. DIRECTORY.] CORN\VALL. C.ARNME~ELLIS. 1035 t Tippett Joseph Bridgman, fancy reposi· VolunteerBattalion (2nd) Duke of Corn- • Weeks Ernest, general carrier, Forest tory, Fore street wall's Light Infantry (H Company) Weeks Thomas, Darlington P.H. Forest Tonkin Wm. Mason's .Arms P.H. Forest (Capt. Horace Ha yes Montgomery Westaway Jn. painter & stone en;sraver Treweeks Brothers, builders & cabinet Lawrence) WickettMatthew,inspectorofnuisances makers, Fore street Wakefield & Son, printers & booksellers, Wilkins John, shopkeeper, Fore street Vans tone Elizh. (Mrs. ),shopkpr.Fore st Fore street Word en John, boo~ maker Vine Wm. Hy. basket maker, Forest Watson Mary .Ann (Miss), ladies' school , or CARDDIHAM (Celtic, Cae1·-dinas, the by forty-two wide; alongside it is a ruined chamber, rocky fortress), is a township, parish and village, 4 miles probal;>ly once an oratory, the water, flowing through the east-north-east from and 3i north-north-east from doorway, spreads into a pool in front: close by on the side Bodmin Road station on thd Great Westem railway, in the of the road is a !"tone marked "I. B.," supposed to have South-Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty formed the base of a cross; one mile north from the church, sessional division of 'Yest, Bodmin union and county court on a farm belonging to Mr. J. Hate, stand the remains of an district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and ancient circular entrenchment, nine feet high, with a foot­ diocese of . The Alan stream, a small tributary of path which seems to have been protected against an enemy the river , has its source in th1s parish. The church and used for obtaining water; half a mile south of the of St. Mew bred is an ancient building of stone in the village is a similar earthwork. At Well town is an inscribed Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, stone five feet five inches high. Glynn, the seat of Lord south porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles Vivian K.C.M.G., c.B., F.R.G.s., D.L., J.P. situated close to containing 5 bells : the chancel retains its sedilia: on the the banks of the , is a substantial modern tl.oor at the east end of the north aisle, removed here from mansion of stone, standing in well-wooded grounds of the chancel in I8J2, is a curious brass of a priest in a about 40 acres, and is at present occupied by Colonel cassock, and girt with a sword; below is an inscription to Edward St. Aubyn J.P., D.L. Lord Vivian and others are Thomas Awmarle, appointed rector here 22nd Sept. 1356, lords of the manor; and Lord Robartes, Lord Vivian, and praying for mutual supplication, "Rogo vos fratres pro Francis John Hen wood esq. of Tremoor Lanivet, the Execu­ me et ego pro vobis is quantum po3sum:" there are aiso tors of John Basset.t Collins esq. of Bodmin, and Frederick attached two shields of a.rms and in the church is a monu- Ernest Remfry esq. of 'fruro, are the chief landowners. ment to Nicholas Glynn, ob. 1699: the east window is a . The soil is various; the subsoil is granite and slate. The memorial to the Rev. Thomas Grylls, a former rector, and chief crops are barley and oats; there is good grazing for there is a memorial window in tl!e chancel to his wife : the sheep and bullocks. The area is 9,534 acres ; rateable \Talue, church affords 300 sittings: in the churchyard stands an £4,721 ; the population in 1891 was 590. ancient cross. The register dates from the year I70I, and MrLLPOOL is a hamlet, one mile north from the church. up to r7r8 is a transcript. The liYing is a rectory, average Parish Clerk, John Laury. tithe rent-charge £387, net income £369, including 216 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of E. CoJde esq. PosT OFFICE.-William Male, suh-po3tmaster. Letters are and held smce 1390 by the Rev. Francis Paul James Hendy received from Bodmin by foot post at 9·45 a.m. ; dis- li.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. There is a. Wesleyan patched at 3.20 p.m. 'l'he nearest money order & tele- chap~l here, and a Free ~Iethodi.st chapel at Millpool. .At graph office is at Bodmin. Postal orders are issued here Deviock is a round-headed cross, five foot high and about but not paid two feet wide, and at Tresl::J.y a similar cross, standing on a A School Board of 5 members was formed May 13, 1872 ; mound by the road side ; on Treslay Down stands a large William Male, ~lerk to the boa:d . bead of a. third cross. About a quarter of a mile north of Board SclloJl (mixed), erected m t88I, for 9~ children; Cardynham church, are the remains of the "Holy Well," average attendance, 62; Arthur Jackson, master built in the south-east corner of an inclosure eighty feet long! CARRIER TO BomnN.-Thomas Greenway, sat Flamank William Dingle Nicholas, farmer, 'Carblake Mitchell 'fhomas, resident agent to Hendy Rev.Fras. Paul Jas. B.A.Rectory Hambly William, carpenter, .Awlvilla Lord Vivian, Hendra St. Aubyn Col. Edwd D.L., J. P. Glynn Higgs Ann (Miss),farmr.Higher Tawna Pennan John, farmer, Hole

CO.i\11\IERCIAL. Hoar Benjamin1 farmer, Glynn Barton Nort.hcottThs.frmr.Dreason & Colsloggt Bate & Sons, stone masons, Mill pool JaneAlfredSamuel,farmer,'l'awna moor Retallick John B. farmer, Glebe farm Bate EdiVard, farmer, Colvanick J ory Charles, carpenter, Mill pool Riddle Edward, farmer, 'freslea Bate John, farmer, Teason Kea t William, miller( water) ,Preeze mill Riddle Edward John, farmer, Newland Bate Mary (1\Irs.), farmer, Park KnightThos.&Jn.farmers,Highr.Treslea Riddle George Lord, farmer, Kings wood Bate Thomas Lang, farmer, Penpoll l Langdon George, farmer, Meadonwell Riddle John, farmer, Calliwith Bawden James, farmer, Carbilla barn Langdon John. farmer, Tremoorland Roose Elijah, farmer, Mill pool Best George, farmer, Tresauce Lander Christopher, farmer, Carbilla Runnalls John, farmer, Welltown Bunt Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Dunnishill Lander John, boot & shoe ma. Mill pool Runnalls Robert, farmer, Welltown Bunt Petherick, farmer,Old Cardiuham La wry Henry, farmer, Old Cardingham Stephens Richard, farmer, Higb:er hill Carbine Edward, farmer, Cardeast Lawr_rJohn,farmr.Treswithwick&Praze Tonkin Joseph, farmer,Lower Carblake Chapman Thos.farmr.Cardinham lodge Lyle Lewis, Volunteer inn 'freveddoe Mining Co. (Nicholls &; Cole Frank, miller (water), Glyun mill Male William, shoa m3.ker, Post office Warne, managers & proprietors) ; Coppin 'Villiam Henry & Sou, farmers, Maniton Thomas, farmer, Colvannick offices, Fore street, St. Austell · Ludcott & Devoick May John, farmer, Sina White Joseph, farmer, Galgeath Coppin William Hy. farmer, Lemar May Samuel, farmer, Tawna 1 Wilton Cha};les, blacksmith CARHAYES ST. MICHAEL, sea Sr. MrcHAEL CARHAYES. CARNMENELLIS, whi.:h takes its name from Carn­ ~'l.ethodist chapels at Edgecumbe, Penmarth, Porkellis ani Menelez, a lofty hill reaching a height of 822 feet above the at Burrows ; a Free Methodi::.t chapel at Burrows and a sea level, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed January 9, 1846, Bible Christian chapel at Carnkye. On the summit of Oarn from the Civil parish of Wendron, and is near the road rom Menelez Hill are the foundations of what was apparently an to , 4~ miles south from Redruth station oratory ; three cairns crown the summit, and there are on the Truro and l'en:~;ance section of the Great We3tern numerous granite boulders of f