EVANGELICALGEREJA MASEHI CHRISTIAN INJILI CHURCH DI TIMOR of TIMOR (Member of the Independent(GBM GPI dan Section Anggota of the PGI) Protestant Church of Indonesia andMAJELIS the Indonesian SINODE Fellowship of Churches) Jln. S. K. Lerik, KotaSYNOD Baru Telp. (0380) COUNCIL 8438-423 Fax. (0380) 831182 Jln. S. K. Lerik, KotaKUPANG Baru Telp. – NTT(0380) – 852288438-423 Fax. (0380) 831182 E–mail:
[email protected] –, NTTWebsite: – 85228 www.sinodegmit.or.id E–mail:
[email protected], Website: www.sinodegmit.or.id GMIT SYNOD SEROJA CYCLONE RESPONSE TEAM SITUATION REPORT (SITREP) #2, 11 APRIL 2021 CHRONOLOGY IMPACT Extreme weather began on Saturday, 3 Thousands fled their homes; hundreds April 2021 around 8 am and reached a disappeared or died. Buildings, roads and peak of intensity that lasted several hours bridges, and electricity and Internet from about 1 am until 8 am on Monday, 5 networks were damaged or destroyed. April 2021. Rain accompanied by heavy Public services in many places have been winds caused flooding, landslides, big curtailed or have totally broken down. A waves, and thousands of trees falling shortage of basic items such as zinc, fuel, down throughout East Nusa Tenggara. and food stuffs has led to price gouging in some instances. In Kupang City, there is no more stock of generators. The complexity of losses resulting from the Seroja Cyclone has caused widespread social trauma. DATA UPDATE DAMAGE to HUMAN VICTIMS LIVESTOCK DAMAGE to INFRASTRUC- HOMES/ 91 died VICTIMS GARDENS/ RICE TURE & OTHER BUILDINGS/ 8 disappeared 48 cows, pigs, PADDIES/ DAMAGE ASSETS 14 wounded chickens, dogs FISHING BOATS/ 9 bridges 954 homes 3215 evacuated have died, ETC.