Last updated: September 2019

Designated river name River Axe SAC

Brief summary of river designation Designation details and current condition

Status Plan done, implementation underway (see Annex 6 for case example)

Catchment Axe

Catchment area (km²) 307km2

Length (km) of designated river 59km

Water Framework Directive ecological status Current WFD status of the river

Documentation  Invitation to comment on the river restoration plan  River Restoration Plan  Management Sheets  Catchment Fluvial Geomorphological Audit  Fluvial audit  Catchment Geomorphological Action Plan  Other: Offline documents available on request from [email protected]

Catchment partners Environment Agency, Natural England, County Council, Highways Agency, Westcountry Rivers Trust, South West Rivers Association, Devon Wildlife Trust, South West Water, RSPB, and AONB.

Designated river projects View all projects proposed or completed, and case studies through the RRC’s UK projects map here.

Next steps River Axe Catchment Partnership will have a major role in progressing the planned actions. The partnership will do this by supporting partners in working on all actions set out in the plan. Some actions can provide immediate benefits, for example, ensuring compliance with existing Regulatory frameworks. Other actions will require long lead in times for planning, delivery and for outcomes to be realised.

The national programme of river restoration planning & implementation on river SSSIs in England is led by:

with information & resources hosted by

Available documentation is dependent upon the current status, and approach planned for each river.