Snowmobile tour USA 2 options ... Willow or Eureka tour USA Alaska 2 options ... Willow or Eureka

Duration Difficulty Support 7 días Normal Nej Language en Ja

Have you heard about the last frontier? If you want to discover a place where 0.5 people live per square km, this is your place… Silence, peace, cold and a lot of snowmobile adventure !! We propose 2 options, one of 6 days 4 on a snowmobile and another 7 days 5 on a snowmobile so you can discover this inhospitable place.

The 6 days 4 on a snowmobile is somewhat simpler and with less km, but it is itinerant. (We sleep in different hotels)

The 7 days 5 on a snowmobile option is a loop but more intense and for more experienced riders. Keep reading and choose your option. Itinerary

1 - Anchorage - Anchorage -

2 - Anchorage - Wasilla -

3 - Wasilla - Wasilla -

4 - Wasilla - Willow -

5 - Willow - Willow -

7 - Anchorage - - Dates & prices


Guide Breakfast

Dinner Hotel

Local taxes Lunch

Maps & Roadbook Mechanic

Motorcycle rental National parks tickets

Non-Alcoholic beverages On route snacks -coffee

Parking Petrol & oil


Not included

Support vehicle Alcoholic beverages

Basic insurance Damage deposit

Enduro body protection Extreme cold protection kit kit

Ferrys Flights

Motorcycle return to Photo-video souvenir origin Spare motorcycle Tips


Other information

Precio opción 1 Willow: 1 persona en 1 moto y en habitación doble = 3.790 € Precio opción 2 Eureka: 1 persona en 1 moto y en habitación doble = 4.690 € Omkostninger for aflysning før tid

Important notice, in case of cancellation: The flight tickets, supplements and optional services subscribed in this tour regardless of the basic program, are subject to 100% of early cancellation costs.

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