Herefordshire Post
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112 HEREFORDSHIRE POST JEIElE'B 'BETAZ:LE:R.S. Passey R. Mnch Marrle, l~edhury Jones J. Broad strePt, Hereford Baird H. Aluwley, Hereford PPdlinghom S. Church lane, Lf'dbm·y *Merrick F. & A. Hkh stJ'et>t, Hereford JJall R. Michaelchurch E~cley, Hertford Pember Mr~. M. tugwardinP, Hereford *tPurker J. Hig-h town, Hereford Bampfield G. Snnset, Kington Perrins R. Munsl•·y, Ledbury Peters R. Broa•l street, Herd'ord Banister J. W~llford, Ross Philpotts T. Eardislf,y, Hereford Pllillips W. High Town, Hereford Bird Miss E. Leintwarrline, Ludlow Pitt Mr!>, E.Marsh,Wellington,Hereford Powle R. Marke1 place, Ross Bond Mrs. J. Colwall, Letlhury Pitt W. Linton, Ross Welch J. High street, Bromyard Brain W. Hope Mansel, Newnbam Powell J. St. Nicholas square, Hereford Weut F. Hi!lh street, Leominster Bray J. Longford, Leominster Preece P. Lit. Dewchurcb, Hereford Went. Mrs. H. South st. J.eominstl'r Brazier Mrs. A. Ashperton, Led bury Preece P. Hoarwithy, H entland, Ro~s Woolley J. Broatl strPet, Leominster Brisland J. AllensmorP, Ht:!reford Price W. Garway, Monmonth BOOT &. SHOE MAKER.S. Brown W. Weobly, Hereford PriceW.WoodEaves,Eardi~ley,Hereford Acklcuul R. B~·f(>rd, Hereford Bunn T. Homend street, Ledbury Priddy •r. Much Birch, Ro~s Adam,. T. Wh'IIP, Leomiuster Bnrford Mrs. E. Llanf!rove cmmn. Ross Pritcbarrl J. Adforton, Ludlow Allsop T. Cabbage lane, Hereford Burgess E. Upton Bishop, Ho~s Pritchard T. Eign gate, Hereford Andrews J. Wbitchurch, Monmouth Burl!oyne G.Cowarne Magna, Bromyard Pngh J. Kenderchnrcb, Hereford Am bony J. Rain how lane, Leominster BurgoyneJ. Lingen,Presteign Rohbins T. Pant's hill, Weston-under- Ashcroft W. Whitbourne, Worc<~ster ColeJ. Weston-under-Penyard, Ross Penyard, Ross A~sinder W. Trewan, Llnngarron, RoRs Colley T. Wigmore, Leominster Roberts G. Eign gate, Hereford Bald win W. Aston Ingham, Gloucester Cooper B. Bye street, Ledhury Rogers R. Slwep street, Bromyard Baskerville T. Staunton-on-Wye Corbett T. West on Beggarrl, Hereford Row lands J. Pem hridge, Leoruinster Bassett. Mr~. C. Pembridge, Leominster Creed J. St. Owen's !lt. without, Herefrd Scndamore W. Corp~ Cross street, Ross Raseelt J. Lon!!ford, Leominster Crompton Mrs.P.St. Martin's st. Herefrd Shaw J. Ro;;;hury, Led bury Ihssett J. Eardi:dund, LPominster Cross J. Eign St. Owen's, Hereford Slater G. Homend street, Ledh11ry Batf1er J. Berriugton t~treet, H<>reford Cutter 'r. Commercial ~quare, Hereford Smith Mrs. A. WMltons, Bromyard Ra~·liss C. Uuion street, Heref,Hd Dance T. Pig market, Hereford Smith C. A Iton street, H.ns~ Baynham J. Bishop's Ft•ome, Bromyard Davey T. Broad mead, Ross Smith J. Mill street, Leominster Bt>uvan J. Bishon common, Hereford Davies G. Easthampton, Leominster Smith R. Cot•n ~quare. Leominster Beavan T. May lord's lane, Hereford Davies J. Lingen, Presteign Smith T. Peterstow, Ross Bennett J. High street, Ros11 Davies T. Byton, Presteign Stephen~ G. Wel"t town, Leominster Bet hell J. Blakemere, Hereford Daw J. Cabbage lane, Hereford Taylor Mrs. Walford, Ro~s Bickert.on J. the Dnck, Bridstow, Ross Daw R. Woolbope, Ledbury · 'l'a.ylor Mrs. H. Pixle,v, Ledbury Biggs W. vValford, Ross Daw W, Fownbope, Hereford Taylor 'l'. Bye street, Ledbury Bil'ch H. Broad street, Hereford Dobbins ·w. Eig-n street, Hereford T~ague Mrs. M. Walterstor:e Bird E. High street, Leornin~tt~r Dobhins W. PetPrstow, Ross Tippins Mrs. E. Berrin!!tou st. Hereford Bishop J. Eigu street, Hereford Dowding Mrs. M. A. Lea, Olooce8ter Titley R. Adfortou, Ludlow Bi~hop J. High stree-t, Bromyard Drew J. GortslPy, Linton, Ro~s Vau!!hanH.Broa.d oak,St.vYeonard'~Rss Bolter W. Bronkend street, Ro~s Evans G. Crasewall Chapel, Hay Van~!Jan R. Sunset, Kington Boud J. Monkland, Leominster Evan11 H. Broad meadow, Clitford Walker J. Union street, Hereford Boulter J. Church streP.t, Kin~ton Evans J. Ea ton Bi~hop Wall B. the Folly, Orleton, Ludldw Bowcott J. Almeley, Hereford Evans J. Leintwardine, Ludlow \\'ulters W. Garway common, Monmth Bowkett J. Hattou garden, Lerlbury Evans S. Leintwardine, Ludlow Whetstone M. Fownhope, Hereford Bowkett. P. Back lane, Led bury Evans W.Widemarsh st. without,Herefd White Mrs. R. \VoolhOi>t>, Ledbury BowlerS. Lower cross, Ledbury I Fenner J. Art bur's lane, Ro~s Whitehorn J. Little l1ill 1 Orcop, Ross Box J. Broad street, Bromyanl Fincher W. Castle Frome, Broroyard Wilce W. Corps Cross street, Ro~s Bray J. Docklow, Leorninsler Gardner E. Over Ross street, Ross Willcox S. Broa1J Rtreet, Bromyard Bridges C. Pig market, Hereford Gardner Mr11. M. Brampton st. Ross Woodward F. E1nam stNJet, Leominster Bridgwater J. Broad street, Bromyard Gates H. Llangarron, Ross Yates F. Vt. Berrington !'treet, Hereford Bridgwater W. Market pi. Bromyanl Gatfield T. Kinl!'s Caple, Ross BERLIN REPOSITOR.:IES. Brilo{ht G. School lane, Leominster Griffiths J, Eardislantl, Leominstcr Child Mr>~. S. Broad t~tr~et, Herd'urd Brown \V. Widemarsh street, Hereford Griffitbs R. Sunset, Kmgton Holland l\1rs. J. Church st. Leominster Brulon Mr~. E. Hi~h street, Hereford Haines J. Homend street, Lednury Tomb,; Miss A. Broad street, Hereford Bufton T. Much Marcle, Ledbury Harley G. Cattle market, Hereford BIRD &. ANJ:MAL PR.ESR.V.R.. Bufton W. Lyon's hall, Hereford Hawkin!l T. Pembridge, Leominster Gray W. J. Eign street, Hereford Burleigh C. New street, Ross Hill J. Bi~hop's Frome, Bromysrd BIRMINGHAM&SHEFE':IELD Burrows W. Wolverhampton ter. Ross Hill J. Clifford, Hay WA:R.EHOUSE. Campbell J. Birley, Leotuiuster Hodges Mrs. A. Bishop'~ Frome, Broroyrd H ards Samuel Bryan, St. 0 wen's street. Chadd H. Southend street, Letlbury Homer G. Maylord's lane, HerPford Hereford Cbadd J. Bosbury, Ledbury Howard J. sen. Peterchurch, Hereford BOAT Btrl:LDBR. Chadd S. Bishop'11 Frome, Bromyard HowisG. Eardisland, Leominster Powell J. Whitcburch, Monmoulh Chamberlain E. Yarpole, Leominster Howells 8. LeintwardinP, Lndlow BOAT & BARGE PRO- ChamhP.rlainW.Widemursh st..Hereford Huxley R. Kinnersley, Hereford PRZETORS. Chance G. Little Berrington st.Ht>rt'i'ord Janes Mr~. M. Fownhope, Hereford Easthope T. Wye bridge, Hereford Chandler T. Southend ~tred, Ledhury Jone3 J. Much Birch, Ro~s Evans J. St. Mary's street, Ros~ Cheshire T. Vowchurch Jones W. Commercial road, Hereford Fido W. Kir,~'s Cap le, Ros!! Chinley C. Hig-h street, Leominsler Kio~r R. Underhill, Ross Hardwicke J. Foy near RMs Clissold R. How Caple, Rnss Lawrence C. Pencomhe, Bromyard Newton Mrs. S. (plcasw·e), Dock Mea- Colmrn J. Wilton, llrid~tow, Ross Lewis G. Crew hill, Upton Bishor,, Ross dow, Rl)s~ Cohurn J. Llaugarron, Ross Lewis H. New Rtreet, Ross Nieho)a'l W. King's Caple, Ro~<~ Cole H. St. Owen's !<t, without.,Hereford .Lewis R. Porrland terrace, Widemarsb Whetstone C. Fownhop(·, Hereford Cole W. Yarkhill, Ledbury street without, Hereford :BOOK.BINDE:R.S. Connop S. Morditord, H,..reford Lewis W. Over Ro~s, Ross Hull J. Widemar;;h street, Hewfcml Constant H. Broom's Ash, Liuton, Ross Lewis W. Brampton Abhotts, Ross Tranter E. Homeud street, Ledhury Cook G. Leysters, Tenbury McMullen J. Little Birch, Ro~s Welch J. High ~treet, Bromyard C·wper W. Stretton Sugwas, Hereford .!\la thews l\Iri". E.Preston-on-Wyt>, Hrfrd BOOK.SE:LLERS. Cooper \Y, Win nail common, Allensmore Matthews F. Back lane, Ledburv Marked thus • are Printers. Corbett R. Blue School lane, Hereford Matthews G. the Folly,Orleton, Ludlow Marked thus tare Stationers. Cox G. Luston Matthews J. Yarpole, Leominster Marl•ed thus tare Lihraries. Cox J. Trenchard Rtreet: Ross Matthews R. Barton, Hereford Ma.rl•ed thus§ are Publishen. Cro•s T. Madlt>y, Hereford 1\layell W. New street, Ledbury *HBayli;l P.jun. High street, Le:Jhury Crurnp Ja!l, Callow, Hereford Mererlith R.Llangrovecommon, Ross Bell Misse~ M.& E. N~'vstreet,Ledbury O:miel W.Moor,Bodenharn,Leominster M organ J. Churcll street, Hereford ~ Chilcott .r. V. Broad ~ t. Leominster OaviesC.Drybridge,St. Martin's,Herefrd Morgan J. Earrli~ley, Hereford Coun~ell J. W. F. Market plac~>, Ross Davies G. Pemhndge, Leominster M organ J. St. Owen's st. without, Hrfrd *D nies T. T. High town, Hereford Davies G. Woolhope, Led bury M os!! E. Church street, Bromyartt *t Elliott R. Bye street, Hereford Davies J .Gorsty com.CI~>honger ,Herefrd Old man C.St. Nicholas square, Hereford Farror T. Hitb street, Ross Oavies J. Limebrook, Leominster OrgPe K. Bo;lbury, Ledhury Garduer J. Church street, Herefnrrl D:tvies J. West street., HPrPt'ord Parker J. Mordiford, Hereford *tnihhs J. jnn. Homend street,L"tllmry Oavie~ S. BewP.Il street, Hereford ParryT. Longtown, Hereford tHea<l J. High town, Hereford Davies W. Yarpolf', Leomiu!'ltl'r Partridge J. New road, Bromyard tHumphreys- C. Hig!t .:;t ··prt, Kington Davn1 T. Abbey Dore, Hereford .