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PAGE 6 Penny Saver Weekly News - Your “Good News” Paper AUGUST 18, 2016 Penny Saver Weekly News, Inc. Since 1947 10069 N. Florida Ave. Suite#A1 Tampa, FL 33612 Phone (813) 935-3115 Fax (813) 932-5261 Email:[email protected] OR [email protected] For Legal Ads contact Gail Hope DEADLINE TUESDAY AT NOON FOR THURSDAY’S PAPER Legal Ads - Display Ads - Classified Ads AD RATES NOTICE OF ACTION - Dissolution of Marriage - Name Change - Adoption $50 total cost Fictitious Trade Name $25 Notice to Creditors/Probate $70 Notice of Foreclosure Sale $70-$80 NOTICE OF ACTION - Foreclosure $75-$85 (price will be more if property description/plaintiff/defendant info is considerably longer) AUGUST 18, 2016 Penny Saver Weekly News - Your “Good News” Paper PAGE 7 Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Case No. 08-4257 Case No. 13CC019500 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, CIRCUIT IN AND FOR FLORIDA FLORIDA, THIRTEENTH FLORIDA HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Under and by virtue of Execu- Under and by virtue of Execu- Case No.: 16-DR-0011150 FILE NO.: 2016-CP-001838 PROBATE DIVISION FLORIDA tion issued out of and under the tion issued out of and under the Division: B-P Case No: 16-CA-005540 DIVISION: A File No.: 16-CP-2152 Division: K Division: A Seal of the Circuit Court in and Seal of the County Court in and ANDREA MULHOLLAND, CLEMENTE B. LOPEZ, IN RE: ESTATE OF for Hillsborough County, Florida for Hillsborough County, Florida Petitioner, dated July 18th, 2016 in a cer- dated January 29, 2015 in a and Plaintiffs, DAVID ALLAN YOUNG, IN RE: ESTATE OF: REINER PITER GOMEZ-ROJAS, vs. Deceased. CLOTILDE RAMIREZ, tain cause wherein Tampa Bay certain cause wherein CACH, Deceased Respondent. THE ESTATE OF CLEMENTE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff LLC, Plaintiff against Janice MIRABEL, THE ESTATE OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS against Margaret Fox, Defen- Conigliaro, Defendant. I have NOTICE OF ACTION FOR FLORA LOPEZ, THE ESTATE The administration The administration of the dant. I have levied on and will levied on and will on September DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE OF EUFEMIO MIRABAL, THE of the estate of DAVID ALLAN estate of CLOTILDE RAMIREZ, on September 13th, 2016 the 13, 2016 the same being a legal ESTATE OF JUANELO MIRABAL, YOUNG, deceased, whose date of deceased, whose date of death same being a legal sales day, at sales day, at 11:00 a.m. offer for TO: REINER PITER GOMEZ-ROJAS FRANCISCO I. LOPEZ, LYDIA L. death was May 15, 2016, is pend- was July 1, 2015, is pending in 11:00 a.m. offer for sale at 700 sale at 700 E. Twiggs St., Sher- Address Unknown ALLEN, VIOLET VILLANUEVA, the Circuit court for HILLSBOR- ing in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- E. Twiggs St., Sheriff’s Office, iff’s Office, 3rd Floor, Civil Pro- EULALIA PORTABALES, and ough County, Florida, Probate Di- OUGH County, Florida, Probate YOU ARE NOTIFIED that LORETO MIRABAL, Deceased, vision, the address of which is 800 Division, the address of which is 3rd Floor, Civil Process Sec- cess Section, Tampa, Florida, an action has been filed against you Defendants. E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 800 E. Twiggs Street, Room 206, tion, Tampa, Florida, and sell and sell to the highest and best and that you are required to serve a NOTICE OF ACTION Tampa, FL 33602. The names to the highest and best bidder, bidder, for cash, subject to all copy of your written defenses, if any, 33602. The names and address- TO: and addresses of the personal to it on ANDREA MULHOLLAND, es of the personal representative for cash, subject to all prior liens prior liens or encumbrances the The Estate of Clemente Mirabel and the personal representative’s representatives and the personal or encumbrances the following following described Personal whose address is 10526 Coralkey LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Ave., Tampa, FL 33647, on or before attorney are set forth below. representatives’ attorney are set described Personal Property, in Property, in Hillsborough Coun- 3004 N. 18th St. August 29, 2016 and file the original All creditors of the de- forth below. Hillsborough County, Florida, to ty, Florida, to wit: Tampa, FL 33605 All creditors of the de- with the Clerk of this Court at 800 E cedent and other persons having wit: Twiggs Street, Room 101, Tampa, FL CURRENT ADDRESS: claims or demands against dece- cedent and other persons having 33602, before service on Petitioner UNKNOWN dent’s estate on whom a copy of claims or demands against dece- All Rights, Interest & Title of or immediately thereafter. If you fail TO: The Estate of Flora Lopez this notice is served must file their dent’s estate on whom a copy of All Rights, Interest & Title of Property Belonging to: Janice to do so, a default may be entered LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: claims with this Court WITHIN this notice is required to be served Property Belonging to: Conigliaro against you for the relief demanded 3004 N. 18th St. THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- must file their claims with this Margaret Fox aka Margaret in the petition. Tampa, FL 33605 TER THE DATE OF FIRST PUB- Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 Rose Fox Description of property: Copies of all court docu- CURRENT ADDRESS: LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF BLACK 2007 CHRYSLER 300 ments in this case, including orders, UNKNOWN 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Description of property: SRT-8, TO: SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS THIS NOTICE Court’s office. You may review these 2015 Ford Escape, Black, VIN# 2C3LA73W87H820162 The Estate of Eufemio Mirabal All other creditors of documents upon request. NOTICE ON THEM. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: the decedent and other persons VIN# 1FMCU0G97FUA93103 You must keep the Clerk All other creditors of 3004 N. 18th St. the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against Stored at: of the Circuit Court’s office notified of Tampa, FL 33605 your current address. (You may file having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their Stored at: Larsen’s CURRENT ADDRESS: Notice of Current Address, Florida the decedent’s estate must file claims with this court WITHIN 3 Rosario’s Automotive Ser- 4608 N Lois Ave Supreme Court Approved Family Law UNKNOWN their claims with this Court WITH- MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF vices, Inc Tampa, FL 33614 Form 12.915.) Future papers in this TO: IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF 9206 North 16th Street 813-876-4612 The Estate of Juanelo Mirabal lawsuit will be mailed to the address OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Tampa, FL 33612 on record at the clerk’s office. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: ALL CLAIMS NOT THIS NOTICE. to satisfy said execution and WARNING: Rule 12.285, 3004 N. 18th St. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERI- Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, Tampa, FL 33605 FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERI- ODS SET FORTH IN SECTION to satisfy said execution and costs. requires certain automatic disclosure CURRENT ADDRESS: ODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- costs. of documents and information. Failure UNKNOWN 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER Jeremy A Soffler, Esquire to comply can result in sanctions, BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Arthur S Corrales, Esquire Attorney for Plaintiff including dismissal or striking of plead- TO: Lydia L. Allen BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING Attorney for Plaintiff ings. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH Dated: July 22, 2016. NOTWITHSTANDING DAVID GEE, SHERIFF 2924 18th St. ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO PAT FRANK THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH DAVID GEE, SHERIFF Hillsborough County, Florida Tampa, FL 33605 ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT CURRENT ADDRESS: Hillsborough County, Florida Erin Lipton, D.S. By: Mrian Roman-Perez (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF UNKNOWN Erin Lipton, D.S. 8/11/16 x 9/1/16 4x Deputy Clerk THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. 7/28/2016 x 8/18/2016 4x TO:Violet Villanueva DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publi- 8/11/16 x 9/1/16 4x ____ ____ LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: The date of first publi- cation of this notice is: August 11, ____ 1101 Colony Point Cir. Unit 321 cation of this Notice is August 11, 2016. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 2016. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE OF SALE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, CURRENT ADDRESS: Personal Representatives: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, UNKNOWN Personal Representative: DIANE SCARINGE that the undersigned intends to HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, TO:Eulalia Portabales 7825 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. FLORIDA FLORIDA Tracy Soto Case No.: 16-0008933 sell the personal property de- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: P.O. Box 254 Case No.: 16-DR-10459 368 Rosalind Lane Division: F-P scribed below to enforce a lien 101 Colony Point Cir. Unit 321 Oldsmar, Florida 34677 Lithia, FL 33547 Division: I Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 DOMITILA WATSON, imposed on said property under Petitioner, CURRENT ADDRESS: The Florida Self Storage Facility OMAR MIRANDA, Attorney for Personal ROSEMARY KASLOV and Petitioner/Husband, UNKNOWN Representative: 7825 Lithia Pinecrest Rd.