
Scheme Summary

Name of scheme: Riverside

PMO scheme code: GD-PA4-009a

Lead organisation:

Senior responsible officer: Naz Parker, Kirklees Council

Lead promoter contact: Alan Seasman, Kirklees Council

Case officer: Ian McNichol,

Applicable funding Housing & Regeneration Local Growth Funding Grant (LGF) stream(s) – Grant or Loan:

Growth Fund Priority Area Priority 4a Infrastructure for Growth (if applicable):

Approvals to date: Decision Point 2

Forecasted full approval July 2019 date (decision point 5):

Forecasted completion date December 2023 (decision point 6):

Total scheme cost (£): £4.612 million

Combined Authority funding £4.612 million (£):

Total other public sector N/A investment (£):

Total other private sector N/A investment (£):

Is this a standalone project? Yes

Is this a programme? No

Is this project part of an No agreed programme?

Current Assurance Process Activity:

Scheme Description:

Dewsbury Riverside is an urban extension of 4,000 homes master-planned alongside new infrastructure and a new local centre for retail, community, health and educational provision. The scheme is an integral site in the Kirklees Local Plan. Funding is sought to enable the early provision of strategic infrastructure, in turn unlocking the development of 240 homes, creating a sense of place and building confidence in future phases of development. The scheme involves the provision of site access and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) infrastructure to bring forward the development of Lees Hall Road (120 homes) and Ravensthorpe Road (120 homes). A new roundabout and access road will be built, alongside surface water storage and associated drainage improvements on both sites. The Dewsbury Riverside urban extension will be situated in the north-east of Kirklees, to the south-west of the town centre. Located centrally in West , with good connections to other parts of the City Region and the wider Northern Powerhouse, the overall package of development opportunities provides a valuable opportunity to improve economic conditions and achieve large-scale inclusive growth. Dewsbury Riverside is a key site within the North Kirklees Growth Zone, which is identified as a priority area for housing growth in the Strategic Economic Plan. Within this context, Dewsbury Riverside is seen as an important part of a regionally significant growth initiative, unlocking the area’s potential to become more prosperous by providing new jobs and homes.

Business Case Summary:

Strategic Case The Dewsbury Riverside site sits within the North Kirklees Growth Zone which is identified as a Leeds City Region ‘Spatial Priority Area’ within the LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan, and endorsed by Kirklees Council’s Executive as a priority regeneration initiative. Dewsbury Riverside is a housing allocation in the Kirklees Local Plan and is seen as a key component of the council’s strategy to deal with the severe housing shortage the district is forecast to experience over the coming years. The local plan states that the district will need to provide 1,730 homes per annum and 31,140 homes by 2031 to adequately accommodate the anticipated population growth over the same period. The scheme links to the £22.5 million Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) bid in relation to the wider site requirements. The HIF funding will unlock the wider housing allocation through further new access from Forge Lane, leading to a local centre with retail, community, and health and education provision. The Kirklees district has a population of 437,047 (ONS Mid-Year Estimate 2017). The population is rapidly changing and with a future estimated growth rate of 6%, a substantial increase in the number of households is expected.

Commercial The Dewsbury Riverside proposal seeks to address the local, regional and Case national shortage of housing, whilst also contributing to the regeneration of the wider area, as a key element of the North Kirklees Growth Zone.

Economic Case The Council are seeking £4.612 million from the Combined Authority. The funding is closely aligned to the Strategic Economic Plan and Kirklees Council ambitions, and will result in the enabling of 240 homes.

Financial Case The Combined Authority contribution to the Dewsbury Riverside scheme of £4.612 million will leverage in £31.159 million in private sector spend through the construction costs of 240 homes.

Management Kirklees Council has the project management systems, skills and track Case record to deliver the project. A Senior Responsible Officer, Programme Manager and Programme Board will ensure direction and support is given throughout delivery.

Location map: The following location map shows the scheme in relation to the other Combined Authority funded schemes in the surrounding area.

Please note, depending on the level of scheme development the location and scope of the schemes indicated here are indicative only. For further information on Combined Authority schemes across the Leeds City Region please refer to: https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/economy/leeds-city-region- infrastructure-map/