Ingljain ptrnto i^eto


HTBWN IN BMEr. Found—a ring. Inquire at this office. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES COMHOM COUNCIL. and adopted and orders drawn for Mary E. Marshall ofIfnrth Lansing [OFFICIAL] same. The Blue Ribbon races at Detroit haa been granted a widow's pension of The Mebetfale OIVAN Ont for Ceatral Yeas—Bortle, Clark, Fowler and Entered*! tbe I'ontofllce ,Maion, this week. $12 per month. MlehicMM. MASON, MICH,, July 0,1902, Severance. aiueoond-olaaimatter Play Ping Pong, the latest game. John Wheeler baa purchased of Mra. Superintendent of Public Instruction Council met and called to order by Moved and supported titat a oom- PnbUibedFiVeryTh'tiridByby Sold l)y Raynioad A Mall. L. J. Lincoln the street sprinkliiiK Fall has appointed the following Mayor Whitman. mittee be appointed to look after im> A, Li» XIOSK. Ellas Clark, tbe Stockbrldge miller, business, and commenced operations teachers' institutes in Central Michi­ Present—Aid. Bortle, Clark, Fowler, proving council room. la sufleriiig from a stroke of paralysis. Tuesday morning. gan for tlie months of July and Au­ Randall and Severance. Carried. gust, coimiienolng on the dates indi­ Minutes of last meeting were omitted. Clark aifd Severance were appointed Tamils The residence of M. Vaughn on Elm M. J, Bement has been leaning upon on committee. Oat year, 11.00; tis meetht, 00 •••<•; Ikret a cane and walking with diflioulty tbe cated: Ordinance of the City of Mason, Moalli*, 15 oenUj-ie edMRW street is receiving a new coat of paiut. July 7, Sbiawasaee county at Cornn* State of Michigan. Ou motion council adjourned for paRt week, tbe result of a kick upon ha ten days; conductor, G. W. Loomls; ADVCRTItlNQ MTCI. Don't forget to buy a hat at the mil­ tbe knee by a horse. AN o'llDINANUE to grant toBamuol Floyd one week, , Onr«dvertUlni{r»teemadeknowDatoffloe linery sale. MRS. J. C. KIMMEL. inatruct«>r8, Nettie Brown and Nellie AngUH and JanioB 1). Hawka, their aucoeaaora, O. H. HovT, City Clerk. BialneHiaitrdellmllDeper year. Why can Brown & Loomia under* B, Goss. amioolatea and aaalcua, the right to oonalrnot, Badaeaalooali dye oeoUper line eaoband Tbe residence and barn of L. C. sell other shoe men? Because our August 4, Ingham county at Maaon maintain audUporateaatroulrailroadacroaa, Webb has been re-palnted tbe past BloDg and upon certain atreeU In the City of PLEASING MUSICALE. ereryinaertlon. . . prices are low, our goods are Just; we ten days, conductor, C. E. Holmea; in- Maaon, State of Michigan. Marrlage.blrtb,and deathnotleei free. week. sell fur cash, while othera truat. * atructorB, £, M. WoiMi and Jean Daw­ Beit ordained by the Common Council of Obituary notlaei.reaolutiona of reapeot son. Ionia county at Ionia five daya; the City of Maaon, aa fol Iowa: Cliveii bjr the Pnplls or Nr«. H. I. ardioftbanki eto.,llveaentialln«. A new steel ceiling has added much There is said to be no liard coal In SccTiotf I, That Hamnel Floyd Angus and to the allrativeuess uf Acker & Lane's conductor, G. A. MoGee; instructor, James D. Hawka, tlielr heirs, sucoeaaora, an- Nerlhrap, Laiiaiug and dealera will not quote E. P. Clarke. Isabella county at Mt. •oolatus and aaslgna, be and are hereby barber shop.- any price. Uiilesa the niinera' strike The pupils of Mrs. H. I. Northrup Businesfl Cary late sowing it waa hoped Columbia .Street and lAnslng Street, thence Ve'raLyon in Lansing to look over tbe iluisUed to d^lay the apiwarance of the wheat their daughter, Anna M,, waa united west on Columbia Street to weat Street. Restless Sea—Itoverie Kennetli/ O. H.1Plii»L.ANDrM. D. plans for the new court house. until after the time for the fllsa to lay in marriage lo Charles E. Deuel. The SEC. 3, Said propnaed street ratlroitd ahall Lena Drown. PHYSICIAN ANK SUllOEON. Houra 8to house was very prettily decorated with consist 01 a standard guage track with such Song-"The Letter Edged in Black," their egga. awltcliesand turnouts aa said grantees may Mrs, Northrup. a. m„ 1 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. in. It is reported by the attorneys of Eli laces, myrtle, sweet peaa and rosea. from time to time deem neoeiaary, be con- Twinkling Stars Hoht R, Sutton that be will soon return Have a look at our salmon which Promptly at tight o'clock, aa the •tructeil in the moat approved modern man­ I'oarle Davidson. G. E. MANN. from biding for trial. He is supposed we will sell next Saturday, July 10, at atraina of Meudelssohn'a wedding ner along and upon the center of the said Silvery Kchoes Jiiuke HOMEOPATH PHYSICIAN .V SUitOEON. atreeta or upon aide of said highway, andao Linda Northrnp. Hpeclitl attention given to Kye, Ear, Noae to be in seclusion near Detroit. 10 cents per can or three for 25 cents, march were being played by Misa lone as to least Interfere with the passage of vehi­ Song- "Her ByaaOon'tSliinelike Diamonds" nd Tliiont Dlii*»He»; diaeasea of Women and 15 cenia or two for 25 cents. The Bandera, the bridle parly took their cles upon said streets. Leonu Newman, nd UuolAl UlNeaaes. B. B. Stewart of Battle Creek baa llneBt salmon you ever ate for 18 cents. places beneath an arch of white. 8K0. 3. This grant Is made upon tbo con­ Oaraalion Walla Baker 3rriaK IN NKAR MUK., UIW. 1 to 6* 7 to Bp.m, been appointed adjutant of tbe third Vandercook Grocery Co. * dition that the construction of the pi'o|HMed „. . Bo4sle Cook, battalion, svcond regiment, M. N. G,, Tlie ring ceremony waa performed street railroad be commenced on or before The Reaper** Song Carl Hient Koonis ttt C. W. Browne'* reiildenae. Tbe Newa baa recei ved a copy of "The by Dr, W, J. Wilaon in the preaeuce July Dlb, 1U03, and that the work of construc­ l.i/.stle Qrey. •• to succeed Frank T. Colver of Lansing. of about fifty of the immediate rela- tion be prosecuted aa soon as possible after Duet—"The Sleighrlde," W'aWer SERTRUOE D. OAMPBEtL, M. O Spanish-Americau War," by General ooinineucement to a speedy comnliitlon, and Mrs, Northrup and Linda Northrup, nUYSltJIAN AND SUUOEON. OFKICE The Governor's Guard of Lansing la Hussei A. Alger, which is published tivea and frienda. The bride wore that tlie entire road herein providei} lor be Webber's Last Tiiought Wagner I at residence, uorlli Main siruet, Maion. planning tuhold ajubilee presentation l>y the Harpers. It is a handsome vol­ cream aiik and carried a shower bo- completed within twenty-four (21) months Florence Jewett, amco boiuH 8 a, in. to » a, ro. 2 to < and 7 to 8 of the medals given by tbe state to llie ume of 406 pages, with an appropriate quet of Bcarlei rosea. The groom wore from and after the passage of this ordlnnneu, Lullaby Bye Song .in. Uountry and town oalU promptly at- soldiers of the Spaniah-Ainericau war. the conventional suit of black, Misa not countiiiK time delayed by compulaor> Rara A via Brow. ieuded. ^ cover and contains numerous maps of legal proceas, or by causes or reasons over The NanetU Shottlaobe, Wm, J, ItM Cuban battlefieida. The frontispiece Margaret Beaumont of Alaiedon waa which said grantee* have no control, Illanohe Shattuck. ";. PIIANK E. THOMA8, PHYSICIAN The Elkaof Lansing are canvassing bridesmaid and Clarence R. Shaw, SKO. 4. Said grantees, their heirs or as- Song—"Singing tbe Dear Little Baby toSleep'* aiidaurgeou. Olttueover Webb* Wbtl to raise (>2000 for a carnival. They is a flue portrait of Gen, Alger. Tbe tbe bride's brotlier, was best man. signs, shall have the right to carry passeng­ Vera Lyon. Duan'Mclolbing atore. evidently desire a ahow that will come book will be an interesting and valua­ ers, baggage, packages. United Slates mall, Tbe Qetty Polky aomewbere near equaling the Maaon ble contribution to tbe literature cov­ After hearty congratulations the express and freight, and shall carry paMeug- JeialeStoinhotr. W. W. ROOT. M. 0., guests were served with a dainty and ers over lald line of railroad, or any part Violin Molo—"Ureain Faces," „ ,..,.„ freeatreet fair. ering this period, giving, as it does, an thereof, within the corporate llinlta, ou a Charlie Northrup. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFWCB inside view of many of the much-dis- elegant supper by Misses Mabelle continuous passage one way, for tlve (S) cents Duet-"Klower Fairies," Fearit P bourafromone to two, and rromaliM The toy platol got in ita deadly work cuBsed phasesof tbe Spanish-Americau Standish, Nellie Harriab, lone San­ for each passenger, and •Uall carry children Ressit Cook and Mr*. Northrup. DvenP.M. ders and Edith Shaw, after which the under live years ol age, when accompanied Nocturn Ht^t on July 4in this state. Two boya at war. by parents ur guardians, free. I'earle Davidson, CHAft. Q. «I8NKIN6. M. D. Bay City have died ol lockjaw cauaed young people produced a goodly quan­ Sku. 5 This grant Is made upon the further 8ong-"St«r* of Our Union," A>nn«d!u RACTICE limited to dlsBBHM of Eyo, Ear, by wounda from the daugeroua toy, Parties who have looked into the tity of rice. Guests were present from condition that tiie cars of said railroad shall Cia«*. the past week. matter, claim that tbe Irancbise on Ash Ohio, Lansing and Jackson. be propelled by electric power or such other P Noae and Tbroat. IB* Wa»b. Ave. 8., modern rapid motive power as said grantaes Lanalng, II lob. ' street, asked for by tbe electric line Many beautiful and useful presents One ol nature'a remediea; cannot There will be an Ice cream aoclal on company, concealed a scheme, where­ or their assigns, may iroiu time lotline deem the lawn of the North Aureliua Union were received; expedient, excepting steam, which may be liarm tbe weaaeet conatitution; never DBHTIKTH^ by the line need not come into tbe bus- Mr. and Mrs. Deuel have our con­ used during tbe construction of said road. fails to cure summer complaints of Church, Friday evening, July 18. Pro* iuess |)orlion of our city, as the coiupa- Huoh cars shall be ol a luoderii type and ahall ceeda to go for the Christmas tree. All gratulations and best wishes. be properly lighted and comforlably heated. young or old. Dr. Fowler's Extract of OR. R. U •PAULDING. uy has options on land west of the SEC. a. Wbenever the City Council sbsll Wild Strawberry. UENTI8T, are cordially invited. Michigan Central right of way between "Farmers." deem it neoesaary to pave or otherwise im­ Office In lAwrence , MaaoD prove anf street or part thereof wherein the The W .H. M. B. of the M. E. church South and Ash streets. A franchise Do you know that at the ''Cold track* of said street railway are laid, oaid granting right of way ou othtr streets Storage" you can get a fancy price for grantees, or their assigns, ahall grade, pave Perl Vlmtmm Tkreshlac Naehlae tar will meet at the borne of Mrs. S. D. tiale Ckeap. FARMCRr WUTUAL in the western part of tbe city (which or otherwise improve all part* or said street Neelyon Friday uflernoou, at three your butter and eggs and get the caab. which Ue between the outer rails of said Inquire at Mr*. Frank Sherwood'*, one* IRE IN80BANCE COMPANY orillQ. o'clock. Refreeumeuls will be served. would be needed In oounectlou with We pay a.premium for butter in tubs tracKa, and eighteen (IS) inohes on the out- bam county. 8i»feHt,oheape8t,be»t. Foi the proiiosed'croBslug oil Asli street) and we furnish the tubs. Come and aide of siild rail, und alsoilie space lying be­ halt. miie.aautb.ot.Pallok school house in. informatioF n write to J. «. Sl.afer.aeoreUry All are cordially invited. would have giyeu them opportunity to tween tlie main triiclis and the side traolt or Wheatlloid, 'ti-i Maaon. A, I. Barber, P'e'lJ'nJiM**??;^?' The best line of work shoes for men see us. MASON COLD STOUAOE: CO. traclia in all plaues whore tlinre are side foaltu court liouae, Winiaina'blook, 8d floor. go west of tbe railroad by running on tracks or switches, said paving Hliaii be dune I MUi Preimrml. and boys are sold at Brown & Loomls', private right of way from South to Ash A Nevi/ Paint Company. In the same manner andut the same time To put In the ariiilcial stone tanks for any as the body of tUe street is paved. who desire thorn Ruiuembor, they last a rvK 3K0.0. MOODY, VETERINARY M^B. L. J. Acker very pleasantly streets, and thus gain their point, in The Detroit Tribune has the follow­ lire time U SurKBon. Office and realdence cornea direct opposition to tbe wishes of tbe SKO, 1, Suld grantees or their assigns, entertained SO lady friends last Friday ing concerning a discovery about five shall, after constructing said street railroad, Phone No, 83 or write A and Aih-ata.,Maaon,Mich. urteriioou at ber borne ou Columbia council uud a large majority uf our cit- miles north of Mason: restore the said streets and all jionlous there­ CI.AD0E BOLTON, Leslie. izeus. of ounuplcd by suld street rullroiid loan good UCTIONEER HENRY liUIlTZ, OEN- street in honor of Mrs. 0. M. WilllamB "Delroilers have utilized a discovery a condition as at present, and said road sliuli eral auctioneer. Satlafactlon guarun- uf Cblcngo. A luncheon was served, Brown & Loomls' bill of fare; made by George H, Irwin of Detroit be cuustrticted so as luust to interfere with No Doubt or niNHiipoliUinent toedA . Terina right. ' in Ingham county, and have formed the right of public puNSuge In said street. When you buy iSust Alaiedon Short Itorni. P.O., Maaon, Sino3 Tbe fourteenth annual excuralon to $1.00 and $1.25 shoes for 50c 8E0. 8. Said grantees shall construct said Young bulls and heirers lor siile, Grand Ledge and tbe Seven Bister $1.50aud$2 00sboeafor 75e the Sunrise Mineral Paint Co,, with street railway through said oily upon the ISmilp J, H. lillMMKI,, OL.L. H. IVE8, GENERAL AUariON. Islands, under tbe auspices of the Sun­ $2.50 and $3.00 shoes for $1.00 a capital slock of $250,000, incorporated present grade of tiiu streets lierulii before MusonU,F,U.No,l, Coer, SWyearH experlonoo and n wide ao- under tbe laws of Michigan.. P, A, laentliinod and In ease the grade or said qualnlance. Will itave you money every day schools of Maaoii, Leslie, Eden, Ducey, tbe inillionaire lumberman streets shall hereafter bo uhanged the said tlnia. TerniB reuaonable. Inqulro at thla Holt and surrouudiug couulry, will be Prosecutor's Report. gruutees, llieir successors, or assigns, simll at Come lu Out or the Ntoroi. offloo or addresa Maaon. Michigan. and vice-president of tlie Union Na­ iheir own expense conslrticl said street rail­ Insure in th Michigan Mutual Tornsdo.Oy- given on August i. Prosecuting Attorney Tuttle has tional l}auk, is president of the Sun­ way upju such grade as iniiy be so eslab- itioao and Windstorm Co. right a way and (lied with Attorney General Oren big Unhed, avoid anxiety and loss. L. U. Ivies, agent. EO. A. EARLE, DEALER IN HEAVY We have taken 500 trimmed and un- rise company. Samuel Herbert, gen­ SKO. 0. Noiswltoli, turnout or tunitabio •ndHbMf Hardware. Maple at.,Haion. trimmed bats and placed them in four semi-annual report, which shows that eral auperiuteudeul of the Hulcblus shall be conatructod by llie said grantees, lots. Lot No. 1, 25c; No. 2, 50e; No. 3, during the six months ending June 30 Car Buufiug Co., la vice-president; their snccossoi's or assigns un suuh portion or there were G53 prosecutions, which re- tbe right of way herelnbeloro described as 75c; No. 4, $1.00. Former price 75c to Herbert H. Prince, treasurer and as­ lies between Maple und Ask streets of said YOU NEED A $3.00. Sale ends Saturday, July 19. suited in 606 convictions and nine ac­ sistant secretary; and George H. Irwin, city. jVllGHI6Ayr(TEyTRAL Come early. MRS. J. C. KIMMEL. quittals. Four were released ou tbe mechanical engineer, is secretary and SKc, 10. Nothing herein contained shall "Xh9 Niaaara Falls Routt:" payment of costs, one case was nolle general manager; A, C, Stellwagen, prohibit any other person, llrin or corpora­ Those of our citizens who oppose the proBsed, one was discharged ou exam­ counsel. tion from oroasiug the tracksofsaid g'autees, SOUIHWAKD. electric line on Main street bad an inn­ their successors or assigns withlu tlio cor- ination, and the remaining 32 persons ''It la an entirely new departure," porate liiiilu of the City of Masou ir the Com­ KODAK a. m. p. ra. p. m. ing last Friday, when two gentlemen prosecuted are placed in the class of ea- mon Oounoll of ssld city shall hereafter grant Maaon 10:05 1:20 10;o6 from Chelsea gave their experience caped, aettled, etc, said Mr. Irwin recently, "we have not to any other person, linn or corporation tbe said anything about it until tbe mat­ riglit to pass through, upon, or along any of (luring your outing to re­ JackHou 11:00 2:15 11:00 that the people of are not Tbe number ot caaea under each of­ Detroit 5:80 p. m, &:S0 7:3ta. m. satisfied with the line upon their bust- ter was thoroug|)|y tested by the best the public streets of said city, Chicago 6:40 8:55 11:55 fense is as follows: Assault and bat­ experta in tbe country. We then SKu. 11, In case the said grantees, their member some of the sights neaa atreet. tery 20, adultery 2, cruelty to animals 4, successors or assigns shall llnd it necessary to NORTHWARD. quietly formed a company and guar­ cooitruct said street railway oven or across and to show your friends. The kerosene treatment to extermi­ carrying concealed weapons 2, defraud­ anteed the value of Iheatook by agree­ Huy bridge or bildge* within suld clly or a. m, a. m. p. m ing hotel keeper 3, non-support 2, Mason, their tracks sliuli be laid so as to least Huaon «:» 11:

"'' !•"' ''''•' -"''' t; I AWPUIJIINE HORROR CROP CONDITIONS. BUSINESS OUTLOOK. PRIARS NOT TO BE OUSTED. IN A CLOSER UNION. MINERS ARE BURIED. QrowlnB Ce*<>al» I^Mve nespoMded to CsMMerelml, AsifMelea Siir tke Proi- Pope'a neplx to the PropoinU ol Teaobera at MInneaiinlia Porni a Ka- Victim* of Kxplniilon Near Johna* nccent: Rl4e In 'reiiiiieyatnrea* peota Are Qoodi in All' tlnlted Slatea Recelved'from tlonai Federation—Oloae.of ' town. I>a., l.ald to ilvat—Ileuth Scores of Lives Lost in a Pennsyl' ' ilnrveittiiK lu SOIIIR llcslona.. Ltaei at Trade, ', GoTernor Taft. the Great Mevtiny;, llaa Heaohed It-I. vania Colliery. Johnstown, Pa., July 14.—Oiie hun« •,WnsliJn(,'ton,,Tilly 0.—Tlio weather New York, July 12.—». 0. Dnn & Washington, .Tnly 31,—-A cablegram Minneapolis, Minn., .Tuly 11.—Thurs. bureau's weekly summai'y otcropeoii- dred and fo'urtoou are now known to Co.'s Weekly IJeview of Trade says; has been received at the war depart­ day was another busy day for the (Iltinus is lis follows; ' Good news predominates, although unfa- be dead from Thursday's o.Nplosion at ment from Gov. Taft transmitting tho uiembers of the National Fducational Bxitloalon of Tire l>nm|i llie r.'an«p— Tho northern portions ot the country cast vorablo weather proved a drawback at the Boiling Mill mine of the Cambria many points, and new labor disputes arose. reply of the Vatican to the proposals association whose convention here will 1:11)1 liiinle I'lnccM Kiiinlier nl 17.1 of tho Rocky inouniiilns that suftercd from Steel compjiny. It is not probable that low temperatures during the last half of There l.i less than the customary midsum­ of the United States government. be finished Friday. The morning was —Money liuuM tu Coni|tany mer idleness In manufacturing. Industries, ibis rccoril will be swelled to any great Juno have, with tho exception of New Knii- Secretary Koot did not get the mes- ' given up to a general session of the as- Will Ue l.nrKL>. land, e.\i>erlenoc(l more favorable tempeni- despite live scarcity of fuel. Commodity extent. Many funerals took" place prices are fully maintained. Railway sage until late in the forenoon as it sociatioii in the exposition atiditorium tures. The Missouri and Upper Mississippi Saturday, every undertaker iu Johns­ .Tdhnstown, P.i„ .luly 11.—An explo­ valley.s, lake region, Middle Atlantic slates earnings thus far available for June aver­ had to be translated from cipher and j while the afternoon was devoted to age 9.9 per cent, larger than last year's and town having more than he could well sion of fire (lamp in the Kollinp'M'H ana Now ICngland have received abundant he has not yet considered the subject.' meetings of the various departmentsepart . rains, which ,provi;d unfavorable- In the ao.O per cent, above those of 1900. attend to. Down below a ipiarter of u coal mine of the Cambria steel com- The abstract cabled to the press from The nominating committee gath­ Missouri arid Upper Mississippi valleys and Corn has again been the prominent fea­ mile the streets of Concmaugh City punj-, iiniler West >lnnl hill, .just after Rome contains till the cssentiiil feu ered early in the day and settled on the portions of the lake region and Middle At­ ture -of the markets for domestic t'taples. were clogged with corteges. noon ThuvFilay brought death or in­ lantic stales. Drought continues with In­ Speculators nt the west secured control of ttires of the reply, and was stibstiin- Ust of olllcers to be presented to the .•\t three o'clock Saturday morning jury to a (jreat, number of llie 000 creasing severity over a large part of the the (!,OUO,000 bushels In tho visible lupply, tially as follows: The Vatican, while association. It was duly ratified later Central and JSast Gulf districts, and rain and compelled the short Interests to cover the charred and mutilated bodies of miners at work. Cniiservalive esli- coiiuhint; 't** reply In the most friendly on. President Charles W. Kliot, of Ir much needed In the South Atlantic contracts at disastrously high prices-. 15 victims were brought to the West- niates place the number of dead at states, where the week hjis been unusually Farmers' reserves are evidently Inslgnlll- tone, refuses to withdraw the'frlars Harvard, was t:naniinousIy selected moiit pit mouth and taken to the 17.'), the mine olllcers admit that over warm, with showers over limited areas cant, for attractive prices do not bring out from the Philippines within any fixed for president of the associat ion after a only, Texas has experienced a week of morgue. The bodies were found in 100 men arc entombed in the mines, even a fair volume of receipts. Wheat was period of time, explaining that it is eulogistic nominating speech by Dr, very favorable temperatures, with scat­ (|ulct and strong, and exports from all the upper end of No. 0 right heading, while some minors declare at least tered showers and more than usual cloudi­ impossible, as it would put the holy NMcholas M. RuUer, of Columbia uni­ ports of the United States .only :.',;:eo,029 where the explosion occurred. Tha 400 persons are still buried. The scene ness, conditions favorable to the conserva­ busheLs, compared with 4,353,7liB bushels a see in conflict with Spain. The vatiuan versity. W. N. Davidson, of Kansas, bodies were all lying far in from the of the accident is known as the "Klon­ tion of the abundant rainfall of tho year ago. promises, however, that the friars was iiclocted for treasurer, and, acord- previous week. Tho Kooky mountain point of the explosion and could not dike." Llabllttle.s of commercial failures for tho shall not return to their parishes and ing to custom, the outgtung president, plateau, and North Pacllic Coast districts llrst week of 'July amounted to $l,570,;!f>8, be reached until the heading hail Cnnai! of Exploalon Unknown, havo experienced a week of remarkably that priests of other nationalities, es­ W. M, lleardshcar, of Iowa, was named of which >4S3,OIS were In manufacturing, been entirely cleared of the noxious About a score of .\iiierican min­ low tomperaturei^, with unusual precipita­ $6:!0,41C In trading, and liriO.Cflt In other lines. pecially Americans, shall be intro­ for first vice president. tion, much In the form of snow, In the gases. Three deaths occurred during ers who were at work in the Klon­ Failures for tho week numbered 193 In tho duced into the islands. Minneapolis, Minn., July 12.—At the northern districts, and general frosts and United States, against 203 last year, and 19 the night at Cambria hospital. These dike district noticed the presence of freezing temperatures In Nevada and meeting Friday of the National Edu­ In Canada, against V a year ago. were among the last living vieliins lire damp in their apurtment soon Utah. On the North I'aclllc coast the week READY TO REFUND. cational association ' plans were was too cool and wot, but In California the Bradstrcel's .says: Warmer and more who were brought out ot the mine after the explosion occurred, and settled weather In many sections has helped conditions were generally favorable. sensor.iuble trade and made It possible to Friday afternoon in an tincoiisci(.Mis •started at once for the main en- Treaanrr nepartment Takea Actloa Under highly favorable temperatures ascertain that the earlier reports of grain In HeKaril to Hevenne Collected condition. traiiet!. They were almost over- there has been a'genernl Improvement In crop dnmago from rains wore rather ex­ Another of those is in a precarious the condition of corn throughout the cen­ aggerated. Among tho Industries Iron and on Philippine Shipment*. •coine by the deadly ffiis, but reached condition. It was learned at the pit the outside world in safety. One of tral valleys and tho outlook for this crop stool still rank In activity, and the chief in the prlnclpal"corn stales Is encouraging, source of complaint Is the scarcity of coal Washington, -.Tuly 10.—The treasury nioiitli Saturday from mine otliciala ;tbe men who ffot out safely said it although In tho states of the Missouri val­ and coke, limiting pig Iron production at a department Wednesday issued the that evor.y beading and chamber both is not know.n what caused the ex­ ley It has suffered considerably from lack critical period. The labor situation has first order under the new Philippine to the right and left of the nuiin plosion, and that it will jirobalily of cultivation, duo' to excessive moisture. rather improved If anything. Railway In Kansas the bulk of the crop Is laid by earnings thus far reported for Juno (the civil government act. That act pro­ Klondike heading were peuetratoj never lie known, as he believed none and much Is silking and earing. In Ne­ anthracite roads excepted) .show an aggre­ vided that all taxes paid njion arti­ during the night and that not. a trace of the men at work in the Klondike gate gain of eight per cent, on last year, braska corn Is rather pinall, but la grow­ cles subject to internal revenue taxes of any dead or living victims were district can be saved. ing nicely, although needing cultivation; and all reports as to probable crops and three-fourths of the crop In Iowa Is well trade point to the maintenance of a heavy shipped to the Philippiites since Xo- found. It is admitted that some KNllmnlm of Demi. cultivated and In normal condition; not- tonnage. vember 15, 1001, under the decision might have crawled into obseuro .lolinstown, I'a., .Tnly 12,—.Tust , as workings in their flight, from I ho flay broke tlirnugli the |iaH of fog-Fri­ afterdamp which followed the i!.\plo- day the f,'rim dctnils' of awful disas­ STRENGTH OF THE AMERICAN ARMY IN THE PHILIPPINES. sion, and these succtiuibed to tha ter at the JioUinff .Mill mine of the fatal inlliionco of the gas. Cambria Steel company dtiwiied with KOT— •— -•—atf -— •• apt-- /ii,«,L_,jud_ ; - ,, ./Sit • • .; .: • fr-l*i"«« Mine Siiperiivtoudent George T. Bob- renewed force on the thousands wait- |lli*Kii»«ii:«ei*>¥i«fi».>vic««« insnn was at his otlice early Saturilay, int,'' for authentic news as to the extent ' umlmmEtmutmuif p He said they would have tho mine ' of llie expliision. Forty-seven dead ready for work by to-day. lie .'^aitl bodies, all contorted and inanyblai^k- _« ^_: . jiMu:i! there was not tlie slightest ilauger ened and burned, lie stretched on yai» ^'^^"•'^**S"it x' r *'^3S22:'"" ^'**" ~"~ " -.t*H* froui explosion since the original ami rouj,'li slabs in the improvised morffue only one of Thursday. The mine, lie in the .\rniory buildin.!?. Forty more -. — — -. — — — — -«--..-. — — — — ^ — t- — — — --* "• ••«••• Vim r""~ •"*" ~" . .(HM admitted, osi)ccially tho section known •are in (^ars in tho mine, ready to be CHAra^ES W. ELIOT. President ot Harvard University Who Has as Klondike, always eonttiined gas. It borne out as fast as mom can be made did not exist in dangerous (iiiantities, :.:___ !":5i!;^LliB*?"'^^ ~ .|IN« Been Klecied President of the National for tlicni. T,ast estimates of the num­ Education Association. he said, and to cause an explosion some ber of dead reduce the fatal scope of »|ii,jMl_ L :::::::::::::::::: zWiuz: one must have violated tlic rule as to the calamity. I'.ut these, while fixinf,' / in "''^ ih i^ I"' f- - . )MIO formed for a national organization of lights. Every precaution was taken to It at around 100, are not conclusive. ^ IM' , 2Sfe* grade teachers to be known as the guard against accident. General .Superintendent G. J. Itobin- -^ iS H ' 3 i« » IZi National Teacher.s' Federation, and Suporinlenden*, Bobinson strongly son would not say at this time wlieth- -^IB2 the object of tho organization being commends the Johnstown doctors for or ho tlioufi:ht there were 100 or'300 .J^VMBL. _ ____ to promote Itie tone and increase the their bravery that saved the lives of a dead. He says there is no way of advantages of the classroom, yielding do^/.en. or more men. tellinff until a full investigation of the benefits alike to the teacher, the pupil "When we made our first dash into mine is made. When that will be he •in. and the parent. .\ll classroom teach­ thS mine," be said, "we were taking says he has no moans of telling. All | Ueut. Col. C. R. Edwards, chief of the nlla buy, when Admiral Dewey cabled Prom 1S9S, at tho opening of hostilities, ers in elementary schools will be eligi­ our lives in our hands, as none knew rests with tho diihcully 1o be encoun- division of insular aftalrs of the war de- Washington that ho could r.ot take and until September of the following year. ble to mcmber.ship. what was beyond in our course. The tcred in clearing the heading of aftcr- partment, lias prepared an extremely In­ hold Manila without a strong military there was a steady Increase, until the army teresting chart showing the rise and de­ force, until December, 1900, when tho army The convention came to an end Fri­ doctors came on and followed our le;id riamp. passed tho 30,000 mark. Then volunteers cline of the numerical strength of the was at Its highest numerical Etrengtb, were poured Into the archipelago until tho day evening and in nearly every Wiy without the slightest tremor." Great Money l,o**. United States army in the Philippines. It with. 69,4'JO men, and then follows the de­ highest point was r\:'achcd. There was a it has proven the most siicccssfui Outside of the |)roperty loss this bears a strlkng resemblance to a fever cline of tho force down to the present sharp decline In June, 1900, duo to the forces Johnstown, Pa., July 14.—Friends of chart, with the temperature rising when meeting of the kind ever hold. He- catastrophe will cost the Cambria time, when the army numbers about 'Ja.OOO, SKjnt to China to In tho Boxer cam­ the dead miners and employes who relapses have been suffered In the form of It goe.s. In a praspectivci way even further paign. Then the volunteers began to como tween 20,000 and 25,000 people have lost their lives on Thursday have been Steel company a large sum. slight victories by the Insurgents. with the statement that when the troops home, and the army has been on tho de­ been present. Portyrfive meetings of The company has for many years It traces the increase of the army from already ordered home leave Manila tho crease over slncn going over the list of dt'ad with a view the departments and six general ses­ past paid the family of every jjcrson 2,191 in June, 189S, after the battle of Ma- army will be about 18,000 strong. of learning the number of widows and sions contributed to the work. .\t all i-illod in its employ $1,000, outside fatherless children left behind and of them the best known speakers in who will be made helpless by thocatais- of what it expended for medical withstanding the unfavorable effects of It Is a slgntfloant fact. In view of recert of the secretary of the treasury of the United State.'; hiive delivered ad­ purposes, and it has, paid every man heavy rains In Missouri the outlook In that crop damage talk, that tho government trophe. According to the most reli­ state Is the best In years; In Arkansas, Ten­ report for July, shows that winter wheat, that date, shall be refunded to the dresses. able data there are O4.wido\vs and 133 •who has lost an eye, limb or became nessee, the Ohio valley, and the lake re­ oats, barley, rye and hay all Improved In parties wlio have paid the same un­ Before nd,journment resolutiong children. otherwise partially, disabled the gion the general outlook Is excellent; In the condition during June, and spring wheat der regulations to be prescribed by sum of $,'>00. Tt is understood that southern slates a very poor crop is Indi­ alone lost a trllle. wore adopted to petition congress' to cated, ond In portions of the Central Gulf tho secretary of the treasury. Those, WORST IS OVER. the rule Will not bo suspended. - Trade In seasonable goods at wholesale establish a department of education districts the early-planted Is.Injured be­ has. been, restricted, but warmer weather regulations have now been issned. !tliii'i> llitilleii l^tiiinil, yond recovery. and jnake its head a cabinet officer; nivera nt Dea Mnlnea llecedc nnd fin has helped retail business. Fall business the principal articles upon which also ^tirging the restoration of the .lolnistown, l.'a., ,Iuly I'J. —liutweon The unfavorable harvesting wtather ot has boon of good proportions at the west. refund will bo made sire whiskies, - Purtlier llnninKe from Flood dayllH'lii. and nlslilfall Friday S7 tho previous weeks In tho states ottlie Piihlc in the schools. Aiitieliiated. Lower Missouri valley continued during beer and other vinous, spiritous anil Ii. Hocins to 1)0 generally understood bodies were taken from tlio ItrilliiiH' tho past week, although harvesting of win­ MANY ARE HOMELESS. malt liquors and tobacco. No esti­ tlial tlie jiieotinn; ])lace for next year Dos I^loiiies, la., .luly 14.—AYater in !Mill mine of the Cambria Steel i.'(>in- ter wheat Is ivow iiractlcally llnlshed In mate ot the amount of money which pany, in wliieli there was an L'xplosion that section. Some damage to grain la HniiilreilK of Teople tu llt>ii .Moliicn will be Boston, the cloctinn oC ?resi- both rivers is receding slowly, anil no shock and stack Is reported from Illinois, will bo rcfimdcd has been liuide at Friday. A\ midnight .^2 more bodies Korueil to Meep Ouliloorit lle- deiit Klint. of Harvard university, be­ further dainuge from the flood is an­ Mls.'ioiM-l and Nebraska. Harvesting has the treasury department, but it is ing talion hy most of those in attoml- ticipated. Tlie river still covers miles were loaded on cars remly to be continued In tho Ohio valley under gener­ enuxL- of tlie riooil. supposed that it will aggregate sev- ally favorable conditions, Is practically nneo to mean tlial. there will he nn fur­ of resideuee and business territory, brought out, the lit'st. tiling afttM'day­ i;ral millions. light. This increases, the d'oad list io finished over tho southern portion of tho •Dos !Moines, la., .Iiily ],1.—The flood ther comiietil.ion by other would-be however, and business in tlie factory Middle Atlantic states and has begun In and whulcsale districts is largely sus­ -143. tho lake region. On tho North l^aclllc coast sitiiatiun reached its most alarniiuij TREASURY STATISTICS. aspirants for tho honor. lodging Is extensively reported, and har­ stage in the history of the city Thurs­ pended. Many liuiulreds of ilood suf­ vest will bd'later than usual, but the gen­ day morning. The Dos Moines river BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE. ferers are being slioltcrod in touts JURORS DISCHARGED. Aniinnl Il.-port of the ..Vnilltor SIWMVI eral outlook continues favorable. Havvest- was 21 feet above low water mark at 'iiiid fed at public expense, anil will be Ing continues .under favorable conditions nn IiiureuNo lu Aeuiiniit!! Aii- flcuiintloii SiiruiiK Ity .ludKc Murphy seven o'clock, having risen three feel Ill SenNlnii In I'rorldeiicc Tlicy lle- dependent on charity forscvoral weelis, In California. tUtud mid r:xniiiliied. lu the Trlnl of VraukC. Au- Spring wheat has experienced no un­ in less than ten hours. L>lee rumors .that, Judge Murphy un-" three trials, took the sentence with resident of this city, and one of Its Will Protect 'KcKrocit, age of corn planted indicate an in­ ter a report on the situation was re­ 'doubtcdly referred to. However, he little show of demonstration. The very first settlers, died Friday morn­ crease of about 3,520,000 acres, or ceived from him by .'Kdjutant General -will not go into partlcnlarsj; case will bo appealed to the supreme Springfield, III, July 12.—Gov. Yates ing after a lingering illness of three 3.9 per cent, on the acre harvested Smith. ' 'It was agreed Tiicsday by counsel for court. At the second trial Miss Mor- Friday determined to take into his own months. He was appointed post­ last year. ^he defense that F. C. Andre\ys should i'lBon was given but Ave years. hands the miittor of protecting the Col. Ewert reports that'everything Vetricd at pnce^onth'e last preferred master under President pierce and colored people of Kldorado, who have ' Elected Prenldcnt. is'quiot, that the troops have stationed •of the several charges against him; • Plnda a Xlno Nine, held the office •for many years, being been assaulted and driven from their Sallna, Kan., July 12.—Prof. W. F, a guard around the houses' of Bev, P. ..that .of misappropriating $8,000, of the Harrishiirg, III,, July 11.—Word has tlie, j'otingeat postmaster the city homes by lawless mobs. Assistant Hoyt has been, eleciedacting president A. Green and J. Beam, and that the , 'City savings bank's funds.withihestip. been received here of the discovery ever had. He was judge • of the Adjt. Gen. Ewart, with 16 members of of tile Kansas Wesloyaii university to mayor of'the town has promised to nilatibn that trial on the oilier charges of a rich zinc lead on a farm neiip criniiniil court for many .years also, the Mount Vernon militia company, at fill the vacancy caused by the resigna­ cooperate with the troops in furnish­ T)e deferred, together with the sepa­ Sheltervllle on tho line between Pope and In many w,nys proihinently con­ the governor's order-has left for El­ tion of President Gridley, He is a ing every possible prote«lion. The rate trial of former Cashier Henry II. and Hardin counties. Which is said to nected with the ' early history of dorado to relieve the sherifl there of graduate of tho Ohio Woslcyan uni­ troops will remain at Eldorado indefi­ -Andrew*; to September 3, be wortliit mllllbh dollars. western'Wisconsin. the protection of the negroes. versity. • nitely. J lv,'t i'^v^F**'^. OBcer'SulclUe*. . Cnlia Acoepti. , I<'lve Plr-fmen Killed. American Patciitu in Cnltn.' Six Month*' nevlval, Death of Gen. Montan, WashlngYbn,"'Jiily o;—Tlie war de- Washington," Jiily i2,-^A cablegram Toronto, Ont., July 11.—Five fire­ Washington, July 11,—Senor Que- London,. July 12.—Gen. Booth is go­ New' York, July 14.—Gen, Thomaa "'"^aftmeht is advli'ed tliiii"^ received .from Minister Squiers, at men were killed in a disastrous fire sada, Cuban minister to the United ing to the United States in October to J. Morgan, who Itas been ill at Yon- j;: 'Charles^:B::Bt|t^riett, ^tiartermaster's Havana, by Chalrles, M.' Pepper, the which started , in the _old street car Stis'es, has notified thi.s' government conduct a six months' Salvation Army kers, where he lived, is dead. Gen, ii'departftient/xonimUted suicide July 5, commisBlpner of tlie Loiilsiuna Pur­ stables at Front and Qoorge streets, oi >i change in regulations in Cuba revival from the Atlantic to the Par Morgan was commissioner of Indian ;;'by jumping ^from'a.flre;.e chase exposition to Cuba, states thai now occupied by P. Mcintosh & Sons, for the.registration of American pat­ cific. He has plans for several im­ affairs under President Harrison. At the invitation for the new.repiiblitj. rioiirth story of n sariiVarlum at Bat- and/'spread to the wholesale hay aiid ents, and trade-marks ip. that coun­ portant, innovations in the army's the time of his death hu was secre­ to participate in the exposition hnn •itle,Creskr:Mieh..''" • straw warehouse of Qadsby & Mo- try. The now regulation fixes the work in the United States, but is not tary of the Home Mission society of been nccepted. llieaiiraa 'Ueoiiaae ot.lll Health. : Canui These' establishments were fee at $35 on .Vmerican patents, and ready to outline them at present. the Baptist church. ,»; t pmp-hii,iXeb.i July ,9:—Judge Herbert kllU fnva Per»ana. ' swept away in an hour's time. $12.50 on American trade-marks, la­ Aiiitointed Trnatee, The I*rciildent*» Yacht, a, .•jr.;DiivU, who, w:a« recently appolni^d ; Delphos, 0,, .Tuly 12,-^The fast news- ,,; A Va(!anvy,rillea. bels, etc, • Springfield, 111,, July 12.—Goy. Yates . Oyst»r Buy, N. Y., Jtily ,14.|-By dl- ; .*;ijiidgo of thc'cbtirt oi'flrst'iij'a ipiiperjnaij traiit pti the.Pehh8ylyanltt' Pttt-ln-Bay, Q.,; July, ip.—Gov. Nash . Time Ofltcimir Set. has appointed Judge Jos«ph' B. Mes- rocttoij of I the presidoiit hiis olliclal '•InJ the PhlUppitici.'lias resigned'his po^i SrallTOttd FriiJay: morningVdecapltatetl h«s tlccldcd to, appoint Judge W. '• B, Lond.oii, Jiily. ISi—It is officially an*- sick, of .East St. Louis, trustee of th« yncfht,' the .Mayflower, lias! been or­ ,;,.«iiloh'aha-Wiil'''femaln> in the.Un^^ 3flOkKjui>e.,ill years ojiihftre, and whem Crewv./^fiMcConndlavUle, to the place nonneed by thercarl marshal; that .'Illinois, soldiers'-and sailorik'"hointt'nt dered from, the Urooltlyn navy yard' |t reoched'l'.lmu tiM'riaii trais t'l.'W , ;;,8tate»;:, i-Thil-irii^lgBfaiia^^'iif ^tt'ireiiiit 0^^ oh 1 1 "v 't reme 'jiauihimnide viieant by King Edwi\rd's corontition will take Qulncy, vice C, B, Chandler, of, Ma to Oyster Buy. , No plans tor tha Andrew Stueljter. •:::4ll,h««lth; -• .:• :,;.'v,;/':•'•• :••:•••... the .';»(>•:. of Chltl Ju«tic« VYilliams. place between August 8 ftud .\uguiit 12. cou.b, resisned. yfteUt while here have bcuu made, ife mm 'i&&iMMIi§&^M§MMil&tmiMM mmmm: roy of light ourselves from Ood'ii Bhnlldie!" were the words of God «K CURRENT TOPICS. FATHERHOOD OF GOD throne, or give out one single gleaiii He placed man in the garden He had MEDIOAL EXAMINER that will light somn poor, dying soul prepared in nil its beauty for him. Trade BchoolB may be established at to Heaven. "For God hiith revealed Ah, how the moaning of the ti-Rca the Indiana reformatory. Relationship Which Exists Between must have eent shivering through the them unto His Spirit; for tho Ne>v York is milking progresB In Of tho United States Treasury K-ec- spaces of the garden to the hearts the Creator and the Creature. Spirit searehcth all things, yea, the abating the smoke hulsaricc. deep thing.s of God."'' of that guilty pair these words of tho oiiimeiicls I*e-ru-iia. righteous God, and how out on the Wild canaries were not yellow orlg-- The Omce of the Spirit.—And if the loally, but green or gray in color. frcriniiii liy the "lIlKliirnr oml I'T* distinguishing mark of the sons of thorn-covered ground outside the Mil J" I'renuher In AVIitvli He Vttera Cod is the Spirit by which they arc (»arden must have begun tp bo real­ Miss Henrietta A. Kelly, of Charles­ The Women Also Recom­ SutuK I'lnin Trtitlia fin a Popular led, [how does the working of that ized the meaning of this awful judg­ ton, S, C, has gone Into^silk culture. mend Pc-m-na. Hut Fiillnvluuii Uuvtrluc. Spirit manifest itself? Jesus, on the ment for sin as the father and moth­ .'V complete sot of new stamps has Misis Blanch Grey, 174 Alabama eve of His sacrifice for the sins of the er for the first time saw death in the been ordere.i for Orange Biver Colony. street, Memphis, Tenn., a society wom­ c'CopyiMgUt, 1002, by A. N. KelloBS News­ world, told His disciples that uponHis body as they ga-/.ed in anguish upon In the United States newspapers ap­ an of Memphis, writes; paper Co.) "To a society •woman whose nervous departure to be'with the Father He the'face of their dead boy* killed by pear printed in 21 different languages. Clilcngo, July IS, 1902. the hand of his brother, and that force is often taxed to the utmost from Text:—For as many uii aro led by tho would send His Paraclete or IJepre- A .fGO.OOO.OOO. combine Is proposed hand nerved to the deed by the sin of lack of rest and Irregular meals I (iplrli oC Ciod, they arc tho sons o£ God.scntativ o back to earth. "And," said. of 50 glazed kid leather plants hi the Jjnow of nothing which is of so much Koi' ye have not received tho spirit ol He, "When He is come, He will con­ his parents! ','The soul thai sin- lipoiulagc' ayraln to fear; but yo have re- east. benefit as I'eruna. I took it a few vince the world of sin, and of riglit- neth it shall die!" That judgmenj, months ago when I-felt my strength ('•(.Ivi-'U ilifl Spirit of adoption, whereby of a righteous God cannot be altered. Residents of Buffalo, N. Y.. use V'f L•l•^•, Aljba, Father,—Uoin, 8:14-15. eotisness, and of judgment; of sin, be- more water than any other city in the giving away, and it soon made itself It- never hsis been altered and never manifest in giving mo new strength Universal Fatherhood of Goil.—As cniise they believe not on Me; of world. will be tiltercd. But God, "not will­ and health."—Miss Blanch Grey. tilt iiiogcnitor of the human race, God righteousness, because I go to My Fa­ Among now surgical Instruments Is it its Father. The relationship thus ther, and ye sec Jfe no more; of judg­ ing that iiny should perish," hath Mrs. X. Schneider, 2400 Thirty-sev­ a stoain saw for removing diseased enth Place, Chicago, 111., writes: cxiMiiiy between God, the Creator, and ment, because the prince of thin world provided a way of escape through the parts of tho liver. "After taking several reincdics with­ iuaii, the ereatcd, is oiic.jaf originrath- is judged." The bilice of the Spirit is Heaven-sent substitute. Tho sinle.sH Tigers killed 357 persons and out result, I began last year to take er than that of active a'ssociation and therefore threefold, and, in His opera­ One became sin for us and bore fhe guilt ol the world in His body on tho panthers 205 Jnst year In the Indian your valuable remedy, Peruna. I was fulhiw.ship. That this is true is not tion on the human heart, marks -the a complete wreck. Had palpitation of central provinces. i2ne to any change in puriioseordesiro sons, of God. First of all the Spirit tree and died for us that wo tnight the heart, cold hands and feet, female vliat koptjhe from making or selling the Dr, Clark's Foot abotU, socking he may du- Uielr lii.glitly rr.mudis'iii' Schaerbeck,' i,(. ;i(iim nf trtilh on whinh to liase its prndigiii in the 'far country ;\nd made Powder, wliieli L-s duJarod," in the deci.'sion voitr." 'b'l's, and again ho coiucs as; an iienv Brussels. of the Court, an iir.ilatioti .•md infriiigcnicnl 1 '.aim, God's ^Vord comes:, and with its liiiii an alien and no longer n. son of the if.Tthcr out of wlio.'^e loiiw he had an^gnl of light. nr,(\ would lead astray ot "Ji'ool-l'^," the powder to shake into See Facsimile Wrapper Below. message nf light proves 'the univer.sal 'Roi^lln statisUcians have found that ynur shoes. Allen S. Olaisted, of Le Koy, sprung. In the far cnuiiL'-y amidst its thv-, very elect if it were possible. Only 1)07 Christinn names aro em­ js'. Y., is the owner nf the Irade-aiark ralherliood nf God by (he universal Terr ssioU nnd as easy I Ian (li salvalinu whin'n it, ofl'ers. The sin, and yetTiot conscious of,sin! What V'errcet Uolivoranco.—lint don't sup- ployed for the 41,000 children born "" Similar suits will lie brought against otiicrs wiio are now. infriagiiig on to tAlte Bs ragar. icftiiTiOiiy of Gnd's Ward does not seek a iiitiable condition! K'ow day and ]TOse for a movnent that'thc devil has there each yenr. night the heart, of thfPt father was tho Fool-Kiise trade-mark and coiiimoii lav.' In roll the world of a 5?aiher, btit gives f.vcrything Ill's own way, for tho sons Tho sanitRt ion of the city of Ahnier- rights. FOR HEADACHE. In tlu' world a Fatliic-r, if it will only wrung vvii:ih auguisli for that wayward «r God "havr. not received the spirit c,l dahad, India, is so bad that the mor­ boy! .•J,i[o'w during the tiroubled dreams 'riu> AViiy of It. FOR DUZINESS. ;:i'cep|. Him on God'sTcasonable terms. bondage ag.;Mn to fear," Satan has rm tality is 7ft per 1.000, with no epidemic of tho iniglit and the innixinus hours of A man hart to go away from liomo to have FOR BIUQUSMESS. '•For this is a fait'ii'ful saying , and Snnger any 'claitu on you and can RO to aeconn't for It. the d«y bis though Is followed that LLD. or PhD. cjoiiferred upon him, but FOR TORPID LIVER. worlhy nt all acceiTtation, thatCliTist longer towch you if you, as a son. of The Fortieth Foot holds llio distinc­ the COIJ is hrought right to his door.— boy ii;s he went hecdilless and hcac'llong BuUiiiiore .-Vmeriean. FOR CONSTIPATION. ,'lesm; eirme into thfcAvorld'Siti- God, 1ak« refuge in fhe One who has tion of linviug once been absent from" The fact that the world so Stren- to the miry dc|ith,'-:in which the swine ; complctijruy overcomehim, TheSp'irit, • FOR SALLOW SKIN. EnglaTi'd on foreign service for '33 IJiUO.OO Oei'nii Trip. wert wallowing! .*.b, we who ;irc fa­ leading,vou as a son of God, brings you iinnsly argues its sonship relation to years 'at one stretch. Chicago to Now York, Uirouph Virfrinia FOR IKE COMPLEXION Clod and God's Faltli'Crhood relation to thers 'Can feel tlte 'feverwl pnlsatioa out iutv) the light of His cnmyfefed mountain and sciishoro resorts to Nnrlolk, Because she rofuseii to "wash a ba­ - cnnviNx: MusTiuvEWK«2u";_' the world proycs'how much it really of that agonized fcoart, and you, young work ill the soul, ns you realivie the Va.., thence Old Dominion Lhie Steamers. by's face, a native mirse at Hong- Meals and berths free from Norfolk. .Ad­ longs for and iieods t)ie true Father's men, in whom i«;planted the seed of meaning of the third part of Ils-s mis­ •SasiBPBJlffiWWSS" fatherhood, can in s(i:,iie degree under- Ko'H'g has been fined !f5 ftir "disobodi- dress N. W. r. Agent, ChesiiiicaUo & Ohio ?^ love and care. And God's Word, inid sion isi'ihe world, that of "conrincing Eailway, '.';!4 Chirk St,, Chicago, Ul. CURE SICK HEADACHE^ iliis feeble mes-sago which we secikto stcmd; yea, iillo'cTaj-'and old, mothers of jud-gment, because the prince'of this cnra of lawful ordere,'" • deliver'in the name of our "Father ^and'daughters, -ure moved by the deep world 'is jiidgetl." "From China $'100,000 worth of human Sharjie—"I read that a man played the nr A D f r^ GET A .SKT FRER, and sorrow of that home! Ah! how the h^Ji'lr is annually exported. It comes pin then went I /* ri I ^ rl, JoiaourACnNT'SCON- wliieli mtt'in ITeaven," only longs to'tiii- A'lR-aton—"Clreat guns! I bet the neigh­ iftjnderest chop3s of the human heart Pm;r Christinn' on his way to the mostly from the heads of malefactors, W PHIZEO, Sena iwo-- uiask the world's, false notion of the cel?!f3inl city, peeing the lions in the bors went in less time tlian that."—Phila­ ilnnip for particu- • are set to •\'ibrnting In tninor strain un­ liiittpors and dead iveopTe. Fatherhood.of'God. which would leave path.;ahe!id, was filled with fear and delphia Hocord. TENNIS s' UVE AGENTS; der the sad -Ktory! lint, turn you to • n^Ttr\^tmr liinkB moiiry fnst On our • it at lastna'ked and nndonein thepres- dread aiid hesitated to pass that point 'The consumption of meat in Eng- ;:a sadder picture tind try to understand DdiKlitful liliiiitcrn Trlpi. THE NEW NKW PROPOSITION; fnce of the righteous ,Tndge, and'givel untv31,as:he clrew nearer, he fonnd that Ilnnd. has reached the total of 113 iin ifaint dogiej-e what that sorrow- in Tlio Lako Bhoro & Michigan Southern Ry. GAME . . . IMMENSE Dl^MAND.. it- a loving lamd Iforgiving Heavenly tho'Hons were chained. Blessed be God, ipounds a head a year, whicli is more has just issued a now summer book, "Lake Father, Who seesitlve repentant child illeaven mustibeas the Heavenly Father Write ot once. He'has not left His sons to be torn by ifhan double what it was TiO years ago. Shore Tours," diowing a solectcd ot RDQERLV & COMPANV,Mlr!i.,IJrbina,Ohlo.:. sees His s;'oi>s in the far country and oustcrn resorts, with routes aud rates. while "he'is'yet a great way oit" irnfl; unchained lions of'tho devifs breed­ ' R. H, Alley, of Seattle, "Wash., has rnshingoutto meet him, writes w'rt'ir ,they turn .a (deaf car to His tender Cotiy will bo sent on applicttlion to C. F. iploading to ireturn home to the Fa- ing. They are chained here fl'nd nojy, ireturned from Australia, where he Daly, Chief A. (j. P. A., Chicago. the finger of His love dipped in the ami can't •touch us, if we stay in the isays ho secured ?1,500,000 capital to » itlier's Houae. •A C'o.-ey .iroine—"Tliey seem to be happy tant'ltt by mall,(or, no cliargcsl byj blood of .'His only begotten Son, ITio narrow .path • and keep' our eyes bix erect and operate a woolen mill In Se- full and frec'forgiveness, and,bushii7g in their married life, with sueh perfect Orau^hon's Bus. Gollfles Kasb- UndoiibtafSy jthe father of tine •fftsusi, our conquering Savioiir. DUT^- «ttie eonfideiiee in each oilier." "Yes; they live Tlllc, St, LnnlH, Atlanta, MontL'oin- his pleading to-be tftken back as a ery, Fort Worth, GalvcBtou,'£lttlo •prodigal e^chaiisted every moans at iingthe millennial age the devil is to be in a (lat, and there isn't room fordoul'it."— ifcrvant, Ho ii'dinstjites'him in his los* Philadelphia Bulletin. - • Kock, SUtaveport. May deposit money In bank Ihis command 'to win his boy buck •chained ; from' ,the world, but praise till posttloit Is Kucnrcd. 1U,M)0 students.. For •pfisition. anfl'makes Iihn a son indcefl. . • ; Booklet on "Home StU(ly"or college Cataloff, ad. 'to the homeland' and the old roof- 'God. ever since the coinplete imdo'i'ng THii; MARKETS. Dcp.68, Draushon'iBufcColl. Nuhvillcjchn.. •o'f •Satan in Gethseniane.aiid pt\ Cn'l- Don't fiet li'iMitNoret Gel Poot-Euae, The Mark.rif'Sonship.—"Fornsmanyi itvoe; bnt'Gndlhnadoncinfiinitely more A ivondej'fiil powder Unit oiirca tired, hot, ,n.R arc led Isythe Spirit off God; they are ito vwin • the \wa-yvward sons of meu (vtary,' Satanha's been chained from the New York, July U. LIVE STOCK-Steerj- $5 '10 @ 7 75 aching feel and makes new or tiiiht shoes -flie sons'ol'fGod." • Herejis the distin-- ihaak to^ s6nt»h'5p>w1ith God and a right 'BOivs of .God, and. he cnn!t touch th'em easy. Ask to-day for Allen's Foot-Ease. OLD SORES CIJRED Hogs ' 50 Ttf S 04 ALI.EN'H l)k'ei'ln«!1nlvo ciireiililirmltlllcrn. Ron.Vlttn, 'pijisliing luarh. the liveriy' by which wc lib a place ill the Father's House, imless they backslide into -the far Sheep 1' £0 tji 4 OO Accept no substitute. Trial package I'ltEE.; Smifuliiu. CItrn, VarlcoH lllnn, laitol.m tlirrra, Mrrturliili FLOUR-Wlntcr Straights,, • 70 © 3 85 Address A. S. Olmsted, Lc l^oy. Is'. Y. lllrrn, IVhlii Sir.Illarr. Milk Ui, Reirmi, «> t llliouiu, I'.icr 'may identifj,;tyib^e who lli'ave n right "for He so loved the world that He|iuou'ii'try'and fnilto claim complete do- WHEAT-Sepltnibor »——:— Hui-fk. .11 old Morra. - no fallurr, no mK.r lion IORB • .Uoilloit. Ilf oi.ll.lite MdiW. J.IVALLKN.HC.i'iiul.Mlnii. -to; tarn til eh- iln CCS tipiwird and cry:-(gave His only, begotten Son that Ifrver.Tnce. Whntl^ Do yoii mean to December , . ';^lM^) The ti'Diiblc with e.\perienec i.i, iiearly, RYE-No.2 •"•Abba, Fiithiur'.'': 'Ami; «h' the btlier, whosoever htjliovcrtih in Him should •say it'hat I do not reed .to fight the (j'5y/«i svery iniln thinks he, is so smart that he CORN-July 70 - ftf can win where otiiers have failcBec6nd'ch»(!Uer of I Garinthlons 16a»venly-begot1ieii «on of God, saw freicr from stieh cxperie'nccs than Was ;EaGS :..'.. 10 lungs.—Wm. 0; Endsley, Vanburcn, Ind.. \VnAT TUKV ASK FOIt, IIKFUSINO lliiitl.develops^tliiis thought (Jully. and ; : CHICAGO. •MM Feb. in. iflon. ALL SUUSTITUTKB OK IMITATIONS. tlik&.iingnish of iSiis I-'ather's heart St. •'Pan'l; who was buffeted sorely, but CATTLE-Prlme Uceves JS 40 & S 10 • eliiavH thilt "thit iifi'tivrul ma'naecelveth He*afered Ilimmeaf a« iin .'Vmbnssador who f'O'Ught n^good light and came Texas Steers' S 10 © 6 75 , , 4 SO ('() G tiO . Yon have a good deal of sense if you nuoit ilgie'thihgs'i<^ the.Spirif'lO^ God; to cmilh to win tneu ibndk to Godi Off • moiw • thdn'. • -conqueror ' through' Common to Kough.; ; , Feeders 4 50 #5 40 have enough not to,drink whisky or gam- (Qir ftllicy.: are foisflisKneiiB tivip him; "'Jlke JTaithfiil Father.—And' it was Christ'Jesus. But. God docB say, in Bulla 1! W (?(i 5 75 blc.—Atchison Globe. ceklliidB' .piirii he tariow/thcm, flDCcaiise HOQS-Llifht 7 ir. (yi7 75 FISO'S CURE FOR neceBMUiry that 'ITie ,«ilvould icoine and the •f/ext Me has given us. that the sons 7 55 0 7 SO To Care a Coiti In One bay Heavy Mlxad Take Lnxiitivo Bromo QuI'ninbTablets,' Ail' .. jCjIRES^WHERE Ui flU fAILS. _,- • they itnae spiritimUl^r discerned.'*' Fall- becoBW! a substitiaitie- for s'iaiful man of G«l *1h,'nye not received the spirit SHEEP a 40 (f))4 50 • arc t«ii lEec'ognize' ti&e. iiriport(itt^.ttrt>th of bondag* iignin to fear." We have BU'rrEU-Creamery .• m.& 21 drugglgts refund money If it falls to cure. 'J5o. I i In tima. Sold by druntiiU. lis.he ;Rtopd convicit«nJ of sin before 17 '«i> 1»',4 -. 1. •— IB the ftfyuitfiils6unE)«)6f error nikiriifhU Dairy the jtwilieiment seat «if Got! nfiter cen­ ,to fight,, 'n'nd fight desperately some­ EGGS-f'>esh ; ' 14 0 r,[<, A propensity to hope and joy is real riches. CCN SUMPTION jloet,vin«- It disqualiidMs man as a^^dge turies oit trial and constant wnd re­ times, until the cold sweat .stands out •NEW rOTATOES-(per bu.) • 55 # 60 One'to fear uhd sorrow, real poverty.— ofjGod'isiillioughts anflCiod's wayti.innd MESS PORIC-Seiitcmber.... 18 7700 (0)18'W Hume. peated (itiiilure. Tlic prodigiiil son on our fortheatls and everything failB •JjARDT-Seiitcmbcr ...... 11 riVAin 45 A.N. K.-A .1926 encournijies; hlni 't\) ''foX-ihis tru*-it'' lii' cduldnot Ibring any of the filthy rags but our faith in God and'His.promise RIBS—SejitEmbEi' 10 SO (gno 87% the "enticliflg wbrdscifsnan's wisdlicm'' GRAIN-Whtat, '.luly... c^ the far country back to his Aith- that : He willo.vtipt-permit, us.;to be ' Corn, .Tuly .;.•;...... ;...,.. Sii © rather thaK'.in the "dewonstratioB*! erfs hruse. Notice how JM is stripped tempteU obove that \vo.are able. Yes,; Oats, September...... ithe Spirit ind of'pfiwcrX' .;'Exce]it M ••-Rye. No.2Casli...... mm- bf.i'his own covering and Is provfrfed we have to; fight,'but-no't in fear.'of ,,,Barley, Good tthe Spirit',of-^;Qod;;^,t«U!li!S'-.;UB; their*! .with -Bultabl* clothing out of the Satan, the,;enemy'^of 'our souls,J^but. MILWAUKEE, Qifhnot cbraie one singlegitsam of light father's Btorehouse. .Man . canncit in full eonfldcn' Him who has wop, GHAIN—•Wheat, Septchiber,- $ 7.%.@ oifjeterfliil jr^'t|i',to;o)ii|'8^^^ ickjmeibnck to Cod w-earingthe livery the victory over htm.for UR.,'rhe Spfrit'. .'•-.Cgrn, September ....'.' (10 • Rye, No. 1 ,..-...,.^... fi!) & b^l fible' to quote Scripture fls glibly ot the world, but he must Ite stripped bears in lipori.'our •toiilstJie truth 72-(8) j«« (5W Satan wbieh he met our Lord swd Ue clothed upon with the right- that the; prince of thlfi world • has .',-,.Barley, No. 2 ..',.•.;,.. iii this \\;iiderncsB an^ waB,-fqrey«r,yfln- been ,iudged, aticTthat the sons of Gotl; - •• i .' KANSAS' CITY. eow<*tiBS8 which fji of God , through .'GRAIN'-Whcat, September'. $ n7V4 qiilslicd; wo mayjbe Bkniful.eiioiiigfJi C^rUt] ^'BecoUB.*' iho! father of"filie, ..»fejfrc|e,: and 'as^'we'turn our faces .-..jCorn, September,,,,i-,,',...- > Tor In^ and Ohildren to prop'pp;matt;mB4iil'[n]fe^^^^^ taivhrds jthe^Himeland. and Ece onr; • • Oats, No. 2 White • lpj|i»vns],^a'?,'f»ithfuI •fathet.*,iie • .' Rye) No. 2 ,'.,.•..., 'tey*®. CC- QptVglv^niVVord; • w« iii»yi wtthsth* elo* 'rtfMni siiceds remove nil marks .of the Saviour's, face .we'joyfully ;i,- tftlces of MOBCB;'' yeaV virlly, wo may Diust liisedBi'emove) every sin-stain vlth otir brilliant and eloquent country can be taken back again ni f will not, I will not (lc««rt to h'.n foe*; •"'""' OMAHA $3 00 (fD'S % Over tilirty Yean inja:n-m«d£ eerinon IjOBcd upon:God!s Bonn flijd given a puice in the FnthCr'a That,soul, though• all he» should dn. CATTLE-NnHve Steers. !i 25 & 5 fiO Uo]y ^Vorilf and yet not receive oa» House; '.VThdlfiouI |httt ilfiu^ith: It deavor to phakc, Cows nnd ,Heirers' 2 7,5 & 5 26 I'JJ nwer, no never, no never /orsalt(f/' StooUers and Ketders, 7 CO (ffi 7 75 The Kind You Have Alwa]f$ Bought HOGS'-JMxed .' 11 fiO &iV> THC CCNTAUR «OMMNTi tT MWIWAY aTMKT.MN* WRR SITT, ' mmgmammammmsMmm SllJSBP-'Vejilllib'y Inadequate to enable him to acoom- fn9bmtt€0tmtgpeu;isi pi lab proper supervision andrfstraint asc Decorated Cake jjc Celluloid Combs over the trusts, congress will stand Plate, ISC. 15c. ready to uphold his'natids by the en- Thursday, July 17. 1002. Botiueut of legislation which will prove effloient," Referring lo the canal, Senator For­ Bcpnklle«ii SiMt* TIckKt. aker said (iiat, iu ao far as he had been For Qoveroor— Informed, everything possible was be­ Inquiry will demonstrate that we can AAHON Y. nU8S, o( Bidnaw. ing done to facilitate its construclou, For LleHtBiuinUGovornor— aud that he believed that there was ALEX. MAITtANI), of Mtrquelle. nothing but deiiMgngery back of dem­ FILL THE BILL. For8«er«l«rjrof 8t«ti»—_ „ . . 1! (mRiiNCE Sill ocratic claims to the contrary. The KHBD M. WARNER, of FHrmlDgtOD. senator fiankly admitted that there We will offer Bargains during this Sale that you The choicest assorted stock and prices right. For 8tat« Tr*n«urer— „ was a time when he feared that the DANIEtMoCOY.orarftDd R«pldt. deuocraiH might gain control of cannot afford to miss. TRY US. For AudlU>r.aeDer»l— „ ..,. the bouse at the fall elections but I'KRKY i<. I'OWBItS, of CftdlllM. stated that now he had every con­ For Atbirnoy'Gencml— fidence that such would not be the 50 (loz. Childi'cn's Black Hose, lOc Stationery, per box, 8c. OHARLKS A. BLIAIR, of JMkiion. case. He regarded the democratic all sizes, choice per pair, 5c. Alarm Clocks, GTc. Hartwick & IVIickeison, For Commlwloner ofBUio Lainl OlUce— bandiing of the Philippine qucstioii 25 doz. Ladies' and Children's Good sized Platters, 9c. KOWIN A. I>«w i>ikw. as bungling and offensive tolhepeo* For SuperlDteitclADt ol Publlo InRtructlon- Black Hose, 8c. Decorated Bowls, 8c, 7c, 6c, Sc. pie. He said tiiat the remarks of Sen­ 35c Glass Berry Sets, 21c. DELOICongrcMlQMiiS A. FAIX, ofl AlbionTicket. . ator Spooner.on the last day of the Men's Black and Tan Hose, 8c, Beautiful Glass Water Sets, with For IleprMenUtlvo In Congreu, BIztb DIH- session, represented the nosltinn of Ladies' Fancy Lace Hose, 15c, lOc trlcl- nlue-tenths of the people of the United One-fourth off on all glass Trays, SOc. Farmers Atienlion 8AMUBL W. SMITH, Of PontUe. States, who stood ready to repudiate Hammocks, except our Wine Sets, 7 pieces, 50c. the condemnation of the army for po­ litical purposes. specials at $1.00 and $1.39. • Water Sets, 89c, 75c, 63c, SOc, THE date of the coronation exerciaea Your choice of any Belt in the Wash Bowl and Pitcher, 59c, of King Edward has been aet for Au* Since wy last letter great interest ABHIDGNENT COMPILED LAWS guet 0. has been aroused by the report that store, value 7Sc, 48c. 6-piece Chamber Set, $1.63, the president has selected Representa­ 100 Brooch Pins, value up to 75c, lO-piece Chamber Set, $1,89. OF MICHIGAN tive Littlefield of Maine to draft au Special on all Sets. EX'AuniTOR OKNRRAii Roflcoe D. anti-trust law which will meet with choice, 25c. Dix is one of the orKani/ers and preM* 100 Brooch Pins, sold all over dent of a eoinpanv formed at St. the approval of the president and of 1-3 Off on all Jardiniers. Book of 977 paga., bound In full aheep, sent fl^| X#\ the attorney general as well as with the country as Barrios Dia­ postpaid on reuipt of . ^loo/v Joseph to Manufacture iMteut luedi- that of Mr. Littlefield himself. This $8.00 Decorated Dinner Set, $6,19. clues. monds, 50c. $8.00 Plain Dinner Set, $5.89. report has not been confirmed aud 200 solid Gold Rings, 50c. No farmor .hould b« without thio book t^. it aave. dollar, Mr. Littlefield has declined to affirm $19.00 China Decorated Dinner for legal advice THE balance in tiie state treasury Plain Band Rings, guaranteed to last Friday was ttin IsrKest in the or deny it, but it is generally regard­ Set, $13.98. ed as being very close to the truth, give satisfaction, SOc and 25c. ADDRJBSS state's iit8lory,-*3,S0C,883. This Is It is anticipated that Mr. Roosevelt Cups and Saucers, per set, 40c. not a bad leaf iu the republican ad* will foreshadow the necessity of such 300 Cloth Window Plates, per set, 29c. iniulstratiou. a law iu his message to Congress, 10-quart Tin Pail, 10c, ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO mucli as he did In his last message, Shades, 19c 10-qt Galvanized Pail, 15c. JUSTIN R. WUITINO isljeing stren­ aud that Mr. Littlefield will then iu- Mens and Boys Suspenders, 8c. Publishers 8BMO MONBY ORDER uously urged by the silver wing of the 10-qt Dish Pan, 21c. ORBANKDRArT. DO traduce a bill which the president, 2Sc Imperial Suspenders, 19c. Laming, Michigan NOT SEND MONEY IN democratic party to run for governor, in conversation with leaders of his 3-qt Granite Coffee Pot, 39c. LBTTBR but he evidently tliinks *>once was party, will supiwrt, There is un­ 25 doz. Children's Handkerchiefs, 2-qt Granite Basin, 13c. enough for him," and declines to em* doubted necessity for such a law aud Ic. brace defeat again. Dust Pans, Sc. it la deemed likely that the law which 50 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 4c Beautiful 5c and 10c Glassware Mr. Littlefield will present will re­ 50 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 8c Rut, mV dear Iriends, we're growing old, Up-to-Date BoMK democrats seem to object to ceive tiie support of many of the great­ just arrived. Vut mime things live supernal; Gent's Handkerchiefs, W/sc, lOc Faith, hope and lore are agelesi gomi— WHITING'S Qrocerr Store having the Detroit Evening News est fiuaucisrs of the country. As Mr. $1.00 Decorated Parlor Lamp, 69c They hold on life eternal. name their KUbernatorial candidate. Roosevelt intimated in his previous and 5c. 1.25 Decorated Parlor Lamp, 89c Oh, let us gather while we may a complete line of Bulk and Why? The democratic leaders are ex* message, one of the greatest dangers 25 doz. All-Linen Hand­ Much ot this fadoleas treaiure— pert mud sliugers and no paper can of the trusts is over-capitalization, and 1.50 Decorated Parlor Lamp, Bettor than gold, or wealtb untold, Package manufacture mud faster than the kerchiefs, 5c. $1.19. Better than earthly jilensiire. he has frequently expressed the be­ Beautiful all-silk Fancy Wash —KMMA E. SHBI-IIGHII. Evening News. lief that were tlie aflairs of the trust 2,00 Decorated Parlor Lamp, I » » Garden Seeds AND made public, this tendency would be Ribbons, per yard, V/JC. $1.38. Two BoUles Cured Hliii, THE democrats boast of the cam­ overcome, at least, to a large extent, "I was troubled with kidney com­ Choice Line Ribbons, 18c, 14c, Special on all Lamps. Flower Seeds paign ihey will malieon "state issues." Slime of the leading finauciers nuff 12c, 8c. plaint for about two years," writes A, RepublUauiH are not asliameii of their port Mr. Roosevelt in this view and Pins, per paper, Ic. d. Davis, ofMt. SlerllnK, Ia„ "but Mamoth Towels, 8c. Try our TEAS and COFFEES. record. In two short years not long regard with the gravcHt apprehension Mourning Pins, box, 2c. two bottles of Foley's Kiduey Cure ef­ They are the best in the city. ago the democrats made state Issues the day when "the water will be 15c all-linen Towels, lOc. Thimbles, Ic. fected a periuaiieiit cure." Bold by that pitched them out of control of af­ squeezed out of trust slocks," as they W. M. McCroeeeti, We carry a complete line of I5c Bath Towels, lOc. 6 pair Shoe Strings, Sc, Canned Goods and everything in fairs the next time the people bad a express it. They say that such an event Fine Damask Towel, 21c. chance to speak their mind. were it to come suiitienly, would pre­ 6 doz Clothes Pins, 5c. a lirst-class grocery. 12 yards Torchon Lace, 10c. PLAYED ON BROTHER OFFICER cipitate a panic of unprecedented pro* We pay the highest market GoviatNOK BLLSS has been asked to portions aud lliat if federal legislation 1,000 yds. fine Torchon Laces, 4c. Wall Paper at 25 per A Joklnv Letter That rollowed a price for Butter andllEggs. talte a liaud in lielping the trustees of can be used to prevent unwarranted in­ Worth 15c j'ard. VoonB Soldier Aronnd the M^orlA the estate of Cecil Ilnodes liestow the flation of stocks k will make for the tl- cent discount Yours for trade, oxford scholarships iu Michigan, Ac* naucial prosperity and stability of the Velveteen Dress Bind­ tor Many Moiitha. cording to the terms of the will of country. The enbaucement of prices is ing, 3c. CMS. J. WHITINa. Cecil Ithodes, two 8cholarsbl|)8 will be regarded UH by far the lesser evil, par­ An officer In the marine corps, given to every state lu the uuiou. The ticularly Its it is believed that any The Pioneer Paring Bee. The basket tilled with fragrant fiult whoso duty ha.s shifted him from one BOTH PHONIS. In crimson yellow tinting. station to another, so that in the truHlees have written to Secretary of serious increase will be followed by The following poem was written Theoldinacliloethat turned arinnd State Hay asking that be confer with such severe competition as tu insure a and delivered by Emma E. Shepherd And ellttked the apple paring past year and a half he hns com- J. N. TIIORUUHN W. E. SEVEBENCR return tt> a normal basis. Tiwslng It—tilled the walling pans pletely circled the glohe, returned to prominent educatorsaud persons quali* before the Eaton County Pioneer So* To each an equal sharing. lied to make suggestions regarding the Mr. Roosevelt's staunch adherence clety recently: New York several months ajfo, and riiopiUETORs or best way in which to select the students to the principles of civil reform have SomeUmea a lad would ilyly help since then his mail has been over­ who will receive the scholarships. Talk about your Hwell atratni, au iweetheart'e pan dlmlnlth long been regarded by certain politic­ Your bigli-toned balls, receptlonii, And wunderuieni would nil our minds taking him. This officer is a bach­ Secretary Hay has asked the govern* ians as a weakness rather than as a Your banquets and your six o'olocki. How ahe won out the finish. elor,'states the Sun. or of the several states to give him in­ source of strengbt iu national politics, Great apreadi In line perrectloo; A KUllty blush would tinge the cheek, formation along the lines desired, and but apparently that view la loeiug Talk about your mutieals aud operas be* Tbe secret thus roveullng There happens to be In this city wltcblng, And In our happy hearu would a second cousin of his with the same MEAT Gov. Bliss will ask the superintendent ground, for the republican leaders Tbenlrloals and home events of email or Much of this ''mellow" feeling, of public instruction, the membera of have seen fit to give the President's larger tunoUon Mke blushing apples in our hands initials, who is married and the head But lutve lo me of ruiUo taile The apples we were peeling. of a growing family. One day late­ the state board of education, President civil service record a leading place in The dear and tender unction MARKET Angell of the university, and perhaps the republican handbook. Aa a mat­ or bringing to your memories— In busy strife and merry Joke« ly a belated letter that had followed some other prominent educators, to ter of fact, the people are coming to Uoat oundidly comparing The iluie alnioiit lorgettiug—, the ofRcer from post to post without Call ou us for anything usually found The line old iporu ot "Aula Lang Syne"— Witb tasks complete without defeat iu a strictly up-to-date meat market. otier BuggeetlouB, The iuforioatiou realize more and more that civil ser­ Tbe (esUve apple paring, Rang oui. tbe bour for quitting. overtaking him was delivered to him will be imparted to Secretary Hay, who vice reform makes for clean gnvem- Then Katherlng up the fragmenle, here with arrears of postage will iu turn convey it tu the trustees meut and au ecuuomical administra- Abt Do you mind, ray wblte melanobollft at flnt, then iinilgUtly ToRames of barmleas pleaanre ARE THE FINEST 8R0WN. lIpoM.' , ...._ .„. •ruptloDi Md flnkUy Mrloui lllneae un* And oitour buoyant feet kepi time ••OMoUiMpMiwn' a ilmeat.nmevl the Abree wheM ntUAtH uader itraliii and ; To Ibe llddle't cbarmlng measure. fasStK'w*.ft:iSfi5SftS!H4'Jr vYc» body le • machine of mih, muielsi and bonei. leie • remedy Is applied, DdWltt'e •n(or»UO>MtUs«(umra'r.'. ^Ith iblmng pans of gllnUni, ^ $1.00 A YEAR. . fm mmimm& mMmmBmi ':•?••.' mmmimmmMsmmmmmmimimSim ims^mmsm^x ^^mmmmK y

Mrs. J. p. Mills ot Union CMy Is visiting aSBBMBIl^S^IBi ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A: P. VanOeuson, of this city a few days this week. Church and Society. M, L. Bailey of Aurellus. who passed the winter and spring monlhslnSnn Jaae, Cal., called on Mason Iriends last Monday, Regular meeting Ingham Lodge No. Mr. nml Mrs, L, J. Acker, Mr. and Mrs, G. 21, A. H. G., Friday evening, July 18. Cool Place U. Wllllnms and Mr, and Hrs, Mason IC«y Holmes, Dancer & Co. nulds spent Sunday at Pleasant Lake. Special meeting of the Eastern Star This store is in hot weather. Cool jgfoods lion. H, P, Henderson of Salt Lake City ar­ Friday evening. Important business here, too. Been expecting and preparing il ved In •Mason Monday evening for n short to come before tlie Lodge. ' tABRKS visit with .Mason relatives and friends, When in neied of Dry Goods, see us. We aim to please for the "heated term" tor some time. If ^CK- Mrs, J.N. Lnilth and children returned to Ice cream and cake will be served our customers. you want Dress Goods, let us show you the Grenadines in their home In Albion last Thursday, altera on the Court House lawn Saturday black or white, the black ones with red stripe, the white lew weeks visit wllb relatives and Iriends In afternoon and evening, under tlie aus­ THIS WEEK we offer special values in several Mason, pices of the C. E. Society.. Come and ones with black stlipe; swell styles these. And we have Mr. and Mrs, U. M. Williams returned to be served, departtnents. tbelrhomein Chicago last Monday, after* the pretty Dimities and Organdies, Lawns and Linens. few days visit with Mason reisiives and New pieces of all white Persian Lawns and Wash Silks. friends, Masonic Picnic. A new lot of best Prints just received, 5c pCf ycla Those colored Wash Silks, new striped Challics and Ging­ Mr,and Mrs, W. A. Ferguson, Miss Addle TheofllKers and mpiubera of Mason l^wlR and George Klulilson of Albion have Lodge No. 70, F, & A. M., have been A new lot of House Wrappers, m.ade from best print AQia hams, Sc, 6c, 8c, 10c, 12>^, ISc, 25c, 35c, SOc. been visiting at Mrs, W, IL Ferguson's ibe and finely trimmed, ... vOw past week. invited to join Grand Ledge Lodge No 17!) in a fraternal basket picnic to Kov. A. 8./.Immerman and family left last Tnesday morning for nn outing ut Grayling. lie held at Grand Ledge on Thursday, A few Bljick Underskirts, bougrht in large quanti- ^1 §kfk They will be the guests of the Hauaou and July 31, given under the auspices of ties for several stores, worth 1?1.75, this week, V""W Gauze Wear MIckeison families. the Gi'and Letige Fraternal Associa­ We have the cool kinds from 5c to 50c, all styles, Mr, and Hrs, C, H. WInlleld of Detroit, C, tion. A parade will take place at 10 W,BurrldRo ami Dewitt Smith of Saginaw o'clock a, in. Speeches at 11. Grand colors and kinds at prices which will please you. Special were guests or Mrs. A. L. Chapman and family over Sunday. balls from 12 ni, to 7 p, m. Ball games value now, 10c, 15c and 19c a garment. and other attractions. Free to all. Shirt Waists J, GlHon Neely has been promoted from tho Orlnnocotd flr.t mateon lb«J. H, Excursion rales on all railroads. an Increase of salary. He is at presonl spend­ We still have a large number of Shirt Waists which Shirtwaists ing a few days at his home In this clly, When you awake in the morning we will close out at the RIGHT price. Itcliiiiesaortbe akin, horrible plague. feeling liketbe end of a misspent life, The cool kinds, the choice kinds, all colors and a Most everybody uflliuteU in cue wgy your mouth full of fur and your soul fine display of all white ones. Nearly all now at reduced full of regrets, lake Rooky Mountluu nr another. Only one eare, neveraldeil N. N. lloiiHe WHH In JaukKon liiNt Monday, Eli Brooks ot Detroit visited frieuds ten cell's in postage stamps willi date L. C.WEBB, . Vice-Presides t L. N. CiaiiHlcy wiifl In liAnRlng lunt Taeaduy here last week. of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co A.J.HALL, • Oastaitr Washington, D. G. R. C. DART, AssisUutCasbii r aeo. CoHcmrulU was in Jackion yesterday. Several from here attended the Un> K, l>. I'roctor was at IMenwint Lake yooter- ole Tom's Cabin show at Mason Mon* day. MoneytoLoan. OallandBeeOa, day night. PiRKCTORR-A. J, Uall,lS, A. Barnes, J. K K. M. Cogiidill is now clerk iil Die Donnelly J. C. Marshall reports that a cyclone Elmer. Geo. W. Bristol, M. D.CliHlterioii. Li Houiu. assed over his bouse in Northeast 0. Webb, R, C, Dart, Geo, M. Hoyt, tviii.H A. R, Hardy of LauKluis was In Uaton yoe- CASTOR IA Seoly. terday, fiigham a week ago Monday. Seed time is over and Mrs, George Every is very ill with a For Infant! and Children. A Miracttlotts Geo. W. Jewell of LansluR was in Mawn harvest is here. We are Tueoday. tumor. The Kind You Have Always Bought Mr, and Mrs. Walter ItoKors have moved to Henry Marshall is at home on the very busy, but not too haniiluK, farm for a time. Bears the Feat. busy to give you the best MrH. Jane Rhodei Is utopping iit the home Claude Abbot was summoned to Sag­ Signature of of V. Bittdl, inaw by the Arm for which he is at "It seemed that nothing (hort attention and the best Mlusi Lena UraUt Is vleltlni; relatives al work. of a miracle could save my little Uatll* Creek. daughter from an untimely Kodol There is every proepect that when groceries In the market. LI. H. Bates made a bualnesH trip to Lansinx last Monday. Inghnui county gets solid free rural de­ Real Estate Transfers. death," says City Marshall A. livery Dansvilie will get three or four The following transfers haye been H. Malcolm, of Cherokee,Kan. Geo. W. Bristol was In Albion on legal busl- routes. This la autbentic. nesa Tuesday. recorded In the ofllce of the register of " When two years old she was Dyspepsia Cure Fred Williams of Wayne Is spending • few N, £. Bberw4 rds, t.aDBiDg.,. McUrldee, MIcb. have Just finished painting for Scott 1800 stomachs can take it. By its use many Wm. U. Wells and wife visited In Dans- Catherine Fuller toBininett 0.1'asiage, thousands of dyspeptics have been vllle last Friday. Waldo on the Spaulding place, a barn loU 6, 7,8,», 15,1«, 17, bik A, Bnauld- 05x100 feet and 5S feet to the peak. log's add, W lillaumlon S^.,.„„ ICOO MUei* Nervine cured after everything else failed. Is Miss Blla Christian of Cheianlng li a guest Meivin 8buwerman and wf to John L. unequalled for the stomach. Child­ kl I, J, Kellogg's, G. R. Huntington of the NEWS was J. Roark, e>4 ofaw^i of iiw^i lent 1 a lec and after giving it a few days ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Hoyt & Son in town Friday and Saturday making 14, Wlieatlleld ,?. ISO , cut Rica of Williamston was In Mason on she began to improve and final- First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. business Tuesday. colieotions for the paper. ArtbnrJ.Tuttlelo Minnie Mann, lots •a Jas. Dennis has t)een very ill^since 17 and 18 blk 2, Doty 4 Kimbail'i add, ly fully recovered. She is now -A. Jv Shurger made a- buslnoBS trip to Leslie sac past five years of age and the JucliMon yesleniuy. biir last writing but iiiider treatmentof Rncliel A. Smith, byex'r, toJntnoB 11, 0«PM all ttomaoh troubles Dr. J. F. Lemon is much better. very picture of health." Prepared only by K. 0. DRWITT & Oo„ Obtcago Miss Addle BInkely visited frionda near iCno, H 3 l-(i rilN of w 9 ran loto blk 249, Tbe 11, buttlLONGYEAe containsSKM timeUHOS,s tlieso, Mafonc slM. k ^ UuuHVil^e ililN week. There will be a camp meeting at iiituelug lOOS Sold br ail Druislats. lUAPLi \\ MARKET J«hn ThodorHkl and wl to Jiiuuette A. L, B. Gardner of LanniUK waa In Musou on Wlllium Stuutield's grove, three miles Sinead. 8 'it ft nud 9 m lot 10 auU n SO Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind. bualness iual Tueaduy. south of this place, from July 25 to It and 8 In lot 11 blk 0, Green Oak add, H. FRAZELL, CredBortleorLiiUHlng spent Snndny with August 3. Good speakers will be pres­ LanHing IIUO DONTBE FOOLEDI PROPRIETOR. bis parents in tliia city, ent. AngoUca Hherinan to Felix McDanleiR Take the Kcaulne.orlglosl Hiss Cora Fruxell vlatted Lansing frlouds a Mies Florence Hearn of New York audwf, n>/i Iota blk 10, Mason 300 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA few days the past week. FRANK A. LESTEK, Register, Made only by Mtdiion McdU City is visiting her grandparents, Mr, cine Co., Altdlion, Wis. Ik It will be my aim to give my custo­ W. F. IJOOS has been vlaitiUK Iriends here and Mrs. J. Keeiie, Iceept you well. Our trade 111 Miuun iliu past week. Mtnpn the VonKli marie cut on cacli package. mers the best of everything in Claude Uiiniplirey of Lauslng spent Bun- James W. Wolcott was born in mill worliH oir the Void. Price, 38 ccnti. Never aol4 the line of day Willi I'rUnds in MIINOII, Uruiitford, Mass,, July 4, 1840, being the second son In a family of three Laxative Broiuo-Quinine Tablets cure One More Week in bulk. Accept no lubiU* Rev. Urlando Christian of UarsUull, Wis., daughters and five sous. At the age a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. MGosPDiiATMiMa tute. Atk your druggliU la vialllug Uuaou relatives. Price 25 cents. For ealu by PHATT & HAYDEN. FRESH Ivan Mead of Denver, Colo, la vlaillng rela­ of seven his parents moved to Michi­ tives and friends In Uaaou. gan and settled in Grass Lake. After a few years they came to Dunsviile, Advertised Letlern. at WALTER'S AND SALT MEATS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Malcolm of Suglnaw MASON, July M, 1S02. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH were In Matou Iual Monday. May 10,1864, James enlisted in Co. L,, Mr8. Hnrrlet Aseltliie. MINB Myrtle Doble, MlHNOlirlHllue Kuyc-H, MIH8 Altu Ivnmb, Give me a and be convenced Frank Royce of Owosao waa a guest at D, 8 Mioh. CuL.aud served until mustered ot my ability to meet your wants. D, Kingsbury's over buuduy. out at the close of the war. Returning MlM tiortlm Parker, ftir, 0. .1. Tayloe, PENNYROYAL PILLS to Dansvilie he engaged in the mercan­ U. B. Uhane, John Lester. Miss lleasie Farrell of Orion, Mioh., la Iho tile business, and for thirty-five years •Fersonii calUns Tor tbe above please say 20 lbs fine Granulated Sugar,$l,00 giiudlol Mlaa Mabel Luaenby. "ndvortlRed." OiiAS. W. BKOWNIC, P, M. Good Coffee in bulk, per lb,, ISc Claude J. Perrlu of Bay Clly visited his was a promiuent business man of this For Piles. mathur in ihls ciiy last Sunday. place. About twelve years ago he Rounds out the hollow places; 2 lbs, for 25c Mrs, S. U. Culver and daughter, Anna, re­ moved to the farm iu White Oak siuooths out lines that creep about 3 cans Corn or Peas, - 25c «!>•// turn today from their euaturn trip. where he died May 20, 1002, In 1875 *•"< Sample mailed free. he was married to Miss Jennie N. one's face; woos roses buck to faded Good Red Salmon, 1 lb, can 15c Dr, F. D. Woodworth made a trip to Lan­ cheeks. That's what Rocky MouU" 4 lbs. best Seymour Crackers, 25c sing with hia uutoiuobile yesterday, Wade who survives him. Theirs' was tain Tea does. 35 cts. O. £. Pratt, Hmtf. Alwayn reliable, Ladle*. lukDruMlitfor- One application gives relief. a happy wedded life of over twenty- 10 bars "Snap," "Key" or <;ilICII»»ttKU'N ENUI.INII III Had uiiU Attorney W. T. Dalnea of Williamston Oold metiUllc boxM, nculcd with blue ribbon. •pent Unudny with friends In Maaon, five years. He was ever a kind, devot­ Marriage Licenses. "Ark" Soap, - - 25c Take no otiier. K«ni*«i dauKcroue (HlMli-' The continued use of Hum* ed husband. His Integrity and kind­ IntloiMMid Imilatiunii. lliiyufyourUrUKiiliit, phreys' Witch Hazel Oil pei> 0 Miss Ida Musa of Lansing was a guest of her GhnrlcR G, Duel, Vevay 33 Good Baking Powder, lb. can, 10c flr Hond 4c. In nlnnipK for Pariivniare, Tcall-' slater, Mrs. Carl Gauaiey, last Sunday. ness of heart won many friends who inonlaie and "Heller for l.ndle»,'* inletltr, manently cures Piles or H«m« sincerely sympathize with the widow Anna Shaw, Ma8on,.„ 2tj Fancy scented Toilet Soap, by relura Hall.'fcsllmonlali), Hold Iqr R, Q. Holmes of Cbolaea now has charge of in her bereavement. Elmer E, Reed, LosUe 37 3 wrapped cakes, , 10c all Drugglnie, orrhoids—External or Internal, the Uolmea & Dancer store In this clly. Urace A. Godtrey, tirand Raplda ',!3 OBIOHISBTBR OBBMIOAL CO, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Mrs, Dr. Culver is visiting at her 3-lb can fine Table Peaches, 15c aiOO SwIUon Ni^uare, milJL., PA.. Mrs. W. W, Campbell of Atohlsou. Kanaa?, Don't be persuaded into taking lie loBtkUtapi . Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. la visiting Mason reluilvea and irlenda, home at Oak Grove. BOiuethiug said to be "just as good" as Fine fat California Prunes, Relief immediate—cure certain. 0. M. Chittenden and wife oi Lansing spent Miss Lennah Sawyer, who has been Madison Medicine Go's, Roolcy Moun­ 3 lbs. 2Sc lust Sunday wllh L, J. Ford and family. working for Claude West, has returned tain Tea, There is nothing lilce it, 4 cuts Thresher Navy Plug Three BIMI, aso., SOe. and 81.00. SoK by to her home, Drundili, or MM prep»M on receipt of price. Mrs. A. P. VanDeusen and daughter, Hrs. 85 cts, no more no less, O, E, Pratt, Tobacco, - - - 25c OneMlnuteCoughCuro Ilumphreyi' Metlclne Co., Cor. WlUlon •xA J. P, Mills, were In Lansing last Monday, W. F, Shehan visited his brother at John SIC New York. Mr, and Mrs. A. Ferguson of Albion spent Pinckuey this week. Common No. 1 Fine Salt, per bar­ FOP Coughti Colds and Groupa Sunday with Mason reiatlvee and iriends, E. A, Densmore and family will re­ rel .... 75c Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Longyear and daughter MASOli MABKETS. NERVOUS DEBILIT7, spent a lew dayp last week at Pleasant Luke. main iiere until early fall before mov­ IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW. ing to Mason, Vital Weakness and Prostra- A, D. Barnes oi Iowa City, Iowa, Is vlslllng Yours for business. OXAIH.. at his brother's, Charles Barnes, In iilaiedou. Miss Anna Rummel has returned to WHEAT No.l, White I ' O so tion frorn oyerwork and othep Wn BAT No. a, white MIS. thoa. Bush and brother, Samuel Fred* her home In Waterloo, nccompauied What a Heap of Happiness it WHEAT No. a,red O ',t causes. Humphreys' Honieo- •(lok, ure VISUIUK irlcuda at Plymouth, Ind, by her sister, Mrs. C. Hurst. WHEAT reJ«otfiU pathio Speoiflc No. 28, In us* Would Bring to Mason OOllN per hundred (v/esitiv!:) . 9 ii .Charles DeBolt of Owosso was the gueet of C. Hurst was in Jackson Monday on . aiiio over ^ years, the only suocesa- nlB daughter, Mist Cecil, in this city labt Huu> Homes. OAT8 per bushel , 0 so day,, ' • business, 01.OVEB SEED , ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spe»> A, J, Miller is building an addition Hard to do housework wllh an ach­ TIHOTH\ BKBD porljHhhel a00«8 28 Mrs. Allle Beckwlth and oblldrou returned to his house, ing back, KYK per bnabol . # to ial package for serious cases, QB. Saturday from a visit with relatives at Al­ MISORIiLANEouB. bion; Bours of misery at leisure or at work, Bold lirDrttg|titi,orMntiinp«ldoiiiMetptotpriM Mrs. F. A. Lester of Mason Is the 8AI,>T aaglnaw, per barrel , y^ HuinphK}t)||«d.C(i,Willi«n4J«lin8ti.,N.Yi Mrs. Clara Day and ohilaren of Lansing are guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. If wonifiu only knew the cause; BEANS unpicked, per bUNhel guesu 01 Masuu relativss and Iriends tnls W.May. Backache pains come from sick kid­ OeWltt^s O Salve POTATOES per bushel,....,., week. neys, EGOS fresh, per dozen,.., Mrs, E. D. Collard Is on the sick list. Doan's Kidney Fills will cure it. - For PllMt Burnti tore** tiARB per pound,...... -'. Judge A. K. Cowles of lAnsIng was abnklng lIUTTBtt per pound >*••!*•• ••(•eeitt •I'hurSdu*. «"««iy j"Mon friends hiai Ed, Brothertou is slowly recovering. Mason people endorse this: APPLES dried,perponnd., F. M. Cobb of Potterviile was in Mrs. Wm. S, Near, living near Cen­ OHERIIIES dried, per ponnd ^Mrs. Chas, A, covol of Syracuse, N. Y,. is town Tuesday and Wednesday, ter Street, wife of the retired farmer, 1>EA0HE8 dried, per pound .„. KIDNEY DISEASES the guest of b«r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bur* so YEARS'1 ONIONB, per bushel veyAoker. We are told that the will of Mrs. F. who has resided in and around Mason EXPERIENCE - AQBICULTUllAL SALT per ton.,.. J. Rice, deceased, has been amaclnbly forflity years, says: "I sulTered in­ LAND PLASTER per tOD..,„;,„MiM...4 Mr.aiid M».B, C. Dart and Mr. and Mrs. HAY per ton ,,4 OOifT CI ore the most fatal of all dis­ L. J. PhlUeo spent a tew days at Park lake settled among the heirs. tensely with pains In my back and the past week, _ How serenely the pruepeotive candi­ lameness across the loins. . I was ad­ LIVB STOCK AND MBATH. eases.' S^'EE^*' perhnndredponndi,...,.;„.,8 Ti Cobb otPottervlUe and W, F. Oatnes of dates for governor on the demooratic vised to use Doan's Kidney Pills, and SS?^??"" ''undred ponad*...,. Williamston wore in Mason Tuetduy. guesu ticketfaUby the wayside. I procured them at-Longyear firoe.' SftSJi dreBBBd, per 100 ponndi .,. ot Miss Mlua Rloe. " " "" drug store. I had not very much con­ HAMS per pound "Treal Tear Kldaeyafor BkeninMlaBi. fidence in them at first, but they OHIOKENS per Fonnd.dreaaed lULCl SfiuiruUidRiBtili Ur.andMrs, Bsmuel Leeot StsrllDi, Kan­ OHIOKENS perponnd, lite sas. are.yltitlug tutlr dnugUter, Mrs. uao. E. Wben you are Bullerlng from rheu­ proved most satisfactory iu my case, TRAOB MARK* Mann, In this uty. "^^ DaaioNa TUIIKEYB per ponDd,Kllve matism, the kidneys must be attended and I do not think that I ever bad any CeitvRioHTa Ae. DUCKS per pound, alive....llll«(MII«H«*M. < or money refunded. Contains A. 1. Il«*mcr of Ann Arbor Is vlalllnK MM- to atonoeso tbatthey will ellmlqate medicine do me so much good. •ketoh and dMcrlptlon may DUCKS psr ponnd drMMM. sou rslatlves and friends and attandiug to opinion free wlieUier an BDILDIMO MilMIAI.. theurloaold from the blood. Foley's I have heard my neighbors who have --".entabte. Cooiounlea- remedlci reoo([ni2ed by emi­ matters of buslneta.. Handbook on PaMnu WATER LIMB per barral Kidney Cure is the mosteffeottve rem­ taken Doan*B Kidney Pills speak of jiltrletlr . lent*. nent physicians as the Msf for Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Longyear and UttU them in glowing terms. I believe Hnl fiM. oidMt aaeney for •eeuriMnpaunu. daagbur ««r* guesti of Maaon nUtlvsa n edy for this purpose. B. T. Hopkins, Patania ukan ibrouib Muiui Axo. reoalTrecall i OAi£i»ED VhAsrtm, ptrbartsi Kidney and Bladder troubka. ttw days last WMk.':' '•' \:^ •"••.•. of Polar, Wis,, sava: "Af(«r uusue. them to be a thoroughly reliable rem­ QMMU nMc*, wltboat ebarie, in tba OMsfully doctoring three jMrs for edy and recommetid them heartily." BHlNaLBSjMrthOQIMId.,.. ,;, Dr. r. •. Thomu WM at Dnnnd lut MOB* ****** P' fiir MiiirrKeiic'loN—lliiHliifiiN don from the Boer war Saturday. He " DEAH Mns. X'INKIIAIM : —I felt very island is peaceful and the people will pines, denies the chargeof proselyting u( lilt! City Ticil ll|t-llnllriia(I was welcomed at Paddingloii railroad discouraged two years ago, 1 had suf­ fered so long with kidney troubles and SDH, JIOS. IDES. WKD. inoR. ni SAT. tfi remain so. by teachers among Catholic students CttwiHiiileN Oltiliirutc. station by the priiio of Wales and a President Mitchell, of the United in the I'hilippine schools, ijreat crowd of Britons, who cheered other complications, au(l had taken sa much mcdiciuo without relief that I <|) 5^'- Mine Workers, says he is confident of Five firemen were killed in a fire at Chicago, .Inly II.—What i)romlscs •'."isliiy as he emerged from his car, .An began to tliitdc there was no hope for the success of the coal miners'strike. Toronto, Ont. ; to be the greatest .sympathetic strike address waii presented to Kitehener mc. Life looked so good to mo, but 10 11 12^1 Forty prisoners failed in a bold at­ A new regulation fixes the fee at SS.I In the history of Chicago was begun and then he left for St, .lames palace, what is life without health'? I wanted - tempt to escape from jail atSt, Joseph, on American patents in Cuba nnd $12,,10 Saturday when 0,000 (canisters quit where hearrivcd al 1:27 o'clock. After to bo well. [Iil3 14 15 16 17 18 19J!i Mo., by dynamiting a wall of the build­ on American trade-marks, labels, etc. work and joined tiie ranks of the a li\nclieon wiili the prince of Wales ing. • The inhabitants of Fort de France 8,000 striking freight handlers. and high-ollicials lie went to see King ^15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26i!5 Secretary Hay's note to the powers were thrown into a panic-stricken The seriousness rogreKs through has cured and is curing thousuuds of ning. suers, who have no elew'to his where­ to sleep outdoors in Dcs Jloines, la„ the Chicago &.Northwestern railroad the Metropolis was one of the most Ctuses of fumulc trouble. Tlic fire loKS of the United States and abouts. because of a flood that has destroyed lind afliliatcd with the llrollierliooiT memorable of the many reinarkalile of Kailroad Trainmen also joined the Canada in June was $10,24.'i,3.')0, $G5r),000 .\ steel trust official declares that property valued at $1,000,000. of the |)ast three years. 'J'he small OF FOREIGN INTEREST. move than the same month in 1001. the combination will not only light Fire wiped out the village of Bear strikers. prticossion ot carriages containing suits in court but will attack moty^cs MniiiiK'erii Art! Uliiliiriile. the general aiul his stalT, in simple, A .'•and!-1(inn did $l,000,OOOdanuigcii) Creek, Wis. About .£ 00,000 is Briton's daily ad­ the Indio valle.y in the Colorado desert. of men. behind them. The conditions were brought about serviceable veldt, lacked spec­ Counterfeits are in circul;ition of vertising bill. .Tolin .Toscph Daly, one of the lead­ The Panama title is considered the $20 gold cert ideate, series of by the refusal of the railroad com­ tacular features, but evidently tlio ing lin\7"ers of the northwest, commit­ above suspicion by the state depart­ 1SS2, and fiv(!-dollar silver certificate, panies to treat with their employes. crowd was there in its tens of thoii- I 'Kngland has 7,832 chimney sweeps ted snicide at Pueblo, Col., by taking ment, ami the canal seems certain series of ISO!), The managers met, iu conference and snnils to see the man ot the hour nnd soot merchants. inoi'pliine. to bo built on that route. Ciilia has accepted jin invitation to decided to make no t:oiicessions to and not a pageant. From the mo­ I 'J'hcre are now L.lflO ,l!ritisli-owned Over 8,000 froiglit handlers struck in President Schurman, of Cornell col­ participate in tlie St.,Louis exposi­ their men. When the committees a])- ment he set foot in London to the vessids manned by Chinese crews, pointed in compliance with the terms titne of his disappearance beneath Clii(;ago beoanse railvniid ofllciiils re- lege, predicted' that) a Philippine re­ tion. I , Four hundred and fifty slciiog- the portal of St. •lames' palace fn!!C(l to recognize tliclr \inion in dis- public would follow American edu­ In a runaway accident near 'llcl- •of the agreement entered into liy the freiglit handlers with the Chicago ! KitclieiuM' received such an outburst . raphers are emjiloycd on London ciis.'ing demand for increased wages, cational work ir. a speech at the nn- niont, Ark., liiohard Jone.s wiis killed'. newspajiers. t'lonnl Education:!] association in Min- board of arbitration called u|)oii llie of ])opiihir cntliiisiasm as quite, over­ Tlioodore Oelfencr, who murdered and his two children fatally injured.] I Mount Kuwenzorie, in e(piatorial his wife and shot his baby and stcp- ncapoHs. managers they found them obdurate, shadowed the dotnoiistrations on A ccusiis Inillclin .s;iys .t.lierc are! . Africa, has 20 siiiiare miles oC dniiglrtcr, committod filicide by hang­ Twcniy-five Ihousand. Chicago TeaiiistefN fJlve .liil. previous and similar occasions. •1*107 clothing factories in the Unit­ glatiiers. ing in Cliiciigo. loamstcrsi may as.sisilthe freighthan- ed States with a capital of $3-18,000,-| While the coninii'tees of the freight Soiuhnmpton, ;liily 14.—Tlio Pacific .Tames Jle.-ith. Charles Ccrlwright dlors' strike by refusing to hnnl C3-I. handlers were cxpor.iencing tliese re- Steam "Navigation coin])any's stoannu' I The average number of persons and William Ciishman. all woodsmen, freight. They are awaiting the rail­ .Iiidge Harvey K. Hubbard, post- biiiVs the. . teamsters wer. e coniiag to OrotiKU, wliich left Cape Town Juno cmpliiyed in u llritish coal mine if. were kilied by »he cars near CiiichrLst, road managers' reply toan(irbitration iriastcr at La Crosse under President ' *'iei'" aid-'Thelr oflicers'had promised 23, .Avith Lord Kitclicner and slalV 200. Wtch. proposal. Pierce, and 'i|f^'omincntly connected *•" '"'•'' ^'''^"? "•• ^^'"i''- ""'" s^ix o'clock oil board, arrived here at half-past j DeunVark has 100,000 liivo.s of bees eight o'clock Satiird.'iv nio'rning. Secretary of .Ngriculture Wilson has Col. Nathaniel JfcKny, a well-known with the earl.v.histnry (if Wisconsij), I "' *'"-' evening, but wore unable to (Hid exports' 2,,")0(I,OI10 pounds of' darted on a tniir of tiie west and He was accorded a niagniliceni wel- hotel-inannnd lobbyist in Washington, died ill La •Cro.'.sfi. I keep (heir a.yrceincnt. , .• , lione.v;.. northwest that will e.vlend two died suddenly at Atlantic City, N. .T, como from it huge tlirong of people. Harry 'I'riVcy, the fugitive Oregon • \Vitlrout taking any formal action While the average birth rate for all mrintlis. The governmesit monthly crop re­ convict, again escaped from blood-' ""^ men quit, work and refused to After a brief ollicial reception at Tlie National -Kdncationa! ns.socia- the _ docks the general wais,. driven Kuropc is 32 per 1,000, that of Aiis- port "Bliowod ' the mm ncrongc" ir.- hounds and a pnppe''1.MNn'i-"cY)r-"^''ki-f'''•"•'''''''''•^^''i'"''H''.' '•'"' s( reels, _tria. 412 per 1,000. " lion l)ogan its convention at Miniie- crcjippd 3,0 y^T cent, over area liar- through Ihc dciMiralcil and crowded iK'.rcil, I ll.Y iKHiu 7,110(1 of the ti,l)i)0 tinick driv- I Only half of Ihe 1,170,000 mca over lipnli!-, Vested In lOOJ. streets to llai'lhw hall, when; he re­ 'J'ho CliincKc consul at ITonolnlH ' ^^'^ 'n ihc city had entered t.lio fight .21 years old who live in Lojidon arc For tlie llrst time in 20 years the nix ceived ail ad(lr;!ss from I lie chainher .•\. fire damj) explosion in the Cam­ has liccn discovered to be iirotccling ' "S'"""!' the I'ailroads. Ii'vci-y one ot on the register of voters. i-'lioe factories at lUirlington, X. J,, of cnmnicri^o, expressing admiraHon bria Pvolling Mill mine at .Tolins- ii grcalcduspiracy to smuggle Chinii-Uhc cuuiiiiissinu wagon drivers went There is a .\cw Vork in .Scotland, emplnying abont 1,500 men and wom­ of the gcnieralsliip, resource and skill town, Pa,, Icilled 175 or more minerf;, men into tlic United .Slates. j oui. The .packing teamsters, .Tt is situated oil llie west shore of en, are idle as Uie resnlt of a strike. . which he had shown in South .Africa. but the exact number cannot be llcforc final I'lit-at Mill-M'"' ''•''- ^vngon drivers and llie coal .L(;ch .Vv,-!', and is Ihercfore not) far Fast mail No, 1 on the ISallimorc A learned till rescuers reach them. noapnlis ilio .N'alional Kducational as- j "'i-'i'' uddcd iheir quota to the totii.l. from (ilasgow. Ohio .'southwestern railroad made a SALISBURY STEPS OUT. Gov. Stone, nf Penu.sylvania, re­ socialion adopted rcsidulioiis urging j 'rio-t;i> Now C'liiniilole. Qiiiiiiuc is s(dd in every rural post record fast run from Washington, Ind„ fused to call nut the militia as re­ tlie dcpaiimcnt of education lio . The siliialioii in tlic various rnii- l.rllUli I'rt'iiiiiT Tciiilors ItU lU'nln- otlicc ill India, at the rate of 20 ^.0 VJ\f\ "•{< liriwls, a distance of IG,') quested by tlio Carbon coiinty shcr- raised In a cabinet place, t.he pass- road wiii'clioiiscs and Iriinsporlariou itatliiii lit llic KiiiK' aitti It grains for a iiimiiy, in ItiMigal last wiles, in iTiS ininute.q, il'l! io guard miners. ing of laws to restrict child labor, ' depot ^ Saturday aftcriuion was one IN AecL'iitiMl, year 1,4-10,000 live-grain jiackcts wore ' Horliert 11111, aged 21, of Roxbnry, The National Kducational associa­ and liible study for its literary viiluc. ' of utter cessation of biisincss. The thus sidd. ^f.•lss,, shot and liilled his married tion in session at Jfinneapolis elect­ The ])erccnt:igcs of the ba.''obiill tie-up of bodi iucomiiig ami outgoing London, .July 14.—The iiijivfpiis of Eis-ter iind fatally wounded his mother. ed as president Charles W". Eliot, clubs in the Xatioiial league for t'he freight of all (lescrii)tioiis was coin- Siilisliury has resigned t,lie ))rciiiicr- A FORTUNATE POSTMASTER. Chief of I'olice Fred W. Ames, of president of Harvard college. \^'eck fiidcd .liily 13 were; Pittsburg, lilulc. ship vitli him, and then cago, 73 years of age, died-i-niddenly presented by the sultan of Turkey to one,of the largest manufacturers of tihot himself.' . ..,,,.'.', ly relations between the two coun­ flt'3 o'clock p.'in, Saturday atthearchi- tries. Gen. Grant, died at Beatrice, Neb., thread in the world, die'd at the age Uriah While, who . founded ;Occan cpi,'c<:opal residence. North State street nged 33 ycnra, , of 61 years. Grove, the famous Methodist resort fE mUT^OUB TBAOE and Xorlh avenue. The death of the CluiifN 11 Mpleiiillil'Year. / C The weather bureau crop report ' 'file social democrats of Minnesota ot New .lersey, died at Trenton. aged prelate was caused l)y apoplexy. Cincinnati, .Inly 14.—The Freedman's ^cYou Ci\n buy of us a< whole- Enys'thnt a general improvement'In Sir Lian Clion, secretary of theClii- have nominated .T. E. Nash, of Min­ ;When the diocese of Chicago by decree .\id nnd Southern Kducational society : .V.,,; sale prices arid save moneyi I, •; the condition of corn throxighout the neapolis,., for, governor. nofe embassy to the eiironalinn'ot of the holy see in September, 1880, was W has just closed what is regarded as one • Our r,000-page catalogue tells central; valleys has, followed fuvor- . Gavon D. Burgess was nprninated King Kdward, has been appointed Chi­ elevated to the rank of annrehdioeesc, of tiic greatest years in its history at the story. We will-send it upon nblc temperatures. for supreme judge at the democriitic nese minister to llie United States.. to Bishop Feehan fell the honfir of be- the olTiees in this city. The report of The National Civic Federation is judicial convention at SpringflekVMp; ' Gen, Thomas .1. Morgan, secretary comiiig its first archbishop. the treasurer made at the annual receipt of 15 cents. Yourneighbors Btill striving to settle the strike in. : Mrs. Susaii Byrd died at Blount Ver­ of the Home,Mission society pf the trade with us—why not you ? ' Hnte War. meeting of the board here Saturday the anthracite conl regtonii. non, IndTKUged'iOO yenrsT ' • '" Hiiptlst church,.ditd in Yonikers.-X, V. shows the largest collections from Detroit, Mieh.,..luly 14.-—The prom­ ^(uch damage is being done by high ,'rhe republicans of the Seventh Iowa King .Kdward : continues to gain, the annual conferences since 1804, ag- ised rate war between the rail and water south and east of Sioux City, district have: renominated'John A. T. nnd it is understood will be trans'^' grcgal ing *10.'i,182. The debt haS been Inlie lines operating between Detroit In., nil the small rivers being over Hull forcongrcssi-;. v s.^;':'':^}:.•.;A;:;>,;•.•..^•,. ferredto the'royalyacht next Thiirs- reduced more than $2,';,000 during the 'and ilutValo liris been'inaugurated, 4 CHICAGO , their bonks. clay, • '.' •"• „'; . ' ,. ,•.•.,.,' , ,.;. ••'.' prist yeiir, and more'thiin $.')0,000 in tlie Detroit and BiilTalo Steamship The house that tclU the truthi: > The navy department; has In con­ '.]':.••'••'•," vonEiaii.--l'\^ ..-i'- ('•'•.Floods' a re siill causing heavy dii'm- cash; collect ions oii the annuity plat* company,'taking the Initiative by re­ templation a.plan to establish^B'wire­ Gov.; Toft recoiyedi the (reply of'the 'age to'crops aiid railroiid property in have been received to provide for the ducing its first-class rate tr» one-halt less telegraph station in San; l''rjnh- vaticon to .'hisjla'et hot'e;pn" the.Phii- •.the west,. ,;., ,,,-- , debt during the past two years. ', Cisco harbor., .'. • • >;: ippincs, which decl|tres|:rwall of; ith'e' : CThe. Ktcnmer . W'indwnrd, .with -the the second-class rate of.the rail lines. At SallKburyjNi C;; Arch Conley, nii friars within tlie time sp^cjfledilii iiri- •Pen ry.^ relief I .expedition,sailed; from. • ' • sri>»r'Ti«it|ri<'Win Ucliel.' ' ' ' . ; : Iil»lin|i I>r~ til AVed. HAZARD Indian,ihnd Dick' Fleming, a.white •p^ossible^''-,':':;' ^" •''.'''• '•V'''':/'V^,S>)'|K"' New York for the north. '•'•' • ' • ••• Colorado Springs; Col.i .Inly 14;—H; /Nc\y ; York, .Tuly' 14..rThc engage­ Your dealer may not know about ment is announced of Kt. Kev. Henry U,, or may not keep It, but he >nnn, were hanged ,ui)<3n the'• snrno • iirlKh.lea'd« the, houie^ipt'com l''iincrnU 'bf vlctiins'Jif the'Ciimbria C, De Hooy,' nh| adjutant'ill'.the' H'ocr 'can get It (or you ffvyoii ln>lel Bcaitold'for murder.. . . , ;• ' mbns attacked the British adinlinistTn-; niint! exploHloil''were! held; lit'.TohriR- Wiir undt'r iielarey, is in'thc!cit'y. on li' C. iPouter, D.rD.i bishop of New .York, and If you want the best cet The bbnyd- of .directors of, the tipni of Irelaadduring.a.'v6'te:briiCEtl- towii,''Pa.' ''j;he 'list' i)f deiid' is' now visi't; .lie," says,','in,, his .,opiiilon,!.'peaci! to,'Mrs; Alfred Co'ri'nng C'lavk, of this ^ 1 Hazard!! Potvder'i every time. Xouisinna Purchnso; exposition dn- •m«te«.-;s,/-l,^^:;,,;;'. JY,: v'^".y'''''^.^'•V.';V|l'l;l. ,^ ^,,, ^ wil.,,^l .not last"two years iii„the Trans- city and ot.Coopcrstiiwn, N.Y. Mrs. nouiiceJlJthntv^^duriiig'Vthei duration of ;The-vaticrin's>vlthdrB\y_ ,.,,.To8e[i_li,';I3.;,j§parkfi,! (^oi^^^^^ raai,• '' : '1 'ThCiiU'in•....' • •; " s ' turne• ' .d _i 'jn,to,th '.J J •.. i K-o_ '-iiBrit,' 't J; ' Chirk .is a ,weil-kiibwti 'phihiiithrbpist IGUNPOII^BR the fair the. gates wlil'be .closed' on PhilippinejifriarBi^frpm- the? :islnncl^'< liange(l'"at:;nfllnbi\idge;i Ou.,p:foV;';^^^^^ t.he;good;..oiies|. tiniti patron of art. Hisliop Potter is •'-':J • Sundays. • ; 'wiil| bo tiai»jiwe«a|tiyi '^a .ii6itlce«iiiiih,i"' .inurdeiv.of lil8;,w,lfe,.-,r !/, •' ;;.',,7.'.' ',••..',;have, beondniri'ed'in.secret places. ' m)\v'iin Eurdpei'uTho. date'.of":tho^ The- Ohio ie'glslftture'win''mect'lh' troops;'>yjll, not; proteet'them^ j,>;Tlfe,ripe're6htugef) of.'the 'ibasebnll |'u' li •jnivri'iiigc 'hii'H'^iidt'yct-be(eii:'seUlc(h :;'' ••^HAMLINS WIZARD Oil ,WjeiFittpinOT-lireHiien-certain t(ii'ex« ^•. Itliitf keeim' OiiliilMK'^ j' '[ . Kounilnil Oeuiin.Urorui . .•, Bpecinl;,ReBsl,pn,vAilgUBt„'i85?rto ,enuc, ?l"^? •(*'*'••''* Amef,icati'l(!hgiie for tl>o-'. ..L'ondoii;'.Tuly' l,4.-'''lie 'Pi'ogresR' oi [;;)• SORE-FEET 'i''% iiinnl«|piU''code ^ bin 'pel;;thpm>y !jj;3^',,,r4.t;,!j.031ii, Boston, .,551; St. Louis,-":',.'i30;-K;„'|',y,i ^^pn |s understood that heVvill who conciJlved' the idea' which Icd'to I'lio ti'iinsporV. ^Lognn orrived in ohntlon bazaar in London., in^whlch Philadelphia, .filO; Washington, 1403; ! ^e tr-insfcrrcd to the rnyiil yacht Vie- the fouiuling of Ocean Groye, the fa­ ADIIIM WHISKY nnct otiiorArut, many prominent Americans art in- mous Methodist resort of New .ler­ f3nn Francisco fropiJIn:nUaSylthvl^ Ilalthnore,,',,45fl;::Clevclond,.,.443; De-: <^i.i„,:„ worpt, COX". Hoek.*"'' reforoiioMa f'ltr.K. Ilr. sey, is.depdatiTrenton... B. M. WOOLbliYi BttB;!*. AlluutHi «•• m^ii'S^IM)mm THE TOWN O' DREAM. you," she. answered. "Now go'od-hy, to the room above, where we select­ ter. And with every on* she will ANYTHING SHE WANTED. ond a pleasant journey to you!" ; ed our table and sat down. My com­ grow, just an imperceptible bit older. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. Cy 1 beautiful stream lies tlio Town 6* panion was 0 witty little raon with BmlmrrnmilnHr Joy ot » Plllplno Dream, VVe shook hands and parted. A« I By and by the wrinkles will appear; On a beautiful summer plain, passed along the road I watched her holt the languages of Europe on his I fancy there lire just one or two al­ Wlicu a White OUI Hpitkc to lllm Terrinc Storm. Villi bells acliluie a golden tlmo making her way along the avenue, to­ tongue, and' a knowledge of oU the ready.' Then she will not be so fas­ III Ilia LMnsunac. .A terrific storm sw^pt through tho 'I'o the tuno of a golden strain. wards the church., There was need' tricks and dodges of all the criminal tidious about her hundred of thou­ southwestern portion of Micliigan, The road lies Ktralght through a Boldcn for me to shake my head. fraternity ot his finger-ends, lie has sand francs, and will condescend to Mrs. Mabel Loomls Todd, wife of killing one nuin, injuring mnny anil Kate- .:- • ' •-' "George Fairfax/' said I, "it would since written ii book on his experi­ think of mere thousands. After that the Amherst astronomer, wa'.s telling resulting in groat damage to prop­ Men call 11 the Port o' Sleep- require ; very little of that young ences, ond a stranger volume, or oho it will ..coino: to simple hundreds. Where far below dim waters flow the App'iilachian Mouii>ti years of age. many previous occasions. Ho accept­ has become one of iron, the eyes are swer. accordingly did. The chief, whom she Sho >vas born in Poland in flic, ycir Author ot "Dr. Kikola," "TlMBcMtital ni!!drcwso(l, threw up his liflnils in siir- White Devil," "Phtros, Tht ed my invitation, and promised to ns fierce as fierce can be. Some one, "Very much," I said, being well 17S0 and can easil.y romombor iiioi- jiriso. "Wluit," .'••aid.he, "docs the Egyptian," Etc. meet me at the time and place I I remember, likened him to the great aware that his stories were always doiits which happened 100 years ago. white maiilcn talkour language?" He named. On the iilattorm awaiting Napoleon, nnd the description is an worth hearing. She also has a (huightor (lO years old; our arrival was my man Dickson, to exceedingly apt one. was ovidenlly fiverjoyed and prompt­ [Copyrlgliti)cJ,1901, by Wud, Lock A Co,] [To Be Continued.] both nro in good henltli. Tlioy livo whom I had telegraphed, ordering "iiy the way," I said, ns we took a ly a.sked lior. the Saninnn ef|uivalent near Menominee. for "what ho t-nuUl dii for her?" him to meet nic. peep into our second bottle of I'er- ST. ELMO'S FIRE. CHAl'TEU Vn.—CoxTiNUED. "Weil, Dickson," I soid, when I had ricr-Jouct, "there is a question I She told him in lier swccte.=t Samnan llfiiKh in .illohlKnu. "Jfr. r.iirfax," said lie, "| labor un- bade the detective au revoir, "what want to put to you. Do you happen One Iniitnncc In Wlilcli the M>»tcrl. how much she admired tho beadworlv Jiftixirts to the slate board "of [. D'Armier and many others of St. Elmo and St. Anne,' It exhibited Home. Three lloya Drowned. 'by reason of his affliction. are to dine there together to-night," whose names I connot now recall. an appearance quite different from all Two young boys, Tony Henkel and "Only wait, Mr Kitwater," I re- "And pray how did you find that "Owing to n railroad smaKhiip I got The first is with our noble troops in the descriptions I have read. Phipson Oscar Bosonbcrg, of Detroit, and a ;plicd. "Wait, and if lean help you, out?" left in n little Nebraska town one night Cochin China, tho second is in Al­ says; 'Lord Napier observed the fire boy whose name is not known, wero .you shall, have your treasure back "I made inquiries as to who she a year ago," .said the druminer, "and geria, and the. third I know not St. Elmo in the Mediterranean during drowned Sunday in tho middle chan­ Jigain. Will you then be satisfied?" was, and where she lived, and then tlie way 1 came in contact with a trust where, and now I have leornt sine* 0 fearful thunderstorm. As he Was nel at the St. (^Inir flats by tho cap­ "Yes,. I'll be satisfied," v he an- pumped her moid," he answered. made ^ny hair stand up. It was a my arrival in Paris tliot she has got retiring to rest, a cry from those aloft: sizing of a sailboat. The accident •jwered, but with what struck me as "You did not do anything that wretched town and a still worse hotel. hold of a young Englishman, who is "St Elmo and St. Anne!" induced him occurred about yOO foot from Sav­ almost reluctance. "Yes, when I would excite his suspicions, I hope," My room was small, nnd the bed was vastly wealthy. She will hove all he to go on deck. The masthead was com­ age's hotel, young Henkel anil liavc my treasure back again I'll bo I put in. "You ought to know by as hard ns a board. I got up feeling has got very soon, and then he will pletely enveloped in a blaze of pale lioscnborg wore stopping. satisflcd, and so will Codd. In the this time what women ore." , begin the world anew. .You arc in­ phosphoric light.' mad, and after a miserable broiikfast meantime I'll wait here in the dark, I'was ready to boil over. The boiling "Oh, no, sir, you needn't be terested in that Englishnion, of "The St. Ehnio that I saw did not en­ Bnailnecr Killed. 'he dark in which the days and nights afraiid," he said. "I was too coreful course?" velop the masthead in a blaze nt all, came when the landlord presented me Engineer Piekott, of Traverse City, re tlie same. Yes, I'll wait and for that. The maid nnd I are on "How do you know that?" but it took the form of a perfect blaze with a bill of four dollars. wns killed and. Fireman Edward • wait nnd wait-."' ' - -•- --'- very" friendly terms." She-believes "Because- you question -mo - about of phosphoric light, perhaps a foot ...".'Is tills eorrect;." 1 asked as I looked Dw.yer," of f, r« !id 1'a pids,. fat a 1 l.v i n-. At that moment Miss Kitwater me to be a Hussian, and I've not de­ Mme. Bcaumarais," ho iinswered. "A in' iliametor. It was not on the sumimit at till! ligures. jiu'od in a wroi^k on tho Pore Mar­ uuulo lior reappearance in the gar­ nied it." good many people have asked me of the niast, but touched it on one .')idc, " MCiitirely so,' lie ropliunl. quette raili'oad at, Williamsburg', den, and I rose to bid my clients "It would be safest not to do so," about her at different times, but it is playing about it when the vessel relied, " "I'lieu yini are a blamed old high­ Their train was run into b.y tho Po- \ircwcll. I replied. "If she discovers that you always the man they want to get as a large soap bubble, a trifle lighter way robber!' toskey flyer, running •!,'> miles un "Ciooil-by, Mr. Kitwatdl|" I said. are an Englishman, she might.chance hold of.' You, my astute Fairfax, are than tlie air. '•Tliu hiiullnrd had three sous, and hour. "I'll write immediately I reach to mention the.fact to her mistress. "After remaining some ten minutes when they liegan to iiii.>: in I tunieil interested in the man, not because , j Paris, nnd let you know how I am She would doubtless let it fall in you want to save him from her, but the light grew fainter, and finally died on them and gave 'cm some red-hot ' \pnii llrlvll)- istntiMl, .getting on." conversation with him, nnd then all because he has done a little some­ out like a soap bubble." talk. WliL'ii 1 stop]KHl for breath tliii '.I'he total iiumVior of lire insiiraneo "Vou are very kind," Kitwater nn- our trouble would be useless. You thing which he should not have done, old man, wlio turned out, to be a jus­ Her 'WliiNt I'lnyhiM; Mniiimn, oompanlos authorized to do busiries.s , fiwercd, and Codd nodded his head. speak Hussian, do you not?" elsewhere. The money he is lavish­ Two little girls sat ou the step." tice of the peace, sat down in a chair in tlie sin to is MO, tliore being two My hostess and I then set oil down "Ony pretty well, sir," he an­ ing on Mme. Louise, wlience does it chatting over their dolls. Said one; and calmly announced: Michigan companies, lid ; than to be dressing for-dy'dinner at your employers really desire to pun­ ,'Tw^^finos!" exclaimed the'peas­ then wo sigh more intensely—for tho ing trial for burglary, broke out of V / ^"I'^can/ trust tliiBin implicitly [to an r..up-to-date ;Preiieh-\,re8taurant. ish him, and thoy are not in want ant. "That is very high. Won't you let Araoricnn girl.—Mnnila Times. the county jail nt Bessemer. Piocea .; f'ybuJvI'ftmiiiiiriiv^ she ^e- of nn iron bedstead were used to un­ My- toilet-completed, li descended to of money, I should soy do not let me off with n franc and, a half?" 1 ,. Monrl Voluntecra. them interfere. - Slie will then nibble- screw bolts nnd plates holding tho • ' j'P.Hc^iijVAnd; now: here w<^ oreat the t)ie'Street, hired;a fiacre, and idrove ~ "No," snidthe counsel "two f ranci oi Moarls are to be enrolled, as volnn' nibble, nt what,he has got like V cell door. '.:: IchurcliVf if;ydu"walk)quickly you will to i.the resti^uratit .wherevi. hodi ar­ nothing." toors by the New Zealand, govern­ ,mouse .into n store of. good thingi. h t;;!ibei;ju«t;:}a:lttm(Bv^icBt(Bli':y6uri trolliv.- ranged to,meet my friend. .Theveek. while cooling.^)!! after exercise. One Funeral services were held Wednes­ the following prices: Minute Cough Cure cures at once. day, the Masonic lodge attending. •# Harvest has coiniiienceil and grain Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Interment at Jackson. Las not been so good for a number of Safe cure for ooughs, colds, croup, Mrs. Elliott spent Sunday at the years. throat and lung troubles. Longyear lake with Mrs, Georgia Walker. Uncle Jim Landfair caught 175 liah IJroH. $4.00 Shoes at $3.00 ji V Mr. and Mrs. Norton are entertain­ * Ir V r at Pleasant Lake recently. ing a large party of friends from Lan­ Mrs, W, JC. Harkuesa entertained South Wheatfield. sing at their lakeside cottage. jf. Ja lier aunt from Ann Arbor Hunday. John Hillsaud wife of Gratiot county Mrs, John Young is visiting her sis­ 3.50 Shoes at 2.75 •qjr recently visited relatives and friends ter in Detroit. Foley's Kidney Cure purities the in Leroy and Wheattield. * J blood l)y straining out impurities and Uncle Tom's Cabin drew the usual 3.00 Shoes at 2.30 tones up the whole system, Cures Mrs. Alice Sleadman returned last crowd to see their performance on Iddney and bladder troubles. Sold by week Tuesday from Poultney, Vt. Tuesday evening. i'f W. M, McCrossen, Mrs. John Doyle and three daught­ Dr. Myers Is iu Washington, D. C, 2.50 Shoes at 2.10 ers of Gratiot county are visiting rela­ on business. Island Corners. tives and friends in Wheatlleld. Miss Grace Styles lias gone to Petos- 3.50 Oxfords at 2.50 aj !a Mrs. Ella Uyan, from Lansing, Is John Brenner and wife of Leroy and key for her summer vacation. visiting at L, L. Shaw's. John Hills and wife of Gratiot county » • » visited at L. King's recently. , No Falae ClNiinii. The L, A. S. will hold an Ice cream Hocial at Mrs. W.Poti's on Wednea. Farmers are very busy this fine The proprietors of Foley's Honey day evening, July 2.'i. Ail invited. weather taking care of their hay. A and Tar do not advertise this as a large amount was secured last week. "sure cure for consumption." They Edith Rolph of VV. Holt Is staying The Gleaners' Ice cream social held do not claim It will cure this dread with Mrs, J, J. Trevaliee. at Robert Jones' last Thursday even­ complaint in advanced cases, but do S. W. Heinpy and wife visited at ing, was well attended, the proceeds positively assert that It will cure In Holt on Sunday. amounting to ;i>7.85. the earlier stages and never fails to give comfort and relief iu the worst WEBB LAWRENCE Mrs. Place will entertain the M. E. Mrs. Emma Poliok is keeping bouse aid society from Holt on Thursday. cases. Foley's Honey and Tar is for R. D, Glynn. without doubt the greatest tliroat and £, % *'t% r't* e*t?e »*<*« «*t»« t't* Vtt «4*« t't* »*!isines8, Headaches, ill Jackson. summer complaint, dysentery, diar* liver complaints, bowel disorders. buggy. DO YOU WISH TO riioen, bloody flux, pain in the stom­ Such troubles call for prompt use of The societies at Mrs. Frank Lett's Arthur Hasbrooke and wife of Col- ach, and It has never yet failed to do Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are and Mrs. Etta Thorburn'a were well legeviile Sundayed at this place. m everything claimed for it. gentle, thorough and guaranteed to attended. G. Roback aiid J. Mills are improv­ m cure. 2ac ut L patient aufferer during bis illness and m Wm. Beaob of Pontiao baa been vis­ told his mother only a few. days be* Southeast Alaiedon. lianiston friends Sunday. iting frienda in tbia place for the past fore his death thatsbe could comfort Young western steera for sale. few days. Tflddle Martin Is helping Horatio henelfwith the thought that his soul Every ID baying. m Good demand just now for m C. H. SMOW, Hawn. Mr. and Mn, Cbas. Warner of Ve^ was saved.' In conversation with the Driver Bros, of Holt have purcbaswl moutvllle were J. and A. pastor last week be said, i'l have an­ Miaa Altle Taylor of Baginav visited farms of from 40 to 80 acres. the buildings and hay business of C: U. Grinnell'a the llrst of the week, chored my soul in the haven of rest.'' relatives here last week. m H. Snow, W, W. Smith of Mason is painting We extend our aympathy to the be­ L. Huntley has been auflering with and repairing his buildings on his reaved mother. Funeral aervices were a very sore foot the past two weeka. Wlieu Oilier Medicine* Have Failed farm here, held at the home Wednesday after- Will Lefrey and Arthur Wemple noon at 2o'clock, Rev. Dunning oltlci- visited Iryln Speer Inst Sunday. Take Foley's Kidney Cure. It has Mr. Stropeof Mason was iu this vi­ ating. Harry Wilson of Mason visited his cured when everytUiuit else has dis> cinity last Tuesday ilxlng wells. a-^. appointed. Sold by W. M. McCrossen. Maggie Davis returned from an ex­ VMemiun Itayn. parents lust Sunday. tended visit in York state last Wed­ Claude Stendinan of Detroit is spend­ South White Oak. Vacation time is here and the child' TAYLOR & WOODHOUSE nesday. reu are fairly living out of doors. ing hia vacation with his grandparents. Mrs. C. F. Patrick and Ella Binding Miss Lena Marshall Is home from There could be no healthier place for Ward Doyle of Alpena vlaited at are no better at this writing. Jackson on a visit. them. You need only to guard against Daniel Almond's last week. Mouabeile Proctor is visiting her the accidents Incidental to mostt open Mrs. J. W. Speer and Mrs. Willard •^« gruadparents at Leslie. airsports. No remedy equals DeWilt'a Upton visited Mrs, Wirt Every last Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Lathrop and Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stop­ Wednesday. ly visited his cousin, Wert Brewer. daughter visited friends at Waterloo ping pain or removing danger of seri­ ^^A ous couaequenoes. For outa, scalds Sidney Speer had little toe on his Mrs. Eugene Fislier's fullier of Lan­ NewYork Racket Store recently. left foot crushed last Saturday by a sing is visiting her. idiii tignatur* U on every boi of tbe genulna and wounds. "I used DeWltt's 3 boxes Mourning Pins, 5c. D. J. Grimes is entertaining his Witch Hazel Salve for aorea cuts and horse stepping on it. Mrs. Liille Hutt has gone to Piiick- cousin. Miss Beulah Vluiiig, of Jack- Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu bruises," says L. B. Johnson, Swift, The young trienda of Miss Maude Ink or Mucilage, per bottle, 3c. sou. ney for medical treatment. . the rentdy that c«t«i • cold la ••• day Tex. "It is the best remedy on the Kent of Livingston county gave her a John Snull and R. Stage were In Machine Oil, per bottle, 4c. S. Grimes and wife are camping at market." Sure cure for piles and birthday party last Thursday evening Chair Seats, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bancroft last Saturday on business. Portage lake. Forest Neighborhood. akin diseases. Beware of counterfeits, (Jood Washljowl and Pitcher, 75c. Win Post and wife and Mrs. Clara Mrs. Ell wood of East Lansing visit­ Longyear Bros. StelnhofT. It was her 20th birthday, Dell Burrier and nephew of Fleming, Hall spent one day nt Pleasant lake ed Mrs, J. W. Baker Monday. and they presented her with a beauti­ visited A. M. Grunt and fninlly recent­ Washbo\yl (separate), 40c. ful bracelet. The evening was spent ly. last week, Miss Edith Grinnell entertained a Earthern Washboard, 32c. with music and. games. Ice cream Mrs. Jennie Oakley and children of Cups and Saucers, per set, 45c, 50c Geo. Lathrop and family and Al­ number of her friends on Friday after­ and cake was served and a very pleaa- Webberville are visiting relatives and mond Lathrop and family spent Sun­ noon in-honor of her guest. Miss Ella ant time waa enjoyed by all. friends here this week. Plates, 48c, 60c, 70c, 80c do«. day with friends at Fitchburg. Pearsall of Poutlac. it Beats Trading J. E. Taylor and wife of Mason 100-piece Dinner Set, §5.00. O. L. Lathrop and wife were iu Les* Mrs. E, W. Sutherland and.oousln, called on Mrs. M. Speer last Sunday, »onU rail to Try Tills, Spiders, 10c, 14c, 19c, 23c. lie last week. Miss Elizabeth Keith of Toledo, Ohio, visited the former's brothers, L. B. ilorses (tt You Can Miaa Minnie Carr of Mason visited Whenever an honest trial la given to Hassocks or Footstools, 48c. Dennis Patrick visited his brother, and H. M. Gardner, in Lansing Sun­ Mrs, Otto Andrews last week. Electric Bitters for any trouole it la re­ Chambers, 20c, 40c, 50c. C. F, Patrick, last Saturday. day. commended for a permanent cure will Jelly Cups, per doz., 23c. ^ Mrs. Bert White and Mrs, Hale Tradi Anytiiing A, R. Bass, of Morgautown, Ind., aurely be ellected. It never faila to were under the doctor's care last week. S. W. Post and wife and Mr. Cham­ had to get up ten or twelve times in 6 Fruit or Sauce Dishes, 10c. bers of Lansing were guests at E. W, By placing a little want ad. which tone the atomach, regulate the kidneys 6 pairs Shoe Strings, Sc. Mrs. Minnie Qlbaon entertained the tells just irtitt you have to sell or the night and had severe backache and and bowels, stimulate the liver, invig­ Sutherland's Friday evening. ixchanite, at a coat of jutt a ttm pains in the kidneys, Was cured by Lemon Squeezer, 5c. ' L. A. S. last Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Keith, a prominent cents. orate the nerves and purify the blood. • . ^» • Foley's KIdudy Cure. Sold by W. ISf. Platters, 6c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 11, 19c. teacher iu the Toledo schools. Is visit­ McCroaaeu. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down ir a SiMu I.le T« Too, ing her cousin, Mrs. E. W. Sutherland. systems. Electric Bitters positively Pitch Porks, 25c, 30c, 35c. And say some other salve, ointment, Southeast Locke. cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, Shirts or Overalls, 45c. lotion, oil or alleged healer Is as good Cbas. Wieland has a new bay loader. .THE •«• Stomach. Disorders, |Nervousnese, Fancy Shirts, 45c. as Buokleu's Arnica Salve, tell him Miss Ella Pearsall of Pontiao, who Fred Rlckett and wife of Detroit SleepleasnesB, Rheumatism. Neuralgia thirty years of marvelous cures of has been visiting Miss Edith Grinirell, _. DETROIT _ spent the Fourth with hia parents, Mr. 6 pairs Socks, 2Sc. has returned borne, and Mrs. R. Rlckett. and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guar­ Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, Felons, anteed by Lougyear Bros', Mason, and 3 pairs Socks, 25c. Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Mr. Harrington's children have pENINGNEWS^ Miaa EmmaMlllerj who has been ill 2 pairs Fancy Hose, 2Sc. Eruptions prove it's the best and scarlet fever. a long time, la able to ritle out again. Field & North, Dansville, Only 60 cents 3 pairs Ladies' Hose, 25c. cheapest. 25o at Lougyear Bros', Ma­ Mrs, J. W. Baker was called to Lan­ '— AND -^ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Herm Teeter* son, and Field & North's drug store, sing Saturday by tlie illness of her man, July 6, a boy. 3 pairs Children's Hose, 2Sc. Dansville. mother, Mrs. Baker, who has malarial MOIMVINC Howard Grant is working for his un­ Men's Dress Hats, 4Sc, 95c, $1.89 fever. cle, A. B. Grant, in Conway. BEIN RAISERS REID THIS Water Sets, with Trays, 35c. The agent from Jackson for "Porter's TRIBUNE Frank Pettit and family visited his The genuine patent "Mlllor Beun Harveaj Chamber Sets, $1.35. King of Pain" made bis annual trip ter" made by the LeRoy Plow Oo.. LeRoy, N, mother, Mrs. Almira Pettit of West Y., Is covered by United States vatenta. There Clocks, 74c, $2.08. through here Friday. Ads. appear In both papers. Com­ Handy, last Sunday.' Soft bined' circulation exceeds 100.000 lire more of these machines in use than all Knives and Porks, set, 44c. Miss Grace and John Miller are en­ copies dally, which It one-fourth Oliver Barn house and Charles Havi- otiiori combined. • Wire Soap Dish, Sc. tertaining their cousin, Arthur Sbultz more than the agiregate of all othsr .Imllntiona are on the market, but you Detroit dallUi. Not* th« land built an addition to H. Benja­ can buy the genuine with IflOg Improvemeuta Lamp Burners, 5c, 7c. of Detroit, ' : ' min's tool house, us cheap rs the Imitations of our old machine. Harness You will never have any trouble In Recnring Lantern Burners, 5c.v Heui;y Smith and wife are moving LOW RATE: I ^ P. Taylor of Mason waa on our streets extras for the ironnine "Miller Beau Harves- Tou can maUe your iiu- in with bis father, last week selling cream separators. tor,'! for sale by John Laaenby, Mason, or Screen Door Hinges, 8c pair^ IIOM UK Dure IU, U UluVt ' Sbehan A Shehan, Dansville, Mich. Back Combs, 10c, 13c, 23c. niid M touKh iuiwlro by W. B. Knapp was, in Howell last "LeRoy Plowa arc easy draft." lulngBIIItlilKAHar. Haves • Womaa's Life. k AWORD IC Saturday. • nejia Wll." You viiii cnah with order.. A trial will 1 leuKtlien Iu llfe-m»ko l( To'have given up would have mean Clarence and Claude Croupe of Lan­ liint twice da loiig 119 it natlHfy you of the superior advan- orUinufrUy would, death for Mrs, Lois Oragg, of Dorohea- tagoH of these "Want" ads. sing spent the Fourth with their paN ter, Mass. For years she bad endured The Detroit Bvenlnsr Newi and untold misery from a severe lung trou. MornlnK Tribune are sold In every eiitshere, FBWWBB'a^^^BheumaMswiiB ble and obstinate cough. "Often," tovvn and village In Michigan, Mr. and Mrs, Conklin of Chelsea she writes, "I oiuld scarcely breathe THCCVINININEWIAM% wereguestsof W. E, Stuweand fami­ KIDNET"''^ EUREKH and soinetlmes could not speak. All OstrstVIOlil. ly, recently. • doctoraand remedies failed tlill used Andrew Oakley of Vantown recent* IBAGKACHE Dr, King's New Discovery for Con- All Bladder and J^TT'Dl? BukM a poor looklnir Imr-' auniptiouandwas oohipletely cured." Do VjDuGet'the Detroit neat like new. Vuds of Hrouohitla for Twent)' YeatN. pur*. Iiuuvy Uudin,; oil, ci- SuHdrers from Coughs, Colds, Throat Sbnday News -Tribune Mra. Minerva Smith, of Danville, peelKlly pnpuicd 10 wlilt- and Lung Trouble need this, grand Mlchlcan's greatest. Sunday news- •IMia ibt wuMlicr. paperr Beautiful color effects, high- III.; writes: "I had bronchitis for remedy, for It' never disappoints. class miscellany,' special, articles, twenty years and n^ver got relief un. Bold STefywlitrt Cure is guaranteed by LongyearBroa', latest news, magnificent illustra­ HI I used Foley's Honey, ijind Tar In tMU-uIl tlM). t Mason, and Field d North,; Dansville^ tions, ate; S eenta • oopy.' which is a ettro cure." S^lu by W. OnoMlnutoOoughOuro Foley's; Honey ini Tar Price 6O0 and UM. Trial botliea free m k) STANDARD OIL CO.' M.:MoOroaaeu,', •••. F«!r oougliif CoM* and CpQupt (brebil(U'9a,8Mt9,»ur$» NoQpl^tUi

L*': '•>'.-:-:'!'\'£:i'Q^Z-^'-'-'^~'' '•_-_''•. mMmmmmiimiimmMMi^