World Poll Methodology

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World Poll Methodology WORLD POLL METHODOLOGY October 2008 This document contains proprietary research, copyrighted materials, and literary property of Gallup, Inc. It is for the guidance of your organization only and is not to be copied, quoted, published, or divulged to others outside of your organization. Gallup ® and The Gallup Poll ® are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Gallup World Poll Methodology Table of Contents Methodology Overview ........................................................................................................................ 2 Preparing for Data Collection .............................................................................................................. 3 Sampling and Data Collection Methodology ...................................................................................... 4 Data Preparation .................................................................................................................................. 6 Education and Income: Creating Worldwide Comparability ............................................................. 8 Overview of World Poll Indexes ........................................................................................................ 10 Law and Order Index ................................................................................................................ 11 Food and Shelter Index ............................................................................................................ 13 Work Index ............................................................................................................................... 15 Personal Economy Index .......................................................................................................... 17 Personal Health Index .............................................................................................................. 19 Citizen Engagement Index ........................................................................................................ 21 Overview of Well-Being Indexes ............................................................................................... 23 Well-Being Indexes: Thriving, Struggling, Suffering .................................................................. 24 Well-Being Indexes: Positive Experience .................................................................................. 27 Well-Being Indexes: Negative Experience ................................................................................ 28 National Institutions Index......................................................................................................... 29 Corruption Index ....................................................................................................................... 31 Youth Development Index ........................................................................................................ 33 Community Basics Index .......................................................................................................... 35 Diversity Index .......................................................................................................................... 37 Optimism Index ........................................................................................................................ 39 Communications Index ............................................................................................................. 41 Violence Index .......................................................................................................................... 43 Religiosity Index ....................................................................................................................... 45 Appendix A: Gallup World Path ........................................................................................................ 47 Appendix B: Random Route Procedures ......................................................................................... 48 Appendix C: The Kish Grid ................................................................................................................ 54 Appendix D: Income Variables .......................................................................................................... 56 Appendix E: Country Data Set Details .............................................................................................. 60 Gallup World Poll Data Collected in 2005-2006 (Wave 1) ......................................................... 60 Gallup World Poll Data Collected in 2007 (Wave 2) .................................................................. 70 Gallup World Poll Data Collected in 2008 (Wave 3) .................................................................. 79 1 Copyright © 2008 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Gallup World Poll Methodology Methodology Overview The Gallup World Poll continually surveys residents in more than 140 countries, representing 95% of the world’s adult population, using randomly selected, nationally representative samples. Gallup typically surveys 1,000 individuals in each country, using a standard set of core questions that has been translated into the major languages of the respective country. In some regions, supplemental questions are asked in addition to core questions. Face-to-face interviews are approximately 1 hour, while telephone interviews are about 30 minutes. In many countries, the survey is conducted once per year, and fieldwork is generally completed in two to four weeks. Appendix E displays each country’s sample size, month/year of the data collection, mode of interviewing, languages employed, design effect, margin of error, and details about sample coverage. Gallup is entirely responsible for the management, design, control, and funding of the Gallup World Poll. For the past 70 years, Gallup has been committed to the principle that accurately collecting and disseminating the opinions and aspirations of people around the globe is vital to understanding our world. Gallup’s mission is to provide information in an objective, reliable, and scientifically grounded manner. Gallup is not associated with any political orientation, party, or advocacy group and does not accept partisan entities as clients. Any individual, institution, or governmental agency may access the Gallup World Poll regardless of nationality. The identities of clients and all surveyed respondents will remain confidential. 2 Copyright © 2008 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Gallup World Poll Methodology Preparing for Data Collection Question Design Many of the World Poll questions are items that Gallup has used for years. When developing additional questions, Gallup employed its worldwide network of research and political scientists 1 to better understand key issues with regard to question development and construction and data gathering. Hundreds of items were developed, tested, piloted, and finalized. The best questions were retained for the core questionnaire and organized into indexes. Most items have a simple dichotomous (“yes or no”) response set to minimize contamination of data because of cultural differences in response styles and to facilitate cross-cultural comparisons. The World Poll measures key indicators such as Law and Order, Food and Shelter, Work, Personal Economy, Personal Health, Citizen Engagement, and Well-Being and demonstrates their correlations with world development indicators such as GDP and Brain Gain. These indicators assist leaders in understanding the broad context of national interests and establishing organization-specific correlations between leading indexes and lagging economic outcomes. Gallup organizes its core group of indicators into the Gallup World Path (see Appendix A). The Path is an organizational conceptualization of the seven indexes and is not to be construed as a causal model. The individual indexes have many properties of a strong theoretical framework. A more in-depth description of the questions and Gallup indexes is included in the indexes section of this document. In addition to World Path indexes, World Poll questions also measure opinions about national institutions, corruption, youth development, community basics, diversity, optimism, communications, violence, religiosity, and numerous other topics. For many regions of the world, additional questions that are specific to that region or country are included in surveys. Region-specific questions have been developed for Muslim nations, former Soviet Union countries, the Balkans, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, China and India, South Asia, and Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Translation The questionnaire is translated into the major languages of each country. The translation process starts with an English, French, or Spanish version, depending on the region. A translator who is proficient in the original and target languages translates the survey into the target language. A second translator reviews the language version against the original version and recommends refinements. Training Gallup selects vendors that have experience in nationwide public opinion studies and conducts in-depth training sessions with experienced, local field staff prior to the start of data collection. A training manual is also provided to assist the fieldwork team with training and to ensure consistency and structure. Topics covered in training include the questionnaire and field procedures. 1 The
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