Stages of Embryonic Development of the Zebrafish
DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 2032553’10 (1995) Stages of Embryonic Development of the Zebrafish CHARLES B. KIMMEL, WILLIAM W. BALLARD, SETH R. KIMMEL, BONNIE ULLMANN, AND THOMAS F. SCHILLING Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1254 (C.B.K., S.R.K., B.U., T.F.S.); Department of Biology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 (W.W.B.) ABSTRACT We describe a series of stages for Segmentation Period (10-24 h) 274 development of the embryo of the zebrafish, Danio (Brachydanio) rerio. We define seven broad peri- Pharyngula Period (24-48 h) 285 ods of embryogenesis-the zygote, cleavage, blas- Hatching Period (48-72 h) 298 tula, gastrula, segmentation, pharyngula, and hatching periods. These divisions highlight the Early Larval Period 303 changing spectrum of major developmental pro- Acknowledgments 303 cesses that occur during the first 3 days after fer- tilization, and we review some of what is known Glossary 303 about morphogenesis and other significant events that occur during each of the periods. Stages sub- References 309 divide the periods. Stages are named, not num- INTRODUCTION bered as in most other series, providing for flexi- A staging series is a tool that provides accuracy in bility and continued evolution of the staging series developmental studies. This is because different em- as we learn more about development in this spe- bryos, even together within a single clutch, develop at cies. The stages, and their names, are based on slightly different rates. We have seen asynchrony ap- morphological features, generally readily identi- pearing in the development of zebrafish, Danio fied by examination of the live embryo with the (Brachydanio) rerio, embryos fertilized simultaneously dissecting stereomicroscope.
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