Readers' Exchange
1 For sale: UREI BL -40 "Modulimiter" audio processor for broadcast or studio use, with manual and spare semiconductor kit, $300; Beckman/Berkely model 7160-6 "Event Per Unit Time" (E/PUT) meter, circa 1956, working, with manual, make offer. Will also consider trade (especially AC or RF voltmeter) for either or both. Michael W. Moran CET, Readers' Marlin Electric Company, 304 Ellison St., Horicon, WI 53032; Exchange 414-485-4463. For sale: Approximately 60 copies of Electronic Servicing, 1946-1951, $50; 60 copies of Radio TV Maintenance, 1946-51, $50; 110 copies of Radio TV Service Dealer, 1947-1958, $75; all plus freight or delivery free in NY metropolitan area. Roy Berthold, 27 Cottonwood Road, Port Washington, For sale: Sencore VA48, mint condition with manual and probes, $775. NY 11050; 516-883-0914. Henry C. Martin, 4 Mulberry Drive, Huntington, L.I., NY 11743; 516-427-5981. Needed: Tube checker for all TV tubes. Prefer B&K, Sencore or IT -3117 Heathkit model. Please quote best price. Frank Cowart, P.O. Box 727, For sale: New B&K 1250 NTSC color pattern generator, make offer; new Penney Farms, FL 32079. 1210 B&K portable generator, $100; B&K 820 capacitance meter, like new, make offer. Jess J. Peck, 958 Lowell Blvd., Denver, CO 80204. For sale: B&K model 415 sweep marker generator, $100; RCA model WR - 89A crystal -calibrated marker generator, $35 and Precision series E-400 Wanted: Lens for Sony KP -4000 color video projection system. Will pay sweep signal generator, $35 with manuals and probes. Will ship UPS col- $150 plus shipping costs.
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