Brand new kits lead the way into the 1980s-and keepyour lamilycompany allwinler long! r New Healhkit4-Elemeil, Tri-BandYagi Anlennais our easiesl-lo-assembleham antennaever with an induslryflrgl - a detailed, step-by-st6paesembly manual - page92 . Berlitr Self-lnstruclionLanguage Programs in French,German, llalian and Spanish, plus an eleclronlc LanguageTranglalor - page14 r Threenew HeathkltContlnuing Education Programs- De3cripllveand Inlerential Statistica- page13; lC Tlmers- pagell c New HealhkitUllrasonic Cleaner lakes caro of hard-tq-cleanltems wilh ease- page17 ,{ HEATHKITELECTRONIC CENTER CATALOG NO. 848R HAT{DYINDEX ON BACK COVER 'rHsrth" and 'He.lhklf' rre roglalersd Irrdcm!*r of H6slh Comprny. @1980 H.rlh Comp.ny r HeathkitComputer Systems-with extra'value convenience Theworld's leader inqualif electronic kits leads the tray in per. sonalcomputers andcomputer systems tfrat give you more val. uesand features - wfiile saving you money Forover 30 years, Heath Company has been at the forefrontof consumer electronics, most recently incomputers. Heath was one of the first to offer a personalcomputing system when we designed an analogcomputer back in 1957.We felt, even back then,that computers were the wave of lhe future,so we kept up our interest and enthusiasmforcomputers. TToday, Heath con- tinuesto developone of the most complete andinnovative lines of computersand computersystems available anywhere. iYhetheryou purchase Heathkit Computer productsin economical,easy-tobuild kit formor as fully assembled units, you'llget well thought-out, expertly desicneddesignedoroductsproducts that ofler substantialsubstar benefitsover competing products. Whenyou buy Heathkit Computer products,you get extra value for yourcomputing dollar. I lfireediftersnt computer systons to lill anycomputing need o I fullselection ol videoterminals andother peripherals . Dualflolpy disk slorage srstems o Vanatilesystsms soflware o Guaranteedupdates of disl{ascdsoftsare for oneyaar after purchase . Mcmoryand interfacing to male yourHaathlit Computer evon more versatils . fhoroughand accurate Heath docum?ntation - thabest in tm conputerindustry r Completenationwide sorvice support llowto selecta computet.There are many considerations in selectinga computer: Doyou want built-in peripherals orthe flexibility to designyour own system? Do you want the ability to expandyour memory poweras your skills grow? How good is the systems software? ls it compatible I withexisting software? Will the manufacturer stand behind the compUter? E thesequestions when you Youcan be sure of theanswers to considerthe Valuepachdlleathtit Software in- full lineof HeathkitComputers and computer systems. cludesprograms written in MICRO- Threeyery ditfsrsnt computers lor verydiflerent people. Heath designs S0ff" BASIC"and Assembly lan- people, people ,," computersfor andbecause wantvery different things from *$ guages,in audiocassette or floppy computers,Heath has designed three different computers; !f diskformats, that make our com- Forfleribility-the ll8. lf you'reinterested in developinghardware, need putersmore versatile for you.Our morethan 48K of read-writememory or writephysical l/0 routinesin As- completesoftware line can help semblylanguage, the H8 is foryou. lts versatilebus-oriented architecture, ri youwrite your own programs eas- expandabilityand hardware front panel position it asthe rightcomputer ily. Andwe won'tlet yourdisk- choice.With seven plug-in positions for memoryand liO, youhave the flexibilityto designyour own system. See page 76 for moreH8 details. Hiili:tTl..;:lri,ii?fi,j,i.l,3J Forconvenience -lhe All-ln-0neH89. lf you'remore interested in runningsoft- w inYnchan'e!'rreeoi warethan in hardwaredevelopment and experimentation, theH89 gives you a charge.see pase 82 ror ru,, ffirrrr-,H.tl',1i::,il0u complete,balanced computer system in oneconvenient package. lt's lessflex- llUG- theHeath Users' Group - keepsyou informed of newcomputer programs ibleand expandable than the H8, but the H89 is everybit aspowerful and very writtenby other members and available to you,and keeps you up to dateon new cost-effective.And the H89 has a "personality"which a first-timecomputer user developmentsin Heathkit ComDuter Products. Owners of HeathkitComputers will find comfortable.The H89 includes computer, terminal, floppy, l6K RAM, canbecome members of thisgr.oup, which shares an extensive program library. keyboardand keypad. Just add software and you're ready to run.For more in- Seepage 84 for more details on HUG. formationon the Alfln{ne Computer, see page 74. lleathdocmentation is tho lcst in tte computrrindustry. lf youwant to build Foradvanced applications - the 16.bit llllA. lf youneed a computerfor scien- a HeathkitComputer System yourself, we make it easywith complete, easy-to. tific uses,real time systems or otheradvanced applications, and DEC PDP-llV03 followassembly manuals which take you, step-by-step, lrom unpacking to plug- hardwareand software capability is significant,the HllA is yourchoice. We gingit in.You'll understand your computer from the inside out. And in bothkit otfera largeselection of compatiblehardware and software, including an IBM andassembled forms, Heath's operating and instructional manuals are fully de- 3740compatible 8.inch disk system, EASIC and F0RTRAN languages and optional tailedand thorough. Documentation is one of themost important parts of any hardwarefloating point arithmetic. See page 78 for moreinformation on the computersystem, and when it comesto documentation,you'll begin to realize HeathkitH11A Computer. thefull value ol a HeathkitComputer. 72 lsyour businoss readt l0r a computsl? andflexibility for yourneeds Hore'sansastwayt0 find outthe answcr ComputcrGoncopb for Small Buslnrss ls dcrilnrd to glveyou fia informetloland undustandlngtou $4gtt ncsdto syeluatafie uscfulnersofr conputerIn yourtusincss. Are the benafitr worth Un c$t? Ourprogram holps you decidr. you're lf a businsssmanrho's thinkingabout using a conputrrin your il business,Computer Concepts for SmallBusiness is for you.Designed for the businessmanwho knows little or nothingabout computers, this pre gramshows you how a computercan serve your business needs. lt covers: I TfteComputer and llow lt Worls:Including types of memory,storage media, lleatholleru conpletr service sup l/0s andsoftware. A detailed discussion of different types of applications port.Technical expertise, .advice software,covering the typicaltasks a computersystem can perform for a andservice for your Heathkit Com- smallbusiness. puterSystem are always available. Serviceexperts at the Heathfac- Iha DalaProcassing Dspertmeil and Plrsonnel: This covers the organiza- tionof a typlcaldata processing OP) department; the rolesof the data tory or at the 55 HeathkitElec- processing processing tronicCenters manager,data engineer,systems analyst, operator fromcoast-to-coast andother personnel; and a comparisonof permanent employees versus canhelp you keep your Heathkit personnel, ComputerSystem working right, free-lance includingthe advantage of each type of employee. Ihat'sone important advantage of Altcrnatiuosin CompubrSanicos: Including a comparisonof the advan- buyingyour computer from a com- tagesof owningpur owncomputer system versus a time.sharingaftange- panywith 30 yearsof experience mentand using a servicebureau, with a discussionof thetypical problems in computing. of eacharrangement. Youget thc c0nvanienceof one.stop shopping for all of yourcomputer needs. llowTo Salsct a Computer:Discusses how to defineyour data processing Thecomplete selection of HeathkitComputers, terminals, printers, computer requirements;how t0 put togetherthe rightcombination of hardware, accessoriesand software is availablebetween the covers of theHeathkit Cata- peripheralsand software; and how to getthe mostfrom outside data pro. log.Heathkit Computer Products are designed to worktogether, and to looklike cessingservices. theybelong together. Yllhen you buy a HeathkitComputer System, you can count Theprogram includes a l60.page text with 3 appendicesand 3 cassettes. on a balanced,harmonious system. And you'll take pride in knowingthat you Completionof the final exam with a passinggrade earns you I CRl. yourself. builtit tC-1103,Shpg. wt.5 lbs... ....{9.85 Its timsto purchasra conputer has nsyer leen battcr. Savc5% wten you purchasea conpleteHeathlit Comluter System. Simply choosethe H8,HllA H88or H89computer, one major peripheral and any l/0 devicesand accessories you need to completeyour computer system. Then, de- duct5% fromthe total price (excluding shipping and handling chargesl. lt's the ll you'rcnot satisfiad witi an; llcathkitSrlf-lnsbtrctlon Drotr.m, idealway t0 getthe exact computer system you need. uB'll complotcltrcfund thc purchasaprlcc. 73 All'In'OneComputer: acomplete system inone compact unit o lleary.duUprolessioml lQtbofd o lfl( random acc03snemory, ]lrafi bulldsso nucl conputlufisr o llumer'rckeypad incrlculdor fornrt erpandailolo 481( andso nany leatwrs ln oiracofo'pnar o Smartvideo tsrminal o 8uift-infloppy disk stonge forttis hr ficr: o TwoZ{0 nicroprocessors- one for . nuggedGonstruction gomDnlr,ono lor terminal o lasy"lo*ead12',ClI ortyf1695orunas Youcan gct all the powarand huilt-in perilherals A l2-inct (diagonalneasurel cathods ray tube pro- theH89 Computer's components and circuitry. youneed for anyporsonal computing task'in one ducosclear, sharp, easy-to-read characters. Upper 0rderyour lleathlit All-ln0ne Gomputer today. With compact,des[.toI comnuter-the lleatlkit All.ln.0ne andlower
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