INVERTEBRATES LIST Class: Arachnida Order: Aranea – Total 74 Spiders

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INVERTEBRATES LIST Class: Arachnida Order: Aranea – Total 74 Spiders LIFE IN A SOUTHERN FOREST – INVERTEBRATES LIST Class: Arachnida Order: Aranea – total 74 spiders Family Genus Species Common name* Araneidae Araneus acuminatus Pointy Orbweaver " " " " didimiatus group Live Leaf-curling Araneid " " " " dimidiatus Leaf Curling Araneus " " " " talipedatus Green Orb Weaver " " Argiope keyserlingi St. Andrew's Cross Spider " " Arkys curtulus Small Bird-dropping Spider " " " " walckenaeri Walckenaur's Studded Arkys " " Austracantha minax (astrigera) Australian Christmas Jewel Spider " " Deliochus pulcher Green Leaf-curling Spider " " " " transmarina Garden Orb Weaver " " Phonognatha graeffei Leaf Curling Spider " " Plebs bradleyi Enamelled Spider (green form) " " " " eburnus Bush Orb Weaver " " 1 unidentified araneid Arkyidae Arkys lancearius Common Triangular Spider Corinnidae Nyssus albomaculatus Spotted Swift Spider " " " " coloripes Orange-legged Swift Spider Deinopidae Deinopis subrufa Ogre-faced Netcaster Desidae Badumna insignis Black House Spider Eutichuridae Cheiracanthium gracile Long-spur Garden Sac Spider Gnaphosidae Hemicloea sp. Ground spider Hersiliidae Tamopsis brisbanensis Brisbane Two-tailed Spider " " " " fickerti Fickert's Two-tailed Spider Lamponidae Lampona cylindrata White-tailed Spider Lycosidae Tasmanicosa godeffroyi Garden Wolf Spider " " " " sp. Pink-legged wolf " " Venatrix sp1 Wolf spider " " " " sp2 Wolf spider " " 2 unidentified lycosids Miturgidae Argoctenus sp Wandering Ghost Spider " " Miturga sp. Prowling Hunter Nephilidae Nephila plumipes Humped Golden Orb-weaving Spider Nicodamidae Nicodamus sp. Red-and-black Spider Oxyopidae Oxyopes sp. Jumping Lynx Spider Salticidae Euryattus bleekeri Bleeker's Jumping Spider " " Helpis minitabunda Threatening Jumping Spider " " Hypoblenum albovittatum White-banded House Jumper " " Jotus sp. Black and White Jumping Spider " " Lycidas scutulatus Cross-ruled Lycidas " " Maratus volans Flying Peacock Spider " " Sandalodes sp. Jumping Spider Page 1 of 11 26 August 17 " " Simaetha thoracica Brown Jumping Spider " " Simaetha sp. Jumping Spider " " Simaethula sp. Elegant White-moustached Simaethula Sparassidae Delena cancerides Social Huntsman " " Holconia immanis Grey Huntsman " " Holconia sp. Huntsman " " Isopeda montana Mountain Huntsman " " Neosparassus diana Badge Huntsman Stiphidiidae Stiphidion facetum Hammock-web Spider Tetragnathidae Leucage dromedaria Humped Silver Orb Spider " " Tetragnatha sp.1 Long-jawed spider " " " " sp.2 Long-jawed spider Theridiidae Argyrodes antipodianus 1880 Dewdrop Spider " " " " rainbowi (group) Rainbow's Argyrodes " " Ariamnes colubrinus Whip Spider " " Cryptachaea gigantipes Comb-footed Spider Thomisidae Australomisidia pilula Lozenge-shaped Flower Spider " " Cetratus rupropunctatus Red-spotted Cetratus " " Diaea evanida Pink Crab Spider " " Hedana valida True Hedana " " Stephanopis barpipes Bearded-legs Stephanopis " " Tharpyna sp. Crab Spider Trochanteriidae Morebilus sp.1 Dark Trochanteriid " " " " sp.2 Pale Trochantheriid Zodariidae Habronestes sp. Yellow-Spotted Ant Spider 7 other unidentified Aranea Class: Arachnida Order: Ixodida – total 1 tick Family Genus Species Common Name Ixodidae Ixodes holocyclus Paralysis Tick Class: Arachnida Order: Opiliones – total 2 harvestmen Family Genus Species Common Name 2 unidentified species Class: Arachnida Order: Scorpiones – total 1 scorpion Family Genus Species Common Name Urodacidae Urodacus manicatus Black Rock Scorpion Class: Arachnida Order: Tromidiformes – total 1 mite Family Genus Species Common Name Trombidiidae Trombidium sp. Red Velvet Mite Page 2 of 11 26 August 17 Class: Chilopoda – total 3 centipedes Order Family Genus Species Common Name Scolopendromorpha Scolopendridae Rhysida nuda Centipede “ “ “ “ Scolopendra morsitans Common Centipede Scutigeromorpha Scutigeridae Thereuopoda longicornis House Centipede Class: Diplopoda – total 2 millipedes Order Family Genus Species Common Name Polydesmida Paradoxosomatidae 1 Unidentified species Spirobolida Spirobolellidae Walesbolus lobatus Millipede Class: Insecta Order: Blattodea – total 11 cockroaches/termites Family Genus Species Common Name Blaberidae Molytria sp. Cockroach “ “ Laxta granicollis Common Trilobite Cockroach “ “ Panesthia australis Australian Wood Cockroach Blattidae Platyzosteria biglumis Black Woodland Cockroach Ectobiidae Balta sp. Balta cockroach “ “ Ellipsidion humerale Small Ellipsidion Bush Cockroach Rhinotermitidae Coptotermes frenchi Termite Termitidae Nasutitermes exitiosus Snouted Termite 2 unidentified cockroaches and 1 termite Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera – total 43 beetles Family Genus Species Common Name Buprestidae Castiarina oblita Jewel Beetle " " " " scalaris Blue and Orange Jewel Beetle Cantharidae Chauliognathus imperialis Yellow Soldier Beetle " " " " lugubris Plague Soldier Beetle " " " " tricolor Tricolor Soldier Beetle Carabidae Helluonidius sp. Ground Beetle Cerambycidae Acalolepta aesthetica Longicorn Beetle " " Coptocercus orientalis Eucalypt Longicorn Beetle " " Didymocantha obliqua Longicorn Beetle " " Elaptus simulator Longicorn Beetle Chrysomelidae Paropsis charybdis Tortoise Leaf Beetle " " " " maculata Spotted Paropsine Beetle " " 1 unidentified chrysomelid Coccinellidae Coccinella transversalis Transverse Ladybird " " " " undecimpunctata Eleven-spotted Ladybird Beetle " " Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mealybug Destroyer " " Illeis galbula Fungus-eating Ladybird Curculionidae Chrysolopus spectabilis Botany Bay Diamond Weevil Page 3 of 11 26 August 17 " " Gonipterus sp. Gum Nut Weevil " " Orthorhinus cylindrirostris Elephant Weevil " " Talaurinus foveatus Broad-nosed Ground Weevil " " 3 unidentified curculionids Dytiscidae Rhantus suturalis Diving Beetle " " 1 unidentifed dytiscid Elateridae 3 unidentified elaterids Erotylidae Episcaphula pictipennis Fungus Beetle " " Thallis sp. Pleasing Fungus Beetle Gyrinidae Macrogyrus oblongus Water Beetle Lucanidae Lamprima aurata Golden Stag Beetle " " " " varians Stag Beetle Lycidae Porrostoma sp Net-winged Beetle Meloidae 1 unidentified meloid Melyridae Dicranolaius bellulus Red and Blue Beetle Passalidae mastachilus australasicus Bess Beetle Scarabaeidae Anoplognathus chloropyrus Brown Christmas Beetle " " Chondropyga dorsalis Cowboy Beetle " " Eupoecilia australasiae Horseshoe Beetle " " 1 unidentified scarabid Tenebrionidae Adelium sp. Darkling Beetle " " Ecnolagria sp. Long-jointed Bark beetle Class: Insecta Order: Diptera – total 52 flies Family Genus Species Common Name Acroceridae Ogcodes basalis Small-headed Fly Asilidae Cerdistus sp.1 Slender Robber Fly " " Colepia sp.1 Orange Legged Robber Fly " " " " sp.2 Yellow-footed Hairy Red Robber " " Laphria sp. Bee-like Robber Fly " " Ommatius coeraebus Yellow Feathery Antennae Robber Fly " " Orthogonis ornatipennis Orange-winged Orthogonis " " 2 unidentified asilids Bibionidae Plecia dimidiata Lovebug Bombyliidae Aleucosia sp. Bee Fly " " Anthrax dolabratus Anthrax Bee Fly " " Meomyia sericans Black & Grey True Bee Fly " " Staurostichus sp. White-striped Golden True Bee Fly " " Villa pellucida Banded Bee Fly Calliphoridae Amenia imperialis Bluebottle " " Calliphora vicina European Bluebottle Blowfly** Ceratopogonidae Culicoides antennalis Sand Fly Chloropidae Chloromerus sp. Freeloader Fly Culicidae Culex annulirostris Common Banded Mosquito " " " " quinquefasciatus House Mosquito Page 4 of 11 26 August 17 Dolichopodidae Amblypsilopus zonatus Long-legged Fly " " Heteropsilopus ingenuus Long-legged Fly " " Parentia vulgaris Green Long-Legged Fly Drosophilidae Drosophila busckii Drosophila " " " " immigrans Vinegar fly Ephydridae 1 unidentified ephydrid Shore Fly Heteromyzidae Tapeigaster annulipes Fungus Fly " " " " sp. Fungus Fly Hippoboscidae Ortholfersia sp. Wallaby Louse Fly Lauxaniidae Sapromyza occipitalis Lauxaniid Fly " " " " sp. orange lauxaniid fly Muscidae Musca sp. Bush fly " " " " Bush fly Nemestrinidae Trichophthalma costalis Tangle-Veined Fly Platystomatidae Pogonortalis doclea Boatman Fly Sarcophagidae Sarcophaga aurifrons Grey-striped Fly Sarcophagidae " " sp. Fly Sepsidae Parapalaeosepsis plebeia Ant Fly Stratiomyidae Boreoides subulatus Soldier Fly " " Exaireta spinigera Garden Soldier Fly Syrphidae Ischiodon scutellaris Common Hover Fly " " Melangyna viridiceps Black-headed Hover Fly Tabanidae Scaptia auriflua Flower-feeding March Fly " " " " guttata March Fly " " " " testacea Brown March Fly Tachinidae Rutilia lepida Brown Rutilia fly Tipulidae Leptotarsus clavatus Crane Fly " " " " costalis Black Winged Crane Fly " " " " helmsi Crane Fly " " " " tortilis Common Yellow Crane Fly 2 unidentified dipterans Class: Insecta Order: Hemiptera – total 33 bugs Family Genus Species Common Name Alydidae Leptocorisa acuta Paddy Bug Cercopidae Bathyllus albicinctus Black and White Froghopper Cicadellidae Brunotartessus sp Blue-headed Leafhopper " " Eurymeloides bicincta Two-lined Gumtree Leafhopper " " Ishidaella pettimolua Blue and Green Leafhopper Cicadidae Cicadetta labeculata Double-spotted Cicada " " Cyclochila australasiae spreta Masked Devil " " Pauropsalta encaustica complex Southern Mountain Squeaker Cicada " " Psaltoda moerens Redeye Flatidae Siphanta acuta Green Planthopper " " Siphanta hebes Green Mottled Planthopper Page 5 of 11 26 August 17 Gelastocoridae Nerthra sp. Toad Bug Lygaeidae Oncopeltus sordidus Milk Vine Bug Membracidae Pogonella minutus Brown Horned Treehopper " " Sextius virescens
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