Strategic Plan


Debert (main office) 902-641-2225 Parrsboro (sub office) 902-728-2141

Mailing Address: P.O. 868, Parrsboro, NS, B0M 1S0

© Cliffs of Fundy Geopark 2021 Strategic Plan


© Cliffs of Fundy Geopark 2021 Board of Directors 2021

Christine Blair, Chair, Mayor Colchester County Murray Scott, Vice Chair, Mayor Cumberland County Anita MacLellan, Secretary, Retired (Manager of the Welcome Centre) Norman Rafuse, Treasurer, Business Owner Marie Benoit, Councillor, Colchester County John Calder, Retired, Professional Geologist Sandra Currie, Facilities Manager, FORCE Calum Ewing, Communities, Culture and Heritage (NS) Gerald Gloade, Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Carrie Goodwin, Councillor, Cumberland County Chris MacIntyre, NS Lands & Forestry Georgia Pe Piper, Professor, St. Mary’s University David Piper, Retired, Professional Geologist

ii Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan


Mission...... 1

Vision...... 2

Values ...... 3

Strategic Priorities ...... 9

Artwork: Gerald Gloade

Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan iii


To celebrate and connect our , tides, , and cultures through collaboration with our diverse communities and the promotion of and economic growth.

Isle Haute is comprised entirely of Jurassic-era basalt, a feature unique to only a handful of sites in the upper Bay of Fundy. This small island is best viewed from the water. (Photo: Nova Scotia) Vision

A flourishing UNESCO Global Geopark that welcomes residents and visitors to Learn, and to Explore, Discover and Enjoy!

Kayak among the sea stacks at Three Sisters. (Photo: NovaShores Adventures) Values

The Iron Tide drummers, singers and dancers helped us celebrate

(Photo: Tommy Strutz)

at our official designation as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Honouring Indigenous Quality Education Traditions and Values


• Develop a cooperative and collaborative • Develop inclusive and equitable quality relationship with our Mi’kmaw communities. education programs and activities including, • Generate a further understanding of the but not limited to guided and self-guided concept of Two-Eyed Seeing and learn from tours, web-mounted resources, teacher the elders. resources, classroom workbooks and • Create opportunities available to fly the videos. Mi’kmaw flag throughout the Geopark, • Promote lifelong learning opportunities for whether at various geosites or on municipal people at all ages and stages. properties. • Respect diverse points of view and incorporate them in our everyday activities.

4 Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan Our geoscientist leads a variety of tours each year in the Geopark. (Photo: Lauren Muzak-Ruff) Conservation and and Respect for Nature Pride of Place


• Promote sustainable geological research • Utilize geoheritage, culture, education, and and education. the arts to educate residents and visitors • Protect our cultural and human heritage, and assist our communities to flourish. including our Mi’kmaq, Acadian, Black and • Provide opportunities for increased levels United Empire Loyalist forebearers. of employment and sustainable economic • Conserve our natural heritage and development. both below water and above • Empower residents, businesses, and tourism land. operators through the development of a strong Ambassador Program.

can enjoy our trails and lookoffs. (Photo: Devin Trefry) Residents and visitors of all ages

Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan 5 Reduce Inequalities Climate Action


• Ensure all our actions have a positive impact • Work with our founding municipalities in on our communities. efforts to reduce the levels of greenhouse • Recognize individual roles and abilities and gas emissions. appreciate all contributions. • Promote the installation of electric vehicle • Recruit diverse members of our charging stations throughout the Geopark communities for various roles within the area. Geopark organization. • Collaborate with the Blue Route in Nova • Develop an Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Scotia ( to encourage cycling Accessibility policy and implement actions transportation wherever possible. that demonstrate our commitment. • Host virtual and/or in-person workshops and community meetings on issues of , including its impact on sea level rise.

(Photo: Geoff Ingram)

Cycling6 is a fabulous wayCliffs to travel of Fundy through Geopark the Geopark • Strategic and Plan enjoy the amazing views, while taking action on climate change. Healthy Lifestyle Expertise and Excellence


• Enhance potential for community and • Work diligently to use all our resources to personal health and wellness. achieve excellence. • Increase opportunities for residents and • Strive to be a leader among UNESCO Global visitors to benefit from outdoor activity. Geoparks. • Engage the public in field trips, citizen science, • Share our achievements and successes with arts retreats, birding, photography, and other other UNESCO Global Geoparks and aspiring programs aimed at community health. Geoparks. • Develop options for accessibility by people of all ages and stages and levels of ability.

Healthy outdoor activities can be enjoyed year-round in the Geopark. (Photo: Tourism Nova Scotia)

Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan 7 8 Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan (utilizing our re-validation Strategic Priorities directives as a guideline)

(Photo: Betty Ann Dewitt)

Harvesting potatoes at the homestead farm in Fox River. Science and Education Partnerships

We will seek to develop our Scientific Capacity by We will value and respect all Community engaging in research and discovery, partnering Partnerships and remember to embrace the with like-minded organizations, and investigating UNESCO “bottom-up” approach in all our any potential for external support. activities.

• Act on climate change initiatives wherever and • Strengthen our Indigenous engagement. whenever possible and utilize opportunities to • Develop partnership strategies with tourism provide information to our residents and our operators and other businesses. visitors. • Discover and learn about our Acadian • Support the work of our Geoconservation heritage and culture. Committee and areas of emerging geo- • Build partnerships with Canadian and conservation concerns. International UGGPs. • Focus on the effect of our tides and develop • Coordinate educational opportunities with tidal viewing platforms with interpretive community partners and engage like-minded panels to share the story. stakeholders. • Give special attention to the issue of rising • Grow the GEOfood program and collaborate sea levels; collect information and promote with participants. ways to alter or adapt lifestyles accordingly. • Explore partnering opportunities with NSCC • Consider ways we can utilize or promote and our Nova Scotia universities. Opportunities such • Collaborate with existing and future as (but not limited to) the use of solar community and regional events. panels, the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and alternate forms of transportation. • Communicate our unique geoheritage to residents and visitors. • Develop educational and interpretation materials and deliver these through various centres such as the Fundy Discovery Site, the Geopark Welcome Centre in Economy, and the Eatonville Interpretive Centre.

(Photo: Tourism Nova Scotia).

Looking for fossils to learn about our past at Wasson Bluff

10 Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan

We will consider the effect on Sustainability in all that we do and make appropriate decisions to support the interests of the Geopark and our Geoparks is to provide an integrated environment. sustainable development for the direct

• Investigate new commercial tourism and andOne transmissionof the main goals of traditional of UNESCO Global business opportunities. knowledge, valorization of local products, • Consider activities that contribute to development of respectful outdoor and recreation. activitiesbenefit of through its local Geotourism, . Promotion • Utilize best practices and make efficient use empowering local people and ethnic of human and financial resources. groups are one of the keys to what must • Collaborate with our communities and our businesses for sustainable economic Geoparks. development. • Honour our natural assets. be a sustainable development in UNESCO • Develop a strategy for Succession Planning for Board and committee members. Reference : Global Geopark Network / UNESCO Geoparks GGN / (

Cliffs of Fundy Geopark • Strategic Plan 11 Enjoying GEOfood outdoors with friends. (Photo credit Tourism Nova Scotia.) Marketing and Communication

We will promote the Geopark to Nova Scotia, to Canada and to the world through an integrated system of media and community resources, relying on the strength of our pillars as identified in the Interpretive Strategy.

• Develop an Ambassador Program involving front-line workers, tourism operators and community members. • Highlight sites of geological significance. • Create a series of Geopark maps, brochures, guides, and other printed materials. • Utilize and further develop the Locatify App, website, and social media. • Generate regular press releases and feature Visitors can enjoy a rest stop or an educational program at the articles for distribution to mainstream and other media. • Market the Highest Tides on the Earth. Fundy Discovery Site in Lower Truro. (Photo: County of • Feature our Indigenous heritage and culture. Colchester.) • Showcase the history of the continent Pangea. • Develop Geopark specific logo wear and other branded merchandise items.

Approved12 by the BoardCliffs ofof FundyDirectors Geopark of the• Strategic Cliffs Planof Fundy Geopark / May 21, 2021.

Debert (main office) 902-641-2225 Parrsboro (sub office) 902-728-2141

Mailing Address: P.O. 868, Parrsboro, NS, B0M 1S0

© Cliffs of Fundy Geopark 2021