

Adopted December 2009 z ASSEMBLAGE .J 0 urban • • (It, u archite c ture • urbanism thelandscapepartnership BUCHANAN pract1t1011ers landscape arcllltect.ure urban design environmental planning Contents

3 51 1. Introduction Annex 1 Delivery and implementation 1.1 and Abbey Wood context 3 A1.1 Overview 51 1.2 SPD role and status 5 A1.2 Key roles and responsibilities 51 1.3 Sustainability appraisal 5 A1.3 Phasing and project priorities 52 1.4 Consultation 5 A1.4 Monitoring 52 1.5 Relationship with the Delivery Plan Summary 5 Annex 2 Planning policy context 60 2. Vision, objectives and themes 7 A2.1 National planning policy guidance 60 2.1 Vision 7 A2.2 Regional and sub-regional guidance 61 2.2 Objectives 8 A2.3 Local policy guidance 63 2.3 Themes 8 71 Annex 3 Evidence base and consultation 3. Strategic guidance and principles 13 A3.1 Introduction 71 3.1 Overview 13 A3.2 Issues and opportunities arising from baseline 3.2 Spatial strategy 13 report and consultation 71 3.3 Key principles 17 A3.3 Impact of physical form 76 A3.4 Key messages from consultation 78 4. Guidance for opportunity areas 31 A3.5 Responding to baseline findings 79

4.1 Overview 31 Annex 4 List of key references 80 4.2 Opportunity areas 31

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 1 ------

Employment uses at Nathan Way

50 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Annex 1 Delivery and implementation

A1.1 Overview championing projects and liaising appropriate, and co-ordinating joint including Tamesis Point and the town with potential funders and partners. working with other departments centre. It is important that the SPD is within Council. supported by a comprehensive They will have a close working Communities and Local framework for delivery and relationship with officers at Trust Thamesmead Government: implementation. The purpose of this Greenwich and be a point of contact Delivery Unit The Trust will have a major Annex is to outline the roles and for Trust Thamesmead, Gallions role in delivering projects. Trust CLG will be a key funding partner responsibilities of key stakeholders Housing Association and Tilfen Land. Thamesmead has an interest in for the regeneration of Thamesmead, in relation to delivery. In addition Regeneration Unit will also be a number of projects both at a ensuring that projects contribute to a series of 50 projects have been responsible for liaising with the Chief feasibility stage, and already under key Thames Gateway objectives and defined to support the delivery Executive and Lead Members as implementation. These include priorities. of the SPD and the vision, themes appropriate, and co-ordinating joint physical development projects and and objectives which sit above working with other departments Development Agency community initiatives. the guidance. The projects are within the London Borough of Alongside CLG, the LDA will have referenced in the summary tables Bexley. Gallions Housing Association a major role in funding projects in can be examined in more detail in Greenwich Council Gallions will continue to fulfil a Thamesmead the separate Delivery Plan Summary key role as the Registered Social document. Greenwich Council has a key role Design for London Landlord in the area, managing and to play in the implementation of the improving social housing stock and DfL is championing a number of A2.2 Key roles and SPD as the Local Planning Authority. responsibilities maintaining open spaces, parks, projects in Thamesmead as part of Alongside Bexley Regeneration Unit, roads, bridges and infrastructure the East London Green Grid and Key roles and responsibilities are Greenwich Waterfront Regeneration as appropriate. Gallions will be a through its role as a regional design outlined as follows: Agency (GWRA) will have ownership key delivery partner for the area. resource for London. Projects of the Delivery Plan Summary and The organisation is taking forward include Cross River Park, the responsibility for championing a number of projects in the study Masterplan, Thamesmead The London Borough of Bexley projects and liaising with potential area which will contribute to the Canals, Belvedere Links and urban has a key role to play in the funders and partners. They will have regeneration of Thamesmead. realm improvements within the implementation of the SPD as the a close working relationship with Abbey Wood interchange. Tilfen Land Local Planning Authority. officers at Bexley and be a point of DfL will assist the boroughs in contact for Trust Thamesmead, Tilfen will continue to play a key Alongside Greenwich Waterfront delivering high quality design and role as a development company with Regeneration Agency, Bexley Gallions Housing Association and feed into projects of sub-regional many ownership interests in the area. Regeneration Unit (BRU) will have Tilfen Land. GWRA will also be significance including Abbey Wood The organisation will contribute to ownership of the Delivery Plan responsible for liaising with the Chief and Pettman Crescent. the delivery of a number of projects Summary and responsibility for Executive and Lead Members as

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 51 Environment Agency Police who are already working the delivery plan table. A number of with the boroughs on a strategy projects (numbers 1, 7, 14, 18, 19, 22, In the context of environmental for policing the area, the Primary 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27) do not have issues, particularly flood risk, EA Care Trust and the Local Education specific geographic locations or apply will provide strategic input into the Authorities. to a series of different sites and these Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD are not included on the plan. and advise on individual applications / A1.3 Phasing and project proposals on a case-by-case basis. priorities A1.4 Monitoring Project priority is categorised The SPD will be monitored using two TfL is responsible for delivering a according broad phasing. The key methods. The London Borough of number of strategically important characteristics of projects listed Bexley and Greenwich Council will transport projects. It is important under each phase are set out below: work in partnership to review the that projects such as Abbey implementation of the projects in the Phase 1 Projects - short-term Wood Development Framework, project table, updating the table as Pettman Crescent, the Ridgeway • A well defined project with neccessary. established ownership for project and additional public realm work The boroughs will also monitor leadership, a costed plan, known are considered in the context the significant effect indicators funding source(s), outputs and of the wider objectives for highlighted in the SA. Thamesmead. Greenwich Council outcomes; and with TfL is investigating infrastructure • Complementary to other improvements to public transport defined activities/projects already in the waterfront corridor of the underway or at an advanced stage borough, previously to be served of development. by Greenwich Waterfront Transit. Phase 2 Projects - medium term TfL is also responsible for delivering and has a range of • Actively under development but responsibilities as strategic highway costed plan not yet available. authority in planning and managing Phase 3 Projects - long-term the bus network and promoting walking, cycling and smarter travel • Consequential to higher priority initiatives. project; • Has key dependencies for delivery; Other public delivery partners • No identified funding source; and A number of public bodies will also • Still at a conceptual or feasibility play a key role in realising the vision stage. for Thamesmead and Abbey Wood. These include the Metropolitan The adjacent plan illustrates the indicative location projects listed in

52 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 16

17 15 38 2 40 29 52 51 5 20 45 46 44 27b 35 48 6 32 11 30 39 21 33

49 13 8 41 3 28 4 10 36

12 42 47 9


Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey digital maps with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (c) Crown Copyright. License No. LB Greenwich DGRE003/07/004 2008. LB Bexley 100017693 2008. Plan illustrating indicative location of Delivery Plan projects (see section 7.3 for overview)

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 53 Project name Phasing Key details Partners References to SPD guidance Short Medium Long [Project lead in bold] term term term PROJECT UNDERWAY OR FUNDED 1. Thamesmead and Planning and design guidance LBB, LBG All guidance principles Abbey Wood SPD Final SPD completed DfL, EA, LDA, CLG

2. Tamesis Point Tamesis Point has an outline planning Tilfen Land OA9; TSD1-4;TE4; TR1;TT1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9; consent and is subject to guidance in LBG (planning authority) TC1, 2, 4; TN1, 2, 3; TCL1; TG2, 3. an adopted SPG

3. Veridion Park New employment floorspace - LBB TEm3 currently being implemented and Tilfen Land marketed LDA 4. White Hart Triangle New employment floorspace - LBG TEm3 currently being implemented and Tilfen Land marketed LDA 5. Tripcock Park Designated open space in LBG UDP LBG TE1, 2 and identified for delivery through Tilfen Land Tamesis Point s.106 6. East London River See TT3 for further details N/a TT3 Crossings 8. Tavy Bridge Phased renewal of Tavy Bridge GHA TN1 neighbourhood - underway. LBB, CLG

9. Crossrail to Abbey Commitment to funding confirmed in Central Government TT5 Wood October 2007 TfL, LBB, LBG 10.Belmarsh expansion Extension of Belmarsh is subject to a Prison Service TSD1 detailed planning consent LBG 11. Discovery School New primary school and other Discovery School TEm3, TC4 community facilities - now open LBG, Trust Thamesmead LEA

54 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Project name Phasing Key details Partners References to SPD guidance Short Medium Long [Project lead in bold] term term term JOINT BOROUGH 12. Abbey Wood LBG / LBB are advancing a study to LBB , LBG OA2; TSD1, 2, 3, 4; TR2, TT1, 2, 7, 8; Development Framework investigate the impact of Crossrail on LDA, TfL, Crossrail, DfL, GHA TC4; TEm2, TG2 Abbey Wood 13. Ridgeway Detailed scoping / feasibility study LBB, LBG OA3; TSD1, 3;TE1, 2, 3;TG2 is required to develop proposals for DfL,, GHA the Ridgeway. 14. Green Grid (referred Draft Area Frameworks have been DfL, GLA (strategic lead) TE2 to as ‘Parklands’ for produced for East London Green See Green Grid projects individual projects below) Grid area 5 and area 6 15. Street planting Detailed feasibility study required LBB, LBG, GHA, DfL TE6 to examine potential for street tree planting 16. Series of public realm enhancements LBB, LBG TT7, 9 - design development required Environment Agency 17. Riverbus Potential extension of the Riverbus LBG, LBB, TT6 service requires a more detailed , PLA, EA, feasibility study TfL, GLA 18. DLR extension Detailed feasibility work is required LBB, LBG, TfL, DLR TT4 to investigate the extension of DLR services to Thamesmead 19. Thamesmead Area Funding is in place for initial feasibility LBG, LBB TT7 Cycling Improvements studies for cycling enhancements TfL Scheme 20. New surface level Funding in place for new surface level LBG TT7 footways in Thamesmead footways TfL area 21. The Arches Detailed design / feasibility of Trust Thamesmead OA5; TSD1, 3; TC1, 2, 4;TEm1; TCL1; Southern Arches & planning /design BTG Connexions, LBG, LBB TG2 of Northern Arches underway cAve, Archway Project, GHA 22. Youth Awareness Outreach and involvement through In-Volve TC4; TEm1 Project music and education - project LBB, LBG underway

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 55 Project name Phasing Key details Partners References to SPD guidance Short Medium Long [Project lead in bold] term term term JOINT BOROUGH 23. Urban farm Urban farm project is at a conceptual Trust Thamesmead, LBB, OA8; TSD1, 3; TE1, 3; TT7; TEm1; TCL1; stage and requires more detailed LBG, GHA TG2 scoping / feasibility 24. Policing Thamesmead Integrated study in relation to LBG, TC5 policing in Thamesmead and Abbey LBB, Trust Thamesmead Wood GHA, Tilfen Land 25. Training and education Initiatives established and on-going. GLLaB, GRETA, Resources TEm1 Future provision requires a specific Plus, Building Futures, Trust joined-up approach Thamesmead, LDA, LBG, LBB 26. Early years Project will enable a coordinated LBG, LBB, Trust TC1 approach which responds Thamesmead to the specific provision issues 27. Social infrastructure Research underway - project LBG, LBB TC6 will assist in the production of a Trust Thamesmead coordinated strategy Gallions Housing Association 27b. Thamesmead Canals Feasibility study for environmental EA, LBG, LBB, GHA, Trust TE4 improvements to canals in Thamesmead Thamesmead

56 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Project name Phasing Key details Partners References to SPD guidance Short Medium Long [Project lead in bold] term term term LONDON BOROUGH OF BEXLEY

28. Parkview GHA and Trust Thamesmead are Trust Thamesmead, GHA, OA6; TSD1, 3; TT7; TC2,4, 6; TEm1;;TG2 Regeneration working with LBB on a joined LBB up regeneration project Emmanuel Church 29. Sporting Club Sporting Club Thamesmead has Trust Thamesmead TC2 Thamesmead received planning consent - TTFC, Football Foundation, funding gap remains LBB 30. Parklands - Feasibility study has been LBB TE2, 3 Marshes undertaken - this project Thames Water, LWT, GHA, focuses on implementation Tilfen Land (2009/10 to 2010/11) 31. Parklands - Lesnes Scoping and feasibility work has LBB TCL1 Abbey been completed - which will form the basis of bids to funders 32. Parklands - Eastern Feasibility study complete - LBB, DFL, CLG TE2, 3 Way project will be implemented in 2010/11 33. Parklands - New signage and enhanced LBB, GHA, SEL Green Chain TE1, 2, 3 Southmere Park linkages access to be implemented in 2009/10 to 2010/11 35. Improved access Designed and implemented LBB, Trust Thamesmead, OA5, TE2, TT7 to Thamesmead town 2010/11 LBG centre from Southern Arches 36. Parklands - links to Project will be implemented LBB TE2, 3; TT7 Abbey Wood 2010/11

37. North Bexley Initial feasibility has been TfL, LBB TT2 Transit undertaken - project would develop the proposals 38. Transforming a heritage site Beam Engines Trust, LBB TC6 as a visitor attraction and Lottery, CLG, Thames Water educational resource Tilfen Land

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 57 Project name Phasing Key details Partners References to SPD guidance Short Medium Long [Project lead in bold] term term term LONDON BOROUGH OF GREENWICH 39. Birchmere Pavilion Initial study is required to LBG, GHA TSD1, 3; TE1 establish the feasibility of the Trust Thamesmead redevelopment of Birchmere Pavilion 40. Thamesmead town Detailed masterplan will be Tilfen Land OA1; TSD1, 2, 3, 5; TR1; TT1, 6, 7, 9, 10; TC1, centre masterplan required to consider LBG, Trust Thamesmead, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; TN2, 3; TG2 opportunities CLG 41. Broadwater Dock Site benefits from a planning Tilfen Land TSD1, 3 consent but is yet to be LBG implemented 42. Pettman Crescent Detailed designs for safer, LBG, Tilfen Land OA7; TSD1, 2, 3; TR3; TT7, 8; TC3; TG2 improved environment underway TfL, 44. Tamesis Eco play park Project is at an early conceptual Trust Thamesmead TE1 stage. LBG, Tilfen Land 45. Cross River Park Feasibility study for CRP is Design for London TE1, 2, 4; TG2 complete - detailed feasibilities for Others TBC individual projects required 46. Tump 53 Study required to GHA TSD5; TE3; TEm1 establish feasibility of Tump as an ecological / educational asset 47. Ridgeway and Landscape strategy and LBB, LBG, DfL See #13 links to Eastern Way / masterplan is underway links 48. Gallions Hill Gallions Hill project is at a scoping GHA, Tilfen Land TE1 stage and will comprise the development of a detailed design 49. Anaerobic digestor Delivery of a new sustainable LBG TSD1 waste facility for Thamesmead Tilfen Land Private sector partner

58 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Project name Phasing Key details Partners References to SPD guidance Short Medium Long [Project lead in bold] term term term LONDON BOROUGH OF GREENWICH 51. The Moorings Priority housing renewal project GHA OA4; TSD1, 2, 3, 4; TE4, 6; TR4; TT7 Trust Thamesmead, LBG, TC1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; TN1, 2, 3, 4; TG1, 2 LBB, CLG 52. Hawksmore Primary Rebuilding of Hawksmore Primary LBG TC1 School School 7. Greenwich Waterfront See TT1 for further details LBG TT1 Infrastructure Improvements

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 59 Annex 2 Planning policy context

A2.1 National planning policy providing more and better designed Planning Policy Statement 3 geological conservation interests. guidance and affordable homes, improving (PPS3): Housing which places It also places an emphasis on public transport and other vital great emphasis on the provision of taking a strategic approach to Thamesmead and Abbey Wood is infrastructure, raising education new residential development on the conservation, enhancement strategically situated within the standards and skills levels across previously developed land, delivery and restoration of biodiversity Thames Gateway. This section the capital, tackling crime, anti-social of affordable homes, infrastructure and geology, and recognises the identifies the key national policies behaviour and the fear of crime. and environmental sustainability, and contributions that sites, areas and which govern the area. These objectives are supported by the reduction of car dependency by features, both individually and in The Department for Communities the Planning Policy Statements which focussing new development in the combination, make to conserving and Local Government (formerly the provide overarching guidance for most accessible locations. these resources. planning and development. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) Planning Policy Guidance 4 Planning Policy Statement 10 published ‘Sustainable Communities Planning Policy Statement (PPG4): Industrial, commercial (PPS10): Sustainable Waste - Building for the Future’ in February 1 (PPS1): Sustainable development and small firms Management defines a context 2003, which sets out the long term Communities sets out the encourages continued economic for the development of appropriate programme for delivering sustainable government’s vision for new development in a way which is strategies for growth, regeneration communities in urban and rural areas. development and regeneration. It compatible with environmental and the prudent use of resources and The aim is to identify practical steps seeks high quality design, which is objectives. promotes the identification of new to establish communities that: accessible to all and which reinforces waste management facilities within Planning Policy Statement • Are prosperous; the unique character of its location. Local Development Documents. 6 (PPS6): Planning for Town It stipulates that development should • Have decent homes for sale or Centres outlines key objectives Planning Policy Guidance Note aim to utilise sustainable materials in rent at a price that people can in facilitating and promoting 13 (PPG13): Transport seeks to new development wherever possible afford; sustainable and inclusive patterns of promote increased use of sustainable in terms of the mode of construction • Safeguard green and open space; development and in promoting the transport options, such as walking, employed, the proposed use pattern vitality and viability of town centres. cycling and public transport. PPG13 • Enjoy a well-designed, accessible, and the relationship with local also promotes the use of the river pleasant living and working transport networks. Planning Policy Statement for the sustainable movement of environment; and 9 (PPS9): Biodiversity and Planning Policy Statement 1a people and freight. • Are effectively and fairly governed Geological Conservation sets (PPS1a): Planning for Climate with a strong sense of community. out planning policies on protection Planning Policy Guidance 15 Change outlines the importance of of biodiversity and geological (PPG15): Planning and the The plan to establish sustainable mitigation and adaptation to climate conservation through the planning historic environment provides communities in London aims to change within the planning process. accommodate growth and to system. PPS9 encourages plan a full statement of Government alleviate poverty and deprivation by Other key guidance notes which are policies to maintain, and enhance, policies for the identification and relevant to Thamesmead include: restore or add to biodiversity and protection of historic buildings,

60 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 conservation areas, and other in areas at risk of flooding, and London Sub-Regional Development schemes such as the creation of the elements of the historic environment. to direct development away from Framework states that ‘by 2020 the Thames Gateway Parklands as well as areas of highest risk. Where new London Thames Gateway will be a Community policies improving public Planning Policy Guidance 16: development is, exceptionally, new kind of exemplary, sustainable services and support are key to (PPG16): Archaeology and necessary in such areas, policy aims world class urban quarter, beacon of driving the growth and regeneration Planning: PPG16 sets out national to make it safe, without increasing international best practice’. of the London Thames Gateway area. policy regarding the preservation and flood risk elsewhere, and, where The government has also attached recording of archaeological remains The Thames Gateway Interim Plan possible, reducing flood risk overall. priority to the development of the in . PPG16 aims to reconcile comprises a Policy Framework and In circumstances where it is not Thames Gateway as an ecoregion. the needs of development with the Development Prospectus which possible for development to be interests of conservation and to informed the preparation of the Detailed planning guidance is located in zones of lower probability ensure informed judgements at the Thames Gateway Delivery Plan provided in the consolidated London of flooding, PPS25 makes provision point of planning application. The which was prepared by the Thames Plan (2008) including broad targets for the application of an Exception document explains the importance Gateway Strategic Partnership in relation to housing and design Test which provides a method of archaeological remains as a finite and published by Communities guidance. Investing in transport of managing flood risk while still resource, as evidence of the past, and and Local Government in 2007. infrastructure has been identified allowing necessary development to as part of our national identity. The plan identifies the capacity as fundamental to unlocking occur. to provide up to 160,000 well regeneration opportunities in the Planning Policy Guidance A2.2 Regional and sub- designed sustainable homes in mixed Thames Gateway. (PPG17): Planning for Open communities on brownfield sites Space, Sport and Recreation regional guidance The Channel Tunnel Rail Link station and in town centres within the area. provides guidance which seeks to at Stratford will open the area to The London Thames Gateway is the Economically, employment in the support urban renaissance, social continental Europe and establish it area of east London to the north and already established international inclusion and community cohesion, as a European Gateway. Crossrail south of the Thames from the City financial and business centre, Canary health and well-being and sustainable will provide a fast and direct of London to London’s eastern most Wharf, is expected to grow by development. link to Heathrow Airport and is boroughs of Havering and Bexley, 38,000 employees by 2016. Significant recognised as key to ensuring that Planning Policy Statements 22, with the Thames Estuary. The Thames economic growth is also proposed in employment and sustainable housing 23(PPG22, PPG23) provide guidance Gateway’s strategic geographic business services in locations such as developments will continue. The in relation to renewable energy and location as a gateway both to London Stratford City and on the Greenwich SPD area will benefit from Crossrail pollution control. and Europe provides the area Peninsula. Redevelopment of town stations at Arsenal and with a wealth of opportunities for centres is highlighted as a key Abbey Wood. Along with this, Jubilee Planning Policy Statement 25 sustainable regeneration. proposal in the Thames Gateway Line enhancements and extensions (PPS25): Development and Development Prospectus and The Thames Gateway sub-region is to the Flood Risk sets out Government significant investments are planned currently home to 500,000 people will also improve accessibility and policy on development and flood to improve housing, commercial, and includes over 100,000 hectares pedestrian movement with the 2012 risk. It aims to ensure that flood tourism, leisure and cultural of land which holds the key to Olympic Games acting as a catalyst risk is taken into account at all amenities in the area. stages in the planning process to supporting London and the South to developing extensive transport avoid inappropriate development East’s future expansion. The East Environmental opportunities through infrastructure as well as boosting

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 61 developer confidence. provide new community and recreation facilities together with improved open Housing is a key strategy within the space and Metropolitan Open Land. Thames Gateway and the London Development should be phased to Plan proposes that over the next two accommodate the Thames Gateway decades almost half of the capital’s river crossing approach road which new homes will be built in the area. will open up access to employment The Thamesmead and Abbey Wood opportunities north of the river. The SPD supplements the adopted residential environment and capacity of policies in the in a Thamesmead should also be enhanced number of areas including nature through estate renewal...... The planning conservation, green grid and the blue framework should also take account ribbon network as well as guidance of the scope to improve and expand in relation to housing and economic employment capacity in the White development. The SPD specifically Hart Triangle and other industrial sites, supplements London Plan policies including logistics provision.” 5D.1 and 5D.2 which outline the Please refer to the London Plan for strategic priorities for South East detailed policy references, allocations London and identify broad guidance and proposals. The Mayor is currently for Opportunity Areas in the sub- updating the London Plan which is region. Thamesmead is identified as targeted for consultation in Autumn part of the Woolwich, Thamesmead & 2009 and adoption in 2011/2012. East Opportunity Area which is set an indicative A key regional initiative underway capacity targets of 9,000 jobs and a by the Environment Agency is the minimum of 15,000 homes between Thames Estuary 2100 plan (TE2100). 2001 and 2026. TE2100 was established in 2002 with the aim of developing a long-term Paragraph 5.117 of the London Plan tidal flood risk management plan for provides the following guidance London and the Thames estuary. The for the Thamesmead aspect of the purpose of the project is to develop Opportunity Area: an adaptable long term plan in the “A large potential development area context of a changing estuary in with an attractive riverside setting lies relation to the shifting climate and to the west of Thamesmead centre property issues in the floodplain. and the central lake. The development The Environment Agency undertook of this area represents a strategic consultation on the TE2100 flood housing opportunity that should Southmere Park

62 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 risk management plan in 2009. The relevance. • Cemeteries; or for such facilities in an area. In the report describes the actions that event of land becoming surplus In addition, reference should be • Other uses which would maintain are needed in the short (2010-2035) to educational requirements, the made to the following adopted SPD the open character or visual medium (2035-2070) and long term following criteria will be used as an documents as appropriate: amenities of Metropolitan Open (2070-2100) to manage flood risk, Land. assessment: and who will undertake them. It • Affordable Housing SPD (2006); • The need to relieve any also identifies potential sites where • Planning Obligations Guidance Boundary of South East London deficiencies in the provision of intertidal habitat (saltmarsh and SPD (2008); Green Chain public open space within the area; mudflat) could be created to replace • Sustainable Design & Construction The Council will protect land that • Requirements for its use during habitats that are being lost due to Guide SPD (2007); and forms part of the South East London the plan period for open air rising sea levels. Green Chain and promote it as a • Design for Living, Bexley’s recreation, leisure or sport or recreational resource and visual A2.3 Local policy guidance Residential Design Guide SPD other appropriate use of open amenity in conjunction with other (2006). land should be considered and London Borough of Bexley parts of the Green Chain in south land safeguarded where a need is Unitary Development Plan Environment east London. identified; Following the guidance in the Key UDP policies: Urban Open Space • The need to meet other land Planning and Compulsory Purchase G26, G27 use requirements during the plan The Council will seek to avoid the Act (2004), the Bexley UDP (2004) ENV15, ENV16, ENV17, ENV18, period in accordance with policies loss of any public or privately owned was saved for three years from ENV19, ENV20, ENV23, ENV24, in the plan subject to the need open land, including water, trees and the commencement of the Act. A ENV26 to maintain and enhance the high woodland, that: further application was made to COM1, COM2 quality of the environment; extend a number of policies to cover • Fulfils a recreational, amenity or TS13 - TS15 • The significance of the land in the transitional phase associated nature conservation function; or providing attractive breaks in the with the preparation of the Local Metropolitan Open Land • Is capable of satisfying an built up area; and Development Framework. 210 UDP identifiable need for a suitable The Council will protect and seek • The need to preserve distinctive policies have been retained and 61 alternative use that would retain to enhance all land identified as landscape features of the open have expired as of 28 September the generally open or wooded Metropolitan Open Land. There will land, such as mature trees 2007. appearance of the land; or be a strong presumption against and woodland, as part of any The following review provides an permitting development other than • Is otherwise an important visual development of the site; that which accords with the following amenity to the area. overview of the current scope of • Provided the future use does not local planning policy and associated uses: Educational Buildings and conflict with policies in this plan objectives for the main policy themes • Agriculture and forestry; Playing Fields for the Metropolitan Green Belt of relevance to Thamesmead. Please • Predominantly open air recreation; or Metropolitan Open Land or any refer to the UDP for detailed policy The Council will normally retain in • Nature conservation; other relevant policy. references, allocations and proposals educational use land designated as for policies outlined below, and • Educational and institutional uses school buildings and playing fields, other saved policies which may be of in extensive grounds; where there is a recognised need

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 63 Allotments Site of Local Importance for materials of building should be determined in accordance with Nature Conservation be compatible with the local the considerations and criteria set The Council will keep under review character or appearance; out in Policy SHO5.Neighbourhood the demand for and supply of In Sites of Local Importance for centres in the SPD area are Lime allotments and rationalise the use Nature Conservation the Council • The spaces around buildings Row, Tavy Bridge and Wilton Road. of sites where there is a continuing will have regard to the effects of (including roads) and their hard lack of demand or replace them development on wildlife habitats. and soft landscaping and plot Movement in more suitable locations. In the Conditions may be used, where separations should be compatible Key UDP policies: event of land becoming surplus to appropriate, to protect, enhance, with the local character or requirements as allotments, the create or restore habitats. appearance and fulfil clear and G17, G18, G21 Council will assess proposals for its useful functions; ENV26 Site of Special Scientific Interest alternative use against the criteria • The development should pay T6, T14 set out in Educational Building and Development will not be permitted special regard to the setting of any TAL8-10 Playing Fields when making planning listed buildings or the character within Sites of Special Scientific London Distributor Road and decisions on the future use of that and appearance of a Conservation Interest and which may be notified Borough Distributor Road land. from time to time by English Nature, Area where appropriate; and unless it can be shown that there • Where appropriate, landscape and The Council will normally refuse any Area of Metropolitan would be no damage to scientific nature conservation features of development proposals that would Importance for Nature or nature conservation interests. interest, such as trees, hedgerows either cause local traffic flows to rise Conservation Development of land adjoining and ponds, should be preserved. above the design flow for a road or The Council will resist development, SSSI will also be resisted unless it would generate additional traffic on Residential development will not including changes of use, which would can be shown that there would be a road on which flows are already normally be permitted in locations damage or destroy habitats in any no damage to scientific or nature considered to exceed design flow, which are, or are expected to statutory local nature reserve. conservation interests. unless: become, subject to excessive noise. Site of Borough Importance for Housing Reference should also be made to • Either the affected road is included Nature Conservation the adopted SPDs identified above. in an improvement programme Key UDP policies: G15, H3 that would increase the design In the Sites of Borough Importance Retail flows to a level capable of Primary Residential Use for Nature Conservation the Council accepting increased demands from Key UDP policies: G11, will have particular regard to the Residential development and other the base flow and the development SHO6 - SHO9 effects of development on wildlife development in primarily residential or the applicant is prepared and habitats, or the need to protect rare areas should be compatible with Neighbourhood Centres in a position to undertake un- species. Planning permission may be the character or appearance of programmed road improvements, Within the Neighbourhood Centres refused if development is likely to the area in which it is located and including traffic management defined on the Proposals Map and cause the loss of a valuable habitat the following criteria should all be and environmental measures, to listed in Appendix G of the UDP or conditions will be used, where satisfied: increase the design flow capacity and listed in further detail on the appropriate, to protect, enhance, of relevant highway links to a level • The layout, scale and massing, Council’s website, proposals for non- create or restore habitats. capable of safely accommodating elevational treatment, and retail uses at ground floor level will

64 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 increased demands from the conservation, amenity or landscape Site designations development; and interest. There will be a presumption Sites of nature conservation Area of Archaeological Search against the closure or diversion of • There are no environmental, or importance (Metropolitan) other planning or road traffic public footpaths unless equivalent or • Area along as shown objections to such highway improved alternative provision is to • The River Thames (M031) on the Bexley UDP Proposals Map improvements taking place. be made. • (Crossness) (M041) Wider context Existing and Proposed Cycle Community leisure facilities and Sites of nature conservation attractions importance (Borough) Although is not Network situated within the SPD boundary, • Crossness (Bx.B1(1)) The Council will take account Key UDP policies: it is a significant site benefitting • Southmere Park (Bx.B11(2)) of the needs of cyclists in the G3-5, G9 from a series of important policy design of highway and traffic ENV20-25, ENV42, ENV60 Sites of nature conservation designations. Lesnes Abbey is management schemes and support TAL 1-22 (not TAL3, 13, 14 and 21) importance (local) identified as a Scheduled Ancient Monument. In addition, all of Lesnes the development of both strategic COM1-7 • Crossway Park and Tump 52 Abbey Woods holds the Metropolitan and local cycle networks to provide (Bx.L7) safe, convenient routes both within The Council seeks to encourage a SINC designation, and additionally the borough and linking with routes high standard of provision in relation Grade I listed buildings there is a designated Site of Special to community leisure facilities and in adjacent boroughs and districts. • Crossness Pumping Station -beam Scientific Interest (SSSI) within attractions in Bexley. This covers a The Council will seek to provide for engine house . and promote cycling in development wide range of facilities and amenities proposals by requiring as appropriate: including heritage assets, open Grade II listed buildings spaces, sites of nature conservation • Crossness Pumping Station • The provision of safe and importance, leisure facilities, -workshop range to southeast of attractive cycle routes both within education and childcare provision. main engine house major developments and linking to The Council requires facilities to existing or planned cycle networks; be accessible to all sections of the • Crossness Pumping Station • The provision of convenient and community and to enhance equal -workshop range to southwest of secure cycle parking in accordance opportunities. main engine house with the cycle parking standards Locally listed buildings set out in the UDP. Employment • The Harrow Inn, 500 Abbey Road Key UDP policies: G14, E3, E15, TS1 Existing and Proposed • Storm water pumping house at Recreational Paths There is one Primary Employment Crossness Sewage Treatment The Council will seek to enhance Area within the SPD area, which Works, Belvedere Road is Veridion Park, located in the the value of linear routes in the Conservation Areas borough, such as railways, riverside Belvedere Industrial Area. footpaths, Strategic Roads and • Crossness, Belvedere (Designated the Green Chain Walk, for nature 26 Feb 1997) Thamesmead Festival, 2007

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 65 Greenwich Council Unitary viability of Woolwich or . Development Plan (2006) Thamesmead town centre is designated as a district centre The Greenwich UDP policies and is currently being assessed as were automatically saved for three part of a joint town centres retail years from adoption. The saved study between undertaken by the policies expired on 19 July 2009 and London Boroughs of Greenwich Government Office for London has and Bexley. issued a direction to extend the life of some of the Greenwich UDP • Seven Local Centres offer a policies and site proposals. moderate range of shopping and service activities, usually including Retail a small supermarket, and are Town Centre Boundary suitable locations for appropriately scaled town centre uses to serve To support the borough’s town their local catchment. A new centre hierarchy of Major, District Local Centre will be developed by and Local Centres, and its network of Station, as part of the Neighbourhood Parades, as set out Kidbrooke Development Area. below: • 32 Neighbourhood Parades • Woolwich and Eltham are complement the formal retail designated Major Centres, hierarchy and typically have fewer and the borough’s largest and than 20 shops offering basic second largest shopping and office convenience goods and services employment centres respectively. within walking distance. Retail They are preferred locations for developments will be subject larger scale development in retail, to need and sequential testing. leisure and other town centre Provision of a minimum range uses. of retailing and services will be • Six District Centres offer safeguarded. a significant range of both Core Shopping Frontage comparison shopping and a supermarket or range of food The Council will seek to protect shops. They are appropriate the overall viability of town centres locations for a variety of town by designating Core (Primary) centre uses scaled to serve the and Fringe (Secondary) Shopping population of their sub-region Frontages in major and district without harming the vitality and centres, and by designating local Thamesmead Festival 2007

66 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 centres in their entirety as Local proposed or the combined total of and employees within walking conservation importance nor Shopping Frontage. At ground floor A3, A4 and A5 uses would occupy distance. prejudice the ecological or amenity level a minimum of 70% of Core more than 25% of all designated significance of the area. Greenwich Waterfront Frontage, and 50% of Fringe and frontage premises within that • The proposal should not have any Local Frontage, should be available centre. Policy W4 states that the Council adverse effects on neighbouring for A1 retail use. supports “the ongoing development Neighbourhood Parade residential areas and should not of Thamesmead to form a distinctive, Fringe Shopping Frontage result in an unacceptable level of In considering proposals for accessible and mixed community noise or other disturbance. The Council will support the Neighbourhood Parades and with a good quality of life and • The proposal must not result provision of a range of activity freestanding neighbourhood shops environment, a balanced range in the enlargement or creation generating non-retail uses in town the Council will seek to safeguard of facilities to serve the local of an area of public open space centres, including evening activities existing A1 retail uses and the community, public open space and a deficiency. where environmentally appropriate, provision of a minimum range of mix of dwellings including affordable • The proposal shall not result in an subject to the ground floor retail essential local facilities including housing.” overall reduction of the provision thresholds set out in Policy TC17. a general grocer, newsagent, post Environment of playing fields or sports pitches Non-retail proposals: office, chemist, doctor and dentist. and associated facilities in the Change of use in any such facility will Metropolitan Open Land • Should directly serve visiting borough. be opposed if it would result in the members of the public, generate loss without replacement of a valued Proposals for redevelopment, • The proposal shall not result in and not impede pedestrian activity, local service, or its loss would place extension or change of use of a significant increase in vehicular and keep the shopping frontage the surrounding area more than 400 existing built development within traffic to the site and any provision active and viable; metres from the nearest alternative. Metropolitan Open Land whose for parking shall not dominate or • Should include the installation and primary function is not ancillary to fragment the site. Employment retention of a display window of the use of adjoining open land will be • Any replacement buildings should controlled according to the following good design; Defined Industrial Area not exceed the ground floor area • Must not result in the loss of an criteria: or height of those existing on the occupied A1 retail unit where Defined Industrial Areas are • The design, scale, massing, siting site. reasonable alternative premises particularly suited and safeguarded and landscaping of the proposal for activities within Use Classes • There will be a presumption are available elsewhere in that should relate sensitively to other against extensions to existing centre; B1, B2 and B8, although office buildings on the site, to those developments unless ancillary will be buildings unless it can be • Will not be permitted if as a result on adjoining sites and to the limited to locations with good public demonstrated that any such breaks between occupied A1 character of the surrounding open transport accessibility. Other uses development would be modest in premises exceed two units in core land. The proposal should not be will not be permitted unless they are: scale and not be visually intrusive frontages or three in fringe or visually intrusive and should have or have any adverse effect on local frontages; and • ‘Sui Generis’ uses that are minimal impact upon the open the character of the surrounding industrial in character. nature of the area. • Will not be permitted if as a result Metropolitan Open Land. either the Use Class category • Local service uses to • The proposal should not be • All proposals shall be landscaped predominantly serve businesses within a defined site of nature

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 67 and introduce diversity to the with its designation. Conservation Safeguarded Proposed Crossrail proposed traffic management wildlife interest of the site. and enhancement of important Route schemes, as appropriate. Existing trees of significance scientific features will be sought by The Council supports the following • Providing cycle routes in should be protected and appropriate management. rail schemes which it will pursue with accordance with the London Cycle replacement trees provided. Movement the relevant agencies: Network (LCN), Thames Cycle Community Open Space Route and evolving local network London Distributor Road • DLR Extension to Woolwich (now (see Map 11). Where possible Public and private open space open, see proposals map/site London distributor roads are those these will be physically segregated areas defined as Community Open schedule m4); which: from other road users. The use of Space will be safeguarded from built • Crossrail Project ; footpaths in general, the riverside development. New buildings and Link strategic roads, strategic • Orbital Rail Services between walk and the Green Chain will extensions to existing buildings will centres, and function as main bus Abbey Wood and Victoria Station; be examined in this context, as only be permitted where they are routes. However, environmental and will their provision in association ancillary to the existing land use, are considerations will still dictate their • Capacity improvements for with new development and road limited in size and extent, sensitively size, the design of junctions and the passengers on rail lines through schemes. Other physical provision, sited, and are compatible with amount of traffic they should carry. and at interchanges in the borough. such as improved junction design neighbouring development. Changes will also be implemented where Local distribution and access roads of use of existing buildings in ancillary Riverbus Site possible and required. In particular, use will be considered in the light are those which are used by traffic The Council will safeguard land and safe cycle routes to schools will of Policy O1. Where existing built passing through a particular area, as otherwise support the introduction also be implemented. development within parks and public well as providing access to land, and of public transport services on the • Providing cycle parking facilities, open spaces becomes surplus to buildings in the immediate vicinity. river, particularly between Central particularly in conjunction with demand, the Council may allow the Traffic here must not overwhelm the London, Greenwich, the Waterfront, major traffic attractors/generators sites to be redeveloped for specialist character of an area. Woolwich and Thamesmead. and new developments. These sporting development (which Thames Crossing Safeguard should be sufficient in number, safe combine the use of outdoor and Area Cycle Route and in well-lit areas. indoor space), subject to the criteria • Provision for secure cycle parking set out in Policy O1. The Council supports the following Cycling will be promoted in the road schemes, for which lands will borough. The borough will press and other cyclists needs will be a Site of Nature Conservation be safeguarded including the Thames relevant agencies to maintain/provide condition on planning permissions Importance Gateway Bridge with a dedicated free cycle carriage on rail/riverbus, for major new developments, and cycle use of bus lanes will be (See Table M1), and developer These Sites include Sites of Special public transport corridor (for use promoted. The needs of cyclists contributions to cycle provision/ Scientific Interest (SSSI) and sites only by public transport vehicles will be particularly pursued in all networks will also be sought as declared as Local Nature Reserves such as buses, trams, transit vehicles - new development, road and traffic appropriate in line with Policy SC2. (LNR). There will be a presumption specific system to be determined), management schemes by: against the development of these sites: the level of protection accorded • Freeing cyclists from the to a site will be commensurate restrictions of existing and Established/New/Improved

68 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Riverside Walk for a Design Statement; • Site to the east of Plumstead Bus importance (Borough, grade1) Garage (j16) The existing riverside footpath will • Develop and enhance the area’s • Tump 53 Nature Park (nc15); be safeguarded and improved so links with the river, and contribute Housing • Birchmere (nc19); to the completion of a continuous that a continuous signposted walk • Thamesmead Historic Area and public riverside footpath and • Site west of offices, Harrow Manor from to Thamesmead is Way (hi); and Wetlands (nc21); created. Development proposals for cycleway from Deptford to • Land adjacent Broadwater Dock • Twin Tumps and Thamesmere riverside sites will be required to Thamesmead (Policy O16); (h8). (nc22); incorporate provision for a riverside • Incorporate sustainable modes walkway along the river frontage or of passenger, freight and tourist Open spaces • The Ridgeway (nc27); contribute to improvements where transport as appropriate (see • Tripcock Park West (o15); • Belmarsh ditches (nc29); and Policy M7); the existing footpath needs it. The • Tripcock Park East (o16); • Gallions Reach Park (nc35). Council will examine the potential • Assist the improvement and • Riverside Walk, Area 4 & 6 North Area of Archeological Potential to extend the riverside footpath regeneration of existing built up (o17); along Deptford Creek. Amenity areas, providing new uses for old • Area of high potential (strip of open space areas will be created buildings; and • Riverside Walk, adjacent to land fronting River Thames - see Tripcock Park, Areas 6/7 (o18); and at strategic locations en route and • Protect and enhance the river Map 10, UDP). the possibility of creating open–air • Canal system, Area 6 (o19). and its foreshore for wildlife Grade II listed building performance areas will be pursued and nature conservation, avoid Movement • Council depot, White Hart Road with developers where appropriate. unnecessary encroachment • Crossrail (m5); Footpaths and associated areas and contribute positively to should be safe to use and accessible the improvement of the local • Riverbus – Thamesmead (m8); to all. environment. • Riverside Walk – cycling (m12); and Thames Policy Area Site proposals • (m2). The Council will seek a high quality Community needs and services of design respecting the special • Mixed use character of the River Thames within • Community / civic site, • Tamesis Point, Thamesmead the Thames Policy Area. Proposals Thamesmere Drive (cb3) (mu40) within the Area will be expected to • Tripcock Park school site (cb4) Sites of nature conservation satisfy the development principles Jobs importance (Metropolitan) under Policy W2: • White Hart Triangle (j1) • The River Thames and tidal • Area of Special Character of tributaries (nc1) Metropolitan Importance; • Land at Central Way, Nathan Way, Purland Road, east of Belmarsh • Have regard to adopted Council Prison (j13) planning briefs, design guides and urban design guidelines including • Site fronting Nathan Way (j14) Sites of nature conservation major development requirement • 4-40 Nathan Way (j15)

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 69 CROSSWAYS MANORWAY





Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey digital maps with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (c) Crown Copyright. License No. Plan illustrating neighbourhoods in Thamesmead LB Greenwich DGRE003/07/004 2008. LB Bexley 100017693 2008. Southmere

70 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Annex 3 Evidence base and consultation

A3.1 Introduction Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD). rates of people who die prematurely deprived LSOAs in England and These domains are: or whose quality of life is impaired according to the Index of Multiple The purpose of this Annex is , which measures the rate of by poor health or who are disabled, Deprivation. On the Greenwich to provide a summary of the Crime recorded crime for four major crime across the whole population; side of Thamesmead, south western detailed evidence base which has themes - burglary, theft, criminal portion of the Broadwater area is informed the development of the Income, which captures the damage and violence - representing within the 20% most deprived in Supplementary Planning Document. proportions of the population the occurrence of personal and the country. Gallions Urban The key issues in Thamesmead are experiencing income deprivation in material victimisation at a small area is significantly less deprived. The outined, particularly in relation to an area; and level; Abbey Wood estate, to the south of the issue of need, across a series of Living environment, which the Ridgeway and west of Harrow different socio-economic domains Barriers to Housing and focuses on deprivation in the living Manorway is within the top 10% (section A3.2) and how these needs Services, which measures barriers environment. It comprises the most deprived in the country. Parts are linked to and exacerbated by to housing and key local services. ‘indoors’ living environment which of the Moorings and Manorway the physical form of Thamesmead Barriers refer to ‘geographical measures the quality of housing and neighbourhoods are also within the and Abbey Wood (section A3.3). barriers’ and ‘wider barriers’ which the ‘outdoors’ living environment top 10-20% most deprived. On the An overview of the key findings includes issues such as housing which contains two measures about Bexley side of Thamesmead, IMD emerging from consultation is affordability; air quality and road traffic accidents. data indicates that the Southmere outlined in section A3.4. area (including the Tavy Bridge estate) Education, skills and training, Index of Multiple Deprivation Section A3.5 outlines the initiatives which identifies the extent of is within the most 20% deprived. The which are already underway to deprivation in education, skills and The Indices of Deprivation 2007 Parkview neighbourhood also suffers address these key issues, and training in a local area in relation to are measured at the Lower Layer from a high level of deprivation also summarises the need for a lack of attainment among children Super Output Area (LSOA) level, (top 20-30% most deprived). The comprehensive strategy to deliver and young people and lack of which enables a more subtle analysis more recent riverside developments the regeneration of Thamesmead. qualifications in terms of skills; of deprivation at sub-ward level. within the Manorway and Crossways LSOAs are ranked, ‘1’ being the most neighbourhoods have a lower A3.2 Issues and opportunities Employment, which measures deprived out of 34,378 LSOAs in incidence of deprivation. arising from baseline report employment deprivation by England and Wales. This enables data Crime: Within the domain of crime, and consultation considering people of working age to be grouped to establish whether there is a similar pattern to the who are involuntarily excluded from an LSOA is in the top 10% or 20% of overall level of multiple deprivation. Deprivation the world of work, either through most deprived in the country. The Abbey Wood area, southern The Indices of Deprivation 2004 unemployment, ill health or family The following plan illustrates part of Manorway, Southmere and (ID 2004) combined seven distinct circumstances; the key pockets of deprivation Broadwater are all within the 10% dimensions of deprivation into a Health and disability, which in Thamesmead. The whole of most deprived LSOAs in England and single overall measure, known as the identifies areas with relatively high Thamesmead is within the 50% most Wales.

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 71 The consultation feedback indicated that a major concern in the area is crime and community safety. In • 10% most deprived common with many deprived areas . 10-20% of London, local people reported 0 20-30% concerns about an increase in gang 0 30-50% culture, particularly the ‘Cherry Boys’ and ‘T-Block’ gangs. The police and neighbourhood/ community safety teams are currently working on a cross-borough strategy for Thamesmead. Community and youth provision is critical across the area, but most urgently required in Gallions Urban Village and the northern/waterfront properties in Crossways / Manorway. Barriers to housing and services: The issue of barriers to housing and services is significant across Thamesmead as a whole. All of the LSOAs north of the Ridgeway suffer from high levels of deprivation in this respect. The Abbey Wood estate, west of Harrow Manorway is also with the 20% most deprived areas in the country. In relative terms, access to services and housing is less of an issue in Southmere, Lesnes and Parkview. Education and skills: Education and skills deprivation is concentrated Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Index of multiple deprivation illustrating Thamesmead’s relative digital maps with the permission of the on the Moorings estate, the southern Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary levels of deprivation in England and Wales Office (c) Crown Copyright. License No. part of Broadwater, Manorway, Abbey LB Greenwich DGRE003/07/004 2008. LB Bexley 100017693 2008. Wood estate, Southmere, Lesnes and Source: DCLG Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007 Parkview.

72 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Employment: Analysis of the 34,000. Thamesmead has a younger Grade Typical occupation (36%) and Broadwater (35%) have employment domain shows that population profile compared with the the highest proportion of Black and A Doctor, barrister, lecturer, the most employment-deprived local, regional and national averages. financial banker, company director, Minority Ethnic (BME) residents. pockets are the Moorings estate and 24% of residents are 14 and under media consultants In addition, Thamesmead has a southern Manorway neighbourhoods, compared to a national average of B Teacher, accountant, librarian, higher proportion of residents born Abbey Wood estate, Southmere and 19%. Conversely, only 11% of the middle manager, solicitor, police outside the UK (22%) than Bexley Greenmead. population is aged 60 and over supervisor (8%), Greenwich (18%) or England compared to 17% at a London scale C1 Lower civil servant, sales person, Health: Distribution of the highest and Wales (9%). Lesnes (27%) and and 21% nationally. Considering age police officer, nurse, supervisors levels of health deprivation is focused Broadwater (25%) have the highest structure at the neighbourhood C2 Machinist, electrician, carpenter, in the Broadwater area and the proportion of residents born outside scale, Lesnes, Waterfield, Moorings plumber, bricklayer Abbey Wood estate. the UK according to the 2001 and Golf Course have a higher D Manual workers, shop worker, machine tool operator, assembler, Census. Income: Income deprivation proportion of residents aged under apprentices 14 compared to the Thamesmead is highest in the LSOAs in E Casual labourers, state pensioners The Scase report recognises that Moorings and southern Manorway average. there has been a significant growth neighbourhoods, Abbey Wood estate, Socio-economic classification in the West African population in In relation to household types, Southmere and Parkview. Thamesmead in recent years. This Thamesmead has a higher percentage in low-income unskilled or non-wage is likely to have an impact on the Living and environment: of young single households (26% earning households (D/E groups) accuracy of current Census data, Data indicated that the LSOAs in compared with the national average and lower percentage in managerial exacerbated by short-term lettings Thamesmead are not within the top of 16%) and a lower percentage of and professional households (A/B and buy-to-let where properties 10% to 20% of deprived areas in the pensioner-households. Thamesmead groups) compared to local, national which are officially recorded as country for this domain. also has a lower percentage of and London-wide averages. At a ‘owner-occupied’ but are actually Further socio-economic analysis married households with dependent neighbourhood level, the waterfront let out, meaning that it is difficult to children and the proportion of neighbourhoods have the highest The Scase report (June 2007), which gather any information about their households comprising single parents proportion of A/B group residents was commissioned by Gallions occupants. with dependent children is more (25%) compared with Parkview Housing Association provides than twice the regional average. At (12%), Lesnes (13%) and Greenmead Housing stock an additional source of baseline the neighbourhood level, 48% of (13%). Approximately 50% of demographic and socio-economic Moorings households are single- Moorings and Parkview residents live 46% of residents live in terraced research drawing on the 2001 census. person. in D/E households. houses which compares with 26% Key aspects of the socio-economic for London and England. 40% of profile are summarised as follows: Socio-economic profile Ethnic composition households live in apartments which is more than twice the Demographic profile The Scase report identifies that the According to the 2001 census, the national average (19%). Examining socioeconomic profile is “skewed proportion of residents from Black Thamesmead has a population Thamesmead in more detail, there towards lower income socio- groups (20%) is twice that of the of 27,000 according to the 2001 is significant variation between economic categories”. Thamesmead equivalent London percentage. Census and the Scase report neighbourhoods. For example, nearly has a higher percentage of residents Analysis of the neighbourhood trends estimates current population as Bronze Age Way subway, 2008 60% of homes in Parkview are flats Southern Arches indicate that Lesnes (39%), Moorings

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 73 compared with less than 20% close and Crossways have the highest Category Qualifications to the Golf Course. proportion of full-time employees. No No academic, vocational or There are few differences between qualification professional qualifications Housing tenure Thamesmead and other destinations Level 1 1+‘O’ level passes, 1+CSE/ The Thamesmead area has a much in relation to distribution of GCSE any grades, NVQ level higher proportion of socially rented employment types. Thamesmead 1, Foundation GNVQ properties (41%) than the national has a high proportion of employees Level 5+‘O’ level passes, 5+CSEs average (19%). Significantly, only 39% engaged in routine manual and sales. (grade 1). 5+GCSEs (grades A-C), School Certificate, of households are owner-occupiers The distribution of occupational 1+’A’ levels/AS levels, NVQ compared with more than two- groups within Thamesmead follows level 2, Intermediate GNVQ thirds nationally. The Moorings a similar trend to other categories Level 3 Level 3: 2+‘A’ levels,4+AS and Parkview have the highest with Waterfront exhibiting a far levels, Higher School proportion of socially rented housing greater proportion of managers certificate, NVQ level 3, in Thamesmead and Crossways, Golf (16%) compared with Parkview (8%). Advanced GNVQ Course and Waterfront have the Level 4/5 First degree, Higher degree, Education and training NVQ levels 4 and 5, HNC, highest owner occupancy rates. HND, Qualified Teacher The Scase report notes that a third Transport and travel status, Qualified Medical of residents in Thamesmead aged Doctor, Qualified Dentist, Analysis of transport patterns shows 16-74 have no qualifications, 37% Qualified Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor that 45% of residents travel to work have a level 1 or 2 qualification and by public transport and 40% by car/ 26% have a level 3 or 4 qualification. Other Other qualifications (e.g. qualification City and Guilds, RSA/OCR, motorcycle. Analysis of distance These proportions are broadly / level BTEC/Edexcel), Other travelled to work, indicates that the similar to local and national averages. unknown Professional Qualifications. majority of residents (59%) work At a neighbourhood scale, education within 5km of home and one third profiles correlate with the pattern Education and qualification categories work between 5 and 30km. Almost of occupational and employment Health condition half of residents on Moorings and profiles, with Greenmead and Parkview do not have a car. Parkview having a higher proportion Analysis of the health profile of residents with no qualifications indicates that the health of Local economy (37% to 39%) compared with only residents is slightly better than the The local economic profile is 19% to 26% in Crossways, Golf national, local and regional averages relatively similar to wider trends. Course and Waterfront. The report which appears to be a result of According to the 2001 Census, highlights that there is a specific issue Thamesmead’s younger age profile. 47% of the population is in full-time with lack of qualifications among When compared on an age-for-age employment, with 7% unemployed 15-19 year olds with a high drop- basis, the health of residents is worse and 31% economically inactive. As out rate from the further education than national and regional averages. with the other criteria, the results system constraining access to According to the Department of vary by neighbourhood. Waterfront employment opportunities. Health, the Glyndon, Moorings White Hart Triangle

74 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 and Thamesmead East wards have expected from an increasing nurseries operating in the Greenwich for extended schools is to have all significantly lower life expectancy population. There is a significant part of Thamesmead at present, schools with access to before school rates that the average for England. number of child minders in providing 90 full daycare places. The and after school services, from 8am Key health issues in Thamesmead Thamesmead providing childcare to new Discovery School will offer a to 6pm, to support working parents. include high teenage pregnancy rate, parents and Bexley in general has the further 52 places for 0-5 year olds To meet a target figure of 25 places an estimated higher than average highest number of child minders per within the Children’s Centre. Pre- per 100 children, there would need proportion of residents who smoke capita of all London boroughs. This is school places offer sessional care to be an additional 378 places for and high mortality rates associated an indication that child care provision - some have considered providing 5-11 year olds in this ward by 2018. with smoking, heart disease, stroke in Thamesmead is not appropriately wrap-around care to provide child and cancers. Greenmead and balanced in relation to local demand care which meets the needs of Social infrastructure Parkview have the highest rates of at present. In addition, there is a working parents. long-term disability and illness. need to take a more strategic view of The provision of appropriate social To meet a target figure of 25 places childcare and early years education in infrastructure is central to the Childcare provision for every 100 children aged 0-5, Thamesmead, in order to understand creation of a sustainable community. requires an additional 173 places Evidence suggests that there are a the implications for primary school to be developed in Thamesmead by Separate studies are being number of issues associated with provision of a growing population. 2018 for this age group. 284 child undertaken for Bexley and childcare provision in Thamesmead. Greenwich findings - minding places are provided through Greenwich to test the service These include a lack of sufficient the child minding network for the requirement impacts of housing formal nursery provision, long waiting The Thamesmead area has an Thamesmead area, and these places growth. Population growth and lists, and additional demand expected increasing population due to the can offer a very flexible service to demographic change associated from an increasing population. In extensive housing developments meet the needs of families with with future developments should general there is a lack of suitable and regeneration of the area. young children. also be factored in to ensure that buildings to accommodate new Child care provision has not so far understanding of social infrastructure childcare facilities. Data indicates been able to meet the high level The population across Thamesmead requirements is complete. These that the study area has the highest of demand. The reasons for this is continuing to rise, with a notable studies consider data at a borough per capita rate of registered child are in the main due to a lack of increase in the number of 5- 11 scale and may be based on minders in London which is an suitable premises or suitable land on year olds forecast over the next 10 different assumptions. There is a important consideration in planning which to build. Existing provision years (almost 50%). Currently there need for further study would be for childcare. has long waiting lists and many are two after school clubs, one of to extrapolate the findings of the parents are reportedly travelling to which serves several schools within borough based studies on a cross- Bexley findings - other parts of the borough to find the local area, and two breakfast boundary basis for Thamesmead and Initial findings from the studies childcare to meet their needs. A clubs. Around 120 places for 5-11 Abbey Wood. suggest there are some issues high level of calls from Thamesmead year olds are provided through child Neighbourhoods and housing associated with Early Years provision. residents have been received by the minding. Any proposed growth in the There is a 90 place full day care Children’s Information Service. There extended schools childcare needs Neighbourhoods in Thamesmead nursery at the Business is particular demand for full day to be linked to the schools and the play a major role in defining a with long waiting lists for some care places, especially for children clusters, in addition to population sense of place and community. places and additional demand under two years old. There are two figures - the aim through the target There is a sense that some local

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 75 people have dual place identities - of renewal at Tavy Bridge and location, many potential residents articulating an identification with the is considering potential for the in the housing allocation pool neighbourhood in which they live, as renewal of the Moorings estate. select other locations ahead of well as with Thamesmead as a whole. The Moorings estate comprises Thamesmead. The exception is BME 1,259 units and was built in the households who may recognise that The exception is Abbey Wood 1970s comprising medium-rise Thamesmead has a proportion of which is considered distinct from linear blocks with interconnecting BME residents, which means that Thamesmead by many local residents. walkways. The overall layout and there are established social networks As noted above, Thamesmead is structure of the estate creates a and communities in the area. This undergoing constant change in hostile physical environment. The demand profile is a concern as there demographic terms, with a high Moorings was purportedly built is a risk that certain neighbourhoods proportion of transient residents to provide accommodation for will lack a representative mix, to moving through the area. A high level construction workers and therefore the potential detriment of social of transience reduces the level of has a very high proportion of single cohesion across Thamesmead as a attachment and civic pride in an area person units. Based on a stock whole. and a major challenge is therefore condition survey, it is estimated that to enhance Thamesmead as a place In addition, a predominance of buy- 60% of the homes in the Moorings to live and to encourage people to to-let properties is exacerbating area will meet the Decent Homes reside in the area for longer. issues associated with population standard in 2010. The Moorings transience in parts of Thamesmead. The Thistlebrook site at Abbey neighbourhood was selected as a Wood provides accommodation for priority for regeneration on the A3.3 Impact of physical form travellers. basis of socio-economic analysis undertaken in the Scase report The socio-economic needs, Gallions Housing Association and further specialist research outlined in the previous section, are and housing renewal on the case for renewal of three intertwined with the physical form Gallions Housing Association (GHA) neighbourhoods in Thamesmead. The of Thamesmead and Abbey Wood. has a key role in revitalising the report illustrated high incidence of The following sections provide provision and management of social crime, poor satisfaction ratings in an overview of the key physical housing and integrating Thamesmead relation to management, maintenance characteristics of the study area and with the wider housing strategy for and public realm. Gallions is currently associated issues. the region. GHA has a stated goal initiating a planning, consultation and Open spaces “to develop and improve housing and masterplanning process to review the infrastructure to unite the diverse approach to the Moorings. The study area has a significant number of open spaces which are community of Thamesmead, fusing Key housing issues it together for future generations” a defining feature of Thamesmead. (Submission to Housing Corporation, The Thamesmead area suffers from Alongside the lakes and canals, 2007). Gallions is already undertaking an image problem at a sub-regional the open spaces and green links a comprehensive programme level. In selecting their preferred appear to form a coherent spatial Housing adjacent to canal

76 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 framework for the area, providing the Ridgeway and the A2016 is a towpaths do not always function unusual location on the periphery recreational destinations for the key opportunity. The creation of a well as public spaces, due to a lack of the area it serves. Despite being local communities and internal safe and viable link along this green of passive surveillance and positive adjacent to the River Thames, it lacks routes and connections through the spine also has potential to benefit activity. any sense of connection or presence area. In reality, many open spaces in the strategic hub of community in relation to the Thames Path. The Thamesmead is clearly characterised the study area are under used. To a focused projects at the Arches and town centre has clear potential to as a collection of distinct large extent this is a product of the Thamesmead Town FC. play a greater role as a ‘heart’ for neighbourhoods. Distinct residential design of the spaces and the feeling Thamesmead. Large parts of the new areas of typologies, poor connections of isolation resulting from a lack of development, particularly west of between neighbourhoods and Pettman Crescent is a key landmark active frontages bordering the parks Tripcock Ness and the more recent severance caused by highways from a transport perspective, being and the associated sense of limited development at Thamesmead infrastructure contribute to strong a major gateway into the area by informal surveillance. north have little or no street neighbourhood place identity. bus and car. In terms of legibility, it The Bexley side of the study area tree planting. This significantly blocks connections from Plumstead Thamesmead has always been a benefits from a strong strategic reduces the quality of the public to the Broadwater area and the River significant risk of flooding, which green connection from Lesnes realm. Many of the older parts of Thames and frustrates pedestrian requires the incorporation of Abbey Woods to Crossness Engines Thamesmead have dense coverage movement. Belmarsh Prison is a an efficient drainage system and Trust Steam Heritage Museum and of mature trees which enhances major landmark and destination appropriate flood mitigation. In the Thames Path. These heritage the quality of the environment of but its use and form add to a sense design terms, much of the earlier assets are linked by a generous these areas. The addition of street of disconnection from the wider development in Thamesmead was green corridor which runs along trees would improve the quality of Thamesmead area. required to have non residential Abbey Way via Southmere Park the environment, and also has the uses at ground floor, which led to The Ridgeway forms a major spine and Crossway Park. To the east, potential to provide for shading and a distinctive typology of housing in through the area which has potential Southmere Park meets the Erith evaporative cooling, both of which Thamesmead with garages at ground both to divide and connect. The Marshes, which alongside will become increasing important in floor and habitable rooms above. outfall sewer accentuates the physical Marshes and Marshes are the context of climate change. Areas such as Tavy Bridge were barrier effect of Eastern / Western a major asset, providing local urban Legibility and design most radical in their implementation Way, but also provides a means for communities with access to nature with walkways linking maisonettes pedestrians and cyclists to traverse and the Thames, flood alleviation, Thamesmead has a green and tower blocks at first floor the area. recreation and green space. character and a high degree of level. Walkways and ground floor ‘Managing the Marshes’ (March 2006) biodiversity - parks and open The railway line is a major barrier, garages have provided an effective emphasises the strategic importance space are interspersed with the but a clear asset with Plumstead response to flood risk, but they of the Lesnes - Crossness link, and varied urban character of the area Station and Abbey Wood station are also associated with creating the reservoir of biodiversity on the and have potential as destinations having significant potential as the conditions for unsafe spaces doorstep of Thamesmead. and as points of orientation. The gateways into the area. associated with anti-social behaviour lakes and canals play a key role in The strategic connection is currently in some areas. linking the different Thamesmead The strategic green corridor severed by Eastern Way, and the which runs from Lesnes Abbey to neighbourhoods. However, the Thamesmead town centre is in an achievement of a crossing point over Crossness has major potential as a

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 77 focus for the Green Grid project. the development of system building. • Balancing the community - was ‘safer routes for pedestrians’ Abbey Way forms a striking green diversifying neighbourhoods; (29%) which was followed by A3.4 Key messages from connection to Southmere lake • Giving a heart to Thamesmead - ‘enhance public transport in consultation which acts as a mini-gateway to creating a vibrant town centre; Thamesmead’ (20%) and ‘improve Erith Marshes, a natural asset of links between neighbourhoods’ On 14 July 2007, Urban Practitioners • Building quality neighbourhoods - major biodiversity significance. There (17%). In relative terms, enhancing and officers from Bexley and setting new standards; is potential to extend this route public transport provision to Greenwich Councils attended the • Connecting Thamesmead - across the Ridgeway and Eastern Thamesmead Festival in Birchmere surrounding areas is less of a priority Way, enabling a connection via the neighbourhoods, community and than improving internal connections. Park. This was a major opportunity region; football club to the Thames Path to engage with local people in order • Generating a dynamic local Green Thamesmead - open and Crossness, a second heritage to raise awareness of the study economy - delivering local jobs; spaces, lakes and waterways destination to mirror Lesnes Abbey. and to identify the key issues and • Unleashing personal potential The most popular responses in Eastern Way flyover is a major priorities from a local perspective. - raising employable skills and relation to how these assets could be infrastructural landmark. It is a major Key feedback and priorities are improving the quality of citizenship; improved include ‘encourage better traffic route, but also represents a summarised below. The issues and use of open spaces and lakes with key geographical threshold, the point priorities identified are consistent • Caring for the community - new leisure and recreation activities’ of pedestrian connection from the with many of the baseline findings providing healthcare for a changing (30%) and ‘make green walks and Northern Arches to the Southern outlined in sections 3.2 and 3.3. population; canals safer’ (29%). 20% of responses Arches, and a means of accessing the • Unlocking Thamesmead - Thamesmead town centre - a supported ‘better use of small pocket Ridgeway. There is major potential to creating an accessible and green heart for Thamesmead parks’ (e.g. community gardens, play enhance pedestrian connections in environment; facilities, allotments). this area. The majority of participants (65%) • Re-branding Thamesmead - stated that they like the town centre, Thamesmead as a destination - Heritage value reinforcing a sense of identity and but it could be improved. Just under place; and changing the perception Thamesmead and Abbey Wood a quarter of responses indicated that • Championing the community – The highest priority for changing benefits from a varied and unique Thamesmead town centre serves all representing the residents. the perception of Thamesmead was historic environment. Areas of of their needs. Responses indicated ‘promote new visitor attractions and significance and importance include that the main priorities for the town The main improvement which people green walks in Thamesmead’ (21%) Lesnes Abbey and woods, Crossness centre are ‘new shops and services’ would like to see in their local followed by ‘promote future events Engines (Grade I listed), the Thames (25%), ‘improved community facilities’ neighbourhood is ‘improved sense of such as Thamesmead Festival’ (18%). Path, open spaces, lakes and canals, (24%) and ‘entertainment and leisure safety’ (29%) followed by ‘improved ‘Support physical improvements to and Erith Marshes. The area north- facilities’ (23%). community facilities’ (22%), ‘better individual neighbourhoods’ (14%), east of Abbey Wood station, known local shopping facilities’ (22%). Thamesmead’s neighbourhoods ‘improvements to Thamesmead town as Area One in relation to the - local places and facilities Re-connecting Thamesmead - centre as a focus for community culmination of public housing design local links and beyond facilities’ 14%) and ‘promote by the Architect Departments at the For residents living in the study area, opportunities to improve local skills LCC and GLC and the LCC’s role in the following issues were raised in The main priority for participants relation to their local neighbourhood: and access to job opportunities’

78 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 (12%) were also selected by a successful regeneration and renewal term and a positive impact in the number of participants. of Thamesmead and Abbey Wood. medium to long term. The impact Given the number of stakeholder of the Thamesmead SPD will be of A3.5 Responding to the organisations and the cross-borough moderate to minor significance. baseline findings context, it is important that there Importantly, no adverse sustainability is a cohesive and joined-up strategy A number of initiatives have recently effects were identified through the which ensures that connections and been completed or are already SA of the Thamesmead SPD. The linkages are made between projects underway in the Thamesmead and beneficial effects of the Thamesmead and that phasing and prioritisation Abbey Wood Study area. These SPD could be maximised through the responds to an overarching vision include the following: Environmental Impact Assessment and context. • Gallions Reach Urban Village – of site specific proposals and new residential community in West The SPD provides a vehicle for consideration of the SPD by the Thamesmead; achieving a cohesive spatial strategy London Borough of Bexley and • Tamesis Point - adopted SPG and and the following chapters include Greenwich Council in the production outline planning consent for the the following elements: of other planning documents. delivery of 2,000 new homes to • Coherent vision and objectives The SA is an iterative process and the west of Thamesmead town (Chapter 2); therefore the significant sustainability centre; • Statement of strategic guidance effects have been considered in • White Hart Triangle - creation of and planning principles (Chapter the production of the SPD. The SA high quality business premises in 3); has therefore assisted in reducing West Thamesmead; • Specific guidance for opportunity uncertainties and improving the • Tavy Bridge - phased renewal of areas (Chapter 4); and expected outcomes of the SPD. the housing estate by Southmere; • Identification of key projects and The SPD has responded to the and interventions (Annex 1). SA findings by emphasising the • Veridion Park - rejuvenation importance of sustainable patterns The final component (Delivery of East Business Thamesmead of transport and movement, and Implementation) is subject to Business Park including the introducing specific guiding principles greater detail in the projects-focused Thames Innovation Centre (TIC) in relation to heritage and supporting Thamesmead Delivery Plan Summary and outline consent for new office, the realisation of borough-wide which has been prepared in parallel light industrial and warehouse uses sustainability targets. with the SPD. in Bexley. A3.6 Sustainability Appraisal These projects will play a key role in responding to the socio-economic In general, the SA has found that needs outlined above and addressing the impact of the Thamesmead the physical barriers to achieving SPD is primarily local. The SPD will sustainable development and the have a neutral impact in the short

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 79 Annex 4 List of key references

National guidance Local guidance Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2003: Sustainable Communities – Building London Borough of Bexley, 2004: Bexley Unitary Development Plan (UDP) for the Future London Borough of Bexley, 2006: Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS1): Sustainable Communities Document (SPD) Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3): Housing London Borough of Bexley, 2008: Planning Obligations Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Planning Policy Statement 6 (PPS6): Planning for Town Centres London Borough of Bexley, 2007: Sustainable Design & Construction Guide Planning Policy Statement 9 (PPS9): Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Supplementary Planning Policy Statement 10 (PPS10): Sustainable Waste Management Planning Document (SPD) Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 (PPG13): Transport London Borough of Bexley, 2006: Design for Living, Bexley’s Residential Design Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 (PPG15): Planning and the historic Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) environment London Borough of Greenwich, 2006: Greenwich Unitary Development Plan Planning Policy Guidance 16 (PPG16): Archaeology and Planning (UDP) Planning Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17): Planning for Open Space, Sport London Borough of Greenwich, 2008: Planning Obligations supplementary and Recreation planning document (SPD) Planning Policy Statement 22 (PPS22): Renewable Energy London Borough of Greenwich, 2003: Tripcock Point: Thamesmead Development Framework (SPD) Planning Policy Statement 23 (PPS23): Pollution Control Other information sources Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25): Development and Flood Risk Office of National Statistics, 2004: Indices of Multiple Deprivation Regional guidance Office of National Statistics, 2001: Census 2001 Communities and Local Government (2006): Thames Gateway Interim Plan (Development Prospectus and Policy Framework) Scase (on behalf of Gallions Housing Association, Tilfen Land and Trust Thamesmead), 2007: A Vision for Thamesmead – Towards 2016 Communities and Local Government (2007): Thames Gateway Delivery Plan , 2008: London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2004

80 Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 Cycling in Thamesmead

Thamesmead and Abbey Wood SPD | Adopted December 2009 81 LONDON BOROUGH OF ~--- Green-:vich BEXLEY ·· Council - Thamesmead and Abbey Wood *SPD | Adopted December 2009