The First N ational Daffodil Symposium

THE A mErztcAN DAFFODIL SOCIETY Some forty-five judges of wide ex- Comment: `Kingscourt' and 'Hunter's perience covering every section of the Moon' appeared in almost every report, United States have cooperated to pro- favorite yellow trumpets. It is note- duce the first nationwide Symposium of worthy that the elderly 'Royalist' and the best in Daffodils as grown in Ameri- `Dawson City' are still highly rated. can gardens in 1955. The Symposium `Moonstruck' and 'Ulster Prince' are the makes no pretense of being a "Popu- two newest items to receive general ap- larity Poll" although no items are listed proval. unless grown in a majority of the re- Novelties: 'Luna Moth,' Spanish Gold' gions of the country and have consider- and 'Virtue' were the three most repeated able distribution. First year experiences suggestions for novelties to try. But are avoided. `Fine Gold,' Golden Dollar,' Arranmore,' `Golden Goddess' and 'Moonrise' also All flowers are listed that received a appear to be future contenders. numerical rating of 60 or more points out of a possible 100 and were reported 1B Trumpets (Bicolor white perianth from one or more of the nine geographic with yellow trumpet) regions. The point score was determined 1. 'Preamble' by rating 3 for 1st choice, 2 for 2nd, 2. 'Content' and 1 for 3rd. This rating was made 3. 'Trousseau' regardless of the number of varieties 4. 'Effective' actually reported. For some classes, and 5. 'Foresight' in some regions, only one variety may 6. `Spitzbergen' have been reported. Comment: 'Preamble,' a new and fairly expensive item, closely followed by 'Con- Daffodils are listed according to their tent' and 'Trousseau,' are the clear pick accepted classification divisions. In each of the bicolor trumpets. 'Effective,' a classification items are listed in the order rather old one, while not rated first in of their preference by the judges. Com- many reports, was included in almost ment by the Symposium Committee fol- all the lists. lows each classification and a listing of Novelties: Apparently the ones to "novelties" without rating as presented watch among the novelties are 'Bally- to the Committee is also given although garvey' (Dunlop), `Lapford' and 'Pen- no pretense of including all the new ones sive' by Wilson. is made. 1C Trumpets (Self Whites) 1A Trumpets (Self Yellow) 1. `Cantatrice' 1. 'Kings-court' 2. 'Broughshane' 2, 'Hunter's Maon' 3. 'Beersheeba' 3. `Milanion' 4. 'Mount Hood' 4. 'Moonstruck' 5. `Kanchenj unga' 5. 'Mulatto' 6. 'Tain' 6. `Golddigger' 7. 'Ardclinis' 7. `Cromarty' 8. `Samite' 8. 'Grape Fruit' Comment: Vantatrice' is the over- 9. 'Ulster Prince' whelming preference in white trumpets 10. `Golcicoure with 'Broughshane' and 'Beersheba' ap- 11. 'Principal' pearing on most reports as number 2 12. `Burgomeester Gouverneur' choice. But el3roughshane' and 'Canta- 13. 'Royalist' trice' are relatively new to be so widely 14. 'Dawson City' distributed. There were complaints about [72] April 1956 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 73 the health of `Cantatrice' and coarseness the placing of `Aranjuez,"Carbineer' of 'Broughshane' in several regions. and `Rustom Pasha' in such a list proves Novelties: Some impressive novelties that if an item is good enough gardeners are 'Alycidon,"White Prospect,' Glen- will go on buying it regardless of how bush,"Glenshesk,"Vigil' and 'Hindu- old it is. stan,' but' of course the one all the fan- Novelties: `Craigywarren,"Kindled,' ciers are holding their breath to see is `Foxhunter,"Royal Charger,' Fire- Wilson's 'Empress of Ireland.' master,"Galcador,"Revelry,"Lady Luck,' Red Idol,' and 'Red Rascal' were 1D TriiMpets (Reverse Bicolor-The re- the new ones most often mentioned as verse of 1B) those to watch in the future. `Spellbinder' 2B Large Cup (white perianth, yellow Comment: There appears to be only one -well distributed reverse bicolor. This crown) 'Green Island' is a small new class. 1. 2. Tolindra' Novelties: Grant Mitsch's new 'Lunar 3. 'Brunswick' Sea' is rated as a prime contender. 4. `Coverack Perfection' 5. Penvose' 2A Large Cup (Self Yellow) 6. 'Greeting' 1. 'Galway' 7. 'Daisy Schaffer' 2. 'Carlton' Comment: 'Green Island' is the over- 3. 'St. Egwin' whelming preference in this large group 4. 'Golden Torch' formerly designated as big Leedsii. And 5. 'Crocus' please note 'Daisy Schaffer' in the group 6. 'St. Keverne' although many reporters complained Comment: 'Galway' is the overwhelm- about difficulty in getting clean bulbs in ing choice as the best self yellow big some regions. cup. Old 'Carlton' is next. Almost all Novelties: 'Tudor Minstrel,' is the reports rated 'Crocus' but down-graded novelty everyone mentions in this group it in many areas on health. The sur- although several praised `Bithynia,"Man- prise in this list is 'St. Keverne,' a rather chu,",' and `Aldergrove.' expensive, neat, refined, new one. Novelties.- The novelties most often 2B Large Cup (white perianth, red or mentioned are `Mulrany,"Amberley' and orange cup) `Ormeau.' 1. `Kilworth' 2. 'Duke of Windsor' 2A Large Cup (yellow perianth, orange 3. 'Selma Lagerlof' or red crown) 4. `' 1. 'Ceylon' 5. 'Signal Light' 2. 'Narvik' 6. `Rubra' 3. 'Armada' 7. Termoy' 4. `Carbi neer' 8. `Daviot' 5. `DunkeId' 9. 'Rococo' 6. `Aranjuez' Comment: `Kilworth' is the unenthu- 7. `Rustorn Pasha' siastic point winner of this class ; in fact, 8. 'Royal Mail' with two exceptions, all the items in this 9. 'Tinker' group are placed by a great number of 10. 'Indian Summer' second and third choices. The two ex- 11. 'Garland' ceptions are the expensive newcomers, Comment: 'Ceylon' is a relatively new `Arbar' and 'Signal Light.' and expensive flower to be overwhelm- Novelties: The four most mentioned ingly first in this huge class and it proves novelties are 'Fire Gleam,' King Cardi- that if an item is good enough the ama- nal,' Blarney's Daughter,' and 'Satin teurs will buy it regardless, of price. And Queen.' 74 THE NATIONAL HORT 'CULTURAL MAGAZINE April 1956 2C Large Cup (all white) Comment: 'Limerick' is the preference 1. 'Zero' in this group by a close margin over 2. `Ludow' `Blarney.' This is a strong class and is 3. 'Truth' closely contested. 4. `Carnlough' Novelties: The novelty accent is on 5. 'Jules Verne' `Corncrake,","Carnmoon,"Lough 6. 'Ave' Areema,"Artist's Model,' Glenwherry,' Continent: Guy Wilson's ice-white and `IVIasaka.' `Zero' is the clear preference in big-cup whites, closely followed by 'Ludlow' and 3C Small Cup (all white) `Truth.' The feature of this group again 1. 'Chinese White' is the inclusion of a relatively new one 2. `Cushendall' in 'Ave.' Some regions complained of 3. 'Frigid' temperament in this group, especially 4. 'Bryher' in rainy seasons. 5. Portrush' Novelties: The hot numbers to watch 6. 'Foggy Dew' in this group especially include `Wood- Continent: 'Chinese White' is the over- vale,' Glenmanus,' and 'Pigeon.' whelming preference in the all-white cups with `Cushenciall' the runner up. 2D Large Cup (reverse bicolor: yellow Tortrush' and 'Foggy Dew' are placed perianth, white cup) largely by second choice votes. Some `Binkie' reporters complained about 'Chinese Comment: `Binkie' is the unanimous White's' neck. and sole choice in this very limited group. Novelties: No new ones have been Novelties: Grant Mitsch and several suggested in this class. English hybridizers report some inter- esting seedlings in this class but no 1 Doubles names have been suggested as yet. 1. 'Cheerfulness' 2. `Yellow Cheerfulness' 3A Small Cup (yellow perianth, yellow, 3. 'Swansdown' orange or red cups) 4. Talaise' 1. 'Chungking' 5. 'Shirley Temple' 2. 'Market Merry' 6. 'Mary Copeland' 3. 'Ardour' Comment: 'Cheerfulness,' the old ta- 4. 'Apricot Distinction' zette gardenia daffodil, is the undoubted Comment: 'Chungking' is the over- preference in this not too popular group. whelming preference in this group, with The group features two relatively new `Market Merry' rated largely on second items in 'Swansdown' and 'Shirley Tem- performance votes. Mitsch's new 'Ardour' ple' that may suggest a trend. is the interesting item in the group and Novelties: The big novelties are 'Gay suggests that gardeners are out looking Time' and 'Double Event.' There is also for a better 3A. some interest in 'Golden Ducat' and Novelties: The only new one urged `Hollandia! in this group is 'Arnhem' which is not too new at that. 5 Triandrus 1. 'Silver Chimes' 3B Small Cup (white perianth, colored 2. 'Rippling Waters' cup) 3. `Tresamble' 1. 'Limerick' 4. 'Thalia' 2. 'Blarney' Comment: 'Silver Chimes,' a hybrid, 3. `' looking like a white tazetta, is the over- 4. 'Bravura' whelming choice in the small cup trian- 5. 'Carolina' drus group and `Tresamble' the unques- 6. 'St. Louis' tioned preference in the large cup. 7. 'Angeline' Novelties: 'Lemon Drops,' Thought- April 1956 THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE 75 ful,' and `Rosedown' are the new ones 2. 'April Tears' to try. 3. 'Fairy Circle' 4. 'Frosty Morn' 6 Cyclamineus 5. `Tanagr a' 1. 'Beryl' 6. 'Xit' 2. 'Charity May' 7. watieri 3. 'Peeping Torn' 8. 'Lady Bee' 4. Jenny' 9. 'Flomay' 5. 'February Gold' 10. 'Sun Disc' Comment: 'Beryl' is the preference in 11. `Kidling' this nodding class but the popularity of 12. `Yamolf the new 'Charity May' and Jenny' dem- 13. 'Mustard Seed' onstrates eagerness in this group for bet- 14. 'Angie' ter items. 15. 'Sneezy' eyelataz 7 .1 onquilla `Dawn' 1. `Trevithian' triandrif S aurantiacus 2. 'Golden Perfection' triandrns ems 3. 'Cherie' obvallaris 4. 'Golden Goblet' Pencrebar 5. 'Golden Sceptre' rupieola Comment: qrevithian' is the over- tenuior whelming preference in this group. Nor-nor Novelties: No actual novelties are re- minor ported but among the newer ones, 'Sweet- Erotic ness,' Tittle-Tattle,' and 'White Wedg- triandrus calathinus wood' seem most promising. cyclamineus bulbocodiuin conspicuus 8 Tazetta (Multiflowered, Poetaz) Tristesse 1. 'Geranium' canaliculatus 2. 'Martha Washington' Comment: Although a great many of 3. 'Orange Wonder' the judges made no report on miniatures, 4. 'Cragford' those who did report indicated more than Comment: 'Geranium' is the point win- average knowledge of this fast-growing ner in a close race over 'Martha Wash- class. 'Raindrop' was the clear prefer- ington' in this not too popular class. ence followed by 'April Tears' and the Novelties: Among the newer items are little 3B 'Fairy Circle.' The placings in `Anna-Brita' and `Laetitia'-very prom- the order of preference after the first ising. 15 involved too much hair splitting to mean a great deal. 9 Poets (Poeticus) 1. 'Actaea' Pinks 2. 'Cantabile' 1. 'Rosario' 3. `Seagreen' 2. 'Rose of Tralee' 4. 'Smyrna' 3. 'Interim' Comment: With only about half the 4. `Moylena' judges reporting in this class 'Actaea' is 5. 'Ann Abbott' clearly preferred with 'Cantabile' being Comment: 'Rosario,' an Australian boosted in the connoisseur corner. 2B, is the preferred pink with 'Rose of Novelties: `Groenlo:' is the only new Tralee' a close second. one suggested. Novelties: Of course, the new pink everyone wants to see is Richardson's 10 Species., Wild Forms and Hybrids; `Salmon Trout.' Other much talked of Miniatures (under 10 inches) pinks are 'Icaranja,"Belleek,"Rose Cap- 1. 'Raindrop' rice' and Dunlop's 'Pink Isle.'