STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU CDC STUDY SHOWS CAN DO TO PRESERVE YOUR GUN LAW FAILURE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS CCRKBA officials said a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “proves what we have been saying for years” that laws simply do not work. In a lengthy presentation, the CDC analyzed scientific evidence regarding “bans on specified and ammunition, restrictions on acqui- November sition (including waiting periods), firearm registration and licensing, con- cealed-carry laws, child-access-prevention laws, zero-tolerance laws for 2003 firearms in schools and combinations of firearm laws.” A CDC task force “found insufficient evidence to determine the effective- Volume XXVIII No. 11 ness of any of the firearm laws or combinations of laws reviewed on violent outcomes.” It also found that “firearms-related injuries in the United States have IN THIS ISSUE declined since 1993” despite the fact that “approximately 4.5 million new firearms are sold each year.” CDC Study: Gun Control A Failure 1 CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron pointed out that, “for years, Airline Pilot Raps TSA 2 anti-gun groups, often citing the CDC’s earlier biased research, had claimed Dems Court Gun Owners 3 more gun laws will reduce violent crime and suicide. CDC stopped Citizen Action Project 3 conducting advocacy research in 1996 by order of Congress. Now, accord- GRPC: Smashing Success 4-5 ing to more balanced research, the CDC basically is acknowledging that its Defender of the Month 6 earlier efforts, and those of extremist gun grabbers, have been all wet.” Quick Shots 7 Yet the CDC, evidently unhappy with the available research, wants to study the issue more, arguing that there is “insufficient evidence to deter- mine the effectiveness of any of the firearm laws reviewed for preventing violence.” CITIZENS The report brought an incredulous comment from Peter Hamm with the to Prevent Gun Violence, known formerly as Handgun COMMITTEE Control, Inc. “It’s hard to study whether gun control laws work in this FOR THE RIGHT country because we have so few of them,” he said. “Hamm is half-baked,” blistered CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. TO KEEP AND “Gun control in this country is heavily regulated by a Pandora’s Box of BEAR ARMS federal, state and local gun laws, many which often conflict with one another to the point that private citizens cannot know whether they are (a non-profit corporation) obeying a law while breaking another. The CDC report seems to confirm National Headquarters: what we’ve been saying all along. Gun control laws have no impact on 12500 N.E. Tenth Place Bellevue, Washington 98005 criminals, only law-abiding citizens who don’t commit crimes. To suggest we need more laws when the ones already passed as successive panaceas Capitol Hill Office: apparently haven’t worked is ludicrous. 1090 Vermont Ave., N.W., Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005 “The CDC’s suggestion for additional studies, simply because they don’t like the results of their own research, is like treating a patient with drugs that you know aren’t working, and then giving him more of the same drugs.” Page 2 November 2003 AIRLINE PILOT RAPS TSA DURING HOUSTON GRPC An outspoken and well-spoken judged unfit was a former 10-year a panacea for terrorist hijackings, United States private airline pilot DEA/Customs agent. Other disquali- just a vital layer of defense. A cock- ripped into bureaucratic foot-drag- fied candidates are current or former pit armed with lethal force is the first ging on the part of the Transporta- military pilots who carry missiles and line of deterrence and the final line tion Security Administration during in some cases a firearm when flying of defense. the recent Gun Rights Policy Con- for the National Guard, but are “It is time to start treating airline ference in Houston, Texas. judged incompetent to carry a fire- pilots as the responsible profession- First Officer Rob Davie, a Board arm when flying airliners. als they are and to take advantage of Member of the Airline Pilots’ Secu- The TSA also requires pilots to carry this critical and inexpensive resource. rity Alliance (APSA), criticized the their guns in lockboxes, anytime they The pilots that volunteer for this do TSA for its failure to implement the leave he cockpit. One of the most so on their own time and do not armed pilots program, a public policy valuable times for an airliner, ac- even get paid for this vital service. advocated initially by CCRKBA im- cording to Davie, is exactly then. It’s time to get serious about airline mediately following the September Deadheading pilots must carry their security.” 11, 2001 militant islamist airline ter- weapons in lockboxes in the cargo rorist attacks on the World Trade hold, dramatically increasing the Center and the Pentagon. odds of loss, theft and accidents as In a dramatic presentation, Davie the firearm is moved about. No other demonstrated how terrorists can take law enforcement agency even allows over an aircraft in flight when nei- its officers to carry firearms “off- ther the pilot nor the co-pilot is body” for safety/security reasons. armed. While armed employees of 26 agen- He noted that, late last year, Con- cies like the Library of Congress and gress overwhelmingly passed legis- the U.S. Printing Office are permit- lation directing the TSA to arm ted to carry concealed firearms on America’s airline pilots to allow them their persons in the aircraft cabin, “Straight talk about what you can do to to protect their passengers and air- Federal Flight Deck Officers must preserve your right to keep and bear arms.” craft against terrorist hijackings. The pack them away in a box. Editor John M. Snyder TSA, admittedly opposed to the pro- When Congress told TSA to hire Publisher Alan M. Gottlieb gram, responded with antipathy to- bag screeners, APSA notes, TSA spent Managing Editors J. H. Versnel ward Congress and our nation’s $700 million, and hired 60,000 in Dave Workman Associate Editors Tom Gresham pilots, designing a program so rife about a year. Almost a year after Merrill Jacobs with roadblocks and nonsensical Congress told TSA to arm airline Bob Kukla practices, it is doomed to failure. pilots, there is only one small train- Herb Stupp Peggy Tartaro In an attempt to discourage volun- ing facility, and only about a hun- Joe Waldron teers, and disqualify pilots, accord- dred FFDOs have been authorized. POINT BLANK is published monthly ing to APSA, TSA requires psychiatric Davie and APSA believe “it is time by Citizens Committee for the Right to interviews, tests and observations, to treat arming our nation’s pilots as Keep and Bear Arms, Liberty Park, and onerous redundant background the national emergency it is. No 12500 N.E. Tenth Place, Bellevue, Washington 98005. investigations of pilots who have al- more than a fraction of flights will ready passed the required layers of ever carry air marshals; no screening Copyright © 2003 CCRKBA screening repeatedly to fly multimil- system will ever keep a terrorist from Correspondence and manuscripts should be sent to POINT BLANK, CCRKBA, 1090 Vermont Ave., lion-dollar airliners. Our own gov- getting weapons through. Commer- N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20005 ernment admits these same aircraft cial airliners remain, for the most Address Change: Write new address, city, state, and zip code on a plain piece of paper. Attach in the wrong hands are weapons of part, defenseless against attack. The mailing label from an issue of POINT BLANK and send to CCRKBA, 12500 N.E. Tenth Place, mass destruction. The psychiatric government has announced the Bellevue, Washington 98005. Please allow four to screening is in excess of that given to threat of more hijackings in the near six weeks for change to become effective. air marshals. One of the pilots TSA future. Arming pilots is by no means November 2003 Page 3 DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP COUNCIL COURTING GUN OWNERS WITH FRAUD

The Citizens Committee for the for Democrats to Promote Responsi- old smell. Right to Keep and Bear Arms bility and Win the Gun Vote.” “By meeting with AGS,” Waldron (CCRKBA)called the Democratic “Without inviting any true gun continued, “Democrats are trying to Leadership Council’s joint confer- rights organizations to the table,” convince voters, and especially gun ence in Atlanta with the anti-gun Gottlieb stated, “the DLC continues owners, that they are pro-gun. Look Americans for Gun Safety “a fraud to wrap itself in rhetoric. It’s camou- at the AGS record, and you find this designed to fool gun owners into flage, and hunters know about cam- organization has supported every thinking that Democrats are truly ouflage. Camo is designed to conceal gun control measure to come down interested in gun rights, when they something from view, and in this the legislative pike since it was are really pushing gun control dis- case, what Democrats are trying to founded. They’re not a gun rights guised as gun safety.” conceal is the same old gun control organization. They’re not even a gun The DLC and AGS conference was agenda they’ve had all along, by re- safety organization. They’re a gun entitled “God, Guns and Guts: Seiz- packaging it as something else.” control group.” ing the Cultural Center.” It was an CCRKBA Executive Director Joe “Until the Democrats sit down with effort, according to published re- Waldron added, “Their own poll- true gun rights organizations and ports, to portray the Democratic ster, Mark Penn, who worked for leaders,” Gottlieb said, “their pro- Party as more pro-gun. CCRKBA Bill Clinton, has advised Democrats nouncements about being pro-gun Chairman Alan Gottlieb’s response to change their message from ‘gun rights carry as much weight with was blunt: “Dream on.” control’ to ‘gun safety.’ It may sound gun owners as trying to establish AGS released a “7-Step Blueprint more appealing, but it’s got the same what the definition of ‘is’ is.”

CITIZEN ACTION PROJECT For a variety of reasons, 2004 will be a critical year for gun owners. A vote is right around the corner (and already may have occurred by the time you read this) on S. 659, the bill that would protect gun manufacturers from nuisance lawsuits. Pressure is building on Congress to reenact some form of so-called assault weapon and high capacity magazine ban. And 2004 will end with the presidential and congressional elections. Your active involvement in the fight to protect our rights is more important than ever before. We need to keep a sharp eye on Congress and provide positive reinforcement and encouragement to ensure they do the right thing. We need to follow that up with campaign support for pro-gun officials, and support for the opponents of anti-gun officials, as they seek reelection a year from now. We need to help educate our fellow citizens regarding the truth about guns and various aspects of the gun control issue via letters to the editor and talks with our family members and co-workers. An incredible amount of misinformation about guns is floating around out there, and the media have no interest in reporting the true facts unless we encourage them. A good example here is the Centers for Disease Control study (discussed elsewhere in this issue of Point Blank) that shows there is no evidence to support the claim that gun control laws reduce crime. In the coming weeks, Congress will take its Thanksgiving recess, and then adjourn for the year just before Christmas. Our Representatives and Senators will be back in the home district, conducting town hall meetings and accepting office appointments with individual citizens or groups. Now is the time to start the 2004 campaign season. Check with the district office of these officials to determine when and where town hall meetings will take place. Gather a couple of your hunting orange buddies to have a sit-down meeting with your Representative or Senators. Discuss the issue of gun owner rights in general, but also bring up the gun manufacturer lawsuit and assault weapons issues as well. There is no credible study that shows the so-called assault weapon ban has had any impact on crime whatsoever. And that comes straight from the historically anti-gun Centers for Disease Control. It’s time to stop “symbolic” actions by Congress and focus on where the real problems are. Telephone numbers for your elected officials may be found in the “blue pages” of your telephone directory under “U.S. Government.” You also can visit the Library of Congress web site at to find your officials’ telephone numbers and district office addresses. If all else fails, call 1 (800) GUN-OWNER (1-800-486-6963) for this information. Page 4 November 2003 CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL KEYNOTE KEYNOTESS GUN RIGHTS POLICY CONFERENCE; HUNDREDS OF PARTICIPANTS ATTEN Highlighting the annual Gun other measure which would consti- Texas Army Cols. Jim Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) tute any abrogation of rights under Peddy, John Baker, Kris this year was a comprehensive key- the Second Amendment to the Minefree, Chester Kern note address by Congressman Ron United States Constitution.” It has and John Martin kicked Paul, M.D. of been referred off the daytime sessions Texas. to the House of the conference with GRPC, a na- Committee on the presentation of the tional gathering International colors and the Pledge of of leading gun Relations. Allegiance. rights activists, Following his A federal and UN af- has been held speech, Paul, fairs briefing was con- GRPC every year for who previ- ducted by John Michael the last 18 years. ously had re- Snyder, CCRKBA Public Affairs Di- CCRKBA co- ceived a rector and SAF Treasurer, Charles sponsors it with CCRKBA Gun H. Cunningham, Director of Federal the Second Rights De- Affairs for the NRA Institute for Leg- Amendment Congressman Ron Paul fender of the islative Action, Lt. Gen. James Cham- Foundation (SAF). It is held in a Month Award, accepted a special bers, USAF (ret.), Vice President of different location each year, usually Bill of Rights Award from CCRKBA the National Shooting Sports Foun- during the last weekend of Septem- Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb, SAF dation (NSSF), and John Miller, Ex- ber. This year, it was held in Hous- President Joseph P. Tartaro, and ecutive Vice President of the National ton, Texas, September 26-28, and CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Muzzle Loading Rifle Association included over 400 participants. Waldron. (NMLRA). Congressman Paul addressed a Gottlieb and Tartaro also were fea- Slated for a state legislative affairs Friday night reception sponsored by tured speakers at GRPC, along with briefing were Waldron and State Sen. the National Rifle Association of NRA Executive Vice President Sam Slom of Hawaii, a SAF Trustee, America. He stipulated that the right Wayne LaPierre. Chuck Michel, Esq., Counsel to the to keep and bear arms is one of the Conference moderators were California Rifle & Pistol Association, pillars of our free American society. Julianne Versnel Gottlieb, Publisher James Dark, Executive Director of He directed the attention of GRPC of Women & Guns and Journal on Fire- the Texas State Rifle Association, and to United Nations gun grabbers who arms & Public Policy and Peggy John Burtt, Chairman of the Fifty are seeking to galvanize segments of Tartaro, Editor of Women & Guns and Caliber Institute. the international community against a CCRKBA Director. Cunningham, and Gary Mehalik, traditional American rights and free- NSSF Vice President for doms, including the might to keep Communications, and and bear arms. Michael Marks, Executive Rep. Paul mentioned that he has Director of the Fifty Caliber introduced the proposed Right to Institute, discussed whether Keep and Bear Arms Act of 2002, or not the court backdoor had H.R. 3135, with 10 original cospon- been slammed on the anti- sors, to provide that, “no funds ap- gunners. propriated pursuant to any provision Jerry Patterson, Land of law may be used for the promo- Commissioner of Texas, and tion of any agreement, treaty, con- Robert Glock, Managing Di- ference, document or other action rector of Glock, Inc., ad- by the United Nations, or any in- dressed the annual GRPC Alan Gottlieb and Joe Tartaro present Lt Gen Jim strumentality thereof, which advo- Chambers of National Shooting Sports Foundation awards luncheon. At the lun- cates the taxation of firearms or any with Defender of the year Award. cheon, Patterson received a November 2003 Page 5 AUL KEYNOTESS GUN RIGHTS POLICY CONFERENCE; ND NATIONAL GATHERING IN TEXAS Executive Director of the Firearms Collectors Association, and Charles Coalition. Murray, Contributing Editor of the Gottlieb, Cunningham, Chambers International Ammunition Journal, set and Tom Gresham, host of the “Gun up a discussion on the future of gun Talk” syndicated radio show, dis- shows and gun collecting. cussed the part that the gun issue John Hosford, a former CCRKBA most likely will play in next year’s Executive Director and now a Wyo- presidential and congressional elec- ming gun rights activist, chaired a tion contests. resolutions committee, which in- Tartaro, and David T. Hardy, Esq., cluded Heil, Robert Wiest, a SAF C attendees during one of the sessions. author of Origins and Development of Trustee and Tennessee activist, Alice the Second Amendment and This Is Not Tripp, Legislative Liaison of the Texas CCRKBA Lifetime Achievement an Assault, and David Young, author State Rifle Association, Dennis Award and Glock a SAF Global Lead- of Origins of the Second Amendment, Walker, President of the Ohio Con- ership Award. discussed the history and modern stitution Defense Council, John Krull, Other award recipients at GRPC meaning and applications of the Sec- a Director of the Shooters Commit- included Chambers, who received ond Amendment. tee on Political Education, Francis G. the CCRKBA Defender of the Year Glen Voorhees, a SAF Trustee and Winters, a Texas activist and former Award, Alaska State Rep. Eric Croft, a Texas firearms instructor, moder- NRA Director, Susan Laws, Contrib- who received the CCRKBA Legisla- ated a panel on right to carry laws uting Editor of Women & Guns, and tor of the Year Award, Officer Russ and reciprocity which included Croft, Richard Pearson, President of the Hamilton of the Arizona Depart- Gross and Dan Illinois State Rifle ment of Public Safety, who received West, President of Association. the CCRKBA Law Enforcement Of- the Texas Con- Among the ficer of the Year Award, John Lott, cealed Carry Asso- organizations who received the CCRKBA Scholar ciation, Chris Bird, helping to fund of the Year Award, Minnesotans author of The Con- this year’s GRPC David Gross and Joe Olson, who cealed Carry Hand- were NSSF, NRA, received the CCRKBA Gun Rights gun Manual, Kevin the Sporting Activists of the Year Award, the L. Jamison, Esq., Arms and Ammu- Houston Gun Collectors Association, President of the nition Manufac- which received the CCRKBA Affili- Western Missouri turers Institute, ate of the Year Award, Students for Shooters Alliance, Charter Arms, the Second Amendment, who re- Phil Journey, Esq., Gottlieb and LaPierre Inc., the Houston ceived the CCRKBA Gun Rights President of the Gun Collectors Organization of the Year Award, Kansas State Rifle Association, and Association, the Libertarian Party, and Julie Gottlieb, who received a Jim March, CCRKBA California Field Marathon USA, the Microsoft Gun specially engraved St. Gabriel Rep. Club, the Texas Concealed Hand- Possenti Society silver medallion. NRA Director Sue King, Maria Heil, gun Association, The New Gun Week, Lott, the author of More Guns, Less National Spokeswoman for the Sec- Whitetails Unlimited, the Fifty Cali- Crime, and a Senior Fellow at the ond Amendment Sisters, and Tim ber Shooters Association, the Inter- American Enterprise Institute, spoke Wheeler, M.D., Director of Doctors national Ammunition Association, on the bias in the media against for Responsible Gun Ownership, a MBNA America, Merril Press, the guns. project of the Claremont Institute, New Mexico Gun Collectors Asso- A criticism of the ballistic imaging held a panel discussion on the gun ciation, Texas Fish & Game Magazine, proposals was presented by Mehalik, rights battle in public arenas. Washington Arms Collectors, Wolfe Dave Workman, Senior Editor of Waldron and Frank Sawberger, Publishing Company, and Women & The New Gun Week, and Neal Knox, Past President of the Houston Gun Guns Magazine. Page 6 November 2003 CONGRESSMAN SOUDER THE CCRKBA AWARDEE

U. S. Rep. Mark Souder of Indiana Souder’s bill is identical to S. 1414, aging partner of Historic Souder’s of is the CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender introduced in the Senate by Sen. Grabill, which owns the land and of the Month Awardee for Novem- Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chairman of buildings of Souder’s General Store, ber. the Senate Judiciary Committee and the County Shops of Grabill and is In nominating the Hoosier Con- a CCRKBA Congressional Advisor the home of Elias Ruff Restaurant. gressman for the Award, John and CCRKBA Gun Rights Defender Mark married the former Diane Michael Snyder, CCRKBA Public of the Month Awardee. Zimmer of South Bend, Indiana in Affairs Director, said that, “Congress- Souder said the legislation would: 1974. They have two grown chil- man Souder, throughout his public (1) permit law-abiding Washington, dren – Brooke and Nathan – and one career, has been a consistent de- D. C. citizens to possess handguns teenage son, Zachary. The Souders fender and promoter of the indi- and rifles in their homes and busi- reside in Fort Wayne where they vidual Second Amendment civil nesses; (2) repeal the registration re- attend Emmanuel Community right to keep and bear arms. He quirements for firearms and Church. demonstrated this most particularly ammunition; and (3) eliminate crimi- “I do not believe that guns are in mid-September when he took the nal penalties for possession and car- responsible for violent crime prob- lead in the House of Representatives rying of firearms in homes and lems or that more gun control would in proposing and introducing the businesses. reduce violence and criminal activ- District of Columbia Personal Pro- Congressman Souder was first ity,” Souder told Point Blank. “Most tection Act. If enacted, this measure, elected to Congress in 1994 after of the weapons used in criminal ac- H.R. 3193, with five dozen original working for U.S. Sen. Dan Coats of tivities are purchased illegally on the cosponsors, would restore to citizens Indiana for 10 years during Coats’ street. Furthermore, the folly of gun of the District of Columbia the right tenure in the House and Senate. control is shown time and again in to own and possess firearms in their Souder serves on the House Gov- cities that have strict gun control homes and businesses. Rep. Souder ernment Reform Committee, the laws. For example, Washington, D. certainly is most deserving of the Resources Committee, and the C. has the most restrictive gun con- Award.” Homeland Security Committee. trol laws in the country, yet it is In seeking support for H.R. 3193, Since 2001, he has served as Chair- known foremost for its violent crimi- which has been referred to the House man of the Government Reform Sub- nal activity. I am a strong supporter Committee on Government Reform, committee on Criminal Justice, Drug of our Second Amendment right to Souder noted that, “the District of Policy and Human Resources. This keep and bear arms. Many Ameri- Columbia has the most strict gun subcommittee has jurisdiction over cans choose to own firearms for sport, control laws in the country. Even the domestic and international anti- hunting, collecting, and protection. though law-abiding citizens are pro- drug efforts throughout the federal In my opinion, all of these reasons hibited from possessing firearms, the government, and is the authorizing justify the ownership of firearms. District of Columbia continues to subcommittee for the Office of Drug “I believe that we can take signifi- suffer from sky-rocketing violent Control Policy. cant steps toward ensuring the secu- crime rates. Just this year, our Born July 18, 1950 in Fort Wayne, rity of our citizens without trampling Nation’s Capital regained its unfor- Indiana, Souder graduated from Leo the Second Amendment to the Con- tunate status as the ‘Murder Capital High School in 1968 and from Indi- stitution. I do appreciate the con- of the United States.’ Not only are ana University at Fort Wayne in 1972 cern surrounding the rate of these ill-advised gun control laws an with a Bachelor of Science degree in gun-related crimes. However, I affront to the Second Amendment business administration. He received would ask those in favor of more of the Constitution, they are com- an MBA from the University of Notre gun control to consider that those pletely ineffective. My legislation Dame in 1974. who commit crimes with firearms will go a long way toward rectifying Mark’s family founded Souder’s of tend to have little respect for human this deplorable state of affairs.” Grabill in 1907. He currently is man- life, and even less for the law.” November 2003 Page 7 QUICK SHOTS

In Missouri, Gov. Bob Holden ads for pornographic websites that has lost the support of Anheuser- contending the law infringes on illegally show their materials to Busch because he vetoed a CCW religious freedom. “It undermines underage children but will not accept bill, which the state legislature our ability to create a safe place of ads from licensed gun dealers selling enacted by overriding the veto. sanctuary for women, children and a legal product to adults. A Holden said top executives at the men, those who we serve,” said spokesman for Google said last company wanted him to sign the bill Sister Susan Oeffling. She and month that the policy is “part of our but he refused. Holden announced former U.S. Attorney for Minnesota terms and conditions.” Rich Millo, he was banning concealed firearms David Lillehaug complain the owner of Valley Firearms in Shelton, in state office buildings, even before concealed carry law denies them Connecticut, told the Cybercast the state’s concealed carry statute the ability to choose the wording of News Service that he is “sick and takes effect. “Gov. Holden is signs posted on church property tired of having the good guys be showing his vindictive nature with informing the public that guns are discriminated against.” Millo had this ban,” said CCRKBA Chairman banned there. They also say the law subscribed to the Google Ad Words Alan M. Gottlieb. “He knows, yet illegally prohibits the churches from service to promote his online gun refuses to admit, that law-abiding banning guns from their parking lots sales and auctions but then received citizens who legally carry firearms and from church-owned property an e-mail telling him that it had been do not shoot up government that is leased to others. suspended. Millo complained, buildings. He also should realize  “They’ll let porn sites advertise but that by announcing this ban, which not gun sites?” needs to be challenged legally, he is Armi, a prestigious Italian gun virtually declaring government magazine, says a new book by  buildings to be ‘free fire zones’ for CCRKBA Public Affairs Director John criminals.” Michael Snyder is “brilliant” and is a The United Mine Workers of  “must have” volume for those who America (NMWA) urged passage of believe owning and using guns is S. 659, the proposed Protection of In Washington, D.C., Sen. compatible with religious principles. Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which Charles E. Schumer of New York The book, Gun Saint, tells the heroic would protect America’s firearm introduced S. 1706, a bill to story of an 1860 handgun rescue of manufacturers and dealers from “improve” the National Instant villagers from terrorists by St. Gabriel malicious, predatory third party Criminal Background Check Possenti. It describes the author’s lawsuits. An identical measure System. It was referred to the Senate campaign for the saint’s designation already has passed the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. Original as Patron of Handgunners, as well of Representatives by an cosponsors are Sens. Lincoln D. as controversy surrounding the overwhelming margin. In a letter to Chafee of Rhode Island, Larry E. proposal. It is available for $12.95 U.S. Senators, UMWA President Craig of Idaho, Richard J. Durbin of plus $2.00 by check or money order Cecil E. Roberts encouraged Illinois, Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, from Telum Associates, P.O. Box lawmakers to “cosponsor and Edward M. Kennedy of 2844, Arlington VA 22202, or by credit strongly support” the proposal. His Massachusetts, Blanche L. Lincoln card from zShops, ID: letter emphasized the potential of Arkansas, and John McCain of 1006K165667. negative impact of these reckless Arizona. lawsuits against the gun industry   and the resultant adverse effects they would inflict on workers and In Minnesota, a group of more A federally licensed firearms their communities. Enactment of S. than two dozen churches filed suit to dealer in Connecticut is upset the 659 would protect the industry and, have the state’s CCW law overturned, Google search engine will accept subsequently, jobs.