Categorical Exclusion Appendix E Red Flag Investigation & Hazardous Materials Date: August 6, 2019 To: Site Assessment & Management Environmental Policy Office‐ Environmental Services Division Indiana Department of Transportation 100 N Senate Avenue, Room N642 Indianapolis, IN 46204 From: Ruth Hook 3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 150 Indianapolis, IN
[email protected] Re: RED FLAG INVESTIGATION Des. No. 1702837, Local Project Bridge Rehabilitation Project East LaPorte Street Foot Bridge over Yellow River Marshall County, Indiana PROJECT DESCRIPTION Brief Description of Project: The proposed project will involve the rehabilitation of the East LaPorte Street Foot (Bridge No. 5). The East LaPorte Street Foot Bridge carries the LaPorte Street Pedestrian Path over the Yellow River in Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana. The proposed project will include a n ew timber deck. Anchored tie members will be repaired and straightened. The stringer, cross beams and diaphragms will be replaced, and the bearings will be repaired or replaced. The railing will be repaired where required and modif ied for pedestrian safety. Scour countermeasures are anticipated to be required and will be installed on both spill slopes and surrounding the caissons. Approximately 50 feet of roadway on the east approach and 10 feet of roadway on the w est approach will be replaced with concrete pavement to ensure a smooth transition. Bridge and/or Culvert Project: Yes ☒ No ☐ Structure # __Street Pedestrian Bridge No. 5____ If this is a bridge project, is the bridge Historical? Yes ☒ No ☐ , Select ☐ Non‐Select ☐ (Note: If the project involves a historical bridge, please include the bridge information in the Recommendations Section of the report).