As South Africa prepares to welcome guests to The Sahra aims to introduce an integrated the 2010 FIFA World CupTM, there will be a focus system for the identification, assessment and on sharing the country’s arts and culture with visi- management of heritage resources and to enable tors and creating a legacy for the future. provincial and local governments to adopt powers The Department of Arts and Culture is tasked to protect and manage them. with creating an environment conducive to the Sahra has established the National Heritage growth, development and flowering of South Resources Fund to provide financial assistance Africa’s arts, culture and heritage landscape. to an approved body or individual, for any project The department leads and coordinates efforts that contributes to the conservation and protec- to promote national identity and social cohesion. tion of South Africa’s national heritage resources. Among its key objectives are the improvement, Conservation categories include: reorientation and expansion of the arts and culture • national heritage sites, registers, areas sector to serve South Africa’s cultural needs. and objects It focuses on creating sustainable jobs through • protected areas supporting initiatives in training, skills develop- • structures of more than 60 years old ment and by expanding opportunities for cultural • burial grounds and graves workers. The department is eager to expand its • fossils (palaeontology) and archaeology contribution to economic growth. • rock art The arts, culture and heritage sector prides • underwater cultural heritage, including histori- itself on its potential to create sustainable jobs and cal shipwrecks. entrepreneurial opportunities even in areas where people have minimum or no formal education. South African Geographical Names Council (SAGNC) Arts and culture organisations The SAGNC is an advisory body appointed by the and institutions Minister of Arts and Culture in terms of the SAGNC National Heritage Council (NHC) Act, 1998 (Act 118 of 1998). The council advises The NHC, a statutory body that aims to bring the minister on the transformation and stand- equity to heritage promotion and conserva­tion, ardisation of official geographical names in South was officially constituted on 26 February 2004 in Africa. The council has jurisdiction over all names terms of the NHC Act, 1999 (Act 11 of 1999). The of geographical features and entities falling within council creates an environment for preserving the territories over which the South African Gov- and promoting South African heritage. ernment has sovereignty or jurisdiction acquired Its other objectives are to protect and promote by treaty. the content and heritage that reside in orature; The following principles are adhered to: to integrate living heritage into the council and • each individual feature or entity should have all other heritage authorities and institutions at only one official name national, provincial and local level; to promote and • the following types of geographical names protect indigenous knowledge systems (IKS); and should be avoided: to intensify support for promoting­ the history and - approved names of places elsewhere in culture of all South Africans. South Africa The NHC spearheads campaigns to revive the - names of places in other countries, and values of ubuntu and is developing the Heritage names of countries Transformation Charter.

South African Heritage Resources In October 2009, the National Heritage Coun- Agency (Sahra) cil conferred its annual Ubuntu Awards on i The National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt as the inter- (Act 25 of 1999), established the Sahra to provide national recipient and King Sabata Dalindyebo as for the identification, protection, conservation, the local recipient. The awards recognise people who have and promotion of South Africa’s heritage for the consistently lived the humanitarian values of the African present and future generations. philosophy of ubuntu.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 80 - names that are blasphemous, indecent, Mmino offensive, vulgar, unaesthetic or embar­rass­ Mmino, the South African-Norwegian music ing education and exchange project has since its - names that are discriminatory or deroga­tory inception in 2000 been the only funding organi- - names that may be regarded as an adver- sation in South Africa that solely funds music tisement for a particular product, service or projects. firm In the past 10 years, Mmino funded more - names of living persons. than 230 projects and/or individuals located all Geographical names committees have been over South Africa, as well as some outstand- established in all nine provinces. These com- ing exchanges with Norwegian artists and mittees play an important role in standardising institutions. geographical names. A list of all approved names The Mmino Project is linked to the NAC, but has is available at a separate budget and funding procedures, and By June 2009, the SAGNC was conducting works in partnership with the Norwegian Riks- public hearings on a policy for name changing. konsertene. National Arts Council of South Africa Arts institutions (NAC) The following arts institutions assist to create a The NAC aims to: sustainable performing arts industry based on • support arts practice by creating and providing access, excellence, diversity and redress, and opportunities to achieve excellence in the arts, encourage the development of the full range of within a climate of freedom performing arts: • achieve equity by redressing imbalances in the • State Theatre, Pretoria allocation of resources • Playhouse Company, Durban • promote and develop appreciation, understan- • ArtsCape, ding and enjoyment of the arts through stra- • Market Theatre, Johannesburg tegies that include education, information and • Performing Arts Centre of the Free State, marketing Bloemfontein • enhance support for and recognition of the • Windybrow Theatre, Johannesburg. arts by promoting and facilitating national and The institutions receive annual transfers from the international liaison between individuals and Department of Arts and Culture, but also generate institutions revenue through entrance fees, donor assistance, • establish and recommend policy in the deve- sponsorships and rental income. lopment, practice and funding of the arts. It also offers bursaries to tertiary institutions for Business and undergraduate students. Individual bursaries are Arts South Africa (Basa) offered for studies towards a postgraduate quali- Basa, a joint initiative of government and the busi- fication in South Africa and abroad. ness sector, was founded in 1997. It is registered The NAC funds the Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and as a Section 21 company and a public-benefit Gauteng philharmonic orchestras and the Cape organisation, and aims to promote mutually Town Jazz Orchestra. beneficial and sustainable business and arts The NAC and International Federations of partnerships that will benefit civil society in the Arts Councils and Culture Agencies co-hosted long term. the fourth World Summit on Arts and Culture in Basa receives annual funding from the Depart- Johannesburg in September 2009. ment of Arts and Culture to implement its support- The summit coincided with the Arts Alive ing grant scheme. It is designed to attract funding Festival, an annual programme of cultural events or in-kind support from the business sector by hosted by the City of Johannesburg. The theme offering a grant to arts projects, specifically for of the summit was Meeting of Cultures: Making additional marketing or other benefits for the Meaning Through the Arts. business sector. The summit was also supported by the Depart- In addition, Basa initiates or enters into ment of Arts and Culture and the Gauteng Depart- partnerships with programmes and projects ment of Sport, Arts and Recreation. designed to mainstream the arts and lift their public profile, including a range of media part- nerships and high-profile arts projects with

81 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 national reach. Basa boasts some 130 companies horizontal band to the outer edge of the fly, can as corporate members nationally. This number be interpreted as the convergence of diverse fluctuates as companies merge and shift elements within South African society, taking the their focus areas. road ahead in unity. The Business Day/Basa Awards are presented When the flag is displayed vertically against annually. The awards encourage current and new a wall, the red band should be to the left of the corporate sponsors to see the results that have viewer, with the hoist or the cord seam at the been achieved in the arts and culture world, and top. to motivate other corporates to see the opportu- When displayed horizontally, the hoist should nities that arts and culture offer to their diverse be to the left of the viewer and the red band at the demographic audiences. top. When the flag is displayed next to or behind the speaker at a meeting, it must be placed to The Bureau of Heraldry the speaker’s right. When it is placed elsewhere in The Bureau of Heraldry, located in the Department the meeting place, it should be to the right of the of Arts and Culture, is responsible for registering audience. coats of arms; badges and other emblems such as flags, seals, medals and insignia of rank and National coat of arms offices of order; registering names and uniforms South Africa’s coat of arms was launched on (colours) of associations and organisations, such Freedom Day, 27 April 2000. as universities; and promoting national symbols. A focal point of the coat of arms is the indig- The Bureau of Heraldry is governed by the Her- enous secretary bird with its uplifted wings, aldry Act, 1962 (Act 18 of 1962), as amended. crowned with an image of the rising sun. The sun symbolises a life-giving force, and represents the National symbols flight of darkness and the triumph of discovery, South Africa’s national symbols are the: knowledge and understanding of things that have • national animal: springbok been hidden. It also illuminates the new life that • national bird: blue crane is coming into being. An indigenous South African • national fish: galjoen flower, the protea, is placed below the bird. It • national flower: king protea represents beauty, the aesthetic harmony of the • national tree: real yellowwood. different cultures, and South Africa flowering as a nation. The ears of wheat symbolise the National anthem fertility of the land, while the tusks of the African South Africa’s national anthem is a combined elephant, depicted in pairs to represent men and version of Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika and The Call of women, also represent wisdom, steadfastness South Africa (Die Stem van Suid-Afrika). The Call and strength. of South Africa was written by CJ Langenhoven The shield, placed in the centre, signifies the in May 1918. The music was composed by protection of South Africans from one generation Rev ML de Villiers in 1921. Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika to the next. The spear and a knobkierie above it was composed by a Methodist mission school- are representative of the defence of peace rather teacher, Enoch Sontonga, in 1897. than the pursuit of war. This shield of peace, The words of the first stanza were originally which also brings to mind an African drum, con- written in isiXhosa as a hymn. Seven additional veys the message of a people imbued with a love stanzas in isiXhosa were later added by the poet of culture. Its upper part is a shield imaginatively Samuel Mqhayi. It has been translated into most repre­sented by the protea. of South Africa’s official languages. Contained within the shield are some of the earliest representations of humanity. Those National flag depicted were the very first inhabitants of the South Africa’s national flag was launched and land, namely the Khoisan people. These figures used for the first time on Freedom Day, 27 April are derived from images on the Linton Stone, 1994. The design and colours are a synopsis of the a world-famous example of South African rock principal elements of the country’s flag history. art. The motto on the coat of arms, !ke e:/xarra// It is the only six-coloured national flag in the ke, written in the Khoisan language of the /Xam world and one of the most recognisable. people, means “diverse people unite” or “people The central design of the flag, beginning at the who are different joining together”. flag-pole in a “V” form and flowing into a single

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 82 National symbols and orders

The Order of the Baobab The Order of Luthuli The Order of Mendi for Bravery

The Order of Mapungubwe The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo The Order of Ikhamanga

National bird: blue crane National flower: king protea National fish: galjoen

National tree: real yellowwood National animal: springbok

83 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 National orders Celebrated South African music group, Ladysmith National orders are the highest awards that the Black Mambazo, received their third Grammy i country, through its President, can bestow on in February 2009 at the 51st annual Grammy individual South Africans and eminent foreign Awards held in Los Angeles, California. The group leaders and personalities. took home the Best Traditional World Music Album Award The Order of Mapungubwe is awarded to South for their album, ILembe; Honouring Shaka Zulu. Founded African citizens for excellence and exceptional in 1964 by lead singer Joseph Shabalala, Ladysmith Black achievement. Mambazo has recorded more than 50 albums. The group At the presidential inauguration in May 2009, has earned a total of 13 Grammy nominations, more than outgoing President, Mr Kgalema Motlanthe, pre- any South African band. sented President Jacob Zuma with the Order of Mapungubwe (platinum). The Order of the Baobab is awarded to South human-language technologies (HLTs) and ter- African citizens for distinguished service in the minology projects. It also provides a translation fields of business and the economy; science, and service in the official and foreign medicine and technological innova­tion; and com- languages. munity service. As part of its strategy to strengthen and pro- The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo is mote social cohesion through multilingualism awarded to heads of state and other dignitaries and to transform the South African society into for promoting peace, cooperation and friendship an information society, the NLS has embarked towards South Africa. on the development of HLT applications that will The Order of Luthuli is awarded to South Afri- connect South Africans equipped with nothing but cans who have made a meaningful contribution a normal telephone to government information to the struggle for democracy, human rights, and services regardless of the level of literacy and nation-building, justice and peace, and conflict location. resolution. The development of spell checkers and The Order of Ikhamanga is awarded to South machine-aided translation tools will contribute to African citizens who have excelled in the fields consistency and quality of documents rendered of arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and in or translated into all official languages, as sport. required by the National Language Policy Frame- The Order of Mendi for Bravery is awarded work. Once the National HLT Strategy, aimed at to South African citizens who have performed coordinating HLT activities in government struc- extraordinary acts of bravery. tures, has been approved by Cabinet, it will be implemented and the key element, the National Languages Centre for HLT, will be established. South Africa is a multilingual country. The coun- To address the status of indigenous languages, try’s Constitution guarantees equal status to 11 the NLS introduced a bursary scheme to encour- official languages to cater for South Africa’s age students to study in specialised language diverse peoples and their cultures. These are: fields as well as the most disadvantaged lan- Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, guages: Siswati, isiNdebele, Xitsonga and Sesotho sa Leboa, Sesotho, Setswana, SiSwati, Tshivenda. Tshivenda and Xitsonga. In 2009, 90 students received language Other languages used in South Africa are the bursaries. Khoi, Nama and San languages; Sign Language; The NLS is facilitating the establishment of the Arabic; German; Greek; Gujarati; Hebrew; Hindi; African Language Practitioners’ Council, which Portuguese; Sanskrit; Tamil; Telegu; and Urdu. will regulate the language profession. It will also South Africa has various structures and institu- go a long way to elevating the status of language tions that support the preservation and develop- practitioners in general and ensure that the ment of languages. services provided by language practitioners are of an acceptable standard. National Language Service (NLS) The NLS is located in the Department of Arts and Telephone Interpreting Service of Culture. It is tasked with meeting the constitu- South Africa (Tissa) tional obligations on multilingualism by managing Tissa provides telephone-interpreting services language diversity through language planning, to people who need to access government, and

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 84 The national anthem

Nkosi sikelel’ i Afrika Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo, Yizwa imithandazo yethu, Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.

Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso, O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho, O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso, Setjhaba sa South Afrika – South Afrika.

Uit die blou van onse hemel, Uit die diepte van ons see, Oor ons ewige gebergtes, Waar die kranse antwoord gee.

Sounds the call to come together, And united we shall stand, Let us live and strive for freedom, In South Africa our land.

85 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 aims to improve verbal communication between education, while the Communication Subcom- citizens and government agencies, thus allowing mittee attends to communication issues such citizens to exercise their right to use the language as the production of journals on issues related of their choice when dealing with government. to language development. The NLBs also do research and initiate projects for the various de- Pan South African Language Board signated languages. (PanSALB) PanSALB has nine provincial offices that PanSALB promotes multilingualism in South carry out the administrative function of PanSALB, Africa by fostering the development of all 11 and form the base on which PanSALB’s three official languages, while encouraging the use of structures operate in the provinces. many other languages spoken in the country. The board was created in terms of Section 6 Commission for the Promotion of the Constitution and defined by the PanSALB and Protection of the Rights Act, 1995 (Act 59 of 1995). Section 4 sets out the of Cultural, Religious and organisation’s independence and impartiality, and Linguistic Communities also provides that no organ of state or any person The Commission for the Promotion and Protection is allowed to interfere with the board or its staff’s of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguis- activities. tic Communities aims to contribute to social PanSALB also provides services such as transformation and nation-building. Its mission is research, standardisation and terminology deve- to promote and develop peace, friendship, human- lopment, compilation of dictionaries, translations, ity, tolerance and national unity among linguistic interpreting and mediation. The primary role of communities. To achieve this, the commission: PanSALB is to create a conducive environment • is a channel of communication between for all languages and allow language speak- the State and communities ers access to almost everything that has to be • monitors compliance by the State and civil communicated. society PanSALB may investigate the alleged violation • mediates in intercommunity conflict situations of any language right, policy or practice. It may and facilitates harmonious co-existence also summon any person, body or state organ to • facilitates the development of programmes that give evidence. foster sensitivity, respect for and understanding It is furthermore empowered to negotiate of cultural, religious and linguistic diversity or mediate in cases of language conflict and • lobbies government departments and legisla- attempts to achieve conciliation. tive authorities to identify laws undermining or PanSALB works through provincial language supporting those rights, and recommends the committees, national language bodies (NLBs) and repeal of laws that undermine those rights and national lexicography units (NLUs). the enactment of laws that support them. The NLUs have produced monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries. Community art centres and NLBs were created for each of the 11 official other cultural organisations languages and for the Khoi, Nama, San and South More than 160 community art centres are in African Sign Language. operation, varying from community-initiated to The aim is to develop each of the designated government-managed. The centres operate at dif- languages through the technical subcommit- ferent levels, ranging from general socio-cultural tees, such as the Standardisation Subcommittee that standardises terminologies, spelling and The National Writers’ Guild of South Africa orthography rules; and the Literature Subcommit- (NAWGSA) is an organisation of writers and i tee that develops forums for the production and their respective associations. It is committed to recognition of literature for each of the designated the creation, protection and development of excellent, languages. The revised spelling and orthography innovative, rich and original literary material in indigenous rules of nine of the official South African languages, languages, which are reflective of a unique environment isiZulu, isiXhosa, isiNdebele, Siswati, Sesotho and cultural context. sa Leboa, Sesotho, Setswana, Tshivenda and The NAWGSA strives to achieve fundamental social Xitsonga were launched in January 2009. The Language in Education Subcommittee change for the benefit of all budding and established writ- looks into matters that deal with language in ers.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 86 promotion, advanced programmes and vocational craft, fine art, dance, music, theatre, literature, training. multidisciplinary and new media. The centres also vary from craft centres, The annual ACT Awards recognise the signifi- community halls and community theatres. Many cant contributions made by communities, artists, art centres are functioning well and have made administrators, educators and journalists towards impressive contributions to local socio-economic the development and advancement of arts and development. The Department of Arts and culture in South Africa. Culture supports programmes in most needy centres that are community-initiated or non- Arts and culture initiatives governmental. Investing in culture With its provincial counterparts and community The Department of Arts and Culture has, through art centres, the Department of Arts and Culture the Investing in Culture Programme, funded developed a national framework to address the and supported more than 390 projects totalling challenges facing community art centres, includ- R285 million since 2005. ing funding, the quality of programmes and man- About 10 938 beneficiaries were provided agement capacity. with job opportunities primarily in the craft sec- The framework categorises community art tor. About 45% of jobs were created for women, centres into four levels based on organisational 39% for youth and 4% for people living with capacity. Each level has its own funding model disabilities. and criteria for operation in relation to program- The sector prides itself on its potential to ming and skills development. create sustainable jobs and entrepreneurial The department aimed to place 400 artists opportunities even in areas where people have in schools and community art centres during minimum or no formal education. 2009/10. The department entered into a training part- nership with the Media, Advertising, Publications, Arts and Culture Trust (ACT) and Packaging Sector Education and The ACT is the oldest funding agency in demo- Training Authority (Mappp-Seta) in November cratic South Africa. It was established to secure 2006 to ensure that the supported entities receive financial and other resources for arts, culture accredited training while in short-term employ- and heritage; and to project the needs and role ment, in compliance with the Expanded Public of the sector into the public domain. Its vision is Works Programme. to establish a self-sustaining perpetual fund for This empowers beneficiaries to increase the development of arts, culture and heritage in their skills base and employability potential and South Africa. subsequently land meaningful opportunities. It Its mission is to attract and provide funding is also aimed at transforming and expanding for the sustainable development and growth the training-provider base for the sector through of the arts, culture and heritage in South Africa, Master Crafter (train-the-trainer). realised through mutually beneficial partnerships Achievements include: between the corporate, public and cultural sec- • During 2008/09, competency certificates (Craft tors focused on making a positive difference to Production, National Qualifications Framework the lives of all South Africans. [NQF] Two) were awarded to 156 crafters, The ACT is responsible for: 58 assessors and seven moderators from • developing and promoting arts, culture and various provinces. In addition, 560 successfully heritage in general completed Adult Basic Education and Training • advancing artists and cultural and heritage prac- (Abet) from levels one to three. titioners • Provincial coordinators had already been • promoting arts, cultural and heritage edu- trained and qualified as assessors and mod- cation erators on Craft Production, Craft Enterprise • constructing facilities and creating and deve- and Craft Operations Management, NQF Two, loping an infrastructure for these purposes. Four and Five, respectively. Due regard is given to ensuring a spread of projects • In 2009/10, 120 crafters were undergoing across all the cultural and artistic disciplines, training on a 12-month Arts and Culture Admi- including but not limited to, arts administration, nistration course (NQF Four), which commenced arts education, community art, festivals, heritage, in January 2009. A further 120 crafters had

87 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 been placed on the five-month Prior Learning cinct to accom­modate the CC, the Constitution Against Craft Production (NQF Two) Programme Museum, the Women’s Jail, the Old Fort and a that was completed in June 2009. About 300 commercial precinct. crafters completed the Abet Level Four in June • The Sarah Baartman Centre of Remembrance 2009. in Hankey in the Eastern Cape and the Sarah Baartman Human Rights Memorial in the Wes- Legacy projects tern Cape: The centre will include a multipur- Monuments, museums, plaques, outdoor art, pose space, a , exhibition spaces, an heritage trails and other symbolic represen­tations indigenous plants garden and a nursery. create visible reminders of, and commemorate, • The Freedom Park Project: The objective of this the many aspects of South Africa’s past. project is to establish visible cultural structures Government has initiated several national that celebrate and commemorate diverse and legacy projects to establish commemorative sym- important South African events, spanning pre- bols of South Africa’s history and to celebrate its history, colonisation and the struggle for democ- heritage. racy, and ending with a vision for the future. The legacy projects include the: The park was declared a cultural institution • Women’s Monument: On 9 August 2000, in terms of the Cultural Institutions Act, 1998 former President Thabo Mbeki unveiled a (Act 119 of 1998), from April 2009. On comple- monument at the Union Buildings in Pretoria tion, the Freedom Park will be a national monu- to commemorate the contribution­ of the ment and museum. women of South Africa to the struggle for • The Khoisan Heritage and Culture Institu- freedom. The ceremony marked the day, in tion in Hankey, Kouga Municipality, as part 1956, when 20 000 women marched to the of the Khoisan Legacy Project: An estimated Union Buildings to protest against govern- R5 million was allocated for the first phase. ment’s pass laws. Sites under consideration include the Kat • Chief Albert Luthuli’s house in KwaDukuza, River valley settlement, which rose in rebellion KwaZulu-Natal: This house has been restored against British colonialism in 1850; Adam Kok’s by the Department of Arts and Culture as a grave in Griqualand; the graves at Kinderlê, museum with a visitors’ interpretative centre. where 32 Khoi children were killed in 1804; The project also involved the unveiling of Chief Wonderwerk Cave; Phillipolis; Ratelgat, owned Luthuli’s sculpture at the KwaDukuza municipal by the Griqua Ratelgat Development Trust; the grounds. sites of Griqua churches and other institutions • Battle of Blood River/Ncome Project: Following in the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and West- the unveiling of the Ncome Monument and Wall ern Cape; as well battle sites associated with of Remembrance on 16 December 1998, the the war of 1799 to 1803. Ncome Museum was opened on 26 November • The Dulcie September Legacy Project: It aims 1999. The structures honour the role played by to acknowledge the heroes who sacrificed their the Zulu nation in the battle. lives for the attainment of freedom and demo- • Samora Machel Project: The Samora Machel cracy in South Africa. The project also highlights Monument in Mbuzini, Mpumalanga, was the contribution of anti-apartheid activist Dulcie unveiled on 19 October 1998. September in fighting cultural intolerance and • Nelson Mandela Museum: This museum in building a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist the Eastern Cape was opened on 11 February and cohesive society. 2000. It is being developed as a single com- • The 2010 FIFA World CupTM legacy projects: The ponent comprising three elements, namely a Department of Arts and Culture is supporting museum in Mthatha, a youth centre at Qunu, FIFA 2010 legacy projects that seek to docu- and a visitors’ centre in Mvezo, where former ment cultural histories of the host cities as well President Mandela was born. as cities in the Southern African Development • Constitution Hill Project: The Old Fort Prison in Community (SADC) region. The department is Hillbrow, Johannesburg, was developed into also looking into rural communities benefiting a multidimensional and multipurpose precinct from the projects through the establishment of that houses the Constitutional Court (CC) cinemas in rural areas as a legacy of the public and accommodates various constitutional com- viewing areas established for the 2010 event. missions. The Constitution Hill Project involved Other projects underway are the 1981 Matola Raid the development of the Constitutional Hill pre- Memorial in Maputo, Mozambique; the rehabilita-

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 88 tion and development of the Lock Street women’s Heritage Month celebrations prison in East London into a museum; deve- The Department of Arts and Culture is responsible lopment of the former apartheid state security for the Heritage Month celebrations. Heritage Vlakplaas farm into a heritage memorial site; and Month promotes and celebrates various aspects the OR Tambo Memorial Project in Bizana in the of South African heritage. Eastern Cape. The theme for the 2009 Heritage Month was Celebrating South African Craft, Our Heritage. Indigenous Music Provinces host various heritage activities dur- and Oral History Project ing Heritage Month. These activities culminate in The Department of Arts and Culture has partner- national Heritage Day, on 24 September. ships with the universities of Venda, Fort Hare and Zululand. The mandate for these universities is Mosadi wa Konokono (Woman of not only to conduct research on indigenous music Substance) and instruments, but to also identify and collect Mosadi wa Konokono is a flagship campaign of all aspects of intangible cultural heritage in their the Department of Arts and Culture. It is a socio- provinces. cultural-economic campaign that was concep- The department and the African Cultural Heri- tualised as a vehicle for elevating the profile of tage Fund promote indigenous music by host- ordinary women in grassroots communities. ing regional, provincial and national competi- The campaign uses arts and culture to foster tions on indigenous dance and music. These social cohesion and to nurture a spirit of economic competitions showcase the diverse indi- self-determination. The campaign has also been genous music and dance in South Africa. created as a platform to enable the emergence of talented women and youth who are already instrumental in and proactively building their Some of the winners of the 2008 Naledi Theatre communities. Awards, held in April 2009, included: i •  Best New South African Play Produced: Karoo Education and training Moose - Produced by in as- Training is critical for the development of arts and sociation with Absa and Aardklop. Written and directed culture to achieve both the developmental­ and by Lara Foot Newton. economic potential of the sector. • Best Production of a Musical: Beauty and the Beast - The creative industries form part of the Mappp- Produced by Pieter Toerien and Hazel Feldman in asso- Seta. ciation with Disney Theatrical Productions. Directed by Recognising the challenges facing this sec- Robert Jess Roth. tor, the Mappp-Seta, in partnership with the • Best Performance by an Actress in a Lead Role (Play): departments of arts and culture and of labour, Dorothy-Ann Gould - Hello and Goodbye. the NAC, and the National Film and Video Foun- • Best Performance by an Actor in a Lead Role (Play): Mdu dation (NFVF), initiated the Creative Research Kweyama - Karoo Moose. Education and Training Enterprise South Africa • Best Performance in a Musical (Female): Gina Shmukler (Create SA) Strategic Project to develop a com- - Chess. prehensive on-the-job training framework for • Best Performance in a Musical (Male): Jonathan Rox- the creative industries. The project is funded by mouth - Beauty and the Beast. the National Skills Fund and the Department of • Best Performance by a Newcomer/Breakthrough Arts and Culture, and focuses on people who (Female): Chuma Sopotela - Karoo Moose. otherwise might not have had access to training • Best Performance by a Newcomer/Breakthrough (Male): opportunities. Sibu Radebe - Beauty and the Beast. The Artists in Schools Project places artists with • Best Comedy Performance (Male) (Play, Musical or a flair for education and teaching within schools Revue): A tie between Beauty and the Beast’s Jonathan wishing to offer arts curricula. Roxmouth (Gaston) and Sibu Radebe (Lefou). • Best Comedy Performance (Female) (Play, Musical or Cultural tourism Revue): Judy Page - The Full Monty. Cultural tourism is one of the most rapidly grow- • Best Community Theatre Production (Sponsored by ing sectors of the multibillion-rand international Computicket): 8 o’ Clock. Written and directed by Moses tourism industry, and is an area in which South Muyela. Produced by Extroverts Entertainment, Wit- Africa is well placed to compete. Professional and bank. innovative museums, galleries and theatres are key attractions for cultural tourists.

89 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 Cultural villages Pursuant to South-South cooperation, the De- Most tourists visiting South Africa are eager to partment of Arts and Culture is forging trilateral i explore the country’s cultural diversity. At the partnerships with strategic countries in the North same time, an increasing number of local tourists and with countries on the continent to access re- want to learn more about the people they were sources and tap into their experiences and skills. separated from under apartheid. (See Chapter 22: These include the South Africa, Belgium and Democratic Tourism.) Republic of Congo partnership in the area of local cultural Various projects around the country offer policy development; and the South Africa, Mexico and Bot- insight into South Africa’s cultural wealth, ranging swana Trilateral Partnership in the area of conservation and from traditional dances and rituals in rural areas, management of rock art. to excursions into the urban and township milieux that give South Africa its defining features. These include Khaya Lendaba near Port The music hub is expected to become a unique Elizabeth; the Basotho Cultural Village, situated and innovative music-production entity that will in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, empower all stakeholders in the music industry, Free State; the Makhosini Cultural Village especially previously disadvantaged artists. and Tourism Initiative in the Valley of Kings at The hub is a partnership involving corporate Umgungundlovu in KwaZulu-Natal; the Lesedi and community-based entities. Cultural Village near Johannesburg; Tlholego in Magaliesburg; the KoMjekejeke Cultural Vil- International relations lage, north of Pretoria; the Mapoch Ndebele The Department of Arts and Culture’s participation Village in Winterveld, north-west of Pretoria; the in various activities in the international cultural Gaabo Motho Cultural Village in Mabopane; the arena helps to identify, promote and exploit Rainbow Cultural Village, west of the Hartbees- mutually beneficial partnerships for social and poort Dam, North West; Botshabelo in Middel- economic development in South Africa. burg, Mpumalanga; and Shangana in Hazyview, Together with the African Union (AU) and Mpumalanga. the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nepad), South Africa has embarked on the road to Cultural industries restoring, preserving and protecting African The Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for heritage. South Africa (AsgiSA) has identified the creative The department’s mandate is to ensure that industries as one of the key areas in which South South African talent takes its rightful place on Africa can achieve the goals of job creation and the global stage and to use artistry as a tool for greater economic growth in South Africa. economic self-liberation. Bilateral agreements The Cultural Industries Growth Strategy capita- have been signed with France, the United King- lises on the economic potential of the craft, dom (UK), China, Cuba, India, New Zealand and music, film, and design industries. The Belarus. South Africa ratified the Convention on Department of Arts and Culture provides support the Promotion and Protection of Cultural Diversity in the form of financing, management capacity, in 2006, becoming the 35th member country to advocacy and networking, and by developing do so. public-private partnerships and other initiatives In 2009, South Africa launched a new library that use culture as a tool for urban regeneration. building for the Ahmed Baba Institute in Timbuktu, Worldwide, the turnover of cultural industries Mali, as a result of the success of the first Nepad makes this the fifth-largest economic sector, project, the South Africa Mali Timbuktu Manu- which comprises design, the performing arts, scripts Project, which was aimed at providing dance, film, television, multimedia, cultural herit- assistance on the preservation and popularisation age, cultural tourism, visual arts, crafts, music of the manuscripts in Timbuktu. and publishing. In the area of international cooperation on The Department of Arts and Culture has entered cultural development, the Department of Arts and into partnership with significant stakeholders to Culture is committed to promoting the African map the cultural industries. Agenda. In November 2008, the department bought More than 100 South African artists took part the Downtown Music Hub in Johannesburg from in the Pan-African Arts Festival in Algiers in July Gallo/Avusa, with the aim of developing sustain- 2009 and more than 200 participated in the World able cultural industries. Festival of Black Arts in Senegal in December 2009.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 90 The South Africa-Nigeria 10th anniversary fields of arts management and skills development celebrations in October 2009 showcased fashion in identified countries as part of the Post-Conflict designers and South Africa’s film industry. Reconstruction and Development Programme, such as Ethiopia, Lesotho, Democratic Republic of Southern African Development Com- Congo, Burundi and Sudan. munity initiative The Department of Arts and Culture initiated the Cultural agreements between South establishment of the Forum of Directors-General Africa and African states of Culture in the SADC region to implement and The Department of Arts and Culture has signed monitor the recommendations by the ministers of 18 agreements of cooperation in the fields of arts, culture in the region. culture and heritage. By May 2009, agreements In partnership with Namibia, the department had been signed with: hosted the follow-up colloquium of SADC min- • Gabon isters of culture to review progress made since • Ghana the adoption of the Pretoria Statement and also to • Benin come up with a regional strategy for the cultural • Ethiopia. industries, creating a bargaining block for SADC cultural goods and services. Bilateral cooperation India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) African Union and New Partnership The IBSA countries signed the Memorandum of for Africa’s Development initiatives Understanding on Cultural Cooperation during the The Department of Arts and Culture aims to con- IBSA Summit that was held at the Presidential tinue to engage intellectuals in the fields of arts, Guest House in Pretoria in September 2007. culture and heritage from Africa and the Diaspora The Njapedi Cultural Group represented South in efforts to come up with a streamlined and Africa at the cultural evening and two chefs repre- consolidated approach and policy frameworks to sented South Africa at the IBSA Food Festival. ascertain a place in the global cultural arena. The recipes used by chefs from India, Brazil The establishment of the Africa Heritage Fund and South Africa had been collated into a , is a step towards the realisation of the Africa Ren- Flavours of IBSA, which was showcased at the aissance and the protection of valuable tangible 2009 IBSA Summit that was held in Brazil in and intangible heritage. October 2009. In September 2009, South Africa and the Afri- South Africa hosted the Indian festival in July can Cultural Music and Dance Association hosted 2009 and India hosted the South African festival the Gcwala Ngamasiko Africa Unite in Cultural in November 2009. Diversity Festival. The festival, in its sixth year, was a nationwide China celebration of traditional music and dance. The Department of Arts and Culture and the Ministry of Culture in China enjoy good relations. Africa and the Diaspora The two countries have had numerous cultural Discussions around a structured relationship exchanges under the auspices of the Programme between Africa and Africans in the Diaspora to of Cooperation signed in 2001 and 2006. ensure strong beneficial ties, has been on the The department has been invited to participate agenda of the annual Nairobi Summit of African in the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 in China. Ministers of Culture. This partnership presents an opportunity for cultural goods and services Arts festivals from the developing world to access the global The range of arts festivals around South Africa markets. offers visitors the opportunity to combine their The AU Africa and Diaspora Summit is a pursuit of culture with sightseeing, wine tasting, culmination of efforts to establish sustainable beach visits, wildlife viewing, history, palaeo- partnership between Africans and the continent anthropology and relaxing in some of South and those in the Diaspora. Africa’s most beautiful spots. The National Arts Festival, held annually in Contributing towards post-conflict Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, is one of the larg- reconstruction and development est and most diverse arts gatherings of its kind The Department of Arts and Culture is actively staged in Africa. involved in capacity-building initiatives in the

91 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 It showcases southern African talent in all arts The Soweto Gospel Choir performed at the disciplines and there is also growing interest and Academy Awards ceremony in February 2009, i participation from artists from the rest of Africa in California, United States of America. This was and the world. the first time that the Grammy-nominated group The 2009 festival attracted 3 840 performances performed at the Oscars. of 433 fringe productions (equivalent to 86 days) and 406 performances of 210 main productions (equivalent to 59 days). South African theatre is internationally The Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees is a acclaimed as unique and top-class. vibrant festival for the performing arts, presented Apart from early productions, notably the mainly, but not exclusively, in Afrikaans. It is held ground-breaking musical King Kong in the 1960s, annually in Oudtshoorn in the first quarter of the theatre created in South Africa by South Africans year. only began to make an impact with the advent Disciplines include drama, cabaret and con- of Johannesburg’s innovative Market Theatre in temporary and classical music. the mid-1970s, just as the cultural, sporting and The Arts Alive International Festival, held in academic boycott was taking hold. Johannesburg, is an annual festival of music, The Market Theatre was formally opened on dance, theatre and visual arts. Over the years, Arts 21 June 1976. It was there that Johannesburg Alive has become synonymous with high-quality theatregoers were introduced to the work of performances by artists from around the globe. most of South Africa’s leading playwrights and Heritage-reclamation festivals are also held at directors, including Welcome Msomi, Zanemvula local level in communities destroyed by apartheid, (Zakes) Mda, Pieter-Dirk Uys, Gibson Kente, Paul such as Vrededorp (Fietas) in Johannesburg. Slabolepszy, Mbongeni Ngema, Adam Small, The Mangaung Cultural Festival (Macufe) in PG du Plessis, Kessie Govender, Bartho Smit, Bloemfontein is gaining status as one of the big- Maishe Maponya, Percy Mtwa, Deon Opperman, gest cultural tourism events in southern Africa. Reza de Wet, Matsemela Manaka and many Aardklop, held annually in Potchefstroom, others. North West, is inherently Afrikaans, but universal It was to the Market Theatre that Athol Fugard in character. The festival provides a platform for brought his A Lesson from Aloes, Master Harold the creativity and talent of local artists. … and the Boys, The Road to Mecca, A Place Other festivals that attract visitors at both with the Pigs, My Children! My Africa! and Play- national and international level are the Joy of Jazz land. At the Market, Barney Simon and his actors International Festival; Oppikoppi; Calabash; the developed in workshop Cincinatti – Scenes from One City Festival in Taung, North West; the Awe- City Life, Call Me Woman, Black Dog Inj’emnyana, some Africa Music Festival in Durban; the Spier Outers, Born in the RSA and Woza Albert! Summer Festival at Spier Estate in the Western The performing arts marketed South Africa to Cape; and the Windybrow Theatre Festival in overseas audiences most effectively during the Johannesburg. 1980s, specifically through theatre and musical The Department of Arts and Culture and the productions. NAC support numerous festivals throughout South However, with the new century underway, the Africa, including the Cape Town International Jazz pendulum is swinging back, and, in nurseries such Festival, Port St Johns Festival, Splashy Fen Music as the Market Theatre Laboratory, the Liberty The- Festival in Durban and the National Arts Festival atre on the Square’s Saturday Children’s Theatre in Grahamstown. workshops, the Cape Town Theatre Lab and the The departments of arts and culture and of Johannesburg Youth Theatre, new shoots of talent tourism have a forum of festival directors to max- are burgeoning and blooming, nurtured by events imise tourism opportunities. like the Market’s community and young writers’ festivals. Theatre In recent years, South African theatre has taken The theatre scene in South Africa is vibrant, with the entertainment world by storm with commend- many active spaces across the country offering able reviews for Umoja, The Lion King and Kat everything from indigenous drama, music, dance, and The Kings. The reception these productions cabaret and satire, to West End and Broadway receive in capitals of the world testifies to the high hits, classical music, opera and ballet. quality of indigenous South African theatre.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 92 Music promote South African music through live events, South Africa has nurtured the development of publicity and exclusive branding. an array of distinctive styles of music, and it has contributed significantly to music heard on the South African Music Week continent. The South African Music Week is an annual These styles range from South African jazz, project that celebrates South African music on which describes a range of music from early radio, television and through live events in the marabi-inspired sounds in the late 1930s and community. The project is considered the largest 1940s by bands like the Merry Blackbirds platform for developing South Africa’s live and Orchestra, to current performers such as recording music industry through broadcasting, trumpeter Hugh Masekela, Jonas Gwangwa, workshops, awareness and the promotion of local Abdullah Ibrahim, Jimmy Dludlu, Judith Sephuma music products. and others. During Music Week, many broadcasters Kwaito and hip-hop are very popular. They increase airplay of South African music, providing combine elements of rap, reggae and other musi- artists with a platform to market their products. cal styles into a distinctly South African style. Kwaai Jazz is gaining momentum. Moshito Music Conference and Exhi- Music is one of the key cultural industries iden- bition tified in the Cultural Industrial Growth Strategy The Department of Arts and Culture continues to Report, and government has committed itself to host the annual Moshito Conference and Exhibi- harnessing its potential. In addition to its cultural tion, which has become the key African continent value, music plays an important economic role music exhibition and marketing point. in the country, generating significant copyright The exhibition is aimed at promoting collabora- revenue. tion among players from both the private and the In music, the department has solid foundations public sectors. to build on. These include the annual South African The annual event is designed to provide Music Week, the in-school education programme opportunities for business networking; infor- run in conjunction with the Department of Basic mation exchange; music-business education; Education, and the Moshito Music Conference and promotion and product development for national Exhibition. music producers, performers, individuals and The Taking South African Music to the World entities providing support services; as well as to Programme is aimed at improving export oppor- strengthen business opportunities for the music tunities for South African music. industry and related media. The Department of Arts and Culture funds a number of musical ensembles directly and indi- Support for the Southern African rectly, through the NAC. Electronic Music Conference The electronic music sector is one of the Midem 2009 strategic platforms for growth of the local music The Marché International du Disque et de l’ industry. The sector has shown its strength in Musicale (Midem) is an international music appealing to the youth market in terms of music market, held annually in France, and attracts sales. in excess of 10 000 music-business practition- In 2006, the Department of Arts and Culture ers who showcase their products. It is the most for the first time entered into a partnership with prestigious music trade-show in the world. The event is also designed to provide opportunities In July 2009, the Minister of Arts and Culture, for business networking. South Africa had its first Ms Lulu Xingwana, launched the programme for i pavilion at Midem in January 2005. the Moral Regeneration Movement at an event in South Africa continues to participate in the Polokwane, Limpopo. South Africans were reminded Midem. The aim of the department’s participation of the importance of positive values and the responsibility is to market and promote South African music of creating moral communities, to ensure lasting democ- abroad and learn from peers so that the country racy, peace and prosperity in Africa. can be globally competitive. The Moral Regeneration Movement was launched in South Africa was given the status of “Country April 2002, established as a Section 21 company with the of Honour” at Midem in 2010. This means that the then Deputy President, Jacob Zuma, as its patron. country was given the opportunity to market and

93 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 In July 2009, South African opera singer Pretty The Wits Theatre (part of the University of the Yende (24) achieved a world-first by taking i Witwatersrand) is also a popular dance venue. It home all the main prizes at the prestigious Inter- is home to the annual First National Bank (FNB) national Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition Dance Umbrella. in Vienna, Austria. The FNB Dance Umbrella 2009 ran from The School of Music graduate 22 February to 14 March. The festival took place won the first prize in the opera and operatta categories and in various venues: the Wits Theatre Complex took home the Audience Prize as well as the International in Braamfontein, the Dance Factory, the Market Media-Jury Prize. She also won seven special prizes, which Theatre Laboratory in Newtown and the University are sponsored by the jurors and donors. of Johannesburg Centre for the Arts in Auckland Park. The highlight of the Dance Umbrella 2009 was Deejays United (DJU) a body formed by individual the opening of Dance Space, where the Dance DJs and music-industry practitioners to address Forum was based from March 2009. the plight of aspiring practitioners through skills Activities ranged from face-to-face discussions development. with selected choreographers/dancers, photo The partnership has strengthened the efforts of exhibitions, dance-film screenings, networking the DJU and the conference, and played a critical events, discussions and debates, and other role in increasing the scale at which the project dance material for sale. was pitched, thus allowing many aspiring music The festival featured choreographers and com- producers to be accommodated. panies from all over South Africa, and presented The 2009 conference was held in July in Durban. work ranging from community-based/youth Music-making participants at the conference had groups, young up-and-coming choreographers an opportunity to have their songs included on a and new commissioned work from South African CD for release by Sony Music. artists to international companies. The , started in 1934 as South African Music Awards (Samas) the University of Cape Town Ballet Company, is The 15th annual Sama ceremony took place in the oldest ballet company in the country. May 2009. Categories and winners included: The largest ballet company is the South African • Album of the Year: Lira – Soul in Mind Ballet Theatre, situated in Johannesburg. •  Best Male Solo Artist: Abdullah Ibrahim •  Best Female Solo Artist: Lira Visual arts • Best Newcomer: Andile Mseleku Art galleries in South Africa’s major cities (such • Best Duo/Group: Soweto Gospel Choir as the Durban Art Gallery in KwaZulu-Natal; the •  MTN Record of the Year: Rhythmic Elements. Johannesburg Art Gallery in Gauteng; the South African National Gallery in Cape Town; and the Dance Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum in Port South African dance is unique in its vitality and Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape) display collections energy. More and more South African dance of indigenous, historical and contemporary work. companies, individual dancers and choreogra- Universities also play an important role in phers are being invited to perform at festivals acquiring artwork of national interest. throughout Europe, Australia and the United States of America. Contemporary work ranges from normal Renowned South African choreographer and preconceptions of movement and performance­ performance artist, Robyn Orlin, was honoured i art or performance theatre to the completely with a prestigious award from French President unconventional. Nicolas Sarkozy, in recognition of her significant Added to this is the African experience, which contribution to choreography and the arts. includes traditional dance inspired by wedding Sarkozy made Orlin a Knight of the Ordre National du ceremonies, battles, rituals and the trifles of Mérite – the French National Order of Merit. The award is everyday life. bestowed upon French nationals and foreigners in recogni- An informal but highly versatile perfor- tion of distinguished civil and military achievements. m­ance venue in Johannesburg, The Dance Fac- Orlin received the award at a ceremony held in Johan- tory, provides a permanent platform for a variety nesburg in February 2009. of dance and movement groups.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 94 The Arise Africa Fashion Week took place from Each book focuses on a particular historical 12 to 20 June 2009. The designers who par- i period. The second phase of the project aims to ticipated came from South Africa, Madagascar, produce a series of documentary films. Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Guinea, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Angola, Ivory Coast, Photography Namibia, Martinique, Mozambique, Egypt, Botswana and With its scenic beauty, abundant wildlife, diversity Morocco. of cultures and rich historical heritage, South The awards were as follows: Africa is a photographer’s paradise. Many South • Designer of the Year Award: David Tlale of South Africa African photographers have been acclaimed for • Most Promising Designer Award: Heni of South Africa their work, which features in coffee-table books, • Fashion Business Award: Maponya Mall, Soweto, documentaries, local and overseas exhibitions, Johannesburg magazines and newspapers. • Fashion Creative Award: Anglo Gold and Susan Hayes of National and international photographic South Africa exhibitions and competitions are held in South • Africa Red Carpet Award: Kluk CDGT of South Africa. Africa annually, and various national awards are bestowed on local photographers. The Agfa Wild- life and Environment Photographic Awards, These include collections housed in the Ger- presented for the first time in 1981, have trude Posel Gallery of the University of the Wit- become one of Africa’s most prestigious wildlife watersrand, the University of South Africa (Unisa) photographic competitions, attracting entries Gallery in Pretoria, the Edoardo Villa Museum and from top wildlife photographers, not only from other galleries at the University of Pretoria, and Africa, but across the world. a of contemporary Indian art at the University of Durban-Westville. Architecture Corporate collections of national interest South Africa has a rich architectural heritage to include those of Standard Bank, Amalgamated which all the cultural groups in the country have Banks of South Africa (Absa) and the MTN cellular contributed. Through the centuries, a trend in phone network. South Africa’s architectural style has developed, The Department of Arts and Culture supports a which has been referred to as an innovative mar- number of projects that promote the visual arts. rying of traditions. These range from arts publications and women- Today, this is evident in the variety of architec- empowerment programmes to national and inter- tural structures found all over the country, ranging national exhibitions and infrastructure funding. from humble dwellings, historical homesteads The Department of Arts and Culture’s art collec- and public buildings, to modern commercial tion has been restored and the works are displayed buildings reflecting state-of-the-art technology in the building occupied by the department. and designs that match the best in the world. The Visual Century Project is undertaking Schools of architecture exist within various research on the visual arts in South Africa over South African universities. Sahra conserves build- the last century. ings of historical or architectural value. More The project will involve exhibitions at all major than 4 000 buildings, sites and other objects galleries, publications and documentary films. (including trees) have been declared national It was conceived as a research project to pro- monuments. duce a range of art historical resources that invite Heritage South Africa is a non-profit private further research. The project is managed by the organisation that conserves South Africa’s variety Africa South Art Initiative. of architectural gems. The project has received initial funding from the Department of Arts and Culture, and is housed Rock art in the Department of Historical Studies at the There are many traces of ancient cultures that University of Cape Town. Subtitled South African existed in the country in the distant past. Experts Art in Context, 1907 to 2007, the project seeks estimate that there are 250 000 rock-art sites to produce a concise record of a century of South south of the Zambezi. African contemporary art production. The San people left a priceless and unique col- In 2009, the first phase of the Visual Century lection of Stone Age paintings and engravings in Project created four publications and a website. South Africa, which is also the largest of its type in the world.

95 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 The Department of Arts and Culture intends to In 2009, the department established the annual undertake a national audit on the Intangible Cul- i National Craft Awards where 60 crafters across tural Heritage (ICH) in South Africa. The objective the nine provinces were recognised and awarded of the audit, among other things, is to provide the for their contribution to craft development. department with an indication of the scope of the ICH in The department has craft projects in all nine South Africa, a register of the different categories of ICH provinces. The products of these and other projects as well as measures to preserve and protect it, including can be viewed at a number of venues, including the benefits thereof. The audit will form the basis of the two state-assisted outlets at the Bus Factory in promotion, protection and transmission of South Africa’s Newtown, Johannesburg, and the Boardwalk in living heritage. Port Elizabeth. The Annual Beautiful Things Craft Supermarket continues to provide market access for this young The mountains, especially the Drakensberg industry. range and those in the Cape, are home to fasci- The Department of Arts and Culture is also nating rock-art panels. running a special ministerial project of craft com- Rock engravings are scattered on flat rock petitions in the genres of textile, embroidery and surfaces and boulders throughout the interior. The indigenous clay pottery to discover new talent. artworks depict mainly hunter-gatherers and their In recognition of the wealth of indigenous know- relationship with the animal world and historical ledge, the department spearheaded the opening events, as well as interaction with and observa- of a rural-based arts and craft gallery. tion of newcomers encroaching upon their living The Vhutsila a vhu Tibiwi Art and Craft Gallery space. Indigenous people with spears and Nguni is a realisation of a dream come true for the cattle, Khoikhoin fat-tailed sheep, European set- ideals of skills development and the preservation tlers on horseback with rifles and wagons, and of heritage and the IKS in the Vhembe district, ships and soldiers in uniform were captured in Limpopo. surprising detail. Immortalised visions of the artists’ spir- Design itual world are found on the sandstone canvases. The Department of Arts and Culture has put These depict complex symbols and metaphors to in place several initiatives to improve product illustrate the supernatural powers and potency design and the use of computer-aided design they received from nature. (CAD). The oldest dated rock art in South Africa, These include: an engraved stone 10 200 years old, was discov- • a partnership with the South African Fashion ered in a living floor at the Wonderwerk Cave near Week on developmental initiatives to address Kuruman in the Northern Cape. the Second Economy The oldest painted stones (6 400 years) were • established designers facilitating work­shops to recovered at Boomplaas Cave in the Cango Valley unearth new talent and fuse design with craft near Oudtshoorn. • the National Product Development Centre at the Three painted stones were also found at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Klasies River caves, which yielded the second- (CSIR), which operates within a national frame- oldest painted stone, dating back 3 900 years. work, optimising the contributions of service- The Department of Arts and Culture supports providers throughout­ the country in the area of a number of projects, including a rock-heritage design technology project in Clanwilliam in the Western Cape. • the CAD initiative at the CSIR, which is linked to the technology station at the Free State Uni- Crafts versity of Technology and similar institutions in The craft industry has been identified as a stra- KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape tegic sector for the economic upliftment of South • the Cape Craft and Design Institute Africans. The crafts industry has the potential to • the awarding of design learnerships through create meaningful jobs and the Department of Create SA to help emerging designers Arts and Culture has begun to consolidate the • the annual Design Indaba Conference and Expo marketing and distribution of South African prod- held in Cape Town in February. ucts to international markets such as Art Mundi The indaba is regarded as one of the premier in Brazil. design events in the world. The expo is a gallery, a marketplace, a school and a theatre, featuring

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 96 the finest original South African design, covering Thousands of members of the public, rep- everything from homeware and jewellery to archi- resentatives of publishing houses, and trade tecture, fashion, film, multimedia and graphic delegations from 31 countries and other African design. countries spent hours poring over the latest offerings. Literature WorldFest, a literary component of the South Africa has a rich history of literary output Grahamstown Arts Festival, focuses on promoting that has been well received locally and interna- literature in indigenous languages. tionally. Fiction is written in all of South Africa’s 11 The Johannesburg and the Franschoek literary official languages – with a large body of work in festivals are welcome additions to the growing Afrikaans, in particular. literary culture in South Africa. The net turnover of the book sector was esti- Magazines and literary journals have always mated at about R5 billion in 2007. This included played a pivotal role in the development of the about R3,2 billion earned through publishing and South African literary contours. In the recent past, R1,8 billion from book sales. a number of literary magazines and journals have The new pop culture in poetry, often refered emerged and continue to provide regular publish- to as “spoken word poetry”, is one of the most ing space for both seasoned and budding writers. celebrated art forms throughout the country and A number of writers contribute to publications beyond. Poets such as Lesego Rampolokeng, such as Chimurenga, Timbila, Botsotso, Afro- Lebogang Mashile, Kgafela oa Magogodi, Blaq politan, Words, Baobab and New Contrast. These Pearl, Jessica Mbangeni and Mark Manaka are journals create a platform for emerging writers household names in the genre. There are regular to hone their skills while also opening space for platforms created to give these poets opportuni- literary criticism. ties to hone their skills. In December 2005, the Write Associates, an The current generation of writers is also mak- independent communication and arts-and-culture ing their mark on the world stage, with writers event-management company, supported the such as Zakes Mda, Niq Mhlongo and the late Department of Arts and Culture in inaugurating the K Sello Duiker having their novels translated into South African Literary Awards. Since their estab- languages such as Dutch, German and Spanish. lishment, the awards have developed to include The youngest winner of the Noma Award, the categories such as Literary Lifetime Achievement most coveted on the continent, is Awards, the National Poet Laureate Prize, the Lebogang Mashile, a vibrant South African poet- K Sello Duiker Award for Young Novelists, Literary ess. A young writer from KwaZulu-Natal, John Journalism Award and many other categories. van der Ruit, debuted with Spud in 2005, a novel Other awards include the M-Net Awards and the that sold more than 130 000 copies in less than BTA/Anglo Platinum Short Story Award. three years, ­thus breaking all records for a South South African literature was also recognised at African novel. the 2009’s Sunday Times Literary Awards held in The past three years have recorded a rapid August in Johannesburg. growth in the South African book sector. The In a Different Time by Peter Harris claimed the establishment of the South African Book Develop- Alan Paton Award for Non-Fiction to mark the 20th ment Council (SABDC), which was launched in anniversary of the prize, while Anne Landsman’s June 2007, has created a platform for the book The Rowing Lesson was awarded 2009’s Fiction industry to develop an integrated growth strategy. Prize. Among other accomplishments, the SABDC has The Department of Arts and Culture, as the been able to consolidate industry indicators that custodian of the nation’s heritage, embraces its are fundamental in the development of the sec- diverse cultures and encourages the promotion, tor. One of the major projects of the SABDC is the preservation and use of various languages in both development of the Draft Framework for the oral and written forms of literature. The publica- National Book Policy to serve as a legislative tion of books is a critical vehicle for developing framework to guide growth and development strategies in the book sector. In September 2009, JM Coetzee was nominated The Cape Town Book Fair broke its own record for the prestigious Booker Prize for Fiction for his i in 2009 with 50 494 people attending over four work Summertime. Coetzee won the prize previ- days. About 7 194 children visited the fair. ously for Life and Times of Michael K and Disgrace.

97 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 Mandla Langa won the Commonwealth Writers’ South Africans and developing skills in areas Prize Best Book Award, Africa Region, in 2009 for i related to film production. The department has his novel, The Lost Colours of the Chameleon. also established a partnership with Canada on cooperation in the film industry. and preserving languages and literature to ensure A revised rebate for foreign and local film and social cohesion. television production was launched in March Through the National Library of South Africa 2008. (NLSA), the Department of Arts and Culture The film and television production incentive reprinted 24 titles of classics in African languages, comprises the Location Film and Television Pro- which were distributed to throughout the duction Scheme, and the South African Film and country. The second phase of the project started Television Production and Co-Production Scheme. in June 2009. The incentive is intended to increase local content There is an English literary museum in generation and improve location competitiveness Grahamstown and an Afrikaans museum in for filming in South Africa. Bloemfontein. The Centre for African Literary Stud- This component is only available to foreign- ies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal is home to owned productions with Qualifying South African the Bernth Lindfors Collection of African literature. Production Expenditure (QSAPE) of R12 million The centre is committed to preserving and adding and above. to the collection to maintain the largest library of It provides a rebate of 15% of the QSAPE to African literature on the continent. qualifying productions in the following formats: feature films, telemovies, television drama series, Film documentaries, animation and short-form anima- South Africa continues to participate in, among tions. Its aim is to attract large-budget overseas other festivals, the Cannes Film Festival. This has film and television productions to South Africa. helped to catapult the film industry into the world The three largest film distributors in South cinema fraternity. The department is assisting the Africa are Ster-Kinekor, United International Federation of Pan-African Film Producers while Pictures and Nu-Metro. Ster-Kinekor has a spe- it is headquartered in South Africa, following the cialised art circuit called Cinema Nouveau with Pan-African Film Summit that South Africa hosted theatres in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban in 2006. This body provides a creative home for and Pretoria. film-makers from the African continent and serves Film festivals include the Durban Film Festival; as a marketing platform for African films. the North West Film Festival; the Apollo Film Fes- South Africa has risen from being a film- tival in Victoria West; the Three Continents Film maker destination to a film-producing country. Festival (specialising in African, South American The NFVF was established to develop and and Asian films); the Soweto Film Festival; and promote the film and video industry in South the Encounters Documentary Festival, which Africa. It provides for and encourages the creation alternates between Cape Town and Johan- of opportunities for people from disadvantaged nesburg. communities to participate in the industry. The foundation also promotes local film and video Film and Publication Board (FPB) products, supports the development of and The FPB assists the public to make informed access to the industry and addresses historical choices about whether a particular film is appro- imbalances in infrastructure skills and resources priate by displaying guidelines, which identify in the industry. classifiable elements such as strong language, Developing and producing local content in violence, sex, nudity, drug abuse, blasphemy and genres with wide appeal is a priority for the religious prejudice. foundation. Research has begun on a national strategy for film education and training, and to develop sector-information systems to measure In August 2009, District 9, a space alien movie sector performance and the related economic and shot and set in Johannesburg with a cast of “un- job-multiplier effects. i knowns”, opened as the number one film in the The department, together with the foundation, United States of America, grossing more at the box is looking at ways of setting up cooperatives in office in its first weekend than it cost to make. The film was rural areas that focus on bringing cinemas to directed and co-written by South African Neill Blomkamp.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 98 The FPB was established by the Film and Publi- South African film-maker John Barker’s script, cations Act, 1996 (Act 65 of 1996), to: The Umbrella Men, earned him a place in the i • regulate the creation, production, possession prestigious L’Atelier de Cinefondation Programme and distribution of certain publications and of the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. films by means of classification, the imposition Aimed at supporting the development of a new genera- of age restrictions and giving consumer advice tion of film-makers, the festival’s workshop selects 15 up- • make punishable the exploitive use of children and-coming young directors from around the world and as- in pornographic publications, films or on the sists them in financing the completion of their film projects, Internet. while putting them in touch with some of the word’s most The board also alerts the public, through age respected film-industry professionals. restrictions and consumer advice, about the frequency and intensity of these classifiable ele- Child pornography is defined as any image, ments in a particular film. however created, or any description of a person, During 2008/09, R50,9 billion was allocated to real or simulated, who is depicted or described the FBP. as being under the age of 18 years, engaged Any person who distributes or exhibits a film or in sexual conduct; participating in or assisting interactive computer game in South Africa must another person to participate in sexual conduct; first register with the board as a distributor or or showing or describing the body, or parts of the exhibitor of films or interactive games. body, of such a person in a manner that amounts Any film intended for distribution or exhibition to sexual exploitation. must first be submitted to the board for classifi- The board runs a national anti-child-porno- cation in terms of the Film and Publications Act, graphy campaign to educate learners of ways 1996. to avoid victimisation. The board has a toll-free To monitor distributors on-site and to ensure number (0800 148 148) to report child-pornogra- that films are distributed in compliance with the phy websites. provisions of the Act, the board has appointed The Film and Publications Amendment Act, compliance monitors. They advise distributors 2009, (Act 3 of 2009), was signed into law by and exhibitors of films and interactive games President Jacob Zuma in August 2009. It aims to of the Act’s requirements and ensure that all increase the FPB’s capacity and make the depart- products display the classification reference ment’s endeavour to protect children from abuse number, age restriction, consumer advice and even more effective. such other conditions as may have been imposed The FPB has been accepted as a member of the by the board. The Film and Publications Act, International Association of Internet Hotlines. This 1996 recognises the right of adults to freedom will strengthen the Department of Home Affairs’ of expression, except with respect to child porno- cooperation with other member countries in the graphy, and requires the board to intervene where fight against child pornography. there is a risk of harm to children. The Department of Home Affairs is working with law-enforcement agencies, non-government organisations (NGOs) and the 2010 Organising By mid-2009, the Cape Town Film Studios were Committee to ensure that there is heightened under construction near . The stu- i focus on child protection to ensure that the 2010 dios, hailed as the industrialisation of film-mak- World Cup is child-friendly. ing in the country, could have positive spin-offs for other industries. Ministerial Task Team The goal is for the Cape Town Film Studios to become on Child Pornography the film-making gateway between Africa and the interna- The task team has forged strategic partner- tional world. ships with mobile phone operators and Internet The studios received a R16,3-million allocation from the service-providers, the South African Broadcasting Department of Trade and Industry. Corporation and other government departments. Phase One, which includes sound stages, production Established in 2006, it has assessed the work offices, workshops, retail spaces, commercial offices and done by all these institutions to help in the fight light industrial facilities was scheduled for completion dur- against child pornography. To assist in the task, ing the first quarter of 2010. the FPB commissioned the Human Sciences Cape Town Film Studios are the first custom-built, Research Council to conduct research on the Hollywood-style studios in South Africa’s history. extent of child pornography in South Africa and

99 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 on the capacity to deal with it in the form of laws, Tswaing Meteorite Crater, Willem Prinsloo Agricul- policies and institutions. tural Museum, Pioneer Museum, Sammy Marks Museum and the Coert Steynberg Museum), the Museums Transvaal Museum and the South African National Museums are the windows to the natural and Museum of Military History in Johannesburg. cultural heritage of a country. South Africa can The of Cape Town, formerly justifiably be called the museum country of Africa, known as the Southern Flagship Institution, with the earliest of its museums dating back to consist of the South African Museum, the South the first half of the 19th century. African Cultural History Museum and its satellite Today, more than 300 of the approximately museums, the South African National Gallery, 1 000 museums in Africa are situated in South the William Fehr Collection and the Michaelis Africa. They range from museums of geology, Collection. In terms of the Cultural Institutions Act, history, the biological sciences and the arts, to 1998, the declared museums in other provinces mining, agriculture, forestry and many other continue to operate as before. These include disciplines. the National Museum and the War Museum of Most of the country’s national museums are the Boer Republics, the William Humphreys Art declared cultural institutions (national museums Gallery, the Natal Museum and the Voortrekker that have framework autonomy and are managed Museum, the National English Literacy Museum by their own councils), and fall under the overall and the Afrikaanse Taalmuseum. jurisdiction of the Department of Arts and Culture. The Act also provides for the National Museums They receive an annual subsidy from the depart- Division, comprising the CEOs and directors of the ment, but are mostly autonomous. flagship museums and other declared museums. In terms of the Cultural Institutions Act, 1998, The Museum was established as the declared museum institutions in Gauteng a national monument and museum, and declared and Cape Town have been grouped together South Africa’s first world heritage site in 1999. into two organisations known as flagship Guided tours are offered to historical sites on the institutions. island, including the cell in which former President While the components of these two museum Mandela was imprisoned. flagships (the museums from which they The Robben Island Museum has its own council have been constituted) continue to operate and is a separate declared institution, independ- as semi-independent museums regarding their ent of Iziko. core functions (collection, preservation, research Apart from the declared museums that fall and education), other functions, particularly under the department, there are also a number administration, financing and human-resource of other national museums that are administered management, have been centralised. by central government departments or research The following museums report to the Minister councils. Notable examples are the Museum of of Arts and Culture in terms of the Act: the Council for Geoscience (Pretoria); the Theiler • Northern Flagship Institution, Pretoria Veterinary Science Museum at Onderstepoort • Iziko museums, Cape Town (Pretoria); the South African Air Force Museum at • Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg Air Force Base Zwartkop (Pretoria) with its satel- • National Museum, Bloemfontein lites in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban; the • Afrikaanse Taalmuseum, Paarl museum of the Department of Correctional Ser- • National English Literary Museum, Grahams- vices (Pretoria); and the Porcinarium (the world’s town first pig museum) outside Pretoria on the Irene • Voortrekker Museum, Pietermaritzburg Campus of the Agricultural Research Council. • War Museum of the Boer Republics, Bloem- A number of museums fall directly or indirectly fontein under the provincial government departments • Robben Island Museum, Cape Town responsible for arts and culture. In some prov- • William Humphreys Art Gallery, Kimberley inces, these museums render museum-support • Engelenburg House Art Collection, Pretoria services at provincial level, while other provinces, • Nelson Mandela Museum, Mthatha notably Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape • Luthuli Museum, KwaDukuza. and the Free State, have separate museum- The Northern Flagship Institution consists of the service organisations. National Cultural History Museum (NCHM) and However, many museum and heritage its former satellite museums (Kruger House, services are also rendered by the declared

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 100 national museums on a consultancy basis. Many The NCHM (former African Window) in Pretoria municipalities also manage museums. is a centre for the preservation and promotion of Other museums fall under universities and the culture and heritage of all South Africans. It university departments, or are owned and man- explores cultural diversity and commonalities, aged by private-sector companies, NGOs or links the present and the past to offer a better individuals. understanding of both, and nurtures the living The largest museums are situated in Johan- culture of all South Africans. nesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Pieter- Mining is best represented by the De Beers maritzburg and Bloemfontein. Museum at the Big Hole in Kimberley, where The best-known natural history collections in visitors can view the biggest hole ever made by South Africa are housed in the Iziko museums and man with pick and shovel. It includes an open-air the Northern Flagship Institution, as well as in the museum, which houses many buildings dating following: back to the era of the diamond diggings. • Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg Another important mining museum is at • National Museum, Bloemfontein Pilgrim’s Rest, Mpumalanga, where the first • McGregor Museum, Kimberley economically viable goldfield was discovered. • East London Museum The entire village has been conserved and • South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiver- restored. sity, Grahamstown Agriculture in South Africa is depicted mainly at • Port Elizabeth Museum two museums. These are Kleinplasie in Worces- • Durban Museum of Natural History. ter, Western Cape, which showcases the wine The best-known cultural-history collections are culture and the characteristic architecture of the housed in the Iziko museums and the Northern winelands; and the Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Flagship Institution, and in the following: Museum between Pretoria and Bronkhorstspruit • National Museum, Bloemfontein in Gauteng. This museum comprises two “house” • Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg museums, and runs educational programmes • Durban Local History Museum based on their extensive collection of early • Museum Africa, Johannesburg. farming implements, vehicles of yesteryear and Art museums include the: indigenous farm animals. • South African National Gallery, Cape Town The Absa Museum and Archives in Johan- • Johannesburg Art Gallery nesburg aims to preserve the banking group’s • Pretoria Art Museum more than 110 years of history. It also houses • William Humphreys Art Gallery, Kimberley. a unique and very valuable coin and banknote The South African Cultural History Museum (Slave collection. Lodge) in Cape Town houses the oldest cultural The Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg offers history collection in the country. a realistic view of the political situation in South The South African Museum (Cape Town) Africa during the 1970s and 1980s. Exhibitions in showcases the natural history of South Africa, the museum feature, among other things, audio- as well as relics of the early human inhabitants visual footage recorded during the apartheid era. of the subcontinent. The huge Whale Hall houses The Red Location Museum in Port Elizabeth possibly the most impressive of all its exhibitions. highlights the struggle against apartheid and has This is the only collection in South Africa with a won three international awards. planetarium attached to it. One of the most common types of museums The Transvaal Museum in Pretoria houses the in South Africa is the “house” museum. Examples skull of Mrs Ples, a 2,5 million-year-old hominid include an entire village nucleus in Stellenbosch; fossil, and depicts the origin and development of an example of the lifestyle of the wealthy wine life in South Africa, from the most primitive unicel- farmer in in the Western Cape; lular form of life to the emergence of mammals the mansion of the millionaire industrialist and the first human beings. It has an impressive Sammy Marks, outside Pretoria; the Victorian collection of early human fossils and houses some affluence mirrored in Melrose House, Pretoria; of the largest herpetological and ornithological and the Kruger House Museum in Pretoria, the collections in southern Africa. residence of Paul Kruger, former President of the The Tswaing Meteorite Crater, situated to the Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek. north-west of Pretoria, combines a museum with Simpler architectural variations have not been a cultural-development initiative. neglected, for instance the pioneer-dwelling in

101 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 Silverton, Pretoria; and the humble farmhouse at nation’s experience neglected by archives of the Suikerbosrand near Heidelberg in Gauteng. past. There are several open-air museums that The Oral History Programme seeks to build showcase the black cultures of the country, for the National Archives’ capacity to document the example Tsongakraal near Letsitele, Limpopo; the spoken word, and fill the gaps in the archives Ndebele Museum in Middelburg, Mpumalanga; the of previously disadvantaged communities. The Bakone Malapa Museum in Polokwane, Limpopo; automated National Register of Oral Sources is an and the South Sotho Museum in Witsieshoek, Free important element of the programme. The National State. Oral History Association, which was established in South Africa has two national military history 2006, hosts annual oral history conferences. museums. The South African Museum for Military The National Archives also has an outreach pro- History in Johannesburg reflects the military gramme, which promotes the use of the National history of the country, while the War Museum Archives’ facilities. This programme allows the in Bloemfontein depicts the Anglo-Boer/South public to tour the archives and get insight of other African War in particular. The famous battlefields functions performed by the National Archives and of KwaZulu-Natal, the Northern Cape and North Records Services of South Africa. West are also worth a visit. The Act also provides government with a mea- The work of the War-Graves Division of Sahra sure of control over private collections. Archives includes the upkeep of graves of victims of the are taken to the people through coordinated struggle for South Africa’s liberation. national and provincial archive services. The National Archives is also responsible for Archives ensuring effective, transparent and account- Archives of governmental bodies are transferred able management of all public records, as far as to archive repositories after 20 years, and are possible. accessible to the public and to the office of origin. Library and Information The National Archives functions in terms of the Services (LIS) sector National Archives and Records Service of South South African libraries have developed over a Africa Act, 1996 (Act 43 of 1996). period of more than 150 years. The world’s first The National Archives in Pretoria includes the free public library service was established here by National Film, Video and Sound Archives. Its pri- Lord Charles Somerset in 1820, by levying a tax mary functions are to obtain and preserve films, on the sale of wine. When he returned to England, videotapes and sound recordings of archival value tax reforms by the new governor spelt the end of and to make these available for research and the free library, but it formed the basis of what is reference purposes. today the National Library of South Africa (NLSA) The archives of central government are pre- in Cape Town. served in the National Archives’ repository in Pre- By 1900, subscription libraries were operat- toria. The provincialisation process has been ing in most towns and cities, financed by annual completed. All the nine provinces now run their membership fees and, in most cases, grants from archiving services independent from the National local authorities. An investigation in the 1930s by Archives. the Carnegie Corporation of New York found that The retrieval of information from archives is most of these libraries were inadequate and poorly facilitated by the National Automated Archival funded. The necessity for government support to Information System ( ensure free public libraries was recognised. za), which includes national registers of manu- By the 1950s, all four provinces of the Union scripts, photographs and audiovisual material, of South Africa had ordinances that set out the etc. The National Archives also renders a regula- tory records-management service with regard to Izulu Lami, meaning My Secret Sky in isiZulu, a current records in governmental bodies, aimed at feature film directed by South Africa’s Madoda i promoting efficient, transparent and accountable Ncayiyana, received the Dikalo Best Feature Film administration. Prize at the International Pan-African Film Festival, The National Archives is responsible for held in Cannes, France, in April 2009. collecting non-public records with enduring The 11-year-old Sobahle Mkhabase of KwaZulu-Natal value of national significance. In so doing, it is won the Best Actress Award at the Tarifa Festival in Spain obliged to pay special attention to aspects of the for her role in the film.

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 102 functions of local and provincial government, and by the NLSA Act, 1998 (Act 92 of 1998), to collect public-library development gathered momentum. and preserve intellectual documentary heritage In 1985, librarians commissioned Unisa to material and to make it accessible worldwide. investigate the role that libraries could and should It ensures that knowledge and information are play in developing South Africa. not lost to posterity and are available for future The result was that greater emphasis was research. placed on providing material that would sup- The National Library’s collections contain a port formal and informal education. Outreach wealth of information sources, including rare programmes to schools and pre-schools received manuscripts, books, periodicals, government priority. Many libraries also started presenting publications, foreign official publications, maps, literacy classes for adults. technical reports, and books on special interest, South Africa’s growing LIS sector includes including Africana material and newspapers. a national library, public/community libraries, These may also be available on CD, microfilm, in special libraries, government libraries and higher digital format or on the web. education (HE) libraries. The functions of the NLSA are to build a com- By the end of 2008, South Africa had about plete collection of published documents emanat- 12 000 libraries, including HE libraries, school ing from or relating to South Africa; to maintain libraries, government departmental libraries, one and preserve these collections; to provide access National Library with two campuses, and public to them through bibliographic, reference, informa- libraries provided by provincial and local govern- tion and interlibrary/interlending services; and to ment (library services and metro libraries). promote information awareness and information literacy. Provincial library services In terms of the Legal Deposit Act, 1997 (Act 54 The Department of Arts and Culture is in the of 1997), the NLSA receives two copies of each process of drafting the South African Community book, periodical, newspaper, map, manuscript Libraries Bill to set the norms and standards for material or other publication that is published a transformed community library sector. This Bill in South Africa in any medium, whether print or is expected to be tabled in Parliament in 2010. electronic. Libraries in the nine provinces offer outreach, Other legal deposit libraries are the Library of literacy, information technology, and chil- Parliament in Cape Town; the Mangaung Public dren school-information programmes to various Library in Bloemfontein; the Msunduzi Municipal extents. Library (formerly the Natal Society Library) in Pietermaritzburg; and the National Film, Video and National Council for Library and Sound Archives. Information Services (NCLIS) The Legal Deposit Act, 1997 also provides for The NCLIS was established in terms of the NCLIS the establishment of official publications deposi- Act, 2001 (Act 6 of 2001), (Annexure A). The NCLIS tories (OPDs) in line with sections 6 (2) and (3) of advises the ministers of arts and culture and of the Act. The Constitutional Court Library was the basic education on matters relating to LIS to first OPD to be designated and the Phuthaditjhaba support and stimulate the socio-economic, edu- Public Library in the Free State the second. North cational, cultural, recreational, scientific research, West Provincial Library, Information and Archives technological and information development of all Services was designated OPD status with effect communities in the country. from 1 January 2009. The functions of the council are to develop The NLSA and the Department of Arts and and coordinate LIS in the country. The council Culture are in the process of revitalising and was reconstituted in March 2008. Its main acti- transforming public and community libraries in vity in 2008 was to finalise the development of the adherence with the national priorities, mainly to Library Transformation Charter that was initiated promote accessibility to books and supporting in August 2006. The aim of the charter is to align African literature. the role of libraries with the vision and strategic The new building of the Pretoria Campus, framework of government. funded by the Department of Arts and Culture, was inaugurated on 1 August 2008. The new National Library of South Africa premises cover 33 000 m2, have seating for The NLSA is a custodian and provider of the 1 300 library users and cost about R347 million. nation’s key knowledge resources. It is mandated

103 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 South African Library for the Blind formats for blind persons and the institutions Blindlib is a statutory organisation located in that serve their information needs. Grahamstown. Its aim is to provide, free of charge Blindlib has a membership of more than 5 500, as far as is reasonably possible, a national LIS an audio and Braille collection of over 22 700 to serve blind and print-handicapped readers in books and an annual circulation of more than South Africa. It is partly state-funded and depends 170 000 books, in Braille and audio format. for the remainder of its financial needs on solicit- ing funds from the private sector and the general Blind SA public. Blindlib also produces documents in Blind SA is an organisation of the blind, governed special media such as Braille and audio formats. by the blind, and is located in Johannesburg. One It develops standards for the production of such of its prime objectives is to provide services for documents and researches production methods blind and partially sighted individuals to uplift and technology in the appropriate fields. and empower them by publishing books, maga- It also acquires, manufactures and dissemi- zines and other documents in Braille. Blind SA nates the technology people with visual disabili- provides: ties need to read. • study bursaries for blind and partially sighted Blindlib is based on five broad objectives, students namely to significantly contribute to: • interest-free loans (for adaptive equipment) • helping build a nation of readers • information (free Braille magazines) • assisting the organised blind community • assistance in finding sustainable employment • improving the lives of individuals with print dis- • advocacy (to act as a pressure group for dis- abilities by meeting their information needs ability rights) • helping the State to discharge its cultural man- • Braille publications at affordable prices in all date and its obligations to blind people official languages. • assisting Africa’s development by providing advice, expertise and documents in accessible

SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 104 Acknowledgements BuaNews Department of Arts and Culture Department of Arts and Culture’s 2009 Budget Vote Estimates of National Expenditure 2009, published by National Treasury Film and Publication Board FNB Dance Umbrella Sunday Times

Suggested reading Archives News. 2007–. Pretoria: Department of Arts and Culture. Beyer, CM. 2008. Litema: Mural Masterpiece. Bloemfontein: Central University of Technology. Botha, M. 2007. Marginal Lives and Painful Pasts: South African Cinema After Apartheid. Parklands: Genugtig! Brink, Y. 2008. They Came to Stay: Discovering Meaning in the 18th Century Cape Country Dwelling. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. Chapman, M (ed). 2007. Omnibus of a Century of South Africa Short Stories. Johannesburg: Ad Donker. Coplan. DB. 2007. On Township Tonight: Three Centuries of South African Black City Music and Theatre. Second ed. Johannesburg: Jacana. Coplan, DB. 2008. In Township Tonight! South Africa’s Black City Music and Theatre. Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press. Crwys-Williams, J. 2008. The Penguin Dictionary of South African Quotations. Johannesburg: Penguin Books. De Vries, F. 2007. Composing Apartheid: Popular Music Culture in South Africa. Johannesburg: Wits University Press. Foster, JA. 2008. Washed with Sun: Landscape and the Making of White South Africa. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press. Govinden, DB. 2008. “Sister Outsiders”: The Representation of Identity and Difference in Selected Writings by South African Indian Women. Pretoria: University of South Africa Press. Habila, H and Kadija S. 2008. Dreams, Miracles and Jazz: New Adventures in African Writing. Johannesburg: Picador Africa. Hannesen, A-L. 2007. Bitterkomix: A South African Comic as an Indigenous Ethnography. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang. Jaji, S. 2008. An Aspect of the South African Experience in Literature and Reading. Ibadan: HEBN Publishers. Kentridge, W. 2008. William Kentridge: Tapestries. Edited by C Basualso, with essays by G Guercio, O Enwezor and I Vladislavic. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art. Klose, J. 2007. Identifying Ceramics: An Introduction to the Analysis and Interpretation of Ceramics Excavated from 17th to 20th Century Archaeological Sites and Shipwrecks in the South-Western Cape. (CD-ROM). 2nd ed. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, Historical Archaeology Research Group. Maingard, J. 2007. South African National Cinema. London: Routledge. Mojapelo, M. 2008. Beyond Memory: Recording the History, Moments and Memories of South African Music. : African Minds. Muller, CA. 2008. Focus: Music of South Africa. New York: Routledge. Olwage, G (ed). 2008. Composing Apartheid: Music for and against Apartheid. Johannesburg: Wits University Press. Scratches on the Face: Antiquity and Contemporaneity in South African Works of Art from Iziko Museums of Cape Town. (2008). Curated by Hayden Proud. (Cape Town): Iziko Museums of Cape Town.

105 SA YEARBOOK 2009/10 Schlosser, K. 2008. Zulu Life as Drawn by the Zulu Artist Jabulani Ntuli. Kiel: Museum für Völkerkunde der Universität Kiel. Skotnes, P. 2008. Unconquerable Spirit: George Stow’s History Paintings of the San. Johannesburg: Jacana. South African Journal of Art History. 22, Number 2, 2007, South African Context. 2007. Bloemfontein: Art Historical Work Group of South Africa. Steinert, C. 2007. Music in Mission: Mission Through Music: A South African Case Study. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications. Van der Vlies, AE. 2007. South African Textual Cultures: White, Black, Read All Over. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Woods, T. 2007. African Pasts: Memory and History in African Literatures. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. Wylie, D. 2008. Art + Revolution: The Life and Death of Thami Mnyele, South African Artist. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

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