Extensions of Remarks E571 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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April 10, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E571 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY: A Evelyn was in the educational system for ing some 45 people. Their customers are NATIONAL DAY OF CELEBRA- over 26 years when she was appointed prin- local, national, and international. Over the TION OF GREEK AND AMERICAN cipal of Early Childhood Center #12 on August years Loren has obtained three patents him- DEMOCRACY, 2008 22, 1990. She was the first Hispanic female self on practical improvements to increase principal in the City of Buffalo. farm productivity, and, being in Colorado, to HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON In 1991 she was appointed principal of groom snowmobile trails. OF TEXAS Community School #77, where she remained Along the way, Loren made time to serve on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for nine years before becoming principal of the Ft. Collins City Council, and Chamber of D’Youville Porter Campus School #3. She re- Thursday, April 10, 2008 Commerce, as president of the East Larimer tired on January 15, 2008. County Water District Board and as a director Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Evelyn has always been involved with her of the North Poudre Irrigation District. He kept Madam Speaker, Tuesday, March 25, 2008, community in such organizations as Hispanics his hand in farming and has spent, so far, 14 has been designated ‘‘Greek Independence United of Buffalo, the Bilingual Advisory years on the county fair board. Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek Board, WNY Hispanic & Friends Civic Asso- His love of flying included 40 years as a di- and American Democracy.’’ I am pleased to ciation, Hispanics Women’s League, Pueblo rector and officer of the local airpark. Loren join my colleagues in recognizing the unique Buffalo T.V., and served with Galloping Gour- provided a lesson in courage when he sur- contributions to our civilization from those of met of the Hispanic Community for seven vived a plane crash in his late forties that se- Greece and of Greek American descent. years. She has also been served on the Board verely burned him and was supposed to leave Democracy was first born in Greece over of Directors of the Health Systems Agency of him unable to walk. Loren forced himself to 2,000 years ago, based on the fundamental Buffalo and has been involved with Buffalo overcome the pain and injuries, and learned to principle of consensual government self-deter- Prep Program and Calle 7 Puppet Company. walk again. mined by free citizens. The ideas forged in an- She founded ‘‘Tainas 74’’ Hispanic Women’s He has long been active in local and state- cient Greece by brilliant minds of the day have Softball team and served on the Buffalo Erie wide politics. Rounding out his active volun- such clarity and force that 2,000 years later County Library Board, the Board of Belmont teer life, he has served as church elder and they still hold more power than a host of Housing and Project Flight. couples group leader. armed weapons. Madam Speaker, I applaud Evelyn’s com- The priceless ideas of democracy and mitment to her community and congratulate Loren and Kathy have three children and equality born in ancient Greece have strongly her on her recent retirement. I know that you eight grandchildren who are all nearby in shaped the American national identity, which join with me in wishing Evelyn, her husband of northern Colorado. Madam Speaker, I am became a beacon of freedom and dignity to 32 years, Jose, and their entire family the very proud to honor Loren Maxey, a practical in- individuals. They continue to give hope and in- best of luck and Godspeed in the years to ventor, engineer, pilot, husband, father, and spiration to the millions around the world who come. active contributor of time and talent to his yearn to live in a free society like ours. Greece country and community. set the example for us and we, in turn have f set the example for countless others. HONORING LOREN MAXEY f Madam Speaker, it is appropriate that the Congress has set aside this national day of HONORING THE GALILEE BAPTIST celebration again in 2008. Each year, it HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE CHURCH OF KALAMAZOO, MICHI- seems, we have a greater appreciation for the OF COLORADO GAN tremendous contribution of Greece to our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American values and our priceless democracy. Thursday, April 10, 2008 HON. FRED UPTON f Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Madam Speaker. I rise OF MICHIGAN HONORING EVELYN PIZARRO FOR today to honor Loren Maxey, who was born IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE into a farm family in Illinois in 1932. His knack TO BUFFALO SCHOOL SYSTEM for inventing led to a college scholarship, but Thursday, April 10, 2008 AND COMMUNITY he interrupted college to enter the Navy, serv- Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, it is with ing 4 years in the early 1950s. He sailed on great pleasure that I rise today in honor of the a vessel taking part in the nuclear weapons HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Galilee Baptist Church of Kalamazoo, Michi- tests in the Pacific, seeing up close the results OF NEW YORK gan, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. of those tests, and finishing his service as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES petty officer first class. Established in 1958, Galilee Baptist Church Thursday, April 10, 2008 Loren then finished a degree in agricultural has become a center of faith, hope, and com- Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today engineering at the University of Illinois, but munity for several generations of Kalamazoo to congratulate Evelyn Pizarro on over 30 chance led to meeting his future wife Kathy at residents. Over the past five decades, the years as a devoted educator and community her family farm in Greeley, Colorado. They church and its congregation have undergone organizer in Buffalo, NY. A well known advo- moved to Greeley to take over the farm in many periods of expansion, but have never cate for the Hispanic community, Evelyn’s 1958. lost their enthusiasm for the Lord and His commitment to education and her community Loren’s interest in practical engineering led powerful word. should be an inspiration to us all. to further studies in that field, then employ- I am proud and fortunate to represent the Evelyn was the oldest of six children born to ment with Forney Industries in aircraft manu- citizens of southwest Michigan because we Angel and Illuminada Munoz, immigrants who facturing, which tied in with another lifelong in- believe in continually striving to improve our came to Buffalo in the late forties to work on terest in being a pilot himself. He gained more way of life. Because of the good works of the the farms. She graduated cum laude from the experience in the agricultural engineering field, people of Galilee Baptist Church, Michigan is State University of New York at Buffalo in and in 1969 started his own company to de- truly a better place to live, work, and worship. 1974 with a B.S. in elementary education and sign, custom build, and service agricultural Again, it is my honor to stand today in rec- received masters in both early childhood edu- equipment and later. machinery for snow ognition of the Galilee Baptist Church for its cation and education administration from Buf- sports. Maxey Companies continues to flour- 50 years of service and spiritual outreach to falo State College. ish, now with Loren’s son at the helm, employ- the residents of Kalamazoo, Michigan. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:25 Apr 11, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.001 E10APPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with REMARKS E572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2008 RECOGNIZING APRIL 7–13 AS A PROCLAMATION HONORING easy for Leo as he is disabled himself and NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK RAHLIN WATSON FOR WINNING cannot drive himself or walk without the assist- THE BOYS’ DIVISION I STATE ance of a walker. BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP At the BRECC, Leo makes it his mission to HON. DANNY K. DAVIS ensure every patient has the best possible stay. Leo often searches for support from pub- OF ILLINOIS HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE lic agencies, and throughout his extensive OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES searches for resources, he has helped orches- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trate donations of such items as books on Thursday, April 10, 2008 Thursday, April 10, 2008 tape, voice activated watches for blind pa- tients, and other items. He also makes mone- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker: tary donations to the BRECC for additional re- wish to recognize the week of April 7–13 as Whereas, Rahlin Watson showed hard work sources and will often bring the patients candy National Public Health Week. In 1995, former and dedication to the sport of basketball; and and treats. President William Jefferson Clinton proclaimed Whereas, Rahlin Watson was a supportive Despite his own physical challenges, Leo the first full week of April as National Public team player; and provides recreational visits, personal visits, Health Week. Since then, the American Public Whereas, Rahlin Watson always displayed and resources to the many patients at the Health Association has organized National sportsmanship on and off of the court; now, BRECC.