The Life of Captain Willy As This Is the Year of Celebrat
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Caymanian Need a new Trade and Business Licence? Need to renew a Trade and Business Licence? APPLY ONLINE! Friday, October 18, 2019 Issue No 442 Complimentary The life of Captain Willy As this is the year of celebrat- written Constitution, the Cay- manianing 60 years Times since looks Cayman’s back at �irst the life of the original Father of the House, Mr. Thomas William Far- rington, CBE, JP (1900 to 1978), who was a great contributor to the Cayman Islands community. Captain Willy, as he was known, the Executive Council, set up un- was one of the �irst members of stitution in 1959. derHis Cayman’s son, Captain �irst Owen written Farring- Con- ton, shares with readers an arti- ber 1972 Northwester magazine aboutcle �irst his published industrious in the father, Decem- a summary of which follows. ... Continued story on page A9 Seniors try Bliss Yoga One of the key take-aways from “One of the aims, of our October cel- ebration and appreciation initiative, is to show seniors ways to embrace and allGrand ages. Cayman’s newest �itness class enrich the ageing journey,” she said. is Blissthat yoga Yoga is Cayman,for all �itness is hosting levels and its Bliss Yoga Instructor Lindsay Cor- INSIDE reia said: “Yoga offers a low-impact THIS ISSUE es during Older Persons Month in and highly relaxing way of exercising �irst-ever Seniors Chair Yoga class- in a controlled and tranquil setting. EDITORIAL — A2 Many of the movements help to open Thepartnership 45-minute with class, the being Department held every of up the rib cage and relieve built-up FridayChildren throughout and Family October,Services (DCFS).uses a tension in the body, which can get in- combination of breathing techniques, stretches and gentle poses to help ods of restricted movement and inac- participants keep their bodies aligned, tivity.creasingly A relaxed in�lexible and comfortabledue to long bodyperi- supple and toned. leads to a relaxed and comfortable The introductory class, held on 4 mind,” she added. October, attracted 21 seniors. This “We experienced unprecedented Do your bit to beat breast cancer demand,” said Bliss’ Manager Tricia exclusively to the over 60s, many of Nelson. “We were hoping to attract 15 whowas thehave �irst never in seriestried yoga that catering people per session, but were pleasant- LOCAL NEWS — A4 ly surprised that registration was very da Mendoza-Williams, the sessions Bliss Yoga Cayman is partnering with the areAccording part of herto DCFS team’s Director commitment Paulin- 18 signed up again, one’s even regis- Department of Children and Family Services to introducing new and dynamic ac- teredbrisk. herStraight husband!” after the �irst session, to hold Seniors Chair Yoga every Friday dur- ing Older Persons Month (Photo by Elphina tivities into the Older Persons Month Jones, GIS) schedule each year. ... Continued story on page A4 Cayman beats Saint Martin, Joel Francis appointed as Deputy overcomes slow fi rst half Chief Of�icer By Flynn Bush TALK ON THE STREET — A7 On Tuesday night, the stage was set for a beautiful game. The sky over the Tru- man Bodden Sports Complex had coop- erated and was all clear. The temperature had subsided to a bearable point, and the players were all going through their warm-ups. This was at 5:25pm, roughly an hour before scheduled kickoff. With the Cayman Islands suffering a 3-0 defeat at the hands of these same opponents less than a week before, this was to be a what happened in Saint Martin to recur heredog�ight. on home Surely, soil. Cayman Additionally, would notthe allownews that Barbados had just won their latest match and were 3 points ahead of Cay- man in the standings would undoubtedly Talk On The Street: Cayman Regiment lend fuel... Continuedto the �ire, as story well. on page B1 EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICE PAGE A2 Friday, October 18, 2019 | Issue No 442 C�������� T���� EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICE Do your bit to Registering for Postal beat breast cancer and Mobile Voting In the Cayman Islands, postal ballots October is Breast Cancer Awareness provide a means for individuals who month, a global push to raise aware- nual cut-a-thon on Sunday, 20st Octo- are unable to attend the polling station ness of the disease, where everyone ber,and toDay raise Spa funds is putting for the on disease,its 19th andan- on the day in person to vote. The 2009 is encouraged to wear pink (the col- next year the Breast Cancer Founda- Elections Law introduced mobile vot- our associated with breast cancer). tion will hold its annual Light Up the ing to allow persons to vote at mobile Around the world it is reckoned that Night fundraising event on 7th March polling locations, homes or other plac- WORLD WATCH one in eight women will get breast 2020, a beach walk from Royal Palms es such as nursing homes and hospi- cancer. In the Cayman Islands, accord- at sunset that gets a bigger participa- tals should they wish to do so. ing to recent statistics drawn from tion each year. As drafted, the Referendum (Peo- PAGE 10 Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132 Cayman’s cancer registry, it is one of ProbablyCaymanian one of the most important Times ple-Initiated Referendum Regarding the most common cancers here, along things you can do to help the medi- the Port) Bill, 2019 maintains pro- with colon cancer, cancers of the blood, cal profession in Cayman learn more visions for mobile voting. It also en- prostate cancer and ovarian cancer. It’s about the types of cancer we have here hances the option of postal voting by also a disease that does not only affect is to ensure that anyone you know reg- BRITAIN BRACES...for awomen, withhurricane small numbers of men isters with the Cayman cancer regis- The unusual nature of this year’s normal. London was already alsonoticing being diagnosed the with breastIn the can- earlytry if theyhours have beenof October diagnosed with1987 courieradding theservices. �lexibility for the Elections 4) IF CURRENTLY AWAY AND cer in the Cayman Islands as well. We cancer, no matter what the type of Of�ice to use commercial trackable WILL BE AWAY FOR REFERENDUM Atlantic hurricane season is making its effects of this weather phenomenon southern England was battered by the This is the most powerful storm to have such a small population, so it is cancer. The registry was developed by Postal ballets DAY - Clearly print the full overseas impact felt as far north as the British have hit Ireland in over 50 years. Monday afternoon with theinevitable skies turning that we will beunannounced affected by the WorldGreat Health Storm Organisation (they and didn’t all The draft bill permits the Elections address for postal ballot to be sent to. Isles. an orange tint and the sunthe taking disease, whetheron an it’s ourselves,have names our then). The storm was Monday evening Mainland UK and Northern Ireland eerie glow. co-workers, our family, our friends or information that is collected will arm overseas by commercial courier, so Mobile voting ploughing its way north-eastwards our neighbours. That’s whyThe we urgevery theinformation professionalsexperienced is kept with con�identially. the dataweather theyThe theseOf�ice toballots send canpostal be ballots delivered to persons within In cases where a registered voter are bracing for a pounding from the Weather experts explained that was through Northern Ireland, which is part everyone to support initiativesforecaster to who under-estimated its 2-3 business days after the ballots are remnants of Hurricane Ophelia which due to dust from the Sahara desert of the United Kingdom, before sweeping help to combat breast cancerimpending and help betterferocity monitoring has andfound treatment as andmuch unable or unlikely to be able to go in has roared up through the North Atlantic that Ophelia had draggedthose through affected. the notoriety asmoreneed the to targetedstorm �ight the disease,itselfscreening, which whether means killed following individuals qualify for postal personon the Of�icialto the polling Register station, of Electors that vot- is and was battering the Irish Republic on into Scotland. atmosphere combined with Earlierhaze this caused month the Breast Cancer that’s breast cancer or any other can- ballots.issued by the Returning Of�icer. The er can request mobile voting. Postal 18 people and caused extensive damage. Monday with gusts close to 100 miles an Northern England, Wales as well Foundation held its annual fundraising cer affecting people in Cayman. 1) Voters who are already registered ballots are not permitted for persons hour. as London and other areas in south- away as Portugal. gala, an event that’s alwaysBritain sold out isEDITORIAL Thebetter Caymanian prepared Times | COMMUNITYencourag-this time NOTICES who will be physically in the Cayman by the glow of forest firesand from which attractsas far big namesaround. as speak- es our readers to do their bit to beat are living off-island, such as students Already three people have been killed east England were expected to feel theEDITORIAL The severe | extra-tropical COMMUNITYers, storm such as NOTICEScomes this year’s keynote, Sarah, breast cancer, not just in October but andon the persons Of�icial away Register for medical of Electors care. and The following individuals qualify for in Ireland, and there have been power effects of the storm with high winds and just a few days after the 30th anniversary It comes justallPAGE year a 2round. few daysWednesday, after the 25thOctober a) 18,These 2017 overseas | postal Issue ballots No will 132 mobileIslands voting.on Referendum Day.