JYM Alumni Reception at the Liederkranz Club New York City, May 6, 2017

orty JYM alumni from for the United States Court of speech on the pages to follow. New York and surrounding International Trade, reminisced Fstates gathered in NYC for a about how JYM profoundly Many thanks to the College of reception at The Liederkranz Club impacted his life and career. A Liberal Arts and Sciences, the of New York City on May 6, 2017. PowerPoint presentation of Max Kade Foundation, and the We had a fabulous time making memorable JYM photos going back Liederkranz Club for making this new friends and re-connecting to to 1953 made for some ooohs and first-of-its-kind event possible. classmates from the years 1954- aaahs, and there even was a video We hope to arrange additional 55 through 2013-14. Our keynote clip of FDR being interviewed “JYM Socials” in other parts speaker, from JYM class of 1960- at the 1982 JYM graduation of the country in the future! 61, the Honorable Thomas party! See photos from the Joseph Aquilino, Jr., Senior Judge event and read Judge Aquilino’s - Mark Ferguson, JYM Director

1 All three of our Mrs. and I have, WHO KNOWS, had I not been accepted, sons, starting with Indeed, my college German professors all and have had, JYM ALUMNI SOCIAL whether in a single year I would have sailed Christopher, who but ordered me to apply to and join JYM. family there, by ocean liner the Atlantic all the way across is also here with us and we therefore IN NYC to the English Channel and then later on to today, and a JYMer himself, speak fliessend have never fully departed. Indeed, but two the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, and the Ionian, Deutsch and have engaged over their years months ago, we were yet again at the The keynote speaker of the JYM alumni Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, ultimately in multifarious business in the Federal crossing of Koch and Friedrich Strassen social in New York City of May 2017 was returning to Great Britain and our homeward Republic. And each of their children is where the notorious CheckPoint Charlie the Honorable Thomas Joseph Aquilino, Jr., ocean. learning that great, unfortunately neglected, once stood guard. Senior Judge for the United States Court of language now. International Trade, JYM Class of 1960-61. WHO KNOWS whether in but one year I Upon return here to New York, the Here is what he had to say: would have visited La Cathedral Notre Dame, Upon returning to the United States in Bundesrepublik’s Konsul General and I engaged Munich’s Frauenkirche, Hagia Sofia and die Blaue 1966, its law (and that of other countries) in public debate over ’s current Middle HO KNOWS why I have been selected Moschee, the Parthenon, San Marco Cattedrale, have consumed my time, starting with my East refugee policy in the aftermath of the to say a few words here today. Is it W St. Peter’s Basilica, and Westminster Abbey. very first mentor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. disappearance of its divisive wall. because I am the oldest JYM graduate? We How could I have imagined that matters Mark Ferguson (JYM Director) and Julia Keydel (1954-55) judges are supposed to be good listeners, not WHO KNOWS whether, had I not returned of mine would be, and still are, drawn WHO KNOWS - - Well, assuming you have necessarily keynote speakers! to the United States with sufficient JYM to the U.S. Supreme Court and that over already heard more than enough of them, Julia‘s father made JYM possible by getting academic credits for my BA degree, I would the years they have involved dozens of suffice it to admit, yet again, that it is hard financial support from the German Hon. Thomas Aquilino, Jr. (1960-61) Na ja, rest assured that we will not be have been invited to spend a year in America’s countries, every American president since to imagine what has been and whatever may American community in 1952 that allowed Keynote Speaker at the NYC Alumni Social addressing the status of international trade leading Methodist seminary, sitting at the feet John F. Kennedy, Roman Popes since John still lie ahead without having had the extra- JYM to open in 1953. Four Keydel family members have gone on JYM. this afternoon! of a distinguished disciple of the preeminent XXIII, a king of Morocco, both the President ordinary privilege and benefit of Wayne Reinhold Niebuhr. and later the Chief Justice of South Korea, State University’s Junior Year in Munich. Of course, one thing we all do know is the Shah of Iran, the Chief Justice of India, Vielen, vielen Dank! that it is now höchste Eisenbahn that we not to mention while residing in West gather to extend our continuing gratitude and WHO KNOWS whether, had I not had the JYM Berlin its Oberbürgermeister, who later would And may it continue in existence ad OFFICE appreciation to for its education, I would have been offered upon become in Bonn, and those ! Bundeskanzler infinitum Junior Year in Munich IN THIS ISSUE unending commitment to its Junior Year in college graduation an Adenauer Stipendium for East German bosses Ulbricht and Honecker Munich program. It has been a gift that keeps further study in Germany, only to have my Wayne State University lurking in their walled-in bunker! by Thomas J. Aquilino, Jr. (1960-61) 906 W. Warren Ave. on giving! What better venue for Germanistik local draft board intervene, ordering me to 401 Manoogian Hall than that exciting capital city of the grand satisfy my American military obligation Detroit MI 48202 state of Bavaria! Tel. (313) 577-4605 JYM Alumni Social in NYC P. 2 It has been the gift that keeps on giving! Fax (313) 577-3266 JYM Alumni Feature [email protected] 2014-15 After JYM! P. 4 I have been intrigued for years by James Burke’s WHO KNOWS whether, had I not visited four- Connections thesis of human advancement. power-occupied Berlin just before the hideous Detroit-Munich Artist Exchange P. 8 MUNICH OFFICE So please, allow me to draw upon some of my Mauer began construction in the summer of Junior Year in Munich own connections: 1961, I would have been conscripted by the Fun Facts from 50 Years Ago P. 9 an der Universität München WHO KNOWS, if my Italian grandfather had U.S. Army Special Operations Unit in that Richard-Wagner-Str. 27 The Donors of 2016 P. 10 not forbidden my studying his native tongue, incredible city. 80333 Munich, Germany whether I would have turned to learning JYM Alumni Class Notes Tel. 011-49-89 / 52 30 26 36 German in public high school, and, Gott weiss, WHO KNOWS, had I not had the benefit of Richard Brunhuber (1961-62) Fax 011-49-89 / 52 30 26 38 A Tribute to Kristin P. 11 Frau Cosner did a great job of teaching me! JYM, whether the Otto Suhr Institut der Freien [email protected] Other Class Notes P. 11-12 Indeed, my college German professors all but Universität Berlin would have admitted me Class Reunion 1996-97 P. 12 ordered me to apply to and join JYM. for doctoral studies upon discharge from the Jacqueline Jung (1991-92) and army, during which time I met and married Pamela Flynn (1970-71) Every Summer...1988-89 P.13 PROGRAM DIRECTOR my wunderbare Ehefrau Edith, who is with me Mark Ferguson, Ph.D. JYM BLUES Reloaded P. 13 here today. This Last Year at JYM ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR Söder’s 3rd Book: Metalogicon P. 14 Louise Speed, M.A. Danke, Corps Germania! P.14 RESIDENT DIRECTOR Class of 2017 P. 14 --- Hans-Peter Söder, Ph.D. Brenna Corrigan and WSU Delegation Visits JYM P.15 Meredith Nuber, both Dotty and William English (1974-75) ACADEMIC COORDINATORS Guest Speaker Wolfgang Welsch P.15 Class of 2012-13 Patricia Thill, M.A. JYM: Staying Connected P. 16 Sommer Forschner, M.A.

John Hostage (1972-73) and ALUMNI NEWSLETTER EDITOR Maire (Jaanus) Said (1959-60) Sommer Forschner, M.A. Julie Constantine (2008-09) Steve Ingle (1977-78) 2 3 2 3

JYM 2014-15 AFTER JYM! is one of the best aspects of the program. tagging along with Hans-Peter and a group friends and making new ones. THE ROAD TO MUNICH The program focused not only on learning of JYMers to take a tour of Corps Germania. Josh Bauer (2014-15) in the class room but provided the tools and The fraternity was started in 1883 and still To this day, I still cannot believe I am back support to gain knowledge outside of the resides in a house near Maximilianstraße in in Munich. It was never the plan beforehand t seems like only yesterday I was dragging classroom. One of the many highlights of the center of the city that was built in the but JYM opened so many doors for me and my heavy bags through the city, getting the program was taking a few science classes early 1900’s. A few previous JYMers are also provided me with experience and tools to Ilost on the U-Bahn and being totally at LMU and completing an internship under members, notably Peter Wolf (1991-92) and make it possible. For that, I am forever overwhelmed with the new situation I found Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Klapötke. Through this Peter Ochs (2007-08), who I have enjoyed grateful to the JYM program. myself in that first day in Munich. Fast internship came about my great interest getting to know. Another highlight of the forward 3 years and I find myself writing in the subject of energetic materials and last year has been meeting up with all the -By Josh Bauer (Wayne State University) Arrival Day for Fall Orientation 2014 this article in my office at LMU’s High ultimately lead me to return to study here. JYMers from my year that have either come back to study or travel in Germany. It has in Studentenstadt Freimann Tech Campus in Großhadern, where I am currently completing my Ph.D. in inorganic Back in Munich been an absolute blast seeing all my JYM From back to front, left to right: Mitch Griffin, Dallas Davis, chemistry under Prof. Dr. Thomas M. After I arrived back home from my year Helen Dukes, Josh Bauer, Amelia Runco and Kate Foster Klapötke, a leading researcher in synthesis of abroad, I received a email from Professor Gute Kumpel: Matthew Schmitt, Josh Bauer and Ayhan Kosan energetic, non-nuclear materials for military Klapötke asking if I was interested in coming Allison Elam (Wayne State University) is Mitch Griffin (Wayne State University) and space applications. back to complete my Ph.D.. I jumped at the currently pursuing her Master’s degree in started tutoring German after returning opportunity and ended up coming back to Communication Studies at Wayne State. home from Munich, mainly so he wouldn’t My path to Munich traces its roots back to Munich a mere 4 months later. After learning Allister Sloan (Christopher Newport Her primary research interests lie in the forget everything he had learned. Eventually A CLASS OF MANY my first German class at Clarkston High so much during my study abroad year, the he was hired by Berlitz and for the last year University) graduated with a Bachelor of intersection of communication and RETURNS AND MANY School in Michigan. I originally decided to transition and move back to Munich was he has been teaching English and German Science in Mathematics in 2016 and finished technology. She is also a research assistant RETURNEES take German due to my personal interest no problem. I settled right in after a few to people in the automotive industry on a Master’s in Teaching in 2017. She then for a team that examines how technology in German culture. Both weeks and started getting a part-time basis. He worked full-time this planned a longer visit to Germany this sides of my family trace acquainted with my new affects interpersonal relationships. When she summer with private investors that flip and summer in time for StuStaCulum. What’s t is true that every group of JYM their roots back to Germany, position in the inorganic isn’t studying or doing research, she works in restore houses in Detroit. He has one more next? She will be teaching high school math particularly my father who chemistry department at Istudents, every class, is unique. WSU’s Office of Organizational Effectiveness semester at Wayne State University and for a year or two while making plans to move was born in Bad Kreuznach. LMU’s High Tech Campus Different years stand out for and Continuous Improvement as the should be graduating in December 2017. After high school, I started in Großhadern. My topic to Germany to teach at an International Communication and Project Management As for after graduation, he has his sights different reasons. This particular studying chemistry at is developing new primary school, hopefully by 2019. intern. Allison hopes to continue her studies set on returning to Germany to pursue a class, the class of 2014-15, stands Wayne State University with and secondary explosives Master’s in Biology, perhaps at the LMU! and pursue a PhD after graduation. Danil Vishniakov (Western Washington out in sheer amount of talent, no intention of completing based on high-nitrogen a BA in German too. I content compounds. University) is currently attending the academic vigor and the largest Alsatia Lohr (Grand Valley State University) Fedor Miryugin () initially just wanted to get High-nitrogen content University Of Detroit Mercy School of Law. graduated last April with a double major in graduated with majors in Mathematics of numbers of students returning to my language requirements compounds are typically Last summer, Danil worked for the Michigan Secondary German Education and Secondary Finance and Risk Management, Economics, Germany after graduation. The out of the way but after my more environmentally English Education. She and German Studies. Court of Appeals, Research Division. In first German class, taught by friendly due to the release group consisted of 68 students for has accepted a high He was able to addition, he had an internship at the Detroit a graduate student who did of benign molecular school teaching position secure a research Land Bank Authority. the full year or semester. At least JYM a few years earlier, my dinitrogen (N2) upon at Beal City High School assistant position 25 of those students have already opinion started to change detonation. In addition in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. at the International and as I learned about to this, I am focused on either returned on fellowships, to She recently celebrated Monetary Fund in BOREN SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT the program, the more I developing new explosives study or to work. We are featuring her two year anniversary Washington D.C. wanted to participate. My with decreased sensitivity during his final this group to show what is possible Josh Bauer in the with her boyfriend, who Dallas Davis (Grand Valley State University) determination nearly turned to external stimuli, thus academic year. He Chemistry Lab at the LMU she met on a plane to completed his fourth year at Grand Valley with JYM and all that can be into an obsession, and finally, making them safer to handle. then started working Germany! after returning home. During the summer accomplished. JYM offers students after a few setbacks in my plans, I Beside my work in the laboratory, at the Fiscal Affairs was able to spend my final 2 semesters in I routinely have bachelor students working 2016, he served as an intern at the support long after their year Cody Lee Davis-Meadows Department of the Munich. under me completing practical work or International Trade Administration within (Longwood University) IMF immediately abroad. This group of scholars and Bachelor theses, which has inadvertently the United States Department of Commerce. recently finished working after graduation. He artists has had a record number The JYM Experience helped my spoken German immensely. The on Gounod’s Faust with really missed the life Traveling then on a Boren Scholarship (from To this day, I still remember my first day in Klapötke Group itself is quite large with of returnees to Germany and a small opera company of a student, so he the Institute for International Education), Munich like it was yesterday; getting off the around 30 members. We take numerous Making croquet cool again! in Farmville, Virginia. After began a Master’s degree he studied Romanian language at Babes- record number of alumni walking plane, meeting my fellow JYMers, heading excursions together throughout the year, Fltr: Katie Foster, Allison Elam, Susie Pisarcik graduating from Longwood and Pilar Mendez-Cruz in Applied Economics at Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania through doors JYM has opened. to the JYM office, receiving our first intro either conferences or heading out for a day he attended the University John Hopkins University. and finally heading off to StuSta for the first of skiing in the Alps. I could not ask for a during the 2016-17 academic year. After a Here is a collection of the updates of New Mexico working on his Master’s He has enjoyed what he time. That was the start of one of the best better group of people to work with. visit to Munich and the JYM office Dallas sent in to JYM over the last year. of Music in Vocal Performance. His first calls “serving the world and ensuring the years of my life. Besides all the great lectures returned home to the US, where he will semester was highly successful but due to stability of the economic system for a year”. Read on and see for yourself! at JYM that helped me improve my German, Outside of the lab, I still try to be as active receive two Bachelor degrees in International medical issues he had to withdraw from For Fedor, many more projects in the fiscal the program allowed me to get immersed as possible with the new JYMers, setting up Security Studies and Languages (German and his second semester. He is currently back in field are yet to come. in German culture but also gave me the hiking excursions or taking part in various Romanian)! Virginia teaching voice lessons and working ability to learn about myself. I believe that JYM Events. One of the highlights was on audition and recital materials while 4 carefully planning his next move. 5 4 5 ...CONTINUED FROM P. 5 Work and Study in Germany Fulbright Teaching and Research Post JYM Fellowship Recipients!

Todd Hunsaker (Middlebury College) the current situation, he reached that goal Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Amanda Carini (Wheaton College) is In September of 2016 he started working by being accepted as a Fulbright Teaching Young Professionals Award Recipients! currently teaching German in Kandern, as a Fulbright Research Fellow at the Assistant. He will be teaching in Zerbst, a (CBYX) Baden-Württemburg at an international Universitätsklinikum Jena in Thuringia, smaller town east of the Elbe in Sachsen- school (Black Forest Academy). Amanda says Peter Sproule (Carthage College) Germany. His project involved psychiatric Anhalt and hopes to improve his German JYM definitely solidified her desire to live neuroimaging, specifically brain-mapping skills to the point that he will be able to completed his degree in German and and work in Germany! of psychological disorders using fMRI and teach it a few years down the road. “Also, Studio Art. He then returned to Germany other imaging techniques. A large part of viel ist schon passiert, aber viel mehr wird as a CBYX fellow in 2016-17 He found Alisa Hanson (DePaul University) said she just his job also involved translating German noch passieren“, says Graham. out about the opportunity on the JYM knew she would be going back to Germany studies into English and speaking German after finishing her JYM. And after graduation Alumni Website, since a couple of with colleagues and patients. JYM helped Pilar Mendez-Cruz (Fordham University) she did move back to Munich to teach previous students had done the program me that I want to live in Germany for a tremendously in this regard, and his won a Fulbright ETA and returned in 2016- English at an international kindergarten, back in the nineties. Intending to long time, maybe even indefinitely. I also experience in the program was an incredibly 17 to Munich. She thanks JYM for the but shortly after that she moved to France return to Germany one way or another, met some of my absolute best friends and helpful platform for carrying out his support and assistance in Germany and in to work in the field of criminal intelligence he prepared his applications while he favorite people during my year”. responsibilities with Fulbright. her application to Fulbright! While at JYM and international security. Fortunately, she “Casual Hiking Club” Outing, Spring 2015 was still in Munich. Through CBYX he she had a job teaching English for 7 months still gets to speak German at work because of Matthew “Schmitty” Schmitt (American spent two months in Cologne for an Cameron Kubacki (Austin College) with an organization called Sphairos and was having many German colleagues. Alisa says University) just finished his Bachelorarbeit had an ETA Fulbright in Gronau Leine inspired to become a teacher! In her year back CONGRATULATIONS TO WINNER intensive language program (together “JYM was the best year of my life and will for his Bachelor of Physics at the LMU, (Niedersachsen) in 2016-17. He plans to in New York, she began pursuing a Master’s OF THE GERMAN CHANCELLOR with fellow alumnus Jesse Gamoran). always be one of those memories that I hold which was a continuation of his year with take his GRE upon returning home and in Education and taught at a public school FELLOWSHIP! He returned to the LMU for the winter near and dear to my heart”. JYM. He started his Master’s in Physics this enter a grad program when the new term in the Bronx. She then had the amazing semester after which he started with October, also at the LMU. begins! Cameron thoroughly enjoyed his opportunity to assistant teach in Munich Susie Pisarcik (University of Pittsburgh) the first of two internships. He worked Kate Saslow (University of Michigan) is time in JYM and in Munich, and therefore for a year! For her Fulbright, she worked who graduated with a degree in Western at Karin Wimmer Contemporary Art, currently getting her Master of International Eva Spaeh (Bowdoin College) says she is decided to apply for a Fulbright Scholarship. at the school Städtische Fachoberschule für European History and a German minor. Affairs at the Hertie School of Governance a gallery on Amalienstraße, helping to beyond thankful to JYM and its organizers “Without JYM I never would have applied Gestaltung. She enjoyed sharing her culture in Berlin. She is there for at least 3 years, but She then applied last year for the German prepare exhibitions, communicating for the infinite number of doors that they in the first place”. He claims to have lots of with her students and shaping young lives. plans to stay even after graduating. Since Chancellor Fellowship through the with artists, and translating documents. have opened for her. Her semester with coincidental encounters with other alumni She has since returned to the USA for the her JYM, she finished up her Bachelor’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as In May, he returned to the Von Parish JYM completely changed the course of her from all classes. next big adventure teaching in California. Degree at the University of Michigan and life by inspiring her to move to Germany well as a Fulbright Research grant with Kostümbibliothek (where he had an started her Master’s the following fall! Kate the intention of researching the German to pursue her continued education and a Michelle Nuetzmann (Carthage College) Laurianne Posch (University of New internship during JYM) to pursue a says it was also a huge advantage during her closer relationship with her relatives there. graduated with degrees in German and Hampshire) completed her B.A. in German integration force. She was named by research project on the Munich JYM being able to take courses at LMU in Currently she is working at the United States Music in May 2016. During the 2016-17 and International Affairs in May 2016. the Fulbright program as an alternate illustrator, Hans Fischach. German, as it allowed her to really improve Consulate in Munich and says it has been school year she worked at an IGS Schule Over the summer following graduation, for a research grant at LMU. But more her German skills enough so as “not to feel an amazing experience. Unfortunately or in a town near Hannover, Germany as a she interned at STS Foundation and Au importantly she was notified by the Gabrielle Pitchford (Rollins College) dishonest”when she claims she has written rather fortunately, she will begin studying Fulbright ETA. Pair Foundation – organizations that bring Alexander von Humboldt Foundation that was also an award recipient CBYX in and spoken German proficiency. She says it Biochemistry in October at Ludwig- international high school students and Au she had made the final selection interview 2016-17. She is currently studying vocal definitely made the job hunt in Berlin much Maximilians-Universität! Chris Perry (Denison University) also Pairs to the U.S. to live with American host easier for her compared to many of her non- and flew to Bonn at the end of April to performance at the University of North returned to Germany as a Fulbright ETA for families. Not ready to give up her German German-speaking peers. “JYM has benefited present her research proposal! After the Carolina at Greensboro. Evan Binford (Miami University) is still 2016-17 placed in Gera, Thüringen. skills, she moved back to Munich in October me directly in numerous ways. Living in German Chancellor Fellowship selection enjoying life in Munich and studying 2016 to look for a job. From January 2017 Munich for the year is exactly what showed meeting she was awarded one of the ten Jesse Gamoran (Oberlin College) Intercultural Communication at the LMU! Kate Foster (Wayne State University) has just to July 2017, she worked at Unternehmer American Fellowships for 2017-2018. Susie’s received honors in history for his thesis received her Master’s in German from WSU. TUM, the center for innovation and business on Munich’s postwar Jewish history In the fall of 2016, she helped coordinate creation at TU München. What does the year-long research project will examine and won a prize from the Leo Baeck the Detroit performance of Lost Wings, an future look like? She has been awarded refugee resettlement and integration Institute. He was a Congress-Bundestag original play from the Rationaltheater in a Fulbright Community-Based Combined practices in rural Germany. She will also youth exchange fellow in 2016-17 and Munich (see her article p. 8). For the 2017-18 Award for Klagenfurt, Austria for the 2017-18 take relevant graduate courses in the Social spent a semester at the University of school year, Kate will be a Fulbright Teaching academic year! She will be teaching English and Cultural Anthropology Department at Göttingen studying German history & Graduation Photo Assistant in Rheinland-Pfalz and has been part-time, carrying out a community-based Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Class of 2015 selected for the “Diversity-Group” to work project at an organization which assists with literature. Last January he took part in “I can honestly say that I attribute much especially with students with an immigrant/ the integration of refugees and immigrants. the Bundestag’s youth program honoring of the wherewithal and Mut that I have minority background. She will also audit a few courses in applied Nazi victims. From February to April garnered to apply to such pursuits to my cultural sciences at Alpen-Adria-Universität year at JYM”, says Susie. he interned at a Jewish preschool in Graham von Carlowitz (Miami University of in Klagenfurt. Following her Fulbright year, Hannover, and during May and June Ohio) has spent the past few years working she wants to begin graduate school in the (Editor’s Note: Susie Pisarcik was one of two (!) at the Stadtbibliothek, Hannover. He is towards his goal of returning to Germany. U.S. JYM alumni to receive this prestigious fellowship now looking for job leads in the US. He After finishing his Honor’s Thesis in German this year! See Alumni Class Notes p. 11 to discover wants to work in international affairs or and writing a 50-page report (in German) the other winner!) something where he can use German. about Germany’s migration history since WW2 concluding with a brief analysis of


Lost Wings by Roy Prinzessin from Ethiopian woman who was sold as a maid The JYM and JYF groups sailed from New York City on September 18, 1967, on the S.S. Rationaltheater in Munich played in the to Qatar and experienced unimaginable Rotterdam to Rotterdam, Holland. The journey took eight days. Wayne State Studio Theatre last autumn suffering. Lost Wings was directed by the coordinated by JYM alumna, Kate Foster. current artistic director of the Rationaltheater, Parents and friends were allowed to tour the ship before departure, and were jokingly en- filmmaker and producer, Dietmar Höss. couraged to enjoy “a good cry when you wave goodbye from the top deck!” The Detroit-Munich Artist Exchange celebrated its second annual event last year in After one of the performances, audience After arrival in Rotterdam, the group had sight-seeing trips that went from Rotterdam to Detroit, Michigan. This unique international members, including students, alumni and Delft – The Hague – Xanten – Cologne – Bonn – Bad Godesberg – Coblenz (by Rhine stea- artistic exchange began in spring of 2015 faculty from Wayne State, as well as local mer) – Bingen – Mainz – Heidelberg – Stuttgart – and finally arriving in Munich on October when a group of well-known artists from Detroit artists, gathered at the Circa Saloon 1st. Phew! Detroit traveled to Munich to showcase their on Cass Ave. to discuss the show and event. work. The various artwork included drawings The JYM group of 1967-68 needed smallpox vaccinations which were recorded and certified by Barbara Greene Mann and photography As intercultural communication is growing on a yellow card which accompanied passport application forms. by Leni Sinclair displayed 1966-67: G. Moses Bergmann and Dieter Haenicke at JYM in Galerie Christoph Even at that time, American citizens did not need a visa to enter Germany. Dürr, poetry readings by Instructors for the 1967-68 program Melba Joyce Boyd and All men were required to file Selective Service Form 300 with their local draft board in order musical numbers by M.L. to obtain permission to leave the United States. The JYM had to certify admission to the Marianne Riegler, Ph.D Liebler, Charlie Palazolla program for all men. Günther Moses Bergmann and Sadiq Bey at the Harm-Hinrich Brandt, Ph.D. Rationaltheater. All artists Money had to be sent over by international money order, through “the American Express Diether Busch also took part in a lively Company,” or transferred by foreign draft from an individual’s U.S. bank account. Klaus Fischer discussion with Junior Dietmar “Tim” Kunisch (his first year with JYM!) Year in Munich study Men were advised to bring a dark suit and women a semi-formal evening gown. Friedrich Piel, Ph.D. abroad students. Eduard Ritschart Students were encouraged to bring a “small portable typewriter” if they had one. A trunk Ronald Salter, M.A. In September 2016, the or foot locker were recommended baggage for stowing on the ship. Albrecht Sandvoss Rationaltheater brought an Jürgen Scharfschwert, Ph.D. original theater piece Lost Dr. Marianne Riegler’s official title in 1967-68 was “Resident Director and Counsellor of Gottfried Walter Wings to the Wayne State Women.” University Studio Theatre. Uni Hauptgebäude at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz in the 1960’s. Tuition fees for the entire year were $800 including health insurance. Yes, for the entire The piece is about an angel who wishes to break rapidly as a result of media and globalization, year. Room and board, $1000. “$100 is considered an adequate monthly minimum for a out of his perfect ethereal condition in order there is no reason art and performance should satisfactory room, diet and laundry.” to escape his immortality. When he lands on stay limited to its original location. Not Earth he meets Nada, a toilet attendant from only can artists learn from one another, but Commencing with 1967-68, the University of Munich granted the Program the privilege of Mozambique, in a public bathroom. Together, because art is so closely tied to the culture becoming an official Teil-Studiengang at the LMU, henceforth named the “Junior Year in Nada and the angel confront the reality it exists in and to the artists who created Munich an der Universität München.” that there are at least two types of people; it, it can be used as a wonderful tool to Munich and Detroit Artists in front those in the light and those in the shadows. communicate interculturally. 90 students participated in JYM for the 1967-68 academic year. of the Hillberry Theater in Detroit with Roy Prinzessin (back row right), playwright and owner of Rationaltheater in Munich Lost Wings was inspired by Karin Steinberger’s With support from Wayne State University, Final Fun Fact for the students from 1967-68: Did you know Arnold Schwarzenegger article Die Sklavin (eng: The Slave), which was Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München was training in Munich at the Rolf Putziger body building gym the whole time you were published in June 2015 in the Sueddeutsche and the Rationaltheater, the next Detroit- there, culminating in his second Mr. Universe title in 1968? Did you also know that Arnie Below: WSU faculty, students and alumni Zeitung. The article tells the story of an Munich international exchange event will continues to be a Munich regular and Oktoberfest fan to this day? gather after the show at the Circa Saloon take place in the next year or so. The artists partaking in the event will be - By Louise Speed, JYM Detroit Office announced in January of 2017. Anyone Arnold Schwarzenegger with partner Heather Milligan at who would like to participate in the the Schützen Festzelt - Kicking off last year’s Oktoberfest exchange or would like to recommend an artist or group, please email the Detroit Coordinator, Kate Foster at [email protected]. Arnold Schwarzenegger - By Kate Foster, MA (JYM 2014-15) at a market place in Munich in 1967.


Mike Morris (1970-71) visited the JYM institute this past summer. He says the last time he was in hanks to all alumni and friends of JYM who contributed to our scholarship funds last year, we were able to award a record Munich was the early 90s where he also had the chance to meet with Frau Dr. Riegler for dinner in a number of JYM scholarship awards to students going on the 2017-18 full year program. Many, many thanks to those who Biergarten “What a wonderful lady she was”, writes Mike. Morris was a Cornell University graduate with Tgave generously! a double major in German history and German literature. During his time in Munich he lived in the Studentenwohnheim located at Fallmerayerstrasse 22 in Schwabing, not very far from Kurfuerstenplatz. He DONORS 2016 had a Bavarian roommate and was able to walk to and from the university every day. Some of the JYM staff Bronwen Anders Thomas Henderson and Virginia Going Eleanor and Leonard Oliver he remembers from that time include Herr Burgauner, Herr Holler, Wolfgang Klee, and Prof Brandt. After Karen Antell Philip Hennessee Marilyn and Richard Petersen returning to the US he says he felt home sick for Munich right away. He ended up taking a leave of absence Thomas Aquilino Sigrid Hepp-Dax Mary Philipps Andrew Armbruster Martin and Ellen Herbordt Kathryn Pilch from Cornell in 1972-73 to return to Munich on a job as a tour guide for American Lutheran college choirs. Rita Arthur Christine Heycke Nancy Pindur The Hausmeister in his old dormitory gave him a room. He often visited the DDR with his tour groups Corwin and Virginia Atwood James Hlavacek Glenn Pollard specifically Wittenberg and Leipzig (St. Thomaskirche). He then returned on a Teaching Assistantship to A Tribute in Memory of Robert Baggs Elizabeth Hodas Paul Posner Ohio State University to do his MA in German Literature. That is where he met his wife, Marcia, in one Juergen Barbusca Frederick Hoffman and James Stokes Aaron Richards KRISTIN DJORUP (JYM 1977-78) of his German classes. After graduation he worked for a while at his father’s machine shop and after three Alice and Chester Barrows Rita Hogan Vanessa and Robert Richmond by Mary Dale (Jones) Lancaster (1977-78) Roslyn and Ara Basherian Carol Holdengraber Carol and Richard Rizzo children he made a big shift and went back to study electronics engineering. He received his degree in Ralph Bayrer Gina and Arthur Horwitz Mary Roberts 1987 and went to work for the US Air Force as a radar engineer. The organization Mike worked for had a It was only recently that Mary Dale Lancaster Dava Belloli John Hostage Donald Robison detachment in Wiesbaden in 1991. He accepted a position there and moved his whole family to Germany found out about classmate Kristin Djorup’s Charles and Jo Brantley Berryman Joanne and Joseph Hranac Christopher Roman where he lived between 1991 and 1994. That is how he happened to be able to come back to Munich in the untimely passing and wrote to JYM with this Ann and Lyle Bjork Reid Huntley Maria Rousseva 1990‘s. Mike writes: “In that position I was fortunate to be able to use both my engineering and German heartfelt tribute to her. Mathilda Blahosky Nan Hussey Renee Sack language skills, something I‘ve also been able to continue here in the States even to this very day”. Eve Bostic Walter Judge Adrian Safar “Kristin and I met during our Junior Year in Gregory Bukowski Erica Kain Joseph and Jean Sanger Munich program in 1977. I was a somewhat Larry Butler Kurt Kamm Martha Schaefer Hayes Katherine Sumner (2008-09) wrote that she is now at St. Mary‘s College of Maryland as Director of Brett Carnito Elizabeth and Yngve Kant William Scheuerman International Education. Her online profile says the following: „Katherine holds a B.A. in English and silly ingenue of sorts, whereas Kristin was Kathie Coblentz Laura Kelsey Debra Schrammel German Studies as well as an MA.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction from the College of William and Mary. serious and highly knowledgeable about Richard and Joanne Crispin Jeffrey and Roswitha Kral Kent Margaret and Contee Seely A former Fulbright Scholar English Teaching Assistant in Berlin, Katherine has led numerous international everything (with a wicked sense of humor, Judith Danley Jane and William King Peter and Christine Seyl experiential learning and cultural immersion programs in Germany and the Czech Republic. Additionally, to boot!). We instantly clicked! Together Cheryl Dapkus Martin and Doris Klaver Carole Shereda (or with classmates such as John Paul) we Kendel and Scott Darragh David Klotz Margaret Smith her work with Berlitz teaching German and ESL in the Washington, DC area has given Katherine a depth Robin Decker Katherine Knarreborg Thomas Souders of experience bringing international education to a wide array of students“. She says has enjoyed staying explored all aspects of Munich, including Irene Di Maio Katrina Knisely Edward and Hannelore Spence connected with JYM via the Facebook alumni page. the many museums, theaters, operas, music Carolyn and Nelson Dittmar Irene Kostin Cynthia Sperry venues, everywhere that could be reached David and Janet Dix Sandra Lange Steven Stambaugh Meg Matich (2009-10) just completed a Fulbright in Iceland, translating modern Icelandic poetry. She has by U-Bahn, the Alps, the Englisher Garten, Neal Donner Alan Lareau Katherine Stewart received many other grants over the years, but to her this has been the most significant. She now lives in Konditoreis, the many Schwimmbads, Mary and Timothy Donovan John and Karin Lawton Roderick and Marcia Stewart Reykjavik, translating German and Icelandic poetry. Gregory Drake David Lillvis and Meredith Hunt Jerry and Barbara Stonewater endless delicious (and not) meals, and so much more. My German was quite good at Susan Dupont Janet Lloyd Catherine and Herbert Thomas Krsna Santos (2008-09) stopped by JYM to say hi while in town. Krsna Santos completed his Masters, titled Robert Dussault Althea Lloyd Susan and Robert Thompson the time (that was my contribution) and „From Ghetto to Goethe,“ in Winter 2016 at Michigan State University. In his thesis he focused on how Grant Dyer Anna and Armando Lopez Jeffrey Thorns we were a team that shared our collective Barbara Ericson and Mark Guzdial Martin Lubell Bill and Heli Lauff Tomford German minorities used hip-hop to talk about national identity and current events like the „refugee crisis.“ skills, attributes, frustrations, gossip and Eugene and Jean Fahnert Frank and Sandra Lyman Stephanie and Roger Traub This summer he is in Berlin doing research on political graffiti. This will be part of his doctoral dissertation endless laughs. We lived our lives that year Phillip and Susan Fantle Gregory and Charlotte Mangan Mindy Utay that incorporates museum studies with German studies. He hopes to work in museums in the future. Patrick Feeney Samuel Marcus Elizabeth Van Tuyl with that utter giddiness of knowing that Pamela and Wallace Flynn Virginia and Frederick Marty Abraham Vandermeulen Abby Bongaarts 2011-12 completed a project Walk Across America, in which she walked from coast to coast we were having the times of our lives with Helen Fritschi Max Kade Foundation, Inc. Charlotte Varzi this year to raise awareness for homeless people! It took her and her partner 6 months to complete the people we loved. Kristin opened my eyes to Reuben Gamoran Ruth Mays Anthony Veltri walk. They started out at the George Washington Bridge in NYC last March and ended at the Golden Gate the world of art and culture and travel, and William and Margery Gardner Martin Mehalchin Donald Verity Bridge in San Francisco this last September. They walked a total of 3078 miles! You can read more about German American Cultural Center Susan Metzger Ann Wall it left an imprint that remains with me to Tilde Giacche’ Katherine and Philip White Miller Helaine Wemple her adventures here on their blog: this day. She was a very dear friend, my very Mary Goggin Julie and David Miller Brooke Wess best friend in Munich, and a remarkable Alison Greenlee Jean-Marie Minton Vivienne and Richard West Heidi Obermeyer (2011-12) is a winner of person who conducted herself (always) with Linda Grover and Raymond West Edward and Tavia Morris Bethany Westrick the very prestigious German Chancellor dignity and composure. As the years passed Carol Haenicke Mike Morris Kenneth and Carol Wiggins Fellowship for 2017-18 and is now in Jennifer and Christopher Haenicke Robert and Michele Morrow Hobza Dale and Christel Williams we communicated less, but we treasured Steven and Julie Hagey Robert Mullaney Sarah Wittig Berlin. JYM says a big congratulations to those occasions on which we spoke. Kristin, Robyn Hall-Agent Charles and Susan Murkofsky Jean Wolf Heidi! She was one of two JYM alumni you left an indelible impression on me and Carl Hammer Brian and Mary Murphy Peter and Charlotte Yocom awardees this year! many JYM’ers, and I will always admire and Richard Hart Patrick and Marlies Backhaus Murphy adore and miss you. I am sorry you have Janet Hartman Donald Nagle and Cynthia Stites To give to JYM please visit the website left this world, but you left me with many Michael Haungs Patricia Nester and John McCracken Class of 2011-12 ladies in Autumn 2011 remarkable memories - THANK YOU! Heide Hemker Herbert and Catherine Thomas Ogden Thanks! Salzburg, Austria fltr: Heather, Heidi, Thea, Morgan and Yvonne With love, Mary Dale“

10 11 11 JYM 1996-97 Class Reunion in Munich! e’ve all heard it said a million times before – “My, the city. We enjoyed a dip in the Isar, lunch in the beer Every Summer for Seven Days - JYM 1988-89 Whow time flies!” As we approached the 20-year garden Chinesischer Turm, watching surfers (who would have mark of our year in Munich, the JYM class of 96/97 really thought!), and finished up with ice cream. ow do you keep a yearly communal vacation going 1. Be flexible in your expectations. All may not turn out found it hard to believe that time had indeed passed so The remainder of our time in Germany had many of us Hfor nearly 30 years? Some Reflections on Friendship. as you expected, but if you are willing to go with it, it quickly. wandering around Bavaria and beyond. I have an amazing group of 14 friends that gets together usually turns out well. Late last fall, a discussion thread started on our JYM 96/97 While it’s hard to believe 20 years have passed, we all every year, sharing a house and meals 24-7 for a week. 2. Be willing to consider other points of view. Sometimes Facebook page about a possible reunion. Could it really agreed that spending a full year in Munich as a student was The original five of us met during our junior year in others know better what is right for the group at the have been 20 years ago that an amazing, unforgettable Munich, Germany and liked each other so much that time. we climbed the stairs every experience. Celeste St. John- we started getting together after returning to the States, 3. Take alone time as needed. We’ll still be there when day to the JYM office on Larkin said it best: despite all of us living in different cities (and for one of you get back. 4. If you see something that needs to be done (like taking Gathering at Hierschgarten with Professor Söder. Leopoldstraße? I can‘t believe that a small us, in a different country). I count these five--and their out the garbage), do it. There are no servants here. From Left: Phoedra Wickstrom, Brooke Wess, And so, this past June, a small group of college students spouses and children, who have joined us over the years- 5. Be ready to lend a hand before being asked. Again, no Liina Buckingham, Nicole Myers, Vicki Karandrikas, subset of our class gathered from across the country and -as some of my closest friends, even though we typically manservants or maids. Alice Boetsch, Celeste St. John-Larkin, Nicki Petras at the “new” JYM office on world could study together only see each other for seven days every summer. Richard-Wagner-Str. Some of for a year in Munich and keep I have been pondering how it can be that five people 6. Be willing to stay up a little later if it gives you the Linda Ogden-Wolgemuth (top left), JYM classmates chance to play a game of hearts and chat for a few hours. us brought significant others, in touch pretty much only by from very different walks of life--we count among us a and their families - 28 years later some brought kids, but we social media, can get together lawyer, a photographer, a social worker, an IT expert, and It’s worth it to catch up with people whom you care all brought fond memories as 20 years later and pick up sort a teacher--originally united only by their love of German about and so rarely see in person (and you can usually we met with Hans-Peter Söder of where we left off! Speaks to language and culture, can manage to share a home sleep late the next day). Dale Williams (1953-54) sent in a few slides of his again. We enjoyed a tour of the current JYM facilities (wow!), the power of studying abroad, language and relationships and together for a week every year, just picking up where 7. Appreciate every minute you get to spend with these JYM including this edition‘s cover photo of the chatted with some current students, and then off we all gives me some faith in humanity! Our kids have had a great they left off each time. I think it is because we follow wonderful people who care about you, despite your foib- Junior Year in Munich Office! Dale is a Wayne went to Hierschgarten, following behind HP like we had on time playing together too! an unspoken code of conduct that keeps us all coming les and idiosyncrasies! State Medical School graduate and a distinguished mountain hikes many years back. We sure hope it won’t take another 20 years for us to visit back and looking forward to each year’s trip. Here are alumnus of WSU and supporter of the program. Our little mini-reunion continued the next day with a Mike’s Munich again! seven of our “rules” for seven days: -By Linda Ogden-Wolgemuth (1988-89) Bike Tour around Munich. It was a perfect way to revisit -By Brooke Wess (1996-97)

Kendall Theroux (2015-16) graduated from Kenyon College and has returned this autumn to Hamburg on a JYM BLUES - Reloaded Teaching Fulbright for the academic year 2017-18. he original JYM Blues was written and performed by Susan Graetz in November 1968. You can listen Austin Kerns (2015-16) has been accepted to the LMU for a Master’s Program in Intercultural to the song online at the JYM website. Visit and click on the audio link Communication! He graduated this last December 2016 from Truman State and is already back in Munich as T at the bottom of the alumni page. This year a JYM student wrote the new lyrics below, now we just need of September to start his graduate studies. a new arrangement to match! Ian Stout (2015-16) graduated from Grinnell College and has a Teaching Fulbright near Frankfurt am Main Future JYMers! Kids of the JYM Class of 1997 for this academic year 2017-18. THE NEW JYM BLUES Lost my Handy enjoying Brezen and Apfelschorle at the Biergarten Maybe lost my mind Nathaniel Ver Steeg (2015-16) from Harvard University had an internship this summer in Köln with a start- There’s no free water And I still can’t run up company. He has meanwhile left for England having received a Herchel Smith Fellowship from Harvard The wifi sucks On German time in order to study one year at the University of Cambridge, where he will be living in Emmanuel College. I’m outta Brezn Weekends too fast The (rather long) name of the degree he is pursuing is Master of To feed the ducks Class too slow Advanced Studies in Mathematical Statistics. In the English gardens Junior Year in Munich Except it snowed No place I’d rather go Ayhan Kosan (Friend of JYM) says hi to all his JYM friends. Four Junior Year in Munich years ago the “infamous” Mr. Ryan Grabijas (2013-14) found him No place I’d rather go I need more money in the „Bermuda-Dreieck“ and introduced him to the big JYM I need more beer family. From this point on he got the chance to meet, in his words, I spilled my Maß I need to know “so many unique and amazing people”. Ayhan is a Geomedia On the beer hall floor What I’m doing here Student at Munich University of Applied Sciences and is currently Got stuck today You say goodbye writing his bachelors thesis and enjoying life in Munich. He has In the Ubahn doors I say hallo been involved with orientation activities over the years, helping Does that german like me? Junior year in Munich to introduce each year of JYM students to student life in Munich. Yeah I’ll never know No place I’d rather go “Hope to see some of you soon. Peace, Ayhan”. Junior Year in Munich Mike’s Bikes Tour at the Residenz in Munich As part of a project, Ayhan shot a great little promo-style video No place I’d rather go - Allison Zuckerman (2017) for JYM, starring the class of 2015-16. It can be found online at Recent JYM Alumni as of July: YouTube under the title: „Junior Year Munich“ by Rodao Films. Sunnie Wiswell and Avery Veldhouse (2016-17) Beth, Diana, Sylvia and Joe at Schönbrunn, Vienna 12 Check it out! 13 12 13 WSU President, Provost and AVP Visit JYM !

This Last Year at JYM rom July 3rd - 5th, 2017, .JYM Special Guest Speaker Fhad the honor of welcoming a at JYM Now presenting Söder‘s third book... presidential delegation from Wayne Dr. Wolfgang Welsch State University to Munich. Wayne State President Dr. M. Roy Wilson, Provost Keith Whitfield and Associate Vice President Ahmad Ezzeddine n July of 2017 JYM welcomed a came for a three day site visit to Ispecial guest speaker, Dr. Wolfgang the Junior Year in Munich Institute Welsch, who visited the Deutschland and University of Munich. It was Heute class. He was an East German President Wilson‘s first visit to JYM. dissident and freedom fighter, who became a political prisoner of the Stasi for more than 7 years until his freedom First thing on the agenda was a anke an Corps Germania für das Herzliche JYM Students during a welcome dinner at Corps was purchased by West Germany. He Germania during Orientation 2016 meeting with LMU President Bernd Willkommen! went on to develop ingenious methods D Huber together with Professor van of assisting hundreds of East Germans JYMers have routinely been invited to the Corps This past November several JYMers made it to Fltr: Assoc. VP Ezzeddine, Provost Whitfield and Ess (Vice-President for International to escape to the West. This landed him President Wilson Germania fraternity house to socialize, located in their “A Night in Monaco” party, where they Relations). Next there was a meeting with a top spot on the MfS hit list, leading the heart of Munich (neighboring the Hofbräuhaus). danced, sang, drank Monaco Mules, and posed with Stefan Lauterbach of the LMU Office for to a number of attempts on his life. He JYM students appreciate meeting German students swords. Many also enjoyed Silvesternacht at Corps International Affairs which included a tour of the main campus. The group then headed down to visit narrowly escaped death. Welsch wrote and getting to talk, laugh, dance and drink with Germania’s house, surrounded by many JYM alumni Klinikum der Universität with Professor Endres and Professor Genzel. In the afternoon the delegation an autobiography Ich war Staatsfeind Nr. 1 which has been a bestseller in them! Especially after first arriving. and friends. What a better way to ring in the new visited the JYM institute and had a meet and greet with the JYM and WSU students and alumni. Germany since its first edition in 2006. year than with couch surfing down stairwells and JYM students listened intently to his flowing champagne? Afterwards, they all watched fascinating story of tragedy and victory. the fireworks and celebrations at Marienplatz, amid the fervor and excitement of local Münchners. This year’s graduating Junior Year in Munich class would like to say thank you, so much, to Corps Germania for their generosity, hospitality, open arms, and everything they taught us about how to spend a gemütlich evening with friends. Resident Director, Professor Hans- - By Allie Zuckermann (2016-17) Left: Pres. Wilson w. WSU/JYM students Miranda Keyes and Justine Valka; Right: Ahmad Ezzeddine w. Manon Nitta (WSU/JYM) Peter Söder published his third book Center: Professor Söder introducing the visitors to the JYM students last October 2016. He gave a reading JYM Students 2016-17 fltr: Taylor Winne, Peter Scott und Fabio Bassil with Corps Germania student from his new book, Metalogicon. Eine Liebeserklärung an der Philosophie, at The next day they visited Munich Center for Neurosciences (LMU) in Martinsried where they had a tour of the facility by the head of administration, Lena Bittl, WSU alumna and JYF (1995-96). This was followed by Galerie Dürr in Munich. The JYM Thanks to the generosity of Corps Germania’s students were present at the reading a visit to the Dept. of Chemistry/Pharmacy (LMU) with Professor Olivia Merkel. He talked about his resistance fight, members and Josh Bauer, JYM alumnus, JYM found as well as many others from the touching on German cold war history academic community. This is the itself often at the fraternity’s house. Each semester What would a visit to Munich be without a visit to the Alps? Professor Söder took the delegation on their and politics, while giving insight into book description. they provided fencing demonstrations and tours final day to Kloster Ettal and Tegernsee, where they spent a few sunny hours taking in the alpine air and life inside a totalitarian regime. Welsch of the house, where JYM learned about the history sights. On the final evening of their visit, JYM said “Auf Wiedersehen” to President and Mrs. Wilson and showed the students photos from his Das Metalogicon ist ein Wörterbuch der former life in the GDR, copies from his of the organization and their building. At the first the delegation with a concert at the Rationaltheater (Detroit-Munich Artist Exchange). Entertainment was Philosophie. Derer gibt es viele. Was Stasi files, film clips from the German encounter with Corps Germania, Hans-Peter Söder provided by the band “Lena Jackson and the Bavarian Blues Dogs”. All WSU students and alumni and JYM wäre, wenn man sich die Aufgabe stellt, made-for-television film based on his nur die wichtigen Wörter aufzulisten? taught his Goethes Italienische Reise class an old students were invited. book and life, Der Stich des Skorpion Wie viele sind das? Viele können es Latin drinking song, “Gaudeamus igitur,” which the (2004). He had great resonance with the nicht sein. Kommt man über zehn class performed at the dinner. JYM Students Abby Iglesias, Evan Clifford, Allie JYM students and took time to answer hinaus? Sind es gar hundert? Wer Zuckerman and Sunnie Wiswell at Corps Germania all of their burning questions. Welsch bestimmt, welche Wörter wichtig sind? celebrating Sylvester and ringing in the New Year 2017! regularly gives talks at schools and Und wessen Definition ist grundlegend? other institutions.throughout the EU including at the European Parliament. Das Metalogicon ist auch eine Liebesgeschichte. Dort geht es um das Miteinandersein. Deshalb ist jede Liebesgeschichte auch ein Wörterbuch. JYM says farewell to another Welsch’s autobiograpy Das Metalogicon ist eine Antwort is now in its 11th auf unsere Zeit. Es gibt heute zu great class of JYM students! edition of print. viele Wörter und zu viele Bilder. Wir 2016-17 Class Photo The book has been müssen wieder lernen mit weniger translated into English July 2017 entitled, Operation auszukommen. Es ist an der Zeit, die Scorpion, for publishing noch verbliebenen beseelten Wörter zu After the show! Top row ltr, Hans-Peter in the US. bewahren, bevor es zu spät ist. Dies ist Söder, Ahmad Ezzeddine, middle ltr: nicht meine Aufgabe, sondern die des Website: Pres. Wilson, Mark Ferguson and Provost Lesers. Whitfield, front ltr: WSU alumni, Josh Steve Stambaugh (1971-72) with Bauer and Lena Bittl 14 Marilla Höss of Rationaltheater 15 14 15 JYM Friends Bonding: Phil McHenry (2016-17) with Laurianne Posch (2014-15)

JYM - So Many Ways to Stay Connected!

How many JYM students since 1953? ALUMNI SECTION of the JYM Website JYM now has 4173 Alumni! And thanks to the alumni, the program is still going strong! The place to reconnect, view the job board, discover new opportunities, give a gift Alumni who give JYM their time! to the program, read alumni newsletters, Not only do alumni send us monetary gifts etc.... for future students, many alumni also give of their time. Whether helping to spread Junior Year in Munich (JYM) Alumni the word about the program as do our “JYM Facebook Group now has over 900 members! Ambassadors”, giving talks or helping out with students locally, their help does much JYM LinkedIn Group continues to grow as to strengthen the program. JYM would like well with over 350 connections. “I feel like I just woke up from a very long, very detailed, to take the opportunity to say thanks to all and life changing dream. I‘ve stepped back through the of our helpers and friends of JYM! Special Junior Year in Munich Orientation 2017 veil into my home in the US, as if I never even left it. I thanks goes out to the following indivduals JYM just welcomed a new group of won‘t get sappy, but I will just say that my year abroad who have helped the last few generations of students for the academic year 2017-18. was the best decision I‘ve made, and gave me more than I JYMers. They have welcomed new groups 29 students from 15 different universities can even begin to describe. I love Munich, and I love the to Munich like family! arrived in Munich at the end of September Josh Bauer, Matthew Schmitt, Evan Binford, for Orientation and started classes mid friends I met along the way.“ Laurianne Posch, Tyler Hodges, Austin October. Kerns, Ayhan Kosan and Moritz - Avery Veldhouse, University of Minnesota, JYM 2016-17 -Vielen herzlichen Dank! As always, don’t forget to keep in touch! Days after returning home from JYM Send us your news and updates to [email protected]