Appendix C‐15: State Listed Threatened or Endangered Species Known or Likely to Occur in Pipestone and Murray Counties

State Threatened or Endangered Listed Species Known or Likely to Occur in Pipestone and Murray Counties

Species State Status Habitat County Blackfoot quillwort Endangered An unusual aquatic microhabitat Pipestone () associated with bedrock outcrops of Sioux quartzite. Blanding's turtle Threatened Wetland complexes and adjacent sandy Pipestone & (Emydoidea uplands are necessary to support viable Murray blandingii) populations. Aquatic habitats can include meandering streams and rivers, fens, prairie marshes, backwaters, and oxbows. Upland habitats can include adjacent agricultural fields. Burrowing owl Endangered Open, grazed pastures or native, mixed‐ Pipestone & (Athene cunicularia) grass prairies populated by burrowing Murray mammals. Areas of intensive agricultural use are usually avoided. Chestnut‐collared Endangered Relatively dry and moderately grazed Pipestone longspur upland prairie, away from trees and (Calcarius ornatus) shrubs. Dakota skipper Threatened Native dry‐mesic to dry prairie, dominated Pipestone & (Hesperia dacotae) by mid‐height grasses, such as little Murray bluestem, prairie dropseed, and side‐oats grama. Larval stages require clump grasses that are not annually maintained (i.e., little bluestem) and adults prefer flowering in the coneflower genus. Most productive sites feature some topographic variation. Hair‐like beak‐rush Threatened Calcareous fens (small, fragile, Pipestone & (Rhynchospora groundwater‐maintained wetlands that Murray capillacea) have a deep accumulation of peat). Spring fens within large peatland complexes of forested regions. Hairy water clover Endangered Margins of shallow prairie pools and Pipestone (Marsilea vestita) ephemeral rainwater pools on rock outcrops. These areas are sparsely vegetated and receive direct sunlight. Can include outcrops in heavily grazed pastures. Henslow's sparrow Endangered Uncultivated grasslands and old fields with Pipestone (Ammodramus stalks for singing perches and a substantial henslowii) litter layer. Do not typically occupy heavily grazed areas. Lichen species Endangered Non‐calcareous rock outcrops in exposed Pipestone (Buellia nigra) sunny areas, sometimes near the edge of hardwood forests. Loggerhead shrike Threatened Native and non‐native grasslands, Pipestone & (Lanius ludovicianus) including native prairie, pastures, old Murray fields, shelterbelts, farmyards, and cemeteries. Mud plantain Threatened An unusual aquatic microhabitat Pipestone ( limosa) associated with bedrock outcrops of Sioux quartzite. Northern cricket frog Endangered Shallow wetlands, lakes, streams, or Pipestone (Acris crepitans) rivers; rarely found in large lakes, wide rivers, or polluted sites. Prefer open areas with muddy shorelines and abundant emergent vegetation. Ottoe skipper Threatened Native dry‐mesic to dry prairie dominated Pipestone (Hesperia ottoe) by mid‐height grasses, such as little bluestem, prairie dropseed, and side‐oats grama. Includes prairies on deep sands, on steep bedrock‐controlled slopes, and on slopes and hills in unsorted glacial till. Short‐pointed Threatened The edge of shallow rock pools and the Pipestone umbrella‐sedge muddy margins of ponds and lakes. () Slender plantain Threatened An unusual aquatic microhabitat Pipestone () associated with bedrock outcrops of Sioux quartzite. Sullivant's milkweed Threatened Undisturbed, mesic tallgrass prairies. Murray (Asclepias sullivantii) Trumpeter swan Threatened Small ponds and lakes or bays on larger Murray (Cygnus buccinator) water bodies with extensive beds of cattails, bulrush, sedges, and/or horsetail. Western prairie Endangered Remnant native prairies and sedge Pipestone fringed orchid meadows with full sunlight on moist, calcareous till or sandy soils. Not in areas (Platanthera with a significant history of cattle grazing. praeclara) Wilson's phalarope Threatened Wet prairie, rich fen, and other grass‐ or Murray (Phalaropus tricolor) sedge‐dominated wetlands. The presence of short vegetation in or adjacent to shallow pools of open water is an important microhabitat feature. Can include flooded pastures and municipal wastewater stabilization ponds. Wolf's spike‐rush Endangered Habitat in Minnesota is poorly known, but Pipestone (Eleocharis wolfii) previous observations made on the margins of rock pools in rock outcrops. Habitat in other range includes marshes and swamps. Source: MDNR 2013a, MDNR 2013b, USFWS 2013a