1916 Desert, University of Arizona Yearbook

Item Type Book

Authors Associated Students of the University of Arizona

Publisher University of Arizona

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Young men, I call upon you to rise and join me in this toast to THE RED and BLUE and thereby dedicate yourlives to the serviceof your Alma Mater and to the Greater Arizona. May you

" See the many - millioned acred land Won from the desert by your hand, Then swiftly 'mongst the nations rise `Arizona,' a sovereign State, And on her brow a star, ` The University of Arizona.' And may that star shed throughout the land the guiding light of Truth in colors Red and Blue -your colors and mine. Red -for the red blood of pioneer brotherhood and manly courage to win by true service to your country; Blue -for the blue blood of aristocracy of high motives, high ideals, high intelligence, and high progress toward Arizona's perfect day. Toast given by Professor Colvin on the occasion of a banquet given in his honor by the Social Science and Law Students of the University of Arizona at the Old Pueblo Club, June ist, 1916. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS FRANK H. HEREFORD, Chancellor WM. V. WHITMORE, M. D., Treasurer WILLIAM J. BRYAN, Jr., A. B., Secretary . The Board of Regents

EX-OPPICIO His Excellency, GEORGE W. P. HUNT, Governor of Arizona.

The Honorable CHARLES O. CASE, Superintendent of Public Instruction.

APPOINTED FRANK H. HEREPORD, President of the Board and Chancellor.




FACULTY RUPUS BERNHARD VON KLEINSMID, A. M., Sc. D.,(13BK -AMA President; Professor of Philosophy and Psychology ANDREW ELLICOTT DOUGLASS, A. B., Sc. D., 43BK -TY Dean; Professor of Physics and Astronomy.. FRANK NELSON GUILD, M. S., K Professorof Chemistry and Miner- alogy. JOHN JAMES THORNBER, B. S., A. M., Professor of Botany; Botanist, Ex- periment Station. CHARLES ALFRED TURRELL,B.S., A. M., Lic. en Letras, K DEAN DOUGLASS Professor of Romance Languages. FRANCESMELVILLL PERRY, A. M., Professor of Composition and Rhetoric. CHARLES ARTHUR MESERVE, Ph. D., Professor of Bacteriology and Food Chemistry. GEORGE LEROY BROWN, Colonel, U. S. A., Professor of Military Science and Tactics. PAUL HENRY MALLETT -PREVOST BRINTON, Ph. D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry. BYRON CUMMINGS, A. M., Professor of Archaeology; Director of the Museum. *WILLIAM GEORGE MEDCRAFT, A. M., Associate Professor of Mathematics.,

ARTHUR HAMILTON OTIS, A. B., (131( p ; Associate Professor of German. HERMAN BURR LEONARD, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. GEORGE H. CRESSE, A. M., Associate Professor of Mathematics.

*On leave, 1915 -16. LEVONA PAYNE NEWSOM, Ph. D., TB) Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek. ESTELLE LUTRELL, A. B., Assistant Professor of English Literature:; Librarian. IDA CHRISTINA REID, Ph. M., Assistant Professor of History; Dean of Women. HOWARD ARCHIBALD HUBBARD, A. M., Assistant Professor of History and Social Science. DERoSSETTE THOMAS, B. S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics. ALVA OTIS NEAL, M. S., (DD® Assistant Professor of Education; Registrar; High School Visitor. JESSAMINE CHAPMAN WILLIAMS, B. S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics. SYDNEY JOSEPH FRANK, J. D., Assistant Professor of Law., HOWARD MILTON COLVIN, LL. B., Assistant Professor of Law., SAMUEL MARKS FEGTLY, LL. B., OTO -BK, Order of the Lois. Assistant Professor of Law. HERBERT HAMILTON FOSTER, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Education and Psychology. CHARLES TAYLOR VORHIES, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Biology. ELSA CHAPIN, A. B., Instructor in English and Physical Training for Women. ANITA CALNEH POST, Ph. B., Instructor in Romance Languages. JOHANNES CORNELIUS THEODORUS UPHOP, Instructor in Botany. ISIDOR COLODNY, M. A., Instructor in English. GRACE LYMAN, M. A., Instructor in Psychology. IDA WHITTINGTON DOUGLASS, Ph. B., Instructor in History of Music. COLLEGE OF MINES AND kNGINEERING

FACULTY GURDON MONTAGUE BUTLER, M. E., TB1I Dean; Professor of Mineralogy. WILLIAM WHEELER HENLEY, A. B., Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing and Mechanic Arts. LESLIE ABRAM WATERBURY, B.S., C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering. CHARLES HORACE CLAPP:Ph. D., Professor of Geology. *FRANK CALEB KELTON, B. S., K Assistant Professor of Civil Engi - neering. DEAN BUTLER CHARLES FRANCIS WILLIS, B. S., Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering; Director Bureau of Mines. ROY STEVENSON KING, M. E., M. S., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. ELMER MOOTS, M. S., C. E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. WILLIAM SEATON HENDRY, Instructor in Mechanic Arts. THOMAS WITT FITZGERALD, B. S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering.

*On leave, 1915 -16. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE

vACULTY *ROI3ERT HUMPHREY FORBES, M.S., Ph. D., Director, Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. GEORGE FOUCHE FREEMAN, B. S., Acting Dean; Professor of Plant Breed- ing; Acting Director and Plant Breed- er, Agricultural Experiment Station. GEORGE EDSON PHILIP SMITH, B. S., C. E. K 4 BK Irrigation Engineer, Agricultural Ex - periment Station. ALBERT EARL VINSON, Ph. D.,14'5, Professor of Agricultural Chemistry; Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Station. AUSTIN WINFIELD MORRILL, Ph. D., Consulting Entomologist, Agricultural ACTING DEAN FREEMAN Experiment Station. STANLEY FLETCHER MORSE, B. A. S., Superintendent, Agricultural Extension Department. RICHARD HERMON WILLIAMS, Ph. D., AZ, A o acta, Professor of Animal Husbandry; Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Station. JOHN FREDERICK NICHOLSON, M. S., Professor of Agronomy; Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Station. ARTHUR LUDWIG ENGER, B. S.,- -TBII Assistant Irrigation Engineer,Agricultural Experiment Station. CLIFFORD NORMAN CATLIN, A. M., Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Assistant Chemist, Agri- cultural Experiment Station. WALTER S. CUNNINGHAM, B. S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry; Assistant Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Experiment Station. STEPHEN BARNWELL JOHNSON, B. S., Assistant Professor of Horticulture; Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Station. GEORGE WALLACE BARNES, B. S., Livestock Specialist, Agricultural Extension Department. HERMAN CLAUDE HEARD, B. S., Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Station. WALTER EDWARD BRYAN, B. S., Assistant Plant Breeder, Agricultural Experiment Station. *On leave, 1915 -16. A FACULTY GROUP AGRICULTURAL BUILDING FROM THE NORTH How We Grow The University of Arizona has been marked from its first organization by a gradual and steady development. This growth has not only been a material one in the formation of a campus with fine buildings and grounds, with the accompanying increase in the faculty and a greater enrollment, but also an advancement in educational standards, and as a result of these the acquisition of that necessary though intangible element, the confidence of the people of the State. From Commencement in 1895 to Commencement in 1916 the distance is long in years; but longer in the advancement made. When in 18 91 the cld Main B uilding was opened first for classes, thirty -one student came to be instructed by eight members of the Faculty.Old Main was the only building to break the sweep of the greasewood- covered desert, for Tucson was but a handful of adobe houses on the Santa Cruz. The life of the whole institution centered in this building.In it were the administration offices, recitation rooms, laboratories of the various departments, the library, the Experiment Station, and the Territorial Museum.The basement was even used as a dormitory for the men students. Most of the students lived in town, however, and came out to the University in an old street car drawn by two mules, a we'1 -known feature of pioneer days. Four years later -the first Commencement -there were the beginnings of our present Campus, for West Cottage and East Cottage -professors' homes and the President's cottage -had been built. Lawns were started in the front of the buildings; but there were no large trees to break the barren sweep of desert that stretched away on all sides.Out of the forty -seven students, three were graduated, receiving diplomas tied not with red and blue, but with sage, green, and silver, the college colors at that time. By 1904 the Campus was the same as today with the exception of the buildings of Science, Agriculture, and Arizona Hall. North Hall was completed in 1897; South Hall in 1901; the Dining Hall, 1902, the dining hall, previous to this being in North Hall; Herring Hall, 1904; the Library, 1904.The Science Building was finished in 1909; Arizona Hall in 1913; while the Agri- cultural Building was completed in 1915. The town of Tucson had grown up to and around the University, so that when the Commencement of 1916 was held many people gathered on the lawn near the vine -covered Old Main Building to watch the impressive procession of black- gowned professors, the Alumni who had returned to their Alma Mater, and this year's graduates march up the tree -lined walks. The Student Body has always been an active force.Even when few in numbers they issued a college paper, the " Sage, Green, and Silver," which snapped with life and interest. As for athletics, in 1902 the first football team was organized which was successful in several games. There were four women's teams of basketball. Tennis was played, the courts being where they now are. UNIVERSITY HALL Assemblies were held at which the students read paperson literary and scien- tific subjects.The first intercollegiate debatewas held in 1906 with the University of Southern California. But while the life on the Campus was very busy, it did not reach beyond, as it does today.It was not intercollegiate asnow. The students today can indeed be proud of this year's debates with the University of SbuthernCali- fornia and with the University of Texas; of the football battles withPomona, Whittier, and the New Mexico Aggies; and the Southwestern TrackMeet; and, what will always remain as a record of student activity, the big "A"on Senti- nel Peak. With this growth and exceeding it hascome that in collegiate standing. Because of the funds which have been available to the Universityas a State institution, the growth of collegiate standing has beenpossible far in excess of what might be expected of an institution ina pioneer region. When this Uni- vet sity was first organized, the instruction was mainly in the field of agriculture. Later, opportunities were offerred for the study of mining. Nowthe work has so broadened that there are the three distinct colleges of Agriculture, Mining, and Liberal Arts.In the beginning years a Preparatory Departmentwas found to be necessary because of the lack of high schools in the Territory.In 1914 this depaftment was abolished, so that today the registrationincludes only college students. The requirements for receivinga degree have been so raised that our graduates are prepared to compete with thoseof the leading institutions of the country.For among our Alumni are those holding such positions as Director of the Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh,professorships in mining schools, responsible commercial positions in mining;and the Liberal Arts College is represented by the two Rhodes Scholars of distinction,Alumni in the American Consular Service, and a number holding instructorships. While material growth, increase in Faculty and students,advanced educa- tional standards, are essential to the development ofa University, there is yet another element -the confidence of the people.Without this the others are impossible.The people of the State, many of them graduates of Eastern colleges, have heretofore felt that their sons and daughters shouldgo back to those colleges.But more and more this idea is vanishing anda feeling of confidence and trust in the worth of this University is constantlygrowing. In the words of President von KleinSmid, " This increasingtrust is one of the most encouraging signs for the University's future growth. " LIBRARY SCIENCE BUILDING SOUTH HALL ARIZONA HALL






ELIZABETH MURPHY, A. M. Tucson, A riz.





EDWARD WF,SI,EY AMES, B. S. North Easton, Mass. Entered, Sept., 1915.

JOE DE AROZENA, B. S. Texas. Mining Engineering Society; House of Representatives, '15.

INEZ MARION BENZIE, A. B. Tucson, Ariz. ClassVice -President,'13;"Life " staff,' 13,' 14 ; "Desert" " staff, '14, '15; Junior Play, '15, PO


WEBSTER LLOYD PICKETT, B. S.in Electrical Engineering. - Tucson, Ariz. Secretary -Treasurer M. E. and E. E. Society, '14; Vice- President, '15; Sec = and Lieutenant, '15; Basketball, '14; House of Representatives, '16; Rev i- sion Committee, '15; Editor -in -Chief " Wildcat," '16.

GRADY GAMMAGE, A. B., Tucson, Ariz. President Debating Society, '15; Sec- ond place Drachman Debate, '14; First place Drachman Debate, '15; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '15, 4)1(

JOSEPH WILSON GETSINGER, B. S., Phoenix, Ariz. Lieutenant, '14; Captain, '15; Secre- tary Rifle Club, '14; Vice - President Y. M. C. A., '14; President, '15; Pres- ident Class of '16, '15; Vice - President S. B. O., '15; Sophomore Honors, '14; Freeman Medal, '14; "Life " staff, '15;` ` Desert staff, '15,

GLADYS VIRGINIA GIBBS, B. S. Tucson, Ariz. Vice - President Wranglers, '14; Vice - President Women's League, '14; Vice - President Debating Society, '14 ; Pres- ident W. C. B. C., '15; House of Rep- resentatives,'14; '15,'16;Secre- tary- treasurer and Executive Council Women's Self- Government Associa tion, '15; President, '16; " Life staff, '15;Junior Play,'15;Collegiate Club Scholarship, '15. SENIORS

HENRY HOWARD GRIMSHAW, B S. in. Agriculture. Phoenix, Ariz. Oregon AgriculturalCollege,'13; Treasurer AgriculturalClub,'14; Junior Play,'15; Lieutenant,'15; Captain, '16,HA


JOHN ALLEN HEDGPETH, B. S. in Agri- culture. Phoenix, Ariz. Football, '13; Vice - President Agricul- tural Club, '15; Lieutenant, '15; Cap- tain, '16; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '15; President, '16.

SARAH CATHERINE HOY, A. B. Bisbee, Ariz Class Vice - President, '15; House of Representatives, '14; " Desert" staff, '15, r(1)- 43K4 SENIORS

BESSIE HUMPHREY, A. B., Hume, Mo., University of Missouri, '13, '14, '15. Entered University of Arizona Feb - ruary, 1916.

JAMES PRESTON JONES, A. B. Phoenix, Ariz. Class Secretary, '13; Secretary Y. M. C. A., '13, '14; President, '15; Free- man Military Medal, '13; C aptain, '14; Winner Powell Sabre, '14; Major, '15; Editor " The 1915 Desert " ; Scho- lastic honors, '15; U. S. C. Law School Debate, '16; ClassPresident,'16. lA - (DM)

ALLAN CHESTER JONES, B. S. in Civil Engineeri ng. Oakland, Cal. Baseball, '13,'14; Secretary C. E. Society, '13, 14; Vice - President, '15; Lieutenant,'15; Junior Play,'15; Captain, '16; ` `A" Club. HA

GRAHAM MARIENIUS KINDSETH, B. S. in Chemistry. Red Lake Falls, Minn. University of Minnesota, '13,'14; University of Florida, '15; Entered University of Arizona, '15; Secretary Chemistry Club, '16. SENIORS

LAWRENCE L. KRIEGBAUM, B. S. in Agriculture. Riverside, Cal. Track,'13,'14,'15; Captain and Manager, '16; Baseball, '13, '14, '15, '16; Secretary- Treasurer Agricultural Club, '14; President, '16; Junior Play, . '15; Treasurer "A" Club, '16; Lieu- tenant, '15; Secretary of Y. M. C. A., '16.

RICHARD G. LINDSLEY, B. S. in Civil Engineering. Tucson, Ariz. Rifle Team, '13, '14, '15, '16; Cap- tain, '15; Major, '16; Custodian Prop- erty, '15; Class Secretary, '15; Free- man Medal, '15; Secretaryy C. E. So- ciety, '15; President, '16; Business Manager " The 1915 Desert " ; Audi- tor S. B. O., '16. K

FRANK J. MCSHERRY, B. S., IIA Kingman, Arizona. Colorado School of Mines, '13; House ofRepresentatives,'15;Business Manager Junior Play, '16; Basket- ball, '15.

BERT MINOR, B. S. in Agriculture. Tempe, Arizona. Lieutenant, '14; Treasurer Agricul- tural Club, '15; President, '16; Junior Play, '15.

.T/ - t r '. . `+'`` y 1 ' ¡ 4 SENIORS

EDWARD BURTON OXLEY, B. S. in Agri- culture. Charleston, W. Va. "Life" staff, '13, '14; President Y. M. C. A., '14; Junior Play, '15.

WILLIAM WATSON PICKRELL, B. S. in Agriculture. Tempe, Arizona. Track, '14; Lieutenant, '14; Secretary Agricultural Club, '14; President, '16; Manager Baseball, '15; Junior Play, '15; Manager Football, '15,llA

ANNA PRIDA PISTOR, A. B. Tucson, Ariz. Woman's Single Tennis Champion, '13, '14, '15, '16; Secretary -Treasurer Women's League, '14; President, '16; " Desert" staff, '15; Junior Play, '15; President Wranglers, '16.

CARI, WILLIAM PISTOR, B. S. in Me- chanical Engineering. Tucson, Ariz. M. E. Society. SENIORS

WILLIAM ASA PORTER, A. B. El Paso, Texas. Emory College, '13, '14. Football, '15; Captain, '16; Basket- ball, '15; Baseball, '15, '16; Tennis, '16; Lieutenant, '15; Captain, '16; Assodate Editor "Wildcat,"'16; Junior Play,'15; House of Repre- sentatives, '16."A" Club;1IA


INEZ CATHERINE ROLPH, A. B. Streator, Ill. Class Vice- President, '13; Secretary S. B. O.,'14; President Women's League, '15; Junior Play, '15 :" Des- ert" staff, '15; Wranglers ; r i

GEORGE W. SCHEERER, B. S. in Agri- culture. Douglas, Ariz. Captain, '14; Major, '15; Brown Ef- ficiency Sabre,'15; Vice- President Agricultural Club, '14; President, '15; House of Representatives, '15; Man- ager Junior Play, '15.IIIA SENIORS

AUGUST L. SCHON, B. S. in Agriculture. Luxembourg. Agricultural Club ;" Der Deutsche Verein."

ALMA PRESTON SESSIONS,B.S.in Electrical Engineering. Thatcher, Ariz. Basketball, '13, '14, '15; Captain, '16; Lieutenant ,'14; Secretary M. E. So- ciety, '15; President, '16; President Education Club, '16; House of Rep- resentatives, '16; Vice -President "A" Club, '15.

TURNER CHURCH SMITH, B. S. in Me- chanical Engineering. Globe, Ariz. Football, '13, '14, 15; Captain, '14; "Desert" staff, '15; President "A" Club, '16; M. E. Society;1,IIA

WILLIAM STEINEGGER, B. S. in Elec- trical Engineering. Phoenix, Ariz. Secretary M. E. Society, '14. SENIORS


INEZ ESTHER THRIFT, A. B. Phoenix, Ariz. Class Vice - President, '13;Junior Play, '15; r - 43K4

JOHN WILLIAM VOLLER, B. S. in Civil Engineering. Franklin, Ohio. Rifle Team, '14; Manager, '15; Lieu- tenant, '15; Junior Play, '15; Class Secretary - Treasurer, '16 ;Business Manager "Wildcat," '15;IB

PAUL, FREDERICK WETENKAMP, B. S. in Mechanical Engineering. Warren, Arizona. Vice - President M. E. Society, '13; President,' 14 ;Football Manager, '13; K1 SENIORS

LOIS GENEVA WHISLER, A. B. Tucson, Ariz. Honor Student; Composer of Prize - Winning Alma Mater Song; Wrang- lers; 1K1

CARL WOOD CLARK, B. S. in Agricul- ture., Phoenix, Ariz. Football, '13-'14; President Agricul- tural Club, '14. ls!

Old college chum, dear college chum, The days may come, the days may go; But still our hearts in memory cling To college days of long ago.

Through youth, through prime, and when the days Of harvest time to us shall come, Through all we'll bear those memories dear Of golden days, old college chum. JUNIOR CLASS OPPICERS ERNEST RENAUD President JOSEPHINE WATERS Vice -President ESTHER WRIGHT Secretary FRANK MCCLURE Treasurer JUNIORS

NYDIA MARIE ACKER. Prescott, Ariz. " 1916 Desert" staff; Education Club; House of Representatives, '15, '16; Wranglers; Junior, Class Play; r "She has two eyes so soft and brown; Beware, she's fooling thee."

DUDLEY SOUTHWORTH BROWN. Tucson, Ariz. Baseball,'14,'15, Captain,'16; Tennis,' 16; Manager elect.;First Lieutenant and Adjutant, '15, Cap- tain, '16; Winner Powell Sabre, '16; Tenney Williams Cup, '16; House of Representatives; "A" Club; K The ragtime soldier man.

RUTH OLIVE BROWN. Tucson, Ariz. Tennis Club ;Education Club "Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine."

JOHN BURNS. Berkeley, Cal. Entered January, 1916. Second Lieutenant, '16; Track, '16; "Measures, not men, have always been my mark." JUNIORS

ALBERT CRAWPORD, JR. Prescott, Ariz. Class President, '14-'15; Football,' 13, '14,'15; House of Representatives, '13-'14,' 15 -' 16 ; Troutman Silver Medal, '14; Gold Medal, '15; Honor Student, '14, '15, '16; Freeman Medal, '16; Vice -President S. B. O., '15, '16; President "A" Club, '16;h "Afflicted with a rush of brains to the head."

FRED WILDON FICKETT, JR. Tucson, Ariz. First Lieutenant, '15, '16; U. S. C. Law School Debate, '16; Editor -elect " Wildcat;" Honor Student, '16. "Responsible for any service that de- mands great integrity."

F. GILMORE FISK. Tempe, Ariz. Entered September,1915; Junior Class Play; "Aggie" Club. "I don't care; I look like a good stu- dent."

WILLIAM GRABS. Tucson, Ariz. Cross - Country Team, '15, '16; Cap- tain, '16; Track, '14, '16; Manager and Captain -elect Track; House of Representatives, '15, '16. "Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice." JUNIORS

BRUCE FRANK HANNAH, (DB Tucson, Ariz. "Cashiers have disappeared; tI ey should be watched."

HANS H. HARDERS. Globe, Ariz. Second Lieutenant, '15-'16; Junior Class Play; "Der Deutsche Verein;" House of Representatives, '15-'16. "A conservative Englishman looks for his liabilities first; what does a Dutch- man do?"

MARIE EVELYN HARVEY. Long Beach, Cal. Entered, September, 1915.Wrang- lers; m "A quiet conscience makes one so serene."

HORACE HUGHITT HMI). Tucson, Ariz. Second Lieutenant, '15-'16; Mining Society.4 B "And oft have I heard defended, `Little said is soonest mended.'" JUNIORS

MARY LEWIS JOIJ Y. Clarksdale, Ariz. Juniors Council Women's Self -Gov- ernment,'15-'16; Secretary "DerDer Deutsche Verein,"'15-'16; Tennis Club; Junior Class Play; Wranglers. "A blithe heart and a blooming visage."

LEONARD KLEIN. Tucson, Ariz. Honor Student, '14, '15, '16; Trout- man Silver Medal, '15; K "The world belongs to the energetic."

CLARE LEASE. Tucson, Ariz. Entered September, 1915. "The noblest mind the best content- ment has."

CHARLES ZANER LUSHER. Carbondale, Pa. Class Treasurer, '13-'14; Brown Med- al for Most Efficient Non- Commis- sioned Officer, '14; Class Vice-Presi- dent, '14-'15; Song Leader, '14-'15; Treasurer "Aggie" Club, '14; Second Lieutenant, '14-'15 ;Captain, '15- ' 16 ; Vice - President Y. M. C. A., '14- '15, '15 --'16; Asilomar, Cal., Confer- ence Delegate, '14; Basketball, '15- '16 ;"Wildcat"Wildcat "staff,'15;Junior Class Play; Editor -in- Chief, "1916 Desert."HA "The sunshine is red when it shines upon his head." JUNIORS

ARCHA ELMORE LOVETT. Tucson, Ariz. Entered September, 1915. UB My only books are women's looks.I certainly do like to study.

BENJAMIN MCCLURE. Russellville, Ark. Entered September, 1914;Winner Drachman Debate, '15; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '15-'16; " Y" Delegate to El Paso, '15; Editor "Wildcat," '15; President -elect Student Body. "He who would make others laugh."

FRANK MCCLURE. Tucson, Ariz. Member House of Representatives, '15-'16; Manager Debating Team, '16 ; First Lieutenant, '15-'16 ; Associ- ate Editor "Wildcat,"'16;Class Treasurer,'15-'16 ;Vice- President- elect Student Body; Mining Society. "The mildest manners with the bravest mind."

ORVILLE S. MCPHERSON. Yuma, Ariz. Football, '13, '14, '15; Brown Medal forBest -drilledCadet,'14;"A" Club; Vice -President "A" Club, '16; Bus. Mgr. "Wildcat," '16; Bus. Mgr. and Asst. Editor " 1916Desert ; " Junior Class Play. lA "Proper authority should be shown for alladvertisementsinsertedwithout ,.: charge." !. , ` i, JUNIORS

JAMES STEPHEN MAPPED. Bisbee, Ariz. Basketball, '14, '15, '16; Manager, '16; Captain -elect; "A" Club ; "There's power in me and will to dom- inate which I must exercise; they hurt me else."

ELBERT CLARK MONRO. Berkeley, Cal. Entered January, 1916; Second Lieu- tenant, '16; Rifle Team, '16; Track, '16. Wise looking, but perfectly harmless.

MABEL STANLEY ODELL. Tucson, Ariz. Wranglers; Associate Editor " Wild- cat," '16; Honor Student, '14, '15; Junior Class Play; "1916 Desert" staff. "Great thoughts, like great deeds, need no trumpet."

CHARLES ULEN PICKRELI , First Lieutenant, '15; Captain, '16; Manager Baseball, '16; Stage Man- ager Junior Class Play. "What shall I do to be forever known ?" JUNIORS

JAMES ERNEST RENAUD. Pearce, Ariz. Football, '14, '15; "A" Club; Secre- tary Mining Society, '14-'15; Class President, '15-'16; Junior Class Play. K "Full well he sang the service divine."

ALBERT CHATPIELD RUBEL. Indianapolis, Ind. Entered September, 1916; Member House ofRepresentatives, '15-'16; Auditor -elect Student Body ; B There's no pleasure like the pain of being loved and loving."

CÉDRIC E. SCHEERER. Tucson, Ariz. President Class '16,'12-'13; Presiden t Mining Society, '15-'16 ; JuniorClass Play; Bus. Mgr. "Life," '14 -'15; K "A lion among ladies is a dangerous thing."

LAURA JOHANNAH SCHEIDEMANN. Tucson, Ariz. " Der Deutsche Verein." "Honor and faith and a sure intent." JUNIORS

TRYGGNE EMIL SCHREINER. Tucson, Ariz. Entered September,1916; " Der Deutsche Verein." "I have to meet my wife."


Tucson, Ariz. . Track, '14; Cross -Country, '15,'16; "A" Club. "Much can be made of a man, if he be caught young."

WILLIAM WALLACE VAUGHN. Bisbee, Ariz. He started out splendidly, but he went under to tighten: a nut.

JOSEPHINE HELENA WATERS, r Douglas, Ariz. Class Vice - President, '15--'16; Secre- tary and Treasurer Women's League, '14-'15; Honor Student, '16; Junior Class Play. "Sweet muse, tell me, What says my love?" JUNIORS

ALBERT WARNER. Tucson, Ariz. Baseball, '14, '15. "Women delight me not."

ESTHER HELENA WRIGHT, P. Phoenix, Ariz. ClassSecretary,'14-'15,' 15 -' 16 ; Education Club ;"Wildcat" staff, '16; Junior Class Play; "19161916 Des- ert" staff. "Thou wert a vision of delight to bless us given."

JOHN MARSHALL. ELSIE HOFMAN NEAI,. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. "Always late, but it's a married "A lady with a thirst for information." man's privilege."

ETHEL NAOMI SPIRES. RALPH Russ. Tucson, Ariz. Harrisburg, Pa. " Fair empress of the poet's soul." There is a lot of deviltry beneath his mild exterior_

DWIGHT L. VON SCHAUSSEN, 0O Greencastle, Ind. "He is good looking and knows it; Knows little else and shows it." CLASS OF 1918 Class of 1918




N. Abell M. Estill E. Lynch M. Sanderson I. Adams J. Gardiner W. McGowen G. Seeley J. Barnard R. Garing M. McRoberts S. Sweet R. Benson H. Griffith R. Meyer O. Swaney R. Brackenbury F. Halliday J. Middleton J. Tong H. Brisley V. Hammels C. Muirhead H. Turvey M. Browne M. Hankins G. Parker C. Vance H. Campbell L. Hansen R. Peabody K. Vinson H. Carpenter W. Hendry C. Pilcher E. Westover E. Chapman C. Howard V. Prouty H. Westover C. Clarkson M. Huddleston R. Reed L. Whitehead L. Clawson R. Jacobus C. Renaud C. Wikoff C. Curry L. Jaycox D. Rogers E. Windsor F. Duffy W. Jenney C. Ruppert J. Woolf G. Eberle L. Kengla E. Russell G. Woods . E. Estill P. Lawrence A. Ryan

Class of 1919




T. Bayze H. Gray A. Maldonado P. Ryan O. Behr F. Gray J. Matthew A. Saelid . Bertlesen W. Hallmark U. Miller N. Scheidemann A. Bettwy D. Haughtelin M. Miller I. Schwalen R. Bird L. Helm J. Moeur M. Shappell S. Brooks J. Herndon C. O'Keefe H. Slonaker K. Brown C. Hershey J. O'Keefe W. Smith A. Burrell C. Hildebrandt L. Parke E. Sneed H. Case G. Hoff T. Penrod R. Tenley L. Casebeer H. Houston W. Phelps G. Twedell P. Clemons A. Houston y. Phillips E. Upshaw K. Comstock L. Hunsaker P. Phillips H. Vaughan M. Dale J. Huss F. Pistor M. Vosskuehler R. Downey J. Jacome C. Porter R. Weber A. Durazo Z. Jay J. Rae F: Wilky R. Eskew T. Kaufman L. Rebeil R. Wilson J. Fields M. Keegan U. Reese D. Wilson P. Gibbs R. King P. Rider C. Wilson N. Gilbert F. Leeson H. Rockfellow A. Zeitlin H. Goldberg G. McGowen F. Ronstadt

Fraternities e





Sorores in Universitate





1919 HENRIETTA ROCKFELLOW ALTHEA GERPHEIDE SAELID WINIFRED OLIV SMITH 1 Gamma Delta Sorority Founded at University of Arizona, 1906


Sorores in Universitate







J. F. Barnard, '18 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Dartmouth College.

R. A. Brackenbury, '18.. . Alpha Tau Omega Universüy of Colorado. J. Burns, '17 Sigma Delta Phi University of California. C. E. Clarkson, '18 Sigma Chi University of Iowa. J. T. Middleton, '18 Phi Delta Theta Franklin College. VAT. A. Porter, '16 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Emory College. D. L. von Schaussen, '17. .. Phi Delta Theta DePauw University.

Publications and Organizationsoe

1916 Desert Staff

Editor -in -Chief C. ZANER LUSHER (1)

Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr. ORVILLE S. MCPHERSON (2)


From the Class of 1918 Assistant Editor Assistant Business Manager JUSTIN BARNARD (8) I. C. E. ADAMS (9)

Univ. of Arizona Library A RÍZON 3-unior 1 Wildcats v., ` FORTY-SEVEN PRESFNTEO STG'DEN O{FO EDEN FS , r t`z D lens 7 to 3 M <. t0 ùìiON STIDENT BODY ( PPOD; 1,r( ` N. `. D JUNE ARE ' °h if tutinta 1 l'tc a kx3i of 11a t, sì tr nt 1"ncticritthv _1uwc TION ADOI[ ia au as,unanSari tucxt l'i-.utcirscst of # n kKtnrin;: txFaa, . mffilfingzi<; 4,114i lit r., 1) }. Itt i}, at'o,+ Secryrat;+° lr a'aaa hl iurnual wat The Arizona Wildcat

Published weekly by the Student Body Organization of the University of Arizona. Entered as second -class matter at the Tucson, Arizona, post office.

Subscription rate $1.00 per year.

Notify or call Business Manager in case paper fails to reach you promptly.

Wildcat Office, Room B, Main Building.Editor, Phone 486; Business Manager, Phone 482.

WEBSTER L. FICKETT, '16, Editor. O. S. MCPHERSON, '17, Business Manager.

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Frank McClure, '17, Academic and Social. Mabel Odell, ' 17, Literary and Exchange. Asa Porter, ' 16, Athletic.

ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGERS: James Tong, '18, Fritz M. Pistor, '19.

REPORTERS: Academic and Social: Literary and Exchange: Athletic: Justin Barnard, '18. Julius Pitrat, '17. C. Z. Lesher, '17. Grace Parker, '18. Max Vosskuehler, '19. F. W. Pickett, Jr., '17. Esther Wright, '17. Joe De Arozena, '16.


"A" Club

OFFIC$RS T. C. SMITH President A. CRAWFORD, JR Vice- President J. V. HAMMELS Secretary L. KRLEGBAUM Treasurer

MEMBERS G. Seeley F. Lewis J. F. McKale H. Turvey H. Schwalen W. Hendry R. Meyer R. Brackenbury A. Ryan E. Lynch J. Maffeo A. Porter D. Brown A. Jones W. Grabe A. Sessions O. McPherson E. Renaud A. Condron C. Beach

Agricultural Club


MEMBERS W. Blackmere R. Knapp L. Whitehead R. Downey N. Gilbert L. Parke R. Brackenbury R. Benson H. Gray W. Pickrell F. Fisk G. Scheerer D. Rogers J. Hedgpeth L. Kriegbaum P. Moore D. Haughtelin C. Clarkson R. Garing A. Burrell H. Brisley V. Hammels D. Ryder C. Pickrell E. Ryder C. Ruppert E. Russell J. Rammage T. Bayze L. Clawson A. Durazo P. Manzo Z. Lesher W. McGowan D. Brown A. Schon

Society of Civil Engineers

OFFICERS RICHARD G. LINDSLEY President. Julius PITRAT Vice- President. FRANCIS DuFFY Secretary. ALLEN C. JONES Treasurer.

MEMBERS A. H. Condron Leonard Klein William Hansen James Tong J. Vol ler' Horace Hield



Der Deutsche Verein



MEMBERS Anna Pistor Donaldson Ryder Lawrence Whitehead Albert Schon Andrew Bettwy Laura Scheidemann Carl Ruppert Hardwich Harders Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society


From the Faculty Rufus Bernhard von KleinSmid, A. M., Sc. D. Andrew Ellicott Douglass, A. B., Sc. D. Robert Humphrey Forbes, M. S., Ph. D. Gurdon Montagu Butler, E. M. George Fouche Freeman, B. S. Frank Nelson Guild, M. S. George Edson Philip Smith, B. S. ; C. E. John James Thornber, B. S., A. M. Charles Alfred Tun Al, B. S., A. M. Lie en Letras William Wheeler Henley, A. B. Albert Earl Vinson, Ph. D. Leslie Abram Waterbury, B. S. ; C. E. Frances Melville Perry, A. M. Ida Christina Reid, Ph. M. Byron Cummings, A. M. Alva Otis Neal, M. S.

From the Graduate Students Howard Wilmot Estill, M. S. Percy Frank Minister, Jr., M. S. Percy Warren Moore, M. S.

From the Class of 1916 Joseph Wilson Getsinger, B. S. Grady Gammage, A. B. Sarah Catherine Hoy, A. B. James Preston Jones, A. B. Inez Esther Thrift, A. B. Lois Whisler, A. B.

Elected but not yet initiated Henricus Johannes Stander, M. S. Mary Rice Brinton, A. B. Carl Wood Clark, B. S. Debating and Oratory At the beginning of the school year the Debating Society began its work in fine spirit. Many new members were enrolled and several debates were held. This society, however, was soon to I ecome inactive.Most of the members joined the class in public speaking and there received the training, under excellent coaches, which took the place of their own efforts in preparing debates for the society.The second semester found practically the whole society merged into the public- speaking class, and there it held debates once a week and recited both original and copied orations. Fourteen students entered the trials for the debating team.These trials were held on two successive nights.The judges, Dr. Cresse and Professors Fegtly and Colvin, picked the winners and their places on the teams. Arizona started out rather strongly for its firstyear of intercollegiate debating.The Law School of the University of Southern California has a great reputation for debating, having met successfully such opponents as Columbia and University of Denver. The Arizona men worked hard because of the knowledge of their opponents' prowess. The result of the debate was very gratifying to Arizona.This victory helped very much toward making intercollegiate debating a firmly established institution in the University. The fame of the Texas team reached us long before the debate. We heard of their success\in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Southern California, yet Arizona entered into the preparation with heart and soul. The experience of the older Texas men gave them an advantage which won the debate for them, but Arizona feels proud that her men put up the hardest fight of any team Texas had met and secured the only vote cast against the visitors on their long trip. Intercollegiate debating took up so much of our time that we had very little left for preparation for the Drachman oratorical contest.This contest was held on May 26 and was exceptionally interesting.This contest closed the oratorical activities for the year. DEBATING SOCIETY OPPICERS JUSTIN F. BARNARD President. FRANK MCCLURE Vice- President. EDWARD OXLEY Secretary. J. P. JONES F. W. FICKETT. JR,

University of Arizona vs.University of Southern California College of Law SUBJECT Resolved:That the increase in the military and naval forces of the United States recommended by the President in his message of December 7, 1915, provides adequately for the military and naval needs of the United States. APPIRMATIVE-UNIVERSITY OP ARIZONA FRED W. iICKF,TT, JR. J. PRESTON JONES NEGATIVE-COI,I,EGE or LAW, U. S. C. MYRON SII,VERSTONE CI,AIRE EBERHARD DECISION OV JUDGES Arizona, 2; College of Law, 1

PLACE Los Angeles, California, March 14, 1916 W. H. WESTOVER J. F. BARNARD

University of Arizona vs. University of Texas.

SUBJECT Resolved: That a material increase in the armament of the United States over that obtaining or provided for on August first, 1915, is justifiable. APPIRMATIVE- UNIVERSITY OI ARIZONA W. H. WESTOVER JUSTIN F. BARNARD NEGATIVE-UNIVERSITY Or TEXAS ORVILLE W. WOOD CHARLES I. FRANCIS DECISION Or THE JUDGES Arizona, 1; Texas, 2

PLACE Tucson, Arizona, May 1, 1916 W. H. WESTOVER J. F. BARNARD

UniversityofArizona vs. UniversityofTexas.

SUBJECT Resolved: That a material increase in the armament of the United States over that obtaining or provided for on August first,1915, is justifiable. APPIRMATIVE- UNIVERSITYOrARIZONA W. H. WESTOVER JUSTIN F. BARNARD NEGATIVE -UNIVERSITYOrTEXAS ORVILLE W. WOOD CHARLES I. FRANCIS DECISION OP THE JUDGES Arizona, 1; Texas, 2

PLACE Tucson, Arizona, May 1, 1916 BtNZI[ RAWFORD CONDRON LINDlL6Y

Student Body Organization

ALBERT H. CONDRON President. ALBERT CRAWFORD, JR Vice -President. INEZ M. BENZIE Secretary. RICHARD G. LINDSLEY Treasurer. The past year has been one full of accomplishment for the Student Body Organization.Early in the year the season ticket made its firstappearance on the campus, and through its nominal price materially Eenefited the finances of athletics and increased the attendance at the variousgames. A primary election system was adopted which put the political situationupon a much more substantial basis. The building of the "A" will always stand out as one of the biggest things the student body has accomplished. A revision of the constitution was made, whereby the executivepower was placed in the Presi- dent of the organization and the legislative power in the House of Representa- tives, cooperative with the University administration.The first meeting of the Southwestern Track and Field Conferencewas held this spring.Arizona was very successful in this and looks forward to a continuation of the meet and a resultant growth of track and field sports. REED PI3TOP ESTILL

The Woman's League

OFFICERS ANNA PISTOR President. MARY ESTILL Vice- President. RUTHREED Secretary- Treasurer. ChairmenofSocial Functions. -Mary Estill, Anna Pistor, Inez Thrift, Inez Rolph, Lois Whisler. This year, as isthe custom, the Woman's League openedits social year with the reception of the new girls and the wives of the new faculty members. The League this year has been more active and perhaps more successful than in any previous year of its organization.The purpose of this society is purely social, and, consistent with this ideal, the girls, after the football rally preceding the Varsity- Whittier game, invited the boys over to the Gym, where they served a most delicious lunch which was followed by an informal dance.During the evening there was a candy sale the proceeds of which were turned over to the big "A" fund. The greatest event of the social life of the Women's League was the leap - year dance on January 29, 1916.The gymnasium had been beautifully decorated with garlands of greenery, holdingupartistic Japanese baskets filled with pink chrysanthemums. The interesting feature of the dance was that the girls made their own dates and after the grand march filled out the programs.It was the source of much merriment to watch the girls trying to find their partners and at the end of the dance to see how grace- fully they conducted their gentlemen to their seats. The dance was declared to have been the most pleasurable one of the year. On that memorable Saturday when the Sentinel A was completed the girls of the Woman's League took out the lunch and served it to the hard- working Varsity men at the foot of Sentinel Hill.Later they all climbed up to the A and watched the completion of the monument dedicated to the Varsity's success. This year University Week brought a very large number of visiting high- school girls.As a courtesy to our visitors the League entertained with a reception in the Woman's League rooms. The Wranglers gave a most unique program in the form of Mrs. Farley's Wax- Works.After the program light refreshments were served and an opportunity was afforded to form new acquaintancesandfriendshipsbetween the University girls and their guests. This year marked the three hundredth anniversary of Shakespe re's death, and incommemoration many cities and most Universities and colleges gave plays and pageants in honor of his memory.The University paid its homage to the greatest of English writers when the Woman's League, under the direction of Miss Chapin, gave "A Midsummer Night's Dream." A more beautiful spectacle can not be imagined.At the very beginning one was carried into the land of fancy and fairies not to return until the audience was bidden " Good Night " by Puck, perched in the branches of a distant tree.The spirit of the whole play was one of artistic simplicity, thus emphasizing the beauty and charm of the poetry and music.An enormous audience witnessed the play, and both the Woman's League and Miss Chapin, whosedominating influence andexcellent coaching made the production possible, may be congratulated for what has been considered the most successful, finished and artisticperformance ever given by the University. The commemoration of Shakespeare's anniversary was a most fitting close of the social year of the Woman's League which has become one of the most active and interesting organizations of the University. GLADYS GIBBS, PRESIDENT

Woman's Self -Government Association OITICERS POR 1915-16 COUNCIL Senior Members GLADYS GIBBS, President. INEZ ROLPH, Vice -President. RUTH REED, Secretary- Treasurer. Junior Members. MAE JOLLY. MARGARET MCROBERTS. ALTHEA SAELID. The Woman's Self- Government Association had its origin in the spring of 1913, when the young women living in the dormitories met and elected three members to form a council. A constitution and by -laws were drawn up and submitted to the faculty for suggestions and were later adopted. The movement toward self -government was the resultof the wider outlook of the University and a desire on the part of the young women to take their place in the affairs of the University and to govern themselves. The next school year the plan was put in operation and has been maintained with great success and enthusiasm since that time.Through this plan each girl can consider herself a factor in working for the advance- ment of the interests of the young women of the University community. We express the deepest gratitude to those young women who have in the past given so generously of their time while serving on the councils of the association and materilalizing this plan which has meant and will mean so much to the women students of the University. , 1 ,a0 , 11,4 4 11$ '16 v i+ 4 I t e..;jSI I * - _ ""- :7 4*(40 0, , THE BATTALION -"7"- * ,* 4 Military Staff

Professor of Military Science and Tactics, Colonel George LeRoy Brown, U.S.A. Instructor of Rifle Practice Cadet Major Richard Lindsley. Instructor of Rifle Practice Cadet Captain Allan Jones. Instructor in Hospital Corps Cadet Captain John Hedgpeth. Assistant Instructor in Rifle Practice Cadet Lieutenant John Burns. DEPARTMENT OP TACTICS Commandant of Cadets Captain M. G. Browne, N. G. A. Assistant to the Commandant.... Cadet Lieut. Col. Prank Culin. Battalion Adjutant Cadet Second Lieut. Francis Duffy. Color Sergeants W. LeB. Jenny, W. D. Hendry. COMPANY A Cadet Captain, Henry H. Grimshaw. Cadet First Lieutenant Henry H. Mayhew. Cadet Second Lieutenant Hans H. Harders. Cadet First Sergeant J. Vinton Hammels. Cadet Sergeants, J. Frank McSherry. Wm. H. Westover. Cadet Corporals, I. C. E. Adams. Raymond Jacobus. Harry Westover.

COMPANY B Cadet Captain Charles U. Pickrell. Cadet First Lieutenant Frank G. McClure. Cadet Second Lieutenant John Gardner. Cadet First Sergeant Harold D. Carpenter. Cadet Sergeants, A. Bettwy. H. E. Turvey. Cadet Corporals, Fred A. Ronstadt. L. W. Jaycox. LeRoy Hanson.

COMPANY C Cadet Captain C. Zaner Lesher. Cadet First Lieutenant Asa Porter. Cadet Second Lieutenant Albert Monro. Cadet First Sergeant E. E. Russel. Cadet Sergeants, Robt. S. Garing. Ed. H.Estill. Cadet Corporals, Gilmore Fiske. M. Barth. Thomas S. Bayze THE OFFICERS CURRY BROWNE GARING WOOLF LINDSLEY MONRO TEAM RIFLE

Clemens. DeR. Phi?ip Swaney. H. Oscar Hayes. Vintin J. Corporals. Cadet Barnard. Justin Porter. ter Cá Woolfe. Jesse Sergeants, Cadet Eberle. George Sergeant First Cadet Renaud. L. Chas. Lieutenant Second Cadet Jr. Fickett, W. F. Lieutenant First Cadet Brown. Dudley Captain Cadet

COMPANY COLOR D, COMPANY The University Invisible

Many a thing of large import is unseen by the surfacegazer.To those who in a University see only the present, theysee but part. As real, as vital, is that numerous folk who have come before, and thoughnow scattered, do still exist, the University Invisible -the Alumni. What the roots are to a strong tree are they to their Alma Mater, giving vital force to the upbuilding of a larger and fairer structure. "As the present is but the past entered through another gate," theyare the formers of Today, the makers of Tradition.Afar they are seen to move in Fancy's golden haze, from which vision grows elusive " Spirit." They are the pathfinders. They have gone on; but have left behind trails to guide those who come after. Greetings of the Alumni Association to the University It is a pleasant duty to express the loyal regard of the Alumni of the Uni- versity of Arizona to the President, Regents, and Faculty and to the far -seeing and devoted men to whom we owe all that the University has given tous. In view of the fact that we this year celebrate the Twenty -fifth Anniversary of the opening to students of the University, it seems fitting perhaps to givea brief account of the formation of the Alumni Association and itspurpose. In June of 1895 the first diplomas were awarded, just three in number. There was no graduating class the following June owing toan increase in requirements for graduation; but the next year found three graduates ready and anxious to receive their degreesFeeling a desire to keep in touch with and to be of service to our Alma Mater, as well as to keep in touch withone another, the members of the classes of 1895 and 1897 held a meeting theeven- ing of June 2, 1o97, for the purpose of organizing an Alumni Association. We had our constitution and by -laws all drawn up, so that after adopting these, we straightway elected officers and were launched a full- fledged Alumni Asso- ciation at our first meeting -its, object, to quote the constitution ,being: " To promote the interests of the University, to secure unityamong the gradu- ates, and to.foster an attachment to our Alma Mater." Let us always be ready to help each other.Let us keep in touch with our University; and if there be criticisms at any time, let us investigate before we accept them or deny them. We will find that the problems are many and the difficulties are being met as fast as it is in the power of the President, Regents, and Faculty to meet them.It is for us to help with loyal sympathy and support. Then, there is the other side, that this Twenty -fifth Annivarsary brings forcefully to mind; what the University has done for the Alumni -in broadening our lives, in giving a stimulus to make a record such that our Alma Mater shall not be ashamed of us, whether it is made in the home, in society, in scholarship, in literature, or in science, let it be all for our Alma Mater. CLARA FISH ROBERTS, President of the Alumni Assicoation, University of Arizona. To THE 1916 DESERT: It indeed gives me pleasure to answer therequest for a letter giving the attitude and feeling of the Southern Californiacolleges toward Arizona; and this opens the way for me to express mypleasure at the way the " old Uni- versity" has progressed this year.I am expressing the sentiments of every alumnus, I know, when I say that this advancespeaks well for Arizona and augurs well for its future. Every great development must have a start and anincentive to grow and enlarge.I am a strong believer in true schoolloyalty, and I am sure that I can safely say that a large shareof the success of any University orcollege is due to the school spirit exhibited.I have watched with a great dealof interest the work of the University this yearEvery activity seems alive and to breathe the true "Arizona spirit" asconstituted by the everybody-pull- together, never - say -die attitude. In my work I have occasion to visit thecolleges and schools in Southern California, and this enables me to observe theattitude of these different schools toward Arizona.I am proud to say that there has been aghange from the old idea of a small " cow-college" to aState University which means respect and equality.In visiting Pomona, I found that they are ourbest friend and manifest a most friendly feelingtoward Arizona.Even defeats on the football field have notshaken this feeling and they eagerlyawait an opportunity to again meet Arizona in athletics. Other southern California colleges realizethat Arizona must be rekconed with when they imagine that they areathletically supreme.The fact that the Southern California Athletic Conference,consisting of Pomona, Occi- dental, Whittier, and Redlands, extended toArizona the inviation to join the conference speaks for itself, namely the fact thatArizona is equal to, or better in athletics.I sincerely trust that Arizona will acceptthe invitation and join the conference. The most eventful occasion and cause forrejoicing was the winning of Arizona's debating team against U. S. C. Law Schoolteam, one of the strongest and best teams in California.A long string of victories withprominent institutions of this country n ade it seem only properthat the Law School should have the Wildcat pelt to hang onits walls of knowledge.Arizona's team couldn't see it that way and wonthe debate.This served to convince the Southern California colleges that theathletic victories were not accidental and that Arizona has become a school thatis in the running in every activity. In closing let me congratulate the presentStudent Body for the progress made this year. The letter "A"recently completed is a monumentthat will stand forever as a reminder that youserved your college well. The"Arizona Spirit" has asserted itself in many waysand I am proud to acknowledge my allegiance to it and the school it represents. Very sincerely yours, WALTER M. BREWER, '15, Los Angeles, Cal.


CAPTAIN "BASER" PORTER THE 1915 VARSITY The Season While from the standpoint of the critic the football season of 1915 may not have been as successful as the season of 1914, when the Varsity had an undisputed claim to the championship of the Southwest and California, every Arizona student is convinced in his own mind that the team which represented Arizona this year was the greatest " little team " that has ever represented Arizona in any form of athletics. Arizona does not claim any right to such honors as were won in 1914, but in defeat she has shown that she knows how to lose; and whena team can show that virtue, there is something more than football instilled in their make -up- something more worthy of commendation than the mere fame of being a winning team. Arizona has had a hard schedule this past season.She has played teams not only well versed in football but having a great advantage in weight and experience.In fact, there was not a game this year with a college team in which Arizona was not heavily handicapped by lack of weight.Regardless, there was not one game in which her opponents showed more real knowledge of the game and a love of fight for victory. Arizona has been the invader this past season. Our team has traveled hundreds of miles that the right kind of competition might be secured. Long trips of this kind can not but take strength when it is most needed, that strength which._ is necessary to the indomitable Arizona Spirit in the final effort that a victory may be gained.While it is true that the big Thanks- giving game was played on our own field, it is only just to say that we were playing a team which knew football thoroughly and had a great advantage in weight and experience.That game will and should go down in history, and Whittier well earned her victory. The season was opened with the very brightest of prospects.The per- centage of the old men who returned was large, and it seemed that the new men included a number of promising candidates.With McKale at the helm, reinforced by preparation during the summer, there was no doubt in the minds of the students and the backers of the team that the instruction of the men would be well taken care of. However, it was only a matter of a few days before some of the men were on the sick and injured list. Men who had the previous year been the mainstays of the team were unable to come out because of heavy scholastic work, and the new men proved unusually light, with very little line material, which was needed most of all.All this, coupled with the necessity of hurried preparations for the first game, only a month away, hindered the preliminary work of the new men. The lack of time had further complicated conditions by forcing a postponenemt of the Freshman- Sophomore game until the last of the season, and the value of a number of the new men was not discovered until late in the season. HALLMARK RENAUD A. P3RTER TURVEY McGOWAN

W. HALLMARK. End.While out of the game until Thanksgiving, Hall- mark has demonstrated what a man can do by staying on the job.He is a great defensive as well as a good offensive man, and next year will no doubt find him with a regular berth. He showed a good knowledge of the game and with the additional experience gained from next year ought to be one of the best.

E. J. RENAUD.Half." Rube " showed a great improvement in his work this year.His previous experience stood him in good stead and it could well be said that he was a valuable man to any team.Never flashy, he has always been dependable, and his ability to play any position made him all the more valuable.

ASA PORTER.Left half ; captain.Captain Porter led the Wildcats in a manner that showed his great loyalty for Arizona and the team. Asa wasthe unanimous choice for captain of the " All Southwestern." He not only played a game that did him credit but he kept thatspirit of fight in the men who worked with him.Our only regret -he graduates this year.

HARRY TuRVEY.Left tackle.Turvey was a bulwark on defense and a good man at opening up the opponent's line.His position at tackle was a new one to him, but he handled it very nicely andhis excellent work gained for him a place on the "All Southwestern" this year.

WILLIAM MCGOWAN.Right guard.Bill was a first -year man, but he 'showed up well through the season. He proved himself to be a reliable man at all times and a punter of ability.Bill should show real class with one more year of seasoning. MCPHERSON C. PORTER McKALE LYNCH BRACKEN B U RY

ORvn LE McPHERSÓN. Full back. Mac was greatly handicapped by an injury early in the season but returned in time to be of great help to the team.His real ability is greater than was demonstrated in his work this year and we are looking for him to return to his old -time form next year and again be one of the greatest backs in the Southwest.

CARTER PORTER.Guard. Carter was one of the very few Freshmen who had the honor of making his letter.While light for a line man, he showed that he was able to hold his own against the best of them. With more experi- ence he should make Arizona one of the best.

COACH McKAJIE.Take a man with natural ability as an athlete; a pleas- ing personality; a born leader; a big thinker, and a small talker, and you have Coach McKale.He came to Arizona because the students wanted and - needed him. He has truly put Arizona on theathletic map and is worthy of all the praise he has received. He has made his men fighters for glory and they have won in a clean and manly way.If there is one man who is uni- versally admired, respected, and appreciated by the students, faculty, and friends of Arizona, it is " Mac."

EMZY LYNCH.Center.Emzy was the same consistent passer and de -' fensive man that he was last year.He has the distinction of never having made a bad pass in a game.Big and capable, a little more experience should make him the best in the Southwest.

RICHARD BRACKENBURY. Right half."Brack" proved to be a ;very dependable man and played consistent ball all year. He played at Colorado last year and had good knowledge of the game from the first.He will make Arizona an excellent man next year with added experience and confidence. HUSS CARPENTER PICKRELL SEELEY LUIS

JOE Huss.Full back.In the absence of McPherson, Huss filled this position with credit.Lack of experience kept Joe from being a sensation, but his work was of the steady type. Big and fast, he ought to make Arizona a great back -field man if he returns next season.

HAROLD CARPENTER.Guard." Carp " had his first experience in college class this year and was the most dependable guard we had." Carp " had no equal when it came to plugging up that line.Light but fast, he will make a valuable man next year.

W. W. PICKRELL,Manager."Pick" proved a man of ability in hand- ling the managerial reins. He made the season a financial success, a big feat in southwestern football.

GEORGE SEELEY.Left end.Seeley played his first year as a regular on the Varsity and was always there fighting. Fast, a deadly tackler, a sure receiver of forward passes, a good interference man, and a fighter, he has made Arizona a steady and competent man in every department.

F. A. Luis.Right half.Luis, while not playing the great game he played last year, was a great help to the team. He could always be depended on to pull the unexpected, and his ability to diagnose the opponent's play was almost uncanny.His long service to the team made him a man of exceptional experi- ence and his natural ability was not of the common sort. CRAWFORD HAMMELS HENDrtY SMITH MEYER

A. CRAWFORD.. Quarter. "Bumps" was hindered all season by sickness. He showed real Arizona Spirit by playing oftentimes when he should not have been on the field, as far as the doctors were concerned. "Bumps "is an old - timer and has always shown excellent ability.He has been the best we had at running back punts, and his work at this was at times sensational

J. VINTON HAMMELS.Right End."Brutus " has been a mulch improved man this year and has been dependable at all times.Hammels is the most consistent receiver of the forward pass that Arizona has ever boasted of.His weight stood him in good stead and made it possible for consistent gains around his end. Was coach's choice of All- Southwestern.

WILLIAM HENDRY. Right tackle. Captain elect.Bill was the star of the Whittier game.It is safe to say that as a defense man he has no equal in the Southwest. He is a student of the game and a natural player and always to be depended upon in an emergency. Great things are expect ed of you next year, Bill.

TURNER SMITH.Tackle.Turner, last year's captain, has been a help to the boys by his consistent work in every department of the game.While not a brilliant player, Turner could always be depended on to do his part ,and a thorough knowledge of the game, gained through threee years on the Var- sity, made him a man of worth. This is Turner's last year and we lose a good man who has shown that his best is for Arizona.

RICHARD MEYER.Quarter.Dicky was the same old peppery player as last year when he won the distinction of being the best in the Southwest. Dick was one of the hardest tacklers on the Varsity and made a defensive full back. He is a Sophomore and will be able to give us his services for at least two years longer. SCENES FROM THE WHITTIER GAME The Games

THE POMONA GAME In one of the fastest and hardest fought games on the Coast that year Arizona defeated the Sage -Hens by the very small score of 7 -3. It was a game of the new school.Old -time football was forgotten and the aerial game played after the first ten minutes of play.Neither side seemed to be able to overcome the line of the other, and the end runs of both teams were failures; in fact, for a time it seemed that the end must be a scoreless tie.It was in the second quarter when, with the ball on the 35 -yard line, and Pomona unable to gain, that Dahlen, the giant tackle for Pomona, dropped back and sent a well executed place kick squarely between the bars for the first score of the game.For a moment Arizona seemed stunned. She had been playing a wonderful defensive game, and the knowledge that Pomona had a man who could placekick from almost any part of the field caused no amount of worry. It is without a doubt that this score won the game ¿or Arizona. As one of the Coast scribes said of the game from then on, "Arizona seemed to get over their tired look and the change of climate seemed no longer to worry them and they became a new team." Arizona no longer tried the tiresome game of line plunging and end runs which up to this time, had only gained a few yards.They began a series of brilliant forward passes, with Porter on the projecting end and Seeley and Hammels on the receiving end.These plays seemed to take Pomona by surprise and they seemed unable to stop them.In fact, Arizona went from one end of the field to the other on a series of these plays.It was then that Seeley received a pass of 35 yards, and, by a brilliant open field run, managed to take the ball over for the first and only touchdown of the game.Porter kicked goal. From then on the game was one of chance, Arizona playing a tight defensive game and Pomona taking every kind of risk in their attempt to get a score. Forward passes were of no avail, as the Arizona backs proved to be on the job at all times and broke up many brilliant attempts when success seemed almost imminent.It was a hard game for Pomona to lose, and Arizona could not but feel that she had with her on that day just a little of the good luck which failed all the remainder of the season. It was too close a game to say which team had the best organization.It was a thriller, and the Wildcats brought home a well- earned victory. THE AGGIn GAMn The outcome of the Aggie game is still bitter medicine and cannot be accepted as cheerfully as the later game with Whittier.Somehow it seemed that the "jinx" wished himself on the team, and from this time on there was nothing but the very worst of luck.The score of 3 -0 with New Mexico on the heavy end was one of the hardest games to lose that the Var- sity has e_ ver played.There is no doubt in the minds of every man who played or saw that game but that Arizona outplayed their opponents from start to finish, and fumbles at costly moments robbed us of scores andgave the Aggiés their chance to win.It is true that the men did not play the game which was characteristic at Pomona, but for the most partit was good football.The only score of the game was made under almost impossible circumstances when Ladd of the Aggies kicked an almost impossible goal from the 40 -yard line in the face of a heavy wind.Arizona made most of her gains on forward passes and in the fourth quarter carried the ball to the 10 -yard line on a series which the Aggies seemed unable to fathom. With only ten yards to go for a touchdown, the whistle blew and sounded our defeat after the hardest fought battle ever staged in New Mexico and seldom equaled on any gridiron. The dope shows Arizona making twice as many yards as the New Mexico team, not only on forward passes but also on end runs and line plunging.Just that one kick after Arizona had fumbled on the first down gave them the chance and they took advantageof it. In the fourth quarter, just before the whistle blew,Arizona had a chance for a place kick to tie the score, but preferred to take their chance to win with a touchdown, which seemed imminent.Porter was given the ball, and although he made ten yards on the play, was not able to take it over, and before another could be tried the whistle had been blown and the game was over. THE WHITTIER GAMU

The game with Whittier Thanksgiving Day was the greatest game since the game the year before with Pomona here at the same time.Arizona lost another game, but she lost it to men who well deserved to win, and forthis game Arizona offers no excuses.We were playing against the greatest machine in California, and it was soon seen after the game began that the best that Arizona could hope for was to score.The final score of 23 -0, with whittler on the long end, marks the relative strength of the two teams.It was a case of a good big team playing agood little team, and in that case the big team always wins.However, the game was full of thrills from start to finish, and there lias certainly never been a game played here that was so full of interest to the spectators.They saw the most powerful football machine in California under the leadership of one of the best field generals in the country, hurl itself down the field for three touchdowns, andthey saw this same man who led this team, calmly place theball between the bars from the 45 -yard line with apparent ease.Capt. Bogue with his team of wonders were too much; but Arizona couldplay as she had never done before, and desperately fought every inch of the way, at times pulling playsthat were spectacular and playing a defensive game time after time whentheir goal was in danger that was wonderful to see.The great weight and the uncanny plays of the visitors at last tore down the stubbornresistance of Arizona and Whittier crossed the line three times before theend of the game. We can not help but admire the spirit of these men invictory, but we can all the more admire the spirit of. the menwho had lost; who had fought until they dropped from sheer exhaustion but who still had themanly and sportsman- like qualities of the acceptance of defeat in a manner which wehope will always characterize 'those who represent Arizona in her relationswith other schools of the Southwest or wherever they may be. o Basketball


Brackenbury, G.Phelps, F.McKale ( Coach)Lesher, F. McSherry, F.Sessions ( Capt.)Maffeu, G. The Season

The basketball season opened with three of the Varsity Five of the previous year out for their old places and an abundance of new men who showed unusual class, predicting that the Varsity of 1915 -16 was to be a strong,fast aggregation. The interclass games, which formally opened the season, brought out the keenest kind of competition, with the Juniors and Seniors fighting it out for the championship.In the final game with the Sophomores the Seniors were victorious, while the Juniors, losing to the Freshmen, lost all chance and dropped back into second place with two games lost.This was the fourth successive year that the Senior team had succeeded in winning the Savage & Duncan banquet given each year to the winning class team, and the brand of basketball played by them was of real Varsity caliber. The first game of the season was played with the strong Native Son team, of San Francisco, who, while making a trip to the East, had ,contracted for a game here. The Varsity, although organized only a few days before the game, showed wonderful early season form and had little trouble in defeating them in a rough game by a score of 25 -17. The first practice game with the Tucson High School was played shortly before the men left for the holidays and proved a hummer, as the High School had developed a fast aggregation and showed wonderful form for so early in the season. The final score of 44 -16 marks a hard -fought game where experi- ence and team play won over inexperience and determination. It was a disappointment to the fans that a game with the Bisbee Y. M. C. A. could not be played on the Varsity Floor. A game had been scheduled, but at the last moment conditions made it impossible for them to come, and a substitution of the Phoenix Y. M. C. A. was secured.The heavy floods in the valley, however, had cut off all communication with Phoenix and this team also was unable to come.Rather than disappoint the fans who had been looking forward to these games, the Tucson V. M. C. A. offered a game, which proved a worthy substitute, the Varsity winning after one of the roughest and hardest fought games ever played on this floor by a score of 25 -12.This was a great contrast with the game played some weeks previous on the floor of the Y. M. C. A., where the Varsity in a very one -sided game had defeated the Y by a score of 51 -12.In this last game the Y men played a defensive game which was impossible to overcome, and time after time the plays of the Var- sity were broken up by the continual nagging of the Y men, who, not trying to score themselves, were trying to keep the score as low as possible.In the second half the training of the Varsity enabled them to play the Y off their feet by brilliant pass work, and in this half most of the scores were made. A game was secured with the Douglas Y. M. C. A. team as an end to the season, and this game was really the best exhibition that was played on the home floor this year.Douglas brought up a team well trained and with the determination to win.For the first half the score was about even and in the first part of the second half neither team seemed able to score, but when the time was almost up the Varsity opened up and by brilliant team work suc- ceeded in running up quite a score. The final score was 32 -40 and marked the best game played here this season. Baseball


The Season

Everyone was gratified at the opening of the season to see practically all the old men out and an abundance of new material that was most promising. With Porter and McGowan to take care of the twirling, ably backed up by Meyer as catcher, in addition to five of last year A men, the prospects were unusual for a most successful season. The wonderful climate of Tucson and the early summer enabled Arizonans to get an early start, and in February the men were out each afternoon getting in form for the early season games that had been scheduled with the Valley teams.This early season training stood us in good stead against the teams of first -class caliber and no doubt had much to do with our later victory over the strong Chinese University Team of Hawaii for the first time since these teams have been stopping here for a game on their way east. The Varsity was lucky in having the City team to play each Saturday afternoon, and this team, supplemented by the High School and All Star teams, composed of both, gave us real competition.The first game of the season with the City team was the only game Arizona lost, when her men, unaccustomed to the places they were playing, were unable to overcome the lead gained by the leaguers in the early part of the game. McKale was using all his men, and the score book shows several men playing in each position. The annual trip to the Salt River Valley proved a very successful one, although it was disappointing to the fans that a game with the Indian School was impossible, their dates having already been arranged.Games, however, were arranged with Tempe Normal, which held the championship of the valley, and with the Tempe High School, which had won the interscholastic cham- pionship the previous year and was reported to have a better team than ever. The first game with the High School proved fast and interesting and ended with Arizona having a 3 -0 advantage.It was in this game that Porter estab- lished a new State record for strikeouts, with 22 to his credit.All the men showed up well except in their hitting, which was hardly up to form. The Normal game proved a closer one than the High School game and was featured by heavy hitting and brilliant fielding on the part of both teams. McGowan pitched a very creditable game and the final victory of 3 -1 was deserved. The entertainment at the Normal was of the best. A dance was given the boys and attended by the best of the fair sex of the institution.With three hundred girls to pick from there is hardly a doubt but the boys had the time of their lives. For the past three years the University of Hawaii teams have stopped in Tucson for two games each year and had succeeded up to this year in defeating the Varsity in every game. The Varsity was traveling at top speed after its valley trip and games with other local clubs and was playing real baseball when these games were played.In the first game, with McGowan pitching, the Varsity annexed a clean -cut victory by heavy hitting and brilliant fielding, by a score of 5 -4. The fielding of Porter, playing second, who accepted six difficult chances without a bobble, and the hitting of Kriegbaum, whoannexed a home run, a triple, and a single, were features of the game. In the second game the Varsity did not show such formas on the previous day.Ragged fielding and inability to hit when hits meantruns gave the Chinese the game by a score of 6 -0. The University felt, however, almost satisfied with the one victory, as it told of the strength of the teamas compared with the other larger colleges in the East and on the Coast. Tempe Normal in their return game on April 1 started things by gettinga safe lead for the time being, when an error coupled with two hitssent in two runs.The Varsity came back strong, however, andovercame the lead and knocked the Tempe pitcher off the rubber, Chase going in to take his place. This change failed to remedy matters and the Varsity continued to hit when hits counted and ran up a score of 6 -3. McGowan pitchedan excellent game and Porter, who had taken Hallmark's place behind the bat, caught his first game of the season in excellent manner. This closed the season, which marked one of the most successful seasons for years and showed that Arizona had a réal team, one which could compete withany and make an excellent showing. SCORES City League 5 Arizona 1 City League 4 Arizona 7 City League 3 Arizona 8 Tempe High 0 Arizona 3 Tempe Normal 1 Arizona 5 University of Hawaii 4 Arizona 5 University of Hawaii 6 Arizona 0 Tempe Normal 3 Arizona 6

(I) Track

CAPTAIN KRIEGBAUM MON R OGRAB! HAUGHTELIN C. PORTER KRIEGBAUM, MCKALE,CAPT. COACH COMSTOCK ADAMS OKEEFEBURNS The Season Track this year has taken on a new aspect and become a recognized activity at Arizona. For years it has been the dream of the track enthusiasts to see Arizona in competition with other Southwestern or California colleges in this activity.This is, however, the first year that she has had the chance to take the iniative and set a mark for future years. The completion of the new Athletic Field has given Arizona the best track in the Southwest and made it possible to afford adequate accommodations to visiting teams. The introduction of the season ticket and general condition of the athletic fund, which was unusually good this year, made possible a great Southwestern track and field meet, held here on May 6, and bringing together the University of New Mexico, New Mexico Aggies, Texas School of Mines, and Arizona.It was in this meet that Arizona showed her superiority to all corners in this activity, making more points than the other three teams com- bined and breaking several State and University records. When the invitations were issued for this meet they included all the acknowledged institutions in the Southwest of higher standing than high schools.This brought in the normal schools of the three States.Objections were raised, however, and in the end all institutions not having recognized college standing were not admitted. The Student Body of the University took this meet more seriously than any athletic event in some time. The men were out months ahead of time training, and this showed to great advantage when the final test came. The records for the State which were broken in this meet were, high jump, by White, U. N. M., 5 feet 63% inches; hundred -yard dash by Porter of Arizona in 10 flat; two mile by Claybourne of U. N. M., 10 minutes 28 seconds; relay by the University of Arizona team in 3.36 2 -5; the State record was tied in the pole vault by Comstock of Arizona and White of U. N. M. at 10 feet 6 inches; the University records in the 440 -yard dash, 220 -yard dash, mile run, and hammer throw were also broken. Arizona in this meet took all three of the cups offered; the large silver cup, offered to the team making the highest number of points; the copper cup, made of Arizona copper, won by the relay team, composed of Comstock, O'Keefe, Kreigbaum, and Haughtelin; and the cup for the individual making the highest number of points, won by Porter. The success of this team com- posing the Varsity speaks well for future track athletics at Arizona and it is hoped that next year this meet will be repeated. The cross -country meet held at Tucson on February 22 found the Uni- versity again winning all prizes and a beautiful loving cup offered by Mr. Brannen each year.While cross -country is considered a minor sport and not classed with track, the men were awarded winged A's, which, though not a track letter, gives them recognition for their services. SCENES FROM THE SOUTHWESTERN INTER- COLLEGIATE TRACK AND FIELD MEET CROSS -COUNTRY TEAM


The men who made their letters in the track meet on May 6 in competition against New Mexico University, New Mexico Aggies, and Texas School of Mines, and the number of points made by each man are as follows: Name Points Porter, A 15 Comstock 14 Kriegbaum, Capt 6 B urns 7 Haughtelin 6 O'Keefe 5 Adams 4 Grabe 4 C. Porter 1 Monro 1

Total 64 Tennis


The Season There is no sport on the campus which attracts so much interest for the Student Body as tennis.The warm climate the year round and the many sunshiny days attract all those who are unable to put in their time on other sports but prefer to spend their spare moments in this activity.To supple- ment the natural interest aroused, the University has four excellent courts, which are kept in the best of condition all the year round and can be compared with any courts in this section. It is not difficult to get first -class competition in this sport, as the Tucson Tennis Club, the Inter -State Annual Meet, the Border States Meet, and teams COLE HAMMELS W ESTO VER PORTER WHITESIDE. MGR. BROWN

representing the Evans School at Mesa, Phoenix High, Tempe Normal, and Tucson High are all representatives of the best of tennis. Each year the teams representing the University enters these various com- petitive meets and play the schools named a series, this taking up practically

the whole year. . The valley trip, which brought us into competition with Evans, Tempe Normal, and Phoenix High, was a most successful one.The Evans School managed to win their match, but the other two matches were easily won by the Varsity, composed of Hammels, Cole, Westover, and Porter. It was on this trip that the Varsity annexed one more cup for a period of one year when they again won the Taylor cup offered in 1910 for the purpose of stimulating interest in this State for tennis, especially among the Uni- versity and high schools. At that time the University was a small institution and, competition being scarce, competed with Phoenix High in a number of sports.Mr. Taylor stipulated that this cup must be won three successive times to become the permanent property of the institution holding it.The first match in 1910 proved to be the last until this year, when relations were resumed, and for the secondtime the cup has come home, and by this time next year should be the permanent property of the University. Mr. Tenney Williams has this year offered a beautiful loving cup to that man who wins the majority of the four elimination tournaments arranged for HANKINS MURPHEY ROCKFELLOW PISTOR

this purpose during the year. Up to this time Dudley Brown and Dave Cole each have a tournament to their credit and the third lies between Hammels and Brown, the match to be played off soon. The final match for this cup will be played beginning the second week in May. The ladies of the University have formed a tennis club and have had several matches with visiting teams and with local organizations, always giving a good account of themselves.This year Miss Murphey and Miss Pistor are entered in the Border States Meet in the singles and Miss Murphey and Miss Hankins as a double team. These teams should give a good account of them- selves, as they are capable of the best. The return games with Evans and Tempe Normal the first week in March and the last week in April, respectively, resulted in victories for the Varsity. These games closed the competition with outside schools and preparations were then made for the Borders States Meet the first week in May. 1916 TROPHIES


Letter Menfor1915-1916 Name Sport Name Sport Adams Track. Meyer Football and Baseball. BrackenburyFootball and Baseball. Monro Track. Brooks Baseball. Manzo Baseball. Brown Baseball. Moeur Baseball. Crawford...Football. Maffeo Basketball. Carpenter...Football. McSherry Basketball. Grabe Track. O'Keefe Baseball and Track.

Haughtelin. Track. Porter, A . .Football, Baseball, and Huss Football. Track. Hammels....Football and Baseball. Porter, C . ..Football and Track. Hallmark....Football and Baseball. Phelps Basketball. Hendry Football. Renaud, E E. Football. Kriegbaum.Baseball and Track. Ryan Baseball. Lynch Football. Smith Football. Lesher Basketball. Seeley Football. Luis, F .Football. Sessions Basketball. McGowan .Football and Baseball. Turvey....,Football. McPherson .Football.

Burying the Hatchet After a year of strenuous warfare the classes of 1917 and 1918 met in the Woman's Leauge Morgue on June 1, 1915, to say the last rites over the " War Hatchet."Reverend Benjamin McClure officiated with the prayer book while Undertaker F. R. Duffy wielded the hammer and closed the casket forever.Interment was held in the Nevergreen Cemetery of the campus and amid the strains of " Here Comes the Bride" the funeral procession wended its way to the final resting place of our beloved hatchet.Rev. McClure read the following from the Book of Sophomore as the remains were interred forever in cement: And now it came to pass during the reign of Rufus, Prince of the Nations, the first year of his reign, the first month of the year, and the twenty- second day of the month -Ida being at this time the Queen of the Amazons -that the Sons of the Freshmen gathered themselves together to seek new homes. From every hill and countryside of Arizona they came under their great King, even King Skinny. And lo! this gathering of the Sonsof the Freshmen was past numbering for multitude, as the stars of the firmament fornumber, and moreover their ranks were wondrous motley.All sorts of men belonged to the Sons of the Freshmen. There was with them that sky-piercing bean- pole Jenny, and Woo, small as the burro (and his voiçe also likethe burro for its great music.); and Brute, and Rogers and Russel, mighty men of war, like to the mighty Sahuara for strength.There were also with the Sons of the Freshmen some Negros and Chinese, and a great multitude of Germans and Irish, and White people. And lo! all these Sons of the Freshmen took up their tents, and together with their cattle and their wives and little ones, and came to the land of Campus. And now the Lañd of Campus was already peopled with a race of men- - the Sophomores.Few in number was the race, but lo! they were as a race of for strength. And the Sophomores had a mighty King at this time, evenKing Bumps. And lo, there was not a goodlier king on all the earth. As cunning as King David was King Bumps. And now the Sophomores were wondrous wroth that the Sons of theFresh- men should seek to rob them of their lands, andthey arose and smote the sons of the Freshmen with a great slaughter.And the Sons of the Freshmen smote the Sophomores, and there waged in the Land of Campus amighty war and the desert was covered with gore. And now it came to pass one night -after the Sons of theFreshmen had been a little while in the Land of Campus -about the eleventh hourof the night, as I was sleeping on my couch, that one came and shook merudely by the head, and I awaked and beheld standing over me Bruce, the son ofHannah. And he said unto me, "Arise quickly; the Sons of the Freshmen are upon us! " And I arose.Albeit I would not go with him till I had girdled on my day garments, for it is not seemly that men go abroad in theirnight garments. And I went to the assembly place of the Sophomores, and there were many Sophomores and much and long was the council which they held, andthe leaders took counsel what they should do; the men -being weary to thepoint THE WAR ENDS of death -slept.And I saw sleeping there that night the great Sophomore man of valor- Sampson the son of Robbins, even he whose nose is three cubits in length (albeit it is a comely nose) and whose hair is as black as the raven. Then King Bumps sent unto the Sons of the Freshmen, and demanded of them their ten mightiest men of valor.And the herald of the Sons of the Freshmen, even Turvy, the Red, came unto the camp of the Sophomores. Now Turvey the Red is a strong man and he hath a marvellous stout heart, albeit when he stood in the presence of the Sophomores he was sorely afraid. And his knees smote one against the other, and his loins were unloosened, so greatly afraid did he wax. And Turvey the Red spake, saying, " We will not give over our ten mightiest men of valor," and he returned to his camp. And that same night the Sophomores made war against the Sons of the Freshmen and slew many of them, and took away many captives. And after these things a treaty was signed and peace reigned in the Land of Campus for many months. And, behold, one night in the spring of the year, it being about examina- tion time, King Skinny was in his tent studying a little.And suddenly one entered his room and said " Oh, King, live forever. A feast is prepared for you in Arizona Hall." And now Skinny is a very wicked man, and one that thinketh only of his stomach, and seeing in his mind's eye all manners of costly viands, he arose and followed the messenger. And waiting in lurk hard by were the Sophomores, and there were many of the Sophomores, and they seized King Skinny and bound him in strong fetters, even as a butcher binds a pig, and carried him to the cave of Machpela, which is in the desert, and King Skinny slept with his fathers. And now on the next day the Sons of the Freshmen had planned to make merry even with song and new wine, and when they found their valiant king was gone, they waxed wondrous wroth and all day long -after the coming of the sun -they strove to take King Bumps at the mill and they fain would have taken him captive, but King Bumps hid himself in a box that was hard by, and was saved. And the Sons of the Freshmen left, and, after many hours King Bumps came forth, and did run with all his might to the Temple of Science, which is as a city of refuge to him.And he entered into the Temple of Science, into one of the strongest rooms, and did shut the door after him, and he made fast the lock, and surrounded himself with many knives and guns. And King Bumps also gathered together huge flasks of acids (for he hath much skill in the use of these things), saying to himself " I will hurl these into the faces of the Sons of the Freshmen when they come to take me, even as men on the battlement pour burning pitch into the faces of the assailants." Albeit the Sons of the Freshmen came not and King Bumps was saved. Now, Rufus, Prince of the Nations, is a mighty King and hath more power and far goodlier armies than both King Skinny and King Bumps together, and - about the going down of the sun on the same day -he called these two smaller Kings, and spake thus unto them through his herald:" To you it is com- manded, Oh, all people, nations, and languages that whosoever shall make any disturbance or disorder in the Land of Campus, as long as the Sanhedrin in Phoenix shall stay in session, even that man who doeth so- together with his wives and children -shall be driven from the Land of Campus onto the desert forever." And King Skinny and King Bumps swore a great oath to Rufus, Prince of the Nations, that they would do as he had commanded. And lo! King Bumps was wondrous glad of this, and every night he prayed, saying, " Oh, Lord, may the Sanhedrin stay in session forever.And now King Bump's is a righteous King, and one that doth fear God exceedingly, and walketh upright in his ways, for reasons of these things his prayer prevailed nightly before the throne of heaven, and even unto this day the Sanhedrin is still sitting. Thus was King Bumps saved by his faith in God. Albeit the Sons of the Freshmen kept not their oath which they swore unto Rufus, Prince of the Nations, and they did much devilment in the Land of Campus, and it doth not appear what Rufus will do unto them. Many other things did the Sons of Freshmen and the Sophomores in the Land of Campus which are not written in this book.If all which they did was written in this book, or in books, I suppose not even the world itself would contain the books that would be written. But the Sons of the Freshmen and the Sophomores have determined to make war with each other no more, and this day hath been appointed for the burying the hatchet of war. Thus endeth the reading of the Book of Sophomore. The College Year Annual Hair -Clipping Bee, Sept. 17, 1915.- Through the generosity of the ever -obliging Sophs haircuts to suit the most fastidious were dealt out to the long- haired Frosh,who were huddled in a corner of South Hall like a flock of innocent lambs being shorn of their fleecy locks. Faculty Reception, Sept. 25. -The Faculty entertained in honor of the Board of Regents, new members of the Faculty, and the students, with a reception on the lawn in front of University Hall.The affair was a thoroughly enjoy- able one, characteristic of all given by the Faculty, and afforded a splendid opportunity to welcome the newcomers to the campus. Y. M. C. A. Stag, Sept. 27.- Here's another regular.Lots of the old -life, good cheer, and fun in evidence.The Young Men's Christian Association furnished the eats for the men only. Big Pajama Parade, Oct. 1. -It was composed of a great big, rollicking crew of male students in their evening clothes of soft flannels.They awoke the Old Pueblo from center to circumference with their cheers and songs for U. of A. and the Varsity. Prexy Honored, Oct. 12. -The work of our distinguished President, Dr. R. B. von KleinSmid, in the field of criminology, again met with national recognition in his election to the presidency of the American Association of Clinical Criminology. Wildcats Victorious, Oct. 23. -The biggest victory of the season.The Wildcats entered the enemy's country and scratched a glorious victory from Pomona with a score of 7 to 3. Varsity Greeted, Oc'. 25. -The return of the Varsity from its Southern California trip will long be remembered. Enthusiasm was at its highest. The victorious team was met at the station by a wildly- cheering bunch of loyal sons and daughters of Arizona, and, unique in the annals of the campus, a holiday was declared.The rally dance that followed helped to send the " Greater Arizona" spirit soaring. Sentinel Peak "A " Begun, Nov. 13. -With the splendid cooperation of the business men of Tucson, necessary funds for the work of building Arizona's letter on the mountainside were raised, and the gigantic task was undertaken in earnest. Pajamarino Rally and Jazzum Shuffle, Nov. 20. -The great Thanksgiving Day Game was heralded far and wide by the stupendous pajamarino rally and bonfire held on the night of the 20th. The Frosh were there with a strong blaze and the jazz faucets were wide open at the outdoor vaudeville. The gym bubbled over with pep and spirit at the Jazzum Shuffle where everyone romped later in the evening. Quakers Banqueted, Nov. 25. -The victors in the Thanksgiving Day game, the Whittier " Quakers," were banqueted by the Wildcats and made to feel the welcome of Arizona's hospitality. A good "Big Team" had defeated a good " Little Team," and the latter proved that it knew how to accept defeat as well as victory.The President's house was also open on Thanksgiving Night and Dr. and Mrs. von KleinSmid, in their boundless hospitality, wel- comed the visitors and students. SCENES FROM "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" THE COLLEGE YEAR


Masquerade Dance, Dec. 7. -The annual Sigma Pi Alpha Masquerade was attended by people from all over the globe and from every walk in life. Costumes plain, gaudy, beautiful, homely, indescribable, and unspeakable were in evidence. A student body affair looked forward to each year with pleasure. "Y" Student Conference, Dec. 22.- Arizona enjoys the distinction of having its " Y " conference delegates sent farther than those of any other school in the West. The Young Men's Christian Association this year sent three men to the conference at Asilomar, Cal. They were Kriegbaum, Ruppert, and Tong. Mining Building Campaign Started, Jan. 28, 1916.- Another magnificent and much -needed building is now assured for the campus, due to the efforts of President von KleinSmid. The State legislature appropriated the sum of $75,000 for a mining building provided that $75,000 could be raised by the University.In a whirlwind campaign among the mining syndicates of the East, Dr. von KleinSmid was successful in raising $100,000, and thenew building thus became assured. Gamma Deltas Entertain, Feb. 5. -The student body was royally enter- tained by the Gamma Delta Sorority on the occasion of its annual dance.Old Herring Hall was never more beautifully decorated.It became a gorgeous THE COLLEGE YEAR

AT THE NEW POOL patio with tall, white pillars entwined with ivy and yellow morning glories placed at intervals around the hall, and extending over the top was alattice work of garlands of greenery, forming a canopy on which sparkling snow was sprinkled.Attractive programs of green leather and gold cords embossed with the insignia of th,e sorority were used.The most novel feature of this charming affair was the favor dance with Japanese sparklers. "College Night" at Opera House, Feb. 14.- Univsreity talent ran riot on the sacred boards of the Opera House on this very night.Nothing but high class vaudeville got by and the top liner was billed as the second shooting of Dan McGrew. Some say that Dan was " egged on" for this second appearance, but we have not yet been able to verify the report. A crowded house was out to enjoy the work of the student stars. Work on New Field and Track, Feb. 21. -The dirt began to fly when twenty scrapers were set to work to prepare the biggest andbest athletic field in the Southwest. When fully completed, Arizona will have a field and quarter -mile track of which she may be justly proud. Military Ball, Feb. 22. -One of the gala events of the year.U. of A.'s mighty army was well represented, from the Colonel to the Sergeant, on the happy celebration of the birth of the original advocate of " Preparedness." The "A " Completed, March 4. -Early on the morning of the 4th every man who could possibly go was taken to Sentinel Peakin order that the work on the mammoth "A" might be completed.Fully one hundred and fifty men answered the call of President Condron of the Student Body, anxious that THE COLLEGE YEAR

SENIOR DAY they might have a hand in the building of the monument that stands for the true Arizona spirit of Action and Achievement.Shortly after noon the last foot of the immense letter had received its coat of whitewash and the Student Body had completed its greatest work in the history of the University. Every man and woman of Arizona may feel justly proud of this work, probably the largest of its kind in the country.Glittering white in the bright sunlight on Sentinel Peak, it is visible for miles around.It is something worth while.It will last throughout the years. May it bring to every student who follows the banner of the Wildcat an inspiration and a reverence and love for that for which it stands -Arizona, our Alma Mater. Debaters Win from U. S. C., March 14.- Another brilliant victory was brought home from the Arizona -U. S. C. Law debate at Los Angeles, Cal. Arizona's debaters, J. P. Jones and F. W. Pickett, surprised the coast lawyers and gave intercollegiate debating an impetus here which will mean its annual, growth and success. "Aggie" Club Dance, April 1. -The jovial farmers again took possession of the gym for their annual "Wild Oats" frolic. The "hoe- down" of the Agri- cultural Club is looked forward to as one of the most enjoyable informal affairs of the year, and the "Rain-worshippers" know no limit in their preparations for making their guests happy. Junior Ploy, April 5.- "The Amazons," chosen this year by the Class of 1917 as the annual play, was one of the best amateur performances ever seen in Tucson.In this farce comedy by Pinero the girls of the class were called PICNICS THE COI,I,EG$ YEAR upon for some very difficult work, which was handled in a verypraiseworthy manner. The entire cast deserves great credit for its work, and theJunior Class may well feel proud of its production. The members of the cast included Orville McPherson, Albert Rubel, Cedric Scheerer, C. Zaner Lesher, Ernest Renaud, Floyd O. Fisk, Hans 'larders, Mabel Odell, Mae Jolly, Esther Wright, Nydia Acker, Josephine Waters. University Week, April 12-15. -The biggest and best yet.Practically all of the high schools of the State sent their representatives to join in the scholastic and athletic events held during the week. A big booster for the University and one that will bring an increasing number of students from within the State with each succeeding year.Every courtesy was extended the visitors and every effort expended to make their stay as pleasant as possible. Cadet Battalion Encampment and Inspection, April 11-15.-"Forced" marches were the rule this year in place of the usual week's encampment at Phoenix.The foothills were used as a field for practical battle problems and the rifle range for daily practice.The two hikes to the hills were led by the colonel himself upon a prancing steed, and woe befell him who sought to desert or even to shorten the distance by means of a lift from a passing wagon. Captain Tenny Ross was very much pleased with the appearance of the battal- ion at his annual inspection, and after a close competitive drill awarded the honor of best -drilled company to Company D., commanded by Captain Dudley Brown. Midsummer Night's Dream, April 22.- Another splendid success for the University due to the untiring efforts of Miss Chapin and the Woman's League. The natural beauty of West Cottage lawn, its trees and shrubbery were used to good advantage in a beautiful production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, in honor of the tercentenary of the Bard of Avon. The presentation of the play showed marked ability on the part of all the participants, and reflects much credit on those who were instrumental in making it a success. Texas - U. A. Debate, May i .- Though not victorious in their debate with Texas, the representatives of Arizona had a wonderful argument prepared and were defeated only by the greater experience of their opponents.Barnard and Westover deserve much credit for their work against the old heads of Texas and give much promise for success in future debates with the Longhorns. /unior Day, May 4. -It means a real holiday, with the planting of the Junior tree, a long, rollicking hay -ride, with fine feed out in the open, the ducking of the class president, and many other novel features that go to make up a perfect day for the Class of 1917.Bear Canyon was selected as the site for the picnic, and a better place could not be found. A day that will long be remembered by those who were able to enjoy it. Southwestern Track and Field Meet, May 6. -One of the big athletic events of the year. A glorious victory for the Wildcats in their first intercollegiate track and field meet to be held on the new athletic field.Competition was keen and a number of new records were hung up.New Mexico Aggies, Uni- versity of New Mexico, and the Texas School of Mines competed against THE COLLEGE YEAR Arizona. The meet is expected to become an annual event and Arizona looks forward to a brilliant future in track. New Swimming Pool Dedicated, May 8.-Splash!It's here at last. A real benefactor that we've been waiting for.There was a large crowd on hand to see Prexy as he turned the wheel that let a stream of cool, sparkling water flow into the basin of the 40 by 100 foot tank.It looked good -mighty good, in fact -and gave promise of many a refreshing plunge.We're glad to have it and very grateful to the administration that secured it for us. Commencement Week, May £7- 31. -It came at last and brought the alumni with it.Those old " sojers " who brighten the campus with their pep and enthusiasm and who have a new wrinkle for all the old dodges.They were very much on the program, the alumni, and aided much in making the week a most successful one and one long to be remembered. The Class of '16, too, still maintained its custom of establishing precedents and left several worthy ones for the classes that follow.'16's week was a happy way of saying "Adios" to Alma Mater. The Building of the "A" Saturday, October 23, 1915, went down in Greater Arizona history, not as the echo of enthusiasm sounding the joy of a football victory, but as a solid masonry of Action and Attainment. Enthusiasm displayed itself from the moment a telegram gave the joyous news, "Arizona 7, Pomona 3, Great Game," until after Monday, October 25.Saturday night, after the Student Body had a big dance and bonfire, the undaunted " Pep" spread to the fever of whitewashing a big "A" on the western mountainside.With equipment gathered, jitneys hired, and lime borrowed, the crowd set out to put this idea into effect. Not until a committee investigated the matter and argued over it would the fellows believe that the idea had more " Pep" than practical or physical foundation. But what was to be done with all that fine lot of white- wash? Tucson needed to know and feel the victory, so by artist's wisdom the painters commenced at the E. P. & S. W. depot and spread "A "s with the score 7 -3 upon the pavement. When the S. P. depot had also received its decoration a guard was left to keep incoming morning passengers from mark- ing up the masterpiece. Inability to place the desired "A" on the mountainside on Saturday night did not cause the plan to be entirely discarded, and on Sunday morning, by a careful investigation of Sentinel Jeak it was discovered than an "A" could be permanently built on the steep, rocky side of the mountain. Now the idea of building the big letter was brought up before the rousing assembly held on the holiday granted upon the home- coming of the victorious Varsity.The plan was introduced at the psychological moment and was accepted by Prexy, Faculty, Student Body, and town friends. Com- mittees from each were appointed for the purpose of engineering, financing, and constructing the big letter.The first work was left to the engineering department of the University; the se_co.hd to the Faculty, Student Body, and town friends; while the real work of construction was given over to the Stu- dent Body. Engineering was commenced this same day by locating and staking out the symbol aand figuring up the materials and cost.All this developed much as follows: Location.- Sentinel Peak is three miles from the University.Elevation - 2,885 feet, with the letter built on the hill at a height of 2,776 feet, and lying upon a face that slopes 23'. The location of the Varsity symbol brings it to the attention of all travelers coming to or going from the city, aiid may be seen for many miles forth, south, east, or west. From the east it may be distinguished as far as Mount Lemmon, 35 miles distant. Size of "A " -70 feet wide and 160 feet long.The width of legs is 10 feet and the crossbar 20 feet, with the average height of masonry about 2 feet above the ground. Material -The construction was done by cleaning the location of all shrubbery, digging trenches to outline the letter and to serve as a foundation for the masonry, which was built up from the rock at hand and from mortar BUILDING THE "A" hauled up the steep side of the mountain by six -horse teams.The several large tanks of water necessary for mixing with the sixty sacks of cement used was brought up to the location under the same difficulties. The total masonry constructed and whitewashed covers 6,500 square feet. Cost -The total cost of materials, equipment, and transportation reached the large sum of $397.00, nearly half of which was liberally subscribed by loyal town friends and the balance by the Studet Body, Faculty, and organiza- tions of the University. Construction -Actual constriucton work commenced on Saturday, Novem- ber 13, 1915, and was carried out under many difficulties and discoura,gements, until finally finished on "A" Day, March 4, 1916.However, the entire con- struction was accomplished by the will and spirit of the University men and women, and those who aided in this work may point to their "A" with a feeling of pride. Among the many loyal supporters of Arizona who gave their services in the building of her letter, none is more deserving of praise than Student Body President A. H. Cóndron. To "Al" must go a great deal,of the credit for the completion of this splendid work.His tireless efforts and boundless energy were needed in leading such a work, which now may stand as a monu- ment to a most successful administration. ction and Attainment" is what one friend said that Arizona's "A" meant to him when he caught its glare on the mountain top as he approached Tucson. Action, for that U. of A. spirit which prompted the task;'attainment, for that spirit which says " There are no quitters in the U. of A."

O wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! -Burns The Desertograph PRODUCED BY C. C. PORTER

rñ ii\ September- October- ¡,- 2 V ar si t y tests J,, %. 17 Arrival of "rah" \ strength with material. Douglas. _~ ir ,' / 4` ift ! _ 1 úl i r 1- 4`"' ry = =_ 3 New "Queens" l 18 Rushing men. + y, given the`once Motto, "we're the e over." 4. only bunch." P F' - i -31 -''. 1% , ` ,'' 19 Rushing girls. Which waywill ,y.) 7 Frosh organize. she go ?" ."'' In union there "o,"; 1 is strength." ` 1 1 1iy,\i1 /\ .4% ¡( s ( 4 't% "f.¡, e :,.. 12 Prexyiselected 20 Frosh taken to a e President Ameri- 4 1 "trimming" by ,\ can Association of . the Sophs. / Clinical Criminol- t_4 ogy. rNi _rt ',t : 1 .,a. al i. W,# á , , 4cc,1Y'n,,.,:, 17 Frosh team brings ^Î 21 Classes begin - 1 "Rufus Arizona" : v Et S sad, but true. from Douglas. 1,"f' vw p o _ .. a AHiZ.ONQ^11FE FrteseevToo",a., 4no St-ARTS S4PMMORiIQV6Enr4N 22 Firsteditionof 23 Wildcatsdevour F 1GNTJ theold"Life" c .;°', Sagehens, 7 -3. c H,.,INwortK l --at appears. o - k I li l - . ------A Ç t Oh I 26 The `History " of 30 Gamma Phi Sig- Mathematics. " ma Yamma Yam - '.0 ma dance. 1 vI 4: THE DESERTOGRAPH

IN November- h+.` íu r, December- M 2 Woman's League 1,-. reception.Plenty . 1 Basketball sea- vÌ of tea and tee -hee. (IA son opens. la 0 ew e f ; ---f 7 Miss Lyman i. 13 Work on "A be- about the Poo. t- gins. Plenty of _ Suffering Belg- pep. = ians." Old clothes ( at a premium. 'I\\` imi 4 IS j -, It . iv r 14 Football men re- ; e 7 Sigma Pi Alpha turn from Silver ,#er masquerade. City trip.S.O.S. ' °,.. Who's who? \ , . 48)). 1 11 t 1 II // 11 Big kicks by Bill CD McGowen for O 16 Ben Meet ure Tenney Williams makes speechin punting trophy. 4,° assembly. Cam- e ,\ paignopensfor e / Presidency. , / - kliY1 0 0, 1

R ® _. 0 17 Miss Thomas' rice - ;./ ,''d`-0 ,,4. 1{, ) dle and thread 20 Pajamarino rally. 0 class makes Xmas \(. ' 1 {é' Night shirts in de- 0 presents. r11 mand. -,, iI o o 'C__

1342 > 20 Frats and Sorori- .`. 21 " Judge" Hayes ties annual Xmas qv' '\' organizes the One - \ trees. O you San- 0 itas Society. Mem- J: ta! bers solicited . ,W ID 130YcA ,cA{,ENDAR AI g?, 411 " I- , i,v w 25 VisitingQuakers ,a e banquet at 31 Whoopee! First #'.r. Mess Hall. snow in three ,%.;-.P years. e 0f ' z - % . \`_- \ S lll H e ,o - ak1-4.-;- t G THE DESERTOGRAPH

January- February- -sit4'''- ,, rS ,t -,e-": i 3 Mess Hall meals 3; ` 5 Gamma Delta again after vaca- ` r Snow Dance. tion at home. Some party. of ! lirti, '.=i <, ...Qs-^ o ,,=-.s, IIIIIMVi -- : - M s 3 Farmers' Short 12 Kappa Sigma Course begins. ,(,GJ Smoker. "Ice" and Back to the soil. Klein entertain. s J J ® IL \\a iiiir,rK i /h C/ r1 o o P v 8 MissesMurphey P and Pistor play for : a 13 Mess Hall burns. çM - Spuds and frijoles J tennis champion- 47.= ® ship of Ireland and z I scorched. -^-`--= Germany. ` \- J ÌPG i1 i . - F 51 I,

q, .A0,3 : `% u i 14 College Night at I \wy Opera House. \ ` 8 Frosh dance. Cowardly Eggs!!! _ a Watch your step! , v i - ^I - 1Ìti`, 'v )ÌII l ,Nf- OF-DM N 11,11,148E,,GRE® PRE KK.'r S A S vI © \ 23 Miningstudents - tourto Hayden ' PA YER - -® a la Ford. y<. 17 Nuf Sed. ® N' A - r;lir e SoP a ..1- -_, e ^ Er,1'y 4',-_ , -',: .á .ÿ. NI 25 s Students enter- a -c tained by Metro- 20 Sigma Phi Beta - - _ politan Opera Co. Open House. Big ° StoV é withSkovgaard, , welcome. p.0 It,>. (pronounced l \ Stove -door) . 4 I \ Alb . j \ ?` .. - .1C'° MI 28 Prexy lands $100,- ,- ^ 000 for new Min - : 22 AnnualMilitary ing Building. Ball.Col. Brown rr / Leave it to Prexy. so r. front and center. ¡17t ;; . i di \ r rt )fC^ rk THE DESERTOGRAPH

., April- 'March- S Y gA,. 4 Work on "A" 1 "Aggie" dance. , completed. Three Come on, Cy! ,,,-,3 cheersforPres. It , - ' Condron. ! A. - . ii 1 ;l.rw , '-,1 , a Qi 0'_1,,_ I 1v ! -9-1 , FA 4C0 teO,r Right from Broad- ;;c 6 PrexyandDr. way. "The Ama- Poster sing duet :4` zons" a big hit, e`i in assembly. ilrk by the Juniors. ay

h\1 1 ¡J_/t a o ,`,i/_ o . 10 Prof. Colvin ap- 1 Va' r 4,`-;)'..:,-- 11 P r o s hpicnic. pearswithnew r A Plenty of bread, e ' 4 spring hat.Look milk and chaper- ('\P out, girls! irre ones on hand. .,-- e A i 7 12 University Week i `e S 14 Jones and Pickett begins.Some - q throw it into U. How do ycu do.' " How do you do.' O 1 C -4) S. C. in debate.

3 i i

`.4 %,P $MA6K },. 15 Cadet inspection. 15 JuniorPlayre- Company " D " wins hearsals startin out. _ i earnest. McPher- !1'si``, :.. son practicing. ' \y<<,y

t\$' 1 I ir . 22 Midsummer 17 Prof. Turrell's new (t (`+,^`° Night'sDream. delinquent list ap- ` aeon Congratulation s, 1).; pears. Miss Chapin. .ÑáP4- I'A --_____,-1 * II . rF ' 25 Pianorecital by Music Depart- '* 24 Primary election. y i ment. 3 . ' Some Contest. . --c ro )II Ì I 7 ,L 1 / I . / . o. Z Ñ--zN W ' \ I 4 1 ÿ H k t` jr raaSA/ll o aSttf:liAraa1N \\ W (..,.. ,2;_-_ , O ell aa I JJI j ítaeta ° , aaraf , , i ., --=;1 J ¢`\\ á , / w ç 4,1 i_I. ; p ' \,' / psea \ Oa Ili\t, ra...i ' a/ \ c !4k . v/ ttataa/ t+lIl®} ara ri; - \ `l,`(`.f_\ 119111 NEON SJ sat i. ;:, .t % ia /bb',l' ;, 11//aa 1 rONtN p - !. G('M , .. p,.Z 1 Ow( ,- i > ,v.. .,, Al ^ 4/ ¿jF /W //L4! ` - .11 11111 a - tir t;\J 4 ` N1NE /Naa- eater ] seerN 1j\/wÇT vNleeerreee IlreNeti Here and There

ANCESTORS If you could see your anestors All standing in a row, Would you be proud of them or not, Or don't you really know? Some strange discoveries are made In climbing family trees, And some of them, you know, do not Particularly please.

If you could see your ancestors All standing in a row, There might be some of them, perhaps, You wouldn't care to know. But here's another question, which Requires a different view - If you could meet your ancestors, Would they be proud of you?

* * * WHEN THE BOY GETS BACK. -When our son returns from college and sits down to breakfast, he may say very learnedly, " Pass the pepper chloride "; he may satirically compare the Citizen with William Shakespeare; state that he has proved the law of gravitation when he spills gravy down the front of his corduroy vest; may say that he is the ultimate consumer of muffins, which would tempt only the fire -cake eaters of Valley Forge. But we can teach him some table manrers. * * * Esther W. -"Got an exam tomorrow ?" Nydia-"Yep; 've you?" "Done any work on it?" "Nope; 've you?" " Nope." "A'right; le's go to the movies." * * * Lady- "And you say you are an educated man ?" Von Schaussen -` ` Yes, mum, I'm a roads scholar."

* * * Prof. Colvin. -" Why so pensive- aren't you enjoying the prom ?" Miss Thomas -" Oh, yes; but I'm afraid people'll think I'm a co -ed."

* * * Prof. Turrell (absent - mindedly) -" Goodness ! That clock needs fixing.It just struck one, four times." IN THE PUBLIC EYE Hank -" Was her father violent when you asked him for her hand ?" Robie -" Was he?Great guns! I thought he'd shake my hand off."

* * * " Madge!" " Yes, Zip." "I was just thinking that when you girls trim off -the ends of these sand- wiches you must have lots of crust."

* * * "I see Annette Kellerman is going to put something on at the Opera House. Haw!" * * * Reporter -" And in what state were you born, Professor Foster?" Professor (learnedly)"Unless my recollection fails me, young man -in the state of ignorance." Reporter - (scribbling) "Ah, yes, to be sure -and how long have you lived there, Professor?" * * * John -"Are you familiar with John Mansfield ?" Inez -" What do you mean? I'm never familiar with any one."


I'd rather be a Could Be, If I could not be an Are; For a Could Be is a May Be, With a. chance of touching par.

I'd rather be a Has Been Than a Might Have Been by far; For a Might Have Been has never been, But a Has Been was once an Are.

* * * Parks -" What's worse than a centipede with chilblains ?" Bedford -" Easy. A professor with the lockjaw."

* * * Bill -"Say, professor, I don't think I deserve a zero on that paper!" Prof. Douglass -" You didn't, but I couldn't give you less." * * * Esther -" You ought to have seen Mary run the quarter mile." Rube -" What did she do it in ?" Esther -` ` I don't know what you call the darn things." GATHERINGS Prof. Colvin -" You're not enough of a militarist, Mr. Porter." Carter Porter -" Why so, sir. ?" Prof. -" Every time I call on you you're not prepared." * * * No rose, no cheek but one day fade, No eyes but lose their luster; No dollar bill but must be changed, Howe'er we hate to bust 'er!

"Quick, Watson, the needle," chuckled Sherlock Holmes, and he slowly wound up the Victrola * * * Henry -" I'm getting a lot out of that course." Pat -" That so?" Henry -" Yea!I'm out of it most of the time."

Hammels -` ` She wears too much jewelry." Pick -" Think so?" Hammels -` ` I do. No fun to hold a hand like that. You can get the same sensation by holding a handful of curtain rings and a wrist watch."

Marion -` ` Don't worry about Mac, dear !All the world loves a lover !" Grace-" ` Yes, but Papa acts so unworldly at times ! "

* * * She -" Mr. B., can you tell me roughly what time the show is over?" He -" Yes, you insignificant, measly little . pest.About 10:30" * Maffeo -` ` I want my hair cut."' Barber -` ` Any special way?" Maffeo-` ` Yes; off." * * * Burns -` ` Ted, I can't find my bathing suit." Monroe -` ` Look and see if you have it on." * * * Basketball is a winter sport, A game that's sure to please; But in those little pants so short, It seems that men would freeze! Golly!!!

* * * " list ! " rasped the Villain, "do you know the safe combination?" "Sure," countered the Hero, "the B. V. D. one button suit isabsolutely without a peer." Whereupon the Villain drank his pbstum and died like a man. SOME ODDS

AND THEN SHE BLUSHED --A party of strangers were visiting at the Uni- versity.It was late in the fall and the air was crisp and cold.One of the members of the party, a charming young woman from Phoenix, was escorted through the grounds by a learned but very much preoccupied professor.Sud- denly two members of the track team, accoutered for their sport, passed them. "It's dreadfully cold," remarked the young woman, with a dainty shiver as she gazed after the runners, " to be without stockings." The professor's mind, deep in contemplation of the fourth dimension, was attracted by the sound of the girl's voice. " Then, why," he asked absently, "did you leave them off?" * * * Scoop -" The dentist told me that I had a large cavity that needed filling." Joe Arozena -" Did he recommend any special course of study ?" * * * A THORNY PROPOSAI,

" Dearest, be mine," said the Mexican lad, As he knelt on the desert sand; "Be mine and make my poor heart glad - Senorita, give me your hand ! "

` ` Oh, wait for a while," teased the dark -eyed bare; Cried the frenzied youth: " I can't ! " "If I kneel any longer I know I shall yell - My knee's on a cactus plant!" AND ENDS

Betty -" Have you ever kissed a girl?" Al -" Is that an invitation, or are you gathering statistics?" * * * Dr. Williams -" My wife's been nursing a grouch for the pastweek." Prof. Cunningham -" Yes? I didn't know you were ill." * * * Mac -` ` I believe that I can guess your thoughts." Cora -"Can you? Well, then, you mustn't kiss me more than once,dear, because I hear the chaperone coming." * * * Miss Lyman -" We are getting up a raffle for an old soldier; won't youbuy a ticket?" Miss Reid --` ` Mercy, no !What would I do with him? " * * * Lady -" I want to open an account for my son who has justentered the University." Teller -" Sort of a fresh heir fund?" * * * Mother -" Malvene, you stood on the porch quite a while with thatyourig " Captain" last night." Malvene -` ` Why, mother, I only stood there for a second." Mother -" But I'm sure I heard the third and the fourth." * * * Lovett -` ` You've been drinking.I smell it in your breath." Voller -` ` Not a drop!I've been eating frogs' legs. What you smell is the hops." SOME BIRDS \ OUR HASH HOUSE

Here's the building we love so well, A building long and low, Where Hans and Bert and Whitey, too, Run scurrying to and fro.

They serve us rolls on many a morn; Toast is an old standby; But at the supper hour we hear, "It's beans again!Oh, My ! "

Last night I lay me down to sleep. I had a vision fair; Methinks I saw the working of The kitchen over there.

I saw the food upon the floor; I saw the cooks in white - I mean their clothing should have been - But it was an awful sight.

This morning, when to break my fast I wended o'er the way, When Jimmy said, "Oh what repast ! " The buns feel Hike baled hay.

But, boys, don't grumble or complain; What is the use to groan? For some day you may get a wife And have a Home, Sweet Home.

* * * Ben McClure -" I have a friend who suffers terribly from the heat." Pitrat -` ` Where does he live?" Ben -" He isn't living."

* * * Adam -" Say, Eve, was that my suit you threw in the salad ?"

* * * Clarkson -" I'd like to propose a little toast." Gladys-"Nothin'Nothin' doin', kid!I want a regular meal."

"An' I said,` Jump; we'll hold the blanket', an' gosh, I hadda laugh, 'cause we didn't have no blanket." QU $EN ERS Deane -" I'm going to quit smoking." Marguerite -` ` You haven't the will power." Deane -` ` The devil I haven't !Why, I've quit four times already this month."

Sam -"And what do you want for your birthday ?" Miss Gibbs -" Really, I don't want anything.But I know you'll buy me something terribly nice and expensive and new, you're such a dear reckless boy."

* * * Jack O'Keefe -" You are the first girl I ever kissed ! " Jessie -` ` I knew it before you told me ! "

Miss Vacation -` ` Of course I want everyone to look at my .new hat on Easter." Gladys -` ` Then you'd better lower your skirt about six inches."


When recitation days are o'er, And bedspread's warmth hath come once more, I'm going to wind my old Big Ben And when at morn he starts to roar, I'll break it gently on the floor And, gloating, go to sleep again! * * * Whisper -" Professor, someone is using a crib in your class ! " Prof. Cressie. -` ` Sh -h -h !How do you know ? " Whisper -" I looked for it in the library and it was gone ! " * * * The size of her hand you can judge by her glove, For that there is needed no art, But you never can judge of the depth of the love Of a girl by the sighs of her heart.

* * * Agent (entering office) -I've an attachment for your typewriter,sir, which I -- Prexy -` ` Well, settle it with her. Your love affairs are no concern of mine."

* * * Marion -` ` How do you suppose that dear old man remembered exactly how much he paid for his gold tooth, which he bought forty years ago? " Georgia-" ` Why, I s'pose he carried it in his head." NOBODY HOM E ROBIE'S METHOD. 1. Always generalize. 2. Make your generalities glitter. 3. Divert the prof's attention by some leading question. 4. Find the prof's outside interests, and play thereon strong. 5. Never let go. * * * Prof. Otis -` ` I hear that they buried the wildcat last week." Hedgpeth -"Yes, they had to; he died." * * * Dr. Frank- "Mamma, have gooseberries got legs ?" Mom. -` ` Of course not, Sidney." Dr. -` ` Then I've swallered a caterpillar." * * * Elsie -" Are you going to hang your stockings up Christmas eve?" May -` ` No; I've outgrown that sort of thing." Elsie -" Well, it's more orderly than leaving them lying around on the floor. * * * Kriegbaum -"Say, waiter, your advertisement said,` Dinner a dollar a plate,' and my bill is thirteen dollars." Waiter -" But you used thirteen plates,. sir,' * * * Prof. Hubbard -` ` Quit this quibbling, Mr. Adams! Who was King Henry VIII?Answer `yes' or ` no.'" * * * Villain Henley-"Where are those papers?" Assistant Villain Hendry -` ` In the blacksmith shop." Villian Henley -` ` Ha, ha -I suppose being forged." Assistant Villain Hendry -" No; being filed." * * * GOOD AND CLEVER If all the good people were clever, And all clever people were good, The world would be nicer than ever We thought that it possibly could.

But somehow, 'tis seldom or never The two hit it off as they should; The good are so harsh to the clever, The clever so rude to the good.

So, friends, let it be our endeavor To make each by each understood, For few can be good like the clever, Or clever, so well as the good!


Bear in mind that the merchants whose cAD VERTISEMEN'T S

appear in the fol- lowing pages, through their gen- erosity and inter- est in our institu- tion, made it pos- sible for this book tobepublished. There is no finer climate in America.




TUCSON 15a beautiful city of homes,setina valleysur- rounded on all sides by pictur- esque mountains.

TUCSONiswellsuppliedwith churches, a Y. M. C. A., and other institutions which make a community wholesomefor young people.

There are many other interesting things about TUCSON which we would be glad to tell you. Chamber of Commerce Tucson, - - - Arizona

you have the polish, you won't need money to shinein society. @


ele a urtrtg igranki Cn1nthpg. A store crowded with " Varsity. " men is a sure sign that it's STYLE HEADQUARTERS We are showing exclusively SOCIETY BRAND AND HIRSH WICKWIRE CLOTHES STETSON AND MALLORY HATS and a full line of Up -to -date Neckwear. SAVAGE & DUNCAN

`Mac. " -It pays to 132 hjn2st, but it do°sn't pay to advertise it. THE LATEST AND BEST IN PORTRAITUR Buehman Photos

Enlargements Lantern Slides Portraits and Commercial Views

We are the official pho- tographers for the Uni- versity and High School Annuals.

Our work winsrecogni- tion everywhere.

Phone 269W P. O. Box 785 Postoffice Building

NYDIA. -Some women marry for love, some for money, and others from force of habit. Accomplishing Your Purpose- - -- A fine moral in clothes buying is to say to yourself :

"I'm going to find the very best suit possible for a certain amount of money, say, $15, $19, $20, $25, or up. . Then head right for this store and buy M -B. CO. CLOTHES. We'll prove to you there are none better. Myers & Bloom Co. ONE =PRICE CLOTHIERS Phone 47 63 -69 E. Congress

Have your Shoes mended by HAUCK THE SHOE MAN

South Stone Ave. Rear of Consolidated Nat. Bank.

Make your study -rooms home -like by selecting your decorations at R. Rasmessen's Curio Store Navajo Rugs, Pennants, Pictures, Indian Baskets, and Curios of all descriptions.

126 -128 E. Congress St. Tucson, Arizona.

" DUD."-While it takes two to make a bargain, only one gets it. Everyone at the U. of A. JOHN HOWE knows THE F'I,ORIST T. ED LITT'S Drug Store

Cut Flowers. Corsages our Specialty.


Phone 190W The one on the corner Postoffice Building where the car stops. Phones 58 and 59.

Woman's Exchange Why do the University students eat here? Because everything is so like Mother's cocking.

85 North Stone Avenue.

Got time tocatty a hunk? Tucson Transfer Co. Phone 211

RUTH BROWN. -An ingenueis a girl who knows better but lets nobody know it. The Bank of Consistent Assistance

We play no favorites among our patrons, but we aim to be helpful to all.When you become a de- positor you are assured of the same banking advantages as the richest man who is on our books, and your interests are watched with the samé conscientious care. To assist you is our policy.In ad- dition to offering you the best of banking facilites we make personal financial service a confidential fea- ture of our work.If we know what you want to accomplish, we are on the lookout for ways to help you. We often are able to point out good investmentsto you and we are ready and willing at all times to advise you on all financial matters. Put yourself in the path of oppor- tunity by enrolling now as a regular depositor.

The Consolidated National Bank TUCSON'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK

BURNS. -Place a high value on yourself and then prove you are worth it. L Your Annual Our Specialty

We mean it -every one of the many annuals we handle is given personal thought, individ- ual attention, and is built to conform with your personal ideas and local conditions

Built Complete Engraved -Printed -Bound UNDER One Roof-One Management Insures you satisfaction. If the completed work is not what it should be -the engraver cannot blame the printer, nor the latter, the engraver.You have ONLY ONE FIRM TO HOLD RESPONSIBLE

Brock-Hafner Press Denver, Colorado

" BUMPS."-Any man who says advice is cheap hasnever consulted a lawyer or a doctor. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES KANSAS CITY FRESH MEATS

Craig & Company "THE QUALITY MARKET"

House managers of the Fraternities will do well to give us a trial.

Phone 26 Cor. Scott and Congress

J. Knox Corbett LUMBER CO.


R. R. Crossing at Sixth Ave. Phone 227

FICKETT, JR. -Faith in one's self will remove mountains of difficulties. After practice, come down and buy a bottle of A. L. Pellegrin Good Liniment at Assayer Marti fi Drug Co.

As usual; NEVER " JUST OUT"

71 S. Stone Ave. Cor. Congress and Church. Tucson Phones 29 and 30.

PHONE 37. J. W. ESTII,I,, MGR. Arizona Lumber &Mill Co.

Lumber and Building Materials of All Kinds

We furnish good lumber at reasonable prices. Come in and see us.

Ninth Avenue. Opposite S. P. Freight Depot.

FISK. -The optimist bottles up sunshine; the pessimist cans it. In the Long Run The man who waits for some- thingtoturn up usually finds himself turned down.

The way to get what you want istogoafterit, intelligently, systematically, persistently. If you want immunity from worry, want,povertyin your declining years, when your earn- ing capacity dimishes,go after it now.

The surest way is to spend less than you earn, bank the differ- ence, and then invest.

We are here solely to help you. We know how. The Azizona National Bank Metchan is Bank and Ttust Co.

Cor. Stone Ave. and Congress St.

I© BILL GRABS. -There are things in this world more valuable than money which do not cost one -half as much. Vacation Time Is Here eAlf 04

Let us help you plan your trip.

Special low fares both EAST and WEST.Liberal Stopovers.

For full information and liter- ature, phone or write the near- est Southern Pacific Agent, or

H. C. HALLMARK, Asst. General Passenger Agent, Tucson, Arizona.

Southern Pacific " First in Safety."

HANS. -Some men always tell the truth -but make it as hard to recognize as a man in a barber chair. Look in the Trophy Room and see that big Silver Southwestern Track and Field Cup we won this year. REID SPORTING GOODS CO. Has another coming up.

SPALDING'S GOODS. 44. N. Stone Ave

F. W. BROWN The best place in town & Company to get

SCHOOI, SUPPI,IES, BOOKS, and STATIONERY. All kinds of -- Mill Work Sash, Doors, Glass, Paint, Oils. Moore & Pauli

Next Door to Opera House

Phone 180J 406 N. Sixth Ave. Tucson.

The proper store for the College Man.

MEN'S Baker & Everest FURNISHINGS.

Bus. Mgr. Note. -Ray was the Frosh Prsident of the 1917 Class, and I know he's good.

MARIE HARVEY. -A woman never does her thinking until after her mind is made up. THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGES


W. J. Corbett 210 W. Congress St.

Aristo EngravingCo.


All cut work promptly attended to.

Aristo Building, 751 -761 S. Los AngelesSt. LOS ANGELES, CAL.

HIELD.- Silençe is frequently ofunspeakable value. BuickMOTOR CARS G. M. C. Trucks


Southern Arizona Motor Co. 125 N. Sixth Ave.

Natinal Engraving Co. 312 --316/2 West Pico St. Los ANGELES, CAL. Fraternity and Sorority Stationery Dance Programs and Favors Monogram Stationery Business Stationery Wedding Invitations Calling Cards

WALTER M. BREWER, '15, Representative.

MAY J0LLY. -It is said that when women get the vote, ballot boxes will button up the back. Tucson Steam Laundry

Modern in every detail. We use soft filtered water exclusively.

Sixth St. and Seventh Ave. Phone 587.

Santa Rita Hotel TUCSON W. F. Kitt's Sons " A Safe Place to Trade." The Iaeger System MEN'S FURNISHINGS. I,ADIES' WEARING APPAREL.

Montezuma Hotel 87 E. Congress. NOGALES


from " Grossy," at the Tucson Hardware Co.

55 E. Congress.

KLEIN. -Money was never known to talk anybody to sleep. THE DISTINGUISHING MARK

It is Service that distinguishes one bank from another. The Southern Arizona Bank (R, Trust Co. gives to its customers the fullest measure of modern banking, serv- ice- promptness and accuracy in the handling of their accounts, attention and courtesy in their dealings with us, and the thor- ough and friendly consideration of their business and financial problems by men who are experts on such matters.

Every depositor,regardlessof the size of his account, will find the officers of this bank always ready to give earnest attention and thoughtto anybusiness matters on which he may wish to consult them. Please do not hesitate to avail yourself of our service.

LoVETT. -If everybody married for love, think of the money it would keep out of circulation. UNIVERSITY GIRLS OF TODAY AND OP COLLEGE YEARS TO COMB:

We want you to make Rebeil's your store: We are exerting every effort to take the best care of you -in other words, we specialize in supplying the wants of the younger set. Our ladies' correspondence tableis supplied with stationery especially designed for collegegirls.We ask you to make every use of this convenience, with the distinct understanding that in doing.so you are under no obligation whatever. As a matter of fact, we will feel honored to have you avail of the conveni- ence this progressive store affords. R ebeil's East Congress St.


Eastman Kodaks First -class developing and printing done. The Smith Sporting Goods Co. J. R. EPERT, Mgr. 15 E. Congress.

BEN Mc. -Men succeedin politics -for we know the men they succeeded. Fred Fleishman Drachman


Drugs, Medicines, and Toilet Articles The Classiest Shoes in Town." 21 E. Congress St. Tucson

J. Ivancovich Co.


Will save you money if you buy your groceries for cash.

31 -37 E. Congress St. Tucson, Arizona.

FRANKMc. -The people who never failed are those who never tried. Products of the U. of A..



Office and Assay Laboratory, Fisher Music Co. Opposite Santa Rita Hotel.

Cabinet Cafe and Club Rooms Church & Congress Sts. For C. j. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor Good Things to Eat and Drink

Franklin & Heighton REAL ESTATE Loans Investments Insurance 44 W. Congress St.

JIM MArPE0. -If a man could always have his own way, he would soon lose his way in this world. STEINFELD'S The Man's Stare That Fills Man's Wants as Man Wants Them Filled. "Do Clothes Make the Man" Bruce Barton, in " Every Week," says:" Its an interesting question." " Would the King of England still be every inch a king, if he wore overalls and smoked a clay pipe ?" Mr. Barton further says: "I once talked with a man who had lost two fortunes and is now rich with a third. " What did you do when you went broke? " I asked him. " I borrowed money and bought the finest suit and overcoat in town," he answered." I was well enough dressed to hold a job, but to GET a job I needed to be BETTER dressed than the man I applied to; I wanted that much of an advantage over him." Maybe clothes do NOT make the man -but it is wise to "let the impression of you that your clothes convey be AT LEAST AS GOOD as you really are -an impression that you can do busi- ness on, not one that you will have to work hard later to correst." CLOTHES PROM THE HOUSE OP KUPPENHEIMER are the kind of clothes that inspire in you subconsciously a feeling of confidence and power. Kuppenheimer suits are here from $12.50 to $35.

s teinfeld's

MoNRO. -If at first you don't succeed, slide for second. La Luna Studio

We developed and printed all the kodak pictures shown in this book. Films developed free. Promptness guaranteed.In one day, out the next.

146 S. Stone Ave. Across from Rodgers Hospital.


Form the foundation for our superior service Conveyances, Abstracts Rentals, Surety Bonds Management of income property TRUST DEPARTMENT.

Southern Arizona Bank & Trust Co.

MABEL ODELL. -A woman frequently knows what she wants but can not make up her mind what it is. 1' if

Come In, Go-op. Fellows

Book Store We are ready to make you feel more at home than you ever feltin any meeting Run by the place for goodfellows in University for your Tucson. benefit. THE LATCH KEY OT This year a 10% divi- The Varsity dend was declared on TOBACCO SHOP purchases. is always on the outside. Next year it is prob- See how comfortable and attractive our Pool Room ablethat agreater is. per cent will be given. Select yourcigarsfrom the biggest line in town. A few dollars look Name a cigarette that we mighty good at the don't carry, then the drinks end of theyear,so are on us. buy tickets and save Latest dope on all sporting them. news. The Varsity N. W. Cor. Library Bldg., TOBACCO SHOP CAMPUS. 23 N. Stone Ave. Tucson

" OSTRICH " PICKRELL.- Imitationis the sincerest form of flattery, and the ostrich is a much flattered bird. B. A. PILCHER w. A. JULIAN (INc.) JOBBER PLUMBING AND TINNING Wrapping Paper, Twines, Brass Plumbing Goods, Notions, and Water and Gas Pipes, Confections. Sewer Pipe.

Stoves, Crockery, Glassware. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR House Furnishing Goods. PILCHER'S GOODS 118 -122 E. Congress.

225 W. Congress Phone 145.

EventuallyWhy not now?

yours for



" RUBE. " -It takes a lot of courage to get married -sometimes before and sometimes afterward. TO U. OF A. BOYS If your Dad uses engines and pumps for irrigating, tell him to use the Commercial Oil Engine and the Krogh Pump -Not just simply because we sell them, but because we KNOW that they will render the high- grade, DEPEND - ABLE service that you demand, and because their first cost is reasonable, their operating expense the most economical, and their upkeep trifling.

Tell Dad to ask us to write him full details.

Phone 275M. 547 S. Fifth Ave.


You all know him.



RUBEL. -A man is known by the company that keeps him.

1 Hartley & Anderson 4 4 Hats cleaned and reblocked. Garments cleaned, pressed, dyed, repaired. Blankets, curtains, feathers, etc., cleaned Phone 94 106 E. Congress St.

Rooms single and en suite Good Café and Grill Hotel Heidel One of the largest hotels in Tucson.

Opposite S. P. Depot J. W. Kellum, Manager

The Palms

Has been the choice of the U. A. students for years and will continue to be, because we supply your wants


Ice Cream, Sherbet Home -made Candy

8 E. Congress Phone 377

CEDRIC.- According to the law of averages, all homely men ought to be interesting.

t University Heights



Sidney F. Mashbir VOGUE HATS Architect and Engineer Tucson's Foremost Millinery 46 N. Stone Ave. 110 E. Congress.

Hotel Tucsonia Coolest in Summer Warmest in Winter SAMPLE Rooms SPACIOUS CUISINE POPULAR Overlooking Southwestern Park TUCSON

SCHWALEN. -It takes a real man to stick to a task he is not stuck on. 4 4* Printing

Our printing office is equipped for the handling of every descrip- tion of work in a_ manner econom- ical and satisfactory to the cus- tomer. THE DESERT is a sample of our work, and the fact that during the last 15 years our office has, with one exception, handled every issue of the University Annual, is evidence of our ability to satisfy those who are looking for the best in the printing line. We have the only monotype in the State, and for that reason no office is better equipped for first class book, pamphlet, and peri- odical work. If you want anything in the way of commercial job printing or mining forms, call and see us. We guarantee satisfaction. F. E. A. KIMBALL, STATIONER AND PRINTER, 121 -125 E. Congress St., TUCSON, - - - - ARIZONA

"Scoop." -There are other means of publicity besides advertising. Compliments Tucson

Gas, Electric Light &Power Co.

" Sis. "-If the shoe fits, get a size smaller. The UniversityofArizona

COLLEGES OF Letters, Arts, and Sciences Mines and Engineering Agriculture

Fall Semester opens For full information address Sept. 16, 1916 REGISTRAR, Second Semester begins University of Arizona Jan. 29, 1917 Tucson

ESTHER. -When a woman won't she will,uuless her mother says she shall. _