June 2012 Issue 49

desthe magazine for defenceider equipment and support

Land Forces take the lead in DE&S industry show

Planning Round 12 – MOD balances the books See inside

F-35 full Carriers on Nest of Successor First class speed ahead the move Vipers progress delivery Strength in Partnership Strength inPartnership des Steve Moore [email protected] [email protected] Ralph Dunn [email protected] Dick Naughton © Crown Copyright desider [email protected] 7155 7379 (0)207 +44 Fax: 1819. 7657 (0)20 Tel: +44 1NU WC1A London Holborn, High Street, Anthon Linton Advertising Distribution Manager: Editor: Deputy Relations: Public Head, Assistant expressed in in expressed Views omissions. or errors for accepted be can liability no accurate, is produced material all ensure to care inthose the While editor the takes defence industries. including MOD, the outside readers to available made be sponsor. and the can also equipment Copies capability relevant MOD project team before publication. before team project MOD relevant the by cleared be must advertorials for content All MOD. the or DE&S by endorsed necessarily not are advertised, Printing: Printing: from well-managed forests. Stewardship Councilcertified material post consumer waste andForest cent recycled andde-inked pulpfrom Silk 90gsmwhichcontains 50per This magazineisproduced onCocoon FEATURES 40 38 26 18 is distributed free of charge to DE&S employees employees DE&S to charge of free distributed is DVD In praise oftherotary world Pride inthework ofDE&S Sharing challenges andsuccesses the future current developments andto share aspirations andplansfor organisation to engagewithindustry to discuss technologies, event for thelandcommunity andanopportunityfor the Defence Vehicle Dynamic2012isDE&S'key stakeholder Equipment, SupportandTechnology industry colleagues, saysPeter Luff,Minister for Defence massive strides forward, thanksto theefforts ofDE&Sand Availability ofsupporthelicopters to thefront linehas made them ontheircontribution to defence be proud ofwhatthey have achieved ashecongratulated winners atthisyear's Commendationsevent thatthey should Chief ofDefence Materiel Bernard Gray hastold award the best equipmentandtechnology inthelandenvironment the vehicles willbeonshow asDVD getsready to show off all proved asuccess onoperations andexamples ofeach Mastiff, Coyote, Husky, Jackal,Warthog andWolfhound have - 9352 30257 or 0117 9130257 0117 or 9130257 30257 -9352 - 9352 30537 or 0117 9130537 0117 or 9130537 30537 -9352 desider, – Ten Alps Publishing, 1 New Oxford Oxford 1New Publishing, –Ten Alps ider - 9352 34342 or 0117 9134342 0117 or 9134342 34342 -9352 : – theartofpossible

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43 15 14 12 11 10 8 4 NEWS

Diamond unveils hernest ofVipers Panama –aForces’ life-saver New arrangements for shiprefits The gamefor DE&Shaschanged MOD budgetisbalanced off theOuter Hebrides successfully testing herSeaVipermissiles system HMS Diamond HMS Devices haswon awards for innovative procurement controlled vehicles to huntfor Improvised Explosive A life-saving capability whichusesremotely- into playwiththenine-monthdockingperiodof New arrangements for surface shiprefits have come carriers aircraft new the from Fighter Strike of the Joint variant landing and vertical take-off short the operate to decided has Government The F-35: thedecisionismade nuclear deterrent to UKcompanies to designthenext generation of Contracts worth £350millionhave beenawarded purchase its of announcement onlythe months after three delivered been has aircraft C-17 eighth transport RAF's The C-17 delivered inrapid order MOD's PR12announcements Gray ashespoke to staff atAbbey Wood after the DE&S hasstarted onanew journey, saidBernard Hammond Philip Secretary Defence reports deficit, budget its out wiped generation, in a time first the for has, MOD The Deterrent successor contracts awarded

atDevonport front lineinAfghanistan. integration inreadiness for themove forward to the final dayof reception, staging, onward movement and soldier from ACompany, 1Royal Angliancompleting a industry event atMillbrook thismonth.Pictured isa Land equipmenttakes centre stage asDE&Sholdsits hasproved herfightingmettle by cover image



Insider june 2012 Picture: Cpl Paul Robinson, RLC Bernard Gray

Chief of Defence Materiel Budget balanced as MOD unveils its programme

‘The lengthy list of confirmed programmes is welcome news and gives us for the first time a firm foundation for our work’

The Secretary of State’s It’s also a great illustration announcement on 14th May of the type of change that that the MOD had brought the Transforming Defence is all Defence Budget into balance about, enabling us to plan with was a defining moment for greater confidence to deliver the all of us in DE&S, because battle–winning Armed Forces it puts us on a different and that are at the heart of the new more challenging footing as we Defence Vision. prepare for the future. The lengthy list of confirmed We in DE&S contributed programmes is welcome news significantly to the budget and gives us for the first time a calculation representing the firm foundation for our work, as Scout included in £4.5 billion of new armoured fighting vehicles core equipment programme well as that of our partners in total contained in the Secretary the defence industries, for the of State’s announcement and we The MOD will have, for the first time, a long-term. core equipment programme that is fully now have a major responsibility Alongside these hugely to deliver within that budget funded and affordable. important programme That was the Planning Round 12 over the years to come. issues I was very pleased to (PR12) message from Defence Secretary That realism was also lead the DE&S annual CDM Philip Hammond as he announced that evidenced in the figures that Commendations Ceremony the department’s budget deficit had been DE&S supplied to assist the in London and hear about wiped out for the first time in a generation. Government in making its some of the extraordinary Through a series of tough but necessary decision to revert to the F-35B achievements and successes of decisions combined with radical reforms version of the Joint Strike of the MOD’s financial processes, the hole DE&S teams, often in support in the defence budget two years ago – Fighter for the Queen Elizabeth of current operations and the class aircraft carriers. estimated by some to be as great as £38 delivery of Urgent Operational billion – has now been eliminated. Those of you to whom I had Requirements. the pleasure of speaking at A fully costed programme provides As I have said before, I the Armed Forces with the stability a Town Hall session in Abbey always look forward to these and assurance they need for the future. Wood, after the Secretary The MOD can now confidently invest in of State had made his ceremonies and the insight they give me into the professionalism new equipment, knowing its delivery is announcement, understand the guaranteed because the programme is considerable importance I attach of all of you in DE&S and the fantastic contribution you make accurately costed and affordable. to meeting the commitments we The core committed equipment have made on cost control. to the defence of the UK. They programme amounts to just under £152 The Secretary of State’s make me, and I hope all of you, announcement confirmed a total feel proud about your work and planned spend of £160 billion your many successes. on defence equipment, support Finally, as I was pleased ‘For the first time in and data systems over the to explain to members of the next 10 years. Within that total House of Commons Defence decades, we have a is £8 billion of uncommitted Select Committee on 15th credible, sustainable money and crucially a £4 billion May, The Materiel Strategy contingency risk to deal with continues to make progress budget and we can the unexpected. As we in DE&S on its analysis of the potential confidently pledge to are well aware, the unexpected operating models and our work does sometimes happen on will be submitted to Ministers deliver to our Armed equipment programmes. It is later this year. Alongside the first time to my knowledge this activity, our studies are Forces almost £160 billion the MOD has ever made such continuing on The Materiel of equipment we know we a provision, and it will help to Strategy Interim Structure and, ensure that we can deal with as always, developments will can afford’ the kind of problems we may be communicated to you as encounter along the way. decisions are reached. – Philip Hammond news 5 Budget balanced as MOD unveils its programme

Scout included in £4.5 billion of new armoured fighting vehicles

billion over ten years, against a totalled His thoughts were echoed by Chief projects can now be guaranteed while a planned spend of almost £160 billion. That of the Defence Staff, General Sir David number of other projects will be brought £152 billion includes, for Richards. He said: into the core equipment programme. the first time, a centrally o Projects whose delivery can “Taking tough decisions Scrutiny and financial controls that held contingency of now be guaranteed and those and dealing with have been put in place will allow the more than £4 billion. unaffordable projects MOD to ensure projects deliver against which will be part of the core The programme also has given us clarity to time and cost. As they do so, the MOD includes an extra £8 equipment programme: pages plan. will be able to release funds put in place billion of funding over 6 and 7 “We are now on a firm to add uncommitted capabilities to the the next ten years which foundation and building committed core equipment programme. is unallocated. This o DE&S faces new disciplines: the Armed Forces of Reaching a balanced budget means that the budget page 7 the future. We are now represents an important milestone in the will have guaranteed well-placed to adapt transformation of defence which builds headroom to respond o CDM: page 8 and respond to threats upon the recommendations of Lord to emerging equipment around the world and to Levene’s review of the department. requirements. deliver the capabilities Service chiefs have confirmed that we need for the nation’s defence. this fully committed core equipment “The Armed Forces Committee, which Above: the Scout reconnaissance vehicle, programme and the extra headroom will I chair, will prioritise future commitments second from right, along with the Recovery, enable the MOD to deliver the capabilities and bring into service the equipment we Repair and Mobility Recce Support variants, while, below, a gearbox is installed into a required for Future Force 2020, as set are now getting.” prototype out in the Strategic Defence and Security Delivery of a number of DE&S Review of 2010. Mr Hammond said: “The Government is determined to get to grips with a legacy of poor project management, weak decision making and financial indiscipline within the MOD. “We have made a symbolic break with the failed practices of the past and the vast black hole that blighted defence spending has gone. “For the first time in decades, we have delivered a credible and sustainable budget and we can now confidently pledge to deliver to our Armed Forces almost £160 billion worth of equipment over the next decade that we know we can afford. “This allows us to begin to put the uncertainty of the last few years behind us and build for the future on a solid foundation as we move forward with Defence Transformation.” 6 news

What PR12 means – guaranteed delivery for projects already underway

• building of the two Queen Maritime power Elizabeth class aircraft carriers; the remainder of the Type 45 and the new Type 26 ; the Astute class and Successor nuclear submarines.


• 14 new Chinooks, life-extension of the Apache attack helicopter and upgrade to the RAF’s Puma fleet, invesment in new Wildcat helicopters, the Merlin upgrade programme and the assessment phase for Merlin marinisation

• introduction into Air power service of the Voyager Land vehicles and support air-to-air refueller and troop transporter, the A400M air transporter and the Air Seeker surveillance aircraft; the eighth C17 aircraft; continued investment in Typhoon and • a programme of new Joint Strike armoured fighting vehicles Fighter worth around £4.5 billion over ten years, and a £1 billion upgrade of the Warrior Armoured Fighting Vehicle;

Complex weapons

• £7 billion invested in complex weapons – the smart missiles and torpedos that give the Navy, Army and RAF their fighting edge. news 7 DE&S faces up to a world of new financial discipline

A new financial discipline is to be Defence introduced to the equipment plan, the Secretary ‘No project Defence Secretary has promised. Philip Philip Hammond told parliament on Hammond on will be 14 May that the Armed Forces needed the board HMS confidence that, once a project is in the Ocean during committed programme, it is real, funded and will be pre-Olympic delivered so they can plan with certainty. exercises without a “There will be under-programming rather than over-programming, so that 10-year we can focus on value rather than on cash management,” he said. budget line “The core committed equipment to cover programme, which covers investment in new equipment and data systems and not only its their support, amounts to just under £152 billion over 10 years, against a total procurement planned spend of almost £160 billion. That £152 billion includes, for the first time ever, but its an effective centrally held contingency reserve determined by Bernard Gray support of more than £4 billion to ensure the costs. This is robustness of the plan. “That programme represents the an innovation collective priorities of the Forces, set out by the Armed Forces Committee on which in defence all the service chiefs sit. They confirm that the committed core equipment procurement’ programme, together with the £8 billion of available unallocated headroom, will fund the capabilities that they require to to account for the estimates on which that is under way to Forces that may be deliver Future Force. decisions to commit to projects are based.” smaller, but which will be adaptable, agile, “That £8 billion will be allocated to Mr Hammond added: “The MOD is equipped with the very best technology projects not yet in the committed core putting in place the behaviour-changing and supported by an MOD that is laser- programme only at the point when they incentives and structures that will keep focused on their needs. need to be committed in order to be it in balance. It means that the politicians “We are working alongside a defence delivered on time, and only in accordance and civil servants in the MOD can look the industry that can invest with renewed with the military assessment of priority at Armed Forces in the eye, in the knowledge confidence in an equipment plan that is the time. that we are delivering them the stable actually deliverable.” “No project will be allowed to be platform that they need to build Future Mr Hammond added that professional committed without a 10-year budget line Force 2020. skills in DE&S are crucial. “The new to cover not only its procurement but its “We are delivering them a budget Chief of Defence Materiel is drawing up a support costs. This is an innovation in agreed across Government, across the strategy that will involve a radical change defence procurement and individuals department and by the service chiefs, and to the structure of DE&S. I hope to be able and contractors can expect to be held a firm baseline for the transformation to make an announcement to the House on that matter before the summer recess,” he said. • a £4 billion- He also added that further job plus investment in losses were unlikely. “We have already What PR12 intelligence, surveillance, announced the reductions in the size of communications and the Forces and a reduction in the size reconnaissance assets means – across the Cipher of the MOD civilian service. As a result Solomon, Crowsnest, of what I have announced, there will be projects to DCNS, and Falcon projects; no additional reductions in head count. • the outright purchase The downsizing that has already been become of three offshore patrol announced is the limit of the downsizing vessels which are currently that we need in order to deliver the leased; part of programme. • capability the core enhancements to the “There are tens of thousands of jobs Typhoon; in the UK defence industries, and by equipment • a range of simulators, introducing a sustainable equipment basing, and support programme that will give industries the programme equipment for the new confidence to invest, we will protect those helicopters and aircraft jobs and technologies and help those being introduced. industries to build their export markets.” 8 news NEWSREEL Stakes have gone up, the Kineton is honoured Personnel from game has changed – CDM Kineton, the largest munitions depot in Europe, have The Secretary of State’s marched through Point made: Mr announcement that the MOD nearby Warwick Gray at his Abbey to celebrate being has balanced the books on the Wood session granted Freedom equipment programme for the of the Town. Station first time in a generation means Commander, that DE&S has started on a Lieutenant new journey, Chief of Defence Colonel Simon Materiel (CDM) Bernard Gray Hirst, said: “It told hundreds of staff at a packed is a tremendous honour for the Town Hall session. base and we Mr Gray, speaking on the greatly appreciate afternoon of the Secretary of the support we State’s announcement, told receive from our staff at DE&S headquarters at local community. Abbey Wood: “We’re starting It is a reflection of on a journey today. The the high regard in which we are held department has taken some by Warwick, A lot difficult decisions in balancing of work went into the programme overall. That is a the event and the clear signal of how they want to crowds enjoyed turn this organisation around.” are numbers that we are going in a way that suits the coming out to see The Strategic Defence and to live with. We are under a organisation. us as much as we enjoyed our seeing Security Review had eliminated significant obligation to deliver The third component is an them.” Kineton roughly two-thirds of the black on those numbers – the stakes injection of skills from outside. specialises in hole in the defence budget and have gone up and the game has The new organisation would training bomb- last year’s Three Month Exercise changed for us.” allow management freedoms to disposal personnel. had closed most of the remaining He explained that the process run the organisation in a way gap. adopted to bring the programme that suits the specific business of The Secretary of State’s back into line with the budget DE&S. Centre opens announcement set out what steps was based on the premise that These include the ability to its doors had been taken to achieve the programmes on contract would recruit, reward and train our final closing of the gap. This had go ahead. Those not yet on staff in line with DE&S needs. Chavasse enabled the Secretary of State to contract would be re-evaluated Managers would have the VC House in confirm that the MOD had now in order to reach decisions on freedoms they need to apply Colchester, a new, established an affordable and what was a priority and could be resources to projects, but would purpose built fully funded core equipment afforded. also be accountable for delivery. recovery centre, funded by Help plan, with a contingency. As part Mr Gray told the meeting “Ministers are clear that we for Heroes and of this work, DE&S had produced that these changes related to need to be able to do our job the Royal British realistic figures for programme The Materiel Strategy in three well and that the MOD needs to Legion, has been costs over the next decade. ways. The first was the need hold its ground with the supplier opened by Help “I was determined, through for an appropriately robust base,” said Mr Gray for Heroes and the a number of exercises over the interface between DE&S and CDM concluded by taking MOD. It will provide course of the last year, to try the wider MOD, ensuring the questions from staff about the first class facilities for wounded, to get to the bottom of what military customer benefited up-skilling of DE&S staff, the injured and sick we really think each of our from realistic advice on the costs declining size of the workforce, service personnel. individual large programmes of programme adjustments. how the programme will be It will include are going to cost over the next The second part is more kept on track, on the Interim accommodation, decade,” Mr Gray said. significant managementStructure and The Materiel social areas, family “The numbers we have now freedoms to run the organisation Strategy options under study. rooms and a state of the art fitness centre. Advanced Hawks set to boost Saudi air force training Afghan costs The UK is to support the Royal Saudi Arabian Air continue to meet Saudi Arabia’s legitimate defence Force (RSAF) officer and aircrew training for its requirements. Latest MOD growing fleet of Typhoon aircraft. Guy Griffiths, BAES Group Managing Director estimates of the Under an agreement, the RSAF will receive 22 International, said: “We are honoured that BAE cost of military BAE Systems Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers (AJT), Systems has been awarded this contract. Through operations in 55 Pilatus PC-21 advanced turboprop trainers, 25 the Hawk AJT, the trainee fast jet pilots will have Afghanistan primary training aircraft, and a variety of advanced access to the latest in advanced simulation for radar, since 2001-02 aircrew training devices, upgraded training facilities weapons and defensive aids training to enable a is around £17 and initial spares support. smooth transition to front line aircraft, including billion, according Hawk AJT will eventually replace the RSAF’s fleet Typhoon.” to Parliamentary of Hawk Mark 65/65a trainers, reflecting the Saudi Deliveries of the Pilatus PC-21, manufactured in figures. Arabians’ confidence in the capabilities of the Hawk Switzerland, will begin in 2014. The UK-built Hawk family of advanced jet trainers and the UK’s ability to aircraft will be delivered from 2016. mastering the seas lock on to mbda solutions


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FASGW_210x297_Desider_uk.indd 1 23/05/12 16:44 10 news

NEWSREEL Cutting consumption on the front line Numbers are A successful demonstration required by forward bases needs to set to reduce Reducing the need for power: of revolutionary power-saving be delivered by protected convoys, Cyprus hosted last year's technology has seen DE&S award a themselves exposed to many risks The majority of the PowerFOB event 500 reduction in UK £1 million contract to BAE Systems. – IEDs, insurgent attacks, poor personnel numbers The Power Operational Concept roads and the weather. in Afghanistan by Demonstration contract from the Rob Eason, Head of Technology the end of the year Programmes and Technology Group Delivery in the Programmes will be made up tasks the company with delivering and Technology Group, said: of combat troops the first stage of a fuel reduction “This is a key step in delivering reflecting the pace of demonstration and includes a cost-effective operational base transition of this role completion of design, system capability. Integration with the in- to Afghan forces, procurement, UK integration and service equipment is fundamental Defence Secretary overall planning. to delivering immediate efficiencies Philip Hammond The trial follows work to the front line. has announced. undertaken by DE&S, BAE “Equally important is the ‘plug UK headquarters Systems and others last year – and play’ approach that has been in Nahr-e Saraj the PowerFOB demonstration applied as it allows the use of North and Nahr-e in Cyprus – which showed fuel renewables such as wind, solar and Saraj South will be consumption of Forces in the field hydro, dependent upon the mission merged to better could be cut by up to 40 per cent. requirements and location of the align with Afghan DE&S wants to reduce operating base. This will ultimately administrative fuel consumption in deployed reduce the burden on the supply boundaries. operations such as Camp Bastion, chain and increase the availability Thirty-six of Task Afghanistan by 50 per cent. Fuel of power to the end user.” Force Helmand’s checkpoints, patrol bases and military The RAF's latest C-17, positions have been no ZZ178, makes a handed over to the spectacular sight over Afghan Forces in Long Beach, USA the last six months, while 16 new posts have been occupied by Afghan Forces.

T26 plans

Current planning assumptions will see 13 Type 26 Global Combat Ships (GCS) built, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Peter Luff has confirmed. The programme is in its Assessment Phase, with the Arrival of C-17 No 8 results expected by the middle of the decade. “As usual with equipment projects, the in- The RAF’s eighth £200 million Latest aircraft aircraft was placed by DE&S in service date will not C-17 transport aircraft has February. be set until the Main Gate investment arrived at Brize Norton after its delivered less than Bob Ciesla, Boeing Airlift vice decision has been handover from Boeing in Long president and C-17 programme taken,” he said in a Beach. three months manager said: “We’re proud to Parliamentary reply. Welcoming the arrival on support the in “No decision has 24th May, Defence Secretary from order their mission and we are grateful been made on the Philip Hammond said: “We for the partnership with the UK base porting of the are proceeding with major Ministry of Defence and US Air Type 26 GCS.” equipment programmes with Force that made this delivery renewed confidence now that C-17s are in constant demand possible, less than three months Brize lodgers the MOD’s core equipment flying missions in support of from the date of the order.” programme is fully funded and defence and other Government Boeing has delivered 243 Our April story on the FAST cabin affordable.” agencies’ requirements,” said C-17s worldwide, including 216 talked of the Joint The commanding officer Wg Cdr David Manning. to the US Air Force active duty, Air Delivery Test and of 99 Squadron has welcomed “It’s a great feeling to know Guard and Reserve units. A total Evaluation Unit at the increase in capacity of his that we have the capability to of 27 C-17s have been delivered RAF Brize Norton. fleet, which has already passed deliver crucial supplies to front to Australia, Canada, Qatar, the The unit is a lodger 74,000 flight hours since the first lines with little notice or to United Arab Emirates, the UK, unit at Brize but entered service in 2001, a rate 15 transport injured troops home and the 12-member Strategic belongs to the Air Warfare Centre at per cent above projection. with a better chance of survival Airlift Capability initiative of RAF Waddington. We “I’m honoured and delighted because of the capability and Nato and Partnership for Peace are happy to clarify. to deliver the RAF’s newest C-17 flexibility of the C-17.” nations. India has 10 C-17s on to join the fleet where our seven The order for the eighth order. news 11

NEWSREEL Caroline faces Successor bright future The MOD has agreed in principle to gift contracts HMS Caroline to the National Museum Deterrent: of the , HMS subject to a business Vanguard plan for the ship will sustain and parliamentary approval. The World War One light cruiser has been a training ship based jobs in Belfast and, until decommissioning last year, was the second oldest ship in the Royal Navy after HMS Victory. A decision on her future is expected soon.

Staff figures

Contracts worth £350 MOD on the design of the new integration of the reactor design. On 1 March 2012, million have been awarded to submarines which will use a new Mike Owen, Future there were 18,920 UK companies to design the next nuclear propulsion system. Submarines leader at DE&S, staff in DE&S, of which 7,930 generation of nuclear deterrent Defence Secretary Philip said: “We are delighted with the service personnel submarines, sustaining Hammond said: “We have a progress we have made so far and civilian staff hundreds of British jobs. world-class -building during the design phase. were employed The first Successorindustry in this country and this “The whole Successor at Abbey Wood, submarine is due to be delivered programme will help to sustain team, which includes Future according to the in 2028, replacing the Vanguard or create jobs across the UK. Submarines, Nuclear Propulsion latest figures. The class submarines which carry “By making the core and Combat Systems project estimated annual gross pay cost is the UK’s nuclear deterrent, equipment programme fully teams, has worked extremely approximately £400 Trident. funded and affordable, we hard to achieve this milestone. It million. Although a decision on the are able to confirm additional is only through their professional final design and build will not be equipment projects which help skills, dedication, and abilities made until 2016, detailed work safeguard our national security.” that we have got so far. Back in the air has to take place now to ensure The largest contract, worth “The well deserved that the Successor submarines £328 million, has been awarded award of a Chief of Defence Non-operational will be the most technologically to BAE Systems Maritime – Materiel commendation to the routine flying of the advanced to protect UK national Submarines, which will work on Commercial team is I believe but RAF’s E-3D Sentry security. the overall submarine design. one of many to come to the whole airborne early Contracts have been awarded Babcock has been awarded Successor team.” warning aircraft fleet resumed at to BAE Systems, Babcock £15 million and will focus on In May last year the MOD the end of April and Rolls-Royce, sustaining designing parts of the in-service approved the design phase, following faults or creating 1,900 jobs at sites support. More than £4 million costing £3 billion. The latest discovered in across the UK. Engineers at the has been paid to Rolls-Royce contracts are part of that radome supports of companies will work with the which will be responsible for the investment. two of the aircraft. Evidence relating to the aircraft shows no remaining safety MOD sustains commitment to the nuclear deterrent concerns.

The MOD is to sustain its commitment to the nuclear Around 40 per cent of this money will be invested deterrent by continuing to invest £1 billion a year on in essential capital projects, including production and Aircraft costs facilities at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). research facilities. The remainder will be spent on The AWE is central to the development and operating and maintaining the AWE. Total expenditure maintenance of the UK’s nuclear capability, Trident. Defence Equipment, Support and Technology on the Joint Strike Scientists at the site are involved from the Minister Peter Luff said: “The Atomic Weapons Fighter is £1,825 initial concept and design of the warheads, through Establishment is a centre of scientific and technological million so far, manufacture and support to their decommissioning and excellence, with some of the most advanced research, according to the disposal. design and production facilities in the world. This latest Parliamentary Agreement has now been reached with AWE investment will help maintain 4,500 jobs and a key figures. That is made Management Limited (AWEML) – the joint venture capability, which is essential for our national security.” up of £1,495 million contracted to manage and operate the site in 2000 – for The investment will enable AWE to perform its vital up to and including a further priced period of work under its existing 25- work in support of the UK’s nuclear deterrent until the development year contract. March 2018, when another priced period of work will be phase with a further This agreement, which will see the MOD invest agreed. £330 million on the £1 billion a year over the next five years, provides Formed in 1998, AWEML is a joint venture between production phase. important further investment in skills and facilities Jacobs Engineering Group, Lockheed Martin and Serco at the company’s site in Aldermaston and Burghfield, to manage AWE plc on behalf of the MOD. The current Berkshire, where more than 4,500 staff are based. agreement came into effect in 2000. 12 news

NEWSREEL o BK-1, the UK’s first Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II STOVL production aircraft, has made its inaugural flight, a 45-minute sortie. DE&S will use the fighter for training and operational tests at Eglin Air Force Base Approaching in the US this year. perfection “This is a watershed moment for the Joint Strike Fighter programme, since BK-1 is the first international F-35 to fly. It also brings us one step closer to delivery of this essential capability for the UK,” Design of the said Group Captain Harv Smyth, the Joint Strike Fighter UK National Deputy. approach channel to allow the Royal Picture: Tom Harvey Navy’s next aircraft carriers safe entry to and exit from their home port of Portsmouth has been validated. BMT Isis, a subsidiary of BMT, completed the work with final validation achieved using a full- mission simulator working in real time with Navy navigators in a realistic bridge environment. On completion, Navy personnel were happy with the proposed channel design and satisfied it would allow safe arrival and departure of the carriers. Government reverts to DE&S learning road show Lt Gen Gary Coward, STOVL carrier aircraft DE&S’ Chief of Materiel (Land), will The Government has continuously. Although no so too must our approach. launch the Learning from Experience decided to operate the short decision on budgeting for crew “This Government will not (LFE) Road Show take-off and vertical landing and support costs will be taken blindly pursue projects and in Neighbourhood variant of the Joint Strike Fighter until the next Strategic Defence ignore cost growth and delays. Two atrium at Abbey from the new aircraft carriers in and Security Review in 2015, the Carrier Strike with ‘cats and Wood at noon on the next decade. second carrier would be able to traps’ using the Carrier Variant 20th June. Attendees The decision moves the UK provide capability while the first jet no longer represents the best will gain hands-on away from the Carrier Variant vessel is in maintenance. way of delivering carrier strike usage of LFE tools and be briefed on the (CV) aircraft. The STOVL aircraft has made and I am not prepared to tolerate recently published Defence Secretary Philip significant progress over the last a three-year further delay to LFE Personalisation Hammond said the decision was 18 months. The UK will receive reintroducing our Carrier Strike Model and shown a being made because: its first STOVL aircraft this capability. new look LFE Portal. summer with Queen Elizabeth “This announcement means All are welcome to n Sticking with the Carrier due for sea trials in early 2017 we remain on course to deliver attend. Variant would delay Carrier and STOVL flight trials off the Carrier Strike in 2020 as a key Strike by at least three years to carrier from 2018. part of our Future Force 2020.” 2023 at the earliest; The UK will also benefit from Chief of the Defence Staff, n The cost of fitting catapults full interoperability with the US General Sir David Richards, Raytheon deal and arrestor gear (‘cats and Marine Corps and the Italian said: “Our Armed Forces have a Raytheon UK has traps’) to the Queen Elizabeth Navy – both of which operate the successful history of operating received further carriers to operate CV aircraft STOVL aircraft. short take-off and vertical orders under has doubled to £2 billion; and Mr Hammond said: “The landing aircraft and our pilots its contract with n The STOVL aircraft offers 2010 SDSR decision on carriers are already flying trials in this Northrop Grumman the UK the ability to have was right at the time, but the variant of the Joint Strike Fighter Italia (NGI) for its an available facts have changed and therefore alongside our US allies.” jam-resistant Global Positioning System antenna technology for Eurofighter. This latest order Graham steps up into his new agency role is for Eurofighter Graham Ellis, left, who has worked supplies some civilian airports – its Tranche 3, valued as a non-executive Main Board total throughput accounts for 40 per at more than £2.8 director at DE&S, is the new chairman cent of aviation fuel use in the UK. million. It provides of the Oil and Pipelines Agency. Peter Luff, Minister for Defence an additional 88 The Agency operates the Equipment, Support and Technology, systems for the Government Pipeline and Storage has announced that the GPSS does four nations of System (GPSS) on behalf of the MOD. not need to be owned by the MOD and the Eurofighter This comprises 2,500 kms of pipelines could benefit from private investment. consortium. and 40 storage sites and supplies fuel Final decisions on sale will be subject to military airbases. The system also to market conditions at the time. news 13 Lancaster makes sleeker, faster LTPA return T&E begins here

A sleeker, faster HMS Lancaster is back in the Fleet following a year of extensive upkeep at Portsmouth . The refit, part of a £17.9 million contract with BAE Systems, Are we on has significantly upgraded the war fighting capability of the 20-year old Type 23 , ensuring she is ready to fulfil future operational commitments. Captain Andy Glennie, Superintendent Fleet Maintenance your radar at Portsmouth naval base, said: “This has been one of the most difficult Type 23 refits in recent years and everyone can be really proud of the part they played in delivering Lancaster back to the Fleet, on time and with significantly more for T&E? capability than when she left it 18 months ago. “But that’s not the end of the story as the newly-established The Long Term Partnering Agreement (LTPA) Class Output Management (COM) will provide constant is an innovative collaborative approach to oversight of the ship and ensure she receives continuous provide Test and Evaluation, Training and engineering support in the years to come.” Having successfully returned Lancaster to the fleet, the support services to the MOD. naval base team is now focused on the next project, HMS Iron Duke, which will undergo a similar package of work during the course of this year. The LTPA is a framework agreement under With the establishment of the COM team lessons from the which the majority of your fixed costs work on Lancaster have been carried forward and are already embedded in the specification forH MS Iron Duke. associated with Test and Evaluation are centrally funded.

If your project has a T&E requirement call now, or visit the website to find out if the costs of your trial are covered under the LTPA.

Return: HMS Lancaster

Air Land Sea Contract continues Sentry support

IT company Mass has been awarded a five-year extension to its managed service contract for the Sentry Whole Life Support Programme (WLSP) at RAF Waddington. The scope of the support contract has also been extended to cover the Sentry Software Team. WLSP is a partnership between the MOD and industry forming the Joint Sentry Support Team (JSST). The team is led by Northrop Grumman with MASS, AAR, BAE Systems and Aviation Services maintaining availability of the UK’s fleet of Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft. Mass provides and manages all aspects of the IT systems and secure shared data environment, and is responsible for ensuring that Northrop Grumman and its JSST partners can each work within their own corporate guidelines, while still being able to share classified information. Ashley Lane, Managing Director of Mass, said: “We are delighted to have been selected by Northrop Grumman as their 0800 015 0594 long term IT partner, and this extension is a significant vote of confidence in our capabilities and service provision as an www.LTPA.co.uk interdependent partner.” www.LTPA.co.uk is a QinetiQ registered domain name. 14 news

Devonport Refit heralds new way of leads way on recycling supporting surface ships Devonport is continuing to lead the way on disposal of redundant submarine New arrangements for equipment. surface ship refits come into play Tonnes of ferrous with the nine-month docking and non-ferrous period of HMS Somerset at equipment suitable for Devonport. recycling have been The ’s refit taken to contractor by Babcock is the first to be Metal and Waste Recycling at Hitchin. undertaken by the Surface Ship Transportation Support Alliance’s Class Output was arranged by Management (COM) Phase 2 Defence Support arrangements which came into Chain Operations and effect in April. Movements (DSCOM) Phase 2 sees full with planning by Devonport, Abbey Wood implementation of COM across and Bicester. all existing ships, with greater The result has been delegation to industry on a a financial saving for performance-based ‘contracting the MOD and financial for availability’ basis. Under cover: return for DE&S. The COM approach by the HMS Somerset is Devonport Alliance (DE&S, Babcock and Disposal Recycling of docked at Devonport Redundant Equipment BAE Systems) is revolutionising Project (DRRE) staff the way warships are supported also completed size through life. Phase 2 emphasises reduction of a fifth building reliable knowledge and fighting capability. These mid-life upgrade comprising Reactor Pressure of the material state of vessels include the new DNA(2) tracking, guidance and weapon Vessel Head which before upkeep work and Command System integrating management to counter evolving has been packaged empowering industry to plan in all existing weapons, sonar and anti-ship missile threats; in reusable transport containers. accordance with this knowledge. radar systems to be carried out installation of the Defence Again DSCOM The docking period will see during the commissioning phase Information Infrastructure arranged transport HMS Somerset receive a number of this upgrade. (Future) enabling information to Babcock Marine’s of upgrades and improvements Other upgrades include sharing and collaborative subcontractor in that will increase sustainability the Seawolf missile system working across the Armed Workington for Forces and MOD; and Nato processing before Radial Filters to protect fresh air disposal. o The docking period for HMS Somerset will be a challenge for staff DRRE spokesman working to the new arrangements. supplies from contamination in Peter Stacey said: DE&S’ Superintendent Fleet Maintainance at Devonport Capt Chris the event of an incident. “Recycling has involved Saxby said: “HMS Somerset’s docking period marks an important step As Phase 2 comes into play, co-ordination and co- forward in the MOD’s relationship with our maritime industry partners as it the improving knowledge of transfers much of the responsibility for the delivery of output to industry. operation of the local material state being built up by “This change has been long awaited and carefully planned for and the team and departments the Type 23 COM team will enable in Abbey Wood and potential for improvement in capability and cost reduction for the Royal future refits to be increasingly Bicester and their Navy is significant. We wish all on this project at Babcock and beyond a ’fair respective contractors wind’.” well informed to achieve further which has resulted Babcock’s Warship Support Head of Operations, Devonport, Mike efficiencies. in environmental and Weeks, added: “The refit will be challenging and we will be managing a very HMS Somerset will leave financial gains.” complex integrated schedule containing all Babcock, ship’s staff and MOD Devonport at the end of the year contractor activities.” 185x65LoricaAd_Layout 1 15/08/2011 10:13 Page 1 for sea trials.

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www.loricasytemsuk.com © Crown Copyright/MOD 2010 news 15 Panama - a real Forces lifesaver Award-winning project sees Land Rovers used in the fight against the roadside bomb

On the hunt: the remotely-controlled vehicle, far right, searches out the IEDs, followed closely behind by the crew in the Talisman Buffalo. Below: the Panama team

A life-saving capability to counter the project, MST, supported by PA, took “Despite strong competition from the 10 threat of roadside bombs in Afghanistan overall responsibility for design short-listed projects in the innovation has won two top awards. decisions, without the usual prime category, Panama was outstanding. The combined programme between contract arrangements but with close Innovation came from the way the project DE&S’ Manoeuvre Support Team collaboration among empowered and (including the consulting support) was (MST) and PA Consulting to deliver incentivised suppliers. This meant the run – remarkably quickly by any measure a key Counter-Improvised Explosive MOD could better align accountability – and in the technology used to achieve Device (IED) capability – in this case and responsibility, evolve the the aims. The overall result is that lives using remotely-controlled Snatch specification, making trade-offs between are being saved – while the project came Land Rovers – for use on operations in performance, cost and time while in under budget as well.” Afghanistan triumphed at the Times 2012 retaining funds that would normally go Mr David Walters PA Consulting’s Management Consultancies Association to the contractor to cover delivery risk. lead for Panama, added: “This annual awards. In the absence of a prime contractor, competition is extremely tough at Project Panama was awarded The risk was borne by the MOD. PA helped any time, but with the UK hosting the Times-sponsored MCA’s top platinum manage this risk through targeted Olympics the standard was exceptionally award for the best overall project for technical studies, detailed programme high with a number of Olympics project the year. The award was based on a modelling and early engagement under consideration and to the fore in submission in the innovation category, with suppliers. To ensure progress everyone’s mind. where it also won gold in its class. was controlled and auditable, the “So to win both the innovation The awards recognised the ground- team employed a formal ‘risk gate’ category and the top award for breaking work by approach, which best overall project against such Manoeuvre Support would not allow elite competition is an outstanding and PA Consulting progress towards achievement.” in developing and ‘It is especially an investment Gp Capt Paul Ridge, MST leader, delivering Panama pleasing to see that, decision until said: “We had the strength of our within urgent appropriate risks convictions to challenge convention and timescales while saving when benchmarked had been addressed. adopt an innovative procurement using £17 million by using against the very best, “Appointing a prime novel technologies delivering the first innovative procurement contractor was the operational unmanned ground vehicle in techniques. DE&S can rapidly traditional way of the land environment. This has been an Project Panama doing business,” outstanding team effort from everyone resulted from an deliver innovative best said Mr Jon Howard, in MST, PA Consultants and our key Urgent Operational in class projects’ the MOD Panama suppliers MIRA, Exponent, Thales and Requirement to programme manager. Cobham. It is especially pleasing to see provide a mounted IED “Controlling the that when benchmarked against the very detect capability and was delivered to interface ourselves allowed us far greater best, DE&S can rapidly deliver innovative Afghanistan within a year. control, enabling us to manage the risks best in class projects.” “While there were off-the-shelf in a far more intimate manner solutions available they were manned than through a third party.” and I was keen to reduce the threat to our This innovative approach soldiers by putting the maximum degree to delivery has helped the of separation between the detector and DE&S save £9 million in the operator”, said Lt Col Adrian Parker, procurement costs. Also the MST’s Requirements Manager. by using existing military Panama met the urgent timescales vehicles estimated savings without compromising on performance, of further £8 million are through innovation in both solution expected over the life of and procurement. As well as applying Panama. accelerated procurement methods Peter Smith, one of the developed from the earlier Talisman judges of the awards, said: 16 news

New deal delivers the post Loaded out – and on way on time The partnership to Rosyth which guarantees rapid delivery of mail to UK Forces around the globe has been renewed for another three years. The latest Forces Mail Settlement was signed on 14th May by Colonel Major Stephen Heron of British Forces Post Portsmouth Office (BFPO) and Royal Mail’s chief section customer officer Mike Newnham. Mail for the Armed heads off for Forces, posted in letterboxes up and assembly down the country, is rapidly delivered to BFPO who in turn transport it to bases Emergence: the largest block to leave Portsmouth makes its exit at BAE Systems while, below, Centre Block 02 and ships around the makes an appearance at Cammell Laird on Merseyside globe. Colonel Heron said: “Our relationship The world has been given its To celebrate the departure of which is testament to the skills is key to getting mail first look at a huge section of hull the block, a team of 50 cyclists of our workforce here.” from anywhere in the which will be a major component from across the Aircraft Carrier A 13,000-tonne section of UK to servicemen and of HMS Queen Elizabeth during Alliance set off aiming to hull already in Rosyth’s dock women. its four-day journey from complete the journey in a faster will be floated out to allow “Sometimes, Portsmouth to Rosyth. time to raise funds for charity. Lower Block 02 to move into the mail we deliver is the only form of The 6,000-tonne forward Steven Carroll, Queen position and both sections to communication for our section of hull, known as Lower Elizabeth class project director come together. people and it is always Block 02, was towed from BAE at BAE Systems, said: “There’s The block followed hot on the well-received.” Systems’ yard inside the naval a massive sense of achievement heels of the 1,820 tonne Lower Mr Newnham base at Portsmouth to begin its in Portsmouth, as the team has Block 05 – the lower stern section added: “We have in journey north. delivered two large sections of of the first ship − which arrived place a process to HMS Queen at Rosyth from Portsmouth in move mail from our own organisation into Elizabeth in early May. BFPO’s sorting and less than four Other UK shipbuilders are delivery system to weeks. involved in the carrier project ensure that our Forces “I am with parts of the first carrier's in the UK, at bases very proud centre block being rolled out at overseas and on duty of the team’s Cammell Laird on Merseyside around the world can get their mail.” achievements, for transport to Rosyth. One of the key with both HMS Queen Elizabeth communication b l o c k s and HMS Prince of Wales channels open to departing are being delivered by the friends and families on time and Aircraft Carrier Alliance whose is the e-Bluey built to an principle members are DE&S, created on a home exceptional BAE Systems, Thales UK and PC, despatched electronically and standard, Babcock. printed by BFPO for hand delivery. On a recent visit to BFPO headquarters Carriers’ phone systems are working well too at RAF Northolt Mr Newnham was Royal Navy trainees have carried out tests to make infrastructure has been designed to maximise reliability impressed with the sure the carriers’ telephone system can cope with large and survivability, while enabling the systems to be technology. numbers of simultaneous voice and conference calls. integrated where appropriate, or separated for security “There may be The tests at the Maritime Warfare School, HMS purposes. ways for Royal Mail Collingwood, are a significant milestone for delivery of Lt Cdr David Ellis, QEC MS Information Systems and BFPO to share the ships’ mission system and come after successful Client said: “Participation of the trainees assured us their learnings and acceptance testing of part of the underlying network that the system could cope with much heavier loading experiences in using (Internal Network Electronics – INE) and the on-board than previously tested. They have contributed to technology,” he said. television system (Media Reception and Distribution). progressing this very important programme for the “We have a good INE provides a common network infrastructure, service, while being exposed early on to a capability working relationship, based on blown fibre and commercial ‘off-the- some of them will be using in a few years.” and we should build shelf’ networking equipment, to host the varied Networking equipment used for the testing will be on that in the future.” on-board command and information systems. The installed on HMS Queen Elizabeth next year. dvd 17 DE&S’ leading showcase for the land-based fighting forces of the future

Millbrook Bedfordshire DVD 20/21 June 2012

A desider guide to Defence Vehicle Dynamics – DE&S’ key stakeholder event 18 dvd DVD2012 – showing the art of the possible

VD 2012 is Defence Equipment Major General Carew and Support’s key stakeholder ‘Devent for the land equipment Wilks, DE&S Director Land community. It allows us to link up with industry in a single, focused land Equipment, looks forward environment event. It’s an opportunity to a wide-ranging and for us to engage with industry colleagues to discuss technologies, current informative event developments and opportunities in the sector and for us to share our aspirations highlighted the importance of systems and plans for the future. engineering across Land equipment, Millbrook offers a unique and we will be demonstrating how environment that enables equipment to technology integration is being improved be seen and demonstrated in a practical through the use of system architectures. setting, enhancing the scope to develop Progress in developing the Land a better understanding of requirements Open Systems Architecture (LOSA) will and capabilities. be discussed at the ‘Open Systems in For 2012 we will be focusing solely the Land Domain’ conference preceding on land equipment, retaining the focus DVD, and will be a theme throughout of recent years on support to current DVD. The engineering and technical operations in Afghanistan. As always, challenges around integration will also there will be a range of vehicles at the be brought to life by the Bloodhound event including the new light protected Supersonic Car team who will be patrol vehicle, Foxhound, in its displaying the vehicle which will attempt can link together in an open way so we production Theatre Entry Standard form. a new land speed record. can develop technology and insert it In addition to military vehicles, there To make the LOSA ideas more incrementally, enabling us to connect will be equipment providing dismounted tangible, we are building a simulated different systems more effectively and close combat capability, manoeuvre Forward Operating Base, hosted in the efficiently. I will be looking to industry support, and deployed infrastructure. central display area, where we will show to contribute to this work at DVD2012 Our key theme for 2012 will be how we can link subsystems, such as and to show us their ideas about how systems engineering in the Land those in a vehicle, on a soldier or within they can integrate their technology environment. Recent experience in a base. I’m very much looking forward onto our platforms. We’ve already been delivering complex Urgent Operational to seeing this first manifestation of discussing generic vehicle, soldier and Requirements for Afghanistan has LOSA, demonstrating how systems base architectures with our industry dvd 19

colleagues, including development of can experience the reality of their cross weight and power. I hope DVD2012 will Defence Standards, but DVD2012 will country capabilities and see how the increase awareness of issues like that, allow us to highlight it further and for technology of the equipment put on the make us a better informed intelligent delegates to work together to look at the vehicles is used in practice. customer and create a dialogue with art of the possible. Unlike other exhibitions, DVD2012 is industry so they can understand our On a more general level, DVD2012 a very practically orientated event and it’s requirements. will be a key opportunity for us to talk a chance for my project teams and other Finally, industry and the MOD will be to industry and for visitors to see the stakeholders across defence, particularly jointly running a series of workshops at equipment we support. those involved in force development and DVD2012 covering subjects like LOSA, A major benefit of holding the event identifying capability requirements, to acquisition challenges, exportability, and at Millbrook is the ability to demonstrate really understand how the requirements different logistics issues. These promise particular vehicles on Millbrook’s test they specify affect the integration of to be as interesting and informative as tracks, especially off road, where people technology and what that means for size, the rest of the event. We are exhibiting at DVD on 20th - 21st June Concept 1, Stand C1-05 – come and visit us www.lsc.co.uk proving good order

EnginEEring & assEt businEss analysis managEmEnt to to EnablE Quantify Process improvements Gap analysis Stakeholder mapping Options analysis Volumetrics What if scenarios Inventory Management Logistics and Supply Chain

DatabasE analysis & intEgration to DiscovEr Equipment Mapping In-theatre audit CONDO team Supply Chain Management

coDification to tEchnical implEmEnt DocumEntation to In service management govErn ILS /Supportability Management and control Engineering Governance Supply Chain Management Critical Path Return on Investment (ROI) Quality Assurance

©UK MOD Crown Copyright 2012

DESider POGOV2.indd 1 30/04/2012 13:48:18 dvd 21


The 5 facets are: Discover the current situation and stakeholders are identified and establish the baseline from which mapped. to start the required changes. The third facet is Analysis – This can be achieved by desktop understanding the gap between analysis of existing databases what is now and what needs to or defining question sets to be be, defining the options for the answered in-Theatre; LSC Group customer and assisting in the has used CONDO staff to achieve decision-making process. this. Finally, the Implementation The second facet is to Quantify and Governance facets provide The MOD is facing a highly the desired outcome or user the supportability engineering complex challenge to meet the requirement, establishing what services including technical requirements of SDSR and current the MOD wants to be able to documentation, complete DLODs operations. do in the future. Voice of the analysis and mapping, codification So what is needed in order to customer reviews would be critical (if required), return on investment create an effective, auditable and at this point in order to ensure analysis and complete COEIA. organised eventual withdrawal of equipment from theatre? Clearly direction but also a full understanding of the start point. To quote W Edwards Deming and subsequently Brigadier Martin Boswell (incoming Director CSS) “In God we trust, all others bring data” The data required in order to enable better decisions could be Involving industry now in the auditable service. collated and produced by industry. eventual drawdown from Op • The benefit /cost ratio of using It is MOD’s role to provide a ‘steer’ HERRICK has several benefits industry coupled with freeing- of what will be required for FF2020 to the MOD: up military resources for more and what will definitely not be • Industrial resources are critical tasks and provides cost required – then Industry will be available often with personnel savings. left to assist in the provision of who have recently made the In conclusion, the involvement “Proof of Good Order”. transition from Service life of industry to provide the extra and therefore understand the specialist support and head- What does “Proof of Good imperatives of both the Services room during the coming period Order” mean? and industry (as well as being of major change for the MOD The concept as defined in a recent potential CONDO resources). will help enable the MOD to paper by LSC Group covers a • Industry can provide an reach its FF2020 endstate. series of activities which can ©MOD Copyright 2012 be used to support the “map, repatriate, scrap (in theatre), sell or bin (in the UK)” decision – and is expressed in a 5-facet process and service which can be entered into at any stage, skipping over aspects which have been covered or are not required. 22 dvd Art of the achievable – why DVD2012 is key

rigadier Peter Rafferty, Head of with industry and our customers on GBA Primarily, DVD2012 will be an DE&S’ General Support Group at DVD and gaining a greater shared opportunity for DE&S, industry and Bwill be attending this year’s event, understanding on what GBA is designed customers to share experiences, ideas along with key personnel from his team. to do. and solutions and for Brigadier Rafferty, General Support Group is responsible for “GBA will mature this summer, so that is the key. Expeditionary Campaign Infrastructure, DVD is well-timed for us as it will set “This year, as we are not exhibiting, Deployable Infrastructure, Service the scene and cement understanding in we will have more time to engage with Provision and General Support Vehicles. industry that LOSA is an architecture of industry and, indeed, that is our main Brigadier Rafferty said: “DVD is a architectures, and that GBA is the key purpose for attending. We will certainly key event for us as it means we can invest part of it. If you like, GBA is the chassis benefit from that and I hope industry will some time in meaningful engagement of the system of systems approach we are too. with our contractors and our customer trying to bring to the land battlespace.” “Key project personnel will be able to base. I’m particularly anticipating the Aside from GBA, Brigadier Rafferty spend time with customers and industry attendance of a number of Army units and the other GSG teams will also be colleagues at their demonstrations, as it’s important that our customers looking at tactical, logistic and utility discussing matters of real significance understand the nature of the business vehicles at DVD. and making it a truly worthwhile and our engagement with industry, and He said: “DVD2012 is an important experience for us. that they are clear on what is achievable and timely opportunity for us to deepen “Also, on a personal note, DVD will and what isn’t. That is the sort of thing our understanding of the potential be a good chance for me to deepen my that can be addressed at DVD, where candidates in the market place for understanding of this business area. I’ve customers can also have a dialogue possible future projects. While we are at only been in post for a couple of months, with industry on current and future the very early stages of thinking about so I am very much looking forward to capabilities. This engagement is what these, we can start doing some of the pre- seeing a broad spectrum of the various I find most enthusing about DVD – it’s concept intellectual work to understand industrial players and capabilities for not just about procurement, it’s about the art of the possible and potential which I am now responsible.” capability delivery.” capability solutions.” As well as general engagement with customers and industry at the event, General Support Group will be heavily involved in the key theme of DVD2012 – Land Open Systems Architecture. For General Support Group, the Generic Base Architecture (GBA) aspect of LOSA is the focus. GBA seeks to introduce generic open standards for infrastructure, power, data, water, waste and fuel, enabling delivery of modular, integrated and more efficient bases. Linking closely with Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) and Generic Soldier Architecture (GSA), the standards are developed by MOD and industry working together and will mean that different companies can work together to provide sub-systems, which can then be added quickly and efficiently to the infrastructure. “You can describe LOSA as being like an aircraft carrier system.” Brigadier Rafferty explains. “GBA is the carrier itself; GVA is like the aircraft that flies off it and GSA is like the pilots that fly the aircraft. “Using that analogy, it’s clear how important GBA is to the whole land capability and to the success of LOSA. I’m very much looking forward to engaging

For more on DVD2012 visit www.theevent.co.uk REV1145f_UNSTOPPABLE_UK_DESIDER 210x297 X1a.pdf 1 19/01/12 12:36 PM

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Foxhound Jackal Coyote Ridgback

Sharing challenges – and the successes

range of protected patrol vehicles work both in terms of the size and number will be on show at this year’s of vehicles. ADVD2012 event at Millbrook “DVD2012 is also extremely useful from Proving Ground. a business point of view as it enables us to Protecting the troops in high threat network with suppliers from all over the situations, a variety of patrol vehicles country in one place. It’s an excellent place continue to prove their worth in theatre, to swap ideas, see new kit and even get a supporting commanders and troops on glimpse of future capabilities. road patrols and in convoys. “The business to business opportunities Mastiff, Coyote, Husky, Jackal, are of paramount importance as this enables Warthog and Wolfhound have all proved key suppliers and the supply chain to engage a success on operations and troops in and interact in an environment tailored to Afghanistan will soon receive the latest their needs.” addition to the protected mobility family, Protected patrol vehicles on show at Foxhound, which is at the cutting edge of DVD2012 will include: protected patrol vehicle technology. The vehicles provide a range of • Foxhound, capabilities, from acting as ambulances • Husky to carrying the latest weapon systems • Jackal – but all put protection of troops as the • Coyote number one priority. • Mastiff The DE&S team responsible for • Ridgback procuring the vehicles is Protected Mobility. The team leader, Colonel Nick Wills, is anticipating DVD2012 as a key More than 4,000 delegates are expected event in his team’s calendar. at DVD2012, from defence acquisition and “DVD is always an important event military personnel communities to industry. for us as it allows us to share our The theme for DVD2012 will be the successes and challenges and to meet application of open architectures and our colleagues in the protected mobility systems in the military land domain, and the world,” he said. two days will feature informal discussion “Visitors will be able to see and touch and briefings focused on land equipment the vehicles we are working on – a rare platforms, systems and technologies. opportunity, which I hope will enable Exhibitors will also demonstrate existing them to appreciate the sheer scale of our and emerging capabilities. dvd 27

Foxhound Jackal Coyote Ridgback AP PEACE 210x297_Layout 1 23/04/2012 14:54 Page 1


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Members of DE&S’ infrastructure within patrol for engaging with a wide DVD2012 Deployable Infrastructure bases. Mobile, adaptable and range of our stakeholders (DI) team will be at DVD2012 operated from a 20ft ISO including our suppliers, wider is a great discussing the range of in- container, FSIAB allows vehicle industry and the rest of the service equipment and utilities maintainers to conduct a much defence community. We will opportunity they provide. deeper level of engineering in be reflecting on the lessons Two days of informal austere environments while we’ve learned over the past for us to share discussions and briefings will maintaining the required year and anticipating how we information with provide a vital opportunity for levels of engineering hygiene can improve the delivery of the DI team to interact with that modern systems require. deployable infrastructure to our colleagues operational infrastructure Recent modifications to the operations and beyond. stakeholders, including system are currently on “The range of informal in defence and members of the defence final trials with engineers in discussions, exhibitions acquisition and military Afghanistan. and presentations that take industry, and personnel communities and DVD2012 will allow the place at DVD2012 are a industry organisations. team to share information and great opportunity for us to for us to come The DI team delivers and reflect on challenges faced, share information with our up with ideas supports such capabilities as with a particular focus on Land colleagues in defence and power generation, fuel and Open Systems Architecture industry, and for us to come on how we water processing/handling, and Generic Base Architecture. up with ideas on how we can deployable workshops, The DI team will be working continue to improve kit for can continue and measurement and test with the defence community personnel on operations. equipment. and industry during the event “The updated FSIAB is to improve kit On show at DVD2012 will and discussing current and just one example of how we be the latest developments future equipment, including take account of the feedback for personnel from the team and its suppliers, potential improvements to deployed personnel give us on operations including a display by Marshall capabilities. and consequently work with SV of the modified ‘Fitter DI leader Richard Holloway our military stakeholders – Richard Section in a Box’ (FSIAB), said: “We are looking and industry to deliver a containerised system that forward to DVD2012 and improvements that make a real Holloway, provides deployable technical the opportunities it presents difference on the front line.” DE&S

Fitter Section in a Box will be at DVD to show deeper engineering in austere environments

For more on DVD2012 visit www.theevent.co.uk ENABLING A&D SUSTAINABILITY WITH IfS APPLICATIONS 8™ AGILE AND INTUITIVE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS DON’T JUST HAPPEN BY CHANCE They are created by those who understand the needs of the changing Aerospace & Defense market, by creative technicians and domain experts who listen to customer requirements. At IFS we are proud to offer you A&D enabled IFS Applications 8, designed specifically for today’s operational challenges. Read more at www.IfSDEfENCE.com dvd 31 Architecture builds up the themes for DVD2012 The front line, where ADS and DE&S are holding a one-day conference on 19th generic vehicle June – the day before DVD2012 begins – to discuss the architecture application of open architectures and systems in the military land domain. comes good. The conference aims to bring together representatives Vehicles in from military staffs, Government procurement agencies, research and development staffs, academia and industry convoy in from around the world and is seeking wide national and Afghanistan ENABLING A&D international participation. The conference keynote address will be by Major General Carew Wilkes, Director Land Equipment at DE&S, and Lieutenant General Gary Coward, DE&S’ Chief of Materiel (Land), will speak at the ADS reception following. DE&S will SUSTAINABILITY WITH be opening the conference with a presentation on LOSA. The UK’s Land Open System Architecture (LOSA) is the major theme of DVD this year and it is planned to run a series ™ of workshops on related themes during DVD. Contributions will be along three themes: IfS APPLICATIONS 8 o How can common open standards (such as the MOD’s AGILE AND INTUITIVE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS DON’T JUST HAPPEN BY CHANCE Generic Vehicle Architecture) be effectively implemented and managed internationally? They are created by those who understand the needs of the changing Aerospace & Defense o What are the benefits and risks to industry of MOD’s adoption of open, modular and scalable architectures market, by creative technicians and domain experts who listen to customer requirements. At IFS including viewpoints of Design Authority and Intellectual we are proud to offer you A&D enabled IFS Applications 8, designed specifically for today’s Property Rights? o How can open systems be implemented in a way that is operational challenges. Read more at www.IfSDEfENCE.com safe and complies with security requirements? How can each system be verified and validated both in initial build and after subsequent upgrades?

MSVFor Desider more advert on march DVD2012 2012_Layout 1visit 15/03/2012 www.theevent.co.uk 16:58 Page 1

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19942 MOD ad_update_v2_aw.indd 1 08/05/2012 17:20 dvd 33 Thousands to head for proving ground

Millbrook's 700-acre site again hosts hosting DVD again this year; it is a real DE&S’ DVD event, expecting to play tribute to the Millbrook Events team host to more than 4,000 delegates from that such a prestigious client as DE&S the defence acquisition and military has chosen Millbrook to host its key personnel communities, as well as event since 2003. industry organisations. “DVD forms an essential part of In addition to the exhibition, DVD the support mechanism to current 2012 features a conference and workshop operations, as it brings the MOD programme designed to present and customer and industry supplier discuss equipment intended to improve together in a way that is just not the safety and capabilities of soldiers on possible in an office environment. operation. “The Millbrook team has been busy This year’s event will feature a planning new and creative ways in standalone conference hosted by ADS which DVD can use our unique mix of and DE&S on 19th June to discuss the exhibition space, conference facilities UK’s Land Open System Architecture and the proving ground tracks to (LOSA). The conference will bring ensure the event builds upon the together representatives from the success of 2010.” For more on Foxhound at Millbrook DVD2012 visit www.theevent. co.uk


Millbrook is an independent world-leading organisation specialising in the development, military, government procurement o To find further agencies, research and development, information about enhancement and research academia and industry from around the DVD 2012, visit the of military vehicles world. official website at www.theevent.co.uk Millbrook’s extensive off-road facility offers an ideal setting for participants to understand and familiarise themselves o Millbrook is one with the capabilities of equipment in an of Europe’s leading interactive environment, a feature of locations for the DVD that is not replicated by any other development and industry event. demonstration For further information: of every type of contact Bruce Lornie on More than 230 exhibitors showcased land vehicle, from +44 (0)1525 408476 their products and services at DVD motorcycles and [email protected] in 2010 – and 2012 is set to be just as cars to commercial, comprehensive. military and off-road Kevin Leaver, head of events at vehicles - www. www.millbrook.co.uk/military Millbrook, said: “We are delighted to be millbrook.co.uk 34 DVD DVD 35

1. 3M United Kingdom PLC 128. MKU Pvt. Ltd. 2. AE Petsche 129. Motorsport Industry Assoc 3. Active Electronics Plc 130. MPE Ltd 4. Advanced Fiber Products Ltd 131. MTL Group Limited 5. Aero Tec Laboratories 132. NAR Group Ltd 6. Aeroflex Ltd 133. National Metals Tech Centre 7. AeroGlow Ltd 134. Navistar Defense 8. Allan Webb Ltd 135. Nightsearcher Ltd 9. Allison Transmission 136. NP Aerospace Ltd 10. Allmakes 4X4 137. Odu Ltd 11. Alpha Armouring Panzerung GmbH 138. Oldbury UK Limited 12. Amphenol Ltd 139. Osborn Steel Extrsusions Limited 13. Amsafe Bridport UK 140. Oshkosh Defense 14. Angus Flexible Pipelines 141. Oxley Group Ltd 15. Antares (Europe) Ltd 142. Panasonic Toughbook 16. Arbil Ltd 143. Parmley Technologies Ltd 17. ArmourWorks International Ltd 144. Peli Products (UK) Ltd 18. Automotive Trim Developments Ltd 145. Penman Specialist Vehicles 19. AWS Electronics Group Ltd 146. Performance Friction (UK) Ltd 20. BAE Systems OFF ROAD 147. Permex Ltd 21. Barloworld Handling Ltd 148. Persides 22. BCB International Ltd 149. Pewag Austria GmbH 23. Beechwood Equipment Limited 150. Phoenix Dynamics Limited 24. Blakley Electrics Ltd 151. Plasan 25. Bloodhound 152. Polamco Ltd 26. BMT Group Ltd 153. PPG Industries 27. Bose Workshops 154. Prestolite Electric Ltd 28. Bradley Doublelock Limited 155. Project Support Vehicles 29. Briggs Equipment UK Ltd 156. Fox Defense Suspension 30. Burgess Consulting Ltd 157. Pulse Electronics 31. CE Niehoff Co Ltd Concept 1 & 2 158. QinetiQ Ltd 32. Cablescan ltd 159. Qioptiq Ltd 33. CamelBak Products 160. Reconrobotics Inc. 34. Cassidian Test and Services Ltd Steering Pad 161. Renown Engineering Ltd 35. CF Cases Ltd 162. Revision Military B.V. 36. Chess Dynamics Ltd 163. Rheinmetall Technical Publications UK 37. Clark Masts Systems Ltd 164. Ricardo UK Ltd 38. Continental DataGraphics Ltd 165. Riflecraft Limited 39. Conway Packaging Services 166. Rolls-Royce 40. Cook Defence Systems 167. Rud Chains Ltd 41. Cooneen Watts and Stone/Hawk Protection 168. Runflat / Westley Plastics 42. Corporate Document Services Ltd 169. Savox Communications UK 43. Cove Industrial Enterprises Ltd 170. Scanfiber Composites A/S 44. CQC Ltd DE&S 171. Schroth Safety Products 45. Creation UK (Design) Ltd 172. Select Cables Ltd 46. Custom Covers (1984) Ltd 173. Selex Galileo 47. DCS Ltd Concept 3 174. Seyntex NV 48. Defence Support Group 175. Socitec UK Ltd. 49. Design Reality 176. Software AG UK Limited 50. Deutsch UK 177. Souriau SAS 51. DMS Technologies LOSA 178. SpanSet Ltd 52. Donaldson Filters Component Ltd 179. Specialist Mobility Training Ltd 53. DRS Technolgies UK Ltd 180. Specialty Fasteners & Components 54. Dytecna Systems Ltd Bridport 181. SSI Schaefer Ltd 55. Eberspacher (UK) Ltd 182. Stack Ltd 56. Edgar Brothers 183. Starter UK 57. EKA Limited 184. Staubli (UK) Ltd 58. Elaflex Ltd 185. Stella-Meta Ltd 59. Enhanced Protection Systems 186. Streit Group 60. Esterline Communication Systems 187. Supacat Ltd 61. ETA Circuit Breakers Ltd 188. Systems Consultants Services 62. Extreme Cases Limited 189. Systems Engineering & Assesment 63. FC Lane Electronics Ltd 190. Tecalemit Garage Equipment Co Ltd 64. Factair Limited 191. TEK Military Seating 65. Fibreco Ltd 192. Teledyne Reynolds 66. Firetrace Aerospace, LLC 193. TenCate Advanced Armour UK 67. Fischer Connectors Ltd 194. Terberg DTS (UK) Ltd 68. Fluid Transfer International 195. Thales 69. FN Herstal 196. The Royal British Legion 70. Force Protection Inc 197. Thomas Jacks Ltd 71. Forsberg Services Ltd 198. TMS Support Solutions Ltd 72. Frazer Nash Consultancy 199. TRAC 73. FTL Seals Technology Ltd 200. TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd 74. Gallay Ltd 201. UKTI Defence & Security Organisation 75. GE Intelligent Platforms Limited 202. Ultra Electronics, Precision Air and Land Systems 76. General Dynamics UK Ltd 203. Viking Arms Ltd 77. Gill Research & Development Ltd 204. Webasto Product UK Limited 78. Ginsbury Electronics 88. Hobson Industries Ltd 98. Iveco Ltd 108. Level Peaks Associates Limited 118. Martec Ltd 205. Westwire Harnessing Ltd 79. GKN Land Systems 89. Honda Cable Assemblies 99. Jacobs Sula 109. LiFeBATT Ltd. 119. Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH 206. WEW Westerwalder Eisenwerk GmbH 80. Glenair 90. Hutchinson Defence & Security 100. Jankel Armouring Limited 110. Linde Material Handling (UK) Ltd 120. Merlin Equipment Limited 207. Whispaire Ltd 81. H&K UK 91. Hypertac Ltd 101. JitPak Technical Ltd 111. LINE-X Protective Coatings Ltd 121. MGR Fluid Power Ltd 208. XCEL Power Systems Limited 82. Habia Cable 92. IS-Rayfast 102. Kaliber Ltd 112. Lockheed Martin 122. Michelin Tyre PLC 209. Yakupoglu A.S 83. Hardigg UK Ltd 93. Istec Services Limited 103. Kemtron Limited 113. LPA Group Plc 123. Microlease Asset Management 210. Yamaha Motor UK Limited 84. HDT Global 94. ITEL ELECTRONICS LTD 104. Kent Modular Electronics Ltd. 114. LSC Group Ltd 124. Mildef Ltd 211. Zero Cases UK 85. Hellermann Tyton 95. ITT Exelis 105. Knott-Avonride Ltd 115. MacNeillie & Son Ltd 125. Millbrook Proving Ground Ltd 86. HESCO Bastion Ltd 96. ITT Interconnect Solutions 106. Land Rover 116. MAN Truck & Bus UK Limited 126. MineWolf Systems Correct at time of going to print. 87. Hitek Electronic Materials Ltd 97. Iturri 107. Latchways plc 117. Marshall Land Systems 127. MIRA Limited Check website for updates: www.theevent.co.uk 34 DVD DVD 35

1. 3M United Kingdom PLC 128. MKU Pvt. Ltd. 2. AE Petsche 129. Motorsport Industry Assoc 3. Active Electronics Plc 130. MPE Ltd 4. Advanced Fiber Products Ltd 131. MTL Group Limited 5. Aero Tec Laboratories 132. NAR Group Ltd 6. Aeroflex Ltd 133. National Metals Tech Centre 7. AeroGlow Ltd 134. Navistar Defense 8. Allan Webb Ltd 135. Nightsearcher Ltd 9. Allison Transmission 136. NP Aerospace Ltd 10. Allmakes 4X4 137. Odu Ltd 11. Alpha Armouring Panzerung GmbH 138. Oldbury UK Limited 12. Amphenol Ltd 139. Osborn Steel Extrsusions Limited 13. Amsafe Bridport UK 140. Oshkosh Defense 14. Angus Flexible Pipelines 141. Oxley Group Ltd 15. Antares (Europe) Ltd 142. Panasonic Toughbook 16. Arbil Ltd 143. Parmley Technologies Ltd 17. ArmourWorks International Ltd 144. Peli Products (UK) Ltd 18. Automotive Trim Developments Ltd 145. Penman Specialist Vehicles 19. AWS Electronics Group Ltd 146. Performance Friction (UK) Ltd 20. BAE Systems OFF ROAD 147. Permex Ltd 21. Barloworld Handling Ltd 148. Persides 22. BCB International Ltd 149. Pewag Austria GmbH 23. Beechwood Equipment Limited 150. Phoenix Dynamics Limited 24. Blakley Electrics Ltd 151. Plasan 25. Bloodhound 152. Polamco Ltd 26. BMT Group Ltd 153. PPG Industries 27. Bose Workshops 154. Prestolite Electric Ltd 28. Bradley Doublelock Limited 155. Project Support Vehicles 29. Briggs Equipment UK Ltd 156. Fox Defense Suspension 30. Burgess Consulting Ltd 157. Pulse Electronics 31. CE Niehoff Co Ltd Concept 1 & 2 158. QinetiQ Ltd 32. Cablescan ltd 159. Qioptiq Ltd 33. CamelBak Products 160. Reconrobotics Inc. 34. Cassidian Test and Services Ltd Steering Pad 161. Renown Engineering Ltd 35. CF Cases Ltd 162. Revision Military B.V. 36. Chess Dynamics Ltd 163. Rheinmetall Technical Publications UK 37. Clark Masts Systems Ltd 164. Ricardo UK Ltd 38. Continental DataGraphics Ltd 165. Riflecraft Limited 39. Conway Packaging Services 166. Rolls-Royce 40. Cook Defence Systems 167. Rud Chains Ltd 41. Cooneen Watts and Stone/Hawk Protection 168. Runflat / Westley Plastics 42. Corporate Document Services Ltd 169. Savox Communications UK 43. Cove Industrial Enterprises Ltd 170. Scanfiber Composites A/S 44. CQC Ltd DE&S 171. Schroth Safety Products 45. Creation UK (Design) Ltd 172. Select Cables Ltd 46. Custom Covers (1984) Ltd 173. Selex Galileo 47. DCS Ltd Concept 3 174. Seyntex NV 48. Defence Support Group 175. Socitec UK Ltd. 49. Design Reality 176. Software AG UK Limited 50. Deutsch UK 177. Souriau SAS 51. DMS Technologies LOSA 178. SpanSet Ltd 52. Donaldson Filters Component Ltd 179. Specialist Mobility Training Ltd 53. DRS Technolgies UK Ltd 180. Specialty Fasteners & Components 54. Dytecna Systems Ltd Bridport 181. SSI Schaefer Ltd 55. Eberspacher (UK) Ltd 182. Stack Ltd 56. Edgar Brothers 183. Starter UK 57. EKA Limited 184. Staubli (UK) Ltd 58. Elaflex Ltd 185. Stella-Meta Ltd 59. Enhanced Protection Systems 186. Streit Group 60. Esterline Communication Systems 187. Supacat Ltd 61. ETA Circuit Breakers Ltd 188. Systems Consultants Services 62. Extreme Cases Limited 189. Systems Engineering & Assesment 63. FC Lane Electronics Ltd 190. Tecalemit Garage Equipment Co Ltd 64. Factair Limited 191. TEK Military Seating 65. Fibreco Ltd 192. Teledyne Reynolds 66. Firetrace Aerospace, LLC 193. TenCate Advanced Armour UK 67. Fischer Connectors Ltd 194. Terberg DTS (UK) Ltd 68. Fluid Transfer International 195. Thales 69. FN Herstal 196. The Royal British Legion 70. Force Protection Inc 197. Thomas Jacks Ltd 71. Forsberg Services Ltd 198. TMS Support Solutions Ltd 72. Frazer Nash Consultancy 199. TRAC 73. FTL Seals Technology Ltd 200. TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd 74. Gallay Ltd 201. UKTI Defence & Security Organisation 75. GE Intelligent Platforms Limited 202. Ultra Electronics, Precision Air and Land Systems 76. General Dynamics UK Ltd 203. Viking Arms Ltd 77. Gill Research & Development Ltd 204. Webasto Product UK Limited 78. Ginsbury Electronics 88. Hobson Industries Ltd 98. Iveco Ltd 108. Level Peaks Associates Limited 118. Martec Ltd 205. Westwire Harnessing Ltd 79. GKN Land Systems 89. Honda Cable Assemblies 99. Jacobs Sula 109. LiFeBATT Ltd. 119. Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH 206. WEW Westerwalder Eisenwerk GmbH 80. Glenair 90. Hutchinson Defence & Security 100. Jankel Armouring Limited 110. Linde Material Handling (UK) Ltd 120. Merlin Equipment Limited 207. Whispaire Ltd 81. H&K UK 91. Hypertac Ltd 101. JitPak Technical Ltd 111. LINE-X Protective Coatings Ltd 121. MGR Fluid Power Ltd 208. XCEL Power Systems Limited 82. Habia Cable 92. IS-Rayfast 102. Kaliber Ltd 112. Lockheed Martin 122. Michelin Tyre PLC 209. Yakupoglu A.S 83. Hardigg UK Ltd 93. Istec Services Limited 103. Kemtron Limited 113. LPA Group Plc 123. Microlease Asset Management 210. Yamaha Motor UK Limited 84. HDT Global 94. ITEL ELECTRONICS LTD 104. Kent Modular Electronics Ltd. 114. LSC Group Ltd 124. Mildef Ltd 211. Zero Cases UK 85. Hellermann Tyton 95. ITT Exelis 105. Knott-Avonride Ltd 115. MacNeillie & Son Ltd 125. Millbrook Proving Ground Ltd 86. HESCO Bastion Ltd 96. ITT Interconnect Solutions 106. Land Rover 116. MAN Truck & Bus UK Limited 126. MineWolf Systems Correct at time of going to print. 87. Hitek Electronic Materials Ltd 97. Iturri 107. Latchways plc 117. Marshall Land Systems 127. MIRA Limited Check website for updates: www.theevent.co.uk Alpha Armouring® Panzerung Germany

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dvd-2009-2.indd 1 05.06.2009 10:48:02 Uhr news 37 ‘Be proud, I value what you do’ Commercial staff have been praised for their professionalism by keynote speakers at their first conference in four years. David James reports

Almost 300 members of the MOD’s commercial function have been reminded that they are at the sharp end of delivering defence capabilities. Peter Luff, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, said it was often MOD civil servants who were in the firing line of criticism. “I’m aware that the constant drip of criticism from organisations such as the Public Accounts Committee and National Audit Office often seems to be – quite unfairly – directed at civil servants,” he told the conference at the Defence Capability Centre in Shrivenham. Mr Luff acknowledged that Keynote speakers at the conference included, from left, commercial officers are continuing to Richard Smart, Susanna Mason and Les Mosco deliver despite ever-growing demands. Pictures: Andrew Linnett “Resource pressures and manpower constraints are having an impact on Commercial (due to) tough times across transformation will take place to achieve procurement of common goods and the department,” he said. the maintenance of battle-winning services. GPS has more than 2,000 However vital areas of work that were Armed Forces and a smaller and more suppliers and 14,500 customers with total key to defence included strengthening professional MOD which is more hard- savings for the financial year estimated to the role of small and medium-sized headed about what it can afford. be £2 billion. enterprises, Anglo-French collaboration A major contributor to reform is The Mr Greatwich focussed on how the and implementation of the National Materiel Strategy with a presentation MOD is a major player in continous Security Through Technology White from Richard Smart and Andy Baker. improvement of procurement, whether it Paper. Focus on the commercial community be working with GPS to deliver centralised Les Mosco, Director Commercial, included their work to establish how best procurement, promoting lean sourcing spoke of benefits from last year’s to upskill and sustain the function, how and transparency, or strengthening the Grimstone reforms and how commercial commercial staff should be deployed, how UK supply chains. has become an increasingly strong commercial processes and tools should be Mr Luff provided the final endorsement functional community. “Although developed, and to define how the function to the MOD’s commercial officers. “I value domiciled in DE&S, we serve all of the will look in the future DE&S. what you do,” he told them. “You have MOD,” he said. David Shields, Chief Executive of every right to be proud.” Susanna Mason, Director Corporate the Government Procurement Service Commercial and Exports, presented on (GPS), and Mike Greatwich, Director o This year’s Gold Commercial Award was Defence Transformation. She Commercial Services spoke about the won by the RAF Catering, Retail and Leisure explained how Government procurement agenda. commercial team – Andrew Swaby and Mr Shields explained GPS Alan Langston are pictured, far left – for delivers the centralised development of a contract for a pay-as-you- dine catering system. The Silver award went to the C* UOR commercial team – Tammy Brown, Ruth Sims and Nicola Roberts, left – with the Bronze award going to Doreen Reeve of DE&S’ Ships commercial team, centre. Awards were presented by Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Peter Luff. 38 commendations CDM commendations 2012

hief of Defence Materiel Bernard the Fast Air Support Team/Harrier for Gray told award winners at this the dignified way they had conducted Cyear’s DE&S Commendations event the Harrier disposal which was achieved that they should be ‘justly proud of what within challenging timescales and they have achieved’ and congratulated ensured no impact on other programmes, them on the fantastic contribution they in particular those engaged in operations. make to defence. DE&S Land Equipment Portfolio Opening the ceremony in MOD and Programme Support Head, Mr Main Building on 4th May, Mr Gray Tony Ashton, commended the work of said: “The skills I see when visiting any Warrant Officer Class 2 Marcus Waugh of our sites are extraordinary and the who had displayed a technically excellent diversity and quality of what we do is level of engineering professionalism also extraordinary and central to our and provided timely and apposite national defence. Congratulations to all of recommendations arising from incident you. You are the pinnacle of what we have investigations which had undoubtedly the delivery of the deterrent programme. achieved over the last six months. Thank saved lives. The project was delivered on time, to you for all your hard work, skills and DE&S Submarines’ Chief Strategic budget and without any interference to achievements.” Systems Executive Director, Rear the programme. Board members and senior staff Admiral Steve Lloyd, congratulated the Capability Head of Deterrent and from DE&S and elsewhere in MOD also Explosive Handling Jetty Continuous Underwater Capability, Cdre Mark attended the day, paying tribute to the Availability team for successfully Beverstock, paid tribute to the work work of various teams and individuals. delivering the mid-life refurbishment of of the Submarine Dismantling team Air Officer Commanding 1 Group, Clyde naval base’s Explosives Handling highlighting the importance of this Air Vice-Marshal Stuart Atha, thanked Jetty; a unique capability and critical to project and the team’s role in designing

Report: Katrina McCabe

‘I hope you are proud of what you have achieved; we are’ – Chief of Defence Materiel Bernard Gray commendations 39

and completing a successful public the DE&S Commercial Systems team in managing a myriad of safety and consultation on dismantling nuclear for its role in successful delivery of the availability issues in migrating the submarines. The project was delivered on European Union Defence and Security support of Astute class equipment into time, on budget and can be considered as Public Contract Regulations 2011 on the Fleet Wide Equipment organisation an exemplar for public consultation. behalf of the UK. and was an excellent example of the PJHQ Chief of Staff (Ops), Major DE&S ACDS (Log Ops), Air Vice- expertise within Director Ships and a General Gordon Messenger, praised the Marshal Graham Howard praised the shining example of the skills we need in work of the Operation Spoken radar team work of Lieutenant Commander Rob DE&S. for their role in planning and introducing Cogan in helping to shape the route home Major General Messenger praised the a replacement Air Traffic Control radar at for troops in Afghanistan, adding that Lt work of the UK Tomahawk British Flight Camp Bastion. The project was delivered Cdr Cogan’s work had been instrumental Test 10 Planning and Execution Team on time, under budget and critically, our in influencing UK foreign and security made up of DE&S, CMSA UK and the reputation was enhanced at Bastion. policy in support of operations and had Royal Marines for their role in proving DE&S Director Finance, Mr David made an outstanding contribution to one the warfighting utility of the United Noble, was delighted with the efforts of the MOD’s key strategic objectives Kingdom Tomahawk System by ensuring of the Defence Inventory team who regarding Afghanistan. clear demonstration of UK Tomahawk commissioned, directed and scripted a Mr Ashton commended the work of Land Attack Missile’s robust capability 20-minute video which has helped raise Mrs Wendy Stowe of the Joint Battlefield in a call-for-fire role in support of ground the profile on inventory management Trainers, Simulations and Synthetic troops. The trial was complex and an across DE&S, particularly as controlling Environments team for her role in enormous success. spend on stock purchase will be a major the delivery of an Urgent Operational Mr Gray presented certificates and financial issue over the next few years. Requirement for a Rocket 66mm High posed for photographs with each of the Air Vice-Marshal Atha commended Explosive Anti Tank Shoulder Launched winners. the efforts of Chief Technician Anthony Direct Weapons marksmanship trainer, In his closing remarks, he Wilson from the Surface Attack (Heavy) integrated with the Dismounted Close acknowledged the fantastic contribution team, acknowledging his dedication, Combat Trainer. This UOR was achieved by all award winners. He said: “We have commitment and organisational skills inside seven months instead of the seen this morning the breadth and depth pivotal in ensuring RAF Marham met its normal two years and was an exemplar of of what we do in support of our Armed operational tasking during Operation how UORs should be delivered. Forces. There is a huge range of activity; Ellamy. DE&S Director Submarines, Rear I hope you are proud of what you have DE&S Director Commercial Services, Admiral Simon Lister, congratulated achieved, we are. You are tremendous Mr Michael Greatwich, congratulated Commander Barry Tarr for his role professionals; congratulations to you all.”

• Force Protection Delivery Team – In-Service Commendation Winners Support INDIVIDUALS • Operation Spoken Radar team • Submarine Dismantling team • Mr Dave Tomlin – Special Projects CISR team • The Strategic Weapons Project Team – Programme • Lieutenant Commander Rob Cogan – Defence Approvals Group Logistics Operation and Plans team • Afloat Support – Safety Case Improvement team • Commander Lanny Vogel – Defence Logistics Operation and Plans team • Afloat Support – Fleet Time Support and Design and Construction team • Mr David Farmer – Capital Ships team • Defence Equipment and Support Commercial • Commander Barry Tarr – Maritime Equipment Systems Systems team • Defence Equipment and Support Submarines • Mr Matthew Holbrook – Chief Information Office Commercial – Future (Successor) • Chief Technician Arthur Buckton – Fast Air Support • Nimrod Disposal team team • Non Signature Rotary Wing Delivery team • Mr Dale Coxon – Weapons Finance team • Shadow team • Chief Technician Anthony Wilson – Surface Attack (Heavy) team • FAST – Harrier • Mrs Wendy Stowe – Joint Battlefield Trainers, • Explosive Handling Jetty Continuous Availability Simulations and Synthetic Environments team Project • Flight Sergeant Anthony Stock – Defence Supply • Brimstone In-Service Support team Chain Operations and Movements • UK Tomahawk British Flight Test 10 Planning and • Warrant Officer Class 2 Marcus Waugh – Land Execution team Systems Serious Equipment Failure Investigations • Warrior Theatre Entry Standard (Herrick) UOR team team • Technology Delivery – Land TEAMS • Dismounted Soldier Systems – Surveillance and Target Acquisition team • Bowman Combat Infrastructure Platform Fielding team • Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) team • Combined Information Data Network Exchange team • Defence Inventory team • Special Projects SCM Supply Chain Management • Support Chain Management Compliance team team • Sentinel Project team • Project Hammer team • 2011 Winter Rider team 40 helicopters In praise of the rotary world

few years ago ‘helicopter so essential for keeping our fleet airworthy availability’ was a pretty loaded and effective. The protective floor covering ‘A term. In 2009 it seemed that on Chinook and Merlin used on the Medical barely a day went by without gloomy Emergency Response Team flights, for media headlines denouncing a lack of example, took just 10 weeks to be fitted. helicopters in Afghanistan, and claims And that’s 10 weeks, by the way, that this shortage was undermining our from initial concept and drawing board operational effectiveness. stage to deployment in theatre. A terrific I’m delighted to say that we’re now achievement, and one that is helping ensure looking at a very different picture. I this lifesaving capability is maintained. A was in Afghanistan earlier this year match indeed for Brunel’s mobile theatre for visiting Lashkhar Gar and Bastion. the Crimea. I was impressed and heartened by Our Defence White Paper has been the availability and capability of UK described as pragmatic. It has to be. We airframes. And this was also borne out by have to get the right solution for the Armed commanders I spoke to on the ground. Forces at the best possible price for the The work being done by the Chinooks taxpayer. This means it’s sometimes better responding to medical emergencies, for to do work outside of the UK – elements of example, is incredibly humbling. the Puma life extension programme are The fact that we have enough of these being undertaken in Romania and France vital assets performing at an optimum rather than on these shores. That was a level daily is I believe a testimony to decision taken by the last government and the improved and effective partnership one I am entirely comfortable with. working of defence and industry. And that’s why, for example, we took the I have met members of the Royal decision to build our 14 new Chinooks on Navy and RAF who had been involved Boeing’s Philadelphia production line. in Operation Ellamy over and near There are those that would have liked Libya. Among them were the deck hands these built in Somerset. But when I visited of HMS Ocean who got the Apache the Boeing factory last year I was left in no helicopters off and safely home – black doubt that the scale of the operation already helicopters on a black deck on a black in place means that best value for money and night on a black sea. Their story really lowest risk can only be delivered from there. brought home to me once again just These are the realities of defence how critical rotary power is for our procurement in 2012. But has it not ever operations. been so? And industry’s responsiveness has been particularly striking on the Urgent Operational Requirement front. AgustaWestland’s upgraded Lynx Mk9a has been a real success. We now have a vastly more capable airframe able to cope with the demanding environment of Afghanistan. Twelve helicopters delivered to the front line in just 18 months was an enormous achievement – and the now fully converted fleet is continuing to turn in a star performance in theatre with Defence Minister Peter Luff more than 4,000 hours flown. I talked to some of the aircrew when I was in Bastion. They raved about it. And they paints a brighter picture for can’t wait for Wildcat. Of course, not all UORs are on this helicopter availability scale, but they are just as important – the kind of emergency practical stuff that’s helicopters 41

the first Wildcat to start Army training. And we are looking at options to upgrade the Merlin Mk3. For future defence work, the opportunities for many will lie in support and training. Keeping the Wildcat flying should sustain hundreds of engineering and technical jobs at AgustaWestland and in Yeovilton over the next few years. And looking ahead there will be opportunities for industry to contribute to our Total Force Support concept which will include a sizeable number of contractors. We know there’s more that can be done when it comes to providing expert support on the ground – in fact this Lord Drayson’s 2005 Defence sector is already leading the way, with Industrial Strategy had a pretty clear and Vector Aerospace and Boeing UK already realistic position on helicopters reflected deploying engineers in theatre doing vital in the reality of Wildcats assembled in work keeping our Chinooks airborne. Yeovil, Pumas modified in mainland I used the word pragmatic earlier Europe and Chinooks being built in to describe our approach to making America. And as I’ve seen at RAF Benson, sure we have a balanced and affordable increasingly effective support for the equipment programme. That’s an Merlin fleet in the UK. approach I would also commend to all as The SDSR clearly set out our long companies plan and invest for the future. term plans for a helicopter fleet based Because while defence here in the UK on four core platforms from 2025. These may be a shrinking market, there are platforms are already part of the rotary plenty of other opportunities out there – lexicon: Apache, Merlin, Chinook and in the civilian sector as well as overseas.’ Wildcat. I am pleased to say that we have recently secured the release to service for Below: Mr Luff on a visit to RAF Benson

‘Industry’s responsiveness has been particularly striking on the UOR front’ – Peter Luff 42 news

Booking Software firms get up to speed on DII travel Companies who supply partner company Atlas. assistant head of applications speeds up software applications to It helps providers governance with DE&S’ at DE&S work alongside the MOD’s understand parameters their Defence Information Services main communication and applications should adhere team. Booking duty information system will soon to to make integration onto “Application developers are travel will be quicker have access to a valuable on- the Defence Information advised to have access to the and easier for DE&S line information website. Infrastructure (DII) easier. website and MOD sponsors are staff from next The Applications “The guide is the single encouraged to make suppliers month with changes Development Guide is hosted authoritative source for this aware of this resource and how to on-line booking. From 2nd July, by the MOD and developed by information,” said Dave Neale, to apply to access it. duty travel will be “Developers seeking a ‘right booked on business first time’ level of service need travel provider More users go on line in latest milestone to understand thoroughly the HRG’s own on-line DII infrastructure within which booking tool, called The next increment – 3a – of the Defence Information Infrastucture (DII) their application operates to the HRG I-Suite. achieved its target of getting the last user onto the live system by the end optimise the likelihood it will The replacement of March. work successfully and receive Defence Travel This completes delivery – around 40,000 terminals across about 600 accreditation.” contract, part sites – to the timescales the DII team agreed with Atlas almost 18 months of the Central ago and is a huge achievement. Mr Neale added: “The Government Travel Increment 3a replaces outdated and expensive legacy systems, unwelcome alternatives arising Management Service supporting around 60,000 personnel, notably the Royal Air Force at Joint from compatibility problems (CGTMS), brings all Helicopter Command and other MOD sites. during systems integration Government travel The Site and User Services team includes dedicated staff from the include additional costs, under one contract. Atlas Consortium and has received extensive support from the DII client lengthier timescales before It is expected team in Corsham and elsewhere throughout planning and delivery. deployment and damage to to save the MOD The project is set to close down a number of legacy systems this year around £1 million and is on track to do that by its September deadline. supplier reputation.” per year; with greater savings if more bookings are made on-line. Greater use across Government will DE&S delivers a better result in cheaper air and hotel prices. The new on-line booking tool will be easier and faster to picture of Olympic security register and use. Military and civilian staff The RAF has been given a crucial using the current upgrade to its air surveillance system will have system, well under budget and a profile created delivered in time for the London on the I-Suite, Olympics. accessed through The UK’s Air Surveillance the Enterprise and Control System (ASACS) Gateway Service, which they will be equipment allows operators to asked to update maintain a 24-hour watch on before booking the skies over the UK and its travel. Access to approaches. It can now use Mode the tool is only S data from its radars, following permissible with a system upgrade by IBM UK. line management authority. Training Mode S is a means of will be available at communication and identification Abbey Wood and mainly used by civilian aircraft selected defence providing detailed information Air surveillance: units. to the operator on an aircraft’s by the RAF Bookings by identity and intentions. phone, e-mail or fax It is an important will still be taken by HRG but will enhancement as it has increased Command and IBM UK have a variety of radars, cost more and will the accuracy and richness of the worked together to bring this communications equipment and only be for MOD recognised air picture and will project in ahead of schedule,” said a command and control system. travellers without a give better situational awareness Graham Richards, programme The command and control valid staff number, to the system’s operators. manager for the team’s Air system, known as UCCS, is a group travel or The Category D project has Defence Command and Control critical component of ASACS. complex travel been managed by DE&S’ Air Installations. It allows the operator to build itineraries. Further Command and Control Systems “It gives the RAF a much- a recognised air picture using information is team, delivered eight months needed boost to its capability, connected radars and now also available on the early and around 25 per cent enabling it to provide a better Mode S information meaning ‘Use Defence Travel’ under budget. service for the defence of the RAF operators will be able intranet pages under “I am very pleased that the UK.” to continue discharging this CGTMS. delivery team, ASACS Force UK ASACS comprises important task. news 43

Diamond unveils her nest of Vipers

With a flash of orange and to the hard work and dedication ready for operations within this Dragon an ear-splitting bang HMS of the joint trials team from time scale.” Sea Viper combines Diamond has proved her DE&S, Navy Command, ship’s Aster missiles, Sampson radar, takes a fighting mettle by testing her staff, QinetiQ and our industry combat and command system missile system off the Outer partners,” said team leader and the silo on the forecastle railway Hebrides. Richard Murray. containing the Sylver vertical The third of the Royal Navy’s “This is the third successful missile launcher. journey Type 45 destroyers blasted her in-service firing of Sea Viper In the test, HMS Diamond’s Sea Viper missile out of the from a Type 45 and is prey was a Mirach drone – a 13ft HMS Dragon will silo at three times the speed of the first following completion of remote controlled jet that can feature on BBC TV’s sound, destroying the jet drone full qualification and acceptance fly at speeds of up to 600mph at Great British Railway target. of the system in January 2012.” altitudes as low as 10 feet or as Journeys presented The successful firing is The ship's commanding high as 14,000ft for 90 minutes. by former Defence excellent news for DE&S’ officer, Commander Ian Clarke, The firing is the culmination Secretary Michael Medium Range Air Defence added: “I am immensely proud of a busy year for Diamond. She Portillo. Mr Portillo was team and means HMS Diamond of what my ship’s company has was accepted into the Navy 11 filmed on board is now ready to take her place as accomplished in such a short months ago and is due to deploy serving breakfast to a fully operational warship. space of time. later this year – making her some of the 190 crew “I am delighted that HMS “Ever since I took command the fastest warship in recent and interviewing the Diamond’s firing has been such of this ship in 2010 my focus has memory to go from ‘joining up’ Commanding Officer, a success which is a testament been to see the ship declared to deploying. Commander Darren Houston. Mr Portillo said: “It was great fun. I Sea Dart can still prove a point too expected the food to be good quality and it Destroyer HMS Edinburgh has carried out the last Sea Dart has proved its worth, not least in the was. And I expected planned firing of the Sea Dart system in the build-up to 1991 when HMS Gloucester shot down an the guys serving the a major exercise. Iraqi Silkworm missile as it headed for the American food to be cheerful The ship successfully fired seven missiles off battleship USS Missouri – the first time a missile has and they were. It was ’s ahead of Exercise Joint shot down another missile. a hectic day but also a Warrior, which tests Britain’s military ability to Edinburgh’s commanding officer, Commander very enjoyable one.” respond to a crisis. Nick Borbone, said: “The new destroyers with the Sea The programme The firing was carried out to show the system Viper system are well placed to provide air defence sees the presenter could still be used, as Edinburgh will serve as the UK’s this century but Sea Dart still packs a punch, and this travelling the British final Type 42 destroyer as the new Type 45 destroyers firing is an important step forward for Edinburgh’s railway network enter service. preparations for operations.” guided by a Victorian A booster rocket helped the missiles accelerate to Geoff Wragg of DE&S’ Medium Range Air Defence guidebook. twice the speed of sound in seconds. It can take out a team added: “It is testament to all the Sea Dart project The episode will target up to 80 miles away. In this instance, its target team members over the past 40 years that the system be broadcast early was a Mirach pilotless drone. is still as capable as it ever was.” next year. 44 news

Boxing clever: vehicle maintenance can be done in the workshop and its inflatable shelters Vehicle maintenance in a box! More detailed maintenance of patrol compressor, internal lighting and shelters Deployable Infrastructure team. vehicles will soon be carried out closer to as well as extra electrical items such as FSIAB is designed to support the front line – thanks to a workshop all power hand tools. Foxhound, Husky and Jackal vehicles. packaged up in a box. The container provides bench working Technology demonstrator trials took FSIAB – Fitter Section in a Box – is a space as well as storage for spares and place in February followed by acceptance containerised system which will allow tools. trials in May with HQ Joint Force Support engineers to do a much deeper level of “This will allow vehicle maintainers (Afghanistan). engineering on patrol vehicles in forward to conduct a much deeper level of “There is one FSIAB deployed in bases in Afghanistan. engineering in austere environments Helmand Province and it is already The system is made up of a workshop while maintaining the required levels making a difference,” said Major Morgan. – a 20-foot ISO container – along with of engineering hygiene that modern “Early indications are that this is two inflatable shelters. It comes with systems require,” said Major Oli Morgan, exactly the sort of technical infrastructure its own generator which supplies an air requirements manager with DE&S’ that is required.”

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New lab helps fight against terror

The Atomic Weapons Establishment delivery of this laboratory is as a result has cemented its crucial role in nuclear of the strong collaboration between the deterrence by hosting a new nuclear , our MOD colleagues and the forensics laboratory, officially opened by AWE project team. Government Minister James Brokenshire. “This unique, world-class facility Mr Brokenshire, pictured right, plays a major role in how we respond to minister in the Home Office for crime nuclear and national security threats and and security, visited the company’s sets international standards in incident Aldermaston site on 22nd May. response. It will make a significant The Conventional Forensics Analysis difference to our understanding of Capability lab has the capability to forensics, helping us to bring to justice receive some radiological, nuclear and those people involved in terrorism, explosively contaminated evidence, and ensuring we keep our country safe.” then analyse the evidence for traditional Refurbishing an existing building forensics purposes. at AWE and providing associated He said: “I am delighted and proud equipment has been sponsored by the to open the new laboratory. Successful Home Office and the MOD.

o The Signatures, Structures and Survivability Centre refreshes the DE&S signs on to a new exisiting capabilities and retains connections to the historical home of naval construction research. ship signature centre o Sarah Kenny, Managing Director of QinetiQ Maritime, said: “Every ship and every energy A new maritime technical Royal Navy its military fighting civilian industrial sectors as a production platform at advice centre to increase the edge and its toughness in battle. result of the continual drive to sea generates “noise”, survivability of warships has “That ‘tough’ reputation improve safety or as a result of be it audible, vibration, been opened at Rosyth. remains vital as our global the spectra of terrorism. electrical, radar or The centre has been jointly maritime trade remains “QinetiQ has a brilliant track magnetic. Running engines, funded by DE&S and QinetiQ fundamental to the prosperity record in the area of signatures operating standard equipment, passage through long-term contracts of the UK and we must therefore structures and survivability and through water, generating between the two. deter others from disrupting the new offices will help sustain electricity or pumping It was opened by Tony our trade or being aggressive those skills.” oil – all these create a Graham, S e n i o r detectable signature. DE&S Director specialists o “The noise signature Ships, and will p r e s e n t e d can also be thought of as a ensure future examples of measure of wasted energy, and as increased wear and availability of Royal Navy tear. leading edge and civilian o “To maintain effective signatures, s u p p o r t capability, operational units structures and p r o j e c t s , must sustain high levels of survivability like the data signature hygiene. It makes for maritime gathering, the naval ship less likely to be detected by the enemy, customers analysis and reduces waste. Less needing advice, and advice vulnerability to detection assessment and which helps increases the probability analysis. c o m m e r c i a l of survival. Sensing The event organisations equipment, whether in was a chance such as a mine or as part of an for those S c o t t i s h aggressor’s combat system, may be countered and even attending to Power to negated by an effective understand reduce wear signature control regime. the work of the and tear on o “As well as helping skilled staff at their assets. the Navy avoid detection Rosyth, who Q i net iQ’s in the first place, our are focussed Signing on: Tony Graham opens Rosyth's survivablity centre S i g n a t u r e s , team at Rosyth works on helping to Structures, and on maximising the survivability of its ships ensure that Royal Survivability against actual attack. We Navy crews, their ships and to our allies or other peaceful Centre is on Innova Campus at analyse the survivability equipment are well protected. states,” he said. Rosyth. of ships and submarines Staff also support elements “Science and engineering Long-term contracts against likely threats. Our of the merchant fleet and the capabilities are also useful to under which the funding structural analysts also growing energy industry. our allies who must face such has been made include the provide specialist advice Mr Graham said he took unwanted military threats. Maritime Strategic Capabilities that means the platform isn’t burdened by very pleasure in opening a new These technologies also have Agreement and the Long Term heavy steel construction.” building dedicated to giving the great relevance to many other Partnering Agreement. 46 news

Successors to the Board are announced

Bernard Gray has named the successor to current Chief of Materiel (Air) Air Marshal Sir Kevin Leeson, who is due to leave the MOD on retirement later this year. Air Marshal Leeson is to be replaced by Air Vice-Marshal Simon Bollom, currently Director Combat Air in DE&S, on promotion to Air Marshal in October. Chief of Materiel (Land) Lieutenant General Gary Coward, is also due to leave DE&S on completion of military service later this year. He is to be succeeded by Major General Chris Deverell, currently Director Materiel Strategy, on promotion to Lieutenant Mr Gray, centre, and the DE&S Board with others in attendance, pictured in Portsmouth. Trevor Woolley, General from next month. sixth from right, was attending his final board meeting Mr Gray said: “Both General Coward and Air Marshal Leeson will be greatly missed by me and by their colleagues on the Board and I am sure more Portsmouth staff told widely in DE&S when they leave at different times later this year. “They are both continuing to contribute enormously to of strategy progress the complex and demanding task of helping to reshape this organisation for the future at a Bernard Gray has and represented a huge a positive light – you don’t read time of considerable financial reaffirmed to hundreds of investment. Carriers, Type 45s about the good things that are stringency. staff at a Town Hall briefing and other naval vessels based happening and I am pretty fed “General Deverell has led in Portsmouth that the future in Portsmouth needed support up with our reputation in the The Materiel Strategy team for over a year of what I believe of the naval base is secure, as and that secured the base’s outside world,” he said. to be the most comprehensive confirmed in the last Strategic future, he said. During an hour long and thorough transformation Defence and Security Review. “The carriers are going to presentation and Q&A session, exercise that has been The Chief of Defence be a vast and amazing sight Mr Gray said he was proposing undertaken in the area of MOD Materiel said: “This is where and they allow for the removal some straightforward acquisition and support. the carriers are coming – of uncertainty that has been solutions: “Air Vice-Marshal Bollom whatever else happens this is around for a long time,” he n only items that can be has an exemplary career in DE&S, most recently as Director going to be their home port and said. afforded should be ordered; Combat Air for four years, and that underpins Portsmouth as He added he was fully aware n improved interfaces will be able to bring this long a naval base going forward.” of the good work in Portsmouth between DE&S and MOD; experience to bear when he Mr Gray and the DE&S and was delighted to hear all n development of skills to joins the Board later this year.” Board spoke to DE&S staff, surface warship refits at the match the private sector. Major General Deverell, Royal Navy personnel and base were completed on time He said: “The DE&S Board previously Director General other Portsmouth staff in and to budget. is meeting here because we Logistics, Support and Equipment at Headquarters a briefing on The Materiel But he was also aware of want to make sure we are Land Forces, said: “My focus Strategy. the general perception of MOD speaking to as many people in for now remains entirely on the Underlining Portsmouth’s procurement in the wider the organisation as possible. continued development of our key role, Mr Gray said world. If we are going to move this work on The Materiel Strategy the carriers would have a “Defence procurement organisation forward we need but I am hugely honoured to be lifetime of up to 50 years never turns up in the media in to do it as a group of people.” joining the board in succession to General Gary later this summer.” Air Vice-Marshal Bollom, latterly leader of the DE&S Levene analysis kick-starts business improvement Tornado project team, said: Work has begun to build on the strong cultures the right incentives and behaviours in the right “I have had the privilege of and loyalties in defence to help business places. But he acknowledged that people in the working with a huge range improvement. organisation, at all levels, needed to make it work. of excellent colleagues, ‘Be-Think-Do’ is the high level framework for The BBI team will use Be-Think-Do as the both military and civilian, in the work being driven as part of Transforming guiding principles that will drive the underpinning DE&S over many years as Defence in regard to Behaviours and Business behaviour and process change needed to support we have dealt with constant Improvement (BBI). implementation of Defence Transformation. change and the pressure of Its origins lie in Lord Levene’s analysis in the Be-Think-Do: Be a leader, Think defence, continuous operations. I am Defence Reform Review of critical shortcomings Do it better. This slogan reflects the top level looking forward to using this in the way defence works outside the operational message about business leadership, innovation experience when I join the environment. and efficiency and central to all of this corporate, DE&S Board later this year.” Levene sought to design a model that gets joined up thinking. news 47

NEWSREEL Upgrade ushers in Helping team performance

BMT Hi-Q Sigma shared computer will implement a risk management change programme for DE&S’ Joint and world Battlefield Trainers, Simulations and Synthetics Environments team. The programme will help deliver projects to stringent performance, cost and time targets. The company recently completed work to help procurement Step forward: HMS Ocean heads up the Thames past the O2 Arena towards Greenwich last month of a training solution for the Warrior Capability An upgrade to the Combat it into the more challenging cost savings to the Royal Navy Sustainment Management Systems on board military environment. The and will ultimately mean all Programme and SV three of the Royal Navy’s biggest technology delivers cross- combat systems on the Royal Scout. warships will mark a big step business savings but, more Navy’s surface fleet will operate towards a common network importantly to the front line, a from a single computing System boost architecture across all the faster and more flexible means infrastructure.” service’s ships. to insert military capability into The first upgrade on Thales UK is to upgrade major Royal BAE Systems has secured our ships when they really need HMS Ocean is scheduled for Navy ships with a the £19 million contract for HMS it.” completion by the end of next new fully digital Ocean, Albion and Bulwark. It Building on architectures year Radar Electronic will mark the first operationally BAE Systems is developing A BAE Systems-led industry Support Measures deployed Shared Computing for the Astute submarines, the team, which includes Thales (RESM) system. Environment in the surface fleet. Shared Computing Environment and QinetiQ, will also progress HMS Daring has A common network was first demonstrated last year a number of architectural entered service fitted with new digital architecture will also include the on board Type 23 frigate HMS and technology projects to antennae as part proposed Type 26 Global Combat Argyll. consolidate capability from of the electronic Ship in the next decade. The technology will allow across industry and MOD surveillance system Captain Dain Morritt, Deputy future upgrades quickly and onto the Shared Computing MOD 2.0 programme. Head of DE&S’ Maritime Combat easily, helping to reduce through Environment and common Under the new Systems, said: “The Shared life costs and the length of hardware. contract similar Computing Environment is time ships spend in refit. Less These initiatives aim to advanced technology will be introduced an essential step to achieving equipment means a reduction in develop a more affordable core to RESM equipment multiple combat system software crew training times. combat system solution, which is across the surface applications running on a shared Mark Townley, Combat easier to support throughout life fleet. hardware infrastructure. Systems Director at BAE and can be rolled out across the “This builds on the Systems, said: “This innovative fleet in future years. Facility opens commercial approach, taking approach will deliver significant A medical and dental centre for Royal Marines of Contract sees Hellfire missiles restocked 42 Commando at Bickleigh near has Lockheed Martin will re-stock combat-proven tactical missile precision weapon for the British been opened. The and support the UK's supply of system which has been used Army. building will provide Hellfire II missiles. successfully in Afghanistan ad The news comes as Army enhanced clinical The contract is an Urgent Libya that can be launched from Apache helicopters, launched from care. Cost of the new Operational Requirement worth multiple air, sea, and ground HMS Illustrious off the Scottish sickbay was £3.1 £29 million. platforms. coast, fired Hellfire missiles in the million. The missiles, a mix of variants, It offers multi-mission, multi- UK for the first time during one of are a follow-on order from an target capability and precision- the biggest exercises of the year. Four-year deal existing one which is due to be strike lethality and is the primary “The Hellfire missile firings completed this October. This 100lb class air-to-ground conducted from HMS Illustrious The RAF has latest contract calls for delivery once again proved that the awarded Thales a throughout next year. potent combination of Apache further four-year They will be cleared and helicopter and Hellfire missile contract to support certified for use on the Apache can be successfully delivered by the UK’s Intelligence, AH64D helicopter flown by the a UK warship at sea,” said HMS Surveillance Target Army Air Corps, while Lockheed Illustrious’ Commanding Officer, Acquisition and Martin UK at Ampthill has also Captain Martin Connell. Reconnaissance been awarded a supplementary Mission Support contract to provide missile system Left: Hellfire missiles being System. support. loaded onto Apache during The Hellfire II missile is a Exercise Joint Warrior 48 news

Submarines’ new business services programme is off to a flying start

DE&S’ Submarine Operating Centre implementation. I am tremendously proud launched its Common Business Services of my team and their efforts.” change programme on 14th May. The Business Services Group The Centre has changed the way it is divided into three sections, two runs its administration support from Points of Presence (POP’s) delivering embedded project team administrative administration services and the Business staff to a Centre-wide services team – the Hub delivering information management, Business Services Group. budget management and occupational Director Submarines Rear Admiral health. Simon Lister said: “I am really pleased The team will work towards full that everyone has worked so hard to operating capability in December. get Common Business Services to initial operating capability; this is a great opportunity for staff to embrace the change and drive it forward. I look forward to offering my support as we work towards full operating capability.” Fiona Miles, Business Services Group leader, added: “The Pictured above at the launch are Rear launch has represented Admiral Simon Lister with Chief Strategic a considered journey System Executive Rear Admiral Steve to take this change Lloyd, and the Business Services Group programme from staff, right. inception to Quality tells in the end Team looks back to learn lessons for the future

The Defence Quality Policy turned back the clock to learn the lessons of history. Abbey Wood hosted a historical look at quality in the early Medieval age and Napoleonic period to see what lessons could be learned. Peter Mogridge and Ray Parfitt from the Defence Quality Team donned clothing and wielded weapons from those eras to brief the audience. The aim of the historical briefing was to investigate whether equipment, clothing and weapons were of sufficient quality for the time and were able to counter any threats that they faced. Briefings also included a section on contracting in those periods. “One of the first things you discover is that the equipment is not particularly comfortable to wear, let alone fight in," said a team spokesman. “Advances in armour in the medieval period were usually matched by advances in weaponry and so, as is the same today, you end up playing catch up to meet the emerging threats. “Chain mail was effective for a short time, mainly against sword cuts but proved less effective against arrows. The helmet provided some protection for the head but limited protection for the face as Harold was rumoured to have found out at Hastings. “With the Napoleonic period the emphasis was on looks rather than protection. The uniforms offered no protection and the quality of their equipment varied. Some, like the French Charleville musket, were improved over time and were in use from 1717 to 1850 in one form or another.” DE&S' Peter Mogridge is resplendent in medieval The event gave the audience an insight into the quality of armour while Ray Parfitt demonstrates the uniform and the clothing worn from those periods and the advantages and weaponry of the Napoleonic infantryman disadvantages of the equipment. people news 49 Hazard-spotting earns Brian his just reward

An MOD police sergeant at Clyde hours he has put in to measure has netted a health and safety noise and vibration levels on behalf award for his work with the base's of the occupational hygiene section rigid inflatable boats . on high speed water craft. The Institution of Occupational Brian was nominated by Philip Safety and Health (IOSH) West of Johnson, Senior Occupational Scotland Branch have given Sgt Hygienist at Clyde’s Medical Brian McArdle its Certificate of Centre. Merit. Brian said: “It’s an honour The annual awards celebrate to be nominated for this award, people who, despite not working especially by a health and safety in health and safety as their career, expert who really knows how Lt Jim Howard shows Robert Read a submarine bunk have made a difference to staff crucial it is to make sure people are 2012-style morale, have boosted wellbeing, kept free from injury and ill-health or reduced injury and ill-health in in the job they do. Rob makes emotional return their workplace. “No one should go to work Branch chair Douglas feeling as though their health and Devonport has hosted a special guest to present Connell said: “We think it’s safety is at risk and what I do is newly qualified Royal Naval submariners with their ‘Dolphin’ badges. vitally important to recognise to make sure people feel that the The sailors of the Plymouth-based submarine HMS the contributions of those people tools they use in their job won’t fail Trenchant were honoured to be presented with the who improve health and safety for them.” customary badge in the form of two dolphins by fellow colleagues, perhaps without even Mr Connell added: “Our submariner Lieutenant Commander Robert Read, 92, a realising that what they’re doing winners represent what health veteran of World War Two. is going above what is expected and safety is all about – creating Rob was a former navigator of a previous HMS of them. Brian exemplifies these schemes and ways of working that Trenchant submarine in 1944 and 1945. He was a returning as a familiar guest, having attended the qualities.” take a proportionate, unstuffy launch in 1986 and commissioning into the Royal Navy Brian was praised for hazard approach to making people’s lives in 1989 of the current HMS Trenchant. spotting, highlighting the extra better.”

MOD helps ignite Olympic passions

The Olympic Flame touched down on British soil in Cornwall at the beginning of its 8,000-mile journey around the UK. RNAS Culdrose provided the starting point as the British Airways A319 aircraft, specially named Firefly, arrived from Greece on Friday 18th May. A ceremonial cauldron was lit

on the airfield to celebrate the arrival of Igniting the Olympic the Flame. dream: David Beckham The relay made its official start at lights the cauldron at Land's End, with the Flame carried there Culdrose, where the by a Sea King of 771 Naval Air Squadron. Flame first touched down The Flame passed close to Abbey far right, before being Wood on Wednesday, 23rd May on its way taken to Land's End, right through Bristol. 50 people news

Abbey Wood’s very own DSRA LOTTERY ‘iron man’ turned silver into WINNERS gold as he overcame Europe’s March best duathletes – combining £10,000: Peter Dutch streets running and cycling – on his Brown (Abbey Wood). £5,000: latest outing in the Netherlands. Rebecca Peter Wheddon put an Davis (Abbey are paved injury-hit 2011 behind him – Wood). £2,000: he still achieved silvers at the Christopher Hull European and World Duathlons (Bassingbourn – to win the Horst-based run- Barracks). bike-run event. £1,000: with The Powerman event was Julie Norman part of an international series (Andover). £500: Melany Mason akin to triathlon’s Ironman (RAF Benson). Abbey series. £300: Cara Biggs But at 15km for the first (RAF St Mawgan), run, followed by a 60km bike Ian Fraser ride and a further run of 7.8km (Kentigern), Wood the event was still 50 per cent Richard Bicknell greater than Peter had done (St George's before. Barracks), Colin In a field of more than 500, Currie (Bicester). £200: Henry Cook gold he took on the best at the 55+ (RAF Cosford), level and broke away from the Majorie Wilson pack on the first run along with (AWE), Peter Austria’s Franz Gruber and Robertson 65-year-old Dutchman Bert (Portsmouth), Streumer. Amanda Harrison “I was really pleased with (Catterick my first run and got into a good Garrison), Valerie rhythm on the bike but I had no Walker (Bicester), Joan Goode (RAF idea how big a gap I had on my Mildenhall), rivals,” he recalled. Patrick “I felt good for the first McGunnigle mile of the second run but the (Helensburgh), distance soon started to take Rachel Wilson its toll. I was struggling to (Newcastle), maintain pace but got to the Christopher finish by breaking the circuit Cowan (Abbey down into short sections to Wood), Caroline Baker (Ensleigh), take my mind off the distance Robert Adams to the finish.” (Shropshire). Iron will: Peter is pictured battling his way round Horst town centre Peter finished in 3 hours 11 £100: Marjorie Picture: Jolekha Shasha minutes 36 seconds to take the Slade European title, two and a half (Camberley), minutes ahead of Denmark’s David Light (RAF Karsten Olson, with Gruber Menwith Hill), RAF runner Simon Bell put his best foot holding onto bronze. Stephen Frankish forward as runners from DE&S pounded the Lucy Gossage won gold (Beverley), London streets of London in the annual marathon. for Great Britain in the elite Alan Turner Simon, left, a squadron leader with DE&S’ women’s sprint duathlon. (Manchester), cash Air Defence and Air Traffic Systems team, has Carole Palmer- competed in half a dozen London Marathons, “Since taking up running Gayle (London), helps and was raising money for the Atorkor and duathlon when I reached Nigel Maggs Development Foundation. 50, I have represented Great (Abbey Wood), Ghana This foundation aims to combat poverty in Britain at five European Christopher villagers the village in southern Ghana and support the Duathlon Championships and Rodgers children within its community to benefit from four World Championships (Beverley), David an education, together with providing many with either silver or gold McCartney skills and building developments to help (Holywood), combat the immense poverty many families medals at each,” said Peter, Christopher face. of the Defence Safey and Reigate (RAF Simon finished well up the field. “I can Environment Authority. Cosford), hold my head high, as yet again, Spiderman, “My next target is the Christine Mr Blobby or any other costumed World Championships at Titterington competitor did not manage to cross the Nancy, France in September. finish line before me,” he said. (RAF Leeming), To compete at this level has Simon raised £500 for the charity. Paula Sharpe required a lot of dedication, (Swindon), Anne sacrifice and expense. I am Ruscoe (Dstl), o Jonathan Hawkins of DE&S’ Elizabeth Ayres Secretariat and Lorraine Collins of grateful for the support Laurels (London), Carole DE&S Ships Acquisition Type 26 GCS and the Defence Sports and Kelly (Liverpool), raised more than £2,300 from their Recreational Association have Eric Barbero London Marathon run for Backcare, a shown me and it’s great to charity supporting and advising those (Newport). repay this support by winning suffering with mild to chronic back pain. medals.” people news 51 Plymouth’s Forces pledge

Plymouth has promised a first class programme for Armed Forces Day later this month. Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Councillor Peter Brookshaw, accepted the flag on behalf of the city and said the city would do the Armed Forces proud in a series of events to honour personnel of the Army, Royal Navy and RAF, past and present. Plymouth will host the national celebrations on Saturday 30th June in a spectacular event on Plymouth Hoe which will provide a unique opportunity to see the Armed Forces up close and will feature displays on land, sea and air from current personnel, veterans, cadet forces, the Merchant Navy, support agencies and charities. The event programme will include the opportunity to visit HMS Argyll at anchor in the Sound, a moving Drumhead Service on the Hoe, a parade of Armed Forces past and present, an air show including a Typhoon and historical flights, an impressive steam past of British Naval vessels in Plymouth Sound and will culminate with a display from the Red Arrows. A Sea King of the RAF's A Flight, 22 Squadron pictured at Plymouth Hoe to promote Armed Forces Day at Plymouth later this month There will also be a packed programme of music and entertainment including performances from the Military Wives Armed Forces Week (25th June to 1st July), calendar, having been held in Edinburgh Choir, a cadet band competition and and will see visitors honour and celebrate and Cardiff in the last two years. highlights from the ever popular Music of the dedication of UK Armed Forces and For more information on Armed the Night event. their families. Forces Day national event 2012 visit The Armed Forces Day national event This national event has become a www.armedforcesday.org.uk or www. will be the grand finale of Plymouth’s regular feature in the British summer plymouth.gov.uk/armedforcesweek DINs - released this month Defence Instructions and Notices (DINs) are defence-wide instructions, guidance and notices for military and civilian staff, containing up-to-the-minute information to help people carry out their duties. Some of the latest issued on Defence Equipment and Support are:

2012DIN04-070: This instruction advertises the central enabling contract for purchase of MOD photographic equipment and associated peripherals.

2012DIN04-075: This details the latest procedures for the Joint Support Chain Requirements Change Process and the revised form used to request additional services from Logistic Commodities and Services. The process and associated form is a fundamental element in management of the Storage and Distribution User Requirements Document being populated.

2012DIN04-079: This describes the aircrew and groundcrew headsets and ancillary attachments to be considered obsolete. Air Defence and Air Traffic Systems delivery team will stop supporting headsets listed in the DIN's Annex A.

2012DIN04-081: This is to advise units of the new policy for implementation of high performance mooring and towing equipment, including demand, inspection, retirement, training, also new berthing and mooring techniques within the RN/Afloat Support platforms.

Further information and more details on the latest DINs see: http://defenceintranet.diiweb.r.mil.uk/DefenceIntranet/Library/CivilianAndJointService/AtoZ/DinsIndex2012.htm Our UK employees are proud to provide kit for Britain’s armed forces. We design, manufacture and maintain ghter jets, armoured vehicles and naval vessels including the Typhoon aircraft, Scimitar light tanks and the Astute Class of submarine. But we’re prouder still of the contribution and sacri ces made by our armed forces every day. Thank you.