Geologic Map of the Fruita Quadrangle, Wayne County, Utah

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Geologic Map of the Fruita Quadrangle, Wayne County, Utah UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a division of Utah Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with Plate 1 National Park Service Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 07-2 and Brigham Young University Department of Geological Sciences Geologic Map of the Fruita Quadrangle Jpc Qatd Je Ti 1 Qatd1 Qae Js Qmt Qmt Qmt Jms Jcpr Ti Je Jcs Jmb To Cathedral Jcwg Qmt Qmt Jpc Qal Qae Valley Qae Qmtv Je Jmt Jmb Qmt Jmb Je Qatd1 Ti 6000 Jcpr Qatd1 Je Qatd1 Qmt Jpc Jcwb Qatdu Je Je Js Qmt Ti Jmb Jcwb Qatd1 Jms Ti Qatd Qmt Je 1 Ti Qae Jms Ti Qae Jpc Je Qatd1 Qatdu Qatd Ti Je 1 Jmb Qal Jmt Hartnet Road Je Ti Jmb Jcpr Qal Jpc Je Je Jn Je Qae Ti Qatd1 Qatd1 Qatdu Jmb Qatdu Jmb Qatd1 Jmb Qatd1 Jms Kcb Qal Kcb Jcwg Ti Qmtv Jmt Jmb DeepQatd1 Jms Jmt Je Jcpr Jcwb Je Jmb Jpc Ti Qal North Jcpr Jcpr Qatd1 Ti Jcpr Jpc Qatd Kcb Jcwb 1 Jk Ti Jcwg Ti Qatd Jms Je 1 Jms Kcb Kcb Je Jcpr Je Kcb Jn Ti Qal Js Jms 13 Jms Jmt Kcb Blue Jcwb Je Qatd1 Qae Jmt Kcr Kcm W A T E R P O C K E T Jmb Jcpr Qatd1 Kcm Ti Qatd1 Kd Jk Qae Jmb Kd Kcm Kd Jmt 6 Jcpr Qae Ti Qmt 8 Kcb Jpc 11 Qae Jk Qae Qal 5000 8 9 Kcb Kmt 5500 Je Jmb Jmb Qae Qatd1 Jmb Je 10 Jpc Creek 6000 Ti 3000 20 Qatd1 Js Flats Qe Kmt Qmt 10 Jcwg Qatd1 Qatd1 T he No t ch Kcb To Highway 24 Je Jms 2500 Jn Jpc 4000 Jcs Jpc S O U T H Kcm Ti Jmb Kcr 3500 Je Qal Qatd1 Js Kmt 4500 Jcpr 2000 Jcwg Jmb Ti Qae Jmt Qatd1 Qal Jpc Je Qal Jcwg Je Je Jcpr Qal Kcm F L A T S Jms Jmb syncline Qatd Js Kmt Jcwb 1 Qal Kcr Kmt Jpc Jcpr Ti Jcwg Qatd1 Kcb Jcwb F O L D Qatd Qe 1 Qatd1 Kmt Ti Qatd1 Jcwg Jcpr Je Jcwb Ti Jcwg Je Qatd1 Jk Kcr Jpc Jcwg Kcb Qae Jmb Kmt Jcp Jms Jmb Kmt Qatd1 Jcwg Je Qatd1 Jcwg Jcwb Je Qae Qal B L U E Qal Js Jmt Jmb Kcb Fruita Je Qatd1 Jn Jpc Qae Kcr Jn Qatd1 Qal Jcpr Jcpr Qe Je Qatd1 Kmt Qe Qe Jk Jcpr Qae Kmt A' Qae Kcb Jn Kmt Jpc Kmt Jcpr Kcr Jk Jpc D E S E R T Qatd1 Qae Jmb Je Jmb Qe Jcpr Qe Jpc Kcr Jn Jcp C A P I T O L R E E F Jcs Jmb Qatd1 Jcpr Jmt Jcwg Qatd Je Jms Kmt 1 Jmb Jmb Qae Jcpr Kcr anticline Kmt Jcpr Qatd1 Kcb Jn Je Qatd1 Jmb Jcpr Kcr Qatd1 Qal Jmb Qae Jpc Jcwb Je N O R T H Kmt Jpc Je Qae Jcpr Je Jmb Qal Qe 9 Jcwb Qae Jcwg Je Kcb Qal N A T I O N A L P A R K Qmt Jk Kcr Qatd Jk Jk Jcpr Jn 1 Kmt Jcpr Jpc Je Jk Qatd Jmb 1 Kcb Jcpr W A T E R P O C K E T Qae 15 Jn Qatd1 Jpc Jcwg Jcs Je Qmtv Jn Qe Js Jcpr Je Qatdu 2000 Qe Jpc Qatd1 Ho rs e Jcwg Qmt Jcpr Jn Jn Qatd1 Je Jn Qatd1 Jcs Qe Qae Qatd1 Jmb Qatd Qe Qatd 1 Jpc 1 Jpc Qatdu Jn Qae Qatdu Jpc Qe Qe Qatd1 Jpc Js Qatd1 Qe M e sa Qatd Qatd1 Jn Jcwg 1 Jpc Jcwb Jmb Qe Qae Qe Qae Jpc Jcpr Jcwg Jcwg Qatd1 Jk Qe Jn Qatd1 2500 Qatdu Trail Qal Jcpr Qmtv Jms Jmb Qatf5 Jcwb Rim Qae Qatf4 Overlook Qe Qatf5 Qmtv Hickman Qatfu 3000 Qatf4 Natural Bridge Qmt Qatf4 Je Jk Qatf3 Jpc Qatf5 Qatfu Qmt Jpc Jmt Capitol Qmtv Qatd1 Qmtv Qatf Jk Dome Qe Qmt JTRw 2 Qatf Qatdu Qmt Qmt Qatfu Jpc Qatf 2 Qatf3 Qatf2 Qatf 9 Qe 2 Jcs 3 Qatf3 Qe Js Qatf5 Qatfu Qal Jmb Qatf Qe Qatf Qmtv Qatfu Qmtv 2 3 Qatf TRcm Qal Qe Qatf3 3 24 Qmt Qmt Qatf3 Jn Qatf Qae Jcwb Qmtv TRcm Qatf 3 Qatdu TRco Qatf4 4 Qatfu Qatf Qatf4 Qatf Qatf2 Je 5 Qmt Qatf5 Qmt 4 Qatf Qatf4 Qmt Qatfu Qatfu Qatf3 2 Qatf5 Qatf Qmtv F O L D Jcwb Qmtv 2 Qmt Qatf3 Qatf2 Qmt Qmt Qatf1 Qatf Qatf5 Jk 4 Qmtv Qatfu Qatf3 Qatf 3500 TRcp Jn 24 Qatf3 3 Qatf Qmt JTRw 3 Qal TRcm Qatf1 Fremont Qatf Trail Qatfu 3 Qatf TRcm Jk Qatfu Qatf1 2 Qatf2 Qatf2 Qmt Qatf2 Cohab Qal Qatf Qatd1 Qal Qatf 1 River Je Jms TRmm TRco 2 Qatf1 Qatf3 Qatf Frying Qatf4 3 Qmt Qatf3 Qatf1 Qatf Qatf2 2 Jcs Campground Jn Qatfu Qatf3 Qatf3 Jmt Qe Qatf 4000 Qmtv Qatf 2 Qatf 1 Qmtv 4 Jk Qal TRmm Qmt Qatf3 Qmtv Qmtv Qmtv TRcp Trail Qatf2 Jn Jcwg Qal Jpc Qatf4 Pan Qatf Js Jpc 2 TRcm Jn Qatfu Jcwb Qmtv Qatfu Qatf2 Qatf4 Jpc Jpc Qal TRcp JTRw Jcpr 11 Jpc Qatf 5 Qatf5 R T mm 4500 Wash Jcwb Jcs Scenic Jpc Jpc The Nar ro ws Je Notom Qe Wash Canyon Trail Je 5000 10 TRcp Jn Jpc Grand Jpc Road TRcm 5500 TRcp TRmm Qal Jmt 12 Jk Jk Cuts 6000 Jk Jpc Qatf4 Je Danish Arch Jpc Je TRmt Hill Jcpr TRcm Qatpu Qat Cassidy Trail Qatpu TRcp Jpc 18 To NotomQatpu 16 Qatpu TRmm Qatpu Road Qatpu Qatpu 6500 Jn Qatpu TRcp Grand B e a r Qatpu TRcm Cassidy JTRw Jcpr Je Qat Je Qatpu Qatpu Qmt Arch Qmt Je Wash JTRw 7000 Drive 12 TRcp Qat TRcs TRcm 6 Qatpu TRcs TRco Grand Qatpu TRmm TRcs Qatpu Qal TRco TRms 20 TRcm Jcwg 10 TRcp Jk TRmt Jcwb Qatpu Qat Qatpu TRcs C a n y o n Qal Qmt 19 R Qatpu Je Tmm Qat TRco Jcpr Jpc Qatpu Qal2 Qat Jpc R Jk Qatpu JTw Jn Jcpr Je Qatpu A Qatpu Je Qat TRco 7500 TRmm Jcpr Qal TRcp Jpc Jcpr Je Qal2 Qatpu Qmtv Qat TRcs Qatpu TRms R Jcpr Jcwb Tmm Jn Qal Qal Qal2 Base map from U.S. Geological Survey Field mapping by authors, 2005 Fruita 7.5' quadrangle, 1987 SCALE 1:24,000 GIS Analyst, J. Buck Ehler and Darryl Greer Geologic data and base map in NAD 1927 1 1/2 0 1 MILE Cartographer, Lori J. Douglas Shaded topography generated from digital elevation data Project Manager, Grant C. Willis 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET ISBN 1-55791-773-6 Research suported by the United States National Parks Service, under NPS Grant #P2360032216 Key access roads, selected trails, and prominent and the U.S. Geological Survey National 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER features in and near Capitol Reef National Park Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program under shown in brown. Condition and status of roads and trails may change over time. Some not shown. EDMAP Award #03HQAG0003. The views and CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET conclusions contained in this document are those of From data provided by National Park Service. the authors and should not be interpreted as 12° 6' necessarily representing the official policies, either UTAH expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE FRUITA QUADRANGLE, Geological Survey, makes no warranty, expressed 2007 MAGNETIC DECLINATION QUADRANGLE LOCATION or implied, regarding the suitability of this product AT CENTER OF SHEET WAYNE COUNTY, UTAH for a particular use. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, shall 321 1 Cathedral Mountain not be liable under any circumstances for any 2 Fruita NW direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential by 3 Caine Springs 4 Twin Rocks damages with respect to claims by users of this 4 5 product. 5 Caineville 1 1 2 6 Grover Briana T. McLelland , Thomas H. Morris , Daniel H. Martin , 7 Golden Throne The Miscellaneous Publication series provides 6 7 8 8 Notom non-UGS authors with a high-quality format for 3 documents concerning Utah geology. Although and Samuel C. Sorber review comments have been incorporated, this ADJOINING 7.5' QUADRANGLE NAMES publication does not necessarily conform to UGS technical, policy, or editorial standards. 2007 Utah Geological Survey, 1594 W. North Temple, P.O. Box 146100, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6100. Phone: 801-537-3300; fax 801-537-3400; 1Brigham Young University, Department of Geological Sciences, Provo, Utah 2Fronterra Geosciences, 5100 North Brookline Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 3ExxonMobil Exploration Company, Houston, Texas UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Plate 2 a division of Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 07-2 Utah Department of Natural Resources Geologic Map of the Fruita Quadrangle in cooperation with National Park Service and Brigham Young University Department of Geological Sciences Volcanic Boulder-Covered Strath Terraces and Landscape Evolution DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS Jk Kayenta Formation (Lower Jurassic) – Moderate-reddish-brown to moderate- Volcanic Boulder-covered Strath Terraces within the Glen Canyon Group QUATERNARY DEPOSITS reddish-orange, irregularly bedded, very fine to coarse-grained sandstone and Section of the Fremont River Canyon - from Eddleman (2005) siltstone. Forms stepped topography composed of ledges (locally cliffs) and Boulder-covered strath terraces are dominant landforms carved into Figure A FrFemoremonnt Rti vReriTveerrra cTeeDrartaace Data Alluvial and floodplain deposits – Poorly to moderately sorted material in slopes. The upper approximately 100 feet (30 m) was mapped by Sorber and Qal the relatively resistant bedrock of the Fremont River drainage.
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