The Story of (Richard Brassey and Steward Ross)

Look at the front and back pages and see which names you recognize. Write down at least three from the front page and three from the back page.

Look for . You can find it on both pages!

Choose one item which you don't know much/anything about at the front and one at the back to watch out for it, while you are reading and to ask me.

Right or Wrong? Still looking at the front inside cover: 1. Sir Walter Scott used to live in England.

2. beat the English near Stirling.

3. The Wallace monument is near Stirling.

4. The Romans went quite far north in to Scotland.

(Inside the back cover) 5. Queen Victoria's holiday home, Balmoral, is north of Stirling and south of Loch Ness.

6. Culloden, where Bonnie Prince Charlie was beaten, is between Aviemore and Inverness.

7. Skara Brae is a stone age village near .

The text: 8. In the Bronze and Iron Ages people lived on the tops of hills because the plains often flooded.

9. The Romans arrived soon after 00AD; they built roads and defenses and called the people living in Scotland 'Picti'.

10. The Romans occupied Scotland for 300 years.

11. There was a lot of migration and immigration even before the Vikings came. (p. 6)

12. People were very afraid of the Vikings who came and settled, farmed and were good craftsmen.(p. 7)

13. In the end the Scots ruled, not the Vikings.

14. The plot of Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth' is all true. (p. 8)

15. Before 1286 towns were being built and merchants were growing richer. (p. 9)

16. King David 1st was rich enough to give money and land to knights from England and France so that they would help him keep the country stable.

17. Scotland greatest hero is (of the Wallace Monument near Stirling) (p. 10)

18. William Wallace was hung, drawn and quartered in London. (Guess why!) 19. Robert the Bruce took courage from a spider that kept on starting to build its web again.

20. Robert the Bruce defeated the English at Bannockburn near Stirling in 1314.

21. The Stewarts were unlucky but they finally got control of all of Scotland as we know it. (p. 12)

22. The Highlanders were often more interested in their country.than in their clan

23. There were more universities in England than in Scotland.

24. Scottish engineering and Scottish ship-building started to be successful in the 16th century.

25. Henry VIIIth wanted his son Edward to marry Mary Queen of Scots (Maria Stuart) (p. 14)

26. John Knox is to Scotland what Luther is to Germany.

27. Mary Queen of Scots was married twice. (p. 15)

28. Under Mary Queen of Scots' son England and Scotland were united as a protestant kingdom and even settled some protestants in Ireland, hoping to make the country Protestant in the end. (p. 16)

29. James VIth returned to Scotland regularly after he became King of England

30. Scotland rebelled against Charles 1st before the English did.(p. 17)

31. Charles 1st's head was cut off in Scotland.

32. Although the Scots were the first to crown Charles IInd he didn't visit Scotland after he was established as King of England. (p. 18)

33. Charles IInd's brother was a Protestant and very popular in England and Scotland.

34. Towards the end of the 17th century the Scots set up the colony of Darien and lost many people and all their money.(p. 19)

35. In 1707 there was a referendum and Scotland voted to join England. (p. 19)

36. In the eighteenth century there were two big rebellions in Scotland when the son and grandson of James Iind came back and wanted to become king. (The Old Pretender and the Young Pretender) (p. 20)

37. After he had lost against the English, Bonnie Prince Charlie escaped to Skye dressed as a woman.

38. The English were very angry and banned anything they said the Scottish used to make war such as the bagpipes and wearing tartan.(p. 21) 39. Many Highlanders had to leave the Highlands after the Forty-Five Rebellion. While the Highlands suffered, the Lowlands were developing fast both in the arts and in money-making.

40. James Watt was a typical Highlander.

41. Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since before Shakespeare was born. (p.. 22/23)

42. The main train station in Edinburgh is called after a famous novel.

43. Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Castle are connected by the Royal Mile.

44. Burke and Hare were useful to the medical students.

45. The New Town of Edinburgh (called the Athens of the North) is 250 years old.

46. Edinburgh University was founded by James 1st of England

47. The industrial revolution affected the Southern part of Scotland most .(p. 24)

48. Robert Owen set up a scheme in New Lanark that made his workers happy and satisfied – which meant that they also worked better.

49. George IVth's visit to Scotland made wearing tartan and kilts very popular. (p. 25)

50. Robbie Burns had many girl friends.

51. Balmoral Castle is an example of very old Highland architecture (p. 26)

52. Scottish Association football was popular in the nineteenth century (p. 27)

53. Edinburgh's big bridge and 's shipyards were bombed during the Second World War. (p. 28)

54. After the Second World War many Scots hoped the Labour Party would improve their lot but others thought independence would be better. (p. 29)

55. The oil industry was replaced by the electronics industry in Scotland towards the millenium.

56. Glasgow has changed from being a dirty industrial city to having lots of culture.

57. From the 1820s people began getting a romantic idea about the Highlands.

58. Before the millenium the English returned the crowning Stone of Scone.

59. The Scots got their new parliament before the millenium.

60. Whenever Scotland changes a lot Nessie comes out to have a look.