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y j H ow to tie the Prep sports Assembling j O knot w ithout your desk i w e e k ? going broke drawer 2 survival kit D. OBSERVER LIFE-SECTION C SECTION B CIO / ^ i PLYMOUTH SUNDAY Your hometown newspaper October 9,2005 serving Plymouth and ® U 0 0 r u e r Plymouth Township for 120 y e a rs 75 c e n ts WINNERS OF OVER 100 STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS SINCE 2001 www.hometownlife com District tries to overcome HEAP snafu BY TONY BRUSCATO tests has failed to deliver the needed Barbara Church Rodenberg, the “If you have to change at the last and then two or three days later more STAFF WRITER matenals to many schools throughout distnct’s assistant supenntendent of minute because test books haven’t m a te n a ls ” the state, including Plymouth- instructional services, said some arnved, it could cause complications,” Johnson said she received a packet Plymouth-Canton school officials C a n to n school administrators and teachers sh e said with only one MEAP assessment have been scrambling the past few “We were told our m atenals would are working as best they can around Joyce Johnson, principal at Central adm inistrator’s manual weeks to get the required m atenals to arnve Sept 19, and after several the problems ^ M iddle School, said she finally “We thought we were getting administer the state-mandated delays they eventually began to arrive, “You have teachers, pnncipals and received all of her matenals on enough materials for each of our MEAP tests, which students are but the order wasn’t complete, ’ said parents who are concerned about this Tliesday, the day after the stahdard- teachers,” she said ‘ Fortunately, we required to take during a two-week M ike Bender, director of secondary test and want to get off on the nght ized tests were to begin found It online and downloaded and window from Oct 3-14 education “Most of the delivery foot,” said Rodenberg “You tell your “We had to revise our schedule so copied the sections we needed It’s Not only has the state moved the process was completed M onday” students the test will start on a partic we could start on M onday and finish been very frustrating testing period from January to the Bender also noted some of the tests ular day, you rem ind parents to get within the allotted am ount of time ‘W e have teachers who have never beginning ofthe school year, but the had pnnting errors, and as a result their kids prepared, and then you the state has given us,” said Johnson administered the MEAP test before, company that has the three-year, $48 some of the questions will have to be have to postpone because the materi “We got our m ath matenals one day, million contract to administer the to sse d o u t als haven’t arrived yet then three days later another group. PLEASE SEE M E A P ,A 6 Parolee Flour gives rise to busted post office. „ for car evacuation^i BYBRADKADRICH STAFF WRITER In today’s era of heightened break-in security and fear it was no wonder the Plymouth post office off Beck Road was BY TONY BRUSCATO evacuated for two hours STAFF WRITER Thursday when a package was discovered covered with Affer spending 3 /2years in prison for com-> white powder mitting home invasions in Plymouth, 23- Fortunately, the package year-old Joseph Slater finds him self with the turned out to be harmless, possibility of spending up to 30 years in except perhaps to someone’s prison for stealing a pair of $12 sunglasses BILL SRESLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER cholesterol count and a case from a car at Daisy Square The package, mailed from Detective Lt Ed Ochal said Slater - who Playoff primer Germany to a woman m was paroled in June - and a pair of 16-year- Plymouffi, that caused all the old juveniles from Plymouth were arrested Canton's Dalton Walser (36) dives for extra yardage as teammates Deshon McClendon (1) and Mike Edwards clear a path during the disturbance turned out to after a bnef chase by officers M onday night, Chiefs' 42*7 wm over Plymouth Friday night The win pulled Canton withm a game of the playoffs For more on the game, please see contain nothing more than shortly after 10 p m Page B1 “He went into a garage and car, took some PLEASE SEE E V A C U A T IO N , A 7 items, and then tvas chased by officers across the railroad tracks ” said Ochal “Slater was found hiding underneath a boat ’ Ochal said S l^er was arraigned in 35th Distnct Court m front of M agistrate Enc Colthurst Tbesday on one count of home SKF rolls out drive-by-w ire concept car invasion first degree, a 20-year felony, larce ny from a building, a four-year felony, and BY BRAD KADRiCH being a habitual criminal, which could net STAFF WRITER Instead of a steering wheel, the Slater 30 years m prison car is run by a 'human-machine Slater is being held in the Wayne County George Detloff said his compa Jail in lieu of a $10,000 cash bond, and a ny’s success is based on change interface' unit that stories retainer for parole violation Apparently his firm, Swedish- The two juveniles will be ushered through based SKF, did some $6 billion in inside the door until it's closed, juvenile court sales last year, so it’s become accus In Nov 2001, Slater was arrested m con tomed to success And Wednesday, then extends in front of the nection with several home invasions, on Detloff helped roll out the compa driver. charges identical to those he faced this week ny’s latest baby, a dnve-by-wire After being convicted, he was sentenced to concept car Novanta SKF’s specialty, to control all m ajor five-20 years in prison The company, responsible for driving systems The technology Police Chief Wayne Carroll said sometimes some 39,800jobs globally (some replaces weighty, cumbersome criminals get into a comfort zone, which can 9,800 in Its automotive division), mechanical and hydraulic systems sometimes tip their hand to police investiga introduced Novanta at a nde-and- with what SKF calls “sm art electro to rs dnve event at the Plymouth mechanical actuating units ’ “Criminals tend to isolate themselves m Township headquarters of its North Instead of a steering wheel, the patterns,” said Carroll ‘ If they’ve been around Amencan automotive division car is run by a “human-machine for a while, we know what a guy does and “O ur philosophy is if it looks the interface” unit that stores inside the Bill BRESLERI STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER when we see sim ilar cnmes, it gives us a place same m our plant today, we’ve door until it’s closed, then extends to start looking” failed,’ said Detloff, president of in front of the driver All of the con SKF's Novants eliminates mechanical linkages such as the steering column, brakes, shift Carroll said there have been a rash of bur SKF Automotive J?ivision-North trol units for the car — steering, linkages, and throttle cable, instead using electrical impulses glaries in Plym outh and Plymouth Township, Amenca since January 2004 “We throttle control, braking and trans and his departm ent will investigate to deter have to change every day” mission — are located in the inter Amencan Ifechnical Center “It gets company got into by-\vire technolo m ine if Slater is tied to any of them Change is the whole idea behind face and its supporting arm people to think Svhat could be gy m the aerospace industry since Novanta, which SKF showed off at ‘Novanta is the next generation It’s nothing new for SKF, which 1985, w hen the company’s by-wire tbruscato@oe homecomm net | (734) 459 2700 Wednesday’s event The car uses of dnve-by-wire vehicle,” said Steve spends some $100 million annually dnve-li^-wire technology, which is Brown, director ofthe SKF North on research and development The PLEASE SEE C A R ,A 6 © T h e O b s e rv e r & Eccentnc INDEX Coming Thursday For Home N e w s p a p e rs 9-Month liquid CD Apartments E2 in Filter Delivery call: Automotive F4 Volume 120 Community Life C1 (866) 887-2737 C6 N u m b e r 14 i333W -^#bwW Health Scary NewXibetty Plyffhoutb J obs D1 places B a n X Obituaries C4 ( ^ 4 5 5 - 1 5 1 1 parties Perspectives A7 flit r PINK Page C8 ^and clubs New Homes E4 [If) next for oar fl-Knnfih Ik^ a » xiuiac ffij of ftis , -of S5W w mia* rwl siaaiR' on dcposat «itbT4e^v Service Guide £2 ^weeks LibmV QanbJLdcBtHOSil be jBgde ^ m a $250 Maxunam of O Sports Bt 8 83174 10008 6 -m:■m} W" ' the fiirn^pai Wme beioLv S500 Filter GAISNEIT tor 060^74733 A2 (P) Observer S Eccentric | Sunday October 9 2005 NEWS BRIEFS ivicic.hometownllfe.com Chamber auction after leasing its previous spot and an open bar Gold spon level of familiarity with all the More than 600 people are on M ain Street for 18 years sorships are available for $375 media options available to be expected to help celebrate at The auction is the diam ber’s for two people, and Platinum successfiil ” the Plymouth Community largest fund-raiser of the year sponsorships are available for a PCAC officials hope the Chamber of Commerce auc Proceeds from the auction, VIP reserved table for 10 Both Plymouth Media Arts Center is tion, them ed ‘There s No Place which this year features live the gold and platinum spon a “ready resource to hone rap Like Home,” set for Fnday, and silent auctions, a 50/50 sorships include a pre-auction idly changing competency lev Nov 4, at Laurel M anor in drawing and several raffles partj^, special recognition, els ’ They’re using the first L ivonia along with live entertainment, exclusive prize drawing, hors phase, Beginning The chamber, which has are used to sponsor chamber d oeuvres and special music Screenwntmg, as an opportu been looking for more room events and programs Tickets can be purchased by nity to find out more about