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Are Your Eyes Weak? Ingljain ptrnto i^eto VOL. XLIV-NO. 29. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY JULY II. IWl. WHOLE NO. 3J69. HTBWN IN BMEr. Found—a ring. Inquire at this office. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES COMHOM COUNCIL. and adopted and orders drawn for Mary E. Marshall ofIfnrth Lansing [OFFICIAL] same. The Blue Ribbon races at Detroit haa been granted a widow's pension of The Mebetfale OIVAN Ont for Ceatral Yeas—Bortle, Clark, Fowler and Entered*! tbe I'ontofllce ,Maion, this week. $12 per month. MlehicMM. MASON, MICH,, July 0,1902, Severance. aiueoond-olaaimatter Play Ping Pong, the latest game. John Wheeler baa purchased of Mra. Superintendent of Public Instruction Council met and called to order by Moved and supported titat a oom- PnbUibedFiVeryTh'tiridByby Sold l)y Raynioad A Mall. L. J. Lincoln the street sprinkliiiK Fall has appointed the following Mayor Whitman. mittee be appointed to look after im> A, Li» XIOSK. Ellas Clark, tbe Stockbrldge miller, business, and commenced operations teachers' institutes in Central Michi­ Present—Aid. Bortle, Clark, Fowler, proving council room. la sufleriiig from a stroke of paralysis. Tuesday morning. gan for tlie months of July and Au­ Randall and Severance. Carried. gust, coimiienolng on the dates indi­ Minutes of last meeting were omitted. Clark aifd Severance were appointed Tamils The residence of M. Vaughn on Elm M. J, Bement has been leaning upon on committee. Oat year, 11.00; tis meetht, 00 •••<•; Ikret a cane and walking with diflioulty tbe cated: Ordinance of the City of Mason, Moalli*, 15 oenUj-ie edMRW street is receiving a new coat of paiut. July 7, Sbiawasaee county at Cornn* State of Michigan. Ou motion council adjourned for paRt week, tbe result of a kick upon ha ten days; conductor, G. W. Loomls; ADVCRTItlNQ MTCI. Don't forget to buy a hat at the mil­ tbe knee by a horse. AN o'llDINANUE to grant toBamuol Floyd one week, , Onr«dvertUlni{r»teemadeknowDatoffloe linery sale. MRS. J. C. KIMMEL. inatruct«>r8, Nettie Brown and Nellie AngUH and JanioB 1). Hawka, their aucoeaaora, O. H. HovT, City Clerk. BialneHiaitrdellmllDeper year. Why can Brown & Loomia under* B, Goss. amioolatea and aaalcua, the right to oonalrnot, Badaeaalooali dye oeoUper line eaoband Tbe residence and barn of L. C. sell other shoe men? Because our August 4, Ingham county at Maaon maintain audUporateaatroulrailroadacroaa, Webb has been re-palnted tbe past BloDg and upon certain atreeU In the City of PLEASING MUSICALE. ereryinaertlon. prices are low, our goods are Just; we ten days, conductor, C. E. Holmea; in- Maaon, State of Michigan. Marrlage.blrtb,and deathnotleei free. week. sell fur cash, while othera truat. * atructorB, £, M. WoiMi and Jean Daw­ Beit ordained by the Common Council of Obituary notlaei.reaolutiona of reapeot son. Ionia county at Ionia five daya; the City of Maaon, aa fol Iowa: Cliveii bjr the Pnplls or Nr«. H. I. ardioftbanki eto.,llveaentialln«. A new steel ceiling has added much There is said to be no liard coal In SccTiotf I, That Hamnel Floyd Angus and to the allrativeuess uf Acker & Lane's conductor, G. A. MoGee; instructor, James D. Hawka, tlielr heirs, sucoeaaora, an- Nerlhrap, Laiiaiug and dealera will not quote E. P. Clarke. Isabella county at Mt. •oolatus and aaslgna, be and are hereby barber shop.- any price. Uiilesa the niinera' strike The pupils of Mrs. H. I. Northrup Businesfl Car<l8. Pleasant tlfteen days; conductor, W. granted the permUalon and right to con- of Vevay gave a very pleasant recital Andrew Farren is constructing ce­ is settled soon, the question of fuel may F. Lewis; instructors, J. C, Ketcbum Htruut, maintain and operate a street rail­ ATTOHNETN ment walks fur T. VanO^traud, J. K. be a very Important one this winter, as road, to be operated by elixtrlclty or olUer last evening at the home of Mr. aud and H. A. Graham. nio<lern rapid motive power, excepthiK Mrs, H. W. Brown in this city. Light HEMANt, Elmer and R. J. Bullen on Columbia even aoft coal ia on the up grade in August 11, Eaton county at Char­ ateani. with from time to time the neceaaary UAWTONT street this week. price. •wltoliea, turnouts, poles wires, appliances refreshments were served and the fol­ COUNSKLOR AT lotte five days; conductor, C. G. Wade; and cijulpnienls lo operate ihe snmo across, lowing program waa very pleaalngly ATair^Offloe over Pfrat Slate and 8aT Surveyor Ed. Calkins measured tlie The Are company had out tbe Silsby luBtructora, E. A, Carpenter. Clinton u|ion and along the lolluwlog streets In the rendered; iBgi bank .Maaon.Mlch. ^ county at St. Johna eight daya, con­ City ol Mason, namely: flow of water in Sycamore creek last engine last Friday evening to test tbe Cotninenoing at the lutereotlon of Railroad .Song—"Only a Tangle of Golden Curls," BTMCARTHUB, Attorney lit Law, Ma- Monday. The teat waa five million new hose. The engine haa not been ductor, I, B. Gilbert; luatructors, E, Street with the southerly boundary of the Josale Stelnhoir. , aoii, Mloli^ . used since tbe installation of the water T. Austin and Lida Sloan. City of Mason; Ihenceruunlng north Inaiid Moth Waltz CbcAran L gallons every 24 hours. along itallroad Street, "B" Street and Jutfer- Luoua Newman. A. llEllGMAN,» /"fflce works system, but it did its work in August 18, Gratiot county at Ithaca soii Mtreut to the northerly limit of said City Duet.. Waimer over LoiiKyear'H driiK store, Mawm. E. P. Keed makes the flnest ladies' tlie same aatlsfactory manner aa of three days; conductor, H. B. Patten- or Maaon; Florence Jewett and Mrs. Northrup. A, shoe for comfort, ease and style on tbe yore. gill; iuBtructor, Harriet Marsh. Also commencing at the Intersection of "B" Song-' That Old Sweet Bye and Bye," LKKKD Ai.LEN, Lawyer, Office over BtruetandAsh Btreel, running thence west Afinitrima 1 Wobb i Wbitinan'ii, Mason. market, and baud made, $2 50 and . *» • $3.00 at Brown & Loomls*. * The wheat in thla section promises Ping Pong, tbe great tennis game on Aah Street to West Street, thence north Hianclie Shattuck, H, AVEUY, attorney at law, Offlooop. to be a good yield. Some credit ia ou West atreet to Htatelload, Ihencenortb- Fairy Carnival Waltx Slreabbog poslteUiidHOuUouie.Lanalng.Mlcb. Barnes Brothers are this week con­ for the table, at Raymond & Hall's.* weaterly on State Koad to the westerly limit Jessie Potter, given to tbe late sowing, aa it is thought 4^9 . of said City of Maann, Selection KoUer E structing 19 rods of cement walk for B. tills did away to a great extent with Alao commencing at the interaeotloii of Carrie Toinlinson. Q. A. SMITH O.J.HOOD. B. Madden and eight rods fur Euoa Shaw-Deuel. Ash Street and Lansing Street, thence north­ Song-"I'll Take Care of You, Grandma," ri MITH A HOOD, Attorney* and Counselora. the ravages of the Mesaian fly. The erly In and along liAUslug Street to Nurih Lizsiie Grey. b Kooiiml7.I8ttndlB.oliir.O. IlklK., Lanitug Baldwin, on East Elm street. eggs are laid upon the (irat leavea of A very pretty wedding occurred at Street, thence west on North Street to West Duet. Tbe court house coiumittie met yes­ the wheat wliich sprouts from the the home ot Mr. and Mra. Win. Shaw Street; Lenua Newman and Mrs, Norihruhriipi , Wednesday evening, July 9, when And also commencing at the Interaectlou of Love's Promise. Viyenur FHTMViAMH. terday at tbe otllue of Architect Bowd ground, and l>y late sowing it waa hoped Columbia .Street and lAnslng Street, thence Ve'raLyon in Lansing to look over tbe iluisUed to d^lay the apiwarance of the wheat their daughter, Anna M,, waa united west on Columbia Street to weat Street. Restless Sea—Itoverie Kennetli/ O. H.1Plii»L.ANDrM. D. plans for the new court house. until after the time for the fllsa to lay in marriage lo Charles E. Deuel. The SEC. 3, Said propnaed street ratlroitd ahall Lena Drown. PHYSICIAN ANK SUllOEON. Houra 8to house was very prettily decorated with consist 01 a standard guage track with such Song-"The Letter Edged in Black," their egga. awltcliesand turnouts aa said grantees may Mrs, Northrup. a. m„ 1 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. in. It is reported by the attorneys of Eli laces, myrtle, sweet peaa and rosea. from time to time deem neoeiaary, be con- Twinkling Stars Hoht R, Sutton that be will soon return Have a look at our salmon which Promptly at tight o'clock, aa the •tructeil in the moat approved modern man­ I'oarle Davidson. G. E. MANN. from biding for trial. He is supposed we will sell next Saturday, July 10, at atraina of Meudelssohn'a wedding ner along and upon the center of the said Silvery Kchoes Jiiuke HOMEOPATH PHYSICIAN .V SUitOEON. atreeta or upon aide of said highway, andao Linda Northrnp. Hpeclitl attention given to Kye, Ear, Noae to be in seclusion near Detroit. 10 cents per can or three for 25 cents, march were being played by Misa lone as to least Interfere with the passage of vehi­ Song- "Her ByaaOon'tSliinelike Diamonds" nd Tliiont Dlii*»He»; diaeasea of Women and 15 cenia or two for 25 cents. The Bandera, the bridle parly took their cles upon said streets. Leonu Newman, nd UuolAl UlNeaaes. B. B. Stewart of Battle Creek baa llneBt salmon you ever ate for 18 cents. places beneath an arch of white. 8K0. 3. This grant Is made upon tbo con­ Oaraalion Walla Baker 3rriaK IN NKAR MUK., UIW. 1 to 6* 7 to Bp.m, been appointed adjutant of tbe third Vandercook Grocery Co.
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