Tampa, Florida, Sky 1966 Blue 9 December Committee Dear Kisser,

As> a. recent Davidson I\*as shocked, to read of like you on campus. r.i^ers - Plans 1968 Target Surest you return to Africa one thing for sure, they don't need you on campus. Study Does Alcohol Y0UT3, Bring Trouble! Sloan Grants College What goes on at schools Guides that allow, either openly or tacitly, drinking on cam put? $250,000 To answer the question, For Science Given DAVIDSONIAN staffer Ed Embree contacted news- A $250,000 to tin- college. D.i\ dMfl -a.1 September 196H has IMM s< grant 1 one ol -0 pn propnation from the papers at Eastern and iii.mIc publ.( :!n- \'.c--k. w.ll vale colleges across HMM CHRISTMAS PRESENT H the tentative date for instill the nationi K..unda:;oii for a "tfjfto B* Southern colleges and uni- m.ike jxxssibic implMMM pro gram ; The letter reproduced above wai walling SONIAN to determine the validity of the tion of M revised curriculun in ,(j v,.l nary science progr.im f«.r graou uhi-ii .{icording to a memorandum i «iii rrmtiHii il <>f J7.soo.ooo is bm| juniors Brown and Wayne signature unsuccessful. ■ for Leslie Crum- were Crumwtll and live on Davidson's drink- ! MphPCBl i,w;i the Blue Sky Committee relea- hm.n .uid their poattter ui the $500,000. found on page six. l.irmally »;r.tn;. proposed "multi track" currk acce|W tlu- from colleges may ,mp'-.»w tii>-irs Sloan Found largeM ulum for different-quality sti :!h" Alfred I* This marks the ap DM r,-cipient.s werepicked o.i tThe ,>1 dents and greatly increased it Ibas:> their ability to co;i terdepartmental work. i and innova1 \ The memorandum. NlMM solution* which might apply In Dana Grant To Endow Wednesday, advocates the pre« New Program To Have their own fundamental prob ervation of present curriculun lems and to those of other col strengths while being free t leges in similar situations break away from traditionalpru Professorships Further 4 New grams and attempting both triei considerations wer. and untried innovations Interdisciplinary tlie degree of commitment to The A. Dana Founda the grant, must match the is another i Form Charles ceive timely gift expressioi improve education, ca. $250,000 KiMM >n. Inc., has announced that sum with another and of the remarkable insight whicl l APPROVAL ASSUMED pu-ay to carry through plaji- College ' Plans art' now being laid by and on the quality ol the slu liierimil physics, electricity and avidson will receive place it in an endowment fund. Mr. Dana and his associate It is also to be assumed !>■ and abilitv to susUm the added for the of According to the foundation's have regarding the press '.he adm:ni.s:r.i:ion tor tho un dents." Johnston commented magnetism, light and modem I.SO.000 establishment most the committee that the collvgt effort af'- r the Sloan .support ' plmwMation the V.V think a'.tracl.on physics quantum effects and re Ifour Charles A. Dana Profes plan. Charles A. Dana Profes ing problems that face a college will implement any of nm iciaace th.s CM i\p.res. curriculun" program possible by !)f \.:y sorships. sors must be teaching rather such a.s Davidson. changes which it proposes. made the especially strong for pro l.i: several have than "We proceeding at ' Sloan Foundation spWttal teachers in the high biology are.t will nclude "For years we administrativepersonnel. are onc< The memorandum support; The In its announcement, David "We w.ll develop a two school, main ol whom ,m- iv. in coll biology, such as been assisting colleges and uni The college will provide a sal to raise by meansof ourcurren 1 both greater student initiative n .sons prog-.-n wa-. eked as the ary a 1 year ii>:<-rd..sc pi:naiy course m polled from the idea of science membr.uie phenomena, b i o versities with funds for build for Dana Professorship Ford Challenge Program tin selecting coursesand the utiliza only one invo'ving an cntJreh said, teaching energetics ings and facilities," said Charles equivalent to the average sal $250,000 which Davidson mus 1 tion of educational experiences science." Martin "to in by !he rigor and e\ and molecular biolo new interd^sciplir-iry elude .subject dusivenes-s of the traditional gy of the gene. science A. Dan.i founder of the pro ary for a full professor. To this provide to qualify to participant I not presently available. mailer from " program. chemistry, program, salary a share of the annual in in the Dana Professorship Pro The "multi-track" system will physics, and biolo he s.ud Kurtiiei. The f:rst year will involve si\ "Eight years ago." he contin come from the grant will be gram." offer programs for exceptional, gy. and to be supported by work i program such is we propose class houo .i Mtffc and two "We think that science itsel! ued. "we established a continu added. The other schools which an I above average average in mathematics and in tte phtto Wiould be even more attractive three-hour laboratory periods. will benefit by an increased a- ' and stu- ing scholarship program in 10 Robert J. Sailstad. director of involved in the program an dents. sophy of science. ;«> preministerial and premedi Our.ng the second year the stu sociauon w:th the liberalizing colleges which willhave a total publi'- relations and develop . L«wiston. Me. I Objectives of the committee Dean of Faculty Froniis W. c.iI students. u> whom a broader dent would have three class and humanizing forces which ment, said that the professor . thai "the of methods hours a week three of 600 Dana Scholars next year. Mount Berry i were listed in the memorandum Johnston emphasized understand.ng the and one have been traditional in tr»- purpose laboratory "It appeared to me and the ships can be awarded to either Ga.: University of Bridgeport ' as providing the Davidson stu basic of the course w.ll and importance of science i-s hour period. stronger independent colleges.' trustees of the foundation that a present or new members of the Bridgeport. Conn.: Colby Col dent with an understanding ol be |o strengthen education *n desirable." added Johnston. Major empha-s s durrng the .says 'Everett "Case", Sf-aii Foun third area of need, for many- faculty. "The actual date has lege. Waterville, Me.: ColgaU I mankind's achievements: ar the .sciences by m:nmizing the "We propose to staff the second year will be on biology, dation president. colleges with small endowments not been announced for the University. Hamilton. N. Y. : awareness of the institutions, classical compartmental char program with as imaginative a with advanced material from was that of the significant sup awarding of the grant, but it . Guilford. N symbols and technologies of the acter of biology, chemistry and group a.s we can assemble, and chemistry and physics. Topics Other college-: involved in the port which wouldbring outstand will be announced as soon as C: . Clinton ■ modern world: a desire for in physics, and at the same t-mc the college proposes to give .such is origin and evolution of College Science Program arv possible." N. ' preserve them, universe, ing faculty members." Y :.Mid volvement in the world: an in the rigor and preci within the bounds of life and of the home- Antioch College, Ohio: Carleton Davidson College, one of 10 President D. Grier Martin re- dlebury. Vt.: and Queens Col ' clination to continue learning sion possessed by Uv tradition reasonable academic proce ostatic mechanisms and ecology College. Minn.: Colgate Univer colleges and universities to re marked that "this splerdid and lege. Charlotte.N. C. and to be open-minded: a facil al courses. The laboratory ap dures. a free reign for experi will be emphasized sity. N. Y.; CorneL College. ity in one discipline and anabil- proach will also be revised to mentation." In the proposal, approved by Iowa: Grinnel' College. Iowa. ity to express himself clearly if provide opportunities for e.x Among areas from chemistry the Sloan Foundation. Davidson . Pa.: Hope 1 ploration rather College w 11 add three new fa English and in one foreign Ian ' than merely to be covered during the first College. Mich.: Kalamazoo Col 'Grim Baker' Provides1 guage. observation year wiU be descr.ptive inor culty members, one each in Jege. Mich.: . Ill. In .ntroduc.ng the program in garlic: equilibrium and thermo biology, cheni.stry ir.d physics. Middlebury College. Vt., More ' TIMETABLE SET the fall of 1967. Davidson plans dynamics.: analytical chemistry, and will employ a machinist house College. Ga.: Mt. Holyoke The timetable released in the to admit only 25 freshmen and qualitative and quantitative: technician to maintain the soph College. Mass : Oberlm College. Doughnuts,Philosophy committee's memorandum in sophomcre.s initially, as it U atomic structure and chemical i "l.cated instrumentation which Ohio: . Calif . eludes subcommittee reports to .elt that the objectives of the bonding: kinetics; electro cliem will be a part of the educa . Ore.: Smith Col be received by March 1 and course caii only be reached istry and topics in organic- tonal program There will also lege. Mass.: Swarthmorc Col By BRUCE WEIHE April 1. New curriculum pro- through dependence on "the chemistry be funds f_r summer study lege. Pa.: Washington k Lee Staff Writer be posals to completed by Oct. enthusiasm, knowledge a H d Physics topes will include Urant-s. rnaUr .ils library ,ic University. Va.: and Williams 1 and implementation plans to Blending mixture of old although Clay only been by Himself a class imag nation of the imiructor. mec.han.es and w.ne motion. qu.siuons and consultants. College. Mass a had Bible teacher be completed by Feb. 1968 time religion into his views on twice this year. at Prospect Presbyterian Church 1. Review analysis of the today's fast-paced society, the "Andy used to come two or ("the mother church of David- and subcommittee reports, including Grim Baker of Mooresville con- three times a week." Powers son College"). Powers repeated the report of the tinues his role as the midnight sighed, "but this yearhe said he ly revealed his extensive know Subcommittee 'Bag' Curriculum Structure, will be Law til dawn philosopher of the Da- was going to study. ledge of Biblical verises in sup on conducted from April 1 to vidson community porting his opinions. June "Davidson students seldom get 1. Baker, my The Grim formally on nerves." Powers contin Pointing to his assistant. J. W. Proposals for the new curric Conflicts known as R. C. Powers, oper- ued. looking back on 40 years at Robbins, Power* reported that ulum will be written from June ates theMooresvilleBakery, fre the same location. "his grandfather was in on thej 1 to Sept 1. Review by student. quented by early-morning Powers strong opinions meeting that Davidson. many voiced set up jtrustee and faculty groups and Unresolved scholars. on the new morality that is and it was set up as a religious Davidson Imodification of the proposals No plan has been discussed Powers admits that his busi creeping into today's society, school primarily to train minis " will be made from Sept. 1 to for changing the faculty regula ness wi'h college students has ranging from long hair to liq ters He bemoaned the fact Oct 1 lions to conform with state fallen off a bit this year, uor. "Sometimes I just get that "that just isn't so any Saws but The proposals will be sub concerning the possession and figures that the upcoming exam plain disgusted with these fellas more." mitted to the faculty at the first transportation period should return with long muttered the Powers had ! of alcoholic bev see a of hair." said he even,meeting in October. Final devel- President I) Grier Mar familiar faces. "Why. it's dis of I MNIfm, Grim Baker. a heard students who werenow 'opment of the pl«ns will tin commented in Kyalways their grace longhair, because Bible, the take an interview . like to know to wear talking down the that place Fen 1. 1968 names, son of building fam symbol of woman's self little relevance Tuesday. up a it's a Bible had in to The new catalogue will be is- ily here at the bakery." Pow pride and man's weakness." day's world. Disgustedly the sued April 1. and the new The recent la* reminisced. student, 1968. ers The GrimBaker When someone mentioned that baker reportedthat one curriculum instituted in Septem- prohibiting "brown bagging listed Barry Sickles. Dick Hurd. Jesus probably wore his hair either at Davidson or Chapel ber. 1968. has been certified by the Meek Fred Sackett and Andy Clay as long, the baker cried that "he Hill, had proclaimed "If you're lenburg Superior Court and is in CHAIRMEN PICKED four of the more recent mem was the most brutally treated going to take liquor and women effect. It prohibits transporta of Frontis John bers of his illustrious "family." man of all time." (See Baker, page six) Dean Faculty tion or possession of liquor e\ and Dr. ston Earl MacCormac cept in the case of transport.i head the Subcommittee on Indi- tion to a private home. vidual Study Programs. The Subcommittee on Credits. Eval- The student conduct section uation and Graduate School Ad of the faculty regulations states missions is chaired bv Dr. J. G. that a student may possess aI Martin and Dr. J. H. Ostwalt cohol on the campus if it is in Dr. Frank Bliss and Dr I O. NEW LIGHTS ON CAMPUS the locked trunk of his automo Embry direct the Subcommittee Cop Linker's Reenforcement Unnamed bile. This is now illegal accord on Special Curriculum Innova ing to the state's brown bagging tion* 1 i\i Dr. Max Polley and Dr. "Obviously, students must Charles Ratliff head the Sub Security Sought Officer obey the state laws or suffer committee ' on Non Western Stud the consequences. Martin said. les. Ostwalt is chairman of the An interim committee compos Physical Plant Grover Meetzc. Onf possibility of a source "The college regulations will m>'. ed of administrative figures i "We have nobody in sight and would be Safe, Inc., a Charlotte " Subcommittee on Special Teach Ik- changed, probably, in the process of securing ad Ii.im- worked up instruc- investigating service which has no ing Devices. an ' no The Subcommittee of Present dilional security officer for the tions Burts said this week. supplied guards for a number Dean of Students Richard C Curriculum is chaired bv Polley campus, as a result of a deri However. In- conceded tliat there ol campus social and athletic Burls remarked thai last spring and Ratliff. Embry and John sion made before Christmas tu probably would be a single em functions. when the brown bagging law ston head the Subcommittee on stiffen enforcement of the f.ic ployee. who would work on Fn "But we would probably have MM first reinterpreted, by the Curriculum Scope. The Sub \ ulty's drinking rules. days and Saturdays Iwtter relations with someone N. C. Attorney General, the t'.\ m ± committee on Importance of The committee is made up of Enforcement ol the drinking who is more locally oriented." ecutive Committee considered Changes in the Secondary School President D Grier Martin. Dean rulr will not be the new secur he said. altering the regulations. How Curriculum is headed by Bliss of Students Richard C Burts Jr . ity officer's only responsibility. No directives have been is ever, an injunction was brought and Ostwalt. Dr. Locke White Business Manager and Treasur Burts asserted, though he also sued yet to the present campus to prevent enforcement of tin- (Staff Photo by Olson) and MacCormac head the Sub- er Robert A. Curne Jr.. Assist said "I don't want to say for security officers as to what pol law in Mecklenburg County and GRIM BAKER STVRTS TO SMILE committee on Curriculum Struc- ant Business Manager Robert J. sure what"" his responsibilities icy should be pursued in refer the Executive Committee took ...HI I-.. ture. no action LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sljr ■SB 0^ 1 Bautdsonutn ht\ r\aO B* JOHN bailiy Clf\oVjK/blJOlI Associate Editor NEWS AND EDITORIAL VOICE OF THE DAVIDSON COLLEGE STUDENT BODY Watson Proposes Cure IV Published weekly by the students of DavidsonCollege during the school year, except during holidays and examination periods. Entered as second class matter at Davidson. N. C. For Coliseum Ticket Ills LOUIS LESESNE CHRIS HAWK According ft Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Dear Editor: the Coliseum would have am lessors and avoided hall and Any student who attended pie time to sell the remainder house bull sessions iwhich that students had only subtracted from the PAGE TWO FRIDAY, JANUARY G. 1967 HM Davidson Princeton game of a section time and who in "student partially filled. which Icould more effectively the > OH" can recall the annoy Ihope that Dr. Scott and ( ? use memorizing my par To the Coliseum management will notes). IJwN Mtafl John ing confusion over seating. . The Coliseum management find these suggestions useful. I thought I had ihe ■ directed Davidson students BILL WATSON But then my bubble ni\ to College several sections in the left D.ividson crazy, secure bubble burst Compulsory, Part I h,nl Brotherly me//.mine and told students to wide open Somehow I come to ui. Imean wmetii es we on whom have ever seen each other, is so its fraternity, began emerging ■ mh.iiv in the face uitho'it the the sajiw sectiona aad don't react to li'iv and when we iton'1 we've cheated college campu M the ridiculous that it doesn't even merit 'nito u.u !) tad :a .it Southern es. people in their Finally Sees Light 1 a friend, a parent, our Uwer, our elve paeudo it someone time, the concepl of brotherhood with- ission n it nits the dial wine wl . >. You have to have an answer of boH to group ol 10 o It i- conceivable that the name and I ii Kii \ stem imall cohesive often i '-'riiiip of friends was happens to you You can'l ju.-t lei thin- ou meaningful. on of a nation.il fraternity I have not the .i!>ilit\ Oi ■ 'I the Ws men wu viable and oi .i student and his date things, not the thing -tune a numlK r lr. .it least ii'it the important rvening ion nonsensical the "othei have followInj \i(|snn the on!) waj the and an ci|ii.il amount i ti■■ has of infamous national offices Huns: Mam" Few Davidson irate: " are Miki fraternity men here acknowl oncern for its future robbed me "i indii: When telling student and growth ui the demands the national the anachronism national frater- ■ ■. t of the chance la \ "'' Davidson, man. I had arrive! and yet reluci the Athletic Tick fraahman offi, on local chapters all in epresent are ml Ami I do have. unique po what l believed, and of tike i wasn't just oneof those everyd iy sori ol th ties with the mother i.' Office -hnuld sell .ill tick pursue, Mb of the brotharhood-aMarge break the i ui to id .mil in think. shift the name betas aWu " F was up there Ihad experienced all the usual p is sin- iheir numerical sequence ;i(l Such programs as elaborate building! The usual explanation a Davidson from "the outside tl . u .li I things thai a kind ol astug fear of being alone in HI each se< tion entirelj and all the allowed for to house the national headquarters. fraternJty's For the* reasons I have de I was rohlx-d of time U) ifl feeling, a feeling secured by the fact that I w:i.> en neve, with possible detrimental ■ n;>ening a new section full-time staff "i executive secreta- . ;il. il that 1 must contribute lo about studying our modem pnrt in a relatively group. It didn't in rush Tku* .ill seats in ■ sactkn or titled to a tefaI ries, field secretaries and stenograph- ussions the nn\ which will in the end preditintents and attempting take any about: there were plenty of solution concert- on would !>" talking Iknew k secretaries, loan funds and scholar- The obvious lies in hopefully build a better Da to du something ,:bout them. the same type of feeimgs. by fraternitv onlj 'H Davidson students others that had precisely ships drain the local chapters It's not ed action the entire \l(|snl. if even in ■ nrj small per point 1 was a part of something pretty court In doing so. no single fraternitv but the was unusual for Davidson fraternities to * Clearly mark these sec Allow me this space to tell h.ips Insignificant waj fine, and Davidson was goiii", to make it ail much $2,500 a the could be adversely affected The »I» partial pav or more year into lions and .i section as ii( Individual experience. No. time for that was in the more of type of life it had already been office, vious locus for such action should be only an the coffers of the national all in reserved for l>:i\ ulsmi which will hopefully be <>f future, after Ihad my degree, Council, where Signs the name of the national brotherhood. in the Interfraternitv smdents and their dates some aid in the current cur after successfully completing In return, they receive little more representatives could maintain a liai- raajdtag "Davidson Student riculum revision discussions. graduate school. Then my ... than harassment "for failing to turn in son between the rest of the court and Section could be used individual members. Kor my freshman and soph chance would come. reports on time and an occasional free these seclioi.s have years. I probably in a brother visits a The move for local autonomy would :d Once omore was But is the world waiting for HOW CAN ANYONE tell a freshman who es- bed a house when been determined, allow David as good a follower of "the sys me to complete my strange town. have a doubly beneficial effect: Not "formal sentially has "had it gtnade" that things will be any only chapters them- son students and their dates tern' as any of my colleagues. education". and could I ever Whether or not brotherhood can ex- would local find anywhere different in the future? Don't get me wrong: Iwas eating selves in an improved situation, the to sit within the de I cut only when absolutely really escape from my "sys- to ist in a group of 40 to60people lineated student section. able rationalize right along with Lucy in "Pea- daily is moot question. But college's reputation would be boosted necessary, studied my assign tem" after it had become my wondering why "tips ups together a Designate life many nuts" we can't have and the idea of brotherhood binding to- by moving away from an anachronistic "I i a final day for ed lessons diligently, got my for so years? and ups." But Iwasn't quite ready for any "downs." gether thousands of undergraduates svstem picking up tickets that would assigned papers done and Many of my colleagues man- First of all Iwas making new friends at the rate of be convenient for both stu proofread with time to spare, aged to form a compromise 275 or so every two or three days;Ifigure that was dents and the Coliseum. Thus "browned" my share of pro with "the system." but. as a about how long it took one to make the cycle of in- result, they sacrificeda much- troductions three or four times. . . . And man, like Change: Will It Come? needed grade-point averagefor all the rest,Iwas ready for rush.I"knew" like every- a grappling with the prob oneelse that things could happenand go wrong, but lems of society. But When the disciplinary case involv- Maintenance of a dry campus has one must they never had, and there was no reason to think alwaysbeen student enforced, and the have that grade-point average that they would at this time. ing a student found under the influ- to get into graduate school, triggered month repeal last year of student regulations ence of alcohol last after which he will have the a shortlived discussion of the faculty's does not reduce the necessity of con- change sidering student opinion and feeling position (by now being ac- So it went. Unlucky freshmen today; you miss policy on drinking, a minor cepted as an authority) to ex- something by not in wording of the pun- on the matter. having to know that glorious first was made the press his ideas and be listened week we serious, ishment against drinking infractions, When the college underwent a sim- experienced I'm throughout that ilar trauma over the alcohol question to. Therefore, our system goes first week Davidson was out of this world. We all giving a wider range of disciplinary forward stagnating minds pretty actiSn two years ago. an acceptable solution much decided where he wanted to pledge and was found only by joint conferences which will later be called on although we knew somethingcould happen.. . Well, At the time, the faculty's action was to lead our society. they were all really nice guys, and to policy, between students and faculty Such an someone would understood be an interim now; But why not progress? The get you through of en- approach is obviously needed the "session." He could make a until a detailed examination the study Germans have a pretty good speech in the session threatening resign drinking could be under- procrastination in initiating the to or some tire situation U only a difficult problem idea of how. They seem to things; you'd make it. taken But that time, the only postponing since that must ultimately be faced and wrestle with the problems of action resulting from the discussion society and to their has been an announcement that en- solved. advance " * « ■ decrees at the same time. forcement will be more stringently en- But how do they do it? How — not looking forced a word about into ROTC's Lasting Benefits can they possibly be learning changes existingrule EVERYONE was encouraging. you possible in the if the professor doesn't make Why should Realism alone should force a reex- Elsewhere in this issue is an article for a minute really believe there was much hurt in- policy, sure through regular tests? volved in amination of the present which describing the nationwide controversy JIM* They do it through college? It was too new and too fast-mov- matur is virtually unenforceable without over the ROTC program It is appar- ity. The ing. The whirl was great.Everyone complained about ently a at immature don't make the endless dorm rush, ruinous consequences. President D. vital issue a number of it; they fall by the wayside. and then secretly counted quoted month schools, been made even the notes from men." Cirier Martin was last and has more The mature, the ones who will "the We'd slip out to play in THE DAVIDSONIAN as saying that so by the nation's misgivings over the flickerball secure in the notion that we knew what security personnel eventually lead the immature. going the increase in and course the military is carrying out in are offered the highest was on and had things well under control. not free- the drinking rule should be taken Vietnam. dom to pursue their studies "as a sort of public relations thing" But despite strong feelings of a few when and where and how they Imean most of us for thebenefit of parents and trustees. students, there has never been any please. pursue. didn't know too much about thought protest the Army's And they do fraternities, but they seemed to be prettv good It is inconceivable that such a strong here over But one says this academic a should even occur, for if the adminis- presence on campus and very little way to continue the "in" way of life which most freedom cannot exist on the everyone at Davidson had known. tration is willing to take the steps nec- over the compulsory nature of the American campus. Why just Anyway,anything essary rule, particu- program. that seemed to go wrong always happened others, to enforce the in basic look at the multitudes who to lar, room searches, the result would In fact, the ROTC program often Whose most of us were used to sympathizing with would take advantage of the Ihen suddenly be anvthing but public relations, at appears so attractive to certain stu- rush was over, and things were really' new-found freedom to have a in pretty good least favorable relations. The result- dents iwe have in mind certain ath- good time. order for the beginning of classes. ing publicity could do a great deal of letes whose height exempts them from harm to the" college's reputation. the program) that they elect to take The mature, however, will " * * There is no getting around the fact the course despite their immunity. carry the load in any system that in any society of matureIndivid Apparently they feel that the last- in which they are placed. So uals. there must be a concensus about ing benefits derived from the week's why not give the student a Leadership Laboratory system in which he can ma- THE WALK to pick up the bids was interesting anacceptance of the rules under which and care and because Iknew what would there; society lives. The obvioUtf>xcep- cleaning of the Ml outweigh those of ture and then advance at his be after all the the *'' pace? bid had been there all my mean, sure, tion is that of a police staNe"1 other elective courses. own mature life. I some- body wasn t going to getexactly what he wanted,but WOODY FAULK it would Marburg. W. Germany work out. There was a little knot in my stomach and a little suspense before Iopened that brown envelope, but there any trepida- Opens tion wasn't real Sloan The Door because Ihad confidence in myself and David- Interdepartmental programs in col- is particularly suited to the small lib- leges and universities are a dime a eral arts college. which obviously New 'Miscellany' Offers dozen, despite boasts five years would be unable to produce spe- And then like I and the ♥u , . J"st had been hit so hard in ago of Davidson's pioneering with cialist in the first place. By grounding e £ .l!.2Ln2Ls»?.lSach lhat lcouldn't breathe, Ire- its Humanities program, such survey the student in the history and phi- alized tBbr tM bid.Iwanted wasn't there. It didn't courses of Western Civilization are no losophy of science and the scientific matter about airy toners; "the bid" simply wasn't in method, pursu- 3itter-Sweet' Literature the envelope. Ididn't exception. not only is the college want to cry; Ididn't feel re- However, the quarter million dollar ing its goal of the liberally educated jected; f wasn't about to kill myself. grant from the Sloan Foundation will man, but it is preparing any student A R.vl.w join the life he is leaving via ing. perhaps. He puts words enable Davidson to make a valuable for a better overall view as he under- By SAM DARBY a slit wrist. A very goodpiece together to get sounds and contribution to the interdepartmental takes the inevitable specialized grad- Staff Wrlt.r or primitive fiction. moods and images, but it is IAdjust keen crushed and felt like a doglooks many poems personal— not only to the poet, when he doesn't approach to education, for such ven- uate study. The current number of the There are so understand the punishmenthis mas- by people age but also to the reader. ter dishes out. tures in the field of the sciences are MISCELLANY is a bitter written our Ijust did not understand.This wasn't which abound with offbeat "A points an accus- in the card* U wasn't virtually unexplored in the twenti- sweet collection of literature. Senior" ° supposed to happen to me. century Knowledge Explosion, in and presentedplain- similes ("upon four legged for ing finger at some undefined JU 1Ul y U eeI y^^e gone after some- eth Belligerent organized thing, if youi which scientists in particular have Females ly tastefully The intro est clouds the cowboy-angel intellect which dictates to us hfii with?h all have in you knowing that will be and enough suddenly been forced into more and more nar- The idea of conscripting women into ductory editorial says that the rides"). They exude a general our idols and needs, dislikes and realize it wasn't which is depress prejudices and makes row specialization. military service is nothing new, at ataencc of h central theme frustration and our but delightful " " The grant will allow Davidson to be a recent conference on the draft, prohibits any congruence of ing. It is always to existences seem meaningless ■" an- and true pioneers in the field, and a sue thropologist Margaret Mead gave a the divers parts, and an edi find form and meter compared to the freedom of a restful nroeram could boost the col- novel reason for not sending them tor can only present the pieces rhyme in young poetry. pastoral life. Charles Vick 's lege's reputation across the country. into combat. out of context or meaning— "Vivaldi" carries an under- searching poem bewails the ICAN GO ON and on about how much the ex- as other schools will consider imple- Women are just too fierce. Dr Mead rather like a box of assorted current of heavy rhythms Gehenna of philistine South perience did for me in the way of helping me grow menting programs. rules, not chocolates. A reviewer is in much like classical Baroque now dry of the culture and up and lots df other things that indirectly similar said. "Men have nice like to accrued Indeed, even receiving the grant in- fighting on Christmas," she added. the same position —he cannot music. The unnamed poem by- dignity it once was so proud me from It. And I'll deal with some of these in dicates a certain confidence in David- The Christian Science Monitor criticize the magazine as a William Farr. another "new" of. the next few columns. But these aren't what is really son and the college's proposed inter- points out several historic female war- whole, but only select parts writer, has a light Renaissance The three "non-literary ar- important in this instance. departmental science program. Other riors whom Dr. Mead may have had far commendation and con grace and yet a tragic theme ticles I^egette Blythe's on Southern schools are at a premium on in mind. Witness Boadicea. the An- struction of wasted life. "Concerto for Thomas Wolfe (not the con- What is important is that Davidson College has the list of the 20 schools receivingthe glican queen who sacked three cities Perhaps the most pleasant Two" paints two vividpictures temporary Tom Wolfe), the no justification for fostering a system like the pres- grants, and the recipients are all rec- in the first century before her army ly surprising thing about this and then blends them into one interview with PadraicColum. ent fraternity system which can result in such real ognized as being among the leaders in was crushed by the Roman oppressors. issue is the short story by a movement of life and music: and Rob William s lithograph hurt as Ifelt. I'm not really speaking to fraternities; American education. Many are among Whether or not Dr. Mead's reason- freshman. "Wilson Russell's "Orsamavedas" reflects Hin- are welcome in the Miscel- they are what theyare. I'mspeaking to you: students, the schools the Blue Sky Committee ing is valid, she made a valid point: Suicide." A very sensitive du and Bhuddist optimism and lany. They add scope and dig faculty, administration, trustees, alumni; as long as will be visitingand studying for ideas Women can well serve in such vital, piece about a boy's mistrust faith in the cycle of life. nity to the work and pick up only one person is hurt unnecessarily by a part of for currculum reform. thoughnot so bellicose,rolesas typing of himself, his friends, and What does one say about a pace which might otherwise the college when something can be done about it The opportunity for such a program finally his mental effort to re- W. H Jackson s poetry? Noth then you are in the wrong. «%* Bautoioman January 6. 1967 Page Three

The Other Davidson

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Photos by Don Carroll

* Mm* Aj^d *

t.l Jl fit s..P . .

it Page Four January 6. 1967 »hr »aul**orriait Nationwide Protest Against ROTC Continues student protests in 1959 science remain at 7S per cent the encouragement of the Penta course wererejected." following the . He said he supported his son's series of have. ED. NOTE: The across 1959 level. gon. the university made the — instructors Kohak agrees that the roprlnl»d from Tho In 1959 a University of Call actions. and 1960. to conditionally elim of the Military-science Dr. article it requirement So far the compromise is program entirely voluntary. often away military should retain control Selene* Monitor. fomia freshman. Fred Moore In 1962. after other protests inate,ROTC as a too are transferred Christian working. In Ann Arbor. University of from duty before they over strictly military coursema Protests against college ROTC Jr.. went on a hunger strike and a decision by the armed for Admission ROTC The conditions of the decision Back in 1957 two conscientious Michigan antiwar students pro- have a cliance even to become terial. He admits that in this ( Reserve Officers Training rather than take compulsory forces to discourage compulsory entering freshmen objectors found they couldn'ten test with a sense of accustomed teaching rou- the Army knows better Corps' are like brush fires: military science After a petition ROTC programs, the tlniversity wereihat all humor. to a area dropped six roll at the University of Mary They occasionally schedule a tine. than the university what an of they're hard to put out. was circulated by students. of California the re take a week indoctrination - military science (but land unless they took ROTC. "PeacemakersBall" to coincide Some opponents of ROTC ficer needs. For the past It years they Moore was admitted to classes quirernent. coufte in wiisjat* drill) that They sued and lost the case. with the ROTC s a university have posed problems for aca Significantly. Moore's utfcer At the University of WIscon and enroll annual "Mili charge that when RIGHT KEPT military Six years later, however, at tnry Ball." demic firemen on campuses was a colonel jd, jface sin the regents votfd.^.sfler a mend* in advanced declares ROTC psrsena wen Military-science courses are. V^C^tf Minor eruptions have occurred grata, defense grants tend to in fact, outlined by the armed this fall at St. Lawrence College. disappear at the same time. Not services. But Boston University N. Y.: Marietta College. Ohio: all the ROTC critics agree on maintains the right, as do all Ohio . Del.: this, though, and even the ac schools with ROTC units, to re and Middlebury College. Vt. An cusers admitit is hardto prove. ject any proposed subject ma- official at says When asked if he had heard terial. that although no protests have of any such pressure being ROTC instructors, too. are un yet broken into the open there, brought by the armed forces, der the nominal control of each subterranean rumblings are be one ROTC spokesman pooh university. They are military of- ginning to be heard. poohed the idea. ficers, assigned to ROTC for A protest however, < loud has. The supporters of ROTC are an average three-year tour of I WJt i W *m W* M OF Ok i . surfaced at Boston University. not restricted to the ranks of duty. They are paid by the * In its first issue of the school the military. At Boston Univer armed forces, not by the univer fall, year this the student news sity one of the corps's best sity. The services submit dos paper. BU Now*, featured a friends is Dr.Erazim V. Kohak. siers on one or more candidates H column-length fttvSOfeh. editorialand sev- a philosophy professor. university The can disapprove eral pages of news stories criti Dr. Kohak charges that un all of them if it so chooses. cizing ROTC at BU. deriving all the arguments a- Col. MarioT. Villanti. who has ROTC officials reactedswiftly. gainst ROTC "is the question of charge of the military science (It-fending their position and whether we really approve of program at Boston University, charging the newspaper with armies at all." also says ROTC instructors an- slanting its news coverage. He contends that in today's as well prepared as their coun Out of the flurry of charges world a military establishment terparts in other academic may and countercharges come is necessary to maintain peace fields. He himself has a law faculty The action. university is and freedom. degree and is a member of the currently in a self-study pro Dr. Kohak defends the prac- Massachusetts Bar Association. gram. One of the recommenda tice or giving academic credit ORIGINS lions of a faculty group is e\ for ROTC courses on the same ROTC gressibk\ to the second, or advanced, Some military science He contends that to maintain course. courses aren't proper meat for the academic freedom enjoyed Most of those who do complete an academic institution. Fre- in the UnitedStates and the free the four year course are even quently named are marksman world, the political structure tually commissioned as officers ship and "leadershiplaboratory" must be supported. And the in oneof the armed forces close order drill. political structure, he argues, is Some semesters cadets spend (Staff Photo by Olson) Neither ROTC professors protected by the military as much as half their time each nor military science courses go JUSTIFIED IN REQUIRINGSTUDENTS TO TAKE ROTC? Dr. Kohak is not total in his week in military science. Other IS A COLLEGE through regular academic chan- support. He says the university At Dvidson, Tuesday Drill Is A Part Of Th« Academic Requirement* semesters a cadet may be re nels before being approved at a should have more academic con quired to spend very little of university. trol over some military science (I.is-, time in military courses. — professors Because ROTC courses. The tools for control are Given the student protest at- Iare paid by the military, and there, he says, but they have mosphere on most campuses to not by the university, and be never been used. " day. anti ROTC flareups can be Colleges' cause course content is pre- "It would be interesting. Experimental Merit says expected to continue. But the scribed by the military, the uni Dr. Kohak, "to submit a mili ROTC concept appears firmly versity tary has no control over history course to the his entrenched in the nation's edu ROTC.— lory department for approval. It cational scene. As a voluntary Military-science courses would be interesting to see the subject it is likely to be around represent a militaristic point of reaction of the Army if the for some time to come. Schools view, InfluencesEducators. and offer no presentation of possible alternatives to mili- ED. NOTE: Thi following Santa Cruz completed its first colleges should make their at experimental college be set up Times. proposal, tary force. article it taken from the Duke year of operation in June. This mosphere more intellectual and there. In this the fac- Thev set up the college in — MEET YOUR FRIENDS i Since the university must Chronicle, Duke University. pilot college last year enrolled more adult than that of the ulty member quoted from "A rebellion against "an educa- AT THE students. residence hall." Letter to the Undergraduates" is be a "universal" institution in Many colleges anduniversities 652 usual tional system that they feel to remain academically by Bradford Cleveland, taken according order GONDOLA throughout tk«- nation have been At Santa Cruz "small lecture NO GRADES 'fixed and rigid'," to free, it should neither support RESTAURANT by the from The Berkeley Student Re- college Is not W AT influenced discussions on courses will be avoided as much The emphasis In the expert the Times. The nor accept support from any IhOEPENDENCE WILKINSON BLVD. of an 'experimental the early volt. one at Santa CHARLOTTE merits col as possible, but in ment is onthe independentstudy residential as the government. This includes, say lege.' years inevitable." ac- concentrates on inno- some are and interdisciplinary courses. Cleveland questions the sys Cruz and the critics, providing free class- WHILE ENJOYING cording to the college's booklet. vation in curriculum. THE BEST Although tli«- term has meant The students only tak» H»M tern presently used in mest uni- room— and office space forROTC. something a hit different in each Academic Plan. courses per quarter. The grades versities. According to Cleve- Military-science instructors "pass" WAKING UP case, most of the institutions The booklet furtner statesthat used at present are and land, "as an undergraduate you or frequently do not havethe same "seminars will employed to but their continued use Daniel Altman. the leader sndSPAGHETTI have discussed the advantages be fail." receive a four-yearlong series experiment, Times academic credentials other fac PIZZA groups of six to 15 stu is presently being debated by the told the ulty of a freer, more personal frame focus of sharp staccatos: eight semes that "mostly, the experimental members are required to dents on inquiry and investiga the college's academic senate. work for the intellectual com ten. « courses. 1.SO0 to 2.000 college is concerned with change munily. in Uon Tutorials will be restricted A faculty member considered inpersonal lectures order to stimulate . . . and waking up 'our sleepy uni- thought develop fully to advanced work in the stu the "first year at Santa Cruz to and more versity"." The college offers six potential of the and dents' specialized field." have been most promising in "If you don't cheat you are the students seminar courses so far. faculty. The college has resident fac- the development of superior forced to perform without time Two univer«ities havng insti uv.y momb nm f om p lac ,>"": students who worked on their to think in depth, and const- Altman wrote in the college's JANUARY WHITE SALE? tuted "experimental colleges" academic disciplines. According own for knowledge, not for quently you must handin papers statement of position. "When are the University of California to the Academic Plan, "the prov grades." and exams which are almost as the process of learning becomes at Santa Cruz and Princeton imity and shared interests of At Duke University.-* faculty shameful as the ones you cheat fixed and rigid, when the teach University. faculty and students within the member is proposing that an ed on . . . You perform but er becomes the gradedispensing when do you NO! think?" Cleveland authority and the student the continues. note taking subordinate, when a (We'll that!) course is defined by a fixed a- skip Bill Vacates PRINCETON mnunt of knowledge transmitted BUT Bondurant Princeton in formal lectures in At University about given fixed 50 faculty and students are en- hours. . . . education has be- 1 rolled in an experimental col come no more than an empty this in which NTS, Post lege year, according to the ritual individuals are PR I from stock Vi price Alumni Director's Oct. 8 issue of the New York prisoners of traditional roles." By FRANKLIN ANDERSON Staff Writer CARDIGAN SWEATERS from stock, $6.50, now $4.95 The college is now interview director, he published David "He has been particularly imaginative and helpful in stock, ing possible replacements for son's first alumni directory since keep Pipe Smoker GREETING CARDS from 25c Now 15c William L. Bondurant. who re 1928 using the IBM dataprocess ing the Ford Challenge Program schedule. One of his major tWi ad. with your Davidson ID card, will entitle you :o a cently resigned as director of ing equipment. on stock, . alumni activitiesto practice law Ouzts said that, to his know contributions has been in car-1 20Per CentDiscount SCHEDULE CALENDARS from 34c Now 20c Tying our program for 1.1 Charlotte, according to John ledge, this was the first time forward on pipe (only) purchases. Ouzts. assistant director of that a computer has been used continuing education for Alum- alumni activities. for that purpose in the failed ni." SailsUd continued. STARTING MONDAY is a program of short Bonduranthas set up practice States. This matronmfcnel A Selection of Jim Richards, a 19M Da refresher courses in the liberal with He was also among the first H7 N. Trywt St. I7M7Z3 Charletto vidson graduate. arts for business executives amir alumni directors in the nation to nrofe&aional men A graduate of the Duke Uni have all of a college's alumni PAPER BACKS versity Law School. Bondurant ZIPcoded, according to the served as assistant director of alumni office. di- % Price admissions in 1962 and was He was jointly responsible, rector of alumni activities 1962 Robert ■!. THE FUN BEGINS AT I with Sailstad. director 66. of public relations and develop- director While he was alumni ment, for raising money to he also served as legal ndvisor match the Ford Foundation to the college. grant. a student at Davidson. While Under h>s dir-cMon. the United Bondurant was presidentof Be*a store Appeal exceeded its goal for HATTIE'S (student Theta Phi and Omicron Delta Davidson by 200 per cent. / Kappa, honorary leadership fra <>mities. He was president of "He is one of a long line of his senior class at Duke Law Davidson alumni who have "just up the .." (Lyatfidson mater road served their alma with II School. During his term as alumni high distinction." said Sailstad. (If* Snuineoninn January 6. 1967 Page Five Press Undoes Hoopsters For Poor Vacation Mark Wildcats To Tackle By YATES FAISON Assistant Sports Editor An Analysis and Review SC-Leading WVU Several weeks ago a battle-tested core of Wolverines with 11 minutes to pre- wipe-out frantically together sticky, double-teaming full-court By TOM COOK vent a hastened a Sporti press and down went the 'Cats. And despite the efforts of Coach to Editor combat this illness, not much has gone right ever since. on jiM Trying to get back the Getting the lead has not since been the problem for the Legions It has winning track after a TuM a matter of time. In numerous instances. 30 minutes of good ball was short-circuited day night loss to Richmond. by 10 of hesitancy and indecision. Since the VMI game of Dec 13. four of the Wild- Davidson's youthful Wild- cats' five losses could and should have been victories. cits: host strong West Vir- ■nd .i i>o's\ gym, although they the ■coring efforts (.r Mikf TIGERS TOO TOUGH ginia at the Charlotte Coli- were team Span. o\eil tad Youngdale I at Kii't is was giant killing seum tomorrow nighl B:18 wellacquainted with !<■ Ml another one point loss Tile 'lorry Holland's unde Princeton Altkaugfi tfei "■ Too i luch pressure, too little "i.-id tn n fealed Wildkittens will m mudi* .i proteofled attempt experience and game of dom ■ i, ilncrWcbb in the pro- ill,- ii" ■ ' ■ I the Wildcats' unary p.m. M;u t hi the lei mid to tf h >" ' at 6:30 d returned to the again l«-t! Normallj totnoirov In 'he ball i line, here \*.a pei . ' ■r the , .1 ii.ip onl) game WOHid iH' the In >>f the the WBd l.iphtlv re eight from the bave dropped ram. a dogrmht between the Id <■ <" ii1 nlor s t o k d ni'n Fran ti-*- ■ Or Southern Co'ili nH hot, ootrebomdod ■ 'or the I.'i in 4i I' and outplayed, David " a hustled Imi: " Ml if ■ . . ■. iv tournaiTM nl t found luelf down bv as much hail . O^I Ii- \. off RON WILLIAMS CARL HEAD -.1 HI Ii > ■ l,i ,■ Mountaini I n thr h '1 HUCKEL HALTED ■ ■ ' ■ ' Coach I.eftv Dnesell. this time gap to 11 O with ■ onfMence of th i, i^ if his 'Cats M>u:t led bj in round Iffke p.| .1. ii . met)' its ixith DAVID REASER a must are \l> " O'Nelll hit 11 in tli' p* O'Neill, < a ii n ". i Coaeti " Scored 92 Point* In Last Three Games .bound Into the Utle Uire who d h 1 a fouf 1liv* and defen Finer M.. lit 'In and foi to game rco) 'Dogs, i» w. u.int \vin this Meet straight iuiii|ii ! \l. Carthj . who Ml 'Cats r alter biinir m haa game and Sj-.tiii) iontributedfine W.- haw to uin." he e:n serled into the lineup for Tom Ii for yeara as a i di fens, and board work in a" \ ounndale. s made use of the phaslaad 7) r.n win. With ,i largi ia u Sinnock hall With W.iviu Huckel wauinc an 1Domino offense which he dis Quits With the I!«K'> ti season sist from Knovvlc. who unlini against the Coliseum < yowl ago at1 over the Cat-- h.ive n record, with three of the In floor to come up with the ball IMississippi State w herebv the bounds although the Cats had By DON SEWELL endearing spread Cagers Again occurring over a disastrous Imli and O'Neill himself ■smaller Colonials out trouble feeding him. Davidson Sports Writer over to iv to the fans with another two I the floor in an attempt finally shot another oppon tournament, however, 11 schedule. down Scott Sinnoik. IIi INplMMBOre fore the Virginia to Char straight from the outside, the iisolate five one and one set ups ■ West eomes nighfs Virginia. ent in some fashion of Nmtae from New Castle. Iml . annoum Ids production had laikened After tomorrow clash with West "Cats closed to within two points Even} more shocking was the lotte without ace backiourt man two opponents next Although committing lfi turn ed New Year's Kve that for par Both he and Tutu VOttBgdale U'fty Driesell's Wildcats face week of the Tigers at 53 51. but here vway the (IW defense allowed Dave Palmer, whose trouble contests before the long exam layoff period overs, the press was not quite sonal reasons he was quitting were sent to the hemh last undergo in their last the difference became plain. The IHuckel only one errant field some knee must atfain strength slot as bothersome The 'Cats were basketball and dropping out of Thursday against Kordham. a Hale will The Citadel hosts Davidson in at a forward necessary ingredient was poise igoal attempt and a total of a surgery Junior Lewis still bothered by one of their school The slender wingman ganw won by the revamped a leathern Conference tilt Tues Then, returning lo the home and the Ivy Leaguers had as rmeasly two points before he t>e l»:i 22M average 71 ppg Perry follows Comb"; in range, and Moser had wtth can "::: West Virginia will be seeking ol BOB team that has since beaten i Dove to Civs' poor sbn.it «£*£< Mo.ites |(i,h l..i 8.1 sening with a l.i po.n: per gam- uted to the im school, nuking the ;l 105 79 Dan Mnhi Citadels ti7 cen North Carolina and almost de- icall another res: interval at :05. summer 1 revenge ttf humiliating (32 per cent', but a ("real deal I Oraen. Huh Hi 11 ier, is .i h.irpshooter and average, but his contribution to grade Mill] to restore his regular season plav a feated Louisville without Hum- iA desperation turn around shot IIIM : deleat in of credit hns to no to their reoo basketball eligibility Williams. WV1 Itil B.I problem under the boards Al VPI lies largely in his rebound "I don't know." said Drie byI Scott Sinnock at the buzzer and .in n» tt defeat m the fm.il mar. Union not to blow their slim young which Webster. Kill KJH HA Kroholh a -ophomore forward, him OnK S-3, Perrv combine- the they < hurried and wide and for For ■ very team of the tour sell after game,; "if are ■vas Huckel's |v>ints. ■_"<) com II..,,I \V\f \:w 17 :i moves ,md to lend. M hid s.iii four members of last iiamenl last year is a tCTappj rebounder v\hoalso clever long arms that L'ood or ue are that bad." tthe second straight game, the Huckel, 14.9 ing in the first half, led the way year's iquad drop basketballbe D.iv 186 stands mi the top 1(1 free thnn* hi effective under the bii.ml will tell you. H |x>s:tiwi at Uw UuJWOil) against Driesell's defense mind Once( again the 'Cats had it in point But Youngdale's| 1318 W. Morehead down. over Duke and UNC. and a sin wrestle." of Kansas. ed Wildcats Ithe bag with a 42-S2 lead with jumper missed and Knowles' fol gle loss to VMI. He also added that he whs "Coach Tomey has been a With Youngdale. who totaled 110:30 to go and a 52-41 margin low was disallowed in favor of The wrestlers opened their very surprised at our first two key man in our football pro and providing a hot iafter jumper at 7:30. a pushing foul, Tom - " 25. Huckel Huckel's which season with a 21 18 win over a wins and said that "we beat a gram. said Head Coach Homer PIZZA hand, the Wildcats surged to a 1But Maryland had scouted the Green made good on for a 72-69| strong Duke team. In the 177 real strong UNC team." He fur Smth. "Dick is an ambitious 62-54 lead to start the second IWildcats, and the press was on. final score. ' pound class. Kerry Keith tied ther commented that "although young football man whose will half but. as they did many The 'Cats managed iust three Johnny Moates gunned for .15 Ithe match with a pin before we have only one man in each ingne.ss to will help him." times, frittered away the lead. |points in the next five-and-a- points for the victorious Spiders. mow iLowell Bryan won by decision weight class, we will surprise u culminated by Bob Spurck's Ihalf minutes, finding themselves whileKnowles led the Cats with trying to re-build lover his heavyweight opponent few of our future opponents." "Kansas in jumper to make it 74 all with idown 59 55 with two minutes to 21. The Wildcats were success strong Big Eight Conler to ensure the win. Parker m a Our Greatest 7:29 go. of the game |play. although the Wildcats only 40 per cent of their About St. Andrews to The rest And ful on Against VMI Davidson suffer once." Tomey said, 'and I MtfgL "Their strength is \he was a see-saw ride, with two ionly tost'&<65. they trailed 65-59 shots. In of help m this e» ed its only loss. 23 10. After Co 123 and 130-pound weigh'. CMMa hope Co be foul shots by sophomores iafter Julius Johnson free It was simply a case of too each 'a lin Hudson and Walter Reynolds deavor." Terry Johnny throw with 22 second many turnovers, not enough es and in the heavyweight di- DRESS SHIRT Habig and Arth- I l*ft. grappled to a draw, captain Joe A graduate of IX-pauw Un.. killing Once The 'Cats scored six. but Joe shots and board lapses that did vision." He added that "the urs the blows. Buffington decisionedhis oppon- ver.sity, Tomey was a graduate again the Wildcats succumbed 1Harrington had sunk a free the 'Cats in. All should improve matches will become more dif ent 110 Terry OHair. at 160. progresses "MJatMt to the freshmaji foot to the pressures of a close game Ithrow with :0R left, and despite with age. ficult as the season also wrestled to a draw before because Carolina and NC ball coach at Northern Illinois Murphy by East Kerry Keith beat Al State are always tough." before earning lo Davidson. SALE a score of .10 to end Davidson's DELTS FALL scoring. In their most recent match, Flneil Staakt Served Anywker* Pure Finish and Wash 'n Wear the grapples defeated UNC. 21 16. behind pins by Julian Pros | Whites Sigs Continue Domination ser. LowX! Bryan and unde- SWAIN'S CHARCOAL feated Joe Buffington. and de Colid Colors The undefeated Kappa Sig* continued to rumble by their opposition in fine cisions by Terry O'Hair. Colin fashion by sweeping games from the SAE's, 69-41, andi the Meat, 78-44. Hudson and undefeated Kerry STEAK HOUSE Stripes "Pistol Pete" Ort popped in Dan Sweet and David King con winless SPE's. Although Jeff Keith. West Morehead Street 16 while Tucker Laxton scored tribute* JO and eight. The Taus Pflugner was not a scoring lead When asked to comment on 1800 eight. by of the Pi Kapps er. he received widespread ac- 12. Joe Jelks contributed wen forfeit" the team. Coach Charles Parker CHARLOTTE, N. C. For the vanquished E's, K. D. hint RiKtit. claim for his defensive job on said "Our weakness ia in the Reg. $5.00 Van Heusen Harvey Weeks and Pits Armfield tallied ' not lost for the Fiji* __ Jackson. middle weight classes." He All wits I Phone ED 2-2414 $3.39 $10.00 10 and eight points, respective as they downed the previously- 3 for ly. undefeated Wil Dtlti. 56 49. last Again Ort was thehigh scorer night. Doug Rhymes had 17 HONEY'S GOURMET BUFFET $7.00 and $7.50 and rebounder with 16 points in points while Rich Graham con- Reg. Sero Open Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 just three quarters of play tributed 14. PLATTERS $439 3 for $13.00 against the Plkas. All the Sigs For the disappointed Delta. 105 W. Morohoad Charlotte, N. C. SUCCULENT SEAFOOD scored in the rout. The Pikas and Hatchetman 1 Cliff Duke Served with choice of baked er French Fried were led by Tommy "Rube Dave Fagg had 16 and 13. Potatoes, Salad and Garlic Roll "Bubba Kill" Gold Mine Hurry, before sizes get gone. Poston and John The KA'i rolled by the Pi 12 and 11 points. Croom with Kappt, 49 32. as Rick Harrell Clothing for the Pace-setting Traditionalist The E'l rebounded magnifi led the victors with 14 points. cently from their earlier defeat Kirk Reed had nine. Bill Walker THE CELLAR to beat the lnd«p«itd«nlt. Gresh and Charlie Taylor banked in Bayne and Weeks helped the E's 10 and six points for the losers. points OPEN NIGHTLY keep their cool with 12 To the SPE'i belonged the du — apiece. Bruce Weidner had 12 bious distinctionor losing by the BANDS WED., FRI., SAT., SUN. week: for the Indies. biggest margin of the Show ID Cards Ntvtr Over J1.00 Cower FLAMING STEAKS The ATO'» bombed the Phi 73-37 to the Sigma Chit. Gcordic CENTER points Joel Wil COLISEUM SHOPPING Gams. 60 38. Super Cecil Clifton Mueller's 22 and MO E. Morehead SI. Behind Condor 1714 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD Our 55th Year Mooresville points Dave liamson's 17 were high for the stuffed in 16 while Charlotte Soda Shop y« MILE EAST OF COLISEUM ■ Jennings had 11. Bill Clark had Ma c h i s. Hard luck Fletcher the nine along with Geoff Birkhead. Hartsell got 20 points for 6, Page Six January 1967 gf,r » aui6aottiait Ticket Drinking Finds Acceptance!' 1»^ I Set-Up By EO EMBREE .■II :i.nv bars. Wiiby staled tha big p.ir:> woekei>d< There can dr.liking ruli- ;is "*■§■*." The rnttjr homes due to drink- Scored Staff Writer unofficially the OOflegi admin: be no liquor or beer in Ma Offk I 'the tm:ver«ity ing than to the (1 The present policy on ticket -■ Four ou: of eight E.i- "i <'.r»l M\ supported .i c:: ■ dorms now but enforcemiiit ll i'. .ik-oholic con-ump Stico there is no I to games pro ;> I d taw. lax. said the editor, probably ton CD campus but there is of the rule by thr n basketball was adm tested by a unanimously passed In THE !UVIDSO\IA\ e Hoyi aj .1 result of the past polic.v very l.i\ enforcement of the here ha^ been ■ resolution in Wednesday night's souk tpye of pol.cy which per wr.er. Joel O'Brian conimen: The fraternity houses .in- rule, .ueordng to the Carolina dent pressure to change the Student Council meeting. nuia students to dr.uk ■loalMilc6 ed that the universuy rah owned by the un:vers;ty but midiiw po!cy. l> \eragcs on campus :ist reported have He that there .«eemed .u.i alcoholic possess.o» tlv houses are to stated " The editor of t'.w Duk^ The ticket policy, according to The remain ng four e I and consumpt.on on cimpu beer machines. The edilo; to be 'tac. approval of drnk ver-i'y Chronicle -:.i\(l (feat the the resolution which was sent to .ind ur. ■.(";■<.tii-s have raj ui- recently dropped. Tht ed that on party weekends the ing by the unvers ;y admini Duke drnkng rule.- was changed Dr. Tom Scott. President Mar hib.^ng aicoholk- ciii*ump:oni change in policy followed a dean usually warns the fr.r.r stration. Some of tite fraiorn. > in the fall of 1963 to allow aj tin. and members of the faculty which are loosely or not at all1 period when the rule had not :o be moderate in ihoir houses are owned by the col conol.c consump! on .n non pub Athletic Committee, has "the enforced. Three of the .ourr tKen enforced. O'Brian said drinking and to do all drinking U*ge while others are not so lie places on campus. Tlvs al- effect of alienating the Student schools with drink.ng rule's were! tiiat theiehad been no appreci upstairs in the house. the rule var M from housv to lows drinkjng in dorm rooms, Body from the Athletic pro in the South. able damage to the dorms since At the D liversity of North house. fraternity houses and nmmon.1 A n Uvc of the lisr the rule change CaroLna at Chapel Hill, a re The Daily Tarheel represent moms. Although the rule is The Council \.ird Crimson ?aid that there The editor of the Gi-orge presentative of the The Daily aLiw staled that there was pro rtfiOer women's dorms, Student calledfor ' in the was nodr.nking nil? whatsoever Washington L'nivers.ty Hatchet Tarheel, described the Carolna bably more damage to the it is not strongly "a return to the half price tick enforced. for de?p:te -he fact that a Massa also reported that the un;ver et date of Davidson students. chuseJis -iate law HUH HmM had rectn.Iy changed iis the removal of 'complimentary given students, no one ur.der 21 may possess c beverages may from tickets to " rule. Alcohol. DYING TRADITION? the removal .i'rCjholx now be consumed provided of the reserved seat restrictions, and the cessation Hal W:'b\ editor of tin- Am. that a recognized campus or of the ID the Coli herit Student, s.n of the organization's Declines, i Me ■ But Interest faculty > aeVieer. < icnpii~. a:)d is by male j n '-he Liquoi kepi the By MARVIN ELLISON is a good idea .md th.i: profet throughout n \ . o>- hi SHERRILLS u»uall} -t-r>oil ,t: -i!i.k>; d.mco> m dorm iHKlanH their rOMIM Staff Writer ■an inj.u MM may k,' advantage oi "It Menu tha; while > While their homes to students Sunday the fra:orn:t> houses covered by previous, rules about it." wish to be abk- to n.i.l :i tht eollege, faculty are owned by the they consumption. The change in the i-von iijj wh:le the con A leUec cxplain.ng tlv pro catalogue that we can aesociate Women And Liquor Watch A Jewelry siders proposals for the rule became effective Nov. 1 as eontki la of tin- Studen-. Council with our professors and \ i uation of open house Girl students and a wet i.im they would first have to be pass a result of a campaign by the next ■*" vs.11 be >vn: it) each faculty the.r homes, few c!j. We .'nay be Repair pus are possible cures to the ed by the Trustees and current Undent Council neater. member A BMflaaaar may wish ktvpng up a dying tradition, the ap lack of intellectual pursuit proved Fanner south at Washington At the request of tho Student to choose one Sunday of every but man;, students love the at North Carolina Legisla Council, faculty will O.ividson ;-.aid Dr. Ernest F. ture. which would take some Main St. Davidson and Lee L'n.versity. a repre- the con montli to have apan BeOM ioea ami w:il hale to u go." trad; tee Patterson, professor ve of the Ring Turn Phi tinue the Sunday evening of econom- time. ics, in chapel Tuesday. stated that there is a trustee! tion. but only en a trial b.i rule prohib.ting dr.nkmg in the Because of the decline of stu He spoke out against coinpul j dorms, ajMatic dent participation, "there mvhi- sory ROTC and excessive na- j Open 'til 12:30 a.m. at evooei and Sunday Night Open ■ at dances. This rule actually to be a big question in the House tionalism. saying that he feared f^ IP covers only the games, dances minds of the faculty whether following the rise of a totalitarian state The homes of the professors will be !' uhich might — and freshmendorms since most this practice still serves the pui necessitate a Friday open to students Sunday night at 8:30. The names |change Monday of the upper live ;n pose it was intended to have." in the "Red Guard Cur j classmen of professors holding open house for students on ! better, the off- campus fraternity said Bill Watson, a Student Sunday nights published riculum Committee." will be each week in THE known as the Blue Sky Commit .iou~es. which are no; covered Council member. DAVIDSONIAN. I by the rule. After talking with a number tee. in planning the college's Brinkley program. The student .stated that the of professors. Walson said. McGavock Rhodes The needs of the rul.- i> MMy enforced except "From what Ihave heard and Kredericksen Martin. J. G. Workman intellectual Minter campus became evident to him. in the single upperclass dorm observed, the general attitude Kelton The continued, Hub Patterson when Independents. reported of the faculty ls that open house heI for He once ate dinner at a fraternity that there damage is isolated Expecting intellectual conver- .0 the fratern.ty houses as a KENT GLADSTONE lanerei solicitor sation over a slow, delightful result of drinking but the re- dinner, he found himself having Rendezvousin Charlotteat pairs made by the frater- No Progress Made are to battle to get food and finally La Roma Ristoranti n.tie-s. To Speak To YRC alone five minutes after the Wreck ClaimsLife A general gentleman BEST PIZZA WEST of ITALY rule on The Hon. T. Rock, meal had started. — — — ly governs On New Library Site Sherman Spaghetti Lasagne Parmigiana Salad* conduct excessive Cartcret County Solicitor, will To cure this lack of intellects — CHOICE STEAKS — Kent Gladstone on the part of Washing- a library Of conduct With the conienu of ate several proposed locations. address the Young Republican alism and the noticeable sloppi ujn and students in ihe com expert's undisclosed, K Kent Gladstone. 20. a Lee letter still His letter to President D. Club. Wednesday. Jan. 11. Rock, ness of many of the students. proposed Grier will not La Roma Davidson student who ".rans- muruty. the location of the Martiii be re- a resident of Morehead City, Patterson suggested thatthecol-! The news ed.:or of the Sewa- new library remains undecided. leased un'il after the commit- :trred to Guilford Co.lege this was elected durjig the 1966 lege allow drinking and admit nee Purple of the University of The Library Committee, it. girls college. year, d-ed early Dec. 28 in tee meets to consider This general elect.cns. to the Ristoranti h_s jie South slated tiiat the uni- which has been studying pos- meeting will probably be he pessimistic about Greensboro when car hit a held But was Charlotte, N. C. bridge abutment. versity ma.nt jiiis an unpopular sible locations for the past in the latter part of next week. Heran for Congressman from these changes being passed in| > Phone 376/>S76 1540 West Blvd. at Remount Rd Gladstone, a native of High in loco («r»nli» polcy toward several months, has not met Sill to heard from is J. Rus- the Third Congressional Dis- the near future as. he chuckled. Point, lived *t 1833 Bankjig St. dr.nk.ng. The policy was re since the school received a sell Bailey, an architect from trict in 1964. but he was unsuc which identifyonly prooWr Company. in Greensboroand was a junor cently changed by the regenu site recommendation from Dr. Orange. Va.. who will meet cessful, polljig 40 per cent o." "Coca-Cola" and"Cell*"or* r.gnt.r.dtrodc-maria *» of TfcoCoca-Cola x. Gulford. rom a policy which permitted Keyes D. Metcalf. an expert on with the committee when he the vote. Davidson, alcoholic consumpjor. library planning. visits the campus Feb. 1. No Wh:le a: he was a A native of 111 has momb.T of AJpha Tau Omega, The reasongiven by the editor Metcalf, retired d-rector of de(in;ie announcement concern nois. Rock been active as a corporate a sufr wr:^r for THE for the change was that the re- the Harvard Library in Cam ing the site or the construction DAVID lawyer in cases involving agen SONIAN and a p'Vchology genIs had held a recent meet- biidge. Mass., v^.ted the of the library willbe made un cie6 of the federal government, major. r»g oncampus during one of the campus ,n November to evalu til that time. tnclud-ng the. major steel wage controversies. He is at present Are you tore today the chairman of ihe North Caro- is homecoming? L.na Alliance of Conservative Police Continue Investigation Republicans. Jce Bea/d. president of the Young Republicans, described Of $100,000 Showboat Fire Rock as being "an outspoken opponent of l.beralism." Police are still investigating the landing was down and that Only a portion of the pier was capacity of ISO persons, the boat Beard invited everyon.- who is the possibility of arson in yes police found fresh tire tracks, saved. made regular outings on the interested in hearing Rock to terday's early morning burning beer cans, a pack of cigarettes lake, as well as charter cruises. meeting. are speculating that the next week's of the nverboat Robert Lee. and a door knob that had been Police E. may be connected with Iredell County Deputy off building. fire a R. L. twisted the series of five other on Warren told DAVIDSON He said laboratory experts are fires Lake THE Norman in the past two montlis IAN this morning that there is searching for fingerprints on the Arson is also suspected in these THREE BROTHERS TAVERN no proof of "It's and door knob. definite " arson cans ojaaaa just a theory. Warren said. A number of Davidson resi Warren said the sheriff's of dents were awakened by fire The riverboat. which was th.- Owners: fice is going through a list of sirens yesterday morning as the largest boat on Lake Norman. Chuck,Sam and Ted people with the boat Volunteer Fire De used occasionally for Dm connected Davidson ' was in an effort to find the cause of partmenl was first to answer vidson fraternity parties. With a DININGANDDANCING the fire. the alarm. Engines from the The fire occurred sometime Cornelius and Mount Mourne de 5100 N. Tryon St. between 5 and 6 a.m. yesterday. partments were also on hand. Phone 596 9985 Damage was estimated at more However, the boat, a building Baker For Reservations $100.i)00. containing than but there were no a snack bar and sou- (Continued from page one) ( injuries. venir stand built on the land Warren said that a chain and the pier were burning outI out of the Bible, then the hell across a dirt road leading to of control when firemen arrived. with the Bible!" sianaMWBavMMSsvaEsMHaMaaaijKk This inspired Powers to voice his opinions on the age-old prob TASTEE SUB lem of demon rum. Needless to' tlnuti-smtimt say. Powers is upset over the liberalized drinking rules at Da Also Complete Line of Short Associate Editors: Copy Ed.tor: \idson. JOHN BAILEY BILL SEIGLER I EDWARD' DWELLE Photography Editor He then stated that "nothin Orders and Plate Lunches Managing Editors: BILL OLSON- good ever comes from drinking. Photographers SAM BOYTE If you ever see any good come■ Small and Large BOB TRAVERS DON CARROLL whiskey, you by and from come" Assistant Managing Editors: DAVID WEEMS tell me all about it CHARLES McEWEN Cartoonists: i PIZZAS KERN PARKER LOU HILL The Grim Baker also offered Sports Editor: GUNNAR MAGNUS his views on the racial issue TOM COOK Assistant InilmillManager: "God intended the worldtohave 50 FLAVORS OF SHAKES, Assistant Sports Ed tor-, BILL WATSON two races." Powers said, which YATES FAISON Advertising Manager: leads one to believe that mixed FLOATS,SODAS BOB REID MIKE JOHNSON marriages go all the way back News Editor: C.rculat..n] M U> Adam and Eve. "I was ROBBIE HOOKER JOHN VISER brought up under the belief that birds of a feather flock together Contributors this week: Bill Cockrill Bruce Weihe. Bob Nowadays they're trying to mix WbeaUey. TASTEE Dunham. Robert Pyeatt. Chuck Green. Tom Allan up black birds with white birds Lewis. Ed Embree.Marvin Ellison.Franklin Anderson.Brodiv and Ijust don't see it." Brown. Lewis Lavine. Danny Coltrane.George Cretekos. Mar- vin Robinson, Sam Bell. Bob Stubb.s. Don Sewell. Cliff Duke For the most pitl» if Tin OreFileCiwiMjr in CONCORD, N. C.