Sent: 20 December 2014 23:12 To: DPD (Planning Service Area) Subject: LDF Consultation Petition. Attachments: signatures_1419113564.pdf; comments_1419116453.pdf


The attached file contains 825 electronic signatures from the e‐petition we have run against Option 3 of the LDF consultation. The petition was entitled “say no to a and Woodford Development Corridor”: signatories were expressing their rejection of this option. We therefore wish this petition to be added to the responses counted against this option and given the same weight as all other responses. For your reference I also attach a “comments” file, detailing the comments left by respondents. If you need any further information, please let me know.

Best Wishes

Cllr Tom McLaren Church End Ward on behalf of the Save Our Suburbs campaign.

1 Recipient: Redbridge Council

Letter: Greetings,

Save Our Suburbs: Say No to a Wanstead and Woodford Development Corridor Comments

Name Location Date Comment

Mark Balcomb London, 2014-10-16 The planned proposal will complete destroy the character of the western corridor of the borough, and any expansion would have such a minimal effect to meet government shortfall requirements. The suburbs of Wanstead and Woodford are not suited to this type of expansion, and the proposed sites are not substantial for the development

David Hattersley , United 2014-10-17 Random high rise in established low rise suburban areas is totally out of place. Kingdom

alison freeman London, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 We are overcrowding now

Randi Glenn London, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 I object to allowing high rise building within the area and changing the village feel of the area

Ritu Kumar London, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Over crowded already

Melanie Gadsdon Woodford, United 2014-10-19 I'm passionate about the beauty of Woodford and to do any more buildings Kingdom would mar the landscape. Queen Mary block of flats are already made ugly and it has destroyed beautiful Woodford.

Marcia Wallace London, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 I'm signing this petition because I do not watch to my area, which is already becoming over grounded and services stretched, become under more pressure and loose what we pay a premium to live in with the high cost of properties in this area. Please do not change this area.

Maria Pierce London, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 No high rises or over development

Claire Hartley London, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 I am totally against this proposal. If I want tall tower blocks I'll move closer to the city thanks.

Donald MacQueen London, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 The proliferation of high rise flats are already sufficient for local needs, we need more houses for families not high rise blocks of flats.

Adrienne Hughes Woodford Green, United 2014-10-20 It is very important to me because I live in Woodford Green and I do not want Kingdom my local area destroyed by over density for which there is no adequate infrastructure. Woodford used to be a leafy suburb but it is being destroyed by overdevelopment.

Mehibe Hill London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 I'm signing because I grew up in South Woodford and now live in Wanstead; and can not imagine how awful our neighbourhood and community would feel with the proposed developments. It is an outrage that such a proposal has been put forward by the Labour candidate. Wanstead is beautiful because of it's greenery and skyline as well as the sense of community. Utterly worrying news. Save Woodford and Wanstead.

Robert McKill South Woodford, United 2014-10-20 We do not have infra structure to support this option 3 and we do not want to Kingdom introduce ghetto's that would certainly grow

Anne-marie Richmond London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 I am all for building affordable accommodation however if no planning is allocated for additional services to support more residents how is this going toe courage a community spirit and meet people's needs, simply building for the sake of votes is not the answer

Lucille Grant London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 We moved here (my husband and I) because of the villagey feel to Wanstead and it's surrounding areas. I cannot believe this proposal to build high rise flats in this small area. We say a definite no to this proposal.

Frank Cruder London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 it would be nice to keep the areas as they are and they do not to be spoilt by even more development. Name Location Date Comment

Katy Meaden London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Wanstead is so popular because of how it looks, traditional leafy streets and old houses. New blocks of flats around the area would ruin all of this. Redbridge labour should be ashamed, no idea why they even got it.

Kathryn Thompson Essex, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 The area's resources are already stretched, and it would be awful to lose the open and green aspect that is left in the two areas!

Catherine Love , United Kingdom 2014-10-20 There is no infrastructure in place to take the additional residents these developments would entail. Ilford has already been ruined by throwing up blocks of shoebox flats on every scrap of land, the roads are gridlocked and public transport is collapsing under the strain, please don't do this to the remaining green and pleasant parts of Redbridge!

Julia Morgan London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 The area is already too crowded. Investment should be on more green space not less

Amanda Ford London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 This a action will ruin a lovely place to live.

James Killeen Wanstead, United 2014-10-20 To even consider ruining one of the best remaining bits of , by Kingdom turning it into a yet characterless jungle of blocks of flats, is nothing short of madness. Once the damage is done, it can never be undone.

Morris Hickey , United 2014-10-20 Open space is as essential to good living conditions as are decent well-deigned Kingdom and maintained homes. Serious refurbishment of existing homes, especially long-term unoccupied ones, needs to be undertaken before spreading more concrete.

Jim Mortleman London, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 I'm not against development per se, but as others have said this area does not need more high-rise flats or studio apartments; it needs more family homes. And that means homes in character with the area and built on brownfield sites only.

Jan Goswami Essex, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 We want green trees not concrete jungle

Samantha Stovin-Clark Woodford, United 2014-10-21 It will negatively impact my local area Kingdom helen bloom woodford green, United 2014-10-21 I do not want this pressure put on local schools, doctors and local services. Kingdom Leave Woodford alone! Stop ruining it and the atmosphere our residents love. I have lived in this house for nearly 40 years.

Carole martinet Woodford green, United 2014-10-21 Signed. Carole Kingdom

Verity Eggar London, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 I want South Woodford and Wanstead to remain the leafy family orientated area it is and has always been. This would ruin the area. irene dunkley London, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 I do not want to see my Country become one large building site. We all need green spaces for a healthy lifestyle for old and young alike and building more skyscrapers and ugly blocks of flats looks appalling and will spoil the area and it will lose it's character. We already have many lovely streets being spoilt by ugly inserts of flats and huge unsightly buildings. It has to stop and I wish good luck to the campaign

Helen Coughlan Woodford Green, United 2014-10-21 Because we are loosing so much open spaces and playing fields. Kingdom

William (Bill) Layzell- South Woodford, United 2014-10-21 I have lived here for over 45 years and the pressure on our local services due Smith Kingdom to inappropriate buliding of unsightly flats is appalling. No more please.

Ann Candy Ilford, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Start of a slippery slide -no area will be safe from threat if some stand is not taken. Name Location Date Comment

Nicola Wyndham Woodford Green, United 2014-10-21 We love this area because it is family friendly and green. We do not want the Kingdom character of this area affected. This proposal is short sighted and again just about the council finding income through unnecessary development that does not have the infrastructure to support it.

Michelle Mead London, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Doctors surgeries and schools would not be able to cope with the huge numbers of extra people. Getting a place in a local school is already difficult with people being offered places in schools nowhere near them! How will adding more to the local population/housing help? vesna martin London, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 i live here and i love it the way it is. ann brandman essex, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 I have lived in the area for 68 years and like it how it is

Lynda Adams London, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 I love Wanstead for the green open spaces as it is. No to encroaching on these green spaces we so enjoy so close to the city.

Kathleen Moore London, United Kingdom 2014-10-22 Extra houses will put a huge strain on already over subscribed schools/hospitals and all local amenities.

Nicola jarratt London, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 I love Wanstead

Danielle Palmer London, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 There is already too much pressure on local services including schools and NHS services especially given the redevelopment of the Queen Mary site several years ago changing the demographic of the area. This development would also be detrimental to the character of the area.

Elspeth Booth London, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Because high rise flats are not in keeping with the area and would be disastrous!

Paula Vaughan London, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 These areas already house a substantial population and the proposals would be so detrimental.

Sarah Boud London, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 The council hasn't got sufficient infrastructure for the people already here, let alone more. Look at the black hole for schools to start.

Samantha Brown Woodford Green, United 2014-10-25 I'm signing because our infrastructure cannot cope already and our suberbs Kingdom are being ruined.

Christina Manny London, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 NO to further development of Wanstead/Woodford

Lucy hague Woodford green, United 2014-10-25 i hate this idea, this area is overcrowded enough with schools and NhS and this Kingdom idea will only make it worse. Also I love my area Woodford because of its green, this would totally change it and ruin it!

Hazel Shields London, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 The current infrastructure does not support the existing population. Public transport and local schools are already stretched. Any increase in housing/population will cause a serious decline in quality of life for everyone.

Daniel Garfield London, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 School places are already scarce, the volume of people at SW tube station in rush hour is already dangerously high.

Toby Hague Woodford Green, United 2014-10-25 i oppose the idea of building more blocks of flats in Woodford, South Woodford Kingdom and Wanstead. The current open spaces are wonderful for our family life and a great way to interact with the community. Also schools, hospitals, doctors, even emergency services and transport are all already full to bursting. Before you build houses you should build schools and hospitals!

Amanda Stobbart Woodford, United 2014-10-26 I live in Woodford and it's busy enough! Kingdom

Irina Lukina London, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Everyone needs green open space to feel comfortable. Please do not encroach on the spaces we have. Our children and grandchildren deserve their walks and playgrounds. The traffic is intense as it is now. It will increase - more inhabitants - more cars. Name Location Date Comment

Matthew Gascoigne London, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 We are overcrowded enough as it is already, and this would put even more strain on our local services etc.

Lee Gledhill London, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Low rise, modest occupancy is what makes this area special. Your proposals are not in keeping with the preservation of this area of beauty. This is not acceptable to the community.

Claire Jaffe Woodford, United 2014-10-26 Woodford and its environs should remain character filled as they currently are. Kingdom It's a beautiful area to live in.

David Earl London, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Roads, schools and hospitals are already under a great burden. The expansion would not just be out of keeping with the area it would fundamentally alter it.

Heather Barnbrook Woodford Bridge, United 2014-10-26 I would like to preserve the area that Inlove and have lived in all my life. There Kingdom has already been a huge amount of building and our roads are congested.

Stephen Beer Woodford Green, United 2014-10-26 It seems ridiculous that shortly after increasing the size of the Woodford Kingdom Broadway Conservation area to specifically Reduce the ability to change the area, The council is now looking to Increase the change in other areas. This is surely a blatant contradiction in policies.

Steven Burt London, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Because over development of tiny plots of land, diminishes the area for all. The people that lived there before and the people that moved in. I am for affordable housing and more new homes, but only on pieces of land where a development and additional humans in that development is sustainable.

Fabiola Smolowik-Martin London, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Please preserve the green and family-friendly suburbs of north-east London to ensure a lasting legacy for our children and future residents.

Kate Nivison Woodford Green, United 2014-10-27 The strain on local services, especially the Central Line Epping branch is Kingdom already excessive. Since the development of Stratford, it's been near impossible to get a seat for much of the day. Likewise schools and medical facilities.

Maria Alford Woodford Green, United 2014-10-27 I live in this area and do not want to lose our green spaces for it to be turned Kingdom into a concrete jungle, bringing with it pollution, overcrowding and crime.

Jenny Federico London, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 It will effect me and my family

John `Clements Woodford Green, United 2014-10-27 We like it as it is Kingdom

Javed Qureshi London, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 I do not want to see the character of the village destroyed by overdevelopment.

Samantha Earl London, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Wanstead is a wonderful area. Over development would ruin the close sense of community, cause traffic and parking problems and would cause a worrying situation for the local schools.

Amanda Pujolas london, United Kingdom 2014-10-29 Amanda Pujolas

Mark Gudgeon London, United Kingdom 2014-10-30 This development would undermine the character of Wanstead and Woodford and would put our conservation areas at risk. The infrastructure for the area is already at full stretch.

Gavin Morgan Woodford Green, United 2014-10-31 I love the area and don't want it spoiled by over development. Kingdom

Dorothy Frame London, United Kingdom 2014-11-01 The character of our neighbourhood would be ruined and the infrastructure is inadequate to cope with the increased population. austin poulton london, United Kingdom 2014-11-02 I live in the area and love its village feel and greenspace. Further urbanisation will destroy this and is unnecessary with many derelict/unused building in london Name Location Date Comment

Rory Neighbour Wanstead, United 2014-11-02 This area is already starting to feel over loaded and over subscribed. The tube Kingdom is often over crowd at and wanstead, also the schools are becoming over subscribed and new class rooms are having to be built on play fields and other outdoor spaces. This is a great area to live and raise children, i would hate for it to be destroyed with over crowded and compromised facilities. stephen hartley London, United Kingdom 2014-11-03 I do not want any proposed development to spoil the character of the area, increase congestion or put more pressure on local resources.

Adam Macaulay London, United Kingdom 2014-11-03 Keep the character of the area brenda braithwaite wanstead, United 2014-11-04 we moved here 42 years ago when it was a rural area with open Kingdom everything has been infilled, old houses replaced by ugly blocks of flats. There is no room for wildlife there are few insects birds etc. we need trees gardens and hedges not an unbroken line of concrete and astro turf.

RITA YERSHON LONDON, United 2014-11-04 This is pure madness.Doctors, Schools, Housing are now at bursting point. Kingdom Also more importantly, it always happens when people are crammed into tower blocks it is an invitation to excessive crime in the area. Stop it now.

Jason Guest London, United Kingdom 2014-11-04 The transport infrastructure in Wanstead is already overtaxed and quadrupling population density would create chaos on the Tube and gridlock on the streets. A conservation area should remain just that, without exemptions and excuses. nazia shahid essex uk, United 2014-11-05 We only want to see development that enhances the character of our local area Kingdom not damage it.

Ann Williams London, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 The reason why people want to live in these areas is because of their character - destroying the character of the area removes any desire to live here.

Ricky . London, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 I love this area but it is already very busy on the roads and tube. More people in the area would make it very difficult for everyone who paid a lot of money to buy a property in the area.

Chris Bathe London, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 I live in the area

Sulakhan Bungre London, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 It is important to preserve the village and suburban character of the Woodford to Wanstead Corridor. Also the local infrastructure including roads could not possibly support the increased population density the development proposal would allow.

Aman Bains BARKING, United 2014-11-06 I have family so live in Wanstead and support this cause. Kingdom

Tracy Staines Loughton, United 2014-11-06 That's my home town, and I support it not going ahead Kingdom

Claire Brown London, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 The woodford wanstead area is famed for its suburban feel; close to the City and a West End but still green, with beautiful period properties, and wide tree lined streets. Building additional flats and houses will not only spoil the aesthetic of the area, turning it in to an urban sprawl, but will also put an unsustainable strain on public resources and transport links. Anyone attempting to get along woodford high road during rush hour/school run or on the tube at south woodford between 7.30am-8.30am will very much understand this area has no more capacity.

Liane Fahey South Woodford, United 2014-11-07 We do not want to live in a concrete jungle. We live here to appreciate the Kingdom space and greenery. Name Location Date Comment

Sarah Fitz-Gerald Loughton, United 2014-11-07 It is abundantly clear if you have ever tried to get on the tube at South Kingdom Woodford, get your children into schools in your own catchment area, drive from Wanstead to Woodford that there is absolutely no more space for any of these developments. It will most probably drive down house prices, contribute to more crime and anti social behaviour. Absolutely ridiculous idea....let's try and at least keep some of the character of the area, much of which has been lost in recent years anyway.

Lisa Curtin London, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 south woodford, woodford and Wanstead are busy and chaotic enough - I can just about bear it to leave in such lovely areas but will not be able to take it becoming anymore crammed than it is!

Patricia Chambers Woodford Green, United 2014-11-07 The infrastructure is not in place to support more people. Kingdom

Allestree Fisher London, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 To preserve the very aspects of suburban life that we moved to Woodford for

Simon Dicey London, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 I don't want our lovely area to become a concrete jungle. Redbridge Council need to be told this in no uncertain terms.

Susan Homewood London, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 My family chose to live in an area having a traditional suburban character, which is pleasant. Like many others, we moved here from inner London so our four children would not grow up surrounded by concrete and visible social problems. Where pride from the locals is evident, people are happier and places are treated with more respect so there is less street crime, places are generally safer, and both residents and visitors feel a sense of security. Substantial trees and green spaces including even the smallest gardens are also important to local character, and offer visual pleasure quite apart from any ecological benefits. If Wanstead and Woodford lose whatever established character they still have, these areas will inevitably suffer social unrest eventually. Then they will need to be the subject of Regeneration to regain what had been lost! Let’s start making more of what we have already by limiting what can be done in this area, and extend our local Conservation policies to improve local aesthetics and quality of life for all.

Val Camp London, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 As a resident for over 30 years it is the character of Woodford that makes it appealing. The properties, open spaces and the people.

Greg Dolph Wanstead, United 2014-11-08 It makes little sense to try to preserve a neighborhood's character and then Kingdom surround it with tower blocks which will destroy that character.

There is already existing pressure on school places, transportation, utilities, and amenities in our area, massive increases in local population will not help this situation. There isn't enough space to cram in the commercial properties needed to support the tower blocks unless you bulldoze entire neighborhoods or wipe out all the area's green space.

We all know that with an expanding population new homes must be built, however these should be put in areas which have the transportation, utilities, and above all space to support the additional commercial and social infrastructure required. As one who commutes on the central line I already feel like a sardine in a can, it's hard to imagine how the council imagines that this line will take up the extra population, unless this is population which does not travel to work, which is not realistic.

A small increase in housing density would be acceptable, and realistic in today's world, however it would need to be done in agreement with the community AND have a plan to expand social services to meet rising demand. Name Location Date Comment

Chris Hunt Woodford Green, United 2014-11-09 you have not considered the infrastructure needs. transport, schools, Kingdom healthcare, water and sewage, just to start with

Louise Chiswell London, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 I believe any further development in this area will be incredibly detrimental as we already have an infrastructure that is struggling to cope with the population in terms of road and public transport capacity and school places!

Richard Pratt Woodford Bridge, United 2014-11-11 Quality of life is already greatly reduced through over density of population. Kingdom

Louise Berry London, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 This area has already changed beyond recognition. There are blocks of facts cropping up all over the place. This is having a noticeable effect on all the local services and roads, and is taking away the family friendly, open feel of the area.

David cooper London, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 it is not wanted and the infrastructure is unable to cope

Nicole Davidoff London, United Kingdom 2014-11-13 Such plan could only be proposed by someone – putting it mildly - without a slightest care about their local area and its residents. The plan clearly entails total destruction of the character of this area, its historical value, its amenities, its nature, and quality of life of its inhabitants. Our area is already overpopulated. The traffic on our streets became a real problem, parking is already extremely restricted and problematic for local residents. The proposal of hammering a “corridor” of ugly overbearing tower buildings across the three villages would deprive all of us the local residents of everything what we are still eager to preserve: a distinctive character and beauty of our area, places of historic heritage, the trees, comparatively clean air. The Council are proposing to replace all that with ugly stone jungle, severe traffic jams, fights over parking spaces, exhaust fumes, rubbish on the streets and noise pollution. And, as an inevitable result of such developments (as history shows time and time again) – escalation of crime and vandalism on the streets. It is a plan to destroy our lives in our area.

Kath OMalley London, United Kingdom 2014-11-13 leave Wanstead alone. We like it as it is and there's enough traffic as it is without more people & cars living here margreet hendriks LONDON, United 2014-11-14 Green spaces are becoming rare, wildlife corridors are being endangered by Kingdom the ever increasing urbanization. Please keep this space green. It will help the air-quality as the M11, A406 and local roads are already polluting this part of London.

PAUL NORFOLK LONDON, United 2014-11-15 Already our area is over crowded. School places, doctors surgeries, parking all Kingdom have ha a massive increase and as a result are at breaking point. Where will the extra people all go? We are running out of room. Also you will spoil a fabulous village style community with your proposals. People need to think long and hard before they give a green light to this madness.

Jo Woodley London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 I love where I live and don't want it to be ruined

Frances Smail London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 We live in a conservation area that we'd like to see maintained. There are already too few school places for children in Wanstead and this will make it worse.

Louise Noraika London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 I understand that there is a housing crisis, but why not develop rundown areas instead of destroying established small towns? one of the main reasons why people move to small towns in the first place is because they are SMALL and have the feel of a village community.

Bernard Flashman Woodford Green, United 2014-11-16 I am a concerned resident Kingdom Name Location Date Comment

Keith Remedios London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 To save and preserve our community

Louise Meenaghan London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Leave us some countryside!!

Claire Cu London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 There are not enough facilities and school places here already before building any more

Sarah Odams London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 To preserve the environment

Nicole Rosen London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 At bursting point already!

Caroline Blackmore London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 This should not even be in question, our town should be protected, not threatened by overdevelopment.

Catherine Marcus London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 As we are Woodford residents

Ceri Wheadon London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 It will effect our family's wellbeing.

Christina Harvey London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 There are barely enough school places at present without the added property. Along with wanstead having a nice chatachter as it is.

Elizabeth Marks London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 the proposal would be a blight on the beauty of the Wanstead conservation area given the suggestion of higher rise buildings - ruining its charm. More importantly I don't believe that this is the correct solution as there is limited provision for the much needed family homes and instead this plan gives prevalence to single or double occupancy type residence vs family occupancy.

Nicola Khodadin London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 I live in south Woodford and would like the area to stay the same....

Lucy Standen London, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Already a densely populated area with stretched facilities and little open space neesha kothari Woodford, United 2014-11-16 I am against the corridor & the negative impact it will have on the community, Kingdom infrastructure & local services

Debbie Constantine London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I'm a resident of South Woodford and do NOT want to see these leafy suburbs turn into another, inner-city type concrete jungle. There's already too many large blocks of flats in the area.

Mads Laursen Woodford, United 2014-11-17 It is unacceptable to build this in this way in this beautiful area. If that happens Kingdom it will change life for all residents, including devaluing our homes. This is not what we want. Please use your common sense.

Hayley Ezra London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I am totally against this proposal. You will ruin and damage these areas by going forward with this. It is totally unnecessary and against what people who have lived here for years want or need. You will destroy what is special about these areas.

Claire Sutton London, AP 2014-11-17 I am concerned about the impact of high rise buildings on our locality visually and the impact on already over stretched local schools

Charissse Basten London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I like the way south woodford is and the greenery

Sara Dawes London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 This is not the right location for significant growth of new homes. There is already a serious shortage of primary school places and other social infrastructure. The better option is surely to de-designate the areas of green belt that are no longer deemed necessary.

Emma Jacobs Woodford, United 2014-11-17 This area does not have the infrastructure to support further development. Kingdom Traffic is already too heavy all through the day amd schools are oversubscribed. This is a terrible proposal.

Ann Reilly Woodford, United 2014-11-17 There already are a few high rise buildings in the area so more are NOT Kingdom needed. Name Location Date Comment

Nick Wheeler London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Such a proposal will fundamentally change the areas within which the proposed building work is to take place. The residents purchased or rented property here, on the basis of the surburban feel and environment, yet the proposals seek to drastically modify that, which is unacceptable to the residents and must be opposed in the strongest possible terms.

Gareth Davies Wanstead, United 2014-11-17 The current schools in Wanstead are unable to cope with the current Kingdom "population density" and more people living in our village will lead to an increase in the problem.

Serena Hostler London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I am in area where tall buildings have been built and for me have ruined skylines and is too built up. East London. And also Ilford. I work within South Woodford and Ilford in Redbridge. I like the atmosphere within Woodford and feel it would change that.

David Conway Woodford, United 2014-11-17 Our locality is already congested with traffic, and part of its attraction to live Kingdom here is because such high rise buildings don't blot the skyline.

Daniel Barber Woodford Green, United 2014-11-17 Dear sir/madam, Kingdom It has just been brought to my attention that the council has planned to build new housing developments throughout Wanstead, South Woodford, and Woodford Green. To put it simply this is bonkers and the reason this is bonkers is simple, infrastructure!

Schools: As a parent of a 3 year old son I am already concerned about school place availability here in Woodford. Redbridge has the 2nd largest over subscription of school places in the country and Woodford and South Woodford are no exception! Both Churchfields, Ray Lodge Junior School are way over subscribed and then there is Woodbridge High School which is bursting at the seams!

Hospitals: With Whipps Cross failing to be able to cope with demand and St. Georges A&E being closed, how will significantly increasing the population help this situation?

Travel infrastructure: Have you ever been at Woodford/South Woodford station when the Central Line closes. It is chaos because there aren’t enough bus or trains to cope as it is. You only have to see what happened at a few weeks ago when the police were called because there were just too many people at the station after the Central Line was closed and everyone had to empty on the platform because they had no other way to get to work. And what about the roads? Driving is nightmare during rush hour and weekends and this will only get worse under this proposal.

It is ideas like this that will only enforce UKIP as a leading party because people will perceive this as an immigration issue rather than the stupidity of a local council. If you want to remain in power I suggest that you reconsider your plan. i for one will oppose them.

Best regards

Dr. Daniel Barber Name Location Date Comment

Alma Murphy South Woodford, United 2014-11-17 There is already enough Development the area, and most of it is for 'Luxury' Kingdom Apartments which are no good for family living and to expensive for first time buyers. The only people who benefit are the builders, who are only interested in making as much money as possible.

Bella Howe Australia 2014-11-17 I was lucky enough to grow up in Woodford Green and it's beautiful surroundings. Although I now live in Sydney my family still live In Woodford and Wanstead and each time I return home (yes, i do still fondly refer to Woodford as home) I'm reminded of what a lovely suburb it is. It's leafy, green and maintains a village feel whilst still being in close proximity to London.

Amrit Clark London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I do not believe that it is sensible to develop to a scale that erodes the character of the area and dissolves the community and community relationships within the area. It is ill conceived idea that will only bring problems.

Sarah Pitcher London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 This will overcrowd and ruin the feel of the areas, look awful and stop the current status that the areas enjoy, reflected in property prices and area desireability. Also my understanding is that the schools are all over subscribed and couldn't cope with more families moving into the area.

John Jones Woodford, United 2014-11-17 This will ruin the area if it goes ahead Kingdom

Dipti Shah Woodford, United 2014-11-17 Their are not enough resources locally to support this and it will totally ruin Kingdom what is a beautiful area!

Zack Xu London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I am signing this petition because as a resident I want to protect and preserve the quiet character of Wanstead and South Woodford area. There're many places where high-rises can be built such as near Stratford Shopping Center and Olympic Village. Building there would be in keeping with the contemporary feel of the area. Wanstead and South Woodford is an old area with a villagey feel, which should be protected and respected. Thank you.

Matt Murphy Woodford, United 2014-11-17 The area would be ruined by this development. This is a leafy suburb - with low Kingdom to medi density housing. We do not have the infrastructure to support more people. The local school is already many times over subscribed.

Sonia Kirby London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I moved to Wanstead because of it's village feel and good schools. An increase in urban sprawl could damage both, in a community already struggling to find school places for local children.

Chris Holt Woodford, United 2014-11-17 South Woodford is seriously congested, the roads are busier and faster than a Kingdom suburb should be and the thought that this would increase is terrible. This area is not set up for a population rise, transport, schools and amenities will suffer greatly. The suburbs and the sense of community here should be protected.

Sarah Holt Woodford, United 2014-11-17 I am local and have recently experienced the pressure of applying for schools Kingdom as spaces are so limited and do not believe South woodford has the infrastructure for more housing. We have already seen significant development in the past few years.

John Reid London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 My mother lives in South Woodford & objects but at 86 cannot get out to object positively

Hemali Shah Woodford, United 2014-11-17 The infrastructure cannot support further growth in this area. There are limited Kingdom school places and shrinking catchment area, long waiting times for doctor and hospital appointments and even something as simple as being able to park at the local supermarkets/high streets are proving more and more difficult. Without addressing infrastructure adding people to a area is poorly thought out and will only add to the ever increasing issues in the area.

Jano Good child London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lack of infrastructure Name Location Date Comment

Imogen Heaton Wanstead, United 2014-11-17 This where I live and always have since the age of 10 years. Such a Kingdom development will permanently destroy the character of Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead as well as bring disruption throughout the construction phase.

Lorraine mcbride London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 i would like to keep the village feel of woodford and wanstead and don't believe the schools etc can cope with demand as it currently is.

George Leighton Buckhurst Hill, United 2014-11-17 Nice area due to how it is. Change wouldn't improve it! Kingdom

Natalie Moody Woodford, United 2014-11-17 I do not want high rise buildings in our borough. Kingdom

Nicki Everitt London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I moved to the area with my family to get away from the high rise, high density developments in Newham. Our home was eventually penned in all sides by high rise flats.

Nuala Crown London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 You will ruin these beautiful areas that provide a great space and community for families

B B Woodford, United 2014-11-17 We strongly oppose the Woodford - South Woodford - Snaresbrook - Wanstead Kingdom development corridor and want to see the existing character of our neighbourhood protected. Our suburbs are already under strain and are being encroached upon with new buildings and rebuilding/redevelopment with an increase of the population resulting in even more strain on servises such as schools, hospitals, doctors, transport and roads. The already overstretched infrastructure will near collapse if the proposed "raising building heights and density outcomes" is allowed. Absoulate Madness. The suburbs are the lungs of London.

Dawn Burnett London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I am a South Woodford resident and wish to preserve the architectural character of my neighbourhood as well as have grave concerns about the lack of infrastructure to facilitate growth across schools, doctors, parking etc.

Samantha Grant Woodford Green, United 2014-11-17 I think Woodford, Wanstead and South Woodford are 'enough' developed Kingdom already and the strain on schools, doctors etc is already evident.

Julie Murphy London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I'm signing because I've lived in the borough for nearly 20 years, and in that time there are more high rise flats and big developments going up all the time mainly in the last 6 years. The area is losing its charm, and becoming a concrete jungle, full of congestion, and traffic jams. terry shrimpton London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 I am opposing this, not only because of the impact that this would have on our area but because the plans will not provide for improving infrastructure in the area. Things like schools, doctors, transport links would all need significant funding, but there is no money, plan or even space to do this so the area will become more and more overcrowded, dirty, full of litter and unpleasant to live in, with increased crime and decrease in quality of life. PLEASE do not ruin our neighbourhood.

Shirin Baten Snaresbrook, United 2014-11-17 It is important that we preserve the character of our area Kingdom

Claire Croad Woodford, United 2014-11-17 Wanstead, south Woodford & Woodford can't cope with anymore housing. Kingdom There isn't the schools, hospitals, drs, road capacity or public transport to support this drastic increase in housing in this area. We're losing our identity, our communities are being overwhelmed and overshadowed by the influx of people to this tiny corner of London.

Sarah Potter Woodford, United 2014-11-17 I live in woodford and there is already far too many people now moving to the Kingdom area, without the infrastructure and services to cope with the additional people! Name Location Date Comment

Valerie Davies London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 This area already feels overcrowded. Traffic is at a standstill on Saturdays and rush hour. We don't need any more buildings. There's nowhere to park- no swimming pools, no spaces in schools! emma madeley south woodford, london, 2014-11-17 Theres enough housing in south woodford, woodford & wanstead, we really United Kingdom dont want to lose any more of our green space

Zoe Oldfield London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 We simply do not have the infrastructure to support this type of development

Jason Whittle Woodford, United 2014-11-17 I don't want to see our suburbs lose their character. Adding tall flats is just Kingdom unsightly, over populates the area to the detriment of local services and changes the dynamic of the area (in a negative way)

Sejal MOSTYN London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 stupid question. We don't need more people - we have children who can't even get into their local schools. Build a bloody leisure centre and another school

Elli Taylor London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Over populated at the moment and Redbridge need to be funding more in local schools. Speaking as an employee of local school as well as resident for 30 yearsin E11

Lucy Johnston London, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 It will change the charactor of the place and with no added plans to help already over stretched facilities like schools and doctors in the area, the whole community will suffer.

Philip hawkins Australia 2014-11-18 I'm signing this petition because South Woodford can't take any more people! Have you tried getting the central line in the morning/evening?

Angela Barford Woodford, United 2014-11-18 There are already massive difficulties with school places. Kingdom

Rachel Bennett London, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 i live here and feel the area is overdeveloped as it is - the tube line is packed and there are not enough facilities to support more population - the quality of the area is endangered

Norman Murray Woodford, United 2014-11-18 I am signing because I believe that this proposal would spoil the environment Kingdom for ever

JAMES MCDAID LONDON, United 2014-11-18 I want the character of the area maintained. The proposals will damage the Kingdom character and village environment. julie fahey Woodford, United 2014-11-18 I think that it is appalling that you should even consider this plan. We have Kingdom enough flats in the area as it is and our schools and facilities cannot sustain further additional pressure. Our area is a pleasant mixture of residential and green spaces and needs to remain that way. We are not a large town and should not be treated as such. This council is behaving in an appalling manner. nancy shrimpton South woodford, United 2014-11-18 I love living in South Woodford but do not want it to get congested and over- Kingdom developed.

Michael Taylor London, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 The school the roads and service can not cope with more development - Queen Mary gate has already proved this by ruining our area

Carolyne Pratt London, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 There is not enough infrastructure in place to support all this building. I couldn't get my son in the local school because of this, and the new building will only compound the problem further.

Nick Webb London, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 This is a money making scheme for the local government and will ruin the look and feel of the area

Elizabeth Ross Woodford Green, United 2014-11-18 It will turn the area into an eyesore. Kingdom

Simon Critchlow London, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Without any additional infrastructure (schools, services, etc) simply building a whole load of new development doesn't make any sense. Plus there are no real sites on which to put anything that won't involve getting rid of much needed green space. Name Location Date Comment

Mark McGiven Woodford, United 2014-11-18 I could not disagree more with labours plans. Kingdom

Colette Garland London, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Wanstead as it stands will be destroyed

Rose Redfern London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 I have lived in Wanstead since I was a child and my mother still lives there. Planning on buying a house back there after moving 2 yrs ago to be with my husband but this will change my mind if it goes through.

Chloe Seager London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 This will ruin our beautiful area with horrible eyesores. It is also already overcrowded, and will surely put further strain on resources. I don't see how encouraging yet more people to cram into London/London suburbs seems like a good idea.

Sarah Gregory London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 My family opposes the plan to increase the height and density of housing in this community minded part of London that we have invested in for more than 45 years financially, emotionally and communally. We will not permit a growth corridor to spoil what makes our community special. The plan is ill conceived and wholly unacceptable.

BRIAN J MARTIN Woodford Green, United 2014-11-19 Local infrastructure does not support this. Kingdom

Sim Dhanoa London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 I do not WANT council flats in this beautiful leafy area. karamjeet Dhanoa london, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 We want to keep Our area green

Asa vaid London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 i don't want a change of look to South woodford

Natalia Massucco norwich, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 I'm signing because I do not want our well loved area overwhelmed by numbers of people that would significantly change and even ruin our community.

Alison hemmingway Woodford, United 2014-11-19 labour don't care about the area. Can't have flats here. Kingdom

Lucy Hamer Woodford green, United 2014-11-19 As well as ruining the character of this area, what is going to happen with the Kingdom extra traffic. Rush hour is bad enough when people are travelling to and through the area during the week, but weekends are even worse when the area is at times completely gridlocked during the day just with locals.

Janice Blome London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 This is already a densely populated area with traffic management issues. Overdevelopment will exacerbate this and spoil the character of the area.

Amit Singla London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 I am signing because I dont want this place to become a concrete jungle..we love the greenery of place...let it be. parveen singla London, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Save our area from turning into a concrete jungle.

Susan Truffa Chateauguay, Quebec, 2014-11-19 With family living in the area, I would prefer to see it left as is. Canada alex david London, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 I want to maintain wansteads 'village' feel without over populating it with high rise blocks destroying our areas charm and character

Simon Tierney London, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 This project will adversely affect the character and communities of the areas affected. "This new proposal, which has emerged since Labour took control of Redbridge council in May, is known as option 3 and involves “raising building heights and density outcomes” – Town Hall-speak for tall, overbearing blocks of flats not usually seen outside major town centres, but crammed onto small sites in areas currently known for the leafy streets and family homes which give our area its character and atmosphere." Name Location Date Comment

Hayley Mayger London, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 We chose this area for starting a family because of the community feel, because of the green space, the quiet. All of this important stuff will go if the corridor goes ahead. Added to that we, personally, would have lost a great deal of money which we have invested in our house as there is no doubt that property prices will drop as a result.

Cheryl Marcus Essex, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 I want to protect our area

Ario Dorigo London, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 I am signing because I strongly oppose the development. alice evans Woodford, United 2014-11-21 The area is well developed/crowded already. Street parking full and schools are Kingdom overflowing ti bursting..keep tall towers where tall towers already exist. The one tower by Budgens in Woodford looks like an alien landing and is a complete blot on the Broadway landscape!

David Matson London, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 I am signing because a "development corridor" would spoil the character of South Woodford with no benefit for residents.

Julian Walker London, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Currently transport, health and education in the area are struggling to meet the needs of local residents. Trains are so crowded in the morning rush-hour that sometimes it is not possible to get on a train, buses are overcrowded, school catchment areas are shrinking, and waiting times for hospital appointments are growing. Intense development of housing in the area would lower the quality of life for all residents.

Andreas Schonle Woodford, United 2014-11-23 Services such as schools, hospitals, road and public transport are already Kingdom overburdened. This proposal will destroy neighbourhoods that have remained pleasant until now and it makes a mockery of any stated desire to preserve our quality of life and our lived environment.

Sophie Isaacs London, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 I strongly oppose the plan to ruin the character of Woodford with high density development.

Yvonne Gotz Romford, United 2014-11-24 Family live in Woodford. Kingdom

Terence Tappin Woodford, United 2014-11-25 I'm signing because our Roads Schools GP utilities services are already Kingdom overcrowded, the qualities and attractions that bought me to buy a house in this area of Woodford, are quickly being eroded,I've lived in London all my life and move to what I thought was a quiet relaxed area,but laxed planning is taking away all the open spaces and walkways alleyways garage spaces gardens carparks, making it more of like a metropolis. Overcrowding causes violence and depression and a lack of quality of life.

Ian Smith Woodford, United 2014-11-25 Because I care about where I live and don't want to see it ruined by more Kingdom development instigated by self-serving councillors who do not represent the people as they should. john marchant Woodford Green, United 2014-11-26 Woodford is a quite London suburb and should remain so. High rise and Kingdom compact living is for inner London suburbs only. jamie marchant london, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Woodford is my home and i dont want it to change jazzmin perry essex, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Love my area just how it is !

Mary Harrod London, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Woodford is already at bursting point and the infrastructure is pushed beyond its limits already. We are lucky to get into doctors, schools and outside out doors past the traffic blocking us in and would at least like to still be able to see the trees around us. This is a clear path to destruction of all that is good in the area.

Joanna Dreher Buckhurst Hill, United 2014-11-27 Traffic is already terrible into south woodford due to over development Kingdom

Sara Pearson London, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 This would completely change the landscape of our area and community . Name Location Date Comment

Sarah Reynolds London, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Short sighted decisions do not lead to long term prosperity -

Geoff Brockett London, United Kingdom 2014-11-28 The area doesn't have the support infrastructure to cope with further housing.

N Mayer London, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Development will destroy the character of the beautiful leafy borough

Alexander Hope- London, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 W need to protect our suburbs from over development by high rise buildings. Thomson Who want to live in a concrete brick jungle

Linda & Robert Worts Woodford, United 2014-11-29 We strongly oppose what is known as Option 3 which involves 'raising building Kingdom heights and density outcomes'. Definitely a no thank you

Chris Bostock London, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 It would completely destroy the character of the area

Shaun O'Riordan London, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Wood ford doesn't need any more flats to be built as it will cause even more congestion to the a already busy area.

Alan Jones London, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 The area has conservation status. If this ruling,.as I understand, undermines or ignores regulations pertaining to those identified in acceptable planning specifications and characteristics of the area then you might as well tear up 'Conservation' and all that it means. If this proposal has any success then developers will only to pleased to destroy our local area.

Denis Lundie London, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 I am opposed to additional housing being built in this area. Already, traffic is a problem, and the reason we chose top live here was because of the green space, and less dense unhealthy living that is a feature of over-populated areas.

Mazhar Siddiqi London, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 I want to say NO to a Wanstead and Woodford development corridor that will affect the environment

Sonia Lerner Woodford, United 2014-12-01 I don't agree with the plans Kingdom gemma charlton London, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 South Woodford is a lovely residential area and the proposals will completely ruin the character of the area and bring too many people to an area alredy overpopulated without enough schools/ medical centres, etc.

Vivian John Redington Woodford, United 2014-12-01 This would be a blight on the area and if allowed would lead to more so called Kingdom development.

Claire Hackshall London, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 I am appalled to hear of possible proposals for a 'growth corridor running from Woodford through to Wanstead'. This would be nightmarish for everyone in the area - public services & transport are already extremely strained and at bursting point.

Christine Hackshall London, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 This proposal will affect hugely the character & environment of the area and destroy everything that people love about Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead.

Adam Pointon Woodford, United 2014-12-01 i want to protect the green areas in Woodford and Wanstead because that is Kingdom why we moved here in the first place.

Susan Fenwick Woodford, United 2014-12-01 There is already an oversupply of flats and roads, transport, schools, health Kingdom service, infrastructure and amenities already cannot cope. sarah king norwich, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Options 1 and 2 are much better options...i live on broadmead estate, and I can tell you first hand that living in high rise rabbit hutches does nothing for your mental health, particularly when these are built on existing green belt. Also, transport links/traffic are bad enough in woodford/south woodford...i can't speak for as I haven't been there for years.

Andrew Young London, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 The area is already considerably congested with high density housing and the A406/M11 link motorway and cannot take vast additional development without adversely affecting the quality of life for residents. Name Location Date Comment

Barry Mingay London, United Kingdom 2014-12-03 We already have a large community, Queen Mary Gate and the old Fenchurch building. We have enough the schools can no longer cope with the increase of children, it is difficult to get an appointment at the doctors. Traffic has increase beyond belief, South Woodford underground station is crowded most of the day. Litter has increase and on a whole South Woodford is looking shaby. We think the Oakland proposed site seems a better option, less residents will be affected by this site. We have had enough and we have got enough. We also oppose the Eastwood Road development site. For the same reason.

Judith Roads London, United Kingdom 2014-12-04 I disagree with the proposals for dense, high rise development locally, and it's not just Tories who think so, it's the rest of us too.

Randall Staley Woodford Green, United 2014-12-04 Woodford and South Woodford have already been damaged by Kingdom overdevelopment. We already have traffic problems and our schools and hospitals do not need added population as they are already oversubscribed.

Stephen Miller London, United Kingdom 2014-12-07 Development of the area in the style proposed would be very destructive and totally alter the character that has developed over may years.

Emma linton London, United Kingdom 2014-12-07 I love south Woodford just the way it is - it's a wonderful community with a great atmosphere.

Suzanne Norris Woodford, United 2014-12-08 Our area is too crowded and her services are buckling under the pressure - Kingdom especially as schools are given no extra budget norma barry woodford green, United 2014-12-08 We're full up and bursting at the seams. Kingdom

Stan Conway London, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 I cannot even get to my local shops in the morning or the evening because of pressure of traffic and people coming through this area. Your proposed changes would make it impossible for us to live like this. Also this is an arcadia upmarket rural area not a high density inner system. If you want to preside over such a system I suggest all you councillors move to Tower Hamlets.

Ron Wortley-Millek Woodford, United 2014-12-08 The Area between Woodford and South Woodford has already seen lots of Kingdom redevelopment over the past ten years with blocks of flats and apartments built along the corridor now labelled a Development Corridor.

The local schools are running out of places for children.

The flow of traffic in the area is often down to a crawl.

Full supermarket car parks are causing traffic jams as drivers queue to enter.

Any more housing will create even more problems and overcrowding, especially with resident car parking.

The area is already over developed.

Overpopulation causes social disruption and increases problems for residents, commuters and the council's services.

Max Kanovich London, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 I am signing because the option 3 is the worst among other options - overcrouded, no place for educational needs, the Underground would be a mess ...

Elaine Edwards Buckhurst Hill, United 2014-12-09 im signing because the infrastructure cannot sustain more people and it will Kingdom change the look and feel of these areas which has thus far been protected. Name Location Date Comment carole ritchie london, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 we are

Karen Smith London, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 I like leafy South Woodford having lived here for 28 years. Don't spoil it

Michelle Vanlint London, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 I dont believe the area can support more housing without significant investment in the infrastructure - doctors, hospitals, schools etc

Teresa Farnham London, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 I'm signing because I want to keep our area the way it is. The local schools and hospitals cannot keep up with the present population let alone another influx.

Lorna Ducharme Brighton, United 2014-12-09 The proposed development will be completely out of character with the area Kingdom and will overburden existing busy transport links and high density traffic in the region.

Amie Caton London, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 South Woodford is becoming very over populated. Traffic is awfully busy at all times. We have very few "good" schools in the area ,competition is high as not many spaces at these schools.

Jane Hacker London, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 I'm signing because the area is so densely populated already and there isn't the infrastructure to cope. Apart from the fact that high rise buildings will ruin the feel of the place, which is still full of character.

Nicola Blair London, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 I oppose the expansion of the Wanstead & Woodford corridor, i want to preserve the limited green spaces we have and keep the small town feel. r posner london, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 I want to register NO ryan kliszat london, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 we don't want an already stretched area becoming unlivable maureen insole essex, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 we do not need any more high rise flats

Andrew Craig London, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 No development is needed in the suburbs.

Steven Begley London, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 We need new housing but not at the expense of existing communities and their already hard-pressed infrastructure. Plans for high density developments are ill thought out with no consideration for existing schools, roads, and public transport.

Roger Debenham-Burton Woodford, United 2014-12-11 I'm signing because the propose development of this area is totally out of Kingdom character with the existing homes and businesses in Wanstead and Woodford. Newly built high rise development is a blot on the landscape and has caused anti social behaviour problems. In addition no increased infrastructure is planned which would dramatically impact on the already stretched resources

Peter Stanley Woodford, United 2014-12-11 Transport issues amongst many other issues Kingdom

David Donaldson Woodford, United 2014-12-11 The Tory run Council made appalling planning decisions but none as bad as Kingdom this. Much of Redbridge is badly run down shabby and over populated. This area of Woodford to Wanstead is also overcrowded but has retained character, it would be wrong to carry out the overdevelopment proposed.

Alistair Smailes Woodford, United 2014-12-12 There is insufficient infrastructure in the area and the planned development Kingdom would change its character irreparably.

David Newbigging London, United Kingdom 2014-12-14 High rise buildings would spoil the character of the area and put pressure on services that are already stretched too far. I have never seen an example of where high rise buildings works. Lets not keep making the same mistakes.

David Gray Woodford, United 2014-12-15 Because the area will be unsightly. There is already a shortage of amenities Kingdom and schooling and this will overburden even more. Name Location Date Comment

Kathryn Hensby London, United Kingdom 2014-12-17 I am opposed to the high rise, high density developments in the area

Howard Robinson London, United Kingdom 2014-12-19 I want to keep the character of the area intact and avoid the area becoming overly congested. Recipient: Redbridge Council

Letter: Greetings,

Save Our Suburbs: Say No to a Wanstead and Woodford Development Corridor Signatures

Name Location Date Tom McLaren Woodford, Eng, United Kingdom 2014-10-13 Alex Wilson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-15 Mark Balcomb London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-16 Gavin O'Malley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-16 C Gosling South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-17 David Hattersley Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-17 Wendy Prowse Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Nigel Moody Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Sheree rackham London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Sue Goldston Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Emma Best London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 barbara tombs london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Josephine McArdle Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 alison freeman London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Carol Crilly Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Andrea Waller London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Emily Tombs London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Stephen Vinnning London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-18 Molly Samuel-Leport Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Randi Glenn London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Ritu Kumar London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Neelam Kamari London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Kavita Bhardwaj South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Linsay Clarke London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 annie zanetti London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Melanie Gadsdon Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Joy Debenham-Burton Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Sarah Mazdon Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Jamie McGachy London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Susan Nathanson Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Name Location Date Marcia Wallace London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Glynis Jenkinson South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Michael Nathanson Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Maria Pierce London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Sue Tyler Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Howard Lerner Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 shirley reynolds Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Claire Hartley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Matt Hartley South woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Marilyn Kennelly London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Hon Yip London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Romen Goswami Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Francesca Cushion Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Donald MacQueen London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-19 Adrienne Hughes Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Mehibe Hill London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Colin Mace London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Robert McKill South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Richard Laws London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Kerry Etheridge Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Anne-marie Richmond London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Lucille Grant London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Shannon Corbett South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 John everett london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Helen Sabb Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Maggie Docker London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Frank Cruder London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Sonia Singh Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 kate panayi south woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Louise Brandman Woodford green Essex, ENG, United 2014-10-20 Kingdom Katy Meaden London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Name Location Date Gabrielle Wright Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Kathryn Thompson Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Jude Kent London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Cate Jolley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Catherine Love Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Julia Morgan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Amanda Campbell London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Kathy Withers London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Anna steinbauer woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Sarah Camlett Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Sarah Caulfield London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 James Killeen London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Morris Hickey Chigwell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Jim Mortleman London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Jan Goswami Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 Vanessa Cole London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-20 anneka Hemlall Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Avril Leary London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Thomas Howl London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Gemma Capocci London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 CLAIRE Coomber woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Samantha Stovin-Clark Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Jaz Hodge South Woodford london, ENG, United 2014-10-21 Kingdom Helen Bloom Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Carole martinet Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Verity Eggar Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 irene dunkley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Helen Coughlan Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 William (Bill) Layzell-Smith South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Roxanne Rowe Wan stead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Ann Candy Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Name Location Date Jayne Lloyd Woodford Bridge, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 James Borrer Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Nicola Wyndham Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Ricky Chambers chelmsford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Anthony Tolman Saffron Walden, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Michelle Mead London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 vesna martin London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 ann brandman essex, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 colin trueman woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Pauline Fynn Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 sophie Schilling woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Lynda Adams London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Donna gaerty Essex, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Suzy Haven South woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-21 Kathleen Moore London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-22 veronica martin Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-22 Sam simmons London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-22 Zeynep Yalcin London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Paul Scott Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Christine Thompson london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Amanda Bailey Mitcham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Chelsie Brociek Norwich, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Khia Spencer leeds, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Tom Janicek Doncaster, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 corinne karsah London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Justina dinis Surrey, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-23 Wendy Alveranga London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Niamh Neville London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Nicola jarratt London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Elise Laker Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Katherine Grainger London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Danielle Palmer London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Name Location Date James Laker Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Elspeth Booth London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Paula Vaughan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Sarah Boud London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 preet Sehmi london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Isabella Maund London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Lucia Gashi London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Louise Meenaghan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Mel Field Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Julia Gillert Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-24 Dawn pack London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Naomi Tolson South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Jenny Pearce Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Aidan Tolson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Kate Robinson Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Nicola Kentisbeer London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Samantha brown Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Christina Manny London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Victoria Tarling south Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Lucy hague Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Mandy Cracknell London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Karen Williams Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Brenda Jones Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Amanda Tipper London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Lisa Lyall Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Hazel Shields London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Dinah Calderbank London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Daniel Garfield London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Toby Hague Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 jean coffey london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-25 Margaret UPAMA London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 amanda Stobbart Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Name Location Date Owen Frankish London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Val Campion Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Sylvia Eaton wathamstow, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 nicci braun woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Mary Smith Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Irina Lukina London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Matthew Gascoigne London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Victoria Diez Clemente London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 judith hartley london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Lee Gledhill London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Joseph Curpen WOODFORD GREEN, ENG, United 2014-10-26 Kingdom Gbeminiyi Euba South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Enrica Pancheri London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Claire Jaffe Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 David Earl London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Ian Olivo Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Janet Harding London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Heather Barnbrook Woodford Green, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Yanina Putyatina Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Stephen Beer Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-26 Nicola Caulfield Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Lynda Murray Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 FRANCO SAONCELLA CHIGWELL, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Steven Burt London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Geraldine Hayes London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Fabiola Smolowik-Martin London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Nick Harvey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Kathleen Nivison Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Sarah Fryer London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Maria Alford Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Jenny Federico London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Name Location Date Keith Fryer London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 John Clements Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Maria Penn Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Julia Organ London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Sarah Butler South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Kevin Wright London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-27 Nigel Pitt London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Beryl Thornton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Jacqui Thornton Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Catherine Harvey Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Javed Qureshi London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Samantha Earl London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Philip Caplan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 John Stadden London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-28 Lisa Ratcliff London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-29 Amanda Pujolas london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-29 Dione Hardy , ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-29 Mark Ryan Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-29 Manjeet Rehal Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-30 Mark Gudgeon London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-30 Lloyd Matthews London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-30 Lew marshall woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-31 Gavin Morgan Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-31 Steve Wilks Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-10-31 ADAM WERSHOF SOUTH WOODFORD, ENG, United 2014-11-01 Kingdom Dorothy Frame London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-01 Austin Poulton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-02 Rory Neighbour Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-02 stephen hartley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-03 Robert Read Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-03 Adam Macaulay South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-03 Name Location Date brenda braithwaite wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-04 RITA YERSHON LONDON, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-04 Jason Guest London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-04 Arthur Phillipson Bridlington, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 SARAH GREGORY clacton on sea essex, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Marianne Bruce Plymouth, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 JAMES HEATHER DOVER, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 jacqui cook London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Donna Hamilton Great Yarmouth, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 NAZIA SHAHID Essex, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Ann Williams London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Marguerite White London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Jane Gilbert Nuneaton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Anna Lawrie Edinburgh, SCT, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 WAYNE KEYLAND DERBY, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Ronald Greeff London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Alex Davis Birmingham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Glyn Catchpole Watford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 patricia silicz luton, bedfordshire, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Helen Gripaios Ewell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 valerie simanowitz Pinwell RoadLewes, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Tirumugum Varaden London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Ricky Varaden London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Julie Hammett Southsea, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Jack Bateman-Chuah Manchester, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Geoffrey Powers Dunmow, Essex, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 sharifa foy Blackburn, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Diana Silva London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Debbie Wyatt Colchester, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Florence Merredew London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 Michael Sison Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-05 billie edwards London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Name Location Date Jackie Foster London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Chris Bathe London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Sulakhan Bungre London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 simon lang woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Rhiannon Blackwell woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Rohan Bungre London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Aman Bains Barking, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Alan Taylor chigwell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Tracy Staines Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-06 Katie talor Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Nichola Elflain London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 James Warner Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Jennifer beech Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Helen Gruar Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Claire Brown London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Emma McLaren Boreham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Jennie Danson-brown Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Emma boulton Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Liane Fahey South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Michael Wheeler London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Wendy boulton-Dicey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Sarah Fitz-Gerald Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Lisa Curtin London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Jade Flitton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Paola Battaglia Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Tristan Beech Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Patricia Chambers Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Claire shand Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Allestree Fisher London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Simon Dicey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 James Carmody South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Arlington Trotman London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Name Location Date Roma Henry Essex, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Becky Durrant Lowestoft, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Catherine Salmon London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Steve pledger Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Sarah pledger Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Lee taylor Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-07 Lucy Bailes Harlow, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 Susan Homewood London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 Val Camp London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 Greg Dolph Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 Matt Hopkins London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-08 nancy doble london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 Joanna Sikking London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 Michele Murphy kent, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 Joan How Luton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 Kay Hall Sheffield, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 Carol Hayward Nantwich, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 Chris Hunt Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-09 James Roberts Shropshire, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 Diane Elizabeth Smith Shefford, Bedfordshire. United Kingdon, MA, 2014-11-10 United Kingdom michel thompson london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 Gareth Evans London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 Catherine Noyce Salisbury, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 PAUL ASHWORTH MANCHESTER, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 claire woods Glasgow, SCT, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 steve smith Halifax, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 Julian Hazeldine London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 Louise Chiswell London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-10 Andres Baravalle Italy 2014-11-11 Richard Pratt Woodford Bridge, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-11 Carol Edmonds South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-11 Name Location Date Carole King London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-11 Helena Underhill LONDON, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 louise berry south woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Helena Underhill london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Chris Underhill London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Lisa Smith London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Nick rowe London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 David cooper London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Nicole Davidoff London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Kamran Rehman London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-12 Kath OMalley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-13 Kate Mccartney London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-13 Ian Horton Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Gabrielle Collard Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Shannon Brige Tipton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Rita Misra Ingleton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Ritu Sofat Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 ross vincent London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Tim Hume Aylesbury, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Vinay Sofat Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Martha Deiros Collado London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Margreet Hendriks LONDON, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Caroline Roberts London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Liz Bloomfield London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Anthony Darragh Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Dorothy Darragh Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Ren Carmody Londen, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 Hina Sofat Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-14 PAUL NORFOLK LONDON, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-15 Philip Whitchelo London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-15 ian Scott Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-15 Daniele Calabrese London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-15 Name Location Date Gail Edwards London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 kate smith New York, NY, United States 2014-11-16 Jo Woodley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Frances Smail London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 sarah hayward London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Louise Noraika London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Diana critchlow London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Bernard Flashman Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 nick hayward London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Michael Woodley Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Keith Remedios London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Georgie Burke London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Simon Brayley Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Silke Burzle Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Natalia Lamine London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Louise Meenaghan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Simo Lamine London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 elizabeth seager London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Caroline Mylward London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Claire Cu London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Sarah Odams 57 Churchfields, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Nicole Rosen London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 A Adams Woodford Green, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Colin Shubrook London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Faye Casson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Caroline Blackmore London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Catherine Marcus London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Kelsey Clark-Davies Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Winnifred Singh Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Ayca Cueva Martinez London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Ceri Wheadon Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Geeta Prajapati London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Name Location Date Ren mongelard Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Ashley Rolfe Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Rahul Singh Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Tamara hussain Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Nathalie Manalo London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Hannah Bodek London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 joanna Worsfold London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Christina Harvey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Anna Rona Epping, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Elizabeth Marks London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 joanne arnold Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Amy Richardson Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Louise Parker London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Julie Khan Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Rebecca Rhodes London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Nicola Khodadin London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Lucy Standen London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 neesha kothari Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Julia Orr London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-16 Deepal Kothari Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Caroline Sloneem Woodford Green, AL, United States 2014-11-17 Debbie Constantine London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Mads Laursen Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Tina Ahmed De Baere London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Nicola Tiller London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jayne Richards Sidcup, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Shazma Shakoor Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 mo clark Lymington, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Zainab Wadiwalla London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Hayley Ezra London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Erica Turner London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Alison Akanno Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Name Location Date Ketan patel London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Naomi Rahman-gee London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 dean wallman ILFORD, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Tony Brind Runcorn, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 David Roger London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Claire Sutton London, AP, United States 2014-11-17 natalie pam Chester, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Heather McStay London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jemma Pimlott London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 sabrina coulbeck Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Karin Bint London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Charissse Basten London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sara Dawes London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jacqueline Pianim Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Emma Jacobs Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Natalia Prochnicka Woodford Green, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sasha Josey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Merje Sarna London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sally sheppard Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Stephanie Power London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 nikhil patel Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Ann Reilly Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Shivani patel Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Louise Wheeler London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Dione Le Tissier Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Nicholas Wheeler London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 sarah GONSHAW ILFORD, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Edward Ezra London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Gareth Davies Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Serena Hostler London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 David conway London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 clemency pepys London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Name Location Date Robyn Mason London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Uzaira Farooq London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 lee dreher Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 vikki baker Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Dana Stevens Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Daniel Barber Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Alma Murphy South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Bella Howe Australia 2014-11-17 Amrit Clark London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Erin Lewis-Harvey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Penny Saunders Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sarah Pitcher London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 John Jones Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Dipti Shah Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Zack Xu London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 James Lockwood London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Matt Murphy Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sonia Kirby London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Chris Holt Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 michelle Cook London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sarah Holt Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lisa Edwards London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 John Reid London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Catharine Chesterman Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Hemali Shah Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Ross Hopkins Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Joanna Hughes Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jano Goodchild London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Rosanna Truffa Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Imogen Heaton Wanstead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Molly Polden London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Paul Hingston London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Name Location Date Anna feldman Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Mitul Shah Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Ronel Ryan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Elliott Fleet London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Alice Tuff-Lacey London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jennifer Walker London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Estee moscow Chigwell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Katie Barnard Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Nazia Farookhi-Bailey Croydon, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 John Clegg Platt Bridge, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Helen Ellerby Swinton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Nikola Matulewicz Evans Chesterfield, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Joan Crossland Merseyside, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Helen Collins High Ongar, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 kai van beers London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lorraine mcbride London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 KEELEY DWIGHT London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Peter West Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 George Leighton Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Daniel Simpsob Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lynn Butler London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 James Hallybone Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Natalie Moody Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Nicki Everitt Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Nuala Crown London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Bernadette Brandon Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Karen Walters London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Dawn Burnett London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Samantha Grant Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Mitra Webster London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sarbjit Degun Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Julie Murphy London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Name Location Date terry shrimpton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Shirin Baten Snaresbrook, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Claire Croad Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Claire hayward Dagenham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Ritu Parti London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Susan Noy Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sarah Potter Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Kristian Croad Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Irina Blagoeva London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Gemma low London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Fiona Lees Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 claire harrod London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Kelly Jacobson Collins Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jay Adam Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Val Davies London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lisa Green Camberley, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Melanie Rinaldi Barkingside, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jade Picken London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Joanne Phipps Reading, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Andrea Smith London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lesley Whittle Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Emma Madeley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jacqueline bainbridge London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Zoe Oldfield London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sohani Rauf London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Jason Whittle Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Ian james London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Sejal MOSTYN London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 annette ager-fletcher Crowthorne, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Gabby Ara London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Elli Taylor London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lewis marshall Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Name Location Date Jenny Burbage London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lucy Johnston London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Kelly Bagnall London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Lorraine Shepherd London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-17 Philip hawkins Australia 2014-11-18 Sophie buet Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Raza Haroon London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 julie murphy Manchester, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Angela Barford London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Rachel Bennett London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Irene Feely London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Ozgul Aytekin Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Byron Cueva Martinez London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Norman Murray Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 JAMES MCDAID LONDON, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Michael Fahey South Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Ewan Jones Ongar, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 ronnie lovell london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Joe Sikking London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Thomas Rabicano Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 julie fahey Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Lee Bonnick London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Joe Edwards London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Pat Hooper Staines-upon-Thames, ENG, United 2014-11-18 Kingdom nancy shrimpton South woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Jillian Freimanis London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Emma Charter London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Reena mongelard Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Michael Taylor London, , United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Kathleen Langan south woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Isabel Giles Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Name Location Date Lauren Waldron Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Carolyne Pratt London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 nick Webb London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Victoria Adcock London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Marigold Russell London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Elizabeth Ross Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Louisa Newton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Christine Johnson Ilford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Simon Critchlow London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Mark McGiven Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Michael Pratt London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Louise Corrigan Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Emma jokhan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Colette Garland London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Gemma Edwards Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 Maiko Ogura Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-18 rosemary nolan london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Simon Voss London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Rose Redfern London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 A Mija London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 F Mija London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Chloe Seager London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Harriet Davies London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Daniel Voss London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Sarah Gregory London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 BRIAN J MARTIN Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Sarita kashyap Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 helen jones London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Sim Dhanoa London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Karamjeet Dhanoa London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Mel Gill Chigwell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Michelle Ferreira Heckmondwike, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Name Location Date angela warren Derby, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Asa vaid London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Lena Andersson Cardiff, WLS, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Sabrina Chaggar Chelmsford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Drew Craig Edinburgh, SCT, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 james irvine Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Ellen Rogers Wiltshire, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Ann Hughes London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Amirali Ravji Peterborough.cams., ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Natalia Massucco London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Rebecca roper Doncaster, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Martin foakes London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Alison hemmingway Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Lucy Hamer Woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 carla mains Newcastle upon Tyne, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Elly King High Wycombe, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Janice Blome London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Marc ryder Maidstone, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Vivienne Ben-Shir London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Tanveer Ali London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 paul gannon north wales, WLS, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Terence Diment Emsworth, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Laura Ashley-de Boer Sleaford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Ruth Griffiths Llanfyllin, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Kate Budd Southampton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 zai ingram exeter, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Elizabeth Ward Ipswich, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Amit Singla London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 parveen singla London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Pam Chaston London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Imogen Hempsted London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Shreyansh Daga London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Name Location Date Margot Bosch Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Helen Chaston Loughton, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-19 Susan Truffa Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada 2014-11-19 alex david London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Anna Gabell London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Grace Lindsay Tierney London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Roderick Manalo London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Simon Tierney London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Hayley Poulton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Jill Avila Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Adrian Capps London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Jackie Withnall London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Ruth Marshall Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Jonathan Williams London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Cheryl Marcus Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Rachel Green London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-20 Annette Maher London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Lorraine Mussett London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 David Noble London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 MIRINDA DAWKINS Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Ario Dorigo London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 alice evans Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Megan Wilson West Kirby, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Charlotte harris Sutton-in-Ashfield, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Derek Irwin London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Bahar Choudhary London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 RoseMary Warrington London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 balwant singh Fazeley, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 Nikki Pallas London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-21 David Matson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Ragavan Raman Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Richa Agrawal Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Name Location Date Julian Walker London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Kewal Mehra London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Andreas Schonle Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Paul Evans London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 Sophie Isaacs London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-23 GARY ELDERFIELD Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-24 Vicky Sullivan Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-24 Jo Voss London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-24 Yvonne Gotz Romford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-24 Terence Tappin Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-25 Barry Snowden Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-25 Ian Smith Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-25 john marchant Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 jamie marchant london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Jazz Perry Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Hazel Hannan woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 gavin london Romford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 IAN GRUGEL LIVERPOOL, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Patricia Rogers Birmingham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Maggie Cooke London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Marco Arcuri Bromley, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Peter Relton Long Crendon, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 David Grounds Wymondham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Clarice yates Whiston, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Karen Harnell Warrington, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-26 Mary Harrod Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Laura Butcher Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Joanna Dreher Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Sara Pearson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Sarah Reynolds London, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 E-J Bradley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-27 Natalie Donovan Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-28 Name Location Date Geoff Brockett London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-28 antony baulch London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-28 Nola Mayer London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Alexander Hope-Thomson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Linda & Robert Worts Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Ruth Cohen Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Joanna Dunne Southwell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Dan Maxwell Glasgow, SCT, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Vivienna Valentina Birkenhead, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-29 Ayse Colebourne London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Alison Russell London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Chris Bostock London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Shaun O'Riordan London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 David Smith London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Tracy Nash Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Alan Jones London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-11-30 Denis Lundie London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Daniel Foot Billingshurst, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Mazhar Siddiqi London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Zinta Marchant Faversham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Jennifer Forrester-Powell Northolt, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 THOMAS LOPEZ Colnbrook, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Alex Murray London, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Ben Compton Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Tony Nielsen Eynesbury, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Deborah Burgess Suffolk, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 DARRAN Strutt Doncaster, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Sonia Lerner Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Gemma Charlton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Vivian John Redington Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Jirina Kubalova Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Ian Buckle Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Name Location Date Claire Hackshall London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Christine Hackshall London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Adam Pointon Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Susan Fenwick Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-01 Mikela mmolony Chigwell, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Sarah King Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Marcia richards London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Simon Garland London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 dawn greaves leeds, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Mags Malcolm Glenrothes, SCT, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Diane Bartlett Shrewsbury, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Nicholas Chatfield Dagenham, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Yvonne Bostock Kirkcaldy, SCT, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Lizzie Pike London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Robert Garland Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Mark Britton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Andrew Young London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-02 Barry Mingay London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-03 ANNETTE SILTON Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-03 Judith Roads London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-04 Randall STaley Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-04 Barbara Jarvis London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-04 colin rotbart Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 Darren Masters Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 erin gianferrara London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 Rosemary Rotbart Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 Michael Foley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 john strudwick London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 Navneet Bansal Essex, United Kingdom 2014-12-05 Annabel Chaundy London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-06 Stephen Miller London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-07 Beverley Steinberg Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-07 Name Location Date Emma linton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-07 Lucie aylett Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-07 Claire Jones London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Mark Burman london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Suzanne Norris Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Catherine Bissmire Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 catherine daley london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 norma barry woodford green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Jennie Gates London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Stannley Conway London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Ron Wortley-Millek Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 LiSA claringbull Woodford Green, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Max Kanovich London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-08 Elaine Edwards Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Valerie Lesley Stevens London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Carole ritchie Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Karen Smith London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Michelle Vanlint London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Teresa Farnham London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Nick Bonfield London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Elaine Atkins Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Amie Caton London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 belinda togonu-bickersteth Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Joanne Elmes London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Jane Hacker London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Nicola Blair London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Emma Lynch London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Sarah Dyer London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Christopher Puhl London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Jill Fox London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Minesh Patel Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Rima Patel Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Name Location Date r posner london, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 ryan kliszat London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Debbie Payne Woodford Green, United Kingdom 2014-12-09 Ugonma Mbagwu London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 Maureen Insole Buckhurst Hill, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 Andrew Craig London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 Lisa Kliszat London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 Mike Gavin Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 Steven Begley London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-10 Roger Debenham-Burton Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-11 Ross Marks London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-11 Peter Stanley Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-11 Clare Chandler London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-11 David Donaldson Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-11 Alistair Smailes Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-12 sue Brown London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-12 Joy Hertberg London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-12 Jan Morris London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-13 Gordon Spooner Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-14 david newbigging London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-14 Sangita Ladwa Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-15 michael smith London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-15 David Gray Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-15 Kathryn Hensby London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-17 Melanie Robinson Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-18 Warren Davis Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-18 Wendy France Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-19 Howard Robinson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-19 Fiona Green Woodford, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-19 verna jaffe London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-19 Sue Robinson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-20 David Robinson London, ENG, United Kingdom 2014-12-20