Dixie State Name Change

The Council of Faculty Senate Leaders (UCFSL) received the request in quotes below from Bill Christensen, Faculty Senate President at State University. UCFSL voted unanimously to bring this request to the Faculty Senate of each of the USHE institutions. Tim Herzog, chair of Faculty Senate, brought this request to WSU FS Executive Committee and Executive Committee brings the proposed resolution, in bold, to WSU Faculty Senate.

Proposed Resolution: On behalf of the faculty of Weber State University, the WSU Faculty Senate endorses the efforts of the faculty senate of to pursue changing the name of the institution, in accord with the resolution adopted by the Faculty Senate at DSU.

Request from Dixie State University Faculty Senate President Bill Christensen: "Over the summer DSU Faculty Senate voted, with a 2/3 majority, to request that consideration of changing the institution’s name be included in the forthcoming strategic plan. The new strategic plan emphasizes inclusivity and diversity, and many of us feel that keeping the name Dixie is antithetical to those objectives.

A local group consisting of some wealthy and powerful people has vowed to oppose any change and has openly stated they will aggressively target DSU faculty and administrators who want to change the name. They have certainly targeted me on their social media sites, misrepresenting my intentions and character, with some even calling for me to be fired. I gladly bear their criticism, but am dismayed by their callous disrespect for differing opinions.

DSU is hiring a consulting group to study the impact of the name. You can imagine what they may find. As faculty have gone out to national conferences, no small number have been harassed because of the name, and I believe that trend will increase exponentially given the evolving political climate. That reality is mainly what is driving faculty’s desire for a name change.

Of course, only the state legislature has the authority to change the name of a USHE institution, and this will likely end up with them at their next session.

I would like to discuss how other USHE faculty feel about the Dixie name, and, if there is strong support for a Dixie name change, how they might support us.

After all, the name and reputation of any USHE institution reflects on all USHE institutions. I see this as a statewide issue, not just a local issue.

Thanks and regards, Bill Christensen DSU FS Pres 20-21

FYI – In the history, Dixie College – Monument to the Industry of a Dedicated People, by Edna J. Gregerson (1993), she notes, “Dixie College athletic teams are known as the Dixie Rebels, the school mascot is Rodney Rebel [dressed as a Confederate soldier], and the school has adopted the Confederate flag.” (p.66, but the brackets are mine)"