria, aesthetic

58. Urticaceae Camellia Stimulant, diuretic, congestive heart Tannin, caffeine, theobromine, sinensis Tea bush (E) failure(100 seeds cause serious toxicity; theophylline, gelutinic acid, volatile oil Shay (A) Seeds, Leaves heart beat disturbances, jaundice, anorexia)

59. Urticaceae Chronic cough, gout, pimples, vaginal Protein, oil, salts of calcium, iron, discharge, emollient, diuretic, insomnia, phosphorus, potassium and sodium Arvena sativa whooping cough, renal colic, inflammations Oat (E) Shawfan (A) Bark, seed of knee, gall bladder, renal calculi, haemorrhoids, rheumatism

60. Compositae Mucolytic, vermifuge, cholagogue, hiccup, Santonin, artemisinin colic, lumbago, pains, alopecia, ringworm, Artemisia maritima Syn: Shaih (A) Flower, leaves ophthalmia, antipyretic, expels rodent and Artemisia brevifolia snakes, glycosuria, malaria Worm seed (E) 776 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Cont’d.

61. Legumnosae Abortion, aesthetic, ulcer, cancers, scabies, Protein, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, Cicer aurietium lumbago, pimples, toothache, oedemas, calcium starch (61%), oil (1%) Himas (A) Oil, seeds Chick pea (E) renal calculi, aphrodisiac, diuretic

62. Lythraceae Aesthetic, dye, headache, histological stain, Tannin, gum, zinc, mercury, lead, arsenic Lawsonia innermis acanthosis, suppurative mange, anti-fungal, Hinaa (A) Leaves Henna plant (E) antibiotic, seborrhea, baldness, sudorific, aromatic

63. Curcubitaceae Nose bleeding, pains of ligament, joint and It contains toxic principle that is fatal Citrullus colocynthis sciatic nerve, gout, skin diseases, Colocynth (E) Hanzwal (A) Oil, fruits rheumatism, cold, gastro-intestinal problem, secretogogue, scorpion sting

64. Malvaceae Diuretic, digestive, coarseness of voice, - Marsh sylvestris suppresses cough, nephritis, pneumonitis, High mallow (E) Khubaza (A) Leaves stomatitis, diarrhoea, oesophagitis, uteritis, cystitis

65. Cynara scolymus Deodorant, laxative, expectorant, Vitamins A and B, salts of phosphorus, aphrodisiac, pediculosis, diarrhoea, manganese, inulin, sinarin Artichoke (E) Leaves, stem, Kharshuf (A) appetizer, diuretic, antipyretic, hepatitis, Stem bark, root hypertension, annuria, arteriosclerosis

66. Brassicaceae Hypotension, jaundice, dyspnoea, Sinigrin, Sulphur numbness, headache, dizziness, asthma, Brassica nigra Khardal sauda’a Black mustard (E) Seeds, leaves emmenagogue, migraine, stomatitis, (A) acanthosis

67. Brassicaceae Hypotension, jaundice, dyspnoea, Silibinin, Sulphur numbness, headache, dizziness, asthma, Brassica juncea Khardal baida’u White mustard (E) Seeds, leaves emmenagogue, migraine, stomatitis, (A) acanthosis

68. Euphorbiaceae Emmenagogue, ecbolic, cancer, Ricin, oil, ricinoleic acid Ricinus carminative, warts, contraceptive, umbilitis, communis aesthetic, catarrhs, dystonias, Kharu (A) Oil, leaves haemorrhoids, callus, bloat, constipation, Castor oil tree (E) HIV/AIDS

69. Ceratonia Antidiarrhoeic, diuretic, dysentery, soothner, Sugar (5%), gum, molasses Kharun (A) Seeds, molasses siliqua antacid Saganuwan 777

Table 1. Cont’d.

70. Compositae Infertility, antispasmodic, night blindness, Vitamins A, B and E, setrin, calcium, iron Lactuca sativa beriberi, paralysis, emollient, analgesic, phosphorus, oil Lecttuce (E) Khissu (A) Leaves sedative, cough, diabetes, insomnia, pimples, boils

71. Lignum vitae Syphilis, gout, rheumatism, local Resin, oil, gum, fibres, acidic salts Khashabul- anaesthetic, constipation, sudorific, dental Guaicom wood (E) Barks, roots, leaves anbiyau (A) caries

72. Malvaceae Analgesic, anti inflammatory, cough, Tannin, alum catarrhs, urine sensation, stomatitis, Althea officinalis Khutma wardiy (A) Roots, flowers, leaves Marsh mallow (E) opthalmia , wound

73. - Vermifuge, renal and hepatic pains, diuretic, Phyzamine Khulla’a (A) Seeds herpetic eruptions khushaizak (P)

74. Curcubitaceae Hepatitis, gastritis, splenitis, pneumonia, Vitamins A and B, calcium, phosphorus, Curcumis sativus diuretic, calculi jaundice, poisoning, fever, magnesium Cucumber (E) Khayyar (A) Leaves colic, glycosuria, scabies psoriasis, eczema, freckles

75. Portulacaceae Headache, urinary bladder pain, vermifuge, - Portulaca oleracea ulcers, haemostatic, suppresses bile, Common purslance (E) Rujlatu (A) Seeds ophthalmia, fevers, haemorrhoids, diarrhoeas

76. Punicaceae Cough, emollient, diuretic, diarrhoea, Tannin, oil suppresses bile, vomiting, chest pain, Punica granatum Ruman (A) Barks, roots Pomegranate (E) jaundice, anthelmintic (tapeworm), laxative

77. Labiatae Raihan (A) Flowers, leaves Headache, sedative, colic, diarrhoea, piles, Estralgol (it is mutagenic and Ocimum basilicum dizziness, digestive, antispasmodic, carcinogenic) Sweet basil (E) migraine, paralysis, numbness, insomnia, dysmenorrhoea, cough, nervous temperament

78. Lauraceae Digestive, antipathogenic, stimulant, growth Water (60%), oil (20%), protein (2.6%), Persea americana Zabadiyya (A) Fruits promoter others (7.3%), Vitamin A Avocado (E)

778 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Cont’d.

77. Labiatae Raihan (A) Flowers, leaves Headache, sedative, colic, diarrhoea, piles, Estralgol (it is mutagenic and Ocimum basilicum dizziness, digestive, antispasmodic, carcinogenic) Sweet basil (E) migraine, paralysis, numbness, insomnia, dysmenorrhoea, cough, nervous temperament

78. Lauraceae Digestive, antipathogenic, stimulant, growth Water (60%), oil (20%), protein (2.6%), Persea americana promoter others (7.3%), Vitamin A Zabadiyya (A) Fruits Avocado (E)

79. Ampelocissus grantii Mucolytic, fatigue, attention deficit disorder, - Syn; Vicis vinifera jaundice, ringworm, gastro- intestinal ulcers, Zabib (A) Fruits, leaves Dried grape (E) cough, expectorant, relaxant

80. Crataegus azarole Zarur (A) Fruits, flower Suppresses bile, sedative, heart - Azarole (E) nourishment, arterial stimulation, diarrhoea, laryngitis

81. Salcaceae Safsaf (A) Leaves, barks Choleretic, heart palpitation, thirst, burn, Acetyl salicyclic acid (aspirin), tannin, Salix aegyptiaca scabies, mange, oedema, rheumatic fever, safsafin Mediteranean diuretic, hydrotic, antipyretic, Willow (E) Antinflammatory, gingivitis

82. Santalaceae Diaphoretic, stimulant, fevers, thirst, Santalin, fibres, oil Santalum album deodorant, colic, carminative, astringent, Sandal wood (E) Sandal (A) Oil, leaves heart palpitation, gastric and cardiac problems, gout, cold, perfumery

83. Pinaceae Ulcers, boils, wound, mucolytic, toothache, Resins, calfornian and turpentine oils Pinus pine diuretic, haemorrhage, lassitude, Syn; Pinus palustris Sanubur (A) Leaves, roots, stem spermogenic, annuria, cystitis, calculi, haemorrhoids, tuberculosis Stone pine (E)

84. Tamarisk (E) Tarfa (A) Leaves, fruits Toothache, ulcers, lousiness, small pox, - splenitis, chronic diarrhoea, uterine discharge

85. Theobroma cacao Qaqawah (A) Seeds Central nervous stimulant, cardiac stimulant, Oil, theobromine, protein, starch, Cocoa (E) diuretic, dry cough, catarrh, bronchitis, potassium, phosphates, fibres pneumonia, foot cracking, colic, dizziness, eczema Saganuwan 779

Table 1. Cont’d.

86. Borago officinalis Lisanuthaur (A) Leaves, flowers Anti-psychotic, cough, pains, inflammations, - Borage (E) sudorific, diuretic, cold, catarrh, blood and heart tonic

87. Musaceae Lisanulhamal (A) Fruits and leaves Tuberculosis, cancer, heamorrhage, Alum, cubin Plantago major stomatitis, splenitis, gingivitis, earache, Plantain (E) pneumonia, haemophillia, strangury, epilepsy, elephantiasis, dropsy, heart problem, thrombosis

88 Piperaceae Kababatu Seeds Appetizer, digestive, carminative, Resin, gum, volatile oil piper cubeba ssinniyya (A) sialagogue, colic, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, Chinese cubeb (E) emollient, diuretic, headache, clears throat, dental caries

89. Umbelliferae Karfas (A) Flowers Digestive, antacid, body tonic, laxative, Oxalates Apium graveolens Alhumadl-ahmar chest ailments, arthritis, jaundice Celery (E) (A)

90. - Karkadiyya (A) Leaves, roots Arthritis, jaundice, weak sightedness, Vitamins A, B, and E, phosphorus, diuretic, vermifuge, prophylactic, anaemia, calcium, sodium, cupper, selenium diabetes

91. Brassicaceae Brassica Karnab (A) Leaves, roots Myopia, coarseness of voice, gout, splenitis, Vitamins A, B, and C, iron, iodine, cupper, oleraceae var capitata jaundice, diuretic, vermifuge emmenagogue, calcium, potassium, manganese Cabbage (E) fevers, rheumatism, dejection, impotence, obesity, cough, wound and kidney diseases

92. Liliaceae/ Aliaceae Kurath (A) Seeds Diuretic, antituberculous, infertility, Vitamins A, B and C, protein, phosphorus, Allium porrum Leek (E) lactogogue, colic, nose bleeding, ecbolic, iron, iodine, calcium, potassium, heamorrhoids, dental caries, cancer, cough, manganese constipation, epilepsy, callus

93. Umbelliferae Carum Karawaya (A) Seeds, roots Carminative, diuretic, digestive, catarrh, Oil, carum, lemonin, santarin carvil Caraway (E) colic, pains, rheumatism, all diseases

94. Umbelliferae Kazbara (A) Whole plant Oedema, diarrhoea, scabies, itching, Iodine, oil, atenolol, sonobrin, Choriandrum sativum hypertension, antipsychotic, antispasmodic, Corriander (E) analgesic, arteriosclerosis, antialchoholic, flavoring agents in candies, beverages and tobacco products 780 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Cont’d.

95. Umbelliferae Kazbaratulbir (A) Leaves Chest illnesses, cold, aesthetic, catarrhs, - Well coriander (E) mucolytic, expectorant, diuretic, cancer, Burshawishan (P) alopecia, stimulant, (concoction is used for alopecia)

96. Curcubitaceae Kuthra (A) Fruits Hypertension, ashma, eruptions, astringents, Manganese Pyrus communis arteriosclerosis, diuretic, heart kidney and Pear (E) liver diseases, choleretic

97. Apiaceae Kamun (A) Leaves, roots Diuretic, carminative, colic, antioxidant, - Cuninum cyninum uterine discharge, hiccup, appetizer, Cumin (E) deafness, spasm, digestive

98. Burseraceae Kandar (A) Whole plant Cough, asthma, rheumatism, catarrh 60-70% resin, gum Boswellia dalziellii Libanudakar (A) (27-35%), volatile oil, (7.5%), potassium, Frankincense tree (E) carbonate, phosphorus, calcium

99. Brassicaceae Lift (A) Seeds, oil Galactogogue, cough, cholagogue, Oil Brassica rapa aphrodisiac,calculi, eczema, diuretic, Turnip (E) antiobestiy, fatigue, catarrh, foot cracking, cold

100. Rutaceae Laimun (A) Fruits, leaves Antipoison, antivomiting, appetizer, eczema, Vitamin C, B6, riboflavine, calcium, iron, Citrus limon Banzahir (P) herpetic eruption, scurvy, cholera, potassium Lemon (E) sunstroke, rheumatism, malaria, fever, vermifuge, fatigue, hepatoprotective

101. Rosaceae Lauz (A) Leaves, oil, flowers Nutraceutical values, diabetes, tuberculosis, Oil Prunus amygdalis antipsychotic, stimulant, insomnia, Almond (E) hypertension, cough, convulsion, skin diseases, burns, earache

102. Rosaceae Mahalab (A) Seeds Asphyxia, euphoria, expectorant, - Prumus mahaleb carminative, hepatic, splenic and renal Mahleb (E) pains, strangury, eczema, hemiplegia, gout, convulsion, lumbago

103. Labiatae Mardaqush (A) Flowers, leaves Emmenagogue, diuretic, antidecay, Thymol Origanum majorana antipoison, catarrh, insomnia, Marjoram (E) dysmenorrohea, annuria, appetizer, liver, renal and gastric problems, scorpion sting Saganuwan 781

Table 1. Cont’d.

104 Rosaceae Mishmish (A) Seeds Piles, fevers, cholagogue, thirst, digestive, Sugar, protein, oil, iron, vitamins A and C Prunus americana blood ailments, appetizer, body tonic, basic acids Apricot (E) diarrhoea, insomnia, growth promoter, anaemia, cancer

105. Pistachia lenticus Mastic (A) Gum is produced 3 times in Antispasmodic, teeth cleansing, rheumatic Resin, gum (White, yellow and black st nd Mastic (E) a year; 1 white, 2 yellow pain, gout, gastric ulcer, diuresis, diarrhoea types), volatile oil, mastinic acid and 3rd black in children below 2years, wound

106. Musaceae Mauz (A) Talh (A) Leaves, fruits Cholagogue, heartburn, diuresis, increases Vitamins A, B, C, and E, iron, Musa sapientum sperm, dental caries, anaemia, good vision, managanese, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, Banana, Philosophers self balance, good for pregnant/breast fluorine, hormones food, fruit of wise feeding women, children and old), 3 banana people (E) yields 1.5% of calcium

107. Rutaceae Citrus Utruj (A) Leaves, fruits, stems Antipoison, deodorant, carminative, Oil medica Citron (E) jaundice, pile, antiemetic, snake bite, scorpion sting

108. Medicargo sativa Izhir (A) Whole plant Stimulant, rheumatism, vasodilation, diuretic, Volatile oil Mecca alfa (E) gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, expels rodents, antipoison

109. Myrtaceae Habbulas (A) Aas Flowers, juice, leaves Antidiarrhoeic, antisudorific, cough, Myrtil Myrtus communis (A) Alhabbal-as blenorrhalgia, cystitis, vaginal secretion Myrtle (E) (A)

110. Compositae Artemisia Damsiysa (A) Leaves, root, stem, bark Vermifuge, diuretic, digestive, ulcer, - absinthium Worm wood Afsantin (A) diarrhoea, ophthalmia, ascariasis, anti (E) poison, aphrodisiac

111. Halvallaceae Agaricus Aqrasulmalik (A) Whole plant (Some species Headache, dizziness campestus Mushroom Aishul-gurab (A) are very toxic) (E)

112. - Urqiytun (A) Roots Stomatitis, dental caries, chest diseases, Tannin, epholine diuretic, astringent, anaemia, wound, boils

782 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Cont’d.

113. - Ummualfi- Whole plant Anaemia, sedative, stimulant, diaphoretic, Volatile oils, cineol, tannin, sugar Waraqah, diuretic, diabetes, dysentery, piles Hashiyshatun- najrin Hashiyshatun hazanbal (A)

114. Melilotus officinalis Iklilulmalik (A) Flowers, roots, stems Diuretic, scabies lumbago, lactogogue, boils, Coumarin Melilot (E) Handaquq (A) wounds, oedemas, insomnia, colic

115. Bromeliaceae Ananas (A) Fruits, leaves Diuretic, digestive, antipoison, anaemia, Bromeline, vitamin A and B Ananas comosus growth promoter, obesity, arthritis Pineapple (E)

116. Apiaceae Yanisun, Alaniyun, Oil, leaves, seeds Purgative, cough, mucolytic, headache, Volatile and fixed oils, anisol Anisum vulgare Syn; Arraziyanjrumiy dejection, earache, ecbolic, lousiness Pimpinella anisum (A) Anise (E)

117. Solanaceae Bazanjam (P) Leaves Haemorrhoids, diuretics, neuralgia (it is - Solanum Ibzanj (A) embryotoxic and toxic to several body melongenalium systems) Aubergine (E)

118. Asteraceae Babunaj (A) Leaves, roots Antipoison purgative, vasodilator, fever, Fixed and volatile oils, azoline Compositae headache, antiphrodisiac Anthenis nobilis

119. Rutaceae Burtuqal (A) Peels, juice, seeds, leaves Digestive, antiemetic, fever, headache, Carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, Citrus aurantium nervous conditions, diaphoretic, numbness, sucrose, calcium, potassium, iron, Orange (E) meningitis, purgative, migraine, scorpion sodium, citric acid, vitamin E, volatile oil sting, ecbolic, antipoison

120. Lythraceae Basla(A) Albazilaa Fruits, leaves It has activity against female sex hormones, Protein carbohydrate, vitamins Lythrum salicarta (A) fatigue Purple loosetrile (E) Pea (E)

Saganuwan 783

Table 1. Cont’d.

121. Liliaceae /Aliaceae Basl (A) Bulbs Diuretic, appetizer, antimicrobial, jaundice, Protein, carbohydrate, Allium cepa splenitis, emmenogogue, antiaphrodisiac, iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A, B, Onion (E) scabies, cancer, crack, cough, pneumonia, C, glucotine haemorrhoid, scorpion sting

122. - Burnuf (A) Fruits Carminative, colic, headache, vermifuge, - fatigue,

123 Curcubitaceae Batikh (A) fruits Digestive, scurvy, diuretic, fatigue Protein, oil, vitamins A and E, calcium, Citrullus lanatus Syn: Ruqah (A) Iron, Phosphorus Citrullus vulgaris Habhab (A) Water melon (E)

124 Apiaceae Baqdunus (A) Roots Diuretic, carminative, Vitamins A Petroselium Maqdunas (A) gastric ulcer, colic, kidney and liver diseases, and B, calcium, sativum appetizer, antisudorific, iron, Parsley (E) antipoision, jaundice, caluli, malaria, potassium, vermifuge, asthma sulphur, blenorrhalgia phosphorus

125. Palmae Phoenix Annakhlatu (A) Spadix, fruits, Uterine involution, antihypertensive, Calcium, dactylifera leaves, stems, roots vermifuge, diarrhoea, blenorrhalgia, phosphorus, Date palm (E) antipoison, fatigue, diabetess, hepatitis, iron, vitamins A and B, fibre, protein, oil, renal problems tulue balsam, bero balsam

126. Burseraceae Balsam (A) Gum, resin, leaves, roots, Eruption, rheumatism, dysentery, chronic Brusic acid, resin, Balsamodendron barks gastric ulcer, vermifuge, inflammations volatile oil, tulue myrrha balsan, bero balsam Balsam (E) 127. Fagaceae Rhus Balut (A) Fruits, Leaves Blenorrhalgia, wound, boils, bed wetting, toxicodendron chronic cough, haemorrhoids, Gingivitis, Syn: Quercus stomatitis, diarrhoea, dysentery infectorius Oak (E)

128. Asarum european Bunduq (A) Nut Chronic cough, insect sting, emetic, diabetes Vitamins A and B, oil Hazel tree (E) Urethritis, epilepsy, diuretic, anaemiea

784 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Cont’d.

129. Polygalaceae Banafsaj (A) Flowers, roots Diuretic, analgesic, Saponin Securidaca leaves, whole plant chest pain, antiemetic, renal, hepatic, gastric longepedunculata and urinary tract diseases, asthma, Violet tree (E) ophthalmia, whooping cough

130. Lupines spp Tiirmis (A) Fruits ,leaves Anthelmintic, herpetic eruptions, Protein, calcium, Lupine (E) Diuretic Phosphorus

131. Curcubitaceae Tufah (A) Fruits Anaemiea , antipoison, emetic, anthelmintic, Sugars Malus sylvestris wound, boils, rheumatism, acidic urine, Apple (E) fevers, sialogogue, cholagogue, neuralgia, diurrhoea, pneumonia, hepatic disease

132. Caesalpiniaceae Tamr-indiy (A) Fruits Headache, jaundice, antihypertensive, Tartaric acid, citric acid, tannin Tamarindus indica antiemetic Indian tamarind (E)

133. Marus spp Tut (A) Leaves Jaundice, hepatitis, cough, laxative, Vitamins A and E Mulberry tree (E) Farsad (A) antidirrhoeic

134. Moraceae Tin (A) Leaves Haemorrhoid, Jaundice, herpetic eruptions, Sugar, calcium, Ficus carica boils, ear and oesophageal pains, chronic phosphorus, iron, vitamins A,B and K Fig (E) cough, nose bleeding, intestinal stasis, dysmenorrhoea

135. Liliaceae/Aliaceae Fum (A) Bulds Toothache, chronic cough, chest pain, Allicin, alliin, alliinase, surphur Allium sativum Thaum (A) expectorant, diuretic, antipoison, diabetes, Garlic (E) hypertension, influenza, prophylactic, antimicrobial

136. Myrtaceae Jawa (A) Leaves, whole plant, roots Sudorific, diuretic, tranquilizer, stimulant, Violatile oils Syzygium cumini digestive, asthma, rheumatism, antipoison, Java (E) lymphangitis

137. Cruciferae Jarjir (A) Leaves, seeds Stimulant, diuretic, dental caries, digestive, - Nasturtium officinale herpetic eruptions, hepatic and renal Water cress (E) diseases, jaundice, diseases of blood vessels, antinicotinic effect

Saganuwan 785

Table 1. Cont’d.

138. Apiaceae Jizr (A) Roots, leaves Mucolytic, chest pain, cough, hepatic and Vitamins A and E, phosphorus, sulphur, Daucus carota gastric problems, diuretic, brain stimulant, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, Carrot (E) coarseness of voice, digestive, fatigue, magnesium, carotene hypertension, nervousness, skin diseases

139 Moraceae Jamiz (A) Leaves, juice, fruits Oedema, aesthetic, warts, herpetic eruption, - Ficus sycomorus electuary for chronic cough, asthma, Sycomore fig (E) carminative, voice coarseness, wound

140 Solanaceae Jawaffa (A) Fruits, leaves, roots It is poisonous, caution should be exercised Solanine, solanidine, sugar, oils, protein, solanum nigrum when taking it. Antidote for the plant vitamin A, calcium, sodium, phophorus, Common night shade, poisoning tannin Black night shade (E)

141 Juglandaceae Jawz (A) Leaves, fruits Strangury, ricket, anaemia, diabetes, mange, - Juglans regia scabies, pimples, inflammations, English wall nut (E) gonorrhoea, galactogogue, impotence, vermifuge, haemorrhage

142 Myristicaceae Jawztib (A) Leaves, fruits Strangury, splenic, hepatic and gastric Myrcetin oil Myristica fragrance diseases, anaesthetic, rheumatism, Nutmeg (E) aphrodisiac, food sweetening, digestive

143 Palmae Jawzulhind (A) Fruits, oil, leaves Lumbago, aphrodisiac, haemorrhoids, Protein, fatty acid, fibre, citric acid Cocos nucifera Narajil (A) scabies, eczema, freckles, mange, Coconut (E) mucolytic, antipsychotic, ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, emollient hypercholesterolaemia

144 Cyperaceae Habbuzzalmi (A) Seeds, leaves Emollient, anaemia, - Cyperus esculentus Habbussultan (A) aphrodisiac, annuria, antipsychotic, cough, Habbulaziz (A) liver and kidney diseases Suqayt (A)

145 Rhanunculaceae Habbatul Baraka, Oil, seeds, leaves General ailments, carminative, mucolytic, - Nigella sativa Habbatus sauda, ulcers, mange, diabetes, anti dote, asthma, Black cumin Shunaiz (A) hypertension, hepatoprotective, anti obesity, migraine, headache, haemorrhoid, tinea Black caraway (E) capitis, tinea pedis, expel rodents

786 J. Med. Plant. Res.

Table 1. Cont’d.

146 Moraceae Hashishatu dinar Whole plant, flowers Tranquilizer, appetizer, wounds, ulcers, Gum , oil Humulus lupulus (A) nervous disorders, antiaphrodisiac , Hops, Humulus (E) insomnia

147 Rosaceae Haslaban (A) Whole plant, flowers Tranquilizer, antidiarrhoeic, diuretic, Oil Rosmarinus officinalis cholagogue, emmenagogue, stimulant, Rosemary (E) antihypertensive, cough suppressant, tinnitus, anaemia, ankylosis

148 Legumnosae Hulbah (A) Oil, leaves, roots, seeds Cough suppressant, antiasthmatic, Protein, gum, mannose, galactose, oil, Trygonella foenum- aphrodisiac, uterine, edema, colic, diuretic, saponin graecum Fenugreek, galactogogue, asthma, cough, sickle fruit (E) emmenagogue anaemia, pneumonias, anti inflammation, tuberculosis

149 Umbelliferae Hiltit (A) Leaves, roots Mucolytic, ophthalmia, oedema, chronic Gum Ferula asafoetida Abukabir (A) deafness, carminative, hepatoprotective, Devil’s drug, Asafoetida jaundice, antidote, splenitis, annuria, (E) abortifacient, piles, vermifuge

150 Malvaceae Himad (A) Flowers, leaves Constipation, gall - Hibiscus Hamid (A) bladder problems, hypertension, diabetes, sabdariffa gout, diarrhoea Sorrel (E) 151 Tusilago (E) Ashishatus- sual Roots, flowers, leaves Cough, chest disease, pneumonia, - Khutwatulhimar toothache, vermifuge, diarrohea, rheumatic Alfar far, Tusilaj fever, hepatitis, skin diseases, pig diseases (A) 152 Qustu Leaves, roots Scabies, wound, chest disease, mucolytic , Volatile oil, inulin, helenin Shammiyy (A) bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, - Rash (A) antimicrobial, whooping cough, asthma, appetizer, laxative, gastritis, diuretic

153 Lauraceae Sinamik (A) Whole plant, leaves Laxative, chronic headache, migraine, piles, Cinnamic Cinnamomum lumbago, aesthetic, arithritis, jaundice, cinnamon zeylanicum cough, asthma. Cinnamon (E)

Keys: A = Arabic, P = Persian, E = English, - = Unknown. Saganuwan 787

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