171 Crash-Course | Creampie
171 crash-course | creampie crash-course noun a short, intensive course on a particular subject crazies noun phencyclidine, the recreational drug known as PCP or UK, 1973 angel dust US, 1993 crasher noun 1 a person temporarily sleeping in someone else’s crazy noun a person who engages in erratic or unpredictable house or apartment US, 1975. 2 a very tedious or tiresome person or behaviour US, 1867 thing. A variation of CRASHING BORE UK, 1960. 3 apowerful,hard- crazy adjective 1 excellent, exciting, superlative US, 1948. 2 enthusiastic breaking wave US, 1964 for, about or to do something UK, 1779. 3 (used of a particular card crash hat noun a safety helmet US, 2003 in poker and other card games) capable of being played as a card of any value. The same as the more common ‘wild’ US, 1967. crash helmet noun a condom. Figurative use of motorcyclists’ safety < wear: in both uses worn in case of accident. Possibly also a 4 many US, 1989. like crazy of behaviour, to the utmost US, 1924 punning reference to ‘helmet’ (the head of the penis) UK, 1998 crazy alley noun the area in a prison in which mentally ill patients are confined US, 1992 crash hot adjective excellent AUSTRALIA, 1962 crazy as a bedbug adjective extremely eccentric, mad US, 1918 crash hot! used for expressing enthusiastic approval NEW ZEALAND, 1998 crazy-ass adjective very crazy US, 1994 crashing bore noun a very tedious or tiresome person or thing UK, crazy doctor noun a psychiatrist or other psychotherapist US, 1989 1934 crazy Eddy noun high quality phencyclidine, the recreational drug crash-out noun an escape from prison or jail US, 1940 known as PCP or angel dust US, 1993 crash out verb to escape from prison US, 1954 crazy eight; crazy 8 noun a discharge from the US Army for mental unfitness.
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