Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-23-1906 the Las Vegas Publishing Co

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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-23-1906 the Las Vegas Publishing Co University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-23-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-23-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-23-1906." (1906). lvdo_news/1556 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V. , v v , '"S YEGAS JJL OLJlL1, LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY. JUNE 23, 1906. VOm ob attftad f tk io4 j PCCUUAR VtftOICT t rlW (svakstf toward H. aswrd , A StfttATlOMAL CAtt ' ;DB ITS CITIZENS LEADING m Wtowt: away vnn ra'OF - The Static party f Ik a- j rVasto, III, J tl Tk Jary to ' Mm ha ttawMstotod lit policy at t AH-- far .New Meat and era-t- y M jssatnhssg THEIR STOCKS McKteaey. a a to ebaigsd vit'k .MrM-n- mm mrnm mrnm ymmmcm m puts m i panic smicii OTkTCunnn mi to ber ward, Stella Gfady. rrtarawd tressxiy literal to ha temtaiuas and : 10 Mr to Ik meaner to vaarhj a verdict of gaiHy today aad toead ! Iwt "W tb elfc Ml aabtwittod 1 tb BMH )Mf bMsstlaaMBs It IPsSCsfiMWaaaNlMss ftas ss'i" aa toss ah aad I . aay at iweoeer t llWolc Fo?St RfYaPtl- - of - i . lciStttis Prcr: talWltrittfvtl-b- J0.? . " ttmi fillFr Foremost tion of pofnxr Disgrace--' The (icHcrvMrvi. Mai of Temtorv GqpjNi.j p is ift vjiual Cars Must Go. fill J?wfcb Matsacre. caning Vjr-e- i f Paramount iWsLWitiV One MRS. WILSON MIZNtft j .ff.VL ILL 0 ArINOlCITl Voice ThW Declare in Favor of Accepting What is j oaa pvt ut Jaa Wltooa Mia erms as i :i.Mr. Venerea I oi nu rvegaraca uDeraj. pan u ih .sear; iu mm aer, formerly Mrs. Cbartoa Terl, I m is iMwm Ot of kpfw-ada-tt- at bt realdene mmm ihn:: - ! tog a kaadao Vl - mmrjm taajorttf ia fw her, SM wa aeetatod aaoa Tbar- Aa Ut h this I tboroaak that If kntk lm wtit INmi in tilM ,' aay. The Opite presents nrtwi blkvt ttrrl Dufe, Ford1 evening th of wnktr tarlea do aoetot, tail tkert "?, " 1 "crttm ,tamru ouroc iSpaaUh i r tfn Dlri3- -. (pwtoai flratJ hk' "VT r MAYOR McCLtLLAN IS the leading men la the territory on ton diflleaHiM lo ovtrromt at l DwJ-Bdti- tli Ld-c- f ate of Affaoaaf aot dkrosed sa me- - Crfti tk rnMert of ttoteaood. bh.b to the tm aeomt of ttrtloaal feeling which art or ron lutofiAN) - what eoagresa bat aueattoa tilt aeo- may exist, that It will only bt a mat-to- r mpt oftrrd. New Tort. Jaat H Mayor XvmtK Aaststaat Uaittd State AttMtawy pi of New Mexico Mt UMM t of a abort time until both territ ft CMiaa aaiard today et ateanar from I. was hla po-attl- whleh lk toot mmw Tt or rtea art a tkorongbly amalgaauttd Leahy aakd coaceraleg New Terk for a tea webr vara tint oa aialehood. Hit waa Wa- that they will wonder bow eoald reply PblUtVlphla. Jan Johs B. Tha toEaron., . St' tVtarbrtU,1ane II ntaiitcbe - aiagtoa X tt-- vr they abort and to th 1 to FTONtV rar bar regarded tk antes with aoiat; tattad jrr. futrtk We president of tk Paa flora Bialratuk report tht tttoeae opraad today at Ot aavy t fitrttrMay - tk and I j mm d Jmtmtmtln ot Tb Op- dtofavor. They are atl and auppert mtaavrt btltov tt eylvsei railroad, who returned ye awing to) tht aaeaailrnstd for ajtar ran t Mtto-- energetic will to SANATCLTJ VILL prosttit --i tie Mk4 CJvtmor HagrnM tor aauiotJe Aattrtcaa cttiaeaa and there tarry Ntw Mtatoa." . torday from Wasblngtoa, ahert bt ap- that lb twetat exrtsset w"l alaa, Mktfca aad Vitwa Mr. tiirto f i f. or kmintwt ht mat eaaaot bt aay radical dUftftaer bt f tort, peared befor tb toteratat eonasla be revived today. Strict aaartUl Ua aattvfced by a frt s, prioo ol-tlo- H. O. lat lit k(J "7 iwrwi M t tweea them oa account of Ibt draw Hoa. Bursum.cbalraiaa of am announced today that tb com- It tVoreed. Thra mta. tsto pf vrborc rdt tort tb taatral ' "Jo wry folly, lag of aa Imaginary lint In tb year ftepabiicaa tamattt, tad pany wbsht d away with Individual were CbrlaUaaa, war recently am Cramp and Co, Pbilad' '. j; V most wlwa. tow aeparaling ialo twa aarta what tb powerful flgar Is th g car ef aft kinds and that officer gad for fan;a to ordtra. A th lowett oa rfc aa lb rtrto nd, aabllraa of Near wbta rlty atrgMt Out tW . V i cr:i i waa ortglBill oa territory." party Mexka, employes would dispose of Whatever of ktiicaa kUtod kt sight f taacblaery and awtt of wklcji ar saked a for - taw. th Uitr . I CaaMtra It Matt Uatrai, by Optto repreaeatarlv boidiagtof roe! stork tbef stay t Chicago, lit. Jua tLSpea- t) taikaleat Xarva dtotriot int tbl dlt seribed, Tbetr bat for a bataahb uf : C his views oa statehood rolls ! ftlB tot Popl I "J tpHory Hoa. Solomoa Lana, Repablicaa na- tb lata, have, f t lal to Th Optic At tb wtlcb to tht enter of aa aim rev la rtoat of tt aad stoat t tope-tou- t tlXa s aa hla sleeves and th tot ft luHy ttttt 0 tional eommltteeanaa fur New atott- - gat light to air aa tad aa Taker' t meeting of tb trustees of tb hjifcsjary vganhuttod. ' Carolina wa ,: eftorti which bi btn nitdt by ev rtw of heart of th enetttoaj Kens City. National rrateraal Ranaoriura Killed to Strett" - I Ptttoeat f Htw Casebtoa a day after Ibt Btaaag - Jn 4 MttoMl am la- favor of Juiat - sa, Fiwttdast Rootwflt nd tk tk aabUag act, gat out tht fodov-ta-g 1 aeeeptiag racy be broagbt against the aad dry Association b)4 her today Ufa, Russia. Jua. 22. Princ Man V Waahto-- ft. C, 21 The statehood thaa remain - Ji , aflmlnlrtnillot to tccomplirt tht p totervtew to tk rather a terri gnoda merebaat of Luata, Oviaba, it was decided that the ssao- relorr, aa tstoaalv Uud bat r-C- la " ', JUbaquetxiu t t j prbprtotor, navy tsrtnt r,: f ' 0 km tamlttlng Ntw Meitee CMaea: tory. Tb Meads at ataarat statou aad Kaasaa City, oa a charg of a clatioa lak posstaaioa of tb iormerly aa officer of tht sward, fas chief ckaiacttriatlc af t&t gatltoJllpt - - hood bar used effort to pre-to- ot ;'a4 ArtooM t ttatoBOod. It wtw "Mr. Miaa," aaid tb reporter, tvery rent lag rebatea frost railroada. ia t Montesuma property aa July killed on tk street here Mtefctgaa aad tenth CarCtoa. bids for the of a autt-boo-d ta - yeter;r. f't jkt atordlnair tRortt of 'what do you tblnk of tb atattkood passage aeparatt tenctog Tbomaa aad Taggatt. th 1st, A committee waa ap- The crime. It to supposed, was .e n Ibt coaatra. ad .which wtit'oa--t- d f,,,v( i f hlmaeir and tht bar4 Mar enabling act, bat tb national freight brokers, yeeterdsy, Judge pointed to go to Las Vegaa to milled for political reasons. today. T battltshlpa, wkhrh eon-- baa of- jm 4. 1 - " N)a of tht bin la Mr. Luna replied: congress decided otherwise by Smith McPkeraoa declared that a re- t) maka all arrangemeato for mast CyM oa their trial tripe not "V" bB i1 consider it the moat liberal ea fering at Jointer. Let aa accept tb bate taker waa aa guilty at th rebate t tb th Im mediate opening of Their Firs Ltvta more tlaa' 11.00 tons, will be M 1 and new atato will tWiag act tvtr paaaed by eongreaa. propositloa tb giver and he aanied seven firms who ) th Sanatortom, and arrang Trondhjem. Juna 22. King t feet long, with an extreme breadth at work oat her salvation and overcome Mt ant If vt rcftiM what bat beta "I kaow of bo state la all tre received rebate. for a Managing Physician and and queea Maud today beat U ? first tb waterllne ot M feet aad two aad obstacle in a manner which will It ail certainly, be many yeara rbrty-fir- a now compoalng tb u 11 Ion, every District ' Attorney Van Valkenburg t the reception of patienta will levee. All of th speclarfnrelbfa em- a halt luchet and a length of 450 feet. k be beneficial to aa whole. III b Kirns another op to whk-- to fair a heritage waa oflor th people a Intimated today that lb matter will bt prepared at tb arltoat bassies attended. America Tht armament call for a battery f The of thla have fr Art!r plant tht Union. Ifwtoouia ed aa that which will bt the atanlag people territory probably be brought to tb atteattoa t possible moment. dir Cbarlca HOfnvet preatdted 1. elabt twelve-Inc- breech loading oppor-an- d hoped, and MJm whit thla portion of tb proposed atato of Ail prayed, petitioned fought of the grand fury next fall. and Mra. rtryaa. "V jind tea submerged torpedo for atatehood and a voice to the na- ,1 ' v tk very ilight xona.
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    Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 3-28-1972 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1972). Winona Daily News. 1129. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy through LAND SAKES, I SGLol __ Wednesday and THAT OLD BUG6Y LySflla Wllh A Want Ad / ffJfP® a Uttle colder ' 1 UlL %#_ 1 # ¦% a, am ' • North Irish protest British takeover Thousands converge on parliament By COLIN FROST ish government's move and takeover was forging a united lies sponsored by the militant Craig, a former Cabinet minis- BELFAST (AP) — Thousands London's appointment of Wil- front between outgoing Unionist Ulster Vanguard Movement. ter, warn that anyone collabo- of angry Protestants converged liam Whitelaw as secretary of Prime Minister Brian Faulk- The Belfast branch of the rating with the British should on Northern Ireland's parlia- state for Northern Ireland. ner, • Craig and another . right- Confederation of British In- be ostracized as a traitor. ment today to protest Britain's On the second day of the wing leader, the Rev. Ian Pais- dustry estimated the work stop- Brian * Faulkner, in his last take over of power in the strike, electricity was rationed ley. pages would cost up to $10.4 days as prime minister, ap- strike-paralyzed province.
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