&*S#$SK •wis-iniiTiw^ ViW»,x 01914 ''fl

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Industrial Unity Is Strength The Official Organ of District No. 18, U. M. W. of A. poiwoai vmi*™i

nd International Elections Dec. 8th'X'e-S . Inquest on Victims Two Miners Killed mi\-i -mm. NOTICE :-,'*S-kmm. of Hillcrest at Bankhead, Alta. The Election for District and International The adjourned inquest on the two: We have ugain tliis week to recotd men, Pacific .Cimmonetta, and W. the service is a most important one, es­ Officers will be held on Tuesday, December 8th, 1914 a double1 fatality among the minework­ MINE CASUALTIES Thomas, who mot their death on the pecially so at night time, as they can ers in District IS, and ihis time it is FOR, YEAR 103,6*1 20th ult. at the Hlllcrest -Mine by the make their observations during the All members are requested to vote. at Bankhead. Death Rate of 3.49 in Every 1,000 Em­ breaking of a rope while riding on the day out of of the guns and when The accident occurred Wednesday ployed Considered Discredit to trip, iwas ljeld at -Hillcrest'on Thurs­ night comes swoop down and strike. of last week, and -was caused by a Industry day last. I am one of the ten per cent next OZNAM AVVISO cave. Coroner Piakney opened the pro­ week to get a four days' leave of ab­ L'elezzioni per gl'ufficiali del distretto e quello per The unfortunate men, named Xarcis- WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.—A casualty ceedings at 10.30 In the Minora' Hall, sence, so intend to take a run up to Volba per Distrikt a medzi narodnich predstaven- l'internazionale aw&nno luogo.il MARTEDI 8, so Morello and Walenty Packney, were list of American mines and quarries I which lasted until late in the evening. the old haunts, where I expect there gaged in drawing pillars in N'o. -J issued today by thc bureau ot mines ' "^ There were present iMr. Shaw, Dis­ will be some changes to note. ich bude sa odbivat vo Utorek, dna 8ho Decembra, DICEMBRE. Tutti i membri son richiesti di at- scam, and the cave evidently caught shows 3651 men killed last year, and ,. & trict Mines'Inspector, on behalf of tbe You would smile at some of the 1914. Vsetci udovia su pitany chlasovat. tendere a votare. —, them -without the slightest warning. estimates the injured at not less than Mines Department, Mr. P. Smith, on quaint ideas not a few of the 'Canadian So extensive was the cave that body 100,000. Thin was a death rate of 3.49 behalf of the Hlllcrest Collieries, aiid born bad regarding things in England. of Packney was not recovered until in every 1000 of the 1,070,010 mea em­ ,Mr. A. J. Carter, on behalf of the em­ Canadians laugh at us when first we the following day, while thc ."ema-ms ployee. 5^ 1 ployees. come out to Canada, but it Is now an­ of Morello have not yet been local-"! , Such ii death rate, Ur. Joseph A. •From the evidence it would appear other story. The way the motor buses and it is now stated tliat all hope of Holmes, director of the bureau, ee* that the deceased men 'were riding on handle the traffic has astonished some NAMES OF CANDIDATES recovering same lias been abandoned, filmed was "excessive and unnecess- a loaded trip which was being hauled of those who thought that Toronto, Au inquest was held upon the re­ nrr. and a discredit to the inda-;ty .'.-ill up the slope, when, owing to some un. Montreal, etc., -had the latest ln trans­ mains of Packney nnd a verdict of ac­ ani the country." explained cause the rope attached to portation facilities. FOR PRESIDENT: BOARD MEMBER SUB-DISTRICT No. cidentally killed returned. Discreditable as War tho cars suddenly broke, with the re­ •There has been a great scatteratlon AV. L. PHILLIPS, Fernie, B. C. - F. ALLETT, Frank, Alberta. 'We stand aghast at the slaughter sult lha. the unfortunate men were amongst the boys since we left Can­ E. CHRISTIE, Bellevue, Alberta. in Europe as reports reach us con* caught and killed by the wrecked cars. ada, largely owing to the way the of­ J. PRTCE Carbondale, Alberta. X- t . J. DUDLEY, Hillcrest, Alberta. cerning tin* terrible war," said Dr. The rope-rider and his assistant, who ficers who were in command when we What The Officers Holmes, "and we pride ourselves on were also riding on the trip, managed ROBT. HOLMES, Carbondale, Alberta. started have been relieved. POR VICE-PRESIDENT our freedom from war through the to escape without injury. I have had quite a chat with one ot J. LOUGHRAN, Beaver Mines, Alberta. adaptation of higher ideals and stand­ ' The itixy, after considering the evi­ the chaps who was wounded at the WM. GRAHAM, Coleman, Alberta. I. THOMAS, Coleman, Alberta. Are Doing ards. Yet, to me this report on tlie dence submitted, brought in a verdict r front, and lie said that the Germans R. LEVITT. Bellevue, Alberta. death iu oue year of 3,6. >l men engaged of accidental death and recommended are good soldiers, but they pay the President W. ],. Phillips and 'Secre­ in a peaceful Industry is quite as dis- BOARD MEMBER SUB-DISTRICT No. tary A. J. Carter attended a special that the company place au English- British the compliment of pitting their DONALD Ah-NAB, Coalhurst, Alberta. ~ creditaWe. meeting of the Gladstone Local on speaking man in charge of cars at the best troops against 'those that the A. BATEMAN, Taber, Alberta. ' "And when ive consider that this Sunday last and explained matters In top of the slope. Kaiser regarded with such contempt J. LASSEN, Lethbridge, Alberta. record Is beiug .repeated year after FOR SECRETARY-TREASURER connection with the unemployed ques­ at the beginning of hostilities, and al­ 0. PEACOCK, Coalhurst, Alberta. year, aS far back as the record* of the A CORRECTION A. J. CARTER, Pernie, B. C. tion. though they have had good reason to bureau covering certain branches of *. -«1 change their opinion on that score, On Wednesday President Phillips the industry go, the mines and quar­ ji • J. BROOKS, Bellevue, Alberta. BOARD MEMBER SUB-DISTRICT No. x A correspondent writes us from they have by no means lessened tbelr aud Secretary A. J. Carter were in ries of the United States have swal­ Hillcrest stating that William Thomas hatred towards the -British, although F. WHEATLEY, Bankhead, Alberta. Bellevue investigating the dispute be­ lowed up 10,187 humuji lives, aud have FOR INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBER tween the diggers and the Con! Co. (who with Pacific, Cimmonetta was tlio Germans say tliey cannot under­ ( Elected by Acclamation) incapacitated temporarily jrobobli regarding tho rpstrlotinnK._Jn_thn_mux killed at Hillcrest two weeks ago by stand how it is tbat when they have P. REES, Fernie. B. C. _ I5B;nniTTvorkmenT ' the breaking of rope whljeLj-iding on I """"• *"" A AAAAA-—^X^^X2^ of powder. Arrangements were made :•..!. _, _,_.» "7-..* „ -irT^.TT^^Tno^niTn-ip ireked Tommy, he IT. BROOKS, Taber, Alberto. FRATERNAL DELEGATE TO No. 6, W. F. of M. "I believe I am coneervadive when I a trip.of cars) was not a married man will not stay licked uo matter how to meet the general manager at -Blair­ R. LEVITT, Bellevue, Albcrt-i say that half of the 3G51 men killed in as stated in our report, but a single strong tbe force is that is sent against more on Thursday. , J 913 might'have been saved, and man aged 19 years. We regret this Secretary A. J. Carter interviewed him. This soldier said he was glad BOARD MEMBER SUB-DISTRICT. No. 1 DUNCAN McNAB, Coalhurst, Alberta. three-fourths of the 100,000 injured In error and thank correspondent for he'd been in the scrap, but he waa B. NUGENT, Tnber, Alberta. tho management of Hillcrest Collieries the same year might have escaped ill- correction. H. MARTIN, Fernie, B. C. on Wednesday with reference to the still gladder to get out of it alive, as , ROBERT. OAKES, Hankhead. Alberta. jury had all the various agencies in* the number of dead nud wounded is compensation claims in connection \olved, the operators, the miners un*i S. P. OF, c. ( Elected by Acclamation) T. UPHILL, Fernie, B.C. with the explosion. A further meet- ssimpiy frightful, thc Blate.^njid national'governments, The question that comes up In Ute sara— ini?" was arranged to taLeVare n^fu,VlU1 thelr {M ^lj; A special -business meeting will .be week. mind of the soldiers is: "Shall we be SUNDAY CONCERT IN GRAND W. J. J. MORRISON AFTER "For the Ivircau of mines as rspre- held on Sunday next at S p.m., when Vict'JPresidenjt Graham has been considered heroes after the war, Is THE BIG JOB AGAIN en­ stinting the federal government, I can the presence uf all members, especial­ Following is program of concert to gaged with local matters tliis week mj ly ladies, IB requested. ovor? say that, owing to a lack of adequate be given In the Grand Theatre for the Double Fatality Although tlie date for the municipal Brazeau, and is expected back in the funds this bureau has fallen abort of Well, I must "dry up," as we are .-".'Urnl cut on a nlsht attack some benefit of local relief: election Is over six weeks away, W. J. Pass on Monday. International 'Board doing Its full part in this great safety fisV.l rrijen away, and wo nave oniy •March--"Fallen Heroes." arranged .1. .Morrison has announced his inten­ Member Rees attended the adjourned movoment; and I, therefore, hesitate Interesting Letter From been at rest one and a half hours, so by Round. tion of entering the field as a candi­ International Board meeting ut India­ -to criticize thc seeming shortcomings at Coal Creok napolis on -Monday last, and will pro­ with best regards to my Fornie frlonds Fantasia—"Son of Sea," W. Rimmer date for mayor. iMr. 'Morrison was of any other agency." nnd hoping that all goes well with you March—"Old Brig," Barre. an eleventh hour candidate last year bably bo back In the District noxt Salisbury Plains aud yours, Selection --"Memories of tlie Opera," Just as we go to press we learn thnt for civic honors, but defeated by Mr. week. FERNIE SOCIALISTS WILL Sincerely your*, Rimmer. two lives have bee nlost in an accident dates by a narrow majority. As '*BM" President Phillips and fteereUiry A, CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS J. Carter are visiting Coalhurst and Salisbury Plains, Eng, D. 8. Song thy request)—"Tbe Empty at No. 1 Bust, Coal Creek. The names is n particularly good hustler, ll will Sleeve," R. Hillsborough. of the doceased men are Pete Catennro lake it big man to defeat -him, Wil­ Chinook this week-end. The Socialist parly announce thnt Dear 8ir,—We are still here, and (ISd.—The above interesting letter March--"Marsell|alse," T. II. Wright. (aged about 30) and Tommy Meyers liam ls nlso somo speaker, end if he Word has just beon rec-elvod that ib:-j are providing a dance at tbelr from what I can hoar there is not ,1s from a well-known Fernelte whose Selection—"Bohemian <3!rl," Bolfa (aged about 17 year?), should cut loose upon thc Iniquities of Dave Rees, who has been sent by tbe headquarters for the Christmas festivi­ much chance of our going to the front name for obvious reasons we do not March—JTlpperary," Douglas. The^tccldent happened shortly ftnr the post administration they will want] International Board to tho coalfields ties which will eclipse auythln* of until next spring, unless additional re­ disclose as the criticism ho makes God Save the King. 11.30. In'Xo. I Bast Mine (East Dips), some strong backing •*' of'West Virginia, has. heen most enUiU- its kind held in Ferule, The existing inforcements aro badly needed,-before might not meet with the approval of Concert will start at 8.45 p.m. The man nijd boy who were employed' The Council in power, however, have j-slastically received whenever he has industrial depression compels th»»m to then, some of the military authorities, al­ Admission hy collection. ns rope rider and bell boy respectively, not been idle during their term of of­ j addressed these indomitable fighters appeal to their numerous patrons for There is ono thing sure, we uro Be­ though we can vouch for the truth of were riding on the head end of an em­ fice, end* have succeeded In accomp­ | for better working coudltlonn. their generous assistance At this timo. ing trained In good »kape for occupy, the statements 'because the writer Is ARMY CONTRACTS ARE pty trip of cars, and when near tne top. lishing several uneful pieces of munici­ Kvery credit Is duo to the indefatig­ lug trenches, and we are all becoming uot prone to exaggeration.) INCREASING WORK IN CANADA without the slightest warning, a trom- pal 'work, especially in the Annex. WIL80N ACTS ON COLORADO able efforts of the Secretary and Or- thoroughly acquainted with -what

I -I *••?-.---., - - *''-. .. .' '/


up in one sentence: The 'basic cause And during all that period " the is capitalism; the contributory causes growth of popular dissatisfa-ction and. Local Union Directory, Dist. 18,U.M.W.A are imperalism, militarism, social un­ organized revolt kept pace with the rest, international grudges and pseudo- acute development'- of the capitalist ffimzHasQisiMu^iLiaus^^ partiotism. / system, the spread of imperialism and GLADSTONE LOCAL COLEMAN LOCAL Socialism Slid War the increasing burdens of militarism. No. 2314 No. 2633 This is the accepted Socialist view By Morris Hillquit At the, close of tjie Franco-Prussian Meet first and third Fridays, Meet every alternate Sunday at - as it has gradually evolved from 1866, 2.30 p.m. tn the Opera House, war the Socialist and labor movement Miners' Hail, Fernie; second and when the subject was first discusesd fourth Fridays, Club Hall, Coal Coloman.—J. Johnstone, Sec * in the congress of the old Interna­ of Europe was quite insignificant. C/eek. Sick Benefit attached.—T. The Causes of Wars the capitalists of each category are leads to the modern policy of Imper­ tional in Geneva, until 1907, when the fThe 'Social-Democratic Party of Ger­ Uphill, Sec, Ferule. B, C. PASSBURG LOCAL ^ , . About three 'hundred and fifty So­ hostile and antagonistic, but as ialism. No.'2352 International Congress at Stuttgart many had two solitary representatives cialist deputies sit in the national par­ against the capitalists of other groups "iLmiper'alism" is a comparatively • Meet every' second and fourth formulated the most complete and au- M the newly formed He^hstag and a Sunday of each month-at 2 p.m. liaments of the countries engaged in with opposite economic interests, they new term in the political distionary voting strength of less than 125,01)1). thoritative Socialist expression on ii> Slovak Hall. Sick Benefit So­ the .European war, T9iey represent are harmonious and united. Again as of Kurope, and its definition is some­ In the other countries of Europe So­ MICHEL LOCAL ciety attached.—Thos. G. Harries, - war and militarism. No. 2334 a constituency of upward of seven to the working class as a whole all what vague. It means mo e than the cialism had no political influence" and Sec Passburg, Alta. Let us now examine whether the Meet every Sunday afternoon •million -adult male voters, the majority individual capitalists and all divergent traditional colonial policy for centur­ trade-unionism no economic strength: theory was borne out by 'the*facts and at 2 o'clock in Crahan's Hall. BURMIS LOCAL of whom are capable of bearing arms. capitalist interest-groups are -.blended ies pursued by the governments of In 1914, the Socialist parties of Eu­ Sick Benefit' Society attached^— 1 conditions which have preceded and No. 949, •Politically and physically the Social­ Into one homogeneous class, fighting Spain, .Holland, England and France. rope represented a voting contingent R. Beard, secretary. Meet every second,and fourth precipitated the present war. ists of Europe are thus ..weighty fac- for lhe privileges of capital as such It implies not only the possession of of almost 10,000,000 and had "more Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. The modern era of large-scale in­ ' tors in the belligerent nations, and against the claims of labor as labor, colonies beyond the direc*. geographic- than 600 representatives in the na- In School House, Burmis. No Sick dustry may be said to date from the j "JS Society.—Thos. G. Harries. Sec. their attitude toward the war is of un­ And similarly every country, regard­ ul boundaries of a nation, but also the ional parliaments. The traae-union PARK LOCAL close of the Franco-Prussian iwarin Passburg, Alta. common interest to the world. less of intra-national economic anta­ endeavor to unite all such colonies | movement was almost as powerful as No. 1387 1ST!; and nothing has been more as­ The hope that the Socialists -would gonisms, is solidly arrayed against the with the mother-country into a domin­ | the Socialist movement. Meet vcvery. Sunday. Sick and MAPLE LEAF LOCAL prevent the threatened European con­ industrial rivalry of every other coun­ ant international power—an empire, tounding in the -lris-tory of the human Accident Benefit Society attach­ No. 2829 I Aiui these movements had begun-lo ed.—Michael Warren, Sec, Can- lv flagration, cherished by millions in try. and to steadily extend the territory of raco than the rapid growtth o-f capital­ Meet every first and third Sun­ ''seriously threaten the existence of the nore. Alta. day of each month at 10 a.m. In July, was rudely shattered in August. For we must bear in mind the nil- such empire. Usually it inclddes a ism since that date. Tho glohe-encir. cling network of railroads, telegraphs i r,lli"B classes and the stability of the Union Hall. Maple Leaf. No Slok •••& Today the votaries of internationalism important fact that the modern ration program of monopolizing the natural Society.—Thos. G. Harries, Sec. and cables: the huge fleet of colossal; monarchies, lu Germany, the Social and peace stand arrayed against each is primarily an economic organization. resources and trade of the colonies PaRsburg, Alta. • steamships; the gigantic machinery • democratic movement Had progressed other in armed combat, as effectively Its fundamental object is to secure the and securing their aid for the defense HILLCREST LOCAL of production; the fabulous individual b>' leil')S and bouilds untn u ^"braced as tlie Jingo-patriots of their coun­ material existence of iis inhabitants, nf the empire without giving them a No. 1058 LETHBRIDGE LOCAL fortunes: the big corporations and hi- »»ore thun a mrA of tl10 entlre popu" Meet mt-cond mid fourth Sunday tries. The appalling situation eould and all its functions and organs are voice in its government. No. 574 lernational trusts are practlcallv all'Iation- Under normal conditions the In montli. Sick and Benefit Socl­ not fail to cause a most poignant dis- dlrccied toward that ultimate end. It It is asserted on seemingly good au­ Meet every Wednesday evening products of tye last four decades. The government of the Empire was bound oty attached.—Thos. Thompson. at 7.30 In Miners' Hall, 12th Ave­ appointment among all Socialists and is first and foremost a round-up sec­ thority that the foreign colonies ac­ present industrial generation has t0 Pass lnil° Socialist control within a nue North.—L. Moore. Sec.-Treas. •Socialist sympathizers in the United tion of productive human activity, the quired by the European powers in pur broken all past records and esta.b-!few >™rs' I" Pnince, the Socialists States and in other countries outside unit in modern lu'teruational indus­ suance of their policies of imperialism had developed an ever-growing in-flu of tlie war-zone. try. All other features of the na­Vive «in l'ir nrnvpd dimn-il f-illuro-s fnr! "shed undreamed-of standards* CARBONDALE LOCAL BELLEVUE LOCAL th...iie.olae homo . countrieproied s dismaboth l afailures fieldss forcf,| ^^ ^ ^^ Praulam ,^ , eni.B ,H lhe 8hal)lnjs of tUe nation's „d- No. 2227 Have the .beautiful professions of in­ tion are subordinated to this one de­ llticnl destinies, and the labor unions No. 431 ternational, solidarity of the workers termining factor. The element of investment and a:< purchasers of corn- ictpil a WIT indemnity of a billion dol-j Meet evory alternate Sunday at had given the government a few very 2.110 p.m. ln the Opera House, Meet every Sunday at 2.30 p.m. • and the brotherhood of m-in been vain nice has undoubtedly played an im­modifies. .Hn: he this as it may, the [irs from France forty-three years apo. Ihe sum seemed almost incredible "'"comfortable tussles. In Kngland, Coleman.—I. Mitchell, sec. Box in the Socialist Hal!.-—James and meaningless phrases: has the ela­ portant part'in the formation of na­ fact remains that Hie ruling classes Austr!a and Burke, Sec. Bos 36, Bellevue, in magnitude. Todav thc nationali "Belgium the'Socialist" and 105, Coleman. borate edifice of the organized Social­ tions, but it can hardly be considered R"p their salvation in imperialism,,and Alta, wealth of Germany alone is sixtyl8bor moveme»ts made rapid strides ist movement, so carefully reared dur­ a weighty factor in their present make­ ihat the imperialistic policy has heen toward political and industrial power. ing: half a century utterly, collapsed up, The unceasiug process of race the dominant, note in lhe politics 0f j times that amount, aud the five pnn- cii)i,] , In Russia the autocracy of the Ro­ BANKHEAD LOCAL •at the first contact with a great social mixture, busily nt work for centuries, she principal iiiiropean countries, par-! countries at war represent an CORBIN LOCAL manoffs had a narrow escape from No. 29 reality; must we discard the watch­ has practically obliterated all "pure" ti.-nhirly England, Germany and j a=Rrejrate invested capital exceeding Meet every Tuesday evening at No. 2877 tlle being crushed by the revolutionary Meet every second Sunday at 2 word? and slogans which h.ivc in- racial stock in Kurope, and the pre­ France, for the last thirty or fortv( famous war indemnity almost 7 o'clock in Uio Bankhead Hall. iret i workers and peasants in 1905; and o'clock in /Ihe Club Hall. Sick spireri the heroh: struggles of two gen­ sent war furnishes conclusive proof vears. ' i" ' hundred times. In 1S70 the on- Sick ami Accident Benefit Fund | shortly before the war there were attached.—Frank Wheatley, Fin. Benefit Society , attached.—-It. erations of tnin!;oi's i.yd workers, that modern nations do not represent " lint'the globe is limited. Europe isj lrp anniiaI fo™[?>v trade c'ftbe »r,t- vi . copious syiwptonis-of a formidable ,re- .St-c. Bankiieud. Alia." Garbutt, sec, Corbin, B.C. must we re\'S2 our :ilii'(isoph.v, creed differences of races;. Helgium does the sea! of the contending "empires."',Bl1 v::ir)rn-, Fmtee, Germany, Ans- i vlval of the movement. and tactics in tlie face nf the be.v:'.i!nr- not defend its national integrity less America is removed from imperlalis- j,rin- Rl,8S,n and Bel-Shim was about 8l ven w,,,on doI,ars: ln 19IS [t a ' Thus the logic of capitalist develop- COALHURST LOCAL •vs. developments of llii.j war? heroically because its population con­ tic appetites by the uncompromising i ' . »*, , , GEORGETOWN LOCAL - No. 1189 It is q-ie-*; ! im; like there, now asSiai- sists of two almost equally balanced Monroe doctrine. Australia is 1)rfL|P«*lmated twenty billion,. ; mont had created an Inextricable sit- No. 3026 The .Me°i -?v«"i-y l'Vlday evening' at iiig nil Social!*" and radical circle.-*--, slock.-:, one distinctly Romanic and empted bv the English The annex-i development of ultra-capitalist,'««•««> ^r the governments of the T.30 in Miners' Hall. Sick and Meet every Sunday afterno-\m, tn.'ii I sh'ill oir.ov. c- lo answer in ihis 'lhe other distinctly Germanic; and able terrltorv is therefore confined "to I Industry, and particularly the advent I Principal countries of Europe. The Accident Benefit Society attach­ 2.30, at Boarding House. Sick scries of articles Austria and Russia do "not fight less certain parts of \sh and Africa and . °r RrMt illd,lstr!a' consolidations, nee! industrial demands of each were for ed.—Frank HaVrliifflmni, Sec, Hox and Accident Fund attached.— lobe was r.2, Coalhurst 1\ O. Max Hutter, Sec. . I shall .ittouiip: tc '.estate . I*.-"1 at- effectively as nations because they are •is all European' po'wwa contend 'for |e.8SBr".y Ied to the political consolida-; over new markets, but the tion of Europe. So loug as the in.; practically pre-empted. The commer- copted Socialist theories of the cause** made up of conglomerations of count- the same prize, international compll-1 ci;i! and dustries were conducted on a moderate! military rivalry among the -and effects of modern International less races. cations and clashes are in tho long! , ., „ . , BEAVER CREEK LOCAL FRANK LOCAL No; 1263 wars, to exmilno the practical i5jci.il- Thus social evolution develops the scal and with 11Ule No. 481 run inevitable. This leads to another i ° interdependence,; nationa called for ever larger arirni- Meet Sundays, after each pay s;ra da tion of units in the modern com­ lhe mercus a ist prelum lor their prevent!') 1 or aggravated and aggravating feature | »« »™ » countries ef Bu-{ ments. but the heavy burdens> of ml- Meet every first and third Sun­ day, at Miners Hall. Sick and curtnllmeni. ai-0 to ascertain in lhe petitive struggle for existence—the in­ rope Wllh Ulelr narroW omm nr,8ni bad a day at Lyric Hall, 3 p.m.—John of modern European politics^MllItaiJ ' * ™*>! f- "-eady become physically Benefit Society attacked.—E light of the facts now in our posses­ dividual, the class and the nation, ism. Loughran, Sec Morgan, Secretary. ! did not seriously interfere with the i insupportable. The revolt ot the sion- with reference to the present Eu­ with their countless and complex in­ A strong'military force is indlspen-j i commercial interests. But large na- • workers iwas growing ever more \'3mtt^mmss^^s^m^^m^m^mf ropean conflict, whether tnese tneur- termediate forms. Kar-h or thefe units sable to the maintenance of a modern I jtional and international industries re-! threatening; but it was beyond the ies and program have stood the test has its own organization and its or­capitalistic government, especially one] | Thquiree dfoundatio correspondinn of gth epolitica Germal n units.Em-!! thpowee causer ofs thofe unresgovernmentt rooteds int oth remove verye of practical experience. gans for defensive and offensive war­ that has embarked on Imperialist!.; ad-1 !, r p the Xoth- fare, Tlie individual capitalists em­ ventures I ' ' ' "nKiratlon of Italy and the l-heart of the capitalist system To begin with, there always has OIlsolid been a radical difference between the ploy their salesmen and agents io The army of each great European <' »tion of Austro.Hi.ngary coin-M"* could save them from a certain CANADIAN cide with the beginnings of the large j collapse except a genera* European Socialist conceptions of war and the j combat their eomjietitors: the capi­ power is, of course, meant primarily modern industrial consolidations. And '.blood-letting, A successful war might PACIFIC philosophy of the non-jSocialist peace talists as a class maintain their em- for Uie imperialistic neighbor and SA as everv large business concern finds j win for the victorious nation new "mo vemenfs! TTiTlJiWiWoTs'peacFaT' rin7T'^*^n!5tRiTiThjtre7i:ln!irtaliW'Fs^^ i*iVa r7_trlix~hin't~l»-iioi_itB_HOieF^nii*CtiOn7 —• r • 3 s- —1 = ic—i—,— •vocates usually consider war and mili­ , "lawyers, tlieir police and strike-break- The native' races in the outlying col- !t ex,"?d,«nt t0 e8tab,ish *"""* offices ponies and markets, revive their in tarism as deliberate institutions volun­ "ers to'hold in check their reneiUDiis onies are not always eager to be an- 0Ut"ld'' fi° every <™-\iWtry. M* /^P^'ty i "B trade on the world market. ] Honal agreement for limitation of policy. Their condemnation of the THREE MONTHS LIMIT evil is based mainly on business rea- kets for the enforcement of their means. The brutal treatment to! The British Empire, which now oc-1 armaments. l |)les fol fciu. or ethical grounds. They argue I claims, and tlio national government which the natives are hnbltuallv sub-! " °>'«" >^' of the earth's sur-! And so the nations of Europe pre- To Toronto, Unniiltou. Snniiii, Windsor. Montreal Ottawn, ha had that war and armaments involve enoi'i! maintains Its consular and diplomatic iK'ted at the hands Of ftelr European | ^ " »««"«««• toreign col-: Dared for war. They were ready for Uellevillc, Kin-gKloii. St. John. .Motictoii. Halifax and all other I on les for CMIturi but For years they have been watch nious losses in lives and property and per vice, its army and its navy fer the conquerors constitutes one of tlie!"""''' '"' ™. »»ny or its points in Ontario, Quebec nml Maritime Provinces. mml va,l,Pd anU PXtenslv£ For constant unproductive expenditures, protection of UH Interests against for- strongest counts in the Indictment of \ ' Possessions, j Ing and threatening one another years Europe has been au armed RKTl'KN FAKK to pointM in (Vntnil States, including Min- nnd they naively believe that as soon •'imi nations, In normal times the op­ ihe policy of Imperialism. E"C!l M Sifi*Tia' Br!tlsU lia8t Africa> camp, The clash might have come noajiolis, Si. Paul, Duluth, Chifajro. Kansas Cily and other ns it will ,h» demonstrated to theposin g interests are adjusted by pence- A highly developed capitalist «ov Rhodesia and Transvaal, havo heen Dumewhat earlier. It might have been .. points. powers that be that war does not pay.! fill methods: "gentlemen's understand- crnment moreover newls n strong acquired within the alst thirty years. Cecil Kliodes und Sir 0earge Goldie '..I'kiycd somewhat. But ln the long Cheap Rail Fares in Oonneotion with Trans-Atlantic Passage. tliey mill suspend that branch of their lugs" between capitalists, conferences army almost as much for Internal ns alone have added to the.empire, within run it was Inevitable. Iv is idle to Return Limit FIVE MONTHS. hiirtliii'ss. Tlie Socialists, on the other and agreements between employers for externa! purposes, The same eco­ the last twenty-five years, « domain place the blame for tlie monstrous 'hand, realise that under existing con­ and employees, and international treat­ nomic monstrosities wlilcn lead to 'he All further information from any ticket agent or of greater than all British India. crime ou any particular nation or ditions wars are Inevitable, ies between the governments. But desperate policy of Imperialism, cremte government, to seek the aggressor. 11. PAAVSON, District Pnsgeiger Agent, Calgary, Alta. As far back as recorded history tak­ all the timo the Inherent and Ineradic­ n denp-seated popular dissatisfaction France, whose colonial policy dates; Capitalism has made this war, and .ill es us we nre confronted with Intermit­ able niitiigouism of Interests'* is there, nnd unrest at home. The modern",capi­ back to the seventeenth century,'haa' the nations are t'he .victims." tent but unceasing outbreaks ot war smoldering under the surface, and at talist state Is built on the crater ot within the last, forly years acquired a among nations..and ut no period of times it Is bound to break out In open n volcano—It Is always, in fear of r.n larger area of outlying territory than The savage war lu Kurope Is a ter- history has the world been entirely nnd devastating flames. Then we Impending social revolution, end the In the two hundred and fifty years i-.lih ha 1 >J ni lis nt confirmation of the free from Its ravages. have ruin and bankruptcy of Individ- army Is needed to quell nny serious preceding that period. Socialist philosophy and predictions. International warfare hus at all mil* .capitalists, .strikes, ^lockouts' and outbreak of revolt which may occur The Oerman Empire began Us polit­ It IH a solemn wanting to the United ical career without any colonies, and Statest-^The Metropolitan) • Imperial Bank of Canada time* been IndUsolubly ceiutected with pitched bnttlcti between employers uiul from day,to day. Witii ull their forms the wclal and economic structure e' employees, ntjil war among nationx. of democracy the uHrn-oapltallst gov­ It was not until I88f that It estab­ HIAO OFFICE, TpRONTO society. In each epoch the ruling International wnr is only one phase of ernments of Europe nre largely'haned lished itti first African settlement In A. F. of L. CONVENTION ADJOURN* rlawos of the stronger nations have the general ^Industrial warty rn upon or. military force. Togoland. Within the fifteen years Capital Paid Up..$7,000,000 Reserve Fund ....$7,000,000 incited wars for advantages suitable which our so-cntled civilization rests. And as lhe efficiency of Ihe armed following it linn acquired by eonque«t.l MtlLAltKUnilA.-All officeri of v O. tt. WILK €, PreiMert HON. llOiT JAFFRAY, VleeFrei to the economic condition-* of the time. The HoeinllstR assert that wars arc tind nnvol forces of u nation must ne« treaties, occupation aud leases n ter.jtUe American Federation of Labor •R»NCHM IM BRITI1H COLUMBIA The ancient nations, based on slave bound lo become more -frequent and ccFsarlly he measured by Its potential r tor, estimated at more Uian a mil. were selected yesterday by ncclamt- Arrewhted, Cranbraek, Pernie, Ooltfin, Kamteepi, Michel, Nelson,.. lion square miles, or about Jive times |„ ,„ . economy,, waged war for the capture Violent nx tlie capitalist system of ability to cope with tho similar forces on for the riwt tlme lh8 hlftor> Revflleteke, Venoeuver and Vietortv the slxe of the mother country. |of Ul0 labor-movement. Ban Francta- • (treat 'Britain (tad generally eome to ll appeared to be the wish ot the THE CANADIAN BANK Capitalism in pru-eiiiiimuil) it »> Mtmu i.ir*^.- m.tniti-K of the population, the agdliisi cm h other. The wans uf the regard her colonies as a thoroughly representatives of ail the labor or- of warfare. It is based on the unso. iverkers, are underpaid nnd ihelr |M»w. past lay the foundation for the wars unprofitable Investment, and the acgaiiisaiion a that the miners be repre­ elal prlnelpie of Individual effort and er «>r ronsumptfon Ix norely curtailed of lhe future. France lias never for- • titled iwiliry of t>iie government wa* sented In the executive council, uw OF COMMERCE ••ompe'.Uive stru««le, Kvery human 'lhe ntii'nii*tMiiml Hiirplus of maiuifac go! ten or toi given the amputation of ui neglect ami practically abandon |,,,« ,0 thl" »,*P",«wl «ntlment, l»^ being in st-iit out Into (he world to el­ 111 red proline!* hecimns a drag on the Alsiire-l.orrnlne from lis body politic, them, toil, with the rise of Buroiw. sM*n' w,llle v*n«* » v*m,n of ^ HAJIN1TALUO \ bow hii way through the throngs nf market nml I* pregnant witn inmis- snd the, recent Balkan war has left a Kntllsh colonial policy took a aharp ",,,ur «*•>««•»«»' ««>«l ^ 'tow of Presl his fellow mature* and to aeciire his Irlnl st'iaiiittleti und ruin. The moil multitude nf unsettled scores. And turn. The tendwwy toward a "com- d''"' VVM,,,*,,, veryardttona duties tu living In fight with every other human em npltnlisti. es;iei inil) tho«e en ffiiillv, mir* nre eweoiiraged by lhe placent dlsBolntlon of the empire"!,'1" lH" organlsailon, It was agreed n***A Iwlng, The fight Is sanguinary or isttitfil Hi lnrge-«<-nle liidiintrles, make *t,i'Umt» delihersl-fly Npl.tiiis In the otiiet in a elose *»d organic onion "'' ,',", •'•"aittniic Incldtiil ot lhe % nr let-up, without pity or mercy. mm. The} are toreeil to look for «•'«•'» ef lhe people from each child. 4 with the Itnitetl Kingdom was Ins...'«• h^ng mas when WllUew a Wil- Mr'm.rlli li'U % «'»r t,t tti.livl.Ju.kl* itciv lnt'e- rniMt mrn in m* fielti*. Thus mu d I *w ml nm lou of racial and nation-! j followed hy the institution of tmiterhl i' wm> ,w»fc «hw «h»"' *f eemtety ot orothervdutbletiooneof tbeMboxtt bund ihemnelvis together into groups;urine* the necessity fur foreign trade, wl |ir«Jttdlr*». Vonterewet ot Colonies In IMI Tlie •'wMi'itl Uompers and i»r*t»d»d over i»f varying Mm*** .iiffirdlng to Ihefr mn-1 with n tmrtlftth-tr predileeilon fer eol- %et •TIM. MwleliM *V,uit„»^ottbe*mtt**ny m cMirentlni. «-Mfe front finyf>,% terisl interests. Hetween themselves Ionics nnd dependencies, The letter nM nt mmme «r. «,«, ,»»„, be mmmeil' ,.^n £^*&Z mZ V.«-I^M«, of rt, tWM mile j ntntimbmet by r»r#r«rentiil «it«lam J W«rh#r«, tlelirwti «n ImiMMlened d»-| l leeiieee *** '' * *•"-»«- «»..*.*.*• **.. *>*i . •JtflH* • •••-'I • * , »• <*it!*«i.*,,t,*,*D,iti,,,*.,*,)*» .„>•••""•<•« ^ i.,r.^t-fr&*m^ A'm,4*it0>fa , >•,.,«,.».Il-l,,»U» *«» ,u«r fttuottt <>l ttlltt '»» >"> •*..-» s.^ ...*» ,t,t -«tK »»* **,**•,,. \it'itinm murine ilif •»vt*ntltii iwrlait oi the ia«i haa town ; t»rrt.itMtltr aloit" antone th« Kuroiwari dee lo th« ammhlmii- srtlou of tbe HOMEDANK'CANADA ,'«nav** (HP % -•*** ' i•*.,'//.' th.ti r>i-,r> if )vri_ t*,., -,.*»? r .,'»,. t *«|. i- *, •x '• n i. 1-1 ii'.* t.r,t/trt*t* >*ii» •with lh* Hum* Renle tWet atetk eferted veotn *f& with • it.ii-.Hi.ig hutl terre oi i'Uf #ln ivi»t* h it* i ,r t u . • ,.1* ieprnkt ©I «ie doHiu. Yemr dallu ie nlwegre welcome. 1 Hmi wwiltH-M now at *rar waa ilwnt Fait eontpotntd iftteiftet fMitd. ** ,:.»i,.tw*„ TKHU> *J i» I'mi'ti* tut If »«• i» forth to atrlkt » blew for j \ ..ittStHt. Ttt* agar*****! »uit*rr end Ute tatereet* of tu rapiutial ym ef*| 4n W* MAODONALO, Manager ••'"mi-ill ti«w»«»l ',-Ti'l!"-* fn*** <*»•* • t". -fttmbmA fernr Jo»», bn*. tt yo* t!it!lte' mmm* sum* •*. .*. ptttmm *. o. "w**£^Mff ,*4„*.t,rf*,,» .*M»H '»'• '* •Ufi'.-r.-w*? Kit*, j riifflw I'p ii*mtm im laaaaut 8COTTIE IN J,IVI»AN,M At THE G*ANO THEATRE. Tuiwliiy Ott.. 14 HiifK t>f xntirt-i tti'iti IM lift f-iv H*!i - * jjugtUwM YV3& • '"'VX'^A *y^>m$ • *• -* .-•? As-*r.


have no desire for aggression; we are fighting only in self-defence." A wise man presiding over this con- ference might say, "This is a war of What I Saw In Germany mutual fear. None of you know what you are fighting for; you are as far apart as the poles from understand­ By George Nasmyth, of the World, ing each other. Go to your Govern­ the whale 65,000,000 was suffering Russian invasion along hundreds of ments, tell them to call back their 1'race (Foundation, Boston, U.S. from hunger. The school children miles of the eastern frontier. The artnies into their own countries, and (The author describes experiences .were 'being provided with nourishing •i lance of power which I saw in Eng­ o-rder the soldiers to lay down their in Germany between August 23 aina food, and 5,000 people, largely refugees land as a defensive alliance against arms and go back to their families and W- September 4, 1914.) from East Prussia, were -being suppii? the aggressive intentions of Germany workshops." ed with nutritious meals at a penny became there a plot -compounded of Before I could begin to see anything During tne past three years l nave each, or free of charge If they were the Russian *- determination to break in Germany in its right proportions, I been iii all the European countries One Night Only without means. The soldiers of fami­ up Austria, the French determination had to -become accustomed to the naw engaged in the • struggle, and I have lies at the front were being paid atmosphere. Passing out from under for "revanche," and the English de­ found militarists and imperialists in prom'ptly and the -prices of food were the partial vacuum of the English Cen­ termination to smash the German all of them. Each has its own na­ normal. During my three years of TUESDAY, DEC. sorship I drew a deep (breath of free fleet and commerce. In England pub­ tional type of Bernhardis, Treitschkes, 15th air in Holland, which receives news study in Germany I had never been lic opinion I saw the war lord as the and advocates of Nietzsche's philoso­ from all sources, and then plunged a*ble to find any slums, I had never new Napoleon, determined to bring all phy. ,But, I thank God I have found into the partial vacuum of German seen a beggar or a drunken man, and the-world into subjection; in Germany In each of them also men who nave re** Censorship. The German Customs the wonderful social - organization I saw him as the representative of a cognized that the whole philosophy of officials at Goch asked me poiueiy it which had produced this condition has united people defending themselves force is false, that militarism must be I had any English newspapers in my been extended and perfected to meet against a rilig of enemies who had destroyed, and that all social progress F. Stuart Whyte's All-Star possession.,. I thought this rather the crisis. The war means a long long -been planing to break up the in the future depends upon the union strange at the time, but ascribed it step towards socialism, of course, for German Empire, but had heen forced of the forces of democracy and pro­ to Prussianism in general until on my the rich roust voluntarily or involun­ by the assassination in Serajevo tb em­gress for the solution of the interna­ return to free liberty-loving England tarily supply the needs ol the poor. bark on their course of dismember, tional problem, and the establishment ,;. I was searched at Folkestone, and all From wttiat I saw in Germany, how- ment a little earlier than they had In­ of those ideas,which will give the se­ my copies of the German newspapers, ever, I would judge that the war will tended. cure basts for a permanent peace. For "VERS ATI LES" the German White Paper and other of­ produce there less actual suffering A few things remained right side up. the present need these men are the ficial-documents were confiscated. in the form of hunger and poverty In Gertnany I found among the leaders salt of the earth. Any solution of the The establishment of Prussianism in than in any of the other countries en­ of the four million Social Democrats present conflict which does not depend English Musical Comedy Company gaged. a hatred of Imperialism and 'Militar­ upon an Intellectual revolution and • i England which the war has caused should make it easier for tlie two No moratorium has been declared In ism more bitter and more intense than which does not radically alter the pre­ countries to understand each other Germany, the banks have not been in England or in America (it wassen t relations of the States of Europe after the war at least. • closed for a single day, and people strange to talk with these men after must necessarily be a temporary one. I have found an increasing number From the accounts of Germany were redeposittng in tlie savings f anks reading the reports that they had been v tlie money which they had withdrawn shot!) "But militarism is the worst of men in Germany, as in all other which I "had read in the English pap- countries who realize this. Call it Presenting a Fascinating Fantasy of the ers I expected to find everything ln in the first days of panic. Some -peo­ possible way in 'Which to fight militar­ ple iwere even paying tlieir taxes for ism," they said. "It has forced us to Utopia if you vfrlll, .they say, but the confusion, the whole economic laibor only alternative to another forty-four of tbe country broken ui), a half-starv­ 1915 and 191G In advance in order to make this choice; either we must tem­ Flowery Kingdom, Entitled help the Government and get the bene­ porarily join forces with militarism or years of frenzied armament competi­ ed population on the verge of revolu­ tion leading to another Armageddon is tion, the railway service suspended, fit of the 4 per cent discount which we must stand by and see our country was offered. The extent to which the overrun by t'he Russians. Prussir.!- some kind of a concert or federation of cholera rampant,in Derlin, and vari­ Europe, leading to the federation of surface indications correspond or fail ism is b'^ enough, but wo prefer it to ous other interesting manifestations of the world.—War and Peace. German demoralization. to correspond with the economic reali­ Fuss'inisni." The Social Democratic But I could discover none of these ties Is very difficult to judge. When Party had almost auuined to power. things; in outward appearance, at I asked business men in Germany It secured 34 per cent of the votes at THE REAL CAUSE OF WAR least the Germany at the end of Aug­ about the underlying conditions they Uie last election in 1912, and has 'teen ust was the same Germany that I had shook their heads and looked thought­ gaining at the rate of more than 1 per If the Republican Party can be con­ seen at the end of July, or at any time ful, just as business men do in Eng­ cent, of the total votes a year for the sidered as speaking for tbe American during the past three years; a slightly land, t With the exception of the arm­ past twenty years. In co-operation capitalist class—and when has it ceas­ smaller proportion of soldiers visible ament industries, It Is certain that in with the next most Radical Party, the ed to be the spokesman for that class? in the streets, perhaps, and a slightly Germany, as in all the other ^countries Progressive People's Party, the Social the capitalists of the United States are larger proportion of women and chil­ concerned, nobody is going to reap any Democrats were looking forward -,o ready to plunge the country Into war dren. Tbe streets were a little quiet­ economic gain from the war. This is, victory and tlie control of the Govern­ with Japan or China, or both, over er and even a little more Immaculate I believe, one of the doctrines of the ment -at thc next election in 1917.th e markets of the Oriental world. than usual; a tense air of solemnity Norman Angell philosophy. What will !be the result of the use of •The leader of the Republican Party and resigned sorrow had taken the . I talked witli many of the English­ the crude instruments of military force in the House of Representatives, Jas. place of the usual expression of cheer­ men who had been held in Germany at no one can tell, but from what I saw in R. Mann, iu a speech on October 1, op­ fulness and happiness on the faces of the outbreak ot the war, aud brought Germany I should say that if Germany posing independence for tlu-. Philippine the people but otherwise life was go­ back with me a: score of letters from is crushed and humiliated in this war, Island, said that war with "the East" 24 - Sure Fire Song Hits-24 ing on much as usual. Instead of a them to. their friends in England; ail the overthrow of Prussianism and was certain to come eventually, be­ suspended railway service, I travelled testified without exception to the kind­ militarism ln Germany will .be set back cause, due to the rapid ir.lustrial deve­ in tiie greatest luxury and comfort on ness and courtesy with which they for'a generation. Prussianism must lopment ot the Orient, the capitalists one of the four express trains which were being treated hi Germany—an­ be destroyed, but the only people -who of China aud Japan would soon be sup- plylng their borne markets with corn- are running daily between Cologne other shock to the impression which I can destroy lt are the German people. A complete scenic production and Berlin aB between the other im­ had gatfierecTfrom the^ngUsh Press. Heard everywhere in Germany, as I modlties and would be seeking a for­ portant cities. Instead of uiieaniiloy- Dr. ftushbrook, for example, the editor have been hearing everywhere ln Eng­ eign outlet for their surplus products and beautiful costumes ment, I -found a temporary scarcity of of the Peacemaker, whom I saw sev­ land and from America, "as far as is ln competition with American capital­ labor, so that women and boys had to eral times while tn Berlin, was being humanly possible tbls must be the laat ists, Mann said this would force the be employed temporarily as ticket col­ entertained at the home of Pastor war." From all the scores of Ger­ United States to go to war, and he lectors in the Underground and con­ Siegraund-Schultze. mans with whom I talked (business wanted to have the Philippine Islands ductors in the street cars. Instead of For tho prisoners ot war, especially men, leaders in religion and educa­ dependent on the -United States in a scarcity ot food, I found tlie whole' the Freud., there has been such if.govemment. He followed Mtlnucl which ought to actuate us. ij I, Quezon, the Philippine Resident "I have no doubt thnt It is as cer­ Commissioner in Congress, wbo iiui't tain as that the sun will rise tomor­ O you ever consider made an eloquent plea for the Mbory row UtUjiiiJ-lM UiMl U tOl.li.i-l Alii coin.-, of his people. butween thn For Bast and the Par' the importance of Mann began his remarks by aymg D West acres* the Pacific Ocean. Ail Um' lie wondered how many ot lata col­ hlntory teaches u« that avoidance of the use of stationery leagues were retrying In their mind's eva"the picture of recent developnuni's ItW" eon,"ci '• Impossible in the North Pacific Ortfcn. } "I hope that it ma>y boe eonl y a cam- that is in harmony with You do not wish "Only a fow years ago Japan was I m*rc,»' Wifllct, I hope that war may ot the nature of your, busi­ opened to the world and to the niod> «"•••» hope there will be no eon- era elvlliaUon," aald Mann. •Tha!f!'«* ? •J™- »ttV taw "« « '•»* ness? In many cases alum in your food changes which have been made in!*** ,n m* "°m °r mr*iM0^ ***, Japan, the marvellous growth of mil?™ f» *,l,e * m«*' in «"»t**'«»« your letterhead is con­ You desire toavoi d it Dr. Price** Cream Baking 9 * — i tut.j,m. a* lonim.m~g perioa*-*•*-»•...d1 withouM.I.I.-A..t. arme4I99I94.Ad eonA*..-. Influence, nr* not to be equalled by \ flirt A Wp*t for commercial «»pre Powder contains no alum or lime phosphate. Its any other nation, 1 thli.k,, in Mw Itis*\ macy leads In tho end to a fixbt with sidered as an index of >ory of the world. use is therefore a safeguard agitost objectkmaWe «rms, because Ihst Is the final arblli'r "C!e** ia tnpnt, l/tax like J» t.u*.*? bH*.wn nations." your business character, mineral salts which are left in the biscuit and cake Ing monster ef lb*- worM ls Chins, when made with Inferior powders. with her vast territory, with ber Im­ in thojip remark* ol th< lii-iiulilimn | hence the necessity of a Chemists have shown that a large percentage of mense population, and that which wn« \t-Mitr In th* House the American j Ifrtinir on a few f<*nr» nen lit .f-ipsn 1* workiwr -flans ha* a cl-wir msl-Mm-nt \ good printer. the chemicals of which alum baking powders are now going on in Chine. Th« awaken­ of thc ncfsrkws purposes ot th* caplt« made remains in the food in the form of Glauber's ing of China is more marvelloas, per. \ nl»»t «»»»* of thia country. Just so| Salt, hvdrafe ttX aluminum and ttrbe* hmmtWtm t ..*>».-...... , .,,. r.'-9.l1,-.1*f,r.-,,.,,,„.„ . 1't. .,**,.,,,*.,.,4,1 i.r* t -, ,-, •• • ,, 11 tt*., trt^ ri*, *SV- r*citt twttt'MeeH, *b* *>trt*Hl*1*A•WK f &tfJil*eki*iuullwc«uu Rtfjtci « baking powder )thl•¥lvHlT,9tlonftroarfflol!•frnday«llnl^',o«»l•,. tor ih«" cmeomie conflict wllH unless the label shows cream of tartar. Buy and use ' engages In production, we will enter' he there, and th# capitalists on wither | If you want really high I • opon a scries of competitive *ff««* 1 •w* **" *>** »" mlt* "hey havo caused with the Par Bant never yet wtttallcl {millions of working men to be slangm- class printing-the kind t„ »•» :., „•,,»*;* „t ,.,,., • , kball not it* permitted to com* to from capitalist advocates of peace, to oar shores. At the sam« lime wo say j •«»«» «nl*l»K ***»"< i'WUpivloe m.le|*« us with your next order lhat China shall not bt* permitted to deuce. Tbeee peopte know their shut out onr people nor our good*. "peace** talk to b* thc veriest humbug: Kncb a position at we take eannot be the* know tbat. wtten It comes to be S qncftion htr h« capitalist class to ] abandoned by our people, but it taa wtet-e forward or to mor* bertnranl itf Burin | ,, m I».lHVAlr8f!l!lK«ra^ifiX]«« ^! * «* K*»*««<*. »*» ^^ Oram «f Ifcrttv fiSSm»el%fi^Xm'lS}tt •*'* «*»«•"' '*- *» »* «*""* « The District Ledger !£&£&£L°t&''Mir--is^& W ,u "mope** ot tbe tl**h-pot*. tbey raO-STHOf-iOL FOR MEN. $£231 h*** ••"•'> the mllnpm ot their "mom" "QUALITY" PRINTERS K ^X*tt^J.itarm t*a»\*t nana ******.^ am tra tnwt tm matin »• ««**' •*» «** *»» »• atphtm. mtitnmu.emmUm**%nmmtlon^" ttt* *m**n*ni r-mmjwe tn wt* rtmmiy, Phone 48a :-: Fernie, B.C. On tale et •LIASMLL'I Ocwf Stew, tt the working elses does not prevent — — ». . 9 m.' ~.l 9. *. 49 9. f ••••• mm the espltiillst ticmonitration by ending mpltattsm.—W**i!y IVwy-te. Sntt*


of life by court martial until parliament meets engage Belgian .women as dressmak­ and now that suoh complications,,have ^tye Msitici £*&0*i again. ers ,when there are already over, (our ari-sea between Britain and Germany To the Plain People hundred dressmakers out or employ­ that has caused them to.go to war,., ,--•/;* It were a shame to spoil such a beautiful rever­ ment in Glasgow. many:; of our miners refuse to work • -. published every Thursday evening at itt, office, sion to the Medieval Age by so flagrant a sample of There is something wrong an-d It for these firms, and in the new" coal ^Pellatt Aveiiue, Pernie, B. C. Subscription $1.00 civilized pusillanimity as the meagre concession of Europe will have to be righted; -Tho Glasgow field of Yorkshire, near ^Doncaster, referred to. This puerile play to the gallery ought Labor party is firmly opopsed to refu­ there were two,,very large shafts -be­ per: year \n advance. An excellent advertising gees replacing home Jabor under the to be frowned upon, in fact, deleted, otherwise it By Charles ErsUine Scott Wood in such splendid patriots as William ing-sunk and a new village -was being present circumstances. Regarding our built, and everything up-to-date. But medium. Largest circulation in the District. Ad­ looks too much like absolutism with a minus sign— "The Public." Randolph Hearst and Harrison Gray mining districts, work runs about four mark this, everything was don© by (an unthinkable possibility). Note, however, it is vertising rates on application. Up-to-date facilities Otis. days per week in Yorkshire and other German labor; in fact, it was to be a only applicable to the l'ritish subject, who (this Why are you • killing each otiier? for the execution of all kinds of book, job and What is your quarrel? Why did you "I have laughed aL this cry for Midland districts, ajid in Durham and German colony entirely. I am in­ merely incidental) has a vote. The unlucky mor­ so suddenly bate each other? What "civilized warfare" and the protest Northumberland. Work is very fan formed there was £450,000 invested color work. Mail orders receive special attention. at some pits and those who have much tal other than a British subjeot who incurs the dis­ have you against each other?—you against dum-rum bullets. There is or had to be before it was completed. shipping over North sea routes are Address all communications to the District Ledger. pleasure of a military or naval potentate may be plain peoples who do the working and Now there is a point being raised by no such thing as civilized warfar-e, somewhat hindered by the area being the miners as to how far such things tried by court, martial and shot, without the benefit the fighting, the paying and the dy­ and if you engage in wholesale hu- laid with mines. ran be allowed by any foreign com­ F. H. NEWNHAM, Editor-Manager. of cither judge or jury. There is no mention as to ing? iHow much did you have to sny aliout bringing on this world-conflagra­ man butchery, why be nice about Vst The Durham miners have suffered pany coming and speculating large whether he will be •without the benefit, of clergy - >. Telephone No. 48 Post Office Box No. 380 tion in which you will be the destroy­ how much you rip a man up? . . . n reduction of 'i% per cont. in their sums of money in this country, and or whether he will be scientifically drawn and ed? Yes, I know you are throwing I know things that even on Uie wages this last week. In Northum­ employing solely their own country­ men. I could say a great deal more, quartered before the extreme penalty is visited upon up your hats 'for Kaiser and Czar, pre­ inarch the censor will suppress— berland work is a little over three sident, emperor, King aud fatherland days per'week, high rates of shipping but this is not the time, only, to, say him. hasty executions of innocent men; —patriotism. and mines play an important part 1 shall keep my eye on this important men overdriven on the march lying Apologists may claim this is an extreme and ab­ .There can be no folly without fools. against our northeast coast collieries. point and report in due time. Buf surd view to take of the ciise, that the military of­ Yoa threw up your hats and died for down to vomit from exhaustion ano Just at present in South Wales the let me say that-while the war is rag­ •i >*• ficials will not be carried .iV.'iiy by malii-e nor perin'l Charles of Kngland, the curled volup­ kicked into their places again.. War Admiralty mines are fairly well em- ing with all its cruel carnage in Eu­ •' MILITARISM" NOT " MADE IN GERMANY. * rope, the British labor forces are keep­ tt j spleen lo govern their actions. For the sake of nr- tuary—for l'eler the Great and Napo­ is brutal and begets brutality. Young ployed; the other mines are not iwork- leon. You have always died for your ing so steadily. Now, there are vari­ ing a watchful eye upon the indus­ j gumeiil we will admit the force of the contention soft lads of nineteen or twenty killed With an almost monotonous regularity llit- capi­ rulers, for (iod, and fatherland. What ous districts where German capital­ trial battlefield.—Henry Evans in tlie | but there is always the fear of the. misguided zea- on tlie march, or, if not killed, brutal­ t:. M. W. of A. Journal. talist, press has informed us tliat the one great pur­ Hod? The God of Christians? If ists have speculated enormous sums, | lot endowed with plenary powers and imbued with Christ stood for Christianity. Christ­ ized forever. "Civilized warfare"— pose, the one redeeming feature of the present war I fanaticism resultant from being dressed in a little ianity stands for peace on earth, good Why not "Christian warrare? . . . would he the nnnihiliuion ior ever and aye of all j brief authority, committing nets that mny savor of will toward men—tho universal broth-j tiviees of Militarism. AVo have said repeatedly tliat orhood of men. But it has failed to You German workii.gmen, did you j the '•Zabern" affair. lt is folly to pooh-pooh such know until you were told that your this was thc veriest humbug, and that these asser­ deliver its promise. By their fruits a possibility. Men are men. regardless of the flag right to liv-e was in danger? Did you tions regarding the downfall of Militarism were so >e shall know them. ... If your they an- burn undei'. and if the old saying iu "' Vino God be Christ, He doesn't want you know it you Russians? You Eng­ ASK FOR many grains of dust thrown into the puhlie eye to lish and French workors? Do you Veritas" be eoiTect. no less so is "an open door to fisht for Him. He rebuked Peter blind it to the real, the basic eause of this titanic for drawing the sword. What father­ know it now? .How in danger? Why would tempi a saint." wliich in plain English means upheaval. j ^|^ land me you fighting for? The soil in danger? From whom? • The do- that unbridled license in llritish military circles is whore you happened to open your maisn, powers and privileges of your Tlie war fever i.s so intense, and rampant .jingo­ rulers may have been In danger frdm likely lo breed the despotism so pronounced among ] oy(lg. ,,ow mllch o£ it (Io you own? ism so aggressive that the ordinary amenities of a the ambitious of rivals, but why could FIVE ROSES Ihe (ii.-i'inan officials. nm\ which has been so onus- [German peasants? Russian peasants? dispassionately eonsidered discussion are conspicu­ not these things have gone on as they I tically dciioiiii.-cd by Old Country writers. ; French peasants? English peasants? ous by their absence. Not lo assume the at lil mit were till you overthrew the govern­ The World's Best nils ov nieir ansence. .\ot in assume uie am me i ,." , , ' , , , , , , . - \,,Bi,-i-ni no*imiit«» What u this thiinr ing class? Workers of the world ...... , , - .,..,-, , • a \ I'riorto the outbreak lo have hinted at (he p ot'jeise for. lieve you are brothers the world over | diseased imagination, yet it is now accepted will) you? Are you free? Are you happy, of powder—for the other fellow. j aud -have the courage to die for that I complaisance, plainly indicative of the obsequions- you and your children? Are there no instead of for a government hy aris These self same purti/ans glibly aver " Unions, | ness paid In the supci-law dictators. privileged classes, no monopolies, no tocracy or plutocracy you will gain never shall be slaves'': "An Kug'.ishniaifs Koine '.- ! nobilities which are not noble, no \ Dniiblless when more quiescent times have arriv- the world and your own-souls. liis castle"'; then, as though to substantiate the; 1 aristocracies which are not aristo- ! cii and the great mass have reached lhe analytical logic of these assertions will probably cite the dif-' i cratic? FROM THE OLD COUNTRY stnue we may look for a readjustment carrying with lereiiee between the conscript .soldiers of (.iermany j Is Uie Uussian fatherland so much il a rclc'.ra1ion to Limbo of nil these anti-social uiaiii- kinder and freer and finer than all KAItSDOX, ENGLAND. Every and Austria (ignoring for,the nonce that this ap-1 other fatherlands that you mast die! thinking reader will agree that we I CM our quarrel, tuid when a mailed fist methods that call for men to slay each statements made would suggest that the reader. ment. The eitv council will secure as a trial a .\a\is why do you yell nml huzza nnd oilier in order to gain fame for a tew Send for Five Roses _-niii!ii^e-_inMji-k_jLtiiLJjL\v:ii'dLvL.iliffilJ!t. Hmsnbmined re-1 j-uici a-u Lni!_:i milMaj._J'rtiiii_..\*l^!KlitlMi_*QlltaiUll.. jmu »'!,,. Ai.1 .TH. f.i.i.nru I iln-uimli*-' -innlfr-rii -AY-&11. ,WP asrstfL COUPON production of what the cable brings from London:! apples will be purchased loose for about 4o cents • -the plain people- so out to die for the> are in perfect order in taking Writ* K*mf And Ajdrn* pltint,. i Francis I. and Louis )OV. of France? sucli n stand, yet I have before me the Dan'l lo^tt to -tntleM T-Ml C«lU i a barrel, and loaded into the car with hay padd­ » «"»• BEING A MANUAL OF GOOD RECIPES ux-fuHy And Socialism: What BUB become of tlu> annual report of the Lancashire ing to protect them. Counting freight and all it ck-M-m (ran lhe coninbtttiani ol over two ISOUHDek work to the factor- •OU AQINT POR PIRNII thinkable*, loihiv lire taken IH II matter of «-oiir«ei IhemselvcH ihan lo HII.VIHHI.V* eUe, to litem it is of The «•'• rman ruling enlss. capltalUtle lr.i. To prove the neglect of the Kirk- ALKX BICK BLOCK, n rKRMK, B. C. by nil CIHKHCH. .I'KH import Hint len llioiiwiinl Kink limn Hint tliey!«'"» "rUtocrailc feared nny Increase tut nt iiihaii district In carrying out .... 11 . i . ri .. Mn HtiKslan power and a destruction ilielr reformed duties, that district has honl llailxbiiry, Imwcver. HM.VK the |ini|nmal nf nhoiiM IH* nimbi,, u, k«ii nflo.1 | , ^^ „ „ Ibe Infant mortality of 3-fA per 1,000 the bill is the imiHt inieimititntioniil Ihinif thai of fh| of }ww Ik| yo Thin really Is not a factory m •9k Thin action on thc piirl ol tlie t ity of Utlitwn tn\ , „ „, „ „, | ? blnlts. • III li.i{l|ll uril in till.-. , Hill.'. i,l . wW( ? adj(Ul| or mn t lev' ;v vtv'ilt ;v**:\ on tt\o van «liili«eroulAtrtblialiintx ft oa tl»»nnr.' 4niiilill IIUUKCI-'HIe nmii)H ,' *mn} precedenl wliiUl t il 'i willr ,! t\.„\o tl**je ,hHiiv,m««|H. Nl \^'^ ^ fc »• lUrth. j lh. tnetery employer, must not he h. not m ileej.ly mt\tt\, tlmt it little (no mutter hour j it he enrrtiit to i mmttt\ mme the workintr «*i«^«) ,.„,„,.,. thw who ean Uv „ w|w «nd blamed for thai, hut there Is athple For Sale or Trade Cheap •iliuiii the |M»rlioii> eominon *u*n*u> mny he tin-night to mity even ilrnvv the tltfluclioii llliit if »n*|i|»i'i-ti»»iiti**»* j t«otHIi*.e» grml-H, nionlllie«l; *«tid Ihe'proor in »how the mill fon. my dear plain and married women's -condition* In Ihe milts. The attention of Ihe govern­ • * "•-'»«-«- Pow- ,».«„ ike* rcn.nli of „.,l nbolish ».,e IWil Mynlj-M eU^r- rim.^^^^J^^- (I ment ia tn lie drawn to It by the labor The t'otuolifhlioii' Aet/ ^'hete m »„» u,e !., n ,|ee,|. w.,i,hU Miv.i.ely .loi«|fero.i« I., (lie HiHNtiT : (| lhi, ^^ ^ xhttiettotmlm. turiy lutity Hiit'ii tbey u*>«ciiibl«- tomorrow. Three fully equipped Meat Markets blink nl the power tlie proviiiuie. of thin nel confer: «'IH<«V However, weiloirt espeet they w ill Imve mnny | ypnrn M t\,*r\»h*A revenge, *»t ahfl?e .Vote the deaths of children under one Om each at .Blairmore, Pincher Creek and bi |»lfMO i*n«n«-r«r fuel litnuMnj;. ii IM.-MH* Hmt wlml wuk-cfiil lnoir* on lhi% mwire. m lln-re are yet l<«Mall million on millions of money loan*, year in thai district iotnl 4.SM. Is w,e, ever lilwrlif* « llriliab aiihjwl mm hnve lier.|o. mnny in.lnI-IIIHU in liiimnii miciely who nny "It"")*? ^ *^ » mttoMtm to R«asl»-tMt the!IndnstrUI beiilefleld paylag^a McLeod. Will sell the markets complete l'(»H" Uilt* i*'*\ till" hi* ill j.. . j#» ?•>«<.,, . 'ni -(iitj i."'® \tt ,, , *. ,„ , „ -„ , , . ..Irwnee mobilised. The «od of Peaee great priee for Ita prod-net? lint the • " " * I HUM mv* been giueh eonfneed hy this; time la aot fsr distant when labor will wiih the lease, or the fixtures. Term* ar­ «*}epme»l without even )» e, ittt nHir |»le,-,*iiii-" ,u- llm*. fer when tlrrmnny. n* n wnr itt* k-mrl nntt ttmetlt** Wi»Bd*rfnl "by-yoiir-}M.'riiiiwiKHi" tf-t'/tiiit'c. ui' eiiiy vestigi- of Japan's Advancement '.-mtamr*, n aelf-fn^sfrvation twa-Mire j light bm »f lhe nh«'tte» of iheiittit of the TlrtMoh demo«r«*rlea tlnrtni ihl» *ar *blrh will be heard. M'is*lom Av-i ileein il ewenfinl to iln MI forth,- prrt- V > ftetter evi.le.iee tinil .l«p«.i IINM rmrrytttl twit, ]»**<*>* 'iolated lhe nentrailiy of IH- Xa-w i\'t* mm* tu lili*# m* ntlntw ini- The 41 MARKET Co. liviioii of ihe Kmpir.' hitrbarbui (nu<) anil i* now well MHIVHIUH'*! niton:\ Mm4 tfc# ntnmof ||N||h i portent unesilon reearding the Itettian I »v-,. lillllK Ol tt. .VOU WllO HH\,' Ml pt'lilllliy .leelrtlftlltl Hit Olgll-nMU Ol .i»IM/*l»»<.l» ,t i» itti(*-i u,* • •«<••>j this wss a good. bonoraM* pretext, nrtiMeea, »i whteb there are many) PERNfE - - - B. O. HII.OII lite tfiormim viciortm long tit i»r oy your tore* the loiiowiog; lot faUKUSh rHIWl'*. UHi Milt*'!' Ull, W ^ •wlUU.*Al-,U» H. f.n«llAl.U. * tt* ViM»||U«* J father* wlileli ie«*ulteil in the trial by jury, are nil "ATithuMlcHlttlrh tn llwiler'a THsfWW ttoiii-j *•• •••* • PW***'- - - • The t*g-iemplO|«ii» ai* oii#ring to «a»plo> j stnepl awnv like thtsllenloWli lw«ftifv Hie liree/e by t'l*li jw^pllf 'Mf?** IM* ** pn-*w*i a«nr.tk**e ftwfbr **»' ''"*' mUmt btrntii Iff J

lli'u etliet. ii HctbenimoM at 1!„. mtitn b\em\n **t .bipno. *mUllm UttAgt>t ^^^ for UMlh,m \rJw, T,,P> ar, oW,.rilMr |0 lU, wamm |^^^^^ >»nl wtttt ne**' «rtMi»-o «> %II.-IOIO>I^I> NOOIII tfcrit- M i>» re|»»r*>e«i iimi -»»#» HHIH-Imnt** *i*m**. <«< r^miowiv ana nmnmetmnmm «aoi|«M«MilMa» »* ***w»i«* net m**% *fmld not agree j mlmmd-erslainl m» weselm, Mr IMI- THE WALDORF •.tune, nnd that when the exigenci*-* ilem.-tmt Hie , (in.I ..I V.-/.. th.-w.iil loin Imlf of Sakhalin, ami H.« .11 w»s everywhere a -mm or lorceitor. The fi*rt:f*h*ir It too ran»*| iirliiler in the final aualyii* is .MMIIIT. a Kstr*l#'i». ! stalest foree, power agtlntt power, heawed io alio* • iteigtan worker to! ! i" »»i-i''f«. • If.lU if ItVilt-.? f, n-ify if*\ ' 'iinn'C .-tMffiif monoy -^rof if ynn 'fir* wit In tb* <*»•»'<* i-fthont wnrt, bort f|n<«itbins iif»oii the nee»««jtity of mieii atepa Wing .\* iiioither r»nvin«-inir pr»w*f »f tlw »k*t«rwii«• i *^ »s»lsMwii»t^ the *rtte« mt jrenalaly the Hrtitak wafte» Hate ai ! excellent Cuisine ~ American and I th.' i > Miiniontii-H to nreamrr a mnt-i;'r'' i • i'-' in" nhrto t mm» * nfnn,rf •''*t'j*9r*• '* l tJU' io', i t' o-/*rf*i't" ri fi"tii ">• -,-. '••'fr' *,•-UL*I •fn«:,. ,11,11,111,..- *ira*if,' tah«'1. «o*l to Ho*«w Um? »».»t*i|iy ni-it'tn it s«* part of i-.m 4 m , , . ,. . 9. . . i ,,. u . I% . , „ --L ,# a «*„ k I* **'* '* '** mm* er mhx im nbonlti who have ewda-rwi tu, tenth et late hat European Plan ~ Electric Ught - the piw of war. we bave no nhje^mn In offer, bnt neutrality Mwntary llaniela «f the II. K Ntty hi>»|4„ Ur ^^mm, m^r4 ««» »«y *re now «b«rln, ,w woarmH? nt tke Hot i Cold Water Sample Room* -Mtife^ ftH.,1 I I A * 1 H ia the pbn-rcKaicAl arvnmettls ni the "Mler-tlmii- i^.rewHI aftpntval of tbe aetnin of |,ient.-*l i«»imao mr K. I V.xnm, e»ontii«n»linf the nami trnining *ia4»W*le Aet* I w«l b* cle* io ktmw, JrtttW la asktaa thews tw^t* imtrntm* •INI ontafwleniiwia. ' \ tmtx at Xewjmrt. I I. ft»r«»i,bliii|f Ihe *w*riift~** * « *? **« **** ** '**' «mrne*\ mtwAtm Vim **»* %ntm wAom 1^^ i^*^^^ n&|^^. jtu^g»||ML Vjbua ttihi-tt , X .. .^ .. A . t. •• 'ierf wfrnfrtm me **?** «rn»rrw»7. - mf $m ^ mm„ ^ ^.L,,,*^ tmm. i*« tm •««*,,in bwtt alW Spina -*mimw ^m ^ag h« gaaitrmiee hy the T^n! ftianeeflor that no Jtrl» j "My f oiwtry ft* of fhe«- flnK Ul M,sU^ ^^ M& m%i yW( ftt|iMWor, at thaw wor^r* bbtn ditsat. VtnArijr¥UMV*irir^uiu*irBn:-ii'---*^^-''*-"~,**'-"i*l-l'""''"~l'l'l*l**"*"m it^iatltiieet. fwrt umter martial law. «balt be ileprive*.!\ H*-n*t IHI.I of ... » j*^ latest «l em gawefwaseat, for'lefled at theae easpv^ee* wnattnt ta

-^JikiJi >>"S**-J>SSJ'* <^*A&<-"i^$Kl'A- mmmmmm */ ".." '^ "'If* ?*lX£ .Jt .. v* ' : -*.-wv,'f.*i.-:^v*1,?^-jll^S^p,;

- •',•••:.* THE DISTRICT LEDGER, FERNIE, B.C., DECEMBER 5,1914 PAGE FIVE /fr y,' f-*-4fVi •.'gf.'AA&f

i",*/^ \ ' *"• '^r '' Vr"^5S $ Vtv' AT^U^ST %'AA^ yy-i-9 --sv-^Sfe'-S-'i?

The District • ' ,».;.,-',• ji

', ,.,11.... I'-A'y.X'iit.t'M answer to this question, Rule 561 reads The statement' of Mrs. Littler and other old Beaverites. Old John went such demand since the beginning of METHODIST CHURCH, FE-RN1E as follows: No debt due or accruing Mrs. Whitehouse was to the effect from there to Coleman and spent the CO A I, CREEK NOTES the world war. o due to a mechanic, workman, laborer, that they could have disposed of an­ next few days with his daughter, Mrs. 'Scottie in Japan" is preceded by the Sunday, Dec. 6.—11 a.m., "iiie&ISt-- servant, clerk or employe for and in other 40 pairs of shoes to needy cases. Jonathan Graham. He had a good Old Country Pierrot's in a new vaude­ ernal Word"; 2.30 p.m., Sunday school respect of his wages or salary, shall The ladies are to be congratulated time while in Coleman—You bet! * The mines up here were idle Tues. ville' creation called "Past, Present arid Bible class; 7.30 p.m., "Christian­ be. liable to seizure or attachment un­ upon the very thorough and practical and Future." lri this there are day.. -Shoptag of cars was given as -There is no improvement in the less such debt exceeds tbe sum ot manner in which they handled the twelve songs and some delightful danc­ ity and War." , ' , the reason. Thursday also was an labor situation in this camp since last $25(00, and then only to the extent of funds. ing numbers. The costuming of this On Monday evening Mr, Stoodley •Idle day. ' the excess, provided that nothing in Don't .forge' the sacred concert at report. , The mine worked eight days part is a decided feature, as the period will give another of his addresses on Xo.. 3 mine resumed work on Wed­ this rule contained shall apply to any the LMethodist Church next Sunday in November. There has been >io cowered is from 1777 to IMt), beginning nesday after an idle period of two the Navy, the subject being "Modern case where .the debt sued -for or in res­ evening at 7.30 .p.m. The protends work now since Friday, A number of with thu old English square-cut with months. Gunnery." Thursday evening Christ­ pect of which the judgment was re­go to the local relief -fund. At a special'meeting of -Maple Leaf men have quit and gone across the thc powdered wig, and progressing A meeting of subscribers to the mas practice and prayer service. Fri­ covered bas been contracted for board Local Sunday last the correspondence border to look for a master. as the action goes on to the modern €oal Creek Relief fund was ""'held in day evening choir practice. and lodging. If the garnishee you irom the International and District A message was received in town this dress and finally to the futu'rist lad the Club Hall on Monday evening. OJ speak of bave been put in by business with regard to our appeal for relief morning by one of the business men, with the ladies in colored wigs and HILLCREST NOTES Reports 'were, received and the meet­ men of the town of Coleman, the min­ was read. The subject was thoroughly from Drum-heller, asking for fifty min­ mannish dress, and the -.men in Ihe OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH ing decided to continue with the er or laborer, whatever -he may be, discussed and it was decided to send ers. A number have already declar­ knee breeches and lace frills, which monthly, subscriptions. has a right to apply to the clerk of Brothers John Hoggan an-d Charley ed their intention of going. experts tell us -will be the approved Sunday, Dec. 6 th.—Morning prayer, That a lost key does not necessitate the court for payment out of $25.00 Local-,10,')8 appointed a Christinas Cerni to Ferule as a delegation to A patriotic meeting is programmed masculine attire three generations HUD; public worship, 11 a.m.; Sunday staying out all night -was clearly de­ as allowed by the rule above referred Tree Committee, with power to add Interview the District Officers, and to for Thursday night at which the hence. school and bible class,! 2.30 p.m.; Gos­ monstrated by one of our residents, to. His exemption amounts to $25.00 to their numbers any interested per­ give the correct detail concerning the Mayor, Alex. McRoberts and others pel service, 7.30; Communion servi-se, -who was seen entering his domicile and only the amount in excess of the sons. The committee have been high­ mine workers at their respective will speak. A collection will be tak­ S.30. Young Poople's Service, Monday via the. window. KNOX CHURCH, FERNIE. $25,00 can be held under garnishee un­ ly successful up to the present, and the camps. There will bo n special meet­ en to aid the patriotic fund. at 8. Weekly prayer service, Thn re- Ueorge Young Is spending a short less the debt sued for is for board kiddies are assured a happy time, ing on' Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, to re­ Tho school board have made ar­ day, at 8. vacation in the Brazeau district. and lodging, then nothing is exempt, Santa promising; to - remember all. ceive the report of the delegates. rangements to start classes in mining Sunday, Dec. 0—11 a.m., "Why God Mrs. Holman and Mrs. J, Oakley, the creditor can tako It all to the ex­ Quite a lot of excitement prevails Brother Mike Kuislta was duly ap­ litis week. The teachers are 'Mr.Wondered" ; 7,30 p.m., "Christ and the M. J. J. Martin, of tbe firm of Herch­ anil family, of Michel, were visiting pointed for neutral scrutineer to at­Huntroyds and ,Mr. Johnson for min­ tent of his claim and costs. these days at the -pool room of Mr. ft. Broken Ones"; 2.30 Sunday school. mer and Martin, left on Thursday for Mr and Mrs. .Toe Worthington during Yours truly, Hall who lias fitted up a tube range tend at Blairmore on election day, ing, and Mr. ..McMa-hou for machine the weekend. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m., Prayer meeting. Sydney, N.B., in answer to a summons H. OSTLUND. for shooting competitions each Satur­ Dec. 8th. drawing. There are also classes in The anniversary, of the wedding da>* day, George Wilde won a turkey On Tuesday of last week the Leitch typewriting and other business cours. Thursday, 7.-15 p.m., Thoughtful Work­ home on account of his mother being of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Markland drew A concert and dance under the aus­ last Saturday; a prize of $2.00 was Coal Co. ported notices at Mie pit­ es. A class in English for the for- ers. Friday, 7.30 p.m. choir practice. seriously ill. t a large number ot friends together )i pices of the Red Cross Society was won by G. Halliday. On Saturday head to the effect Unit no more work eign-speaking men has also been ar­ .•Sunday. Festivities were kept up until held iu the Kagles Hall, Friday last. next three prizes will .be competed for would be carried on mull further no­ ranged. the wee sma' hours. fleorge Reid left Saturday for Dun- —viz., Jst prize, two ducks; 2nd prize, tice, It seems that their contracts At the regular meeting of Local 102 Sleighs, of. tbe v "bob" and other dec, Scotland, on a four months' trip. a ham; 3rd prize, $2.00. with the Government and C.P.R. ter­ on Sunday, the question of nominat­ spedes of .the glider type, are much 'Mrs, D. Banks and family left Sat­ Our local butcher lost part of hisminate d on the ,30th. Whether they ing candidates for the Town Council in evidence. , urday to Join her husband In Laurencn, nose by allowing it to come too quick­ will be in a position to renew the con­ was discussed and it was decided to *•'& The stork paid a visit to Slav to,wn run three candidates;, ami Alex. Pater­ T. W. DAVIES Mass. ly in contact with the ice .while skat­ tract or not cannot be said. We, like on Friday evening last, leaving a fine '•fi son, II. Brooks and R.'Lee were nomi­ : The Literary Club held their usual ing, Better luck next time. many thousands more, are trusting to . r-,-i" daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Steve San- weekly meeting on Monday evening ln We hear that a large number are at­ Providence to see us lliroiigb. nated. Two candidates were also gall. All's 'well. Funeral Director the Institutional Church, when a spell­ tending the technical classes conduct­ Mr, Thos. Duncan, accompanied by nominated for the school board, but The usual monthly examination for and Embalmer ing bee' took the place of the usual ed by -Mr. Robertson. it would be the Kerr -Brothers, went out on a later declared they would not run. miners certificates will be held Mon­ debate. It proved both interei»ting a good thing if some of our foreign- hunting trip to the South Fork Friday Nomination day is on the 7th, and dny, December 7th, at 2 o'clock in mul amusing at times. speaking brothers would join the Kng- last. the election on the following Monday. Headstones Supplied and Set up Old No. 9 office. A meeting of the electors of Cole­ lish class. A large number of miners are pull­ The annual meeting of the electors Candidates must give in their names BE8,DeM c H 0 NE ,43 man will be held in the Council Cham­ ing out for the northern field, but un­ of the town was held on Monday night COLEMAN B oV, 4 6 i ALBERTA not less than two days before examina­ bers, Monday, December 7th, for the fortunately when Ihey reach their des­ in the school auditorium to hear the tion to Chas. O'Brien, secretary to purpose of nominating a mayor and tination they can only hear two words, report of tho finances for the year. board of examiners. three councillors, also three school "Nothing doing!" It Is rather foolish The peuple seemed to be satisfied with The District and International elec­ trustees. to travel so far and spend so much the reports given and very little critic­ tions will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 8. A social and dance was seld in the money on transportation before en­ ism was heard. Methodist Church — Wednesdays Hiigies' Hall on Monday evening by The miue here has been idle for -l-e quiring as to conditions in these THE .'1 "Talks on the Navy," by the pastor. the Independent Order of Odd Fellows past few weeks, and the railroad track camps. Work is hard enough to per­ Bellevue Hotel Thursday, choir practice, 7 o'clock. after tbelr usual lodge meeting, w-nen is in such-bad shape since the thaw form when we have the job, but the Sunday, 2.30. Sunday school and Bible • COALHURST • members nntl friends to the number of that set in a few weeks ago, it will hardest work of all is to get the job. COMMERCIAL HOUSE t> class. 7.3(1 p.m., -Gospel service; sub­ • • 130 Kipnnt a pleasant time. have to be made safe before work can We are sorry to learn that Bro. ? *-xt ject, "Living, but "Dead." ••••••••••••• Best Accommodation I*. Clements, better known us be resinned. This, we understand will Leon Giivas, of Maple Leaf, who left In the Paaa.— Up-to-Date — Every "Prenchie." hnd one of his fingers be done. here some time ago for Gebo, Wyom­ The mines here worker steady the Convenience.-* badjy bruised while at work In No. James White ami Eli Nelson left ing, died of pneumonia and was buried whole or laat fortnight, Uie 1st of excellent Cuisine. BELLEVUE NOTES i s - - —•sfwinii*-opiiin-,- HefiT*er"HT"tn*e-*eaTij--p8TTToMH«t'"ivEekT " the- 20th-uiir- • -Deoember-behi-ging-tbe-first-idl-e-dar -SUITABLE—FO«~tAOIES—ANO-«ENTtElH"EN~ ^tinvninnviiiir •*;o|S Monday morning. for tbe Fergte Mine ln the Pacific Passburg miners Intend holding a since November 5th. A public meeting called by request PiisB. ! hard times dance shortly, provided .Sam Jones was a visitor to Coal­ J. A. CALL AN, Prop. BELLEVUE, Alta. The wines arc supposed to bo work­ ot Mayor Ouimette was held in tbe Miss ..Mnry Simpson, who was form-Jihey can.get a hnll gratis and a few hurst two day s of last week, acting in ing five days a week, -which la appre­ Council Chambers on Wednesday aft­ erly employed in the post office here, j mouth organs, thc capacity of mine inspector. ciated by those who have a Job. ernoon, Mr, Alex. Morrison presiding. ls spending a few weeks with Mrs. j The technical school Is being well Joe Moiling is engaged as top-eager Tho 'Belgian Consul was n Bellevue The purpose of the meeting was toTorp y before returning to Calgary. patronized by the non-lJnglish apeak- In the tipple, filling the vacancy caus­ visitor Monday. devise ways and me.tns to relieve tbe Mrs. McDonald and family left tbelr ; lug brothers, ed by the absence of Duncan McNnb, iftlr. James Cousin's was thn success­ •who is servlne his king and country, distress prevalent in lhe town. "8he homestead at Beaver on Tueaday last' AAA.AAAA*AAA<*"-» Stephen T. Humble ful applicant for lee man for tbe Belle­ tone of the meeting suggested that for Calgary where Mr. McDonald andi^ ^ A committee of ihree wore at work vue Ulnk. whatever scheme was adopted should last ivt'tk getting up a subscription two of the boys have been engaged in ;^ LETHBRIDGE NOTES The attendance at the Method 1st bo under the control aud guidance of business for the past two years. !^ ~ In the form of a check-off for the bene- Furniture, Hardware, China, Sunday -School bas reached the 'high- lit of tin* widow and children of the the Council, and a motion to that ef­ George Ballentyne, sr., of Coalfields, tmm + + + mm*m + m + *m water mark ot ita history, some I'M fect was adopted. It waa nlso decid­ near Beaver, mot with a serious nci-l- „, , late George Smith. Stationery, etc. dilution having been enrolled under ed to start a relief fund. Messrs. Win. dent whilst working with a team on | , rhe n,,ne" 'm> *1111 wopWn* ,u Alfred lied well quit Coalliurst, and Its banner. me hc, < Af ler , 1 0 ,ast co,<1 v Ilnyapme, A. Cameron, V, O. Graham, his farm A fortnight ago. Apparently 1 " ' '- , , 1 ' * *" there IH II rumor Hint lie got a Job uiid- OUD> COUNTRY PERIODICALS IJmil VUmnty is spending a few.1 . McKciiRiiu nnd Dr. Connolly were the horses took fright and ran offi,'» «as tliought that tilings would shick- ,,- King George week* on hit fruit ranch at Crouton, alerted to act In conjunction with the throwing their unfortunate owner en up, Hiich however, Is not the casi>, A number of Italians tpilt last week] BELLEVUE IU\ Alberta mayor and Councillors Johnstone and from the rig witb such violence as toI ami In spite of the fiut that the cold and have left for a trip to their native j The wind storm whlrh prevailed Holmes, A subscription taken up In render him unconscious. lie never i weather may mean additional lmrdnlilp Innd. i, around tbla |iart of the globe the latter thk* meeting wilt -help to relieve the seemed to recover from the shock, and I to some who nre tn need, tht-rc Is not .lunieH Purdy, ftiimait at llie mine,!, end of last week took Ita usual toll of Immediate distress of the most deserv­ died lust «week. The Interment took j the sllgliiettt doubt thnt It benefits the met witli'n painful accident on Nov-i loose fixture* in the shape of roofs, ing ease*. Councillor Ritchie atated place on Thursday at Pincher Creek. j nilneworketf The' majority would, no ember 2ith, which resulted In two! rhlmneya. window*, .toilets, ete, Xo that firewood can be got on tlie forest Winer Stumpht' (Huff), who has doubt, welcome a niiiii winter, and broken flnsers, ; personal damage to record, however. reserves for 25 centa a cord, and that In spite of the nforeiwilil advantage* A dance wan held In Roland Hill been employed aa porter at the Heaver. 1 H. G. GOODBYE CO. Ltd. Mr. T. Phillip, and Mr. R. Drake re­ be was willing to give the me of n Hold for the past two mouths, left' attached to tt seven winter from a *choolhoiisi> on Friday November 27th. turned from their hunting expedition mliieworker's viewpoint, wfc are com­ tetiiii for hauling; Till* offer wns Inst week and Jake, the bartender, wilt * llie proceeds were turned over to Mra, I with a good ban. pelled to aay thut we (nut the weatli»r much appreciated. b nailed upon to make ht-mnelf Reticr- I toward Start, who was repotted lo be', The Complete House Furnishers Births mnn will not be too m-vere. alty useful, In need owing to he rliiixbaud being i To Mir. ind Mra. Audreu Goodwill, A ileleKiitlon from tlm Trades Coun­ Mls« i#e, school teacher ftf Heaver, nwny with the C'nnadlan Navy defend-! of the Pass H daughter. cil waiter on the Conmilmiloiiera Mon­ la drilling the children and licking, ing our shores. i To Mr. and Mra. A, May, n son, MICHEL NOTIt thly of tliln week Willi MiffReitlons to them Into »Iiai»e for the concert In j Charlie Itillllp met with an accldont j To Mr. and Mr*. Allan Hamilton, a lake » iliorotnsh centum of the city and connection with tha Chriatmna tree on ; In the mine while working ns a drtf-l Hardware Furniture non. find out the ncceaaltoiiii cnwtt. They Chrlftmn *Bve. Aa there nre very few; er. lie is now In Htantond City' To Mr aud Mm. Joe Mi-Uian, u mon. were aaaured Hint tliolr aiiggeatlon The ladles of Michel wish to ex­working In the eamp, raising the m-r- j llomdinl. ^ | Wo will furnish yonr house from cellar to garret and at bot. The International and Olatrlet Blec. woull be acted on al once, as tfcfty press their heartleat appreciation for eawiry ftinda to forniah the tree will j Harry Woods, nei eral month* re-i torn prices. Call, write, phono or wire. All orders given tlona will take place next Tue»day In ithe cointiilssUiiicrHi ronlizeil the i»»t'- Ihe aervlce rendered hy all wbo helped be a difficult proportion, but we hope cording net-rem ry for the minor*' uit-i prompt attention. the Workers' Had. email) of •ueli action, They promliMtd If you ara aatlaflsd, ttll othara. If not satlsfitd, tall tig. ,v to make tho evening of Monday, Nov, that those who ean apare a little will • Ion, got a hunch that bin country .was} •The reciter meeting of Local 411 to confer with lhe Clili'f of Police, tin Mnl, n »oce*M«, when • danee waa give freely to enabl* the -children loj needing some asuMance, t«o be offerer! j will take place on Sunday next, Dec. Hicy thought probably llm police could held In Craban'a Hall. The dance have a good time on that occasion, j his services and Is now In Calg:try get-} Hib. at 2.M p.m, tl-ll'llll" !t tl-Jti.-t A Hut (if (lUiM(r\U.* Vo mn* . aeii -aU-uudt*!, aud (lit* tuode*l We learn that Ihe aervieea of three i ''nit, m A.i.iin tot Auu bin t'tiiiil* . i Coleman Alberta sum of 3Sr. was charged, Bveryone boya fiom Heaver, who volunteered to lie nuked In the CIUIVHIK was drawn n,t llob Conners was elected to act as! Iln ttsHtire that ittithi'titlr Information'' prrsent expressed 'ttiems-tlres a» haV' wive their king ami country, Itaut record Ins wrclMry nt J.«»( Sutid.'tj''!' i would be gained. | lug had an enjoyable evening, whtoh been rejected. This was doe to Ihe meeting. 1 COLIMAN NOTM J Ueorge (lawyer, a driver, who hud extended Into the wee ama' hours of fad that although btlt 2*> were requir­ A ratepayers' meeting for nominal-1 • hi* lets broken elsht wwks a«o In Vo. the following morning. ed, upwards of 70 t>n*ii volunteer* 1. Ing Councillor* for thc village f» billed! « Mine, IN now out of hospital going At midnight a rewss waa railed and and but half of this number was Invit­ for IVei'tnlwr ttit lit Hie nchmil »iotts*» * A Joint meeting of Col«maii Uc*» a round with the iisshtaiiie of crutche*. about ISO guoslft enjoyed the tooth- ed lo visit the doctor at Pincher Creek. 39*33 not Vntbonmte Local *M7, wnn A rather peculiar nrcident h-apiM-tied some repast of fake and sandwiches There Is evidently no scan ity of vol- "•COTTIt IN JAPAN," i hetd in tm Opmt House, Munday Wth i on Thursday evening tint when a num­ AT THE OftAND THIATftI F. M. THOMPSON GO. donated by lba ladles. The receipts unteera In th* "Ootden West," hot till, Uro 3, Pryee, president of xnr- ber Of »lt|l|Hl!.l JlltllllllllJl tht' Illlllill« for the evening met* I.1J.OO. which lo* whether this is due lo encesslve pa­ bondale Local was in the chair, Tk* class at Vo. « were uiliui <• hnml mr •'Th« Quality Store" sether with tun 15.1,50 inhserlh#d. triotism or unemployment tt It dffft "Ht-ottt* In -fnpait." a fascinating mu ; HteeUug wlgltuiUNl through complaint* matt* n grand tolal of $ViM on a r** ««ll to determine. tor IraitiporUnloti. II »•**>»%* thai itt*tf-i ! f»tits*y et Hte "flowery kl'ip [ irow weather* toing garnlaheed hy Phone 25 Blairmore, Alta. suit of tho ladles' effort. Tbls sum A vory pleasant tlmo wnn spent at Ihe dark n ridge «f slack wa» lak-wt i dom," wm be ifc-, |„HJai offering of P.* one of onr Iwal mtrehants, and waa tor box cari, and mm a shout golncit-tttntri-Whytc's all-star Kuallsb Mu*tcl hss been expended upon the needy i,|„, |,j.Ptc Hull on *»t»r«J •» «-v*»etfi« <-si** for lie iHttvoee,ot enlightennM j j-fciw^, *( j||,,|,el and Natal tot shoes, j ^*n tmwsrds of HO persons tooli part np one ol nie (tsrly mii'iie.i tbe link- si ranted), "Tho Vernstlleg,*' wh«nl Leckie Mint 8hooi, Invictnt, Refgl md K Mtkt ih* members on lb* art * o.-rtng sam*. fhm m mlu haf # ^„ mnUn4 - |w , ,w-| . which «II» ii-»>lly dislo ing nre laid lu Japan aid Hte char- and Carpet Slippors ior men, women tnd ehlldren. ' ;llc(l„ Mini l.l|* ktliil' ulliilited on bit ceived, Mid fnftsr criusldcriitilo dlaeiis- TNwa.li •*•.;# Hs mm wrrc practically tbe oni* • -it- •MW;* ii'K' <*it*-lvai nlH*. IkUUt. n***,*', shoulder and waa rendered uncoil- Child '• heavy Felt, leather sole,'ankle itrap SHppert slow on •*•• It was doeldod thai aay It will It* notf-Mwf tbst Is »!,. j„t..,..*,*i vi,,,. ,• ...... -, * • 9 etttt*v*e*. dltdfiitrii* KMIH**»« >»n,| Or***. -iiwiu a* pair. •. mrmwttt*. mm* nmim**n*nw m '•**'*.)4*^1 of $S.to tyt,i *M***XtX 1**1 ai brm* *ti*v «»••••«• *fiw*tis tor *eteral twiir*. H«- is siill]t*k* *Mc-Kay'« loosh twek va«d<»villl»ns. j r . .W, ,,',">»' , -9* *k,» tti.nl ii* it\y foViWj* d,V ilt-ta !'••«..iUJWUi! „ ""' *'« rw»e welt fmttnn!K«d However, n* Ml- t..*».t»«W rti iHn itwKiiiui. ,tuu it**: nov-, Mc-iiki.it- 1* «•» * timt wf Uie norirt, tout \ Hero it yonr chance to get a bargain We are offer­ hKMl nmnmri who would Mt that be t«r »»«lj»ot »,«<« ahitiier any UotHrs^hen bt* rtnrben Jstwin he thinks hej I dollars ond dime, sre becomln, ,c,rc ,w ^^ m m ing a lane shipment of Tra vol len' Bamples at tmt pwpwif ilwilii wiih 1SB1I •*«# i-suwil MX, i'ilh, ttlt.lt Si t'jif imtiiiU* tii'i i*t**m, I w |er Hi the eamp there was MI pi" nr* Factory cost These inclode: •tsps, if tMMMtry, Tho foltowlM TOO MANY CHUIREN A grand concort mt held Monday 'Tit* trial* mA trihulsiUma of a strand- fahow Hal urday night, not tbe whiM Is n rwpiy et iHler rcc*ivsd from tbe mre tuider-eUe. umJer-welght 1 9,.*\ ,, ti-^t ..,,*,-ttt,til,,* ***** a. ., • *'" t'ltinu fn Pie atiilliiirlinii nf ih«» ue* )-*4 tb*-*ir-ic*i DWI* !,%»•«. fnmi«*H«-i *-' ladki' Waiii* from CO to $3 00 »**»,»K*,*, %»f»i* u.A. mm *t* kt999.it t*9 *t wfth fdwtiwwt tmm and pom Mood; tbtf J unanlmoti* wish' of tbo** present a*Mt«t ,*.. ttmmm J-MIHMM me ortlsssf mir* romenly for 'be sinfe siwd ttirf Ladiei' and Children 1 Coati and Sweaters, Avi*- mo wmeteotmtm 0. mitm* . wrir* |Mipll# of the school, and the pm-'fanny ntlsmn 'h«n ani othw xf^-fci fi.rmsnrc wss s credit lo hoth Ihom < soiree of ,"iftni»ement~ • noi enretning! Uon Capi, and other wool goods Wear »!»,-- weekly, tho following committee *»s nnd their instructor* The prr»c«..t» ihe mother -In *1-.** In "Scoilte in .lap-! j ttwth cfilMrrn wcfH tt» rkh medicinal sppoiatod to make •rnjigement*-. Our Grocery Department is complete with the choi > No OtniMiOM! will be us««l to liilfthnf book* for,»n'' ibe nlmntMH* are nr* .,(|l| the' l*ot« low f§*er of tho »f4l»at*»ti^^hi^^ ,m !l,,in,,• ,0.,,B *:t*h* school library, laughs are nwriw*, Tbr piece of-1 eat quality goode and fo rebty hot to ttnle tlmt the new* tata.* iwt««*'s own hfcwdi-tanoisn. 3«**h*! • rswford. Mrs. t atti#. Mrs At* *<• xt r* tl-tVfifm Mr1,rt).1 i*tf bt-if thi*-*-' t,,*_ . t., ', , •' >f •'-., >i i'*,. APPLES IK BOXES $j 26 and $1 >5

i'mttmmm mm *t tm *ttetrtm*\*^}towlMtim^ >•"• i'»F*»rd. l» order sa .um ,V'l*^( Ml, *, • -,1m j *•- •* : " 9 .* * ' **** * "•» fnirt «*f Alberta iwrtaln »he Is* *«*-1 «**•*». t*tb* IWI*^, Arm irsh oan I etjwmse* If was «»fe#d to chsrrc *.••*•«•** rhlldrwt pnlfod out Hoods> for heriligbt opera of 'he «itt#n and Hoilivanj tifani* Ontario Apples tfl!W p*r hmr*\ nwOf »tmmn». IJI e*«t«. ladles free. l'xt*r\ ^:'"»i * ruing »tritls»)i ir. «*o(!,i:i;!, .*:.*. kj,iji^|,v, ,**,„,,,,,,... ,..:„ u».* ».** *••»),,.* iv If .yam tbiMno ore, laaraid, "re.! j toy ^colng at I o'cteek pr»m?» Try r. sack of otir GOLD SEAL FLOUR, $3 6V t**r*a*nt tim*. Thtm ai* a (tow dma«. ^upporti-d ii-fix-tl *tti\ l*mil_ lor llw 1 taa4«vllle »•>!•• oi musical <-omi*d* ! «twff rt«4«f tmA, rwt ***% mr fmA | i .MSM- tut kr*i__ 14.*. .,*<,-*„,»», >, ,. ^, .. . .„ . ^ , v< rs totaling awatw to inwwiara la tot m •Ia«t fire yen*. stitM' hft haehia-4'si whk.h **.v. * Vork it* tttnm: U*t. Call m m for Feed Bixxtii, Wheat, Shorti, Brail, m -T tMr*tiM^immntttrrtbm$ttm^\rZ^mW^ ha» the hard lime. «h»» has*\mr. „,, • t bU-b tbt- "rtwdj 9bnp * Onta and Crashed Barley. Uuit aaoMty out of teert mm 'I tt seffllw the wry *n«f tt*. \ ...,lt#1? Uf- n a ' i ;•..<* he* »* lw forawrly eoald. li At Wtt&tt$m ^4WIWilv m_nmyU^-% Eddy, I*. (1. Ottg&atM, *'. trt-m*. »M **t*nnr of aoiidtBt t»r hftune -3 Vn tSf,: b.%i"t r«ni'.- '»,* * t tmtnr:

\t ^si-.t .i-i*,. a-g-v'* m A ••*x. Page SIX THE DISTRICT LEDGER, FERNIE, B.C., DECEMBER 5, 1914

maniacal monstrosities, these brutaliz­ Here, surely, every one has enough spiritual perception. and attainment), chosen president and served until *his ing and degrading slaughter -pens for to keep him busy, to draw out from substituting co-operative for competi­ elevation to the International 'Presi­ human beings, when these very, hu­ within his noblest faculties, highest tive instincts, flooding the earth with dency, which office he.now occupies. mans have put an end to such bloody heroisms aud most essentially imper­ infinite examples ot altruistic mother Great as is the superstitious dread 'S BEST Militant Hog ishable and satisfying rewards. spectaoles among lower animate? love and self-sacrifice (versus selfish- in which the numeral "13" may be Civilized beings and social systems And one other -great, scientific fact, held by others, for John pi 'White it 1 ness and egoism) even among ani­ ".. By Pro?.''Joh4,W*aria Stimson calling themselves Christians, which we mus* remember, is ever on OJ.* side •:'<• sible and livsabl-j .'to himself. , and mals; of survival by order and har­ should hold no terrors. In his -case have suppressed dog fights, 'bear-bait­ •to assist and to console us. It is. this: IHE tl.e world seems serene and smiling. monic association (even among ants, it seems to he but the mystic emiDiem ./' We-girow so ijainiefl ahd distressed at ing, bull rings and legislate even lri the exact ratio that we pull togeth­ But let his ot&jr brothers al the table bees, birds and gregarious beasts); of greater preferment and success. th> insane horror of war that there is onre turn and i-.pjiy upon him h.s against boxing matohes and vivisec­ er, we pull the easier, and in the exact Being International President of a and slowly, steadily and obviously '"£«-*•*.•«> rally our sails S>ack upon firm onn code (of elitism at others' expen­ tion, do not hesitate to rise up in vast ratio that we conflict, we add to the great organization like that of the Mrs. Kelly Advises all Woman fr millions, armed with the most hor­ •burden and the strain. subjecting all obsolete jungle animals sources of intellectual and moral con- se i and he wo*i':d find the world very United vMine Workers is a -man's size sola,tionjmd support or we would fail di'rk indeed. There is nothing th&i rible and destructive engines of mur­ And far from nature being the hope­ and animal passions to the higher con­ job, but so far, in every' particular, to Take "Froit-a-Thes" to desire life, 'The greatest Idiocy, ot -fin blot out '.he 'le-uinfil sui from der and torture and tear to pieces^the less bear pit that the .pessimist and trol of human reason, and finally com­ the present incumbent has measured palpitating bodies, the broken hearts pelling man himself by the severest HAGBRSVII,I,K,,ONT.,ATJG. 26th. 1913. the materialist'is'that in .his brutal our heaven and t.h-j flowers from our war lord lyingly assert, we find her up to the specifloations and require­ "I can highly recommend "Fruita-. idolatry of matter he finds he has got daily -path like a first-clcas hos on Ico, and the burning homesteads of the steadily enlarging, expending and en­ lesson of self-inflicted punishment to ments of the position. tives" because they did tne an awful -nothing—after he -has grasped it—ex­ i.e., let loose -from his sty and on a most innocent, -harnfless and helpless nobling the area of faculty (from phy­ also accept the government of consci­ In the many pe-nplexingi contro­ lot of good and I cannot speak too cept Dead Sea apples. rampage in other folks' gardens, If of their fellows, all at the insane bid­ sical to intellectual, to' moral and ence and the higher self.—N. Y. Call. versies which are constantly being re­ highly about them. About four years ding of some few gamblers in 'blood, ago, I commenced taking "Fruit-a- . There is nothing in the mere ashes Germany and Ei.:->,!uiid had a right / ferred to him 'for settlement he has tives" for a general break-down and 1 and actually egged on by clerical of materialism,' the mere dead carcass to object at Wa*cr'oo to the -first shown rare ability, great diplomacy they did me a world of good. We priests caling blasphemously on God to of atheism, to justify existence or Napoleon "playing the hog in general," and sound judgment in his advice and bought a good many dollar's worth, why have not Franco and Englamd the bless their butcheries. bnt it was money well* spent because make us desire it. He has committed assistance in their settlement. they did all that you claim for them. intellectual and moral suicide and self- same identical right to object to Wil­ Can anything be more horrible, hy­ An Appreciation (Big-hearted, 'broad-minded and full Their action is so pleasant,.compared stultification. The cards now don't liam of Prussia assuming the same pocritical and monstrously maniacal? of an earnest desire to do that which with other laxatives, tbat I found only- pay'for the cradle. • role? It is surely enough to make every pleasure, as well at health, in taking is ur for his follow workers, Presi­ them. They seemed to me to be It has been said that the hideous lt is amazing how quickly we fool soul, with a grain of decency, self-res­ dent Wbite is benoing all his thought, particularly .suited to. women, on mortals object to our own crimes and pect, human kindness or plain sanity, of John P. White and -powerful energy toward the oei- account of their mild and gentle action, 'selfishness, brutality, vanity and cruel­ vulgarities when committed against want to fly to some remote island, or :ennent of mining condition's tpday and I trust that some other women ty brought out so flagranti^ by Priis- may start taking "Fruit-a-tives"'after sia's violation of her own honor, oath us instead of by us, and how clearly leap into the sea itself to escape be­ and for all time to come. He is try­ holding such mockery of manhood or readingmy letter, and if they do, I am and treaty obligations toward other na­ ive recognize them in some one else, From "Trapper Boy" to President. him at times, as it does to most trap­ ing to impress on this and other na­ satisfied the results will be the same from collusion with the perpetrators. tions (and especially her wanton ruth- Hence, the eternal necessity of con­ One has 'but to study the pictured per boys. The lncessent opening and tions the full measure ot honor and as in my own case", lessne8S and hellish cruelty toward in­ structing for each soul an intellectual How bitterly we blame ourselves face of John P. White for a moment closing of the door was not fraught respect they should pay to the honest MRS. W. N. KBIAY and moral aeroplane by which he can now and one another that we did not to realize that here is a man fully en­ with romance of peril that he had toller and bring them to a greater ap­ nocent, humble Belgians in defending "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all their homes from this unprovoked out­ raise himself out of the bog of his educate and agitate a thousandfold dowed by nature to become a leader dreamed should mark his mining preciation of value of the service the own sty long enough to gel a fair per­ dealers at 50c. a- box, 6 for $2.50, trial rage) was due to the cynical pessim­ more zealously against the criminal among men. The broad forehead, the careei. But he was happy, for at last laboring man is accomplishing for tbe size, 25c, or sentpostrald oa receiptor spective of life in general and of his ism and inane Nihilism of Nietzsche's agents that involve the world in such linn mouth and steady eyes bespeak he could mix and mingle with mining growth and development of the in­ price by Fruit-a-tivesXlintted, Ottawa. own relation to the rest of creation.'! slaughter writing—lately permeating and con­ and against the debasing i man of intellect and great strengtn men, Tor lie was one of them, lt was dustries of the world. No doubt doning Teutonic despotism and mili­ There is nothing so valuable for- a sophistry of mammon and material­ of character. Kvery feature ls clca;, much more interesting than attending President White has, or will, mako "Then let's tako a change of venue," tarism. chump bullfrog whose adoring grand­ ism that is directly responsible., tf, cut, and unconsciously perhaps with the public school, which he quit to be­ mistakes. Only people who never do convincing certainty ono realizes that gin us a trapper boy. Besides the said Pat. "It's not justice I'm after It is a highly probable explanation of children consider him the prize swell- then, our temporary despair, almost anything can hope to go through life belly of that pool than to duck him in unseating reason, makes us cry out so is i-J'e man m all his dealings. lurid descriptions of mighty ex- w'.thout; making them. After all suoh at all." this rank and'gross reprobation of all To inou ii' step by step froni ihe plosions and the no less hazardous the ocean. It is ns amusing as in­ with Cowper— people 'have made the greatest mis­ So It is with at least some of the that co-ordinates human society; all ('lilies of trapper boy In a coal mine escapes from rooms filled with deadly that constitutes humane civilization, structive to notice the altered horizon take of all for they have never bene­ "0 for a lodge in some vast wilder­ io Natlonnl President of the Uni^d gases, told by the men as. they questions submitted to President and all that dignifies and sonsecrates of a schoolboy bully when all his class­ fited themselves or their fellow man. ness! Mine Workers of America is an at- munched their noonday lunch, the White for his advice aud decision. - the mutual pledges and contracts of mates concentrate on teaching him John 'P. White Is not that kind. He Some boundless contiguity of sp.ice, lainiti'Pnt of Which any man Jias a stories told in his lesson books paled Justice is not always desired by the men and nations into something more he "isn't the only pebble, on the is built fo do things, therefore,, he is Where no more rumor of oppression right to foe: justly proud, and Pres"- to nothingness. And daily tho lure than a "bit of waste puper." A war beach," or the quiet dignity that set­ l.vone to make his share of mistakes. applicant. come," etc. dent White is proud of the honor be­ and mystery of the eternal darkness despot fails to see what would hap­ tles on a drunken cowboy's corpse aft­ It is better to -have made a few mis­ Possibly this paragraph, taken from er the whole camp decides he's "had a stowed upon him by his fellow work­ of the pit took deeper hold upon his takes and yet have accomplished some the Mt. 'Carmel ('Pa.) ^Item, best pen to him and his If men applied upon ers, yet in his quiet, unassuming de­ youthful mind, ' him his own' infamous logic. "Rut too much llcker to go shootin' round — nt. us. cn second thought, '•e'liiin- good than never to have tried at till. voices the high opinion 'in which meanor can be found no trace of At last he attained to the stature this was quickly recognized when so reckless." ber that it is against that verv temp­ Leadership among men has Its pen­ .Presldent^White Is held by the rank "chestiness" nor arrogance of man­ of a man and with pick and shovel be Turkey turned and ruthlessly tore up It is the same with "Little Willie," tation (cf selfish egotism) that we alties as well as its honors. No man and file of United Mine Workers. ner. worked at the face, digging and load­ all her treaty contracts with -William I fear, as It was with "the Little Cor­ mus; a!! ->-\-ur,!sle since it is right 'n can hope to fill the office which Presi­ "President White, of the.United From observing him one comes to ing the sparkling lumps of coal. He Hohenzollern and" the rest of us as poral" of France, and with Wallenstein thai wry v silliness that all the trou­ dent White fills without making, some Mine Workers of America, is a diplo­ the conclusion that John P. White con­ was a good miner, 'honest and indus­ waste paper. Then suddenly one war and Charles JV. -and Hannibal, and ble lm.* lain. enemies. No matter how hard he may mat, a gentleman, an-honest man and. siders himself just one of the fellows, trious, and as he grew in stature so lord hurriedly £rled- to cough, up the Alexander, and Tamerlane, and Geng­ It is lucaits" we have doubted and try to deal in a fair and just manner In our humble opinion, working in the a sort of geueral spokesman for liis also he grew in the estimation of his very pill he was asking poor Belgium his Kahn, and Nero and Xerxes, and feared one iiiiother and generous Moth­ wilh all parties concerned in a con­ labor movement for the uplift of hu- fellow miners, working with and for fellow workmen. to swallow. "The devil iwas ill, the many more far abler than he In every er +3artli, aM.I e^en Gfod himself, that troversy, some are sure to feel dis­ manlty and the betterment of work­ them for the 'betterment of working At the age of 29 he was elected devil a monk would be. The devil way, who strutted their little hour and w--} have been .punished by our own gruntled and hear him malice. Some ing conditions for the miner and la­ conditions and in assuring them just secretary-treasurer of District No. 13, got well, the devil a monk was he." fired off their bunch of crackers to hands. We must get back to t-.-usr, few may even be like a certain young bor of the world, and his ideas and their own childish vanity, but faded loving kindness and mutual co-opera- compensation for the labor they per­ lowa, and served so faithfully and lawyer's client: "An Irishman," so conviction's lead him to think that th£ Such and so obvious are the insane before the contempt of time and the tion. Nature has more than ample form. Born in Coal Valley, 'Illinois, weii .in the six and one-half years that the story goes, was haled before the only way to better conditions for the paradoxes and self-stultifications cold smile of scorn from the great space and fecundity to nourish and February 28th, 1870, from earliest in­ he held this position that his fellow court charged with having defrauded working man is for him to be « mem­ which selfishness inflicts upon Itself Gods of Olympus. shelter us all, If we would but study fancy his thoughts have centered workers in the State nominated and his neighbor, and the young attorney ber of a well and honestly managed and others. The crass mated ilist A breath had made them and a her majestic 'wisdom, beauty, economy around mines and mining. Before he elected him president of the district, was appointed hy the court to defend labor 'ulnon." could not himself endure to exHtin breath unmakes. Their card palaces self-restraint and forethought; if we was out of dresses he was dreaming which office he -held for a .period ot him. the world of greed q.nd arrogance that crumble; the mice eat their wornout would but obey the yet higher com­ of the day when he should toll be­ four years, "Say, laddie," said the client to his "Military despotism" is spasmodic h s own philosophy would beget. He regalia, and only the curses of the mand of her creator to "seek ye the neath the crust of mother earth by By this lime he had gained no mean lawyer, "what sort of a judge ds his in its'outbursts; industrial despotism 1". '.limself childishly unconscious oi martyred orphans and widows, and kingdom of tlie soul with Its imperish­ dim rays of his pit lamp, sledging and reputation in his district for integrity honor?' iB constant. h« w va.st a proportion of what makes the ever more inflated debt of blood, able and satisfying riches," to "bear wedging the sooty lumps of coal from and'ability, and In 1908 he was elected "He is one of the most honorable '.After Krupp's murder factory has "nre-possn Dre~^OT^""ffi%"cToinr"To~lTlm'Tf agoiiyniatred, revenge- and~~restltu7 one_anoth^*~s~liWaenF'~i!r~tlie—spirit" the" face~6f"]iis room7 A TntTfnltioMrvi-ce-PresidenF"- of~The and upright of men," said the young been razed to the ground will Creu- thi result of fa.' higher and stibiimer tion remains to be repaid. When shall of the Golden Rule (not dump our bur­ At the age of thirteen he embarked United Mine Workers of America. At lawyer, "and you need have mo fear sot's, Vickers' Son and Maxim, Arm­ conceptions of life and labor in others. rational men who boast of their In­ dens on each other like parasitical upon his mining career In Ute humble the expiration of his term of office he but that you will get absolute justice strong's, Carnegie's like wise be dis­ A selfish and xr».jdy child In a rami, tellectual, moral and spiritual super­ snides and cowards), and, best of all, yet necessary capacity of trapper hoy voluntarily declined renominatibn for at hts honor's hand's Pat." mantled? Deponent wotteth not, but ty takes for granted the unselfish love iority over the ape and tiger put an "He that conquoreth himself is greater In a mine. Of course the work of this the same office and returned to old "Are yeez certain, man?" said Pat. does not think so, -Militarism is not of his parents, which makes home pos- end to these Insane obsessions, these than he that taketh a city." sturdy little trapper boy palled upon District Xo. 13, where he was again "Quite certain," replied the lawyer. a German monopoly.

The District Ledger As an Advertising Medium is With­ out Equal in the Crow's Nest Pass

wmmmmmm tmm

It reaches Earner and Spender. It appeals to them because it supports their cause. The workers ovin the paper and control its policy. All advertising of a questionable nature is barred from its columns* Advertisers do not have to pay compliments* but we quote the following received from a very large firm in New Jersey, U. $* *

We have looked through your paper with considerable care and interest We might take this opportunity to ex­ 1 press our appreciation for the service as rendered so far, We would also add that it is one of the cleanest weeklies that we - have run acrobto in boine lime.

• H-ltfotl-l-* •iuv £*r:~'. THE DISTRICT LEDGER, FERNIE, B.C., DECEMBER 5,1914

to him who will not strive to answer vultures feeding upon the dead car- " it, for, as the sphinx said, "He shall oases of tradition, convention and ftV- a be devoured!" It is the problem, not stale abortive pedantry, utterly deaf, Directory (tf^rateiial 26 MINERS INDICTED of the origin of life's forms; not thedum b and blind to the sublime tran­ unfolding progression of her forms up scendent voices of Life, of Love, of Societies to human reason, but the third great­ Humaa Sympathy and Christlike WINTER Some Frivolous Charges The" terrible destruction of a sack est Question of all: "Qui Bono?" To Pity, and of LMother Nature's divine of feed is another evidence of thewha t good and justifiable end or ideal compassions and, summing it all, one INDEPENDENT OEDEE Will Soon Be Here FORT SMITH, Ark.—The most un­ great danger to which the lives of purpose ahead is shg creating and world-wide international cry for prac­ OF ODD FELLOWS" necessary Federal grand jury ever as­ the .peaceful cltizens'hip of Hartford /svolving life and lives? And woe to tical brot'her.hood and Socialism.—N. Meets every Wednesday! sembled by. a Federal judge to probe valley was daily menaced and made us and our lives, if we do not caimly V. Call. evening at 8 o'clock- lu K. P. disturbances of a stricken community necessary the calling of the special .and earnestly seek the answer. We HalL today returned twenty-six indictments grand jury. shall .surely be devoured, i. e., de­ ARE YOU READY? •Nau-ghty, (lei many is not to get any Noble Grand, J. T. Puckey. against members of the United iMine And now we have the indictment stroyed, disintegrated and absorbed up more of Canada's nickel. What an Secretary, J. B. Moiklejohn..: Workers- The following were indict­ resulting from the fact that Judge into her transmuting alchemy retort, awful slap on the wrist! Our amiable ed under the blanket indictment: P. and cast and recast ourselves 'and our WE ARE Youmans" received a threatening let­ ally, Russia, is to be furnished with R. Stewart, former president itt Dis­ social institutions until we do answer, .ESTHER REBEKAH ter from some unknown, wbioh the all she can use. What an awful trict 21; Fred W. Holt, former secre­ and correctly. For we are surely in LODGE NO. 20 Beware of judge said made bim ever fearful for shock it would be if the Big Bear We can supply your .needs tn tary of District 2-1; James -MoNamara, her schooil of experience, and are daily meets fixst and third his personal safety. The section of should not use it all up in the present either coal or wood heaters. and yearly passing her examinations Thursdays Ui moath, at 8 p. Imitations former menuber of the City Council, the indictment and the letter follows: war and five years hence would have l1 m., in K. P. Hall. "-,''.. I- i ( Call in and look over our stock HartfordwArk.; James Slankard, re­ Said James Z. Crossley, on July to be-advanced or retarded into higher to be shut off from the Sudbury pio- A. MINTON, N. G. ! of ranges and heaters before the Sold on thesigne d constable of Hartford town­ 2Ti, 1914, deposited in a railway post- or lower gradings. duct. O temporal O mores! S. TOWNSEND, R. Sec.V cold weather arrives. ship-, Sandy Robinson, Charles Robin­ office on the Rock Island railroad, for Merits of Xow, it will help us to go hack to The individual who- honestly be­ son, Bee Trout, Valentin Burillo, John mailing and delivery to the judge of that sphinx a moment, when? the trail lieves that this is the last war has Maniclc, Moro Colo, Wm. Reed, Mich­ Miiiard s said United States Court for the west­ ends, nnd see if we can ''/iclc up theanothe r think coming. So long as the ANCIENT ORDER OF ael Ryan, Boster Bean, Charles Rob­ ern district of Arkansas, a certain let­ scent of her forward steps. mgredieii's are on earth there'li be no FORESTERS l\-x; inson, Charles M. Blackburn. .Bruce Meet at Atello's Hull sec­ Liniment ter, to wit: a letter of the tenor fol­ let up to the war gamp, unless the Jordan Z. Crossley, Frank Crossley, lowing: There we see the mighty geomt-'n- ond and third Mondays in t cal pyramid .sitting by her side workers refuse to supply the ingredi­ each mouth. -Marvin'-Stanfield. Wm. \V. Roberts, "July 27, 1914 ents, and that is u doubtful quantity. A. Macnell 8. Banwell John Champion, Dave Branch, Jesse through the awful ages. Aiid both John M. Woods, Secretary. " 'Judge Youmans: Kernie, Box 657. Edward and Clint Burris. together are surrounded by the drift­ MACNEIL & BANWELL " 'Dear Sir—You Know the acts you ing desert sands—typifying all that is The Indicted men are charged with Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc. have decided upon. As a warning chaotic, formless, anarchic, wild, ter­ conspiracy. Somo of the "overt acts" KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS friend, we caution you to be more con­ rible, dangerous, lonely and .blinding, Offices: Ground Floor, Bank of set out ln the indictment are Interest­ Meet every Tuesday at 7.30 siderate on the administration of your ami strown with the bleached bones of ing. The fourth count follows: • p.m. In their own Hall, Vic­ Hamilton Building Fernie, B. C. decisions. You are notified to comply beasts and men. Not a cooling spring "Said 'Moro Colo/ (otherwise called toria Avenue. i- with the requirements of your office. or .smiling oasis in sight for our thirsty C. C, T. Ratcllffe. w \ Morrd Collo) and (Foster Bean (other­ If such is <-not compiled with very souls or bodies. K. of S., D. J. Black. f. C. Lawe Alex.'I. F*she> wise called -Foster Beam), on May 16, shortly there's likely to be an unex­ M. of V., Jas. Madison. Alone, there ranges, perhaps, the 1914, at Prairie Creek, aforesaid threw pected change between your soul and LAWE & FISHER lion, in his brutal and uncontrolled stones at certain employes of said fleshy temple, and you won't know ATTORNEYS blooillust and the cringing sycophant LOYAL ORDER OF •Mammoth Vein Coal Mining Company, fhe d-ay, nor time, nor what means jackal, and the frightful night-ma- MOOSE ' to wit: Charles Cheek, Earl Kuntz, such will take place. Still we don't Fernie, B. C. rfiiidinjr. sneaking hyena, digging up Meets every Monday at I, Will Bohanon and Levi Brown. want to act cowardly, but give you a The idea of a special grand jury of Lhe corpses and the bones. 7:^0 p. m., in K. of P. Hall. little time to act differently, and at Dictator, T. II. Neymham. the United States Court being neces­ any rate you will have a little time Well, here we have, nide-ed, caught sary to determine the damage done the tnijl and the mighty fingerposts of I Secretary, G. Moses. for future preparation for the place THREE 1-40 Howland Ave. by a "pebble thrower," in what is said called heaven. You are weighed in time. A strange mysterious voice t to be by the judge of the court & the balance ancl found wanting. seems to come forth, with the rise of LOYAL TRUE BLUE AS- serious conflict between capital ana the aurora, over the stlil desert, as It < There's a great change soon to hap­ vSOOIATION » labor. -Never before In the history of pen. irom the very lips of Memnon (or FAMOUS the nation has the same sm-alluess in memory): "I am God of the living, Lady Terrace Lodge, No. " 'Signed, FOREWARNED. 224, meets in the K. p. Hall scope of procedure been equaled. not the dead," it says. Yes, yes, Life! J. 0. QUAIL •=-'•.011(1 a n.i fourth Friday-of, The fifth count in the Indictment is " 'This is a barking dog, and If teas­ Not disorderly, destructive, chaotic, Hardware and Furniture' ed much longer will bite. i.iiii month at 8 p. m. - doubtless one of the most serious anarchic force, leading to blindness, 'Phone 37 . ,HS J. IMOOKS. W. uM.'* charges that was ever embraced in "'PRESIDENT OF emptiness, starvation and despair, nor SCIENTISTS '•'. OHH, Secretary. FERNIE B. C. any indictment. It follows: COMMITTEE.'" to conflict, rapine, murder, greed, "Said Sandy Robinson lotnerwise Such were the findings of a special theft, and the horror of death, and Dr. Andrew Wilson, Dr. Gor­ l*UHBladF=%/ known as Sandy Robertson), Moro grand jury of the Federal Court, Im­ dark night, but to order, beauty, prog- don Stables and Dr. LascelleB LOYAL ORANGEMEN Scott, the famous English an­ Terrace I/Odge 1713. \\ieei Collo and Charlie Johnson, James paneled by Judge Youmans to probe gress, peace, balanced reason, harmo­ alyst, have all personally tried 1 Slankard and. otliers, on June 10 the recent mining 'troubles in Arkan­ nious adjustment to usefulness and Zam-Bnk tat expressed themteWei at the K. I . Hall first and We Are Ready to Scratch convinced of Its gre»t healing vtlue. third Fridav evening of each 1914, at Prairie Creek, aforesaid, cut sas. growth. Science, like an angel of ott you- bill any Item of lumber noi month at 7.30. Visiting breth­ found Just as we represented. There and destroyed a bag of feed belonging All of the men ijidicted will, surren­ heaven, a white-winged Apollo nt Mrs. St. Dents, of Thompson St., Full supply of following Weston, Winnipeg, suffered Ions ren cordially Invited. --.a no hocus pocus tn to said Mammoth Vein Coal Com­ der and make bond.—U. M. W. of A light, comes to us, not only to reveal vrlth ectema t tnd flnsllr her doctor for an appetizing meal to said only Ztm-Bulc could cure her— u. oiuoirro.w w. M. choose from. This Lumber Business pany." Journal to us the first great truth of abstract another fine tribute of a scientific J. SHILLING. Kee. Sec. thought in geometry along whose lines man to this crest herbal healer. When you \?«ut spruce we do n-ui the very stars, tu their courses, are - Mrs. St. Denis says: "The ec­ r-;»\T>W?»\t*\T?*»\T?^?»\r/»\fc;vTf»\T;»\t?«\T/»- li.i'u -i. I •seud , you hemlock. When you buj zemas broke out on my nose and one At hastening; or the second great truth Beef,, Pork, Mutton first-class lumber we don't slip ln\ a side of my face. I could get no lot of CUIIB. Thuso who buy once from of evolutionary uiifoldment of forma­ sleep because of the irritation and pain, -V Poultry, Butter tive thought in biology, by which and my face was in such a shocking uu always eome again. Those who Causes That Led up condition tbat for two months I did Beware of Ointments for Catarrh and Eggs have not yet made our acqualntause the step of life's progress is not ,go out of the house. I applied are taking chances they wouldn't en marked, but third, and mightest remedies and my doctor treated mCj * That Contain Mprrnry - "BFOTSl; ft iroTai7"Defor6 our eyes Tiut without effect, until one day he" fry our Cambridge Saus­ cdunrer irthey~~bougfit "their lumbal aa mrrciiiT will mirt'Ij- iti-nti-ny'llii. ainat- of aiucll ,i —To-lpoublo4B-Apfcafrsas a little instrument it calls the said that the only thing which would and cinBl-l'-ttly nk-laui.. at the Oaoiagt Hy K. C. Adams Morro COllo) and Foster Bean (otlier- story short, in a few weeks Zam-Buk tlit-r will do li< ti-n fold to '..iv iiw.nl you cnn |«M- wmgmmmmmemnmmmasxetammem • KENNEDY & MANGAN strirtcheil, and bn It the pulverised cured me completely, leaving no »ilily Uitlv). tti.m ihi-ui. Hull'* t'Btitrrli Cum wtse called Foster Beam) on July 1C. scars." twmiifaotuiiHl liy r. J. I It'-iw-y ii Cn„ Tolodo, O., l-'OUT SMITH.—The industrial trou­ desert dust has been sprinkled. New (-niilatiw mi ini-rriiry. aii-1 1« Uki-o luU-ntuliy, CAU. OR PHONE •*•. Dealer* In — 1914, at Prairie Creek, aforesaid ai'tliiK illri-i'lly ui»N tin- tiluut Add niui-ou* sur- It lets the voice of -Mention, or musi­ Zaa-Buk ii i sara cnn for tub, tcaUi, fan* nf tin- »>-»l,-iu. In Inlying IIBU'H 1'ata'rlJ ble in Arkansas is mute than u fight threw stones at certain employes of buns, tutni, tcalp som, ulceration, latin- cal intonation, descVnd the pipe stem, wuHon, sllei, tic. i »ln) u as tsibroctt'oa for t'uro In- «in> you ft tin' ci-nnioi-. It I* l»li-n Lumber, Lath, 8hingtes, Sath and hetween employes and employer; said ..Mammoth Vein Coal Mining theuautlun, t»nlas aU scUllta. AU dror- l-it<-rnall.\ ami mmli- In Tulid... Ohio, liy K. 3, and lo! all the arid desert dust, hrglns slits ani Morti at 90c. koi. sr >ast frea Iron lln-n.-y Jl t'ii. IVatlitt-inliil* 'li*. Calgary Cattle Co. Doors. SPECIALTIES—Moulding*, more than a conflict between a powor­ Company, to wit: Charles Cheek, Sidd liy lliuec^U. Vtltv. T.V. |>.r liv*tl«. to dancp In magic steps and waves of Phone 56 Wood Street Turnings, Brackets, and Detail Work ful corporation on one side and a pow, Karl Kuntz, Will Bohanon nnd Levi Tuka Hull'* Knuillr I'l'l' for CvU*tlo»tl«0. life, aud fall into the most marvellous FERNIE, B,,C. erful union on the other. It is a bat* Brown," OFFICE AND YARD—MePhereon ave. geometrical arabesques Into original tie to a finish to see whether the Fed­ , Iu the next paragraph of the In­ Opposite 0. N. Depot. P.O. Box 22, and varied designs, rosettes, seashells eral Government will protect unsound dictment four men are charged with Phone 23, spirals, ferns, concentric flowers, trees business enterprises against the pro.liut'ln K destroyed or attempted to de­ KMBUK SMMsGim and Insect co-ord Ina Hous of oxnulBito test of legitimate demands coming stroy a sack of feed. Wonderful outcKLV arora couoHa. euaca coiot, beauty, poetry and siiggoBtlvencKs. It from disturbed citizens who Innocent­ work, Isn't tt? Think of the Na­ tunun THC tttHonr u,n •una*, sa ex.ni* seems to stand. Ilk*9 Mercury, pointing ly have fallen victims to the ahortcom- tional Government calling out the Fed­ with his caduceus, tn this messape tnfs of mismanagement. eral troops and sending a special pro­ from tiie gods: "Oh, mortals of the Tlio transportation of non-ulnoii secutor Into Arkansas to determine nr* *^f* -dtk KING'S HOTEL poor selfish, blind, distract, tormented Central employes by "Mr. Cache to his U»rt. the real purpose of the pebble throw. plmitit, look around you at the great ford valley mlnea evidences the fact ITS nnd the destruction of a sack of workshop or Nature, und :->ee the glo­ thut he nor his associates have any feed. ries and beauties ahout you that have Intention of observing the law. It is Indeed ridiculous. When the Bar unbilled with the best Wines all spruiiu out of the •humble dutil Armed with high-power guns and with full tnvestigtlon of Bache vs. The atoms to miraculous beauty, useful- Hotel * Liquor* nud ('in*'* broken boxes of ammunition laying People Is revealed to the Nation the negjt, charm, delight and immortality !»S'lR!l3! 1 tutiomcr vtaits Uie store. Beer It It not now difficult to understand are armed to (IMt bim or hl« HinS!*,*?' ... . T \ WwM,,tt,t n I ot mt mi tht sympathlea of the apecial prose- lima. No repraaantatlva of the Oov-1alons shal »l «twi **»"r you; aapalilN» R ayro-"»* i' When people go out to shop, they-want to get * .Hitor. Never before In tbe history ernmeiit ean prove tbla charae. Th*» phant jMCkala xliall haunt yonr had* fact U that the miners are content what they need, and go home again. They want Dry Good* (lroeeriea, Boot* Md and of an Industrial conflict hsve tbt Fed­ of Kovrmmfiit, jour tourt* of jus-ltf. eral troops been dispatch ml to pro­ io takethelr chances In a Fedoral In- the business news, but they want it when they Bbom, Qttitn' rurnlablSM yonr marts or irml.-. Illdootia hy*tii«-»; it tect armed men to defy the Innocent vesi laat Ion that wtll RO to the bot­ of *ii|K-r*tlllon anil »e«I. with aritmna! have time at their disposal. You can give it to Porter cltli.eii.lilp or a community. Never tom of the difficulty and awtablish th* jintr a of itanctlmoiij, but drlpplnii *ilh : them through the advertising columns. liefer* hss « tloverntnent proiottiior Riiitt wh#r<« ih-c aulti will be pttn-{ ih» blood of liab»»* and thi> pfr»»»ru . BAKER AVENUE glvon Ma approval of such an oo vtr Uhf il. If Mr, llaehp would orar aare«» I tions of Ihe {mat, »h,iU treil xtmr flf|>». react. to go into nu open, unrestricted hi>ar ">nd n»«»j*hltlr nlaht o«l« ' of i-mirx'. Bottled Goods a Specialty t iittttrnir.it*-* <»is ^ BRANCH AT HOSMER, B.C. For several months, In his *itde»v«r Ina. liif organisation of workingmen • |i#daniry. nf slcrll.- trtdliloti nml »fj| to assume tht role of tbe peraeaitod wbo he now sjwba to nxlermlniiti* will! Imllfi-* i oiivt-nHnnm *,>*;lt '»i|» ih#!r • o-oitfaif ailh him ut etnr$ i«»#a»l»i>i fJWJIUBWiWIH B5BHHB8H to rover bla own mistake** aa man- darh-roliH wine* thmnrh ymir team* aa«*r of hia numerous nil ini mmimtt- mannar Uu! Mr. iU,b* nr-fka to. lm, Mr. lU-rho haa a rapreaentatlve in -hleld hlm.eir nnd^r lh. ctoak of ih^}|(|||i(||| BBrf ^^ „f |fcrjN, ^ fj||# law--IT M \V. Jotimsl List of Locals District 18 Washington taylna tba foundation for i l«*i•!••*. Siit mtlil ytm truly l«r*> llfr- Great Northern Railway u thn attntlinx uf Ffxltral troop* iitio j and mt* another; nol until yon wlortv THAT TCftfttaLE ANSWtR Arliaiisiis. Hut, to t.h# wirprt*..*- *>r n.ll. 1 iindevainnd tw»r ord<*r«4 htirmonifNi; t% m-lffn'ruiK r»|'*>«H--i;ti|,» Allfwl»•»,« ruiitiii (fi|i tntrm tmm No. Namt »**. ent P. 0. Abettm Kt-rni.. t,, ,l.-«i»,«<%ft«**i if, V*.-t«< llwiinM-ici- Vn.-« *t ..*,*•'a, a special prosecutor alao waa *-r»t lo *\t •»*.*» 1A%M HI.,* lltDt.u ttt*' ******* *irtt\9 fci"HMo -I9*. rt* • *• ,,,•.*•,. «? Wfctt* A«b Mlna...... W«. Marah, Tabor. AIM. .itfireti tm* aet^ion. Four muinn»i ^U- . I ntiA M-mfrlii- -hv V"»I»I*M»'* d'*i i«rmi»h*mil#* of bn\i" tin; .'-.»«« VorH. ,-i»».-r|.'H*u*fX. 4*t H««f*r creek ....J. Umgbran, mount Croak, via Ptachar, Alts, IMWvot. .Jamea Harte, Bos II, IMItmw, Alta, 14-ttnll in tbe i*i«rtm-rm of Juatiet.JmfMfi.ni adKiicf dlaenven. th«f rtddl»|fnitfrnltv. -rooi^mtlon and Vbritt Tkketi for steam ahip to all Bnropean points ean tw 431 ut: red at dejH.1. * , mi Ulalrwotw W«. Attbtr, Dkiimone, Alt*. \mmtbUt*iwi*tulwn«*iim^*r'm-^r-u,'i -,bt- tortvm m4 i!t«r ophiiis and|jik*. <<,mi»aa«(un, *fcaii you •»t«»r ihf Borate, ,.T. 0. Harriet, t'aesburg, AIU. itandln-g of labor eonfUrtu, Wlifn I rnoaulw* th»t lb« i-waltm ihouaht ()»!# It.:illtlltll of IH*' and b«tll»l an m |tl»kMl him of the fun. carrlffd hy lhe]„t net urn **.rl* *#*>»*4Hr»H«r fr*»m A*T tht* •» * l**r* rr,-* rS*r**l rtswrtmrttw ,-.» j^f^t^A f £ j §. Wc*t 4127 Carbondale J- UUebeA. VmrboeOmie, Voietmn. Alu. cr w - , a rr ,, ,,rT#hw inmr mm ,w fit? Otnnera...... ,,.,,... Mlehaai Warren, Can-mow, AKa. ll^T^L.^J* .„!L' ' * * !*I! . ! » »W in t*»j happy and prn»;t.-nm« HiltlriMon Vo- tO'.t*" i% it-.tt ftM mem roarteooa and effiften? rwip'oye* will make ytmt tttt CorWn . K. Oarbatt, Corbla, B. C. «lild* «»» honi»y l***'* romb, th<» aptral **n-jund th«- wa>.,1 lu-r •*'•' p* .;» #iir*c. lliu t%A*' plaannni. ,I2« chinch Mlnea, J. Kf ana, Chinook Mlnea Commtre** AHa Why, I know nothing «twwt» a-irJ,«-fn, .^ i.oantlfnl; eyen ot Ihi P<'»>(int we |i»:.»*». <• lii'.-ir III*- Uitnt-ix rttj*t Pernie. , .Thot. CpWn, Ferula, B. C, 'wy»«lfr li-ork'* la»l. ott. ; nt tbt* entt-i <*r t-f-srimr bh< »1<-tlm* \ bttttto pur-trentr-i ttnnmo-H» im Frank...... Kvaji Morgan, Pnnk. AJta. Th#» I aaked bim tf be wm i**.ti *»•: %«l thai onr nrt-nt. f'omrad*** *a>|ln Knropi-. '•• a-n-1 M J-»'.«-»» W*- ! »**«,( t.t 'it Mr** tf f.vt-r Iltllrr** Murk fitter. If lller-aer, AMa, rf>HtkmMn» n"-etmfllp* in u-t-.s' ,.,.,w i>,, ,. < rt;,!!,!**. *, '-, !ilt ',,„ ,,.• Sf-.- ^ * it. ti ti.. . , i,,,.. • ;**, , .. . ij.iiit, &u ltfAtbriiine U Moor*. 1131 tmrn «MIM, N. LttfebrMft werw anppoa«d lo be »»#d. H«* r*>i«l*d|ijon. T*X'*A1*4 »h# mlehtv anawrr tm fa-rhaU *)••< p-t ,-tMl *r.l'Hr>tc mbtml »hi*» ht- «,!« »>*tf fhfit I,,** J .*. , ••! *,- i ... 1111, 1 „'bt,**TS»* f '*,': opinion thai tba kwk-wl-ofi? mt t»«**burt ...T.t}. flanlea, Paaabent. AMa. mlitera|*f thi- <"raiit|ii!#, ii** f^l&tjtjg *,*(**;,. t*.e*rr**"**tt. Can «**.., Ma* Hwter, Owoffmiowa. Oeeetmo, AMa. ...' Utia.riji* .:* il*-*?»*'r.l-»r(4 «»;.•!» awtitiiic^afiit faf*;' o«, tat rr.RHir. B c rw i«i •fWT Heat*** \l1nm Warre %l*Ktmm, Hortemt, ti* Wiswbf *tl» »f**.| latae tt"*mX* Wi»''-'M*yS":s-l^ 1 !,i* . - -" ,*- - * , -~ J. i- T A-***.' '£*- . -. -•* y i •H'.I^J-~'"*.V--*^ .. --*y*. \. -'- • - - *- * J.*," *** -***,- *- - -'"* -i*sf- i

" , " * *•''* ?", - ~'~"'\ i X "',--''•'-'•• ' ' THE DISTRICT LEDGER. FERNIE, B.C., DECEMBER 6,1914

ts * ~* ,y /x ,**•—* i •n< .- DO YOUR The usual Wednesday half-holiday will be cancelled during the Christmas week. Start­ SPECIAL NOTICE ing Monday, December 21st, this store will be open each: evening until ten '

Christmas Suggestions Specials Attractions in Men's Department Now is The Best Time to do Gift buying in our Men's Department is a real Your Christmas Shopping In The Shoe Dept. 1 OUP Toy Dept. pleasure. The suggestions for the men and boys Do you realize the benefits you get by doing your are so numerous you have no worry in making suit­ Christmas shopping early?' Not-only are you en­ Fine Mor-owo, Wool and Pur-lined Slippers, for abled to make your selections quietly and carefully, able selections. nil at v-ory moderate prices, ranging from $1.25 to and in your own time, but you have the choke of $3.00 pair. the best assortment of Christmas novelties Pernie Dressing Gowns, Mufflers—Silk or Wool Pelt Slippers for Ladies iu mostly any color. Teddy Bears has ever seen. You will be free from tlie hurry and Your choice made in different styles, with fur tops, Smoking Jackets Fitted Suit Cases flurry that attends late Christmas buying. It means Regular $l..->0 for $1.25 or the low bedroom styles. Prices ranging from Ties in Fancy Boxes Fitted Club Bags greater pleasure and more satisfaction with wour " 65c. to $1.75 pair. Regular $2.00 for $1.50 Regular $2.50 for $1.75 selections. Suspenders in boxes Fur-lined Gloves c Skates and Boots Armbands in boxes , Sox and Tie Sets Any selection you may choose may bo left in our Leather Goods care until the day before Christmas. Ladies' Men's and Boys' Hockey Boots with Warm Wool-lined Mocha Gloves 2o per cent Discount off all Leather Goods, ladies' Skates attached. These shoes and Skates are made Suspender and Garter Sets , in high grade quality and mijke a suitable gift. and gents' dressing cases, manicure sets, collar box­ Handkerchiefs (Initialed or Plain) Prices from $4.50 to $6.00 pair. es, jewel eas-es, military Iniir brushes and brush and We i«rrv a large assortment of Skates in Men's. comb sets. Grocery Specials • ' t ^ I Tie, Cuff Button and Tie Pin in Fancy Boxes Fancy Okanagan Celery, 3 lbs .25 Women's and Children's sizes. Prices ranging Dolls from ' 50c. to $6.00 -pair. Our great variety in each of the above lines will Fancy Okanagan Cabbage, per lb 02 Dressed Dolls, regular $2.00 for $1.50 make choosing an easy m'atter. See our window Fancy Okanagan Red Cabbage, per lb. 02*/a ' Snow Shoes Fancy Okanagan Beets, 34 lbs 25 Dressed Dolls, regular $1.25 for 95 display of Christmas suggestions for men. Snow Shots for Men, Women and Children in dif­ •' Unbreakable Dolls, extra large size .. 50c. and $1 Fresh Killed Turkey, per lb 22 Fresh Killed Geese, per ib .20 ferent, sizes and prices. Ranging from $2.25 to See our Window of Dolls at HALF PRICE MEN'S AND BOYS' MACKINAW CLOTHING ( $7.00 pair. Family Mixed Biscuits, per lb 15 Dolls that are Strongly made, jointed, very nicely We have a most complete stock of men's and Dairy Butter, 1 lb. bricks 30 boys' Mackinaw Conts and Pants. Robin Hood Porridge. Oats, 5 lbs 25 Hockey Sticks and Pucks for Men and Boys. Dressed and every one goes to sleep Overshoes and Rubbers Robin Hood (Dream of Wheat, 3 pkgs 25 With a pair of Mackinaw Pants on your boy, can Lowney's Cocoa, y» lb. tins , 20 ()*U* stock of Winter Overshoes and Rubbers is PRESENTS FOR LADIES romp and play all day in the snow and not get wet. Roquefort Cheese, per lb 40 complete in all styles and grades. A shake and a brush and all traces of snow and Peaches, 2 lb tins, 2 for 35 •Just arrived a splendid selection of good, very dampness is gone. Plums, 2 lb. tins, 2 for 25 Gaiters and Leggings suitable for Christmas Gifts--Neckwear, Bead Bags, Heinz' Pork nnd Beans, large size, 2 for 45- Waists, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Kimonos and many Ladies and Children's Over-gaiters and Leggings Men's All-Wool Mackinaw Coats. Come in a Heinz' Pork and Beans, medium size, 2 for... .35 in all sizes and qualities. Prices from 65c. to $1.50 other useful and dainty gifts. variety of chocks; just thc thing.for this country Siam Rice. 0 lbs 50 pair. See the Window where the snow makes a long coat a nuisance. Roger's Pure Cane Syrup, 2 lb. tins 15


\ J oon eluded by the rulers and diplo­ that party ls without excuse, and its the world by thia piece of impjV.jre. mats. Xow t'hat the catastropne nas leaders know lt. And English or Tbey grasped at the excuse of Czarlsm Geo. D. Herron come, for Uie sake of the workers It American Socialists also know tbat as a last resource. It was a fear for should be complete and final. It the conduct ot their so-called Ger­ their own skins, and tbe lack of what should contiuuo until existing govern- man Comrades is inexcusable. They their forefathers would have called metnu break under the strain of It, may try to say that the German So­ backbone.—N. Y. Call. On the War It should continue until the peoples, cial Democracy will be found true looking out over a Europe that has when the time for the action comes, "WOLFE, OR THE CONQUEST OF A dear comrade of ours inter.) the strain of it. tliey should give way, become a graveyard, looking out over Hut the time for action bas come un& QUEBEC," AT THE 1316 viewed one ot the most famous Amer­ and universal chaos follow; If out of their weed-grown fields and ruined gone, and the Socialist party of Ger­ ISIS THEATRE ican Socialists, Comrade Dr. (ieorge this chaos should rise new tyrants and homes, and reflecting on their shat­ many has not acted. It has only This grand historical film, ln five FIRST IN EVERYTHING WORTH WHILE I lerron, who Is also a learned sociolo­ tyrannies; still the need or socialism, tered lives, shall resolve to make an proved how destitute lt is of -courage, parts, will be shown at the above gist, He has been living these last so deeply and patiently Bown In the cnJ of mere political government for­ of sincerity, of Socialist principle. And bouse on Monday, December 8th. faw years ln our city, devoting him­ human soli, will ultimately bear its] ever; shall resolve to take the order­ it has proved ita, utter lack of moral The following ls taken from the self to study, and he has been follow­ .promised fruit. The co-operative ing of life and labor lato their own force as well as Its lack- of fidelity to last scene in the battle; SPECIAL-Saturday Matinee & Evening ing the Italian Socialist movement World—In which all children shall be hands, and to put the sane and freedom and to International Social­ Montcalm, emerging from bis tent, witb great Interest. born the equal heirs of social wealth brotherly administration of Industry ism. The Social Democratic party of grows uneasy when he bears the sound The interview, very important and and freedom and opportunity—-will and society in the place ot political Germany could hove prevented this of firing. He learns of tbe state of profound. Is the expression of a soul certainly come. It docs not matter and military organisation. The exist­ world catastrophe If it bad had tbe affairs. The bugles summon the sincerely and enthusJaHtlcnlly Ho-Piat- under what name lt comes; its com­ ing political und military esUblisl*- manhood In it to do so. If the 4,000,- French troop to battle and they march Int.- Therefore, we publish lt In full; ing ls no less a universal necessity. ments aro parasitic In their niture 000 men who vote for Socialist candl- forth to the Plains of Abraham. The world cannot otherwise go on. Tlie political conception ot soc'.oty !s flutes hurt sn decided, nnd thoir loaders also because It enables us to know the Montcalm calls upon Vaudreull, tbe No matter bow great the catastrophe obsolete. It is really an Impoirture, had oo ordered, every wheel In Ger­ WAR PICTURES opinion of tho American Soclnllst existing only through a vast hypnosis. man factories or on Oerman rallraods governor, for assistance, but the cow­ imrty on the responsibility of the So­ through which mankind is now pass. ardly official refuses to render aid. cialist parties of different countries In Ing, beyond that catastrophe waits tbs Through Its existence thc people who would have ceased to turn tho mo­ British Troops Landing in France universal communism that Is the only toil receive but a tithe of wbat they ment Germany declared war, Tbla The French approach within firing this present tragical conflagration, distance of their foe. Wolfe delivers Now let m hear what our Comrade condition of human sanity and con­ produce. Tbe bulk of their proluct would hate Involved Insurrection, and i* «tif,orhed by the monstrous pollt'cn! would have resulted In Socialists bolng a stirring address to hii men as the Mr. Her-ron has to say: tinuity. French approach. The battle •Com­ And Scenes Around The Capture of Ih> yon believe what the bourgeois Human brotherhood, solidarity of and military parasites. The secret of shot, But it Is iho business of So- mences. and the democrats now believe, thai the people, will perchance become all thia tbe people are bound to dis­ deists to be shot when a great crisis the International work ot Socialism reality after the present conflict? cover sooner or later. And, as t aald, arrives. If there had been enough Tbe opposing forces come together L0UVAIN will be destroyed by the present warY Human brotherhood may be a the danger of tbe -present catastrophe men In Germany ready to give their with a clash that sends both sleds reel­ / •The existing Socialist partlet* may speedy result of tbe present conflict. , Is; that the rulers and politicians may lives for the cause tbey profess, tbey ing. Forward tbey spring, slashing ba destroyed bnt not the international That will depend largely on the con-j become apprehensive and for their could bave changed the fare of tbe and stabbing like madmen. Wolfe vnrtt nf S/w<'»tl«m. Bv-vn If the 'Hunt f!U '.7; ',:.:t~A.'.j uitS, AatntUiU, h mmiuniteti sell-preservatton, conclude to a world, U lu lb« -UiUikeel ol (be fray. A shot strikes bim. He falls, A tremen­ that Is fttared should nome to pass; a terrible thing to say, but It Is no !<•«« too early peace. It Is not at all Ira- To my mlml, human history ore- UNINERSAL BOY No. 6 dous shouting arrests hii agony, If the duration and dcvantntln* *tti*f* true, th»t the grMt danger to th-t? [io»»r.ilt- thiii. Uir-ttitteiifd with social sent* no moral failure more appalling, el the war should so* exhaust both working class, to the people Interna- revolution front within. Germany and more stupendous or enduring In Its "They run! They run!" cries one "Little Matty" meeti DeWolf Hopper and be­ governments and peoples that, un tor tional, )!«« In a too early peace being I Kngland and Russia and France may consequences than the miserable of bis aides, comes the News Boys Friend j compromise their Issues uirougn sec­ failure of the aerman 8oelal De* M\Vho ranr grasps Wolfe. ret diplomacy, nnd conclude a peace mocrscy in ihis day of its opportunity. ***nie Bneray!" that shall be merely a true, leaving It had, I say, the opportunity to be­ Two Mp Karat* Industrially and toeially speak­ "Xow Ood be praised,- tbe dying OM HIGH SEAS ^^ " gin n new epoch for mankind, A1! j man wbispers. "I dla happy." ing Just * here It was. that may come to pass as a result of At tbt MMW moment, Montcalm, des- What Is the opinion of tbe American tbe world -catastrophe might hare been brought about without tlw cntaa- peralely striving to check tbe rout. Is Joker Comedy R0SBS & TROUSERS No Matter How Well itoctaltftts on the con-duct of tbe mortally wounded. The Frencb com­ jtienaaa Socialists a tin b»vo supported trepbe-if tbe German Hocialista bad mamwaamaewmmmgj^^ acted promptly and nobly la Mw bow mander Is carried Ut bit headquarters. an aggressive wsr. a war enforced by He Is Informed that bis wound Is mor- tb* Kalf*r*« pant}*'* .of ',%tU opportunity, Tbt* wmefwal You Fool ML' -'•••'• SPECIAL—Mondiy Dre 7,1 day only lianas* of the trriftttirity of tbe | devastation Is a Judgment on tbe naaiity of Oerman Hoelallsm. And It -How long shall I live!—iwelre Oreat Canadian Hlatarteal War .Pletars Your apfwtHe ia bmtitl t« fe*-! Ihe n***\ of *wimethintf *»ac- i«»t I ass eot fully informed, by pa- bmre more or least-tin awei tha bet- peri or letters, as to the general st-fls also sn utter condemnation of ma- «>f|ilioiifilly fnsty nIM! gwiil nt tliis -particular acasotL ami ter. i am happy that f shaft not fire I Htifc!<» ot Amerfccmt Hiwtaffits toward tert-illsm as a pWforophy of life. The iH'injr careful about thc in eat you fancy i« on important fn.-- the conduct of the Hoelallsfs of (lor* economic Interprotatton of history Is to ee* she unrrender of Quebec*" be tor. many, though I fair tbat many ot tr»i«; but tba adoption of material- WOLFE, "^SST .* ^lt-t»4tl.iJ99,- 9*? -4,1 9*-* I* ^t.9* swii-di -it- •a**,,*, *Yf*n*mut vt ««4i t* I Rente of Motloa Pfetsroe A »rn# Metnrtrat t*«i»T*»*(iM1i» nf i*** IMCM-I I.ni;,' IPMII.'.II ILIUM' * I. • .'.-J', I pWii^" it, ! Hatim on tba Plalne nl Abrabim < ie«.!#>rthlp antl tiie r««tts of Hcraum and lulclfectua! dlclntefratloa. mxm* Prodnaad Is Canada on tii mitt locations. Government inspected ! Social Democracy. I can, tb#r»fer#, H» lb* Anw-rlwi* -HmtfaM-rt-n wmom* jORiy «n«*k for myself aa aa Ameri- NOTICI mrtlUBf—MWMMMII Yonr «Mr ebaare of aaetag tba only real Meats tb# Justification tb* neman Roctallst* OUMdiaa H-stnre atar prodneed. j ran -Socialist, not knowing how many have offered as nn explanation of I, »*ii»a*» Sirrtih, nt Wernt* V»t*r '• fit fi.i* tuirt •"*, *•* f - - - - * •KbUAW aVMWH. UHILORIN-* MATI Wit MONDAY. 1" , 9 * * i . > * - - * *i***4 ., -ftW*,.* vtMMtMM, .mmtmrnkt, *t*u*n *m itm ami, nf tba City of Pernie, ttCU hereby | ..*,*,'n ...,., t.',*. .;.,.. »«..».. 09,1 , •**» Mill k***W .*»VC .« -tU»Ul*«ktttt|| *tm*ll^t*t* t.n-91 •?$ | opinions. I principal r*eeoa tba Impending danger give notice tbat my wife, Kate Smltk, ytm ehnnlri insist on. Don't think tbat Wattse we give yon • •*Mf'A"i j To saa tbe example of tbe German | of IN Csarlemf bating left my tied aad board. 1 will "4^«f*• •*' hifh frnnntif mml thnt onr prx*m nr* Mflt. i-kx-laliMls Is one of atter apoetat-j and Tbe presenting of (be danger of not ba responsible for My MA „ WtONISMY and THURtOAV. Dee. Mb ottA ttth, I failure, tkrmaa Social Desnocracr baa esarlsm as a reason for tbe approval *sf™ig«g* , "* **• AttAe teeettm by mr ttm tbls data. Man PMMAN in the ftellfckiftf Military Drams *ftnji» - - | proved itself a traitor to Socialism, oj of the war en tke part af Oerman (Mt*«d» RAMUBL MUTH. {labor, t« freedom and deanomrr. «adIfbrtalMta M an nftenbontbt. iM tin FtvaU, ft. tr . Iw-crmber Art, !*»•. jMtonld be outlawed bf tbe u.U'*w»#.| utterly dishonest em at tbat Tba ftfonal itortalliit mo-rwa—t lute**,'1t**r »ff*».-ir»tm hn* tft-nlty, e* mor* ***%• "QUALITY OUR HOBBY" THE MAN ON THE BOX •• mn*4 by tb* {wvwnt ooadact of tb*t j i*e do *Jtb iiii aouaimi ot tbe Utrmne XO VXST Tiiree9*roomm j party,, we may say tbat tfttr* Is ne isoriailsts tbaa tba fear of aa tarasln* Amtt^tem Hi. Vaitni Aw, Ptmla. •Honunii!. amwmmit in Gatftaai- TV n j by tba armiee of Mara. Ana-use tier-*- The 41 Market Co. Is miy on immmm ptKMt$ •**"? rH it ia»a loststtsts pavfectty well know tt, Mra. E. PtOTURIS VOU ftfAf.IT WANT TO ttt AT THt MIS rtprameoto a eertala **mtbm At a****, tbtf ar* tat tn tft# taaat Am*tinm mmtmttf H*»*, tl OsNaw Are. aad natfttng mot*, tbe eW0ett ut tb*me*1a*e *b*o tb*r trr to e***tr* WemtA *b c motet tr? i i .'»r*%


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