March 2013 Volume 31 Number 2 Friends of Warrandyte State Park Newsletter Website: Friends of Warrandyte State Park (FOWSP) Inc. PO Box 220 Warrandyte 3113 ABN 94170156655/ACN A0024890C Editor's Corner DESPITE the hot, dry conditions in February and a closure on a FIRE BAN day, work at the nursery has continued apace. Seed sorting (right) and orchid re-potting has involved many. See photo below and page 4 for orchid action and species. Cool off with Pat and Mike Coupar on Lord Howe Island on page 2. But the heat has been on for our rangers and fire crews. Janaya tells part of their story on page 3. This month pages 8 and 9 have photo essays on some of the Warrandyte State Parks small creatures and a summer visit to Glynns wetlands. Just in time, Kel’s comments have ar- rived from the nursery. She reminisces about her childhood and then brings us back to the nursery on page 7. We look forward to receiving your contributions by 22 March as listed below. The end of the month has brought wel- come rain. Hopefully our fire fighters can relax as well. Enjoy the rain and the newsletter. Linda Caitriona has asked me to point out that the small bush bird listed on p. 2 last issue, as “White-faced Honeyeater, should have been the White-naped Honeyeater. LR Deadline for April 2013 edition newsletter is Friday 22nd March 2013 contributions can be emailed to Linda Rogan
[email protected] or posted to PO Box 220, Warrandyte 3113 FOWSP Newsletter Page 2 So, armed with snorkel, mask and fins we cycled down to the said beach.