americans for the arts | 2011 Annual report americans for the arts 2011 Annual report table of contents


Letter from the 2011 Snapshot 2011 Notable Events, Board of 2011 1.0 President & CEO 2.0 3.0 Speakers & Awardees 4.0 Directors 5.0 Financials

Strengthening an – 24th Annual Nancy 2.1 Informed Leadership Hanks Lecture on the 2011 BCA Arts & Public Policy 4.1 Executive Board – Arts Advocacy Day 2.2 Increasing Resources for the Arts – Americans for the Arts 2011 Americans 2011 Annual Convention 4.2 for the Arts Staff 2.3 Advancing the – The BCA 10 Awards Value Proposition – 16th Annual National 4.3 2011 Honor Arts Awards Roll of Donors – National Arts Marketing Conference 4.4 2011 Top-Level – National Awards & Members Public Leadership in the Arts Awards 1.0 Letter from the President & CEO

Throughout 2011, Americans for the Arts continued to place at the table and thereby infusing the arts into more and more aspects of use its strength as a national convener, a key resource community development, advocacy, and for arts leaders, and a partner for organizations across social change. all sectors to reinforce the message that the arts are an This growth is exactly what our essential tool for building stronger communities and field founders had in mind, and it strengthening our country. is the mission I have the honor of continuing. In February 2011, we We reinforced these strengths against Through our research, we illustrate lost field founder Phil Hanes. He the backdrop of some very harsh fiscal how investment in the arts is a fiscally embodied the tenacity and spirit realities. As the economy continued responsible one with a tremendous of the arts, and none of us would reeling, 2011 was a year that threat- ROI. Through our webinars, we provide be where we are today without his ened state budgets. Kansas Gov. Sam training and professional development tireless work. I am reminded of an Brownback made history and com- to those who were fighting back to save Irish saying: You’ve got to do your pletely defunded the arts commission funding. Through our Creative Conversa- own growing, no matter how tall your in Kansas—making it the only state tions program, we inspire communities grandfather was. I am inspired year without a state arts agency (only to be to come together and learn from each after year, both in looking back at reinstated a year later due to enormous other. Through our professional develop- what we’ve accomplished in just 12 advocacy efforts). South Carolina’s arts ment, we strengthen the individuals who months, but also in seeing what we commission faced a line-item veto from make our field one of the most vibrant can do in another 12, another 24, its governor, but advocates rallied and and dynamic industries in America. another generation. the state legislature overrode the veto. I am so proud of the work Americans It is in cases like this from all across We continue to bring critical decision- for the Arts has done in collaboration the country in which Americans for the makers in all aspects of community with our members and partners and Arts provided key support. development together to educate them about the importance of the arts and the look forward to what we can continue possible impact that they can have on all to accomplish together—united, communities. By starting conversations stronger, and if we’re lucky, a little and partnerships, we are ensuring our bit taller than our grandfathers.

Robert L. Lynch President & CEO

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 2.0

2011 Snapshot

Americans for the Arts is the leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. With offices in Washington, DC and , it has a record of more than 50 years of service. Americans for the Arts is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts.

Serving Communities. Enriching Lives. Here’s how we do it: 3,028 $146.255 179,542 Organizational and Individual Members million was secured for the 2012 messages were sent through our accessed member benefits like National Endowment for the Arts budget, free Capwiz system by citizens to publications and direct staff assistance $11 million more than proposed by the local, state, and federal leaders House of Representatives to advocate for healthier arts and arts education policies 28 public and private leaders were 572 recognized for their support of the arts people attended our 2011 Arts 275,000 through our annual award programs Advocacy Day training to learn how people connected to our advocacy to make the best case for the arts to work through Capwiz legislative action decision-makers alerts; 3,000 users became + fans; 15,000 Twitter users followed 2,000 us; and ARTSblog garnered 200,000 members accessed our 28 blog views field-focusedwebinars 1,726 individuals from 24 states participated in 49 Creative + Conversations, local arts-centric 140,000 Americans for the Arts 1,586 gatherings held across the country subscribers received the most celebrated its 50th practitioners from 45 states received during National Arts & Humanities up-to-date information in the field anniversary in 2010. training at our two 2011 national Month, celebrated every October through our print and e-publications Hear about our journey. conferences

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 2.1 Strengthening an Informed Leadership

To advance communities, we Another victory occurred on April 15, Arts aired featured sessions online, in thanks to the efforts of advocates across real time, at, including start conversations with leaders the country. Congress and the president Bobby Shriver’s opening keynote and across sectors that lead to action, approved the FY 2011 appropriations bill the closing keynote by Ben Cameron. At and we continue professional which included a $25 million restoration its peak, Americans for the Arts boasted of the federal Arts in Education program 234 viewers. For a convention of 960 development of our constituents in the U.S. Department of Education attendees, increasing “attendance” by so that they are informed and budget, specifically to support arts nearly a quarter is strong evidence of the powerful change agents. integration programs across the country. convention’s reputation for meaningful content and engaging speakers. Through these objectives, we ensure the arts are critical to communities and Coming Home with the individuals across the nation. Help of the Arts Americans for the Arts was honored Arts Education & White House with a very special request from Admiral Champions of Change Annual Convention, Matthew L. Nathan. The U.S. Military The White House honored a group of invited Americans for the Arts to join the Year-Round Learning arts education leaders from across the planning group for the National Summit country as part of its Champions of A total of 960 delegates from across the for Arts and Wounded Warriors, October Change initiative, highlighting how all country joined us in San Diego, June 14–15, 2011 in Bethesda, MD. Presi- Americans can make impacts in their 16-18, 2011 for our Annual Convention. dent and CEO Robert L. Lynch led a ple- communities. Americans for the Arts Participants included cultural and civic nary discussion for an audience of 200 assisted the White House in nominating leaders, educators, business representa- military leaders, civilian political leaders, some of the Champions that were tives, funders, and artists, and represent- national arts in healthcare industry repre- selected. This group of arts education ed a broad range of ethnic backgrounds sentatives, and administrators in military leaders, along with President and CEO and widespread localities, from large and veterans’ hospitals on the history Robert L. Lynch, attended a roundtable urban centers to rural communities. of the arts within the military and the discussion with members of the White potential for the future. With record num- For the first time, attendees and non- House Office of Public Engagement, bers of soldiers returning home—many attendees alike could access the online the President’s Committee on the Arts with wounds that run far deeper than the learning portal, Convention On-Demand. and the Humanities, and the U.S. physical—the arts play a pivotal role in Learn more about the This tool lets users revisit sessions, listen Department of Education to discuss helping our servicemen and women ac- President’s Committee to content they missed on site, and share ways to strengthen arts education. cess and express their experience in ways for the Arts and with staff and board. Americans for the the Humanities that lead to more sustainable healing.

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 2.2 Increasing Resources for the Arts

To ensure the resources at-risk youth, and the impact of the culturally specific arts organizations. current recession on daily lives. The We presented a panel as part of its for change, we inform Roundtable is directly responsible Corporate Community Involvement critical decision-makers for major impacts in Cincinnati. The Conference, where representatives about the positive returns Roundtable sparked a connection from Adobe and Applied Materials between attendees—Bully filmmaker discussed why they value partnering that investment in the Lee Hirsh and World Pac Paper with the arts. We also collaborated arts can bring. CEO Edgar Smith and his wife with Independent Sector to bring Toni. Because of their connection, artists-in-residence, Sojourn Theatre, From enriching community life to approximately 10,000 youth in the to interact with its conference impacting students with arts education, Cincinnati Public Schools were the attendees and shape understanding of we have the research and the evidence first and largest school district in the diverse and rich make-up of our that the arts mean business. the nation to take part in The Bully communities. Project: 1 Million Kids Program— using art to inspire action. Through Arts & Community this partnership, foundations, Engagement businesses, and government entities Our Animating were able to develop a locally based Democracy program solution to one of our nation’s most produced the first-of- From Table to Schoolyard: pressing problems and create positive its-kind report, Trend The Collaboration of the social change. or Tipping Point: National Arts Policy Roundtable Arts & Social Change Arts in the Board Room The 2011 National Arts Policy Grantmaking, this year. It catalogues and across the Globe Roundtable gathered artists, all social change grantmakers in the philanthropists, business Many businesses are working to reach nation as well as brings together executives, and arts leaders global marketplaces and keep up with stories of impact, influence, and at the Sundance Institute. the changing business landscape. We inspiration. Findings based on 228 Participants discussed worked with The Conference Board to grantmaker survey responses and 32 collaborative action and present a webinar on how the arts can interviews suggest that arts and social innovative solutions to help businesses expand their markets change philanthropy is an emerging field address economic opportunity, by investing in community-based and and therefore still very much evolving.

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 2.2

Increasing Resources for the arts (continued)

Center and met with representatives For example, Josh Groban’s Find on Capitol Hill, urging members of Your Light Foundation, launched Congress to increase NEA funding. during his 2011 tour, connected local arts education organizations The final FY 2011 budget included with the recognition they deserve and $155 million for the NEA, and while benefited our arts education efforts Affecting the Federal this constituted a $12.5 million cut at the same time through his text-to- Funding Landscape from FY 2010, it represented a victory give campaign. Prior to Arts Advocacy Day in April, over the House’s original proposal. the House of Representatives had The combined impact of advocates As spokesman for Capital One, Alec passed legislation that would have online and in attendance delivered Baldwin spearheaded an arts giving reduced National Endowment for the a strong message to congressional campaign. KRIS Wine also reached Arts (NEA) funding by $43 million leadership about the value of the arts out to Americans for the Arts to help (or 26 percent) in 2011. and arts education. implement its Art of Education grant program, which awarded 16 schools On Arts Advocacy Day, advocates from a total of $25,000. across the country sent more than 13,500 e-mail messages through It is through these partnerships that Americans for the Arts’ E-Advocacy we find success in not only raising the visibility for the arts nationwide, but also ensuring our organizational Enriched Partnerships sustainability by reaching new Kerry Washington. Alec Baldwin. Josh audiences. Groban. All these celebrities helped Americans for the Arts through cause marketing—growing our audience and getting the word out about the impact of the arts.

2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 2.3 Advancing the Value Proposition

By increasing an Local Research, National Story Arts Index to help understand the understanding of the role Two important initiatives educate not true impact of these numbers. From only our organizational scope, but will 2007–2009, the number of nonprofit the arts play, we can increase also inform the entire nation about the arts institutions grew by 3,000. As a knowledge and support. The impact of the arts. result, the arts sector is now composed of 109,000 nonprofit arts organizations arts reach all of our lives. • Local Arts Agency Listening Post and 550,000 for-profit arts businesses, Casting the Net We reached out to our core local arts and 2.2 million artists in the U.S. work- agency constituents to determine what force. The National Arts Index garnered Americans for the Arts strategically the top issues were on their radars. 102 media placements, including partners with more than 20 differ- More than 500 local arts agencies top-tier coverage from the Los Ange- ent organizations, from the National responded to the survey. Startling les Times, , the Lieutenant Governors Association to the highlights include: Philadelphia Inquirer, the Wall Street Art Dealers of America. Through these Journal, and the Washington Post. partnerships, we deliver the important – 51 percent said that in the previous 12 months, local government arts message to the broadest group of stake- Advocacy All-Stars funding decreased, while 43 percent holders that the arts can be integrated said it stayed the same. This Arts Advocacy Day, artists and into every sector in America—and can advocates made waves. Our Twitter Team – 59 percent said that over the next improve lives, communities, jobs, of 20 volunteers activated hundreds of 12 months, paid attendance will companies, and more. We honor elected stay the same. Twitter followers to speak up for the arts. officials for their dedication to the arts at More than 500 attendees had meetings This important research yielded a the United States Conference of Mayors with their members of Congress. Kevin webinar and blog salon, in which local Arts Luncheon every year. We connect to Spacey appeared on CNN and Hardball arts agencies could learn more about key media partners like Forbes, Inc. This with Chris Matthews to discuss the their field and the issues their peers year in recognition of his true leader- importance of government funding for are facing, and also determine how to ship, we also honored Christopher “Kip” the NEA. Alec Baldwin addressed the best use this data to influence their Forbes, vice chairman of Forbes, Inc., same issue on The Joy Behar Show. work on the local level. with our BCA 10 Leadership Award for Baldwin also discussed how he is his extraordinary vision, leadership, and • National Arts Index leveraging his Capital One commercial commitment to supporting the arts and Across the United States, there are spots to give money to the arts— for encouraging other businesses to fol- more than 113,000 organizations including Americans for the Arts—in the Watch the Congressional low his lead. dedicated to many aspects of cultural Wall Street Journal, People Magazine, Arts Kick Off, featuring life. Consumers spend nearly $150 and on David Letterman and Regis and legislators championing billion annually on entertainment and Kelly. This whirlwind of activity yielded the arts and arts the arts. We launched the National 760 media placements, including a education! syndicated Associated Press article.

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 3.0 2011 notable Events, Speakers, & Awardees

24th ANNUAL HANKS LECTURE ARTS ADVOCACY DAY AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS 2011 ON ARTS & PUBLIC POLICY April 5, 2011 on Capitol Hill ANNUAL CONVENTION April 4, 2011 at The John F. Kennedy June 16-18, 2011 at the Hilton San Organized by Americans for the Arts, Center for Performing Arts, Diego Bayfront in San Diego, CA Arts Advocacy Day is the largest event Washington, DC of its kind. More than 80 organizations, The 2011 Annual Convention focused Honoring the legacy of former President representing thousands of arts, culture, on field-wide professional development. of Americans for the Arts (1968-1969) business, civic, and education organiza- We helped attendees learn how they and Chair of the National Endowment tions nationwide, served as Arts Advo- can harness the power of a creative for the Arts Nancy Hanks, this annual cacy Day CoSponsors. economy and how their organizations lecture series provides an opportunity can make the arts more vital in their for public discourse at the highest Several celebrities and members of communities. Attendees enjoyed more levels on the importance of the arts Congress offered remarks during the than 30 educational sessions and a and culture to our nation’s well-being. course of the Congressional Arts Kick Public Art Preconference featuring the Off. The roster included: • Lecture by Kevin Spacey, Public Art Network Year in Review. actor and Artistic Director • National Endowment for the Arts of the Old Vic Theatre Chairman Rocco Landesman Convention keynote speakers included: • Actor Kevin Spacey • Introduction by Charles Segars, • Bobby Shriver, Founder of (RED) CEO of Ovation and Co-Chair • Congressional Arts Caucus and Co-Founder of of Arts Advocacy Day Co-Chair Louise Slaughter (D-NY) • Ben Cameron, Program Director for • Chairman of the Interior Appropriations the Arts, Doris Duke Foundation Subcommittee Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) • Alicia Anstead as Facilitator for • Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) the Forum: Our Voices, Our Future • Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) • Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) • Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) Watch 2011 • Rep. David Cicillini (D-RI) Annual Convention • Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) highlight videos. • Actor Hill Harper • Americans for the Arts Artists Committee Member Alec Baldwin

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 3.0

2011 notable Events, Speakers, & Awardees (continued)

THE BCA 10 AWARDS 16th ANNUAL NATIONAL NATIONAL ARTS MARKETING October 5, 2011 at The Central Park ARTS AWARDS PROJECT CONFERENCE Boathouse in New York City October 17, 2011 at Cipriani November 12-15, 2011 at the Marriot Louisville Downtown in Louisville, KY The BCA 10 Awards recognize 42nd Steet in New York City businesses of all sizes for their support The National Arts Awards honors The 2011 National Arts Marketing of and investment in the arts in their distinguished cultural, corporate, and Project Conference, Winning communities. The 2011 honorees were: artistic leaders for their contributions to Audiences, focused on equipping arts • 3M - St. Paul, MN the arts in America. The 2011 slate of marketers with the tools and knowledge • Aetna - Hartford, CT awardees included: to adapt and leverage the changing • Baker Botts L.L.P. - Houston, TX • Frank Stella, Isabella and Theodor Dalenson landscape and shifts in demographics. • Booz Allen Hamilton - McLean, VA Lifetime Achievement Award • Corporate Office Properties Trust - • Jenny Holzer, Outstanding Contributions to Keynote speakers included: Columbia, MD the Arts Award • Scott Stratten, author of UnMarketing: • Macy’s - Cincinnati, OH and New York City • Beverley Taylor Sorenson, Eli and Edythe Stop Marketing. Start Engaging. Broad Award for Philanthropy in the Arts • Printing Partners - Indianapolis, IN • Oliver Uberti, Design Editor at • Publicity Works - Bowmansville, PA • Wells Fargo & Company, Corporate National Geographic Magazine Citizenship in the Arts Award • Walt Disney World Resort - Orlando, FL • Sam Horn, author of POP! Create • President’s Committee on the Arts and the • Wilde Lexus of Sarasota - Sarasota, FL the Perfect Pitch, Title and Tagline Humanities, Arts Education Award for Anything • Kohler Co. - Kohler, WI • Gabourey Sidibe, Bell Family Foundation The BCA Hall of Fame Young Artist Award • Christopher “Kip” Forbes, Vice Chairman, Forbes Inc. BCA Leadership Award

You can still watch the NAMP Conference keynote addresses via nampconference2011

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 3.0

2011 notable Events, Speakers, & Awardees (continued)

ANNUAL AWARDS & PUBLIC LEADERSHIP IN THE ARTS AWARDS Americans for the Arts presented the • Public Art Network Award • Governors Arts Leadership Award following Annual Awards in recognition For innovative and creative Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) of outstanding achievements in the field: contributions and commitment in the field of public art • National Artist Advocacy Award • A lene Valkanas State Arts Advocacy Award Mary L. Beebe, Director, Anna Deavere Smith Stuart Collection, San Diego, CA For dramatically affecting the political landscape through arts advocacy • Legendary Artist Award efforts at the state level • Selina Roberts Ottum Award Herbie Hancock For outstanding local leadership Bill Blair, Co-Founder, Ohio Citizens in the arts by a community arts for the Arts, Columbus, OH professional or volunteer Presented in partnership with the • Arts Education Award Libby Maynard, co-founder and executive director, The Ink People National Lieutenant Governors For excellence in arts education Center for the Arts, Eureka, CA program design and execution, Association as well as leadership • Lieutenant Governor Arts Leadership Award Arts for All, Los Angeles, CA Public Leadership in the Arts Awards recognize elected officials or artists Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell (R-AK) • American Express Emerging who play a pivotal part in advancing Leaders Award the arts and arts education within their For demonstrating exemplary communities and whose vision and leadership in the arts administration Presented in partnership with the field by a new and/or young leader leadership provide heightened visibility National Conference of State Legislatures to the value of the arts. Angela Harris, Executive Director, • State Legislator Arts Dance Canvas, Atlanta, GA Leadership Award Sen. Roger Reitz (R-KS) • Michael Newton Award Presented in partnership with the United For innovation in united arts States Conference of Mayors fundraising by a community arts professional, volunteer, or organization • Local Arts Leadership Award Presented in partnership with the Susan Schadt, President and CEO, Mayor Michael Nutter, National Association of Counties Philadelphia, PA Art Memphis, Memphis, TN • County Arts Leadership Award Mayor James Brainard, Joe Giles, County Councilman, Carmel, IN Erie County, PA

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.0

2011 Board Of Directors

Chair John Haworth Dorothy Pierce McSweeny Sheila Johnson Barbara S. Robinson C. Kendric Fergeson Director, George Gustav Chair, Mid-Atlantic CEO, Salamander Chairman Emeritus, Heye Center, National Arts Foundation Hospitality LLC Ohio Arts Council Chairman, NBC Oklahoma Museum of the Chair Emeritus, Vice Chairman, Monumental Chair, Arts Midwest Altus, OK American Indian DC Commission on the Sports & Entertainment Cleveland, OH New York, NY Arts & Humanities President and Managing Washington, DC Partner, Washington Ann E. Sheffer Immediate William Lehr, Jr. Mystics Arts Patron Chairman, President and Margie Johnson Reese Middleburg, VA Past Chair The Betty R. and Ralph CEO, Capital Blue Cross Steven D. Spiess Vice President, Big Thought Sheffer Foundation Hershey, PA Deborah Jordy Executive Director, Dallas, TX Westport, CT Cravath, Swaine Executive Director, Colorado Abel Lopez Business Committee for & Moore, LLP Nancy Stephens Associate Producing the Arts New York, NY Directors Actor and Activist Director, GALA Denver, CO Hispanic Theatre Ramona Baker Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC Arts Consultant, Ramona Fred Lazarus, IV Secretary Baker Consulting Ty Stiklorius President, The Maryland Director, Master of Arts Michael Spring Michael S. Verruto Institute, College of Art Partner, The Artists in Arts Administration Organization Director, Miami-Dade Baltimore, MD Managing Director, Program, Goucher College County Department HPI Capital LLC Santa Monica, CA of Cultural Affairs Indianapolis, IN Charlotte, NC Liz Lerman Miami, FL Charmaine Warmenhoven Choreographer Nolen V. Bivens Arts Patron Baltimore, MD Brigadier General. Monte Sereno, CA Treasurer At Large U.S. Army (ret) Madeleine Berman Arlington, VA Timothy McClimon Julie Muraco Arts Patron President, American Managing Partner, Express Foundation Ex-officio Franklin, MI Charles X Block Praeditis Group LLC Vice President, Corporate Robert L. Lynch President, Bedrock New York, NY Social Responsibility, Susan Coliton Group, LLC President and CEO American Express Vice President, Paul G. Washington, DC New York, NY Vice Chairs Allen Family Foundation Seattle, WA Theodor Dalenson In Memoriam Mary McCullough-Hudson Maria Bell Chairman, Nove Capital Peggy Amsterdam President and CEO, Arts Patron Susan S. Goode New York, NY ArtsWave Peter Donnelly Los Angeles, CA Arts Patron Cincinnati, OH Norfolk, VA Glen S. Howard General Counsel, The Kathleen Pavlick Pew Charitable Trusts Arts Consultant Washington DC Bronx, NY

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.1

2011 BCA Executive Board

Founder Members Parker S. Kennedy Kathryn A. Paul Jonathan Spector Executive Chairman, President and CEO, President & CEO, David Rockefeller John F. Barrett The First American Delta Dental of Colorado The Conference Board Chairman, President Corporation and CEO, Western & Southern Financial Group Henry T. Segerstrom Steven Spiess Chairman William T. Kerr Managing Partner, Chairman Emeritus, Board Joseph C. Dilg President & CEO, C.J. Segerstrom & Sons of Directors, American for Albert Chao Managing Partner, Arbitron, Inc. the Arts President, CEO and Vinson & Elkins LLP Director, Westlake Mark A. Shugoll Executive Director, Cravath, Chemical Corporation Craig A. Moon Chief Executive Officer, Swaine & Moore LLP Former President Shugoll Research and Publisher, Barry S. Sternlicht Lynn Laverty Elsenhans USA TODAY Chairman, CEO and Edgar L. Smith, Jr. Chairman and CEO, President, Sunoco, Inc. CEO, World Pac Paper Starwood Capital Group John Pappajohn Chairman, Equity Ken Solomon Bobby Tudor Martha R. Ingram Dynamics Inc. Chairman Emerita, Chairman, Ovation TV CEO, Tudor, Pickering, Ingram Industries Inc. Owner, Pappajohn Chairman and CEO, Holt & Co. Capital Resources The Tennis Channel

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.2 2011 Americans for the Arts Staff

Executive Office Finance Natalie Shoop Zoe Bibb Joanna Chin Government Affairs and Leadership Alliances Program Coordinator, Robert L. Lynch R. Brent Stanley Grassroots Manager Associate Animating Democracy President and CEO Vice President of Finance

Laura Andersen Jonathan Lewis Membership Mara Walker Troy Alexander Arts Action Fund Data Leadership Alliances Chief Operating Officer Senior Director of Finance Coordinator Associate Kate Cushman Membership Manager

Molly Coyle Antoinette Smith Kristen Engebretsen Executive Assistant to the Accounting Coordinator Arts Education Program Local Arts Roger Vacovsky President and CEO Coordinator Membership Manager Angel Baker Advancement Accounting Associate Justin Knabb Mitch Menchaca Nora MacDonald Development State and Local Government Director of Local Arts Membership Coordinator Advancement Services Katherine Gibney Kathy Gibbs Affairs Coordinator Vice President of Accounting Associate Jessica Strieter Elting Development Victoria Murray Baatin Theresa Cameron Arts Action Fund Coordinator Arts Action Fund Program Director of Local Arts Agency Relations Shawn Farrell Government and Coordinator Anette Shirinian Director of Corporate and Public Affairs Membership Associate Foundation Relations Stephanie Evans Hanson Nina Ozlu Tunceli Local Arts Agency National Chief Counsel of Government Leadership Alliances Services Coordinator Adriane Fink and Public Affairs Nora Halpern Conferences Corporate and Foundation Vice President of Leadership Alison French Liesel Fenner Relations Coordinator Alliances Director of National Jay Dick Public Art Program Manager Director of State and Local Conferences Allison Gilden Government Affairs Lilly Goldberg Development Associate Leadership Alliance Animating Laura Kakolewski Democracy Narric Rome Coordinator Conference Program Elizabeth Ward Senior Director of Federal Pam Korza Coordinator Development Associate Affairs and Arts Education Christine Meehan Co-Director, Animating Leadership Alliances Democracy Gladstone Payton Coordinator Associate Director of Barbara Schaffer Bacon Federal Affairs Co-Director, Animating Democracy

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.2

2011 Americans For The Arts Staff (continued)

Marketing, Jessica Hang Ben Burdick Kate Lockard Marete Wester Web Developer Sales and Marketing Meetings and Events Director of Arts Policy Communications Coordinator Coordinator and Technology Annie Burkhart Jaclyn Wood Kimberly Hedges Website Coordinator Elizabeth Van Fleet Office Services Arts Policy Coordinator Vice President of Marketing, Publications and Editorial Chauntel Leonard Communications and Coordinator Samantha Sealock Office Manager Amanda Alef Technology Customer Care and Data Research Associate Entry Coordinator Nancy Lindsey Jason Edgmon Operations Receptionist Samuel Myett Director of Information Tracy Brown Marc Ian Tobias Research Associate and Technology Information Technology Vice President of Operations Data Entry Specialist Associate Ryan Atkins Private Sector Chelsy Briggs Website and New Caroline Johnson Human Resources Initiatives Arts & Business Media Manager Database Associate Coordinator Emily Peck Council Of New York Director of Private Doug Skinner Will Maitland Weiss Jennifer Kuan John Cloys Sector Initiatives Website and New Executive Director Database Systems Associate Operations Associate Media Manager Valerie Beaman Karen Zornow Leiding Frank Trofa Mathew Leonard Private Sector Initiatives Te Erickson Deputy Director Website Associate Operations Associate Coordinator Database Administration Manager Fran Smyth Marketing and Mahogany Payne Timarie Harrigan Manager of Arts & Communications Human Resources Associate Business Committee for the Arts Coordinator Business Services Graham Dunstan Director of Marketing Meetings and Events Stephanie Dockery and Communications Cary Robertson Research and Policy Program Coordinator Director of Meetings Catherine Brandt and Events Randy Cohen Vianey Pelaez-Quiñones Press and Media Vice President of Program Coordinator Relations Manager Research and Policy Arielle Goldscheid Meetings and Events Tim Mikulski Coordinator Ben Davidson Communications and Senior Director of Content Manager Research Services

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.3

2011 Honor Roll of Donors

Corporate, Foundation, & Government Contributors

GIFTS OF Arbitron Inc. GIFTS OF $5,000–$9,999 Raymond James Corporate Alliance $100,000–$499,999 Art Works for Kids 3M Financial, Inc. of York County Open Society Foundations Baker Botts L.L.P. Anonymous San Diego Foundation Goldsmith Fine Art Booz Allen Hamilton Art Dealers Association of USA TODAY Goodguys Rod & Custom Association GIFTS OF City of San Antonio, Office America Western & Southern $50,000–$99,999 of Cultural Affairs BlueCross BlueShield of Financial Group Irving Arts Center American Express Company Forbes, Inc. South Carolina The Westreich Foundation Lusive Decor The Annenberg Foundation Hyundai C.J. Segerstrom & Sons Wetterling Gallery Maryland Institute College of Art Charitable Ingram Industries Inc. Con Edison Foundation, Inc. Mesirow Financial Kohler Co. Corning Incorporated GIFTS OF $2,500–$4,999 John D. and Catherine T. Corning Incorporated Anonymous The mGive Foundation, Inc. MacArthur Foundation Pappajohn Capital Resources Foundation General Dynamics Printing Partners National Endowment for Deere & Company Corporation shopkick, Inc. the Arts Princess Grace Foundation USA Delta Dental of Colorado Marian Goodman Gallery The St. Paul Foundation Wells Fargo The Rhode Island The Geraldine R. Dodge Paul Kasmin Gallery Foundation Foundation The Estée Lauder GIFTS OF $500–$999 GIFTS OF Sprinkles Cupcake Inc. The William and Flora Companies Inc. $25,000–$49,999 Artoberfest Southern Utah University Hewlett Foundation University of Oregon The Herb Alpert Foundation Arts & Science Council of Sunoco, Inc. Ingram Micro Inc. Western States Art Charlotte/Mecklenberg, Art Pulse Target Macy’s Federation Inc. Gagosian Gallery Verizon Mandell Weiss Charitable Ashlee Margolis, Inc. The Legler Benbough Trust Vinson & Elkins LLP GIFTS OF $1,000–$2,499 Christie’s Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. The Wallace Foundation Asian Cultural Council Jonathan Canlas Winebow, Inc. Norfolk Southern Foundation Photography and Lisa Walt Disney World Resort Belz Enterprises Ovation Lefkowitz Photography Westlake Chemical Caterpillar Foundation GIFTS OF The Parker Foundation Maryland State Arts Council $10,000–$24,999 Corporation Corporate Office Pfizer Inc Properties Trust Springside School Anonymous YoungArts, National Foundation for Porsche Cars North The Arts Council of Winston- Aetna, Inc. Advancement in the Arts America, Inc. Salem and Forsyth County United Arts of Central Florida

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.3

2011 Honor Roll Of Donors (continued)

Individual & Family Foundation Contributors

GIFTS OF Bronson and Martha Ingram Mrs. Judith E. Neisser GIFTS OF $1,000–$2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Gant Redmon $500,000–$750,000 Fund at the Community Brenda R. Potter Anonymous The Ian Reisner and Mati Anonymous Foundation of Middle Weiderpass Fund of the Tennessee Mrs. Lily Safra Musical Colleagues of Graham Austin, In Stonewall Community Susan and David Goode The Betty R. & Ralph Foundation GIFTS OF Sheffer Foundation Memoriam Nora and James Orphanides Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock $50,000–$499,999 Carol Smith John Brademas Barbara S. Robinson Dr. Mark Shugoll Bell Family Foundation James Sorenson Mary and Robert Carswell The Eli and Edythe Broad Ivor and Colette Carson Susan M. Coliton Michael Verruto Royston Fund Joseph T. Sorenson Foundation The Fatta Foundation Marian M. Warden Ann E. Sheffer Diane C. Swonk Isabella and Theodor Susan Finesilver Georgia E. Welles Dalenson Liora and Steven Spiess Jamie Tisch Ann Freedman Bruce E. Whitacre Charmaine and Dan The Sheryl & Harvey White Gail Sorenson Williamsen Warmenhoven Foundation Elisa Buono Glazer GIFTS OF $500–$999 Brent Woods and GIFTS OF $2,500–$4,999 The David R. Goode Charitable Lead Mary Bensel GIFTS OF Laurie Mitchell Douglas Baxter Annuity Trust Timothy Brosnihan $25,000–$49,999 Marcy and Leo Edelstein Andi and Jim Gordon Julie Carter Agnes Gund GIFTS OF $5,000–$9,999 Irving Harris Foundation Thomas A. and Mary S. Nancy Folger William Lehr, Jr. Anonymous John Haworth James Foundation Jamie Rosenthal Wolf, The Brant Foundation, Inc. J. Barry and Michele Kanter Kallman Foundation Lorna Jordan Griswell David Wolf, Rick Rosenthal Melva Bucksbaum and and Nancy Stephens The Robert and Arlene Charles and Alexandra Brett Henne Raymond Learsy Kogod Family Foundation Kivowitz Graham Lustig Ann T. Crocker Jonna and Fred Lazarus, IV Margo Lion GIFTS OF Ty Stiklorius Joseph C. Dilg John L. Loeb, Jr. Abel Lopez $10,000–$24,999 Darren L. Thomas Gail and Alfred Engelberg Mary McCullough-Hudson Karen and Courtney Lord Mandell L. and Madeleine Buzz Ward H. Berman Foundations Christine T. Harris The Salvadore Family Martin Fund Nolen V. Bivens Glen S. Howard Foundation Robert E. Meyerhoff and Charles X Block Shauna S. Johnson David and Jennifer Rheda Becker Stockman Thomas and Kristina Burke Toby D. Lewis Craig A. Moon Patricia A. Syak Mary Ann and Ken Fergeson Julie and Edward J. Minskoff Julie Muraco David Teiger Glenstone Foundation Gael Neeson and Maureen Orth Stefan Edlis

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.4

2011 Top-Level Members

Elite City of Seattle, Office Preferred ArtsWestchester City of San Antonio, of Arts & Cultural Affairs White Plains, NY Office of Cultural Affairs Fulton County Department Seattle, WA Alabama State Council San Antonio, TX of Arts and Culture on the Arts & Humanities Atlanta, GA Montgomery, AL Association of Writers & Greater Columbus Writing Programs City of San Jose, Arts Council, Fairfax, VA Office of Cultural Affairs Miami-Dade County Columbus, OH Alaska State Council San Jose, CA Department of on the Arts Cultural Affairs Anchorage, AK Baltimore Office of Miami, FL Jacobs Center for Promotion and the Arts City of Savannah Neighborhood Innovation Baltimore, MD Cultural Affairs San Diego, CA Arlington County Cultural Savannah, GA Affairs Division Arlington, VA Beet Street Supreme Los Angeles County Fort Collins, CO City of Wichita Division of Arts & Science Council of Arts Commission Arts and Cultural Services Art-In-Architecture Program Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Inc. Los Angeles, CA California Arts Council Wichita, KS Charlotte, NC at the U.S. General Services Administration Sacramento, CA New Jersey State Washington, DC Colorado State Thespians Council on the Arts City of Austin Cultural Denver, CO Trenton, NJ Preferred Plus Arts & Ventures Denver Arts Division Actors’ Equity Association Denver, CO Austin, TX Community Partnership New York, NY Paul G. Allen Family for Arts and Culture Foundation City of Dallas Office of Cleveland, OH Seattle, WA Arts Council of Indianapolis ArtsWave Indianapolis, IN Cultural Affairs Cincinnati, OH Dallas, TX Connecticut Commission Regional Arts and on Culture and Tourism Arts Council of New Orleans Culture Council City of El Paso Museums Hartford, CT Broward County Cultural Portland, OR New Orleans, LA Affairs Division and Cultural Affairs Fort Lauderdale, FL Department Creative Alliance Milwaukee Tarrant County Arts in Stark El Paso, TX Milwaukee, WI College District Canton, OH City of Albuquerque Cultural Fort Worth, TX City of Oakland, Cultural Cultural Council of Services Department Arts Fund Albuquerque, NM Arts & Marketing Greater Jacksonville United Arts of Seattle, WA Department Jacksonville, FL Central Florida Oakland, CA City of Atlanta Office Maitland, FL of Cultural Affairs Los Angeles, CA

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 4.4

2011 Top-Level Members (continued)

DC Commission on the Indiana Arts Commission Metropolitan Nashville Palm Beach County The Kresge Foundation Arts and Humanities Indianapolis, IN Arts Commission Cultural Council Troy, MI Washington, DC Nashville, TN West Palm Beach, FL Irving Arts Center Tucson Pima Arts Council Entertainment Career Irving, TX Mississippi Arts Commission Pennsylvania Council Tucson, AZ Connection Jackson, MS on the Arts Los Angeles, CA Kansas Arts Commission Harrisburg, PA United Arts Council of Topeka, KS Missouri Arts Council Greater Greensboro Georgia Council for the Arts Saint Louis, MO Robert W. Woodruff Greensboro, NC Atlanta, GA Kentucky Arts Council Arts Center Frankfort, KY MTA Arts for Transit Atlanta, GA United Arts Council of Greater Hartford Arts Council New York, NY Raleigh and Wake County Hartford, CT LexArts Ruth Eckerd Hall Raleigh, NC Lexington, KY Music Center-Performing Clearwater, FL Greater Philadelphia Arts Center of Los Angeles University of the Arts Cultural Alliance Linde Family Foundation County San Francisco Arts Continuing Studies Philadelphia, PA Boston, MA Los Angeles, CA Commission Philadelphia, PA San Francisco, CA

Greater Pittsburgh Arts Los Angeles County National Guild for Vermont Arts Council Council Metropolitan Transportation Community Arts Education South Dakota Arts Council Montpelier, VT Pittsburgh, PA Authority New York City Pierre, SD Los Angeles, CA West Virginia Commission Hawaii State Foundation Nevada Arts Council St. Louis Regional Arts on the Arts/West Virginia on Culture and the Arts Louisiana Division Carson City, NV Commission Division of Culture & History Honolulu, HI of the Arts Saint Louis, MO Charleston, WV Baton Rouge, LA New Mexico Arts Houston Arts Alliance Santa Fe, NM Texas Commission Wisconsin Arts Board Houston, TX Louisville Fund for the Arts on the Arts Madison, WI Louisville, KY Ohio Arts Council Austin, TX Idaho Commission Columbus, OH on the Arts Maryland State Arts Council The Arts Council of Boise, ID Baltimore, MD Oklahoma Arts Council Metropolitan Kansas City Oklahoma City, OK Kansas City, MO Illinois Arts Council Metropolitan Arts , IL Partnership Oregon Arts Commission The John F. Kennedy Center Sacramento, CA Salem, OR for the Performing Arts Washington, DC

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures 5.0

2011 Financials

Comparative Operational Expenditures

Program Area 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

PR & Strategic Alliances $ 59,336 $ 130,673 $ 114,032 $ 70,490 $ 156,001 $ 313,864 $ 200,593 $ 157,937 $ 205,335

Government Affairs and 725,715 1,205,071 885,809 880,280 886,808 1,284,313 721,969 878,545 810,266 Public Sector Partnerships

Arts In Education 511,905 507,432 258,351 314,681 352,444 908,981 617,438 595,887 425,046

Local Arts Advancement 1,609,072 1,976,737 1,567,438 1,134,320 2,131,579 1,629,259 1,639,813 1,444,616 1,549,698 (Frmr R&I/Field Serv)

Research & Information 783,645 1,029,020 1,248,105 1,093,528 889,971 1,189,435 1,290,734

Leadership Alliances 1,035,525 1,106,749 922,532 1,000,288 916,714

Communications/ 1,487,449 2,194,574 2,505,888 2,541,767 1,379,341 1,148,258 938,646 803,550 767,436 Visibility/Marketing

Private Sector 1,595,298 1,540,417 1,556,639 1,417,777 1,193,886 1,189,853 1,009,693

Special Projects 1,836,397 548,146 1,312,586 1,438,179 591,510 464,359 419,030 327,372 358,857

Arts & Business Council 703,795 767,808 749,857 694,273 475,926 471,599 465,311 This document, produced by of New York management for the purposes of this report, is based on the Arts Action Fund 1,601,173 1,701,513 1,823,855 1,606,153 680,539 583,518 375,086 audited consolidated financial statements and accompanying Americans for the 4,109 3,750 6,250 5,000 4,998 notes prepared by the public Arts Foundation accounting firm of Tate & Tryon based in Washington, DC for the Management & General 1,214,172 1,756,119 2,154,277 2,659,591 2,589,607 2,735,047 2,924,092 2,476,020 2,471,487 respective years listed. Please also note that due to shifts in Membership Development department and programmatic 815,585 1,031,960 1,213,827 757,201 762,003 701,300 590,975 656,168 868,071 composition over a number of and Fundraising years, the totals listed here for past years may differ slightly Total Expenses $ 8,259,631 $ 9,350,712 $ 14,696,119 $ 14,835,268 $ 15,267,383 $ 15,107,611 $ 12,221,660 $ 11,779,788 $ 11,518,732 from previous annual reports.

1. letter 2. Programmatic highlights 3. events & speakerS 4. recognition 5. expenditures americans for the arts 2011 Annual report photo captions

A selection of some of the nation’s best public art created in PAGE 1 PAGE 7 Mayor of Burnsville, MN and former 2011 is featured throughout this Annual Report. These projects Mayor of Burnsville, MN and former President Singer/songwriter Josh Groban with President of the United States Conference of the United States Conference of Mayors young artists from Free Arts Minnesota in of Mayors Elizabeth Kautz at the were selected for the 2012 Public Art Network Year in Review. Elizabeth Kautz at the Congressional Arts Minneapolis, MN. Photo by Americans for Congressional Arts Kick Off for Arts Kick Off for Arts Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.. the Arts. Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Photos by Circulator by Jim Blashfield in Woodinville, WA. Out the Window by Freewaves in Los Angeles Photo by David Hathcox. David Hathcox. Flash mob during the Congressional (Pages 4 & 8) County, CA. Photo by Anne Bray. (Page 4) Presenter Aaron Trent at the 2011 National Arts Kick Off for Arts Advocacy Day on PAGE 10 Collection & Transformation by Ellen Sollod in The Peanut Farmer by Charles Johnston Arts Marketing Project Conference in Capitol Hill. (L–R) Joseph C. Dilg, Partner, Vinson & Woodinville, WA. (Pages 1, 5, & 8–11) in Colquitt, GA. Photo by Charles Johnston. Louisville, KY. Photo by Frankie Steele. Touch of Class show choir from Chantilly, Elkins LLP; Herbert V. Kohler, Jr., Chairman (Pages 1–3) Curbside Haiku by John Morse in New York City. Gabourey Sidibe receiving the Bell Family VA performs on stage during the 25th and CEO, Kohler Co.; and Robert L. Lynch, Photo by John Morse. (Page 1) Reflect by Ivan Toth Depeña in Miami, FL. Photo Foundation Young Artist Award at the 2011 Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and President and CEO, Americans for the Arts by Ivan Toth Depeña. (Pages 1, 6–7, & 12–19) National Arts Awards in New York City. Public Policy. inducting Kohler Co into the BCA Hall of Eleven Paintings for the East New Orleans Photo by Sylvain Gaboury. Fame at The BCA 10 Awards in New York Regional Library by Jeff Whipple in New SkyDance Bridge by Stan Carroll (lead artist) Actor Alec Baldwin addressing the crowd City. Photo by Glen Davis. Orleans, LA. Photo by Jeff Whipple (Page 5) in Oklahoma City, OK. Photo by Graham Carroll. President and CEO Robert L. Lynch at the gathered for the Congressional Arts Kick Off (Pages 1 & 9–11) National Arts Awards in New York City. during Arts Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Co-Chairs of the National Arts Awards From Here to There: High Trestle Trail Bridge Photo by Sylvain Gaboury. Bill and Maria Bell and Isabella and Ted by David Dahlquist in Madrid, IA. Photo by Kun Terpsichore for Kansas City by Mags Harries Actress Kerry Washington with Actor and Dalenson. Photo by Sylvain Gaboury. Zhang. (Pages 1 & 5–7) and Lajos Héder in Kansas City, MO. Photo by Creative Director of the Crown Vic Kevin PAGE 5 Harries/Héder Collaborative. (Pages 1–2 & 6–7) Spacey during Arts Advocacy Day. Panelists at the 2011 National Arts Harmonic Convergence by Christopher Janney Steve Baker Jazz Duet performing at the Photos by David Hathcox. Marketing Project Conference in Louisville, in Miami, FL. Photo by Robin Hill Photography. Water Will Be Here by Eric Corriel in Atlanta, GA. 2011 Annual Convention in San Diego, CA. KY. Photo by Frankie Steele. (Pages 1 & 20) Photo by Eric Corriel. (Pages 1 & 3) 2011 Annual Convention attendees. PAGE 9 Heart and Mind by Ralph Helmick in The West Hollywood Library Murals by Shepard Photos by Sylvain Gaboury. 2011 Annual Convention attendees. PAGE 13 Klamath Falls, OR. Photo by Will Howcroft. Fairey, Kenny Scharf, and RETNA (Marquis Photo by Sylvain Gaboury. 2011 American Express Emerging Leaders (Pages 1, 3, & 20) Lewis) in West Hollywood, CA. Photo by Josh Awardee Angela Harris, Executive Director PAGE 6 Actor and Creative Director of the Crown Vic Barash. (Pages 1 & 12–19) Participants in the National Arts Policy of Dance Canvas in Atlanta, GA. Photo by How Philly Moves by Jacques-Jean “JJ” Tiziou in London Kevin Spacey delivered the 25th Roundtable held in Sundance, UT. Sylvain Gaboury. and Jonathan Laidacker in Philadelphia, Wheels on the Bus in 7 Cymatic Sonatas by Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and PA. Photo by Steve Weinik; Joel Avery, Jimmy O’Neal in Charlotte, NC. Photo by JoAnn Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy Center YoungArts participants with actor Stanley Page 15 CREATiVENESS; Kevin Slattery, City of Sieburg-Baker. (Page 4) for the Performing Arts. Tucci and musician Vijay Gupta at the 2011 Annual Convention attendees. Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. National Arts Policy Roundtable. Photos Wrigley Village Utility Box Murals by Ioana Urma Photo by Liz Webster. (Pages 1–2, 9–11, 20) by Fred Hayes. in Long Beach, CA. Photo by Ioana Urma. Land and Time by Susan Narduli in Salt Lake (Pages 1–2 & 12–20) 2011 Annual Convention attendee. City, UT. Photo by Susan Narduli. (Page 8) Photo by Liz Webster. Your Essential Magnificence by James Edward Talbot in Austin, TX. Photo by Phillip Rogers. (Pages 1 & 12–19)