Reserves and Other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering

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Reserves and Other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering This PUBLIC BILL C' .' '2-»:'d in 111 HOUSE oF REPRESENTATIVES, and, having this day passed as now printed, u transmitted to tite LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Or its concurrence. House of Representatives, Sth Noi,embeT, 1920. Hon. Mr. Guthrie. RESERVES AND OTHER LANDS DISPOSAL AND PUBLIC BODIES EMPOWERING. ANALYSIS. 17. Certain provisions of Rating Act, 1908, applied 1. Short Title. to Road Boards iii Waiheke isi:nd. 2. Resumption of Section 27, Bloek X, Waipoua 18. Cancelling reservation over East Tamaki Do- Survey 1*stricts for forestry purposes re. main. voked, and a lease in perpetuity revived. 19. Validating loan of £1,600 raised by East 3. Certain land in North Auckland Land Dis- Tamaki Road Board without lawful autho- trict reserved as a site for a post-office. rity. 4. Hen and Cliicken ISLLnds reserved for scenic 20. Validating loan of £2,400 raised by Puke. purposes. kohe Borough Council without lawful 6. Cancelling setting.apart for national endow- authority. ment of certain lands in North Auckland 21. Closing portion of road in Drury Survey Dia. Land District, and setting apart other lands. triet, and authorizing disposal thereof. 6. Authorizing sale of pliblic hall in Waipu, 22. Repeal. North Auckland Land District, and pay- 29. Authorizing Hamilton Borough Counc'l to ment of proceeds to trustee8 of Waipu lease eertin land to Waikato Winter Show Coronation Hall. Association. 7. Vesting certain land in Corporation of 24. Authorizing Whakatane Harbour -Board to County of Waitemata. ' transfer certain land to Whakatane County 8. Authorizing acceptance of surrender of lease Council. of Se6tions 28 and 76, Parish of Paremo- 26. Vesting certain land in Whakatane Harbour remo, and disposal of certain parts thereof. Board as endowment. 9. Authorizing Avondale Road Board to acquire 26. Closing part of road, and incorporating the land for a quarry. same in Taumatatotara No. 1/, in the Auck. 10, Modification of conditions governing use of land Land District. Auckland Domain for the purpose of Davis 27. Changing purpose of Allotment 89, Parish of Cup Lawn Tennis Competitions. Onewhero, from endowment for primary 11. Rates in portion of City of Aucklandi, fbrmerly education to a recreation reserve, and re- Borough of Grey Lynn, may be levied upon serving Section 5, Block XI, Rotoma Sur- annual value. vey District, as an endowment for primary 12. Making operative agreement set out in Third education. Schedule to Auckland City Parks Improve- 28. Authorizing Gisborne Borough Council to ment and Empowering Aet, 1916. make additional payment to certain con- 13, Aiithorizing Auckland City Council traders. of land vested in Crown for purposes of a 29. Authorizing Ma,ngapapa Town Board to raise a loan to pay off overdraft. 14. Lands in Auckland Land District reserved for 30. Authorizing Wairoa Harbour Board to borrow oertain purposes under will of James Carl- £15,000. ton Hill (deceased) declared to be a public. 31. Commission of Inquiry to adjust boundaries domain. of Wairoa, NaDier, Gisborne, and Whaka- 15. Authorizing Onehung& Borough Council tot tane Harbour Diatricts. borrow £3,000, and to lay out Onehunga 32. Validating payment by Napier Borough Domain as war memorial. Council of allowance to widow of late Town 16. Manukau County Council to vest in trustees Clerk. the management of piiblic hail reset'ved for 33. Vesting old course of put of Tutaekuri River use of inhabitants of Mangere Riding. in certain persons. No. 132-3. Reserves and other Lcmds Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering. 84. Haetings Borough Council authorized to t»ke 1 60. Vesting certain land in Corporation of-'j a poll of ratepayers on a proposal w pub Borough of Rangiora. c chase on terms certain lands for purposes 61. Changing purpose 0£ certain land at Burnham, of a recreation-ground. in Canterbury Land Distrkt. f.crn a s,L fer 85. Authorizing Waipawa Bonugh Council to 1 an orphanage to an historic reserve. Mquire certain land for cemetery pur. ' 65. ValidatiNg lean of £7,000 raised by Waimairi poses. County Council withoit 1Bkful atibhority 86. Authorizing Taranaki Land Board to accept 63. Change of ptirpose of Reserve 289, Canterbury- surrenders of leases of education reserves ' Land District, from a powder-magazine re, held by Taranaki Hospital and Charitable | serve to a plantation reserve. Aid Board, and to grant new lease thereof. 64. Authorizing Akaroa .High School Board to 87. Authorizing Stratford Borough Council to establish hostels for pupils. raise loan of £60DO for improving Stratford 65. Amalgamating Temaka md Arowhenus" Domain. Domains, to be known as Temuka,Domain«' 38. Authorizing Taranaki Char:h of England Trust 66. Authorizing Mount Somers Domain Board to -Board and St. Mary's carochial Trust Board erect a public hall. to dispose of certain lands. 67. Authorizing Dunedin Savings-bank Trustee. BO. Changing purpose of certain land in Taranaki to make a donation towards upkeeD of Land District from reserve for police pur Children's Hospital at Caversham. posea to historic reserve. 68. Applying certain provision of Health Act, 40:' Authorizing change of purpose of part of See- 1920, to Dunedity Dmingge and Seweragel' tion 23. Block XIV, Ohuta Survey District, Board. from a public park to a site for a public 69. Otago Harbour Board authorized to erect hall. automatic light on a scenic reserve. 41. Authorizing Taihape Borough Council to pay 70]' Vesting certain land in Township of Shirl interest on loan of £1,000 at rate of i * per Hill in Otago -f*iueation Board. cent, ' 71. Authorizing Alexandra Borough Council to 42.' Authorizing Taihape Borough Cou,ieil to pay transfer land to Otae Educatic# Board as compensation for improvements $O outgoing a site for a technical *hool. lessee of tertairi land. 72. Changing purpose of reserves vested in Queens- 43. Gonville and Castlecliff Town Boards autho- town Boropgh Council. rized to fix water charges according to quan- 73. Special provision for use of certain loans raised tity used. by Invercargill Borough Council. 44. Amalgamating certain land with Kimbolton 74. ¥alidating loan of £1,500,000 raised by South, - Domain, Wellington land District. land Eledrivpower Boo,rd. 4S. Authorizing Feilding Borough Council to raise 75. Authorizing issue to Sbuthland Boys' and special loan for certain purposes. Girls' High Schools Board pf ceptiticate of 46. Authorizing exchange of 'primary edimation title in respect of certain la*td, reserve for land vested in Corporation of 76. Vesting certain land in Riverton Harbour Borough of Palmerston North. Board. 47. Foxton Borough Council authorized to con- 77. Closing portion of river-barrk road along tribute towards acquisition by Crown of Waiau River, Sc,uthland Land District, certain land, »nd authorizing disposal thereof. 48. Local authorities in Nelson Provincial District 78. Reservat,ion over lands described in Fir'ED may contribute to funds of Buller Progress Schedule cancelled, and lands declared Ikague (Incorporated). Crown lands 49. Vesting irl Nelson Harksur Board as sri 79. Authorizing transfer of VeteT#ns' Home, endowment certain land in.the City of Auckland, to Auckland Pro vincial ratri- Nelson. otic and War.Relief Association (Ineor- 50. Authmizing iss,ue to Bulter County Council porated). ot certificate of title to land in Town of SO. Giving effect to a certain arrangement be. Milierton reserved for purposes of a drill· tween the Crbwn and Natives respecting slied. Puketotara Block in North Auckland Lan4 5·1. Excluding certain land from Reefton Domain, Ditrict. and resting such land in Corporation of SE. Giving efect to a certain arrangement be· Inangahua County for recreation purposes, tween the (pown and Natives respecting 62. Vesting certain land in the Spring Creek Road Kapowai Block in North Auckland Land Board as an endowment. District. 53. Closing and sale of portion of Tinline Road, 82. Vesting certain land in North Auckland Land Marlborough Land District. District in Presbyterian Church Property 54. Authorizing Kaikoura Domain Board to ex- Trustees, pend certain moneys on Kaikoura Domain. 83. Authorizing Whengarei High School Board { 55. Closing Mad along Conwny River, Marl to borrow moneys from the Public Trustee. borjugh Land Dbtrict, and authorizing 84. Extending powers of Whangarei Borough disposal thereof. Council. 56. Local authorities in Westland Provincial Dis- 85. Section 26 of Reserves and other Landm trict may contribute to funds of Canterbury Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Progress League (Incorponted), Act, 1916, amended. 57. Vesting certain lands in Grey Hospital and 86. Governor·General may constitute two or ' Charitable Aid Board, in trust, as site for a more road districts in Waiheke Island. hospital. 87. Authorizihg extension of limit of *rea of 58. Making additional provision for administra- Manurewa Town District. tion of Brunner Mine Disaster Relief Fund. 88. 'Vesting certain land in Borough of Thames 09. Authorizing license as site for tramway over in the Auckland Land District. portion of Reserve 1189,·Westland Land 89. Vesting certain land in the Corporatiorp of Pijtriet the Borough of Than},s. rR 8 Regerre, and Logids DizpoSal and PubLic Bodies Em.poluertng. 90. Vesting ce ·tain lands in Corporat.ion of 110. Special provisions as to leasing of certain Borough of Paeroa as municipal endow- lands vested in Corporation of City of mjnts. Wellington. 51. Governor-Cell .ral may appoint a Commission 111. Authorizing Wellington Hospital and Chari- to report a; to the boundaries of certain table Aid Board to sell land in City of c )unties. Wellington to Wellington Education Board. 92. Ext 3nding tim for holding genetal elettion, 112. Special ppovisions respecting lands compr;rd Mangaoron<To Road Board. in Third Sch:dule to Westlind and Neis,n j"93. Authorizing R Lglan County Council to Bell Coal Fields Administration Act, 1877. e rtain land.
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