Are Your Eyes Weak?
Ingljain ptrnto i^eto VOL. XLIV-NO. 29. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY JULY II. IWl. WHOLE NO. 3J69. HTBWN IN BMEr. Found—a ring. Inquire at this office. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES COMHOM COUNCIL. and adopted and orders drawn for Mary E. Marshall ofIfnrth Lansing [OFFICIAL] same. The Blue Ribbon races at Detroit haa been granted a widow's pension of The Mebetfale OIVAN Ont for Ceatral Yeas—Bortle, Clark, Fowler and Entered*! tbe I'ontofllce ,Maion, this week. $12 per month. MlehicMM. MASON, MICH,, July 0,1902, Severance. aiueoond-olaaimatter Play Ping Pong, the latest game. John Wheeler baa purchased of Mra. Superintendent of Public Instruction Council met and called to order by Moved and supported titat a oom- PnbUibedFiVeryTh'tiridByby Sold l)y Raynioad A Mall. L. J. Lincoln the street sprinkliiiK Fall has appointed the following Mayor Whitman. mittee be appointed to look after im> A, Li» XIOSK. Ellas Clark, tbe Stockbrldge miller, business, and commenced operations teachers' institutes in Central Michi Present—Aid. Bortle, Clark, Fowler, proving council room. la sufleriiig from a stroke of paralysis. Tuesday morning. gan for tlie months of July and Au Randall and Severance. Carried. gust, coimiienolng on the dates indi Minutes of last meeting were omitted. Clark aifd Severance were appointed Tamils The residence of M. Vaughn on Elm M. J, Bement has been leaning upon on committee. Oat year, 11.00; tis meetht, 00 •••<•; Ikret a cane and walking with diflioulty tbe cated: Ordinance of the City of Mason, Moalli*, 15 oenUj-ie edMRW street is receiving a new coat of paiut.
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