Kearny, N. J., Bagpipers to Herald Ushers-Cruise Around the World
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V H O T E L A C C 0 M M ODATI ON S 6 Cents P A G E S 6 & 7 A COPY AND THB NEPXPNE TPBBB Vol. LXXVII, No. 33 — and of the Independence of the SIX CENTS OCEAN GROVE, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1951 United States of America the 176th year. Kearny, N. J., Bagpipers To Herald MEMORIAL CROSS nous The 18-foot Memorial Cross . U shers-C ruise Around the World” on the front of - the Ocean Sees “Diseases” Grove Auditorium, facing' the: Nine bagpipers and three drum sea, will be lit the week of mers, part of the Kearny, N. J., August 18 to 25: .by*£ Mrs.- Mil Pipe band, will parade tomorrow Township Orders dred Lam bert. and Miss Inez (Saturday), preluding the 9th an Lambert in memory of ’Mrs. ; nual review of the Auditorium ush Repair of Sewer Emily Miller. Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, of ers a t 8 p. m. Ocean California, Auditorium! The Scotsmen, in colorful kilts, Preacher; Lectures '.'• will march from the Main avenue Fletcher Lake Piping To Be Grove’s Bible Conference gates to the oceanfront, then along Resealed; Study Town Ocean avenue to the North End, re Bathing Squad To ®Hrie turning to the memorial pavilion, ship Planning Repudiating the “uniqueness and. where they will disband.'The high Beaches preeminence of our Lord Jesus” landers will meet again at the pa Ambulance For was termed a "foul disease” by the'1' vilion in the early evening, march Immediate Tepair of the Nep are the ing to the front of the Auditorium, tune sewer lino running along the Rov. Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, of Cali bottom of Fletcher lake was order fornia, in his Auditoriurii sermon where the skirling of the pipes will mecca Dr. Wm. Robinson Sunday morning. Nearly 6,000 be heard in a 16-minute program. ed Tuesday night by the township municipal committee. The Thomas worshipers heard the editor of Pe- While the pipers are. playing, Procter company of Long Branch of active Public Invited To Dedica loubets Notes, who returned here throngs will be gathering in the will reseal several blown seams tion August 22, In Eagle this season to again, instruct the Auditorium for the opening skit in the piping. Committeeman Jo vacationists Bible Conference; with. twicerdaily in “A Cruise Around the World," seph A. Shafto explained that the House; Program Events sessions this week. the frolicsome review of the Audi sewer line fracture caused the lake during Are Announced . .Dr. Smith found a metaphorical .• torium, ushers, produced by Wil water to' escape and both Ocean illustration for His sermon theme liam. E. “Uncle Bill’ Thomson. these . in the inJection of missionaries, Grove and Bradley Beach residents Ocean Grove’s fire department The show opens, with the Ship’s had protested the low level of the preparing to leave for African Crew — George C. Miller, captain; hot and first aid squad ambulance will be service; against malaria, typhus lake. >■’ dedicated Saturday; August..22, in Joseph A, Thoma, chief mate; Wil The rapid ..growth of the entire and other communicable diseases, liam; C. Gray, chief purser; Fred humid- ; memory of the late Dr. William A. lest they ‘‘come down with African township was discussed by the mu Robinson, the. community’s family • Arbuckle, chief steward; Howard nicipal committee, with a commit fevers and are rendered impotent L. -Smith;-sr., quartermaster; Cort “dog days” physician for 45 years and the aid for service for Jesus.” tee named to study, the possibility squad’s'doctor, during its 17-ycar Drake, William T. Kresgo and of forming a Planning Commission of August. history. Ralph E. -.Marlatt, able-bodied. sea within the township. Committee The dedication ceremonies will men;: J. Hampton Moore and Jo- Chairman Charles S. Loveman : seph Keating, Jr., stewardesses. be held at 7 p.. m. ill the . Eagle named Committeemen Herman Honk ami Ladder company housCj . ‘Members of the Ship's Band ore Johnson, .Wesley B. Nagle and 130 Main'avenue, according to Ray Harry Eichhorn, leader; Joseph A. Shafto and' Township C lerk John mond R. Gracey. chairman, .and Thoma,' jr„ George Pigueron, Jr., W. Knox to Join him in studying James Blair and Frank L. Wilgu Larry Mieras, Merlin Coslick, Da- procedures for organizing the plan committee assistants. vid Shotwell, James Teomer, Frank ning board. , The tentative program: includes Tephford, Walter Eddowes, Jr., Low bids for the remodeling of H a welcome - by .' Richard .- Borden Richard Bailey, Gordon Drake, Jo the former Wettlin building for president of the local aid squad; seph Hull, Ralph Marlatt, Jerry township municipal offices were re prayer,by the Rev. Dr. B. Harrison , McMaster, .George Egner, William tained, but final action was delayed Decker, pastor of St. Paul’s church Sutherland, George Fihcke, Robert until August 21. The township here; remarks’ by Edwin Burke, ■Jacobus, George Gardner, DOn Cos- committee is studying the bids with chairman of the Asbury Park.Elk- lick,' William Haase, William Zim the architect to determine whether Summer School Music Students Crippled Kiddies committee, . of merman, Gordon Pullen, Harold to remodel the neighboring edifice which Dr. Robinson was director Marshall, -Bernard Crook and or to construct a ne>v building on for 31 years; remark’s by Alec Douglas Mieras. the site. Present Concert In High School Middleton, of Point; Pleasant, pres • ■Ship's Passengers are Charles A zoning ordinance for the Col ident of the New; Jersey .First Aid onial Terrace section of the town Weaver portraying Dr. George W. An instrumental program, with Council; dedication of the ambu Henson; Robert W. Courtney, ship was passed on first 'reading.; lance by Dr. Decker, assisted by If adopted at final hearing on Au Ocean Grove and Neptune elemen “Mrs. •George W. Henson;” Lu tary and high school ago youth Club Contributes Mrs. William A,. Robinson and zerne Nottage, “Geri. Douglas Mac- gust 28 building minimums in the daughter, Mrs. Marvin Briggs; area will be 1,100 square feet of participating, was presented last Arthur;” Charles Barr, “Mrs. night in the high school auditorium To Woolley Fund prayer and benediction by Dr. Douglas MacArthur;” Joseph H. usable floor space. Only private Decker. homes will be allowed. by the Summer School of Music, Tweedy, "Dagwood;’’ John U. Dix sponsored by the ,board of educa From 10 a. m. to 6 p . m. on Au on, “Blondie;” Robert A. - Wood, Building Inspector J. Harry A social meeting of the Chn*-n- gust 22 thp ambulance will be on Neidhardt reported for July,62 per tion. -.’ ; 1 . ’■--;■-'- ■ “Jiggs;” Ellis Pierce, "Maggie;" The concert was directed by'Gor While club was heJd Monday at *'’e display to the public at Washington Dr. Wilbur M. Smith Walter Oliver, “Kate Smith;” Ar mits issued at a construction value home of Mrs. Harriet Larrison, ?8 fire house, Central avenue and Olin of $318,235.00. don F. Williams, township supervi . "Just so,” he declared, "in this thur Abbott, “James Melton;” A1 sor of music, and ,Harry, D. Eich Green street, Neptune City, v ;'h street. Bills, sr., “Margaret Truman;” — * - members voting contribute $°,5 generation there are certain dan horn, instrumental instructor, , gerous germs antagonistic, to the .W alter Eddowes, sr., “Eleanor DEDICATES SONG TO The 58 instrumentalists were to the Inez Woolley Rehabilitation A; Roosevelt;”-• Jo Eddowes,' “Antoii fund. Mrs.,J^rffet;J)enbigh, , club glorious faith that has. redeemed BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA combined for band selections. The Allenhurst Tops us. They lay hold of our; s y s t e m • -Ruhfengtffir^-Wd-AtfgusT G. Stoll, program also included instrument secretary, wrote a letter to the “Arthur Godfrey.” “Strike It Rich” television pro and w e become prostrate \ from al solos and ensembles. Grove Shufflers their foulness; We, too, are T e n d In the skit of ‘'Spain” are George Miss Marie Olsen, a talented mu Enrolled in the Summer School gram, telling them of Mrs. Wool sician of Oyster Bay, L. I., has re ley’s condition. ered impotent for service for t h e ' Burrows,; toreador; Robert Morgan of Music and participating in the Son of God. and Earle Height, matadors; Jacob turned home after an enJoyable concert were: Mrs, Aubrey Burke, vice presi The Allenhurst Beach club Beutell, “Gen. Franco;” Ted Pierce, vacationsat the White Hall, 28 Pit Drums — Henry Haggins, Ev- dent, presided, in the absence of trampled the Ocean Grove shuffle "One of these germs," he declar Clarence Smith and Ed Noren, sol man avenue. Miss Olsen recently ander Duck, James Lucky and the president, Mrs. Richard Hunt boarders last Saturday, sweeping ed, “is the terrible tendency today diers; Ed Spitz, Walter Propert composed the music for a song, Frank Moore, all of-Ridge Avenue ington. The next meeting will be ANGELINE COLLINS, so- all six contests at the Fletcher lake to place the Lord Jesus on a level 'and Wilson Barber, Spanish sen- dedicating it to the Boy Scouts of school, and Muriel Kirkpatrick and held a t the home of . Mrs. James ' prano, of New York city, will courts.-' with other religious leaders of his ors; David O’Reilly, Sam Watson, America. This'melody, “America Scrivner, 81 Heck avenue, Ocean be soloist this Sunday morn The victorious Allenhurst pairs tory and to equate Him with them Salutes You,” was played by Jo Raymond Timms, of Ocean Grove; Thomas Dunlevy and Bleecker s c h o o l.;6 ;'.•' Grove. ■ .,-■.'' ■,■: ■ ing and evening at the Audi were: “Pop” arid “Unc" HopkinsJ m a common category and to repu Stirling, Spanish senoritas, and sephine Eddowes last Saturday Those attending were Ruth Bush, torium services.