
Full Titf e of the Project : Diversion of 2.44 Hec. of forest land for National Highway(NH- 152D1 between Gangheri () to Narnaul, () four/six lane with paved shoulder configuration in the state of under Bharatmala Pariyojna in Distt. ,

File No. :- FP/HR/Ro ADt35922 12018 Date of Proposal :- 14.09.2018


Name of the ForesUReach to be diverted: Diversion of 2.44 Hec. of forest land for National Highway(NH-152D) between Gangheri (Kurukshetra) to Narnaul, (Mahendragarh) four/six lane with paved shoulder configuration in the state of Haryana under Bharatmala Pariyojna in Distt. Karnal. Forest Area = 2.44 Hect. Detalls of degraded forest land/non-forest land where C.A. is to be carried out. C.A Site name : ......

Area to be Afforested :- 6.18Hec. a) Whether the site selected for Compensatory Afforestation is a Land bank (Yes or No):- No, the site selected for compensatory Afforestation is not a land bank. b) lf the CA site is other than the land bank, reasons be given:- There is no land available in the land bank in Karnal. Plantation will be carried out in forest area. c) In case of non-forest area identified for CA, then what is the distance of CA site from the adjoining forest boundary :-:- C,A, will be carried out in ... forest Area' i) SoiltYPe: Sandv Loam ii) Topography a. Hilly/Undulating/Plain: Plain b Slope:-Steep/Medium/Gentle: Gentle iii) Whether the area is bearing any root stock of vegetation:- No Plantation Model:- Copy of the approved Compensatory Afforestation Scheme/Model showing component wise physical and financial break up is as under. 1.

Detail of year wise break'up of requirements of funds is as under:' The plantation cost is calculated for Tall Plants norms at 4m x 2Trm spacing at the wage rate of Rs

326.821- per day as under:- Year Rate per Plant -Tf,Year cost of afforestation Rs. 359.10f Per Plant 7. Year maintenance Rs. 1 15.35/- Per Plant

3'o Year maintenance Rs. 41.89/- Per Plant

4'n Year maintenance Rs. 15.58/- Per Plant

5'n Yeir mirnten'ance R; Tssgl- Per Ptint

6'h Year maintenance Rs. 15.58f Per Plant

7'n Year maintenance Rs. 15.58/- Per Plant

8tn Year maintenance Rs. 15.581 Per Plant

9'n Year maintenance Rs. 15.58f Per Plant

'1 O'n Year maintenance Rs. 15.58f Per Plant Total Rs.625.40/-

Area to be Diverted :- 2.44ha. No of trees to be felled :- 213 no. Plants to be damaged:- 650 no. Plants to be planted (Ten time of the trees to be felled):-NA Area to be Planted = Double area 2.44 hect.x2 @ 1000 plant per ha'= 4880 TP Minimum Plants to be Planted: - 4880 No. RKM 4880/250 =19.52 RKM 6qqlP69tl /\ddilditiona C_$__1n lieu of plents to be damaged (Double il, i_- L - TOTALTOTA sr.__l DESCRIPTION AMOUNTOUNT (Rs.) No. A Com pensato rY Afforestation No. of Charges Plants 1(5 (1) 1't Year cost of afforestation 4880 Rs. 359f Per Plant 56 (2) 2"o Yeal maintenance Plants Rs. 1 15f Per Plant (3) 3'oYearmaintenance Rs.42l- Per Plant (4) 4'n Year maintenance Rs. 16f Per Plant -s'hYet 1sj mantenanae Rsl6f -Per Ptat't 7 7 (6) 6'h Ve-ar maihtenance Rs. 16/- Per Plant - -iL ----- 7 (7) 7"' Year malntenance Rs. 16f Per Aant Per Plant (8) 8'n Year maintenance Rs. 16/- - (e@ Rsl6f -Per Prlant - :_----. - (10) 10"' Year matntenance ns. 16^ Per PlanT e= 19.52 p;r | Rs.76-bl_ RKM_---

neous I 10% on the CA I I charoes ,s ---_-_ lstation Charges plants

-| 1 300 Rs. 359/- per ptani

Plants Rs. 1 15/- per plant

\\J e r ear matntenance Rs. 16/- Per plant - )cxoo \r/ r rEclt rilatnlenance -;^: : _- 20800 (u)-^:L d' Year maintenance -l -9'o 201J00 (9) VeJi mirntenance -- I

t0u00 i t o) Torvea i r mar ntena rrce - Rs. 164 PerpLant - l eqruEu I wrre renctng cnarge= 5.2R KM Rs.76700/- pei Rftirt- J SubTotalffi 'ges 1215240 Penar CA,- NA C;lCiiment A-ea Treatment -- Soit andvtoist@ 30% of the Totat CA 1505402 \rtltJ I utcil UJ 1505402 barety zone tr{A aooitionai cChargeS

0 ; U l Sub Total (F) 0 l N;a P;aseria Vatrre of For€st Land to be Rs. 887000f per ha 2164280 diverted 2.44 Hect.

F e I I i n g c h a r g e---2 7 3 6- Rs.1200 A per m 272832 Plantation damage cfra-ge; J.liL- = 0 GRAND ToTAL (A+8rc;FE+F+G+I+I) to be deposited 10175760 CAMPA Fund It -. Technicaf deta,ils;-

Technical details of compensatory Afforestation scheme are as follows:- a) General Detail :- compensatory Afforestation wdil carried out arong with,

b) Spacing:- 4x4mtr a part c) Species:- Neem & Shisham, Jamun/Jamoa etc, d) Plantation method :- Tall plantation e) Soil and Moisture Conservation Works :_ -Nil_ 0 Protection (Fencing, peopre's, watch man, participation etc) :- Fencing s) Proposed Monitoring Mechanism: - prantation checking of work wiil be done by RFO, DCF, CF & DCF (M&E) h) Any other information :- Nil

Place:- Karnal r vlvJL Y KAANAL

Note :- cF (T) should countersign this c.A. scheme if area to be afforested is more than 5