The New Genus Austrogautieria (Basidiomycotina), Segregate from Gautieria Author(S): Elwin L

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The New Genus Austrogautieria (Basidiomycotina), Segregate from Gautieria Author(S): Elwin L Mycological Society of America The New Genus Austrogautieria (Basidiomycotina), Segregate from Gautieria Author(s): Elwin L. Stewart and James M. Trappe Reviewed work(s): Source: Mycologia, Vol. 77, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 1985), pp. 674-687 Published by: Mycological Society of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 15/05/2012 05:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Mycological Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Mycologia. Mycologia, 77(5), 1985, pp. 674-687. ? 1985, by The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458 THE NEW GENUS AUSTROGAUTIERIA (BASIDIOMYCOTINA), SEGREGATE FROM GAUTIERIA1 Elwin L. Stewart Department of Plant Pathology, University ofMinnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 AND James M. Trappe U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ABSTRACT Austrogautieria is proposed as a new genus to accommodate Australian species formerly placed in Gautieria but differing from other taxa in that genus in having ovoid, acuminate spores ornamented with ridges that converge at the spore apex, and either having no columella or with a reduced, inconspicuous one. These taxa are included: Austrogautieria chlorospora, A. clelandii, A. costata, A. macrospora, A. manjimupana, as new species, and the new com? bination A. rodwayi. Key Words: Austrogautieria, Basidiomycotina, hypogeous fungus, false truffle, systematics, Australian. Vittadini (1831) erected the genus Gautieria nom. cons. based on two species collected in Italy: Gautieria morchelliformis Vitt, later designated as the type species (Zeller and Dodge, 1918), and Gautieria graveolens Vitt. Both have nar- rowly ellipsoid to subglobose spores ornamented by gently rounded, longitudinal ridges that terminate below the spore tip (i.e., not convergent), a prominent den- droid columella, and an external layer of globose to napiform cells that separate with basidioma expansion to expose the outer glebal chambers. Zeller and Dodge (1918) accepted Vittadini's concept but later (Dodge and Zeller, 1934) expanded the genus to accommodate taxa with persistent peridia of periclinal hyphae. In addition, they included two Australian species that have ovoid, acuminate spores ornamented with ridges that converge at the spore tip and either lack a columella or have a reduced, inconspicuous one. Cunningham (1934) added four additional Australian species with such characters to the genus (albeit as nomina nuda). Both Dodge and Zeller (1934) and Cunningham (1944) regarded all hypogeous fungi with longitudinally ridged spores as Gautieria spp. Thus they synonymized Chamonixia Rolland with Gautieria, although Chamonixia is now accepted as a validly separate genus (e.g., Smith and Singer, 1959). Several Hymenogaster spp. also have spores with longitudinal ridges (Soehner, 1962; Smith, 1966; Stewart and Trappe, 1975). After a study of all taxa designated as Gautieria, we have concluded that the Australian species with ovoid, acuminate spores, spore or? namentation of longitudinal ridges that converge at the spore tip, and with either no columella or a reduced, inconspicuous one deserve generic separation. We propose the new genus Austrogautieria to accommodate these species. 1 Scientific contribution No. 14,082, Agricultural Experiment Station, University ofMinnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108. 674 Stewart and Trappe: Austrogautieria 675 materials and methods Color names are cited by the Inter-Society Color Council Synonyms (Kelly and Judd, 1955). Anatomical features were described from sections rehydrated in 5% KOH, lactophenol, and Melzer's reagent unless otherwise specified. Re? actions of tissues and spores to 5% KOH, 5% FeS04, and Melzer's reagent were not distinctive on dried specimens so are omitted from species descriptions. Such tests should be applied to fresh basidiomata in future work on Austrogautieria and related taxa. Spore dimension means are based on measurements of 50 ran- domly selected spores; spore lengths include the sterigmal attachment. Names of herbaria are abbreviated according to Holmgren and Keuken (1974). Light pho- tomicrographs are from sections mounted in Melzer's reagent or aqueous solutions of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Phinney and Hardison, 1954). TAXONOMY Austrogautieria Stewart & Trappe, gen. nov. Peridium crassum, persistens, saepe rubescens, caerulescens vel viridescens; epicutis hyphis cir- cumtextis; subcutis interdum cellulis napiformibus vel globosis, crystallis dispersis in strato intimo. Gleba exsiccata plerumque friabilis, a massa sporae brunnea vel viride colorata; columella anguste dendroidea vel tantum basaliter pulvinata; loculi minuti. Rhizomorpha basalis singularis usualis. Sporae plerumque ovoidea apicibus obtusis vel acutis, porcis longitudinalibus marginibus subacutis vel acutis. Species typica Austrogautieria macrospora Stewart & Trappe. Peridium thick, in dried specimens often with pigmented areas of red, blue, yellow, green, or brown; epicutis of periclinal hyphae; subcutis sometimes with napiform or globose cells, often with crystals scattered among gelatinized peridial hyphae adjacent to the gleba. Gleba generally friable when dry, colored by the brown or green spore mass, with a thin, dendroid columella or merely a basal pad of sterile tissue; columellar hyphae occasionally inflated at septa; locules minute. Single rhizomorph usually at the base. Spores ovoid with apices obtuse to acute; epispore of forking and anastomosing longitudinal ridges with subacute to acute margins. Clamp connections absent to occasional. Etymology: Latin, "southern Gautieria." Austrogautieria differs from Gautieria in having ovoid, acuminate spores ver- sus ellipsoid to subglobose ones, spore ornamentation of longitudinal ridges con- vergent at the spore apex versus nonconvergent, and either no columella or a reduced one versus a well-developed, prominent columella. Most Austrogautieria spp. have spore ridges with acute to subacute margins, and lack globose to na? piform cells in the peridium. In contrast, all Gautieria spp. have spore ridges with gently rounded margins, and most have subglobose to napiform cells in the pe? ridium. Chamonixia differs from Austrogautieria in having mostly ellipsoid spores with apical pores, rounded to flattened or irregular margins on the spore ridges, and in lacking the strongly gelatinized hyphal walls typical of Austrogautieria. KEY TO SPECIES OF AUSTROGAUTIERIA 1. Spores with 5-8 longitudinal ridges; dried spore mass light grayish olive to grayish olive.1. A. manjimupana 1. Spores with 8?14(?16) longitudinal ridges; dried spore mass yellow-green to dark green, orange-yellow or brown . 2 676 Mycologia 2. Spore mass and gleba yellow-green to dark green; spores with 8-13 longitudinal ridges . 2. A. chlorospora 2. Spore mass and gleba orange yellow to brown. 3 3. Spores 12-16 /um long . 3. A. costata 3. Spores 16-27 nm long . 4 4. Peridium a thin layer of appressed, hyaline to pale brown hyphae 3-7 ^m diam overlying a context of abundant inflated cells 12-35 /um diam appearing pseudopar? enchymatous; spores 16-21 x 12-17 /um.A. A. clelandii 4. Peridium a single or double layer of periclinal, parallel to subparrallel hyphae with inflated cells lacking or occasionally to 17 /um diam; spores 16-27 x 12-18 /um. 5 5. Peridium with an outer layer of thick-walled hyphae 2.5-8 /um diam and a distinct inner layer of thin-walled hyphae 7-25 /um diam; spores narrowly ovoid to ellipsoid or broadly fusoid; epispore ridges 1-2.5 /um tall .5. A. rodwayi 5. Peridium of thin-walled hyphae 1.5-4 /um at the surface grading to broader, thin-walled hyphae near the gleba but not distinctly 2-layered. Spores ovoid; epispore ridges 2-4 /um tall .6. A. macrospora 1. Austrogautieria manjimupana Trappe & Stewart, sp. nov. Fig. 1 Basidiomata exsiccata 9-17 mm in diam, subglobosa vel lobata. Peridium umbrinum vel oli- vaceum; epicutis hyphis implicatis, 40-100 /um crassa; subcutis 200-300 /um crassum. Gleba a massa sporae griseo-olivaceum (interdum areis obscuro-virentibus) colorata, friabilis vel indurata, minute loculata; columella rudimentaris, angusta, hyphis hyalinis 3-10 /um diam. Sporae (cum episporis) 14- 20 x 8-13 jum, ellipsoideae, ovoideae, vel obovoideae, apicibus obtusis vel subacutis, in massa oli- vaceo-bubalinae vel olivaceae; porcis longitudinalis 5-8, marginibus subacutis vel acutis. Holotypus Trappe 4996 (OSC). Fresh basidiomata 9-20 mm in diam, subglobose to lobed. Fresh peridium persistent, white with overlying brown fibrils, when dried, grayish yellowish brown to dark grayish yellowish brown. Fresh gleba dark olive brown to brownish black, when dried, light grayish olive to grayish olive spore mass (sometimes with areas of grayish olive green), friable to hard; chambers 70-120 ixm broad, elongate to labyrinthiform, mostly spore-filled. Columella rudimentary, narrow, gray and gelatinous fresh, olive black when dried, ?0.3 mm in diam, arising from a basal pad of tissue. Spores 14-20
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