© Her Majesty the Queen in right Library and Archives of Canada of Canada, represented by the Cataloguing in Publication Chief Executive Officer of Parks Canada, 2007 Parks Canada Cette publication est aussi Lower Fort Garry National Historic disponible en français. Site of Canada : management plan / Parks Canada. For more information about the Site Management Plan or about Issued in French under title: Lieu Lower Fort Garry National Historic historique national du Canada de Site of Canada: Lower Fort Garry : plan directeur / Parcs Canada. Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site ISBN 978-0-662-49891-9 Cat. no.: R64-105/59-2007E Tel: (204) 785-6050 Fax: (204) 482-5887 1. Lower Fort Garry National email: Historic Site (Man.)--Management.
[email protected] 2. Historic sites--Canada-- www.pc.gc.ca Management. 3. Historic sites--Manitoba-- Management. 4. National parks and reserves-- Canada--Management. 5. National parks and reserves-- Manitoba--Management. I. Title. II. Title: Lieu historique national du Canada de Lower Fort Garry : plan directeur. FC3364.L68P37 2007 971.27’4 C2007-980058-0E Front Cover Photo Credit: Lower Fort Garry in 1880’s Parks Canada LOWER FORT GARRY NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE OF CANADA Management Plan October 2007 II Lower Fort Garry III National Historic Site of Canada Management Plan Foreword Canada’s national historic sites, national parks and national marine conservation areas offer Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast unique opportunities to experience and understand our wonderful country. They are places of learning, recreation and fun where Canadians can connect with our past and appreciate the natural, cultural and social forces that shaped Canada.