'Courier' Publication Stopped
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Vol. XLVIII, No.1 GE08GETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, January 13, 1966 'Courier' Publication Stopped --------------------.,-----------------"j Meets With Zeits Organization, Girls g;;deTI~:~ .r:~~~; z- "The Courier will not ap- Marl~ Hoya Board pear this month due to tech- nical difficulties. I do not feel "We hope to streamline the entire organization so as to publication of these difficul make the newspaper itself a more professional and respected ties at this time would be in student organ." With this statement, J. Joseph Nugent, the best interests of the mag newly-elected Editor-in-Chief of The HOYA, set the theme azine." for 1966. With these words Gary Was The annual changeover serman, Editor-in-Chief of the Courier, gave birth to an issue election was held January 6. Fr. Campbell Announces closely affecting the future of The new board of editors is campus publioations. Wasserman made up of Nugent, Editor; charges that Mr. Riley Hughes, Dr. Harry P. Guenther Associate Professor of English and Keven McKenna, Associate Moderator of the magazine, has Editor; Stephen O'Toole, As New Business Dean overstepped the bounds of a cam Managing Editor; John Mc pus magazine moderator. Nally, News Editor; Ran The Very Reverend Gerard .J. Meeting with Zeits Campbell, S ..J., President of the Because of the confusion result dolph Matt, Business Manager; Univ~rsity, has announced the ap ing from the conflicting parties' .Joseph O'Brien, Sports Editor; pointment of Dr. Harry P. Guen opinions regarding the criteria to .John Druska, Features Editor; Wil ther as the new Dean of the Busi which Cnurier copy should adhere, liam Mayer, Lay-out Editor; Mat ness School, effective .July 1, 1966. the Editorial Board voted unani thew Andrea, Photography Editor; Dr. Guenther, who is now Associate mously to submit a memorandum Francis Kelly, Circulation Man Professor of Finance, will replace to the Reverend Anthony .J. Zeits, ager; Anne Halloran, Copy Editor; -the Reverend .Joseph Sebes, S ..J., S . .J., newly-chosen Director of Stu Peter Ilchuk, Headline Editor; and Regent of the Business School who dent Personnel, detailing their ob Nancy Lesko, Executive SecretarY. has heen the acting Dean of the jections to Mr. Hughes and re 3 Years On Staff school. questing appointment of a new moderator to replace him. In making the appointment Fr. .JOSEPH E. JEFFS, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN • . is shown Nugent has been with The HOYA looking over the sketches of the new University library, designed Wasserman met with Mr. Wil since his freshman year when he Oampbell expressed the belief "that liam C. Wright, Assistant Direc under Dr. Guenther's leadership the by J ohn Warnecke. Publication of the final blueprints and sketches served as Executive Secretary of for the five-story library, on which construction was to start this tor of Student Personnel for Stu the paper. In his sophomore year School of Business Administration dent Activities, and Fr. Ziets on will continue its rapid progress to summer and which was to be finished in the fall of 1968, is being Nugent moved up to News Editor held up until the District of Columbia Planning Commission approves Monday to discuss the Board's and this year he has been the ward the position of excellence grievances. At the meeting it was which all of us greatly desire." Be the plan. When this occurs, the University community will be able to Managing Editor. Nugent, a junior see the plans for the new library, if no further delays are incurred. agreed that the Courier must publish in the College, hails from North cause the new Dean was chosen nothing which is heretical, obscene, Providence, Rhode Island, and is from within the faculty of the libelous, or which advocates or pro working toward an A.B. degree in school, Father Sebes described Dr. motes the violent overthrow of the history. GUenther as "knowing something of government. Fr. Zeits told The the school and therefore it will be Registration Dates Hit HOYA that these guidelines are Replacing .James Mata as Asso easier for him to fit in." ciate Editor is Keven McKenna "not definitive or to be construed as who is a junior in the Foreign Impressive Background permanent University policy," but Service School. McKenna, who only an effort to "come to an im Dr. Guenther, a native of Ham As Unfair To Students mediate solution of the Courier's lives in Westerly, Rhode Island, burg, New York, graduated from has served as News Editor and As problems." Hamburg High School in 1951. He Students who are planning to dent, Tom Kane and Yard Council In addition to these norms how sistant to the News Editor. attended Dartmouth College, grad take a vacation over the semester President, Frank Keating hav~ dis ever, Mr. Hughes reportedly con Stephen O'Toole, a junior in the uating with an A.B. in History and break will have to pay $10 for that cussed the problem with The Rev. siders tone and misrepresentation College and studying for an A.B. an M.B.A. in Finance from the priVilege this year. Registration is Anthony Zeits, S ..J., director of the of student opinion prerequisites for in government, was elected Man Tuck School of Business Adminis scheduled for the last two days of SPO. judging whether Courier copy aging Editor replacing Nugent. tration at Dartmouth. From 1956 to the exam period which runs from should be published. (Continued on Page 9) Sneaky (Continued on Page 13) Monday, .January 17 to Saturday, Teapot .January 30. Most students are Father Zeits said he had talked In an interview with The HOYA, finished with their exams by the with Mr. Quinn who stated that De Mr. Hughes expressed the opinion first day of the second week of the cember 17 was the day for the stu that the Board's actions consti exam schedule. Consequently, if dent leaders to issue their com tuted "a tempest in a teapot." He they miss the registration dates plaints. December 17, the last day has always considered it "normal .January 27 and 28, they will have of school before the Christmas procedure" to check the magazine's to pay $10 for registering late vacation, was the date that the copy. He referred to one piece Tuesday, February 1, the first day exam schedule and the registration of fiction, a short story, which of the second semester. dates were posted. contained obscene words that, in his opinion, no publisher would Nurses Hurt Poor Frank The group that is hardest hit by allow to be printed. He said it is The Yard President said he (Continued on Page 11) the registration dates are the had already left for home at seniors in the college and the nurs that date and he was unaware of ing school. Fifty-eight nursing the registration being so late in the school seniors finish their exams exam schedule. Mr. Quinn ex Friday, .January 21. A considerable plained that it was now too late number of college seniors will have to make changes in the exam completed their exam schedule, schedule and registration dates. Saturday, .January 22. Students Protest One Day Semester Break Student leaders of the three stu Keating and Kane have asked dEmt councils have protested this Father Zeits if he could make ar date and at the time the HOYA was rangements with Mr. Quinn to hold going to press were in the process registration on Monday, .January THE NEW BOARD ... J. Joseph Nugent, new Editor-in-Chief of of trying to persuade University 31. Monday is the day scheduled i The HOYA, is shown happily presiding oV,er the recently-elected Registrar, Mr. .John Quinn, to make for the official semester break. It Board of Editors. Flanking Nugent and seated left to right are: some accommodation for those may be impossible to secure this Keven McKenna, Associate Editor; Anne Halloran, Copy Editor; students with an early exam date because registl'ation is planned Nugent; Nancy Lesko, Executive Secretary; and Stephen O'Toole, schedule. for the law school that day. Father Managing Editor. Other members circling from the left are: Peter The Nursing School Student Zeits told Keating that he should Ilchuk, Headline Editor; Matt Andrea, Photography Editor; John Council at their last meeting passed be able to inform him of the pos McNally, News Editor; Frank Kelly, Circulation Manager; Joe a motion introduced by Ellen sibility of having registration O'Brien, Sports Editor; John Druska, Features Editor; Randy Matt, Canepa protesting the registration .January 31 at the Meeting Of the Business Manager; and William Mayer, Lay-out Editor. dates. East Campus Council Presi- Yard Council, Monday, .January 11. MR. RILEY HUGHES Page Two 'J'HE R.OYA y .P W' k ThurSdda, Jan·." 13,10•• 1 French Professor Leaves Georgetown . rom ..• ··ee en set; 1 For Better Pay, Work 'Kingsl11en Will Play l Dr. Frederick D. Eddy, Professor by Jack Fansmith .~ of French at Georgetown, is with drawing from the Faculty at the The 1966 Junior Prom Weekend, the nrst major social j end of. the current academic year. event of the new year, has been scheduled for the weekend Dr. Eddy, who came to Georgetown nights of February 4tp. and 5th. in the summer of 1954, will be Pro fessor of French at the University Friday night a black tie formal will be held in the of Colorado, in Boulder• Sheraton Hall at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The featured" .. :Citing more advantageous salary. entertainment for the evening will be the music of the Lester and retirement pr6v'isioIis "at Colo-" Lanin orchestra with Lanin rado :as his primary reason for leaving Georgetown, Dr.