mdiart 'ournal of canadienne de olitical science Science politique!

December 1989 decembre XXII:4 Downloaded from IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 16:24:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique EDITORIAL BOARD / COMITE DE REDACTION Ronald A. Manzer (Toronto), co-editor Lucille Beaudry (UQAM), codirectrice William D. Coleman (McMaster), Stephane Dion (), review editor secretaire a la redaction et responsable Sylvia B. Bashevkin (Toronto), des recensions assistant editor John McMenemy, managing editor/directeur de la gestion, Wilfrid Laurier University ADVISORY BOARD / CONSEIL CONSULTATIF Alan C. Cairns () Rejean Landry (Laval) Gerald Bernier (Montreal) Alexander MacLeod (UQAM) David Braybrooke (Dalhousie) Mildred Schwartz (Illinois) Jane Jenson (Carleton) Editorial correspondence in English should be directed to Professor Ronald A. Manzer, Division of Social Sciences, University of Toronto/Scarborough Campus, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, Ontario MIC 1A4. Authors are requested to forward three copies of the manuscript together with three copies of an abstract of 100 words. Manuscripts should not be longer than 35 pages (all material included). All material must be double-spaced. Footnotes must be double-spaced and placed in a single listing at the end of the paper. Tables and diagrams must be submitted on separate pages. The manuscript will not be returned. On doit adresser toute communication en francais au sujet de la redaction au Professeur Lucille Beaudry, Departement de science politique, Universite du a Montreal, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8. Les auteurs envoient leur manuscrit, en trois exemplaires, accompagne d'un resume, en trois exemplaires, ne depassant pas 100 mots. Les manuscrits ne doivent pas depasser 35 pages (les references et les tableaux inclus). Le tout doit etre dactylographie a double interligne. II faut que les notes apparaissent a double interligne, a la fin du texte, en ordre continu et sur des feuilles distinctes. Les tableaux et graphiques doivent etre faits sur des pages separees. Le manuscrit ne sera pas renvoye. Business correspondence should be sent to The Managing Editor, c/o The Canadian Political Science Association, 12 Henderson Avenue, University of , Ottawa, Ontario KIN 6N5. / Priere d'adresser toute communication de caractere commercial au Directeur de la gestion, a/s Association canadienne de science politique, 12, avenue Henderson, Universite d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 6N5. The Journal acknowledges with gratitude the generous assistance of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. / La Revue tient a remercier le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada pour la genereuse subvention qu'il a bien voulu lui accorder. INDEXED IN / INDEXEE AU : International Political Sccience Abstracts / Documentation Politique Internationale; ABC POL SCI (Advance Bibliography of Contents: Political Science and Government); Political Science Absracts; Periodex: index analytique de periodiques de langue francaise; Sociological Abstracts; United States Political Science Documents; Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI); Current Contents/Arts & Humanities; PAIS Bulletin and PAIS Foreign Language Index; Canadian Periodical Index/Index de periodiques canadiens; Canadian Magazine Index and available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs Database; Index to Canadian Legal Periodical Literature fpartial/partiel),- Indian Book Review Digest (partial/partiel,); International Political Science Information Service; IBZ (Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur); IBR (Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen). The headquarters of the Canadian Political Science Association is at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada KIN 6N5. / Le siege social de l'Association canadienne de science politique est a l'Universite d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada KIN 6N5. Le siege social de la Societe quebecoise de science politique est a / The headquarters of the Societe quebecoise de science politique is at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada H3C 3P8. © Canadian Political Science Association (l'Association canadienne de science politique) and/et la Societe quebecoise de science politique 1989 Published by / Publiee par Wilfrid Laurier University Press for/pour the Canadian Political Science Association (l'Association canadienne de science politique) and/et la Societe quebecoise de science politique CN ISSN 0008-4239 Downloaded from IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 16:24:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms Seconof use, availabled class atmai registration / Courrier recommand. de deuxieme classe #4011 Contents / Sommaire

Facing Our Destiny: Rights and Canadian Distinctiveness DAVID J. ELKINS 699

Hegel's Conservative Liberalism F. R. CRISTI 717

La democratic semi-directe en Suisse: entre la theorie et la realite: 1879-1987 ANDRE ESCHET-SCHWARZ 739

Representative Economic Democracy and the Problem of Policy Influence: The Case of Canadian Co-operatives DAVID LAYCOCK 765

On Using the Concept of Hypothetical Concept THOMAS J. LEWIS 793


Coups, Earthquakes and Hostages? Foreign News on Canadian Television ROBERT A. HACKETT 809

Review Article / Synthese bibliographique

Political Economy as a Hegemonic Project LESLIE A. PAL 827

Recensions / Reviews 841

Notices/Avis 910

Index 914

Downloaded from IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 16:24:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Canadian Political Association / Association canadienne de science politique President/President, Andre-J. Belanger Nominating Committee 1990 Comite des Universite de Montreal candidatures Past President/President sortant R. Kenneth Carty (British Columbia), David J. Elkins Jennifer Smith (Dalhousie), University of British Columbia Robert Young (Western) President Elect/President elu Invited guests/Invites Peter H. Russell Ronald Manzer (Toronto), Co-editor of University of Toronto the Journal Lucille Beaudry (UQAM), codirectrice Secretary-Treasurer/Secretaire-tresorier de la Revue Simon Mclnnes Maureen Covell (Simon Fraser), Government of Canada Chairperson of the Programme CPSA/ACSP Secretariat Committee/President du Comite 12 Henderson d'organisation du programme (1990) University of Ottawa Gordon Mace (Laval) Ottawa, Ontario KIN 6N5 Editor/Directeur du Bulletin Representative of Members-at-Large/ Louise Quesnel (Laval), Deleguee de la Representant des conseillers Societe quebecoise de science Audrey Doerr politique Government of Canada Elisabeth L. Gidengil (McGill), Members-at-large/Conseillers Representative to 2-year termjmandat de deux ans: SSFC/Representante a la FCSS James P. Bickerton (St. Francis Xavier), Joan Pond, Stephane Dion (Montreal), Margaret Administrator/Administratrice Little (York), Leslie A. Pal (Calgary), Charlotte Yates (McMaster) 1-year termlmandat d'un an: Edmund A. Aunger (-St-Jean), Maureen Covell (Simon Fraser), Audrey Doerr (Government of Canada), Elisabeth L. Gidengil (McGill), Guy Lachapelle (Concordia)

Societe quebecoise de science politique President, Duncan Cameron Invitees (Ottawa) Lucille Beaudry (UQAM), Ronald Vice-presidente, Louise Quesnel (Laval) Manzer (Toronto), codirectrice/teur de la Revue canadienne de science Tresorier, politique Michel Pelletier (UQAM) Carolle Simard (UQAM), directrice de la Secretaire revue Politique Maurice Couture Simon Mclnnes (Ottawa), Delegue de Departement de science politique P Association canadienne de science Universite du Quebec a Montreal politique C. P. 8888, Succ. "A" Elaine Dupre, agente d'administration, Montreal, P.Q. H3C 3P8 La SQSP (UQAM) Autres membres du Conseil d'administration Chantal Maille (UQAM), Daniel Salee (Concordia), France Giroux (Montreal), Robert Boily (Montreal), Serge Belley (Laval)

Downloaded from IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 16:24:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at