Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 020 8708 2748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Bqr0ugh?

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields

i1 Sl�S

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in I ?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, and ?


� 7(£,e-- v\tvI,<", ,te7 s rA--z::G 1'(€-rh.: s H-o?P, \ lq 1111t� ·s. 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

15 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? 8.

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IG1 1DD Lu~ ~V\ ~:S~~2. Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning chc(flenges fa~n$ the Borough? , r J _ \Jif-O~V/ · i_~ I ih.vJ< (Y\O ~A. CQ~~ ~kO-)\d 62 cbJ2l~1 a-H fte. P#'f2~ SfnCQ~ OviU 4.of'l, O)C cJO"{J W\~ ~k t ~.~rlat-~ol-kv lf€~~ ~ ~ \aA C,Q i~ LJocNL wI'--. , 2. What do you thi~ about Option Y-=-proceed with Oakfields? . I - I I. -/ J ( ';'12-':" pOS~lb\Q. UJt ~ ,PO:::, ~ ry trRQ d cJ--c OAd @:Del (Jlo.uLv1-..\'ft &

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? (JO~~l~ ft. ~

4. What do you think about Optio~s~rrrEorridor - Wood rd South Woodford and wanstead?~( LOAS o. ~ ~~ tr~ ,rot-­ G..-~ 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? O,oh~A- \ I-G\lCl~C'C\ lo'{) 2- ,~o~ ~ b"J rD1fJ ~ r1.Dlood~ ~; \ \ ~-\- 10 (((A~ f cb;L~ CMd {W~~ r~ ~.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

Ifyou wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i by phoning 020 8708 2748. - ' .

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

1\:a f~'\\JJC ottk. \t(\fhl ~ 'L'0..~Z UQ,l;2j 0/) ~J ro'\- ~

to C1S\Y ~(JCM< \1\ 0jQ\~~ .\J~ ,,~rt (hAled acAih (h M~IC ~ork jT ~Dr ~ Gd \~ f¥ \1~ i-

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? -ru. \.z((gl\, COm v, 0. t\ o,\II&O"-D £C.<,o~ Eili- rrGJ r\(~J:: ~ \1A9--, J G;f6 ~~ ~ ~ vv\ d\~ .. ~ tk \,~~ k(lAl\~

G\V).l\lo '1._ ~ \<, "-~ \:mhu . \ \ V) ('QJ0, (i'.1\ N L \ Cfi\ (\"(\11"­ Y · r " 3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? Re.~~\;~~-c\\M c\~jiJ)()\~ . a-tn~~ of ~\J~O~f\l·1k . \J0.~6 Q.,,'I.&n~ Th~ Op~ ~~~ In \l,,(\-eJ,I!.\-~\luY . - \'\ 0 ' - () ~(.(.

4. What do you think about Option 3 - West rn corrkt~J~~Q~P~~~~ i Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? PLANNING POLlCY &INrU ') n R

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

1\4C~((U\. ~ ~ '0 "'\ ~!j{),l'-J \,(wM, chQ\'v!\ \~ )-All Co '1 ~,( V 1Q0 ~e,1\ (J~ l\)j\1) . lY \,QQ I&: all~aM ,10 (\ 14 ~ 'V G\M .'s:b V) \9, ~ Q T en \rSl \:1M f\QJ:\ 3~Cfok(c}() .A~\\\lJ( \D c1DSQ)·1Il (1.1'>(1.<1 Or5[05~ \(\~qtI"7 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? '2 or 3 c6tt \-X\e ~eA1- ~O~\ ~()\\\OJL\a(\~ , b~ f\QiX~cr ~ 04J Jn~Jn ~ \ m \y . \)O(t)~~ \M \';~u- S:bW\ ili1~\\~ W\\\~e.~ o~~ lli~\6Jg- CvunM .Jh op:~ \sJ~ (\(\y \If If IObO\l\~,\( UJ\~~~~~

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that th? Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Su bmitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

i1'eepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IGl 1 DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenge ;0

2 ..What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? ""JC- NO -r 4!-1IN K Oft\( 1-[ E L-Y..3 S Ct()UL'9 £>C2 AN OP1lGN l3 E c.R:.(JS e WE kAV ~ ~O MAN'y?

S£-U()6n..~.':l Wl-tl-l.ll'-l '1"tt~ \M'fVLE}7l1:e--r~ 1tR...e-A. At'f!) c..L~ll...»RE~--rrz..R\JE~NG- t'N-t'.o--n-ttt R-R.t:o.­ i3~ CR-R yt.-NP SllS C.A-~~RlZlNCr CN FLJLl.\N ~k.t... ~V[? -r'A\'(~NG tlPY+fU,:R-S wHIC H PEOPCE. c. Du4lr((LI~E" L..;.D~k.LLY C-(Q.I~R..IWE k DDt of ~~E AReA)-1B uSeS 'lAR'C -t'tJRN~ 4o~8(J-N1b I\-t" FUl-LW E~L- c:..~osg 9-e> P¥tI'\NY EWl£n...LY PEOC'LE:. t..H~Vc.

"t'del2...E tSl N 0 C~~-(QI2- S,C1"..l'<.y -r (] 5 Ill" TI-tE' Ii.." WII..J.- (l,'; -fU R.~ -· R.OljN~P.~'9 -;.;o1- G-OL.-I\) G )OLJ1\l I-DLL W ~LL",-vr:A C-LI N' l c- w OU '---~ Be uS C rlJL. tN --(Me: 'Art..ED. I'TS ';"uLLWElL C-n..09S M..Q I.Q.F. ~ ce~ 3. What do yOlJ think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development ~3 O~ ~N at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in)o vERf.CIl"I) £9 K· ICh d II H h7 M..I'lN"{;r <2.'C: 'ptA ~E«ES -Z AlVl UNW~ ,-(t-t PA-t-H:I\t-(9 Seven Ings a we eat · SCC.!\NNO--rn.--r-t: 1:.'-l9>Vl.t<:e:-r,r-lG-S._ I UN l/ £~S--rF\NJl )T \.-vAS CCN'SI~£12-{3;.y RUNl\lfNQ.. R SlNGLE. e,us UP FORES-1'R..O-'--':\l '<>"T _ nJ-.) ';..Y -=v WE t-\~Vl::: EN()u= I BusC"s GOIN& 11112..0UG-H 8'+t~K1NG-SlJ>E AS )\" is '\"//.-rl:/ ~1:)"SC'3 _ Qfl,.c>S9 812/NS "'IU\Q..rvE"» rzOL.>N"!) f\, ~L>L.L.Wt=..L.LL.--L HRvE .HAY -C0W~'L...... k..DC5W!\S-ro 1 H E"" +pr 9) e F.~::y % l)R..GE R.y I N V I~ - R Y R -f(DWE'a:f H F R Cof)rj> ~ =C LON'.3

J: R '/Yl --r 51'e:: PI ~3 0 ~ rq. G-E A ~.f) H A\tiE. N' 0 T G-if7 -'"( v-fE ~ I':l ...:t:. P -H--G N'ES w-Hi-CJ1 N lC-R-rE KEN Pc _ ~ - -_ - E.H.- ­ t":f~'RWi t;J) M t= ':>A."'/! N Go L0 M till's. ~o-r g e: I W~.9 O>N"E: kOU~ C3~ " 4. Wha'kio YO' I thin k abQ! It Opti0A-3 'Nester II Comdor - WoMford Broadway,l WoodfOfd, ~~ 'fjff)" SettttrWoodf01d and Wansteact? <1:.0 U;lg;~iyap;~~~t::., --L \-11'\-» OceRo-S LON ~ " t cl< t:l~ ,,-(11'13 ,pH I't M PI-- E"--r uP} Sty; .:Pu E LG' HOSp I-'\A L l~.s h~ _ _ f.... "d SS Eo;> -rtt ~ )/'t.,q-p i-0T\lE.

:L])O NO! K~0tN --rH.'E a-rHER R-Rc.~s so W'ELJ-13u-r OP-fLQN.J...

MIG-tt'l 61: ~OI<..E Pt~PRtoT7~~--r£ FOR c.'G .;;> fv\ 12 6lJ i s£ IN if 6ElN'o- NtfTR. ~ '2 HOS'CJl -r A L A f{J> hESS' ",(RAVE L1-. ( N G F=bR. ~£ht- .a l> I L-J> H. 0 u.5 Ei .. 5. What do you think about Option 4 Develop Green Belt land? 0Ccu [) ["EfZ-3 .8-N) L EgJ

S:.ON G-2S-r lO NON -r He: R..o f\] . R- ~OLG G= I s£ Fe> R- l\) 0-( 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers

p N


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 'I DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form /

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i,uk/ldf or by phoning 020 87082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridqe i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

]_:q fi\\J.I(_, of::110._ \l~~ ill '2'd9~ YlQ.l.1J Q,!.) ~J (\()I- V1.

, b 0,\\\1, \1,~~ \~f\C1jQ\~ ·W~ \[\(t o.wcll)(u1 rhMklC \orA= jT nD~Uq_ lo~ ,ill, ~ '~~*,ObS~~ t>f (\9J.J \a~ £rm (QJ\h~ a,o~

fu_ G;-~ \)ell V, d. M. <1 (\[ '-\\D "<) rc,-S. oW1,9_. 6x rre,_c\ II~Z -

\hl_ ~ "~~~ ~~ ~ ~ :\~ ~ ~ ~~~dl\~ c~=J:~\= T ~= ==~=--~ 3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodrnayes and King Georqe hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?~ _

Re.~<~\;~~£=~ CA'cflib('X\~ .a:w~~cf ~e\jc)o~~ I lk__ ~~O'Q\qJ.\n~ \1~ op'M<\ ~rvwk1 in \H\-e~(!,\-M&'~'-\Ju,k QJ\ \J\ W~\-~ ~'MU ut \1(\-tl~M .Q()~~\:~ C\mw~ '.

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

.:»C' cbX\9,. CN'::> Op\® J.

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

~ ('V'UJ\ ~ ~ \0 (l,,\~~().C'-J ~~ cA\J\\X\ \:0 I.!> b ~ '1 ~,(_VICJM

I ~R,f\c.Jcir\OM ' .l_5: '£l ,bW- rrLl~oMl~ I\I~ \0 ,'?C0vl \KJV) \9.~(/,'f (.1::\ '1 kJ fu f\O'lS ~;e(\,({c1k\oY\. A ~~'!k \Q c1v0S0)\1J 0',X\ <9,2\ or d505S \(\~~1G\(t7-

( 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

/J 0 [ 3> \-fi\e ~ eJ-- ~o~ \0oJ!\(w:Jodl," bWe. 1\0 i~bLC ~ ~k~ In\Jt, io \ ~\y. 12oru"C)~ ~lM CI~U:~~ lli1~\\by-Wd\k~ o~~ lliA\'6~ C~\hlt :fu o.r\t% \sJ ~ C1.ny ()f \t ,obo\1\~1t \)J\~m;l\~

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:


Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding oq'behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below: .

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax:

Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR- JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road,llford IIford IG1 1DO 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

< d

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives thatthe Council should 'consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSlR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford llford IG 1 lDD -- l.B. REDBRIDGE PLANNING POUCY &'INFO London Boroug h of ....~ Redbridge~ Red ~~~g Q¥t Local Ian 20l5-2030 \ nsion - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

I m~'~. s directly with us before responding. a programme of consultation events will' be held during November and December 201 4. Details are available on Redbridge-i ( or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oaldields?

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford. South Woodford and Wanstead?

U S"'14 ,l;1<~

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt lana? ~ ~~ dPA--A ;uJL 0 vlookci, Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Developme rm

L. If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before respondin ,rrp1~,~~pflpm'f~trNF events will be held during November and December 2014. Details ' e available on RedbrlOge I 0 or by phoning 02087082748. - 1 nFC 2014 This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22December 2014. RECEIVED 1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

~ ~CAl\t ~rnt~ hoN\(lj> CAS ~os~\lde., SMv\d ~~L-of'fO~JeJ~d 'f1A~f\ v"1\C't€.- h.\~~-(\s-e C\.CA~.,A~so\ ' lS o.~1 (A\\--€.-vv\.fr-- \oe-Z~ ~~ 'ro Qu..,~~ J,k {'(\AC\~ ~ ~-eo sh~O:,,,% V<\~% ~- CoI.Ad- I.o~. ~c;,eJ- ~ I'h.Dte.. ~,\~~? 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? I

o no 1- re.-o...\\ D..- \.0-. ~Ou ~ oJ~ CA.~: ~\ S -..J ~ \ ~\J~

or~ ~'dJ.<3> t -'A-\:)v ~ ~hrd WO-(\S~ co<-r\ dor­

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the pro sed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and th rd Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

~lS S~<'<\S k ~~ CL rom~ Ct--~ ~\- -\5:. not- k~~

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? _~ _~~ s~=. =~~~~o_v_~__ . ______

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

No 'e ~L Y\~.u1 ~\.':> \.0 ~~L \--0 ~ Sc~ w~ o.-"r­

o...'l\.d.. (' e.~c(~~f' _ We \Do00 Scrnf\ h.o->-J.-e.. ~ ~o\.~ bo.ou~~ ~~, \~ u~ 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

0ph.:OAA ' ~~3 ~ {e.aSons ~~'-.J.ea

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? Ifso please state below:

NQ \ ~~\o(""'\c).$- '~s. ~{e.9.-J~ oJef' -Cro.:0c)erJ, ~\-\s

Y\~e£ bee(\. So ~\\ \ 'As ~\\ as h 1"\.0 re. sc..h ~s 0 f\d ffi

8. Please provide your name and address details below:

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IG1 1DD


22 OEC 2014 Hedbridge 1.ocal PJan 2015-2030 RECE'VEQ 1 would like to place my objection to the proposedWestem Corridor - Woodforil Broadway 1Woodford, SouthWoodford andWansteacJ. ;·~~ · ' . . .. . -Your description ofthe area is correct when you say there are excenent transport connections.-what you omitis that these transport connections are already severely overcrowded. The ~be js particularly crammed during the rush hour, and lh-rs overcrowding continues in10 the late evening. The early morning. journey into . London is just as unpleasant. Often you have to walt for a later rube as they are so

rammed lull to capacity...... I · .. ~ -~ 9i- . ~ • . Any commuter would agree lhat this Cenlralline is severely overcrowdEKti~ri~ ' . ~ ,' .'; unpleasanllo travel on during the ear1y morning rush hour or returning h.ome from.... ,, ' " around 4pm until 1 1.jO at night. . '..: .

The olher transporllinK is presumably the London Bus network~ ·Whitst there Is a good bus serVice running through South Woodford, the traffic is often at gndl~, so duringbusy periods lhebusis going nowhere. Twelve years or-so ago ' ~en · .rn~ s6rl-' ' was at school, nis journey on the f79"from South Woodford to BancroffsWoOOfbfd . Ureenwas horrendous. The bus was usually lull when rt got to South WoOdford. . '- Thelralfic was soneavy, rt could taKe over an hourto get to scl1oo1.lhis srtuaflOn nad not improved at an.

There has been new housing on the Queen Mary Site, there has been another huge development on HfficrestHoad and more recenfly a new development just before the Chaffie Brown roundabout, recently nominated as the most pOlluted part of theA 406. As far as I am aware, there have been no extra amenrtieS to accommodate the number o"f people living In these developments.

Schools are lull to capacity. 1 have been told that the local imant and junior schools are lurning pupils away .

. The quality ollifeinSoulhWoodford is deteriorating rapidly. There are too many people, too many cars bloCking up the traffic system, too many llOusing developmentsbuilt on What were car parxs, or the gardens of sold off to developers. ~very patcn ofland had some sort Ofhousing development on it. H"lQh density housing would destroy the character of this~corridor which has tracflfional Victorian and Edwardian quality "Jam11y housing stOCK. My son, now aged -30 is married With a 14 month old son. He is looking to buy his first affordable property, sOl do reaTlSe thatthere is a need for houses to be built for the next generation. Rowever he would not consider South Woodford because the overcrowding he experienced when growing up has just got a lot worse.Too much -lraffic, difficult to park, tube overcrowded, busses overcrowded and take too long to reach a destinaoon because of the congested roads. Add to that Jist, hard to get medicaltreatmenl etc., school' places not available makes it a lotless desirable than areas that offer amenities for families.

- 1 would go as Tar as saying isinsane to recommend this Woodford to Wanslead cortidor option, particularly when there are areas in the borough that are not as overcrowded, and sfiD have a good tube and bus serVice.

-1 urge the deCISIon makes to see sense and nominate a site for development that can deliverllouslng andfhe amenities-that people and fammes require without deslroying the quality of lifelor eXisting reSidents.

-Yours faithlully

Mrs M. Farrow Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before respol)€l+jFl€tr,~~~~~i9R~~M';l events will be held during November and December 2014. De ils are b I ~i ~OOEge i by phoning 020 8708 2748. PLANNING POLICY &INFO

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. 22 GEe 2014

l'1Yl Vh [Yttstvzuhl£ ~iIVP ptJlr i t1 ~j • 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed w h Oakfields? J,{OJ?UJ&- goo f ~~L.. T fJ liS: aCt0(L .+-TbtrJ"5fO~-

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? 800 . tJl8tJ tfZ1v\-eS +- $'G-ttODL5 ·

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? \V\SvrlbC'\&t- Vi/J1CttstrU~ icaC®11Wl~C oiA£h

OYJ ~ . 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? I lAlMd ~ t-~ 11m OOfha-ku- - &Uj ­ 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

~ -. '. ~ ~. : I ). .. .. ,.c. '·1 ,." Subrrlitting this forrn:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DO Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are by phoning 02087082748. L

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. REC

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

' \ l\ , < j lit l ~ ~bli'

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

U l. cA;,cg Wwk /JY>';" bR 14 ~~

~eef ~oO L, Iot--U -:: ~J- hJ--- l I 1/d()/~

'3 t:}\..-~w~ h 1W-- ~~ ,k ~v-t VZ~ t

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? Xt -=- k-R--fp; ~ cioS:! I V -Q,1 ~~ ,k i~ ~ .4,~:-L /, ,. C'~ ,Y~

~oo lw~ \l &~) k0 t ,~

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

~~ LAo~ ~~- ~ ~~ {r 0 ,'f7vJ~ C0i~ Q cigJ-2£pt..--LAi­

(;.I': k;f b~Ivt."1s ~)..,..,J- hiA;lk 4 IM- . hoJ ~~

b~m l~\~ S ~ \ '- Keae ft~ (CIV'-j ~¥ k tv!- kL.::.A ~ wh b A

C{) ...... \v.AA,~\~ .. J ('. t> V< 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? I a..~ "" SiA.tff13.f.k; '1 L·I'· .e. 4' --ell' ':;'1 ~l"-,,g \ d...?-v--- t 9~ (lad ; ~ . -t? ~ H~ ',~P() r..h ..J- Io;d s,{)M.~

S!-.t#l ~I~ ~ 10 1- ~J.ptvW 6. Overall, which option do you think is best fO!" the borough and why?

k£~ J ~aJ K/!4.4Y j'Vc- ~. )~U:, CD I , kJ

C/V> {) ~ U , t1~t h..4 N. 'eU. jt--{\.}. . , I I ¥ (i

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? Ifso please state below:

t~ ( ./ ~ DW" · .... i li ~ Feel free to attach additional pages explaining YJur answers above.


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected] /(~\--Ivs f. ~j Freepost: Fax: @ ~------e lage Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DD (

Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? a loftJo{ 12 J ~

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

,9 tW I:*M 0; CVv\ ~ . ~~. ~rWYea.d W~=tk~L&na ad 'f=

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - WOOdttrm-~~M~;wi;~I!al1l::.:D~~-.J' South Woodford and Wanstead? 5 ~~

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? ~(V'I'.. 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? A ~J-~ d ar1~

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? Ifso please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room A1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DD "' Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

Qu 5 (cont) a) I would like to draw your attention to the Redbridge Local Plan as it affects Fernhall Cottage, Roding Lane South. The Plan is unclear as to the status of this property. Historically it is in the Green Belt although in the early 1960's it was separated from the main area of Green Belt to the south of Roding Hospital when Roding Lane South was re-routed. The anomalous status of Fernhall Cottage is evidenced in the documentation prepared by the consultants advising Redbridge Local Plan. The narrative treats it as part of the area proposed for removal from the Green Belt. On the other hand the plan accompanying the narrative show it as already part of the residential area outside the Green Belt. As Fernhall Cottage and its curtilage cannot be described in terms that are used to define true Green Belt land and it is adjacent to and has the characteristics of a general residential area, I would ask you to confirm that it is proposed that this property should not be part of the Green Belt. b) I would also like to object to the proposal that part of the recreation ground in Woodford Bridge Road is suitable for high density development. The proposed development would be a major problem for residents of T orquay Gardens who would suddenly find themselves overlooked to an unacceptable extent. Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - AlternativE' Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Detatls are l!!..,.aHabIEVY. ~ ff551!e I or by phoning 02087082748. .8. l-{t OB I PLANNING POLICY &IN This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. 2 DEr 2014

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning chalieng

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?


3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

\S ~ ~. g-AQ B~~VL5. c..o~v~VA-\""~.p..{2.~ ~ ~14'/1\-rf30 \'\-\A"t ~ A- ~~ +we S1\'Ou.-Q \IPrt..~ \~. 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

• 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

Tv ~'C}"d~------

_. t · · . • .. ~ 7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? Ifso please state below:

FeeUree to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.



Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an orgarisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford IIford IG1 1DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on-the planning challenges facing the Borough?


2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? RECEIVED J LMMM f/,JA /Ji{rpcr.>aL ryOcrt-lI {

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

4~ &Jk k--6d\d fteA-'oNXd CM ~ (h f(})j)~U 6. Overall, which option do you think is besj: for the borough and why? .C::" '3­

...J .'

- .~ 7. Are the ~!~ n9 other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.



Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. lf you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford Ilford IG1 1DD L.B. REDBRIDGE PLANNING POLICY &INFO London Borough of a'~ Redbridge~ Redb~ ~I(!It Local Ian 2015-2030

Q.gj~W ~j;l9oI~Ext nsion ­ Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

L~ls!~~.E~~~e;e:~~ directly with uS,before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge-i ( or by phoning 020 8708 2748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

1-( Q,,,,f\c)Y ~ n0-.0 0"QdJ-v~ \ \ 'L~ YlOyp.Qa l2All ~ ~ kYS- \jQ..Quj' Is;.

d.\~nJ~'D,\J-.Q, r \ hR WCJ QhJv M\:if Y\Q \;u 'go t-Q, Qg \ G W C9:d '

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

t:S,.') ~,,\J0- lfV\o":,y ~J CM\L}-Q,. t:\t?tr(bYl ~ ok Q{\~ i(fiu~ m~ V\sDvYlJI!',

DJ'( ~'-~ IT"",Sfa,u (!oJ Ccs 0, ",dyed) ~OQ).,\QCQDY£-R, 5rG-,0I, \90

{\$>...f),c a \u~ ~\p, yfi;:v,

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the propos.ed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

Tko SQ Q-Lwb 'v2.oa\rQ9\0:>V\ ~ S4. lu';s ~ (2 \g,l\ \:..pI PNI'£ ') G:. (.JL

YY\ cJ\V" k3SV~?01\ ffio f\JH-S..

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

\\'o.g I'D 'tCJl'\t \cncl WJcJJC),~ 'fu V)'\(j,k Vnvm ~0tck/\\rLn \lAo, A .- I ~ " ­ Vlo..JlM,wr ('s,$)C;}Q(J" I ffi-n'i(2d\r I uQ \,0 0 1-(2(frYOcQ T ~~ "Q \S uv[1)~' ~

SVJ'W6 !-boY ro 2-D,M bg N'-9 c..e cl:. w~ ~ l-.~ v\ iycUw\.Q S w,\t:, o,Jr-- (ZO!.C0J 'P(}~ r

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

~\,)'[l...QSQ, \S.Q Cj'\,t-OCv> 1"''\,0',\;' U~Qa Iv::' S\J:v\u. O/'J ~ l?"Q \. r I,w"d

,rc aD'MY' <:;Q\i. ~~O,,) IV l&v<..'\'.O IQ...Q a V~U~l..Q OlfGu-n . 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

()~h ' 9n \ ~'r cb \h5l, \rY\Q(r &L0ll.:,(Q, Cy:q\ up'M>VS l'W< I«uv n <.JW'\ ~ d\- uA> '\ ~\:? \

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: ~ 0\ \&] ~ LA~ ~\~ '\i~ A 4.-oCa

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your complet~d form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies .By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IG 1 lDD London Borough of .t...... Redbridge7f" Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a program'me ofconsultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge-i ( or by phoning 020 8708 2748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? ,1/1drHfv f- OTt-&-I..- n}fi~ 'io~ -Jt6iL j)/Z (){wf'~;- fl/JUrA~ /YL Co/UhV")2z C) 13 :i)h.U(C.OP#l/(V 7'5 0/\/ fltu.atv/;itlL;!2 ~ dU & I) tr/.l?fli=})1 tCUG(-{/! ~ h'utf (SfMO'vvt '7L./o/L-V p;;Uvvf./.{Ln, .!?f=,)£/V'xJUJ-If, ~rs 1-It'LL 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? -t ~J/l/IA--( Ii ~ I ~1?./fl )(zr/z0r';vVrV'J/ U {Vol

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development' at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? 1..5

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway /Woodford, South W odford and Wanstead? ' '1 7J-h:rv?­ t\~ 7?/-flN S-AIf[L {v1N dt(J/-;

L.B. REDBRIDGE 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? PLANNING POLICY & INFO

20 NOV 2014 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

~v'~U> ,t'£V{ t:N r &;t M (}j) Mfi '-(h~ I-' Ij Ut/-vliJ'-j ) g;.;;;;V?- cfl,{J./1J-.:>T'h ') ftuif. iJ ( .. "({til (. r uf. 7. Are there any other realistiC alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: !J/l{'z./ls, 1711/ TI!f7 /tVvtuT/l./IjL ~' ) cJ(2­ U';./(r-[..tI/' (L /hti> ~ CIIl~A ;{/f.£JU NJ !&UN ))~~;;--

/ky;) J/IIIJLtiZ,,[ {4!V1i I!YiMdJ/)(,IL g; 1/" O])/Vt(;0 I

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

-_ _


Email: ______--'-_

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: -Scan- and------­ e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Reporf Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 10D London Borough of .,~ Redbridge71f' Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies ResponsE! Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge-i ( or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the 80rough? It WOuld 'lJeQ t~ be helpec\ bJj U[ ; h,'J bei1e r qIftlliP VV10p~ ·1 VI f-19cres. Z+7- I~ took 2 Ilbt{~ sf01£ cuz vY1e -breO\.ct ~ k€JS i.

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proce~d with Oakfields? Yes -~ b e ~t-0 rnoV\

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath? No

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford 8roadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? No PLANNING POll FO

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green 8elt land? '1€S M~ cc,~ RECEI\/Ei_ I ------~--~------~------~--==~ 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? opn011 I - le~~ b'l+tj

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please·state below: Do .s O Me.~ 'Vl§ a. bcW- COlInC(l's InCt 6d '" 8 10 S:fl~e

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 HighRoad, IIford IIford IG 1 lDD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development ~ateCii€~mlltIrlSe'~I'ffio---.

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, J?~e ~~~<8":"'NFO events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are vailable on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748. 1 7 DEC 2014

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. RECEIVED 1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? .­

\Yl L ~ l ~ c.Ule..t.~ l1& d tc ~.e. QJ.dYf ~ xci vJ \ ~"kn t.AJ- e..cLuc..uj .+t.~

~ 01 uk =fur c.Lt!Ylj1 1- r~ J ,dOJ/1b i w iKouJ- p lt\ tty~ Q 6 \S

strcuV\ v+t ~ l b~ .fo.ciLih~ u)1AJ' ~ wo tA-lal ~ fA \':>1.5} -f\ r\ ~ l S. IY'..-f\.....(L t.o S r \A--'/\ . 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

A ~QQd q-dbCV\ cv) -l+ ~ CLM i o c..c.~ ~ V\ \C Of) / a I'\Jl..LU uhoo I,

OJA l\J \-\5. cJ,i f\ ( C i ~ Ctt.cbmOQlQA.J-e. '~I\.€...LU ~ ~ .

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

A-J Cl.UA Q boad ~ CLS netv <1clA.ool ~ VJ::)Ld"ot cJJo ~ ~ ~~I ~ .

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

'f1bsolu.\-e\j h(~l-e cJ.~. Th-e CU'-€.Q ls' ct wn ~ evy-~ " OJ~ u.:5ht'dA

~ _be. ;' \A..l ~ + -\1.NlJe we. Ctt ~L( ~ l1D:h ,:.- -1t'\,­ s. cve..or _ Tr€ ce~.:t-<~ ~ Lh o...tx"ecu:lJj overtNOw cU.a1 , .{'~co \ ~ -+ t1 n s ~ e",~ LW O V'e.-I­ -S\A~ ~ c..v\ t; eJ: OAol \otQJ3L COV'v\W\AANvt~ ' l~ QScu-\xosJ ,=-itvL .bV '8\O~ 9'Vt~..rdM.op­ Mf}JI\v 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? 0 ~ --\"'h,'s cu....~ .

~ ' t- ~ JQ V) M Q-v ~ WCl LQ \co\A..W 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: '1"'\I\e (:,O-(..U,,-c& s'hPul.a.l con ~ ~ lpolu.-t'-£} :£w~ rfro-M Lov'CI01,

W\t\,V e ~,,~ \ttoVV\QJ) CAr e. i'Y\o){"e-- p or v-.lLV, --i"-YCLVl por- \- \So

\ ~ C@\AJclo d 1: roP0f >«2091... wcuJa.bL.e. - ~\A.l1aLuj Zn'"\ @t: ~eJ ~ Cb'\ V-V--o..Q... CUA-e. (3, J \..l 9. Ir !\a ~ kct<;p 1 G..e ­ Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9.lf you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford Ilford IG 1 1DO Redbridge Local 'Plan 2015-2030 ' Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative De~elopment Str1tegies ~;;;ew~", )(iCLZ3'~I"m'--. O: ! ~:;~--~' '

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a pr ~ grl~~ ~fi c~ f~

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. RECEIVED 1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? 3/lfh1!) 1>1 j...~,' 5, - &; ~ 5;/13 ,d1,'17; S7c?<.

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

\ -:

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

: t- h2 ~//

4 . What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? /10

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

tf;g 0 ~ r1 f; ·df/ >: t.. s f/Em--<- I j'tz [En 73 ~ Ir /fh1J) I 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

~Il "'j k ~ ... ' 2f! 6 -f Icf t;; ('1~ t h"@lt''''J /1-« <'I f:, (1... a. r !.L1111 fotllt. '{t7J-Its- -rHG-n frt.}I(07 - /J1~ 5~~. 7. Are there any other rea-rstic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behqlf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, / Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, tI Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IGl 1 DD l Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Developm fri1:stmm~:Re:srn:~~~fl-_

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before respondi f,~N~6l~Ql¥t&4 ~ events will be held during November and December 2014. Detail are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748. - 3 DEC 201~

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. ECEIVED 1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? f}ws ~ c4-~ ~

I 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? i J Y'M I G~ ~ tv- 6e ih

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? )lIo

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, SouthWoO;fordandW~ ~l )lufjy~~

!!J ~~ ~L. be CL , ~~ 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? oJ "~l1dL ~ 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why~ I 012~ 1-- 6~ [:AQ

I j/

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: O~ !!]20vvc iA ~ ~ ~ -bv

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below: (;zq (,

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford IIford IG 1 1DO Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges faC¥·~~~/oUol.l~Io'-____~ L.B. REDBRIDGE --~~~------u' ------+~~~~~~~FO

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? RECEIVED

~ct¢ - h~ Q..u..L \§

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? ~± rs

a.IfQ f (~eJdl 1~'

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? A~ ~ ¥bx>, ~ I~JJ. 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

l-t­ l >-JeJJ.­ ~ g.... (NW

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 Hig h Road, IIford IIford IG 1 "I DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension -, Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held duritlgNovember a"nd December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i ~ or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? ED

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

71,;" ea-uLc/ k oo/"u ./,ru.L- ~ ,I ;/- ccmCJloh~a.bcletr1 JO(ff!..f.f''cf Actn-VJ

;,;;4 ,...,-&~MoM) ..j. .? 1".~D /la.-IA

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

~ 7 1.iJ. 31"&:mh 1i4 eQWY)C«'~ <4l,ZcnJr/ eh2cltuho~ d,'NliojYh" & -???~ //v"/~.A~ 6>-3~

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DO Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form



3. w~a ~ o you think a~out Option~~crease the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and Kin» Ge~rge hospitals an~he Ford Sl?,.orts Grounj il!­ Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? _ 1~ G~ ~CM..j. Y 5-? \..~'-..J ¥4<~~~p d; meaI4~~ ~*~~~~k~ A; ~ 4k£/1J#4 ~ ,~~S2g . 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? ~~ f!4'~(a= ~~~~ ~~ : 1;4.. .?'kr-~ J ~ a ~~ ¥. Ae/~4d~~ Xr0cL, .. ,4 «~IZ ~oJH ~ ~!~A1 ";..L .~ '(7- . ,- ...... r-"'" '"t'

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: ~~~1:::ff!;t;i£:!;:t~ ~ ~>a~. ~ ~ ~ .dbd' A:1~ ~4~ !fn1.P -ct.~~h~4~"7~0 -.. ~. ~ 'f

~~. /J _' _ ~~_ . 0­ o.t-- ~A . I /J d ~ ~

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. lf you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IG1 1DO . --~~------"-- .

Red brid ge Loca I Pia n 201 5-203 I ,.1"\1\"110\0. I ",... k~'r' ~ 1a~I:O Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative De ijesponse rm

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before re pO~~K'~mme of consult tion events will be held during Novem ber and December 2014. De"~ ~E:lf VESge or by phoning 02087082748. . .

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

'ur« fC"CoJ'ij'

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

p ...blt L ~ Pc::A:. a..d. fc..u\;-k

IALIoJ ~~ \.tl"8"", So. d folo.t.e. G~ Ezll:. \~.

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site" increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway /Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:


Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford Ilford IG1 1DD Redbridge Loca l Plan 2015-2030

Preferred Options Report Extension ­ Alternative Dem?'Tn'I'rT1"cn+-G+to,~~

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before r ~tAAN~N~

t\{\.~ c\.e~tlo ft<\-~e- \:;'\-v(. ~ '10 .otcx.rt.e.cL fuo l-\Jel. \,~ CdY\f~t~ ~\\::~Q4t- U..J\.C~ ela.lQ ~

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? \5~\.., '\~ ~~ e~\ .elc\.o ~ ~~~ ~ ~c.('Q~t~o~J..

~ l!.'f~ -">~ "'" I::W ~\-:- u, ~t\\l. ~ % r(!,Q.f\..-1o e..Lt ''''-J\d,

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings I Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway I Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

'\r-l <:) ~ c.h C) ~CQ. . ~ Q {'I\ OU--t\.'c ~ ~~ \QruL ~ f 'QQt() tc; ~~ ~ -QQ..C\... e,~~( ~~ ~'h:~t\ - ~ -e..~ Q tQ... AQ,~ ~ ~OC ~ i 'E-e\ ~ ~cruir~ n~:.k b~Q.6~ to <:.ofo.. ~t\-l- L'(\ c.J:e_~ locqj... d.e.(YtO-ntl. 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

Q N;;:' ~ ~ c "-o ~ CJL,...J fQf \:; '\ C4 ~ CA.(l~ ~ ~C\C;L to ~ %ht­

C:l \ 6(.",-, R\("\. 'tf I. c.~ CA ill\- YA.,\.clof ~ b:"j-\. o:...vo ~ ~c\~ vc\ ~L ~vO

%c)"'?cl \7 \.I,\<) .Q ~ -e.x LC 9,l:) • --r-hR \\::t..~{\ c. J1 l\:::- l O

~f\., ~{Y'\.~ ' ~ ~ CL..~Gl ~ 6 ~l:te.:,c ~~ ~c C CfQ.... \...) tl. ~~ c\ Q..'(Y'\.~cl... • •

6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

Q)~ -t\ Cf'- a

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1 DO Red bridge Loca l Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us b fore resb~pRi~~~e of co ~sultation events will be held during November and Decemb r ~l~~lN'ct~dt,~,&on R.ed.b dge i by phoning 020 870 ~ i12ftJ. INt-U

This response form can also be completed online a RedbridgekB DEC 2014 Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on ~h~ plan ingRmG~~C:rQh? Po _.1-:-'''&' C> ~~-AVl~~ t-r.. E tJ' uut

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford an d Wanstead? -\CJL~C:s<~b pos.s.\ lli c..,~O \~ CJS\?r~B ~ lt~ ~ CU9 \.~ b..Ui.\.~ ~s:,tcr ~ ~c..l.~c:hr cl--(,~~l~o&. ~l(~

-t.""--"'-<:,~l:: t.D~c.kOc.S" ccoJJ. ~ '--"('0 ~~ M~ l~ , c\t;,~cl ' )..10 ,eroc.-"" ~ \tV\o<--O. .s.c-k-e:>L~ -is-~~~f;O

Su.W.pcb~~ S".. &s.c.L""ols. ~k~ 't€...u4.s.~ .\:-., ~ ~ 'l! ~~ IS:Mcl ~ . ,~~ ~ol\J~~~ ~ ~~~ 8~~~· 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? Ifso please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:


PleaSl note that survey forms w here no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Subm itting t his form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Plan'1ing and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Red bridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG1 1DD - L.B. REOBR DGt PLANNING POLICY &INFO

18 DEC ZOli Redbridge Local Pan 2015-203U Preferred Options Report Exte si \g~fdll"riIi~nt trategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase t' he-~roposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? -F­ c==;lr-/6'-1bo.:Jc.-e s;/~.I=0 ~/.s /6 I?J'Z)/~~ . ~ ~ --.)E.. k5G" r-:>. J-IoSprT-=L--.TJ-/-~1 ~

,c::.Z;:JC-1',L:7;:5 .r c:;,if/'L~ /~ -u-£€: A~ - ~ S::::> "-;"-/[5 ~4~ ~e.. y---n~ C""O~C;~I'O,J 9= -r,tJ£ S'-'/~~LJ,JZJ '. .:)) tf2...~2::lS ,~L/ICJ-I "cae:.... 4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - WoodforcrBr~dwWtwbodfOrJ:.e-B--u;"4f 6~'1' South Woodford and Wanstead?

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

~5 C:;&Ga 6~ ~ L5 ~~~( L-f..5E3), S<::;? v.J e:zAL.J I 66.­ ~-r-::r~ c-1:5tSi!2 4C::> .c>CGc:J~-rc.­ -;:-.i<--le:..... ~EZ>S Cr-f ~!...------.

-~-- 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road,llford IIford IG 1 1 DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i by phoning 02087082748.

. This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? dJ-j;h dk. ~ U,~lalkc oS IL 8~ dj"<.o ~a1r& .lkJ

04J~ It.cwu.a kvt. ~ .(x ~ &M A lLI4?~ r-~ ~ k cI.c,g ~~JUCtRRg ~ ~ Lk f3 ~

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proa~IT't1l~t'A':'Y'im1"'f'l"!~------a

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Fin os d development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

-r,hM ~ A ~ ,l;¢ k..-(.)... A<.J o/kr, dlA,()u. ~ Ct.=L.-a.Jo.-AA ?­

Uv. ~ ~ C&Ae oM, ~ ~ ~ ..fa 4

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

.vu/~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~huLJk 4~ ~ &:.

~~ ~-? q#-, ~ \J ~ Ccm ~ eut4./k.gJ;e ~ .lJJoJ.divJ cvJd~ ~~ 5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

~ c2.M ~alita mrJ ~ g~ ~ ~ Cnc ~ BJJ ~ .J,().dJ 4. ~

~4~~ ~~£k14~ ~~I-(rl"~JdIJ g 1J.J:Iu. ~Ab.i 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.



Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, _ Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IG1 1DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 020 8708 2748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? -J- ~ V-'l ~ ' J it) C1L\lt1l\\~ \)- 1N2J-.JJ tu t~ 1/ l i ~ J -h: /I) l' Pl-'Ov~ C\t\ O~'"f) /;W10 \t I cvl1.2 j ~ I,/r j yJ

Pvl}l·vtlJ-?~ - ;' L-::; ? L\ 02 j )' }L~' / C ~'J- f» (.,j U 1\) i W 2. What do you think about Option 1 - P oceed t i.1!l.


3. What do you think about Option 2 - In a osed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

_I r 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

Jp-h';\" 2 - 1+ NJ -dee£o J &f'J2AA Qj)J'vy0~lQJ ,w­ <;u b d";-VJ.I\ c0 l/'2J lJV [v\) ~t t Irv i n---Q f) ~ .-? ~cJ i0'V 10f I I MOSl ~ vVAR J 7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DD London Borough of .t~ Redbridge~ Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form .------. ... If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before respondin ,a progt.a~ ~ 6DB~1IDQ5n events will be held during November and December 2014. Details 2 ~ANNtN(3~~-& INFO ( or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. 22 DEC 2014 Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges aCi,a.6CEIVED

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?


5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? tv/v

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: "Iv

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

8. Please provide your name and address details below:

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below: :("m nOr reSr()hd1~ 6)\ h.ekv

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208708 2062 Preferre,d Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IGl 1DD · vtt\~ p~

'" ~" <'.)"-<1°sftw\O F~I ~ d,o Jrwr

Uvf lr-I... Mvt' h> bt ~ 611A ~ W h1''rh 1 /I J D r YVr 0- 1- " (;) YI _ :r 'h.".v'e ~~M~~,I ~ i~vu~W aM-v--~'hJ /kL ~~ II" }J~)v~ LI~h 'r~ ~ ~ )6j-h

pe~~ LO) ~5~~~'Yl.9 1>1'sr(CUj ~'YlJ I~ fN- ~ ~4 ~ :f t~ 10 ~ (K~ ~s~ !' Jj'l VI~~ Lf'h~ In Nc1V~ ~), q::;1 ~ 5 rrNJ hro +i'rd . hi(KJ1fY~ IJ ~ ~) ~of~((h 1- ~ ~ skWl Id ~'y.e-h tULrL~ fllv.t Iv J'kvv'k ~Fe;hi:.r ~ ~ew\ ~~ . l+ovve. 0-. ~hj tv Jj'}tJI. l'h\)}W>J~

~~hi ~ ().. fMA11 6'f f i( LQ 06 We want your views to help shape future development in Redbridge - 60% Page 1 of 1

We want your views to help shape future development in Redbridge


Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?


Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider?


Do you have any general comments on the planning'challenges facing the borough?

See attached explaining my answers above,

General Comments

Here are my random points to structure ,.J

I~ [ Ne~ . uklsurveys/j immy /help-shape-the-future-of-redbridgel?p... 20112/2014 . . ~J )ry' ~ fA fJ~ (}~ X ~ (e(~ cJ~S ~~ -h'f& J-tO(kQ rfor chA/srmas .

.. ~w ~Ct1 /1& (V)~ aj UnJ..An .------. ~yd cut- tk }~ ~~ : DD -J- t.vUe J'hh:J Da~ ,fDutaA YYtDbl~~ tJ.IhJi ~ )"nde-rntvli(YL,J IVLOVWienl-- 1 r J~rwf ~

fLolob;~J) s~J) ~ SDC1'cJ ~~ 1S M. } ~~~ 1'Vt-,.;1:/r.U. o~!fI ~C/~ c)d US'~ .tnuI ~3 ~ ~~/~ ~ we ~~~ ~¥: ~ /,c?l/~

~ ';f- /Uh/ /~J'h~ ~ A ~~ ~~ ? d~d " .-~~~ ~~_

Cc: ~ It!tJ.YIJ{ 1- LDFL~ £?t;rts JOhl)J'oYl 7D l-t n ~ rnp Lep~ J H ~~ Co ~~ (Yo n ; n Jhwr~~;}.. nrtr7< ~ ~i/xY". I I We want your views to help shape future development in Redbridge - 80% Page 1 of}

We want your views to help shape future development in Redbridge


Your details We'd like your name and email so you can be contacted to provide feedback on the consultation. We'd also like to use this to occasionally send you details of further consultation on the Local Plan . We'd also like your postcode so we can compare responses received across the borough. Your details will be treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will only be shared if a Planning Inspector needs to contact you to follow up on your comments.

@ Click the box if you agree to provide your details

Email J

Postcode J

If you'd prefer to be contacted via post, please provide your address


If you're responding on behalf of an organisation or local group, please tell us the name. This is optional. ------­ --1 I'm not responding on behalf of an organisation or local group. J

Back Submit . uklsurveys/j immy Ihelp-shape-the-future-of-redbridgel?p... 20/12/2014 L.B. REDBRIDGE . _-\

PLANNING POUCY &\NF'?an'onBOrOUghOf R bridge Redbridge Local Plan 201 -2030 1 DEC Z01~ Preferred Options Report Extension - Alter

If you wish to discuss the options directly with bot ~df consultation events will be held during November and Decem er 2014. Details are available on Redbridge-i ( or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?


2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? 71M ~m-rJtj -l~ ~wd kjt/Lfz1~ £c / @4adZ~ CP'IfA1> rf o;kn K C &'0 ~. 4LUA-' .12 adkfec/ Ii; )

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

~o ~~ (;CJHi;(n ~lL~" iD Cl im-;ti6~ wi aI j)cztd./k-e .) IJ di l C3{ ttaJltr ~«, ())I geven I~) PM:~., 'Jk/Ia®'luil domJ9i/l?B:Vzi­ j~lC1fA!V-e dj /6 00 ic,nffJ WtuU mx1 kh{J1 aw( ~fi E /~Q U4/ ~ 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

I A£Q®fl :t t, / de ~ dmto/~

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? Ifso please state below: C~ IcoI af 1-tm»L/lkJi Jte' fy; r~ ex ,;

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.





Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Sf.\/f..J Kf.

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: ------­ [email protected]

~<1.U .lo C~~ . ~ (J/) ~/)~ ~ ~/f( Freeposi: -­ ()tif-, Fax: ------Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IGl 1DO Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discussthe options directly with us before respondi , ... . . _ events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are avai ~~ ( 020 8708 2748. PLANNING POLICY &INFO

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. 10 DEC 2014

1. Do you have any ge~eral c~mments on the planning challenge fa~

[)tY V\ -r\dly.f3. q ~c.Jr V"e.­ . ~~ ~~~ -\V: \Y'-~~ ~ -\V'--:5 Sq ~~ t'Y'~ ± ~ __ ~~ ,~ C>V'-O--OA..D V-J~\\ . ~~ ~ . \cA/'-S ~~ Q~~ ~ 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? Y­

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\ Y"" -\ ~ CJ:2./:) ~ ~- t-ent-o . c>v (Jye)0\~c ,~~ . 3. What do you think about Option 2 - ~ind another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayesand King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? ~ . ~J ~~ ~ ~~ crD+'CV\ ~ \"', Jd....e S' ~~ ~ ~ 5~ zr'-vvJ (~ ~ ~ ~ S~ b~~~ ~ o~dc::;.. 4. What do you thinka"bout Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

\ 5 /)0... ~--c;J

6. Overall, which option do you think rs best for the borough and why? ~


7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

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~ t ~~(l~ ______


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below: ~ . CA.fv'.

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There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 0208 708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A 1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford Ilford IG1 1 DD r1 :J f~ 'if ~ & cr 1 s u, % ~ ~ f ~ =\-f f r ~~ r1 ~ . ~ ~ f ~ () ~ ~ ~ J~ r? r ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ cgct~ ~ ~ J ~ :-­

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:L c.b f"Q.o, ~ ~ ~ s,

~F~~ Save Our Suburbs 0... "c...J"~ ~~ -:r:.. do",,+- I I _~~L-______~\~._~~l.t~~\' - V~~uJ~ ~~~~~~~~~o.d ~~ Save Our Suburbs , NO STAMP REQUIRED L.B. REDBRIDGE PLANNING POLICY &INFO Redbridge Local Plan 2015 _2030 14 NOV 2014 London Borough of Redbridge FREE POST RLSR - JACE _HSUG "ford RECEIVED IG11DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Opt.ons Report Extension - Alternative Development li ""I"M~lE'

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, events will be held during November and December 2014. Details ar by phoning 02087082748. 2 2 O~f" 2014 This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 Deceqlber 2014. !P-D.Ie;:.. ; RE .~ 1. Do you have any general coml11_~nts on the planning challenges facing the Boroug .

:-. ( .. -

tV~~ ~A~rt" ~~"S\-\~ . ,

'. 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields.? '. ' .....

S-IM ,L..~ . ~~\~~~ '\~i~.VM.OI'1"\...' <~~ l \

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

P-c~ ~y"Z. IA\.-n.\.~,,=! ~ -A -~c:)cxt e...~"l\.vt\ I'\.,.(.c..- ls.. ~II:::'C::=L c 1,1I,..C \

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4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

5. Whatdo you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? <"\~ . .~-<"~ ~?t~ \.~ ~(l. \,...U~

" . ,.. . i. 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

~u L ~ p> N....:\.i It:) ~ ~ R-d...... u.J.. 'E- L l~ {\ 5z, q~

- . ..! ..

7. A~ecther~ any. other reaJistic a!tereatives that the Council should consider? If so please state belo,";,: ~0

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.


Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

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Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 02087082062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room A1, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, IIford IIford IG 1 1DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - -- Alternative Development Strategies Response Form If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 020 8708 2748. This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014. 1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? The plan ought to produce the results required with the least damage to local communities and facilities 2. What do you think about Option 1 - -- proceed with Oakfields? If a small part of Oakfields is developed with the same density as is proposed for the Western corridor , the 800 homes would take up 2.7 hectares or 11.95% of the site leaving Oakfields open spaces almost untouched. Oakfields branch of the Central line is used far less than those in the Western corridor . 3. What do you think about Option 2 The inclusion of an extra 800 homes into 88 hectare Goodmayes site would only increase building density by 9 homes per hectare (from 9-18) versus the Western corridor proposal which increases density to 330 homes per hectare. Crossrail gives a big opportunity to this site and the council should take full advantage of this. 4. What do you think about Option 3 - -- Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford,South Woodford and Wanstead? This proposal would require mainly high rise housing of small size units these are not the types of housing the Borough needs.The area is congested with traffic and parking problems. The central line branch lines in the area are overcrowded and overused. Infrastructure is already stretched and many children do not get school places near their homes. Local docotos surgeries are oversubscribed. There would be a negative impact on the character of the area Woodford and Wanstead area has conservation and heritage areas which would be compromised. 5. What do you think about Option 4 - -- Develop Green Belt land? This is an option to be avoided to preserve quality of life , health and environment for resident of Redbridge 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? I think the council should consider one or a combination of options 1 and 2 7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below: Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above. 8. Please provide your name and address details below: Name:Margaret Adams

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation’s name and your position below: Submitting this form: There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us: Complete online: Freepost: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies Planning and Regeneration Service, London Borough of Redbridge, Freepost RSLR - -- JACE - -- HSUG Ilford IG1 1DD Scan and e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 020 8708 2062 By hand: Planning Policy Team - -- Room A1, Redbridge Town Hall 128-142 High Road, Ilford I oppose the north-south development corridor running from Woodford Town Centre to South Woodford District Centre and on through Wan stead because: . ~ i ;:: ~ i/J ~ .,,(/J ...(CfAa &A..VJI cLvnI, cd ..AnM. 01. I~<; ch::)o/ /f Q.- ac &2 . /.!.,!3).. ..h--L.~ otu.471~p ~5 (~aIl..

--to ernc CJ).0 ~ cwn..4:- ~ S 0<:.4 h./ ~i.OLV /·Cl)\.}') ke~!U-l~ ciu..i. t.irv;.n CV\.t ~)h-a. [rd4:i .-itW-i.. cJb (l OC/)oU~ t/Y> w---k'cL I-(J p I ~ "Ja+fi . ~~ ' -3 L.B. REDBklOGE NO POLICY INFO STAMP Save Our Suburb60LANNING & REQUIRED _ ..._. 1 2 DEC 2014

l ed~~~fJ"'ELl5 ~ 2030 London Borough of Redbridge 'J ' '.' FREEPOST RLSR -JACE - HSUG Ilford IG 1 1DD Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 02087082748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough? NDONe LC; co IV 5 rb ~I rU G O~[fEi2

gI ~;:2 AdA R f.:- . ' I Li KEDBRIDGE / 2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields? , PLANNING P CY &INFO

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? ])f)

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? GJ±f' N~ p Jtt (!J;PI "Q>,S-_ - lQ / rV u {'(br

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your answers above.

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9.lf you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:


Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: d [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning Policy Team - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford IIford IG 1 1DD Sent: 28 November 2014 14:58 To: DPD (Planning Service Area) Subject: Growth Corridor - Save our Suburbs PUB3795 -02

I have downloaded your form but after Answer 4 my 'Word' would not proceed further. therefore please accept my emailed views.

Q1 Whilst accepting that more housing is needed care must be taken to ensure that development is sensitively planned. It should also be realised that the more housing provided the greater the influx into the area negating any value gained

Q2 Option1 Is the best for denser development

Q3 Option 2 also offers realistic opportunities

Q4 Option 3 Having read Council Meeting reports online the case for the Woodford South Woodford Wanstead Corridor is not sustainable. There are few redevelopment sites in the area, all of which are too small to provide a worthwhile amount of housing, without unacceptable heights or density The is no sites large enough to meet extra community needs, such as school or health centre buildings There is insufficient scope for the public utilities to expend their services. This appears to a late proposal to offset the strong opposition in other areas

Q5 I am opposed to any development on green belt land

Q6 Option 1 seems the foremost contender for any development

Q7 No comment

1 Red bridge Local Plan 201 5-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

lf you wish to discuss the options directly with us before responding, a programme of consultation

events will be held during November and December 2014. Details are available on Redbridge i or by phoning 020 87OB2748.

This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge i. Please respond by 22 December 2014.

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?


ir.rvourz6 irrrrgaieqL t*&Asr€rrcr\JR€ (S."c,oL + Sw{?-c+-6F{). BASi- ff1rorv +W€, ,^J,:-,i.-o R?dbZ- (/oegr^-rg fo -K€ Qx,t4t€b @.;r €fP' ric', t^'4^1 3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath? {€-fikic tL fittzEt+>.| 'fua)rz +lee{, 4^,o Uuo,*, ,t ,-- * nr,"U Sc:ne} 6 *1, ilaagrtct- No lxfTQtnrrzD irft*srzrr-rurz{. tp pnrt

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

-t-twg Qqr= H,egoy ?qA Ue (avaN rvwp,1s, Wzr,ffiL-fi.- 7fty

o@cE ,frta &> +1 d,l.rD(-a,eb Qrz*-xt *-a oulNs7or.J

UJerqp BE O (B€:TE r< 6j[a{ *-"\r. 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why? l2fllc(s,\bs. L

Eock+tues;+t-t r tt- / LorUn-^.t,*t

7 . Arethere any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? lf so please state below:

xjcx.r€ -w-t*T ift?€ lEuto\.rsL-tl-4,tr RZoSLB^ ts [aF.,L-fR-taJ \N-IC{Z€SS{ So .rfu.-rv oPrr o^r MrlsT- c^ -r,vctoE t-t rrtt sca-tooc- -r flgtxvcflrzf

$S r?\as- clP 'f+a€. Q-+qN , Lo-^r 'DELJ3 fTq \ e (+48 orsi--r-( uiAl-1 cfo 'q€)c*3 -\o fi.;etS ftxrorrtda fl-grc-rgn.t I .\.j,J(-<-i-/E;1b - "s^ScT1?r"clz':t'w Feel free to attach additional pages explaining your crnswers above. Fras5r=-{3

Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9.lf you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: brid ge.g ov.u k/l df

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 02087082062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strateg ies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room A1, London Borough of Redbridge, RedbridgeTown Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, llford llford lG1 l DD 1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challenges facing the Borough?

I fully agree that the Borough, along with the rest of London, needs more homes.

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

This is one of the better options proposed. The analysis in the PORE consultation document shows this scores highly on all criteria except for the preservation of open spaces, and also shows that even this negative can be significantly mitigated.

I believe one could go even further to mitigate the loss of open space by taking a smaller proportion of the site and building denser housing on that portion. To illustrate, if the same density was used as is proposed for option 3, the 800 dwellings would only take up 11.9% of the site (possibly no more than is currently occupied by utilitarian low rise buildings?), thereby leaving most if not all of the open space available. I am sure that preserved open space could be improved if incorporated into a well designed scheme for the entire site.

Please note I am not arguing that this degree of concentration is an optimal use of the site - the best compromise between the aspirations to preserve communal green space and to build dwellings with their own private gardens should be identified by council planners. The point is that developing Oakfields does not necessitate the loss of all the current open spaces and their use for recreational purposes.

I have recently visited the site and believe that the current use of the site is poor, especially given its strategic position. I am sure that it could provide both additional housing and be a greater asset to the wider community. Even if some of the open space is lost to development, the proximity of other extensive open land with recreational activities (such as Waters) would mitigate the impact.

3.What do you think about Option 2 - "Goodmayes"?

This is another good option. Although it does not score as highly as option 1 on the council's analysis, the analysis argues that these negatives can be mitigated. This scope for mitigation is apparent when one considers the size of the development (87.7 hectares) and the fact that the proposed density for this site is 9 dwellings per hectare, considerably less that most of the existing populated borough. One option would be to develop 3% of the site with the same density as proposed for option 3, thereby providing the required additional 800 dwellings. This would eliminate most of the negative issues flagged in the report.

Alternatively the 800 additional homes could be inserted by doubling the density of dwellings from 9 to 18 dwellings per hectare across the entire site. To put this into context, the proposed densities for option 1 and option 3 are 36 and 300 dwellings per hectare respectively.

One significant advantage of this option is it's proximity to new transport infrastructure (Crossrail). The council's report fails to reflect the severe overcrowding of the Central Line during peak periods, particularly on the branch which supports option 3 and therefore fails to show the advantage of building new homes near to the new capacity offered by Crossrail.

4.What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor?

Let me declare that I live in this area which presents me with a conflict of interest. I have guarded against this by sticking to facts and objective analysis. One advantage of living in the area for over 20 years is that I have a good idea of the positives and negatives that currently exist, and how these are likely to be impacted by this option. There has been considerable building of flats in the South Woodford area over the last 10 years, and this provides guidance to some of the impacts of option 3, particularly the negatives for transport infrastructure and community facilities.

An impartial reader of the council's report can see that this not a good option. It scores worse than all the other options in the Sustainability Appraisal Matrix, which illustrates that it doesn't really produce the sort of dwellings the borough needs, it cannot deliver any sites for community facilities, it will damage the character of the area and heritage assets and its negative impacts cannot be addressed. The report even questions the deliverability of the 800 homes, given the problems of this option. Sites are only identified for an additional 642 dwellings, and 4 of these sites are not suitable, as one is already being built on and the others are not on the Corridor as it is described in the text of the consultation.

Based on my knowledge of the area I think this actually UNDERSTATES how damaging this option would be if adopted, for the following four reasons:

a. Roads

It is a mistake to assume, just because roads exist, that they have spare capacity during peak periods. The main roads constituting much of the proposed Western Corridor are bumper to bumper for much of the day, not just during the working week but also at weekends. Although many occupants of the proposed flats will use public transport, most will doubtlessly also be car users, even if attempts are made to restrict this.

DOT traffic counts strongly suggest that the roads around Oakfields have more spare capacity than those of the Western Corridor, although I am not an expert in this field. I can say I don't believe it can be worse than the Western Corridor! If proximity to roads is a factor in selecting option 3 over other options, a study of the capacity utilisation of the various road systems needs to be conducted first.

The council's report is strangely one-sided on its forecast of increases in car usage. With option 1 it states:

"…the reality is that many will want to own and use cars. Consequently, some worsening of highway conditions would be expected" (P34)

With option 3 the corresponding conclusion is:

"..there is the potential for car free developments. This would mean that additional pressures on the existing road network could be avoided" (P41).

No clarification is offered as to why Western Corridor residents are less prone to need cars than those of Oakfields. It certainly isn't due to superior access to public transport or community facilities (see below). b.Underground

This is a similar point to the one above. It is a mistake to assume, just because an underground exists, that it has spare capacity during peak periods. I know from personal experience that during the rush hour it is very difficult to get on a tube at South Woodford and Wanstead.

Tfl statistics show that the branch that runs to Fairlop has much more capacity than the branch running through the Western Corridor. They also show that the annual footfall at Fairlop station is less than a fifth of that at South Woodford station.

Crossrail will inject considerable new capacity into the area which includes option 2. c.Community facilities

As the council's report notes, option 3 does not allow any new community facilities . What is not emphasised is that this area already suffers from worse community facilities than other area. For example, there are few play grounds and sports facilities; school places are strained (e.g. Churchfields).

Whereas other options give the potential to improve facilities inline and ahead of a growth in population, option 3 allows only deterioration.

If option 3 is adopted, people will increasingly need to travel to other areas to use the facilities there. d.Air quality

The GLA document "Air quality in Redbridge: a Guide for Public Health Professionals" notes the health implications of excess pollutants, including NO2. The monitoring station in the Western Corridor detected the highest concentration of NO2 in the Borough. Monitoring stations in both the Western Corridor and showed NO2 levels in excess of limit values, the excess in the former being twice as bad as the excess in the latter (54 micrograms per cubic metre verses 47).

In addition to the issues above, the council's report highlights the following concerns, which I agree with: a. Destruction of the character of the area

I ask no more than decision makers visit the area and consider the impact of the proposal. They will see that the proposed corridor coincides with the very roads, open spaces and heritage assets which give the area its character.

b. Impact on heritage assets

This part of London has far less heritage assets than many areas of London, and what we do have are disproportionately found in the proposed corridor. While I am sure LBR will protect the very best individual building, their enjoyment by residents and visitors is dependent on their setting. This will present severe difficulties with the proposal.

c. Lack of deliverability

There is no doubt homes need to be found. Unfortunately this option offers no visibility on this key objective. As noted above identified useable sites fall short of the required 800. Also, even if this option is adopted, when individual proposals come forward there will doubtlessly be severe clashes between what local residents want, planning considerations warrant and developers hope for. This is likely to leave LBR without the ability to deliver on numbers.

It is important to note that option 3 is the only option proposed which includes high density housing. This means the council's analysis is incomplete, and before option 3 is chosen it must be concluded that the Western Corridor is the best location available for this height of building, and in particular is a better location than either Oakfields or Goodmayes. I have given careful consideration to this, and I think if the council did likewise they would conclude that inserting 800 dwellings in tall buildings could be done in either the Oakfields site or the Goodmayes site with far less damage and risk than in the Western Corridor. I also think either of these is something we could be confident can actually be delivered, whereas this is doubtful in the Western corridor according to the council's analysis.

Finally, before I am accused of Nimbyism, let's remember than the sites identified in option 3 are already going to be developed with a density of 75 dwellings per hectare (versus 36 and 9 for options 1 and 2 respectively) - I am just questioning whether it is appropriate to increase this to 300 per hectare.

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land?

I think this is a desirable option if the council can find sufficient suitable land. As this is beyond my knowledge I cannot comment further.

6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

I am undecided between options 1 and 2.

It seems to me that the Oakfields site as currently used is a poor use of the land and it must be possible to use it more effectively for the wider community, while also incorporating 800 homes.

It also seems strange that a site the size of Goodmayes that is so close to Crossrail is going to be used so inefficiently as is currently proposed, even if this will be very pleasant for those able to live there, especially if as a direct consequence of this people elsewhere have to suffer far denser living conditions.

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives?

Yes. As previously noted: a.Take a part of Oakfields and build on that with a greater density, thereby allowing the retention of most or all of the open spaces, or b. Increase the density of a small part (3%) of Goodmayes, thereby allowing more residents to enjoy good access to Crossrail, or c. Alternatively a smaller development at Oakfields (400 dwellings?) plus a few more at Goodmayes might be optimal.

Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Development Strategies Response Form

If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before respon r.·;;;a~~ro~g~r~am~m~erm of~c~o~~n s~u~lt~at:io:.n~ events will be held during November and December 2014. DetaIls are a a' by phoning 020 8708 2748. PLANNING POLICY &INFO This response form can also be completed online at Redbridge . Please respond by 22 December 2014. 22 DEC 2 14

1. Do you have any general comments on the planning challen - es

, . , ~~" b~ 0:::. V') ~ \..e Nc...... k-'--~ C,OVo.N'IV'-~ ~

2. What do you think about Option 1 - proceed with Oakfields?

, w~ v ~ <..J..r-.~ vJ..,v<-""-~ 'G ""'--~ l.-..J o ~ ~".;);.J '- _ ~ \r. ~ ,~ '. . v e.k o... ~~v.. ,. JL ~ _ V ~ _ <-" /l' .... Q- , "'-"" _ ')..... \ n.. h _ ' "­ ~ - - " , . - .

3. What do you think about Option 2 - Find another site - increase the proposed development at land in and around Goodmayes and King George hospitals and the Ford Sports Ground in Seven Kings / Chadwell Heath?

'\ '\" . .~ \-.n:, ~ ~v-.r-.J...~ J ~~. ~\.N~\::..-~ k>'*"(Jw s, C' ''Y=

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead?

" , J.,.-,* -"V"\..Q., '0 ~ ~~ k.~ S""-

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green Belt land? 6. Overall, which option do you think is best for the borough and why?

7. Are there any other realistic alternatives that the Council should consider? If so please state below:

Feel free to attach additionalpages explaining your answers above.



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9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below:

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There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete online: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning and Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road, Ilford IIford IG 1 1DD Redbridge-Local Plan 2015-2030 Preferred Options Report Extension - Alternative Dev¢-Io-p-m-, e-f!-!-IJ-~~'~-~~nse Fo m -- ' . If you wish to discuss the options directly with us before re p~kiM"y,'JJ~.gj~C¥f~"'~~l"V n events will be held during November and December 2014. etails are available on Redbridge i If, or by phoning 02087082748. 22 DEC 23A '

This response form can also be completed online at Redbri ~ ge ~. FeEI'." F~, l Please respond by22 December 2014. L~.~ . ::- \f C ' . 1

1. Do you have any general comments on t

4. What do you think about Option 3 - Western Corridor - Woodford Broadway / Woodford, South Woodford and Wanstead? ~ . , ~Alh;( ~lA~~li_~t~k~Q~~~~'------

5. What do you think about Option 4 - Develop Green , Belt land?

- Please note that survey forms where no post code is given will not be accepted.

9. If you are responding on behalf on an organisation, please give the organisation's name and your position below: -..-.--..- ---.- -r--/-/:::-~2_ ..--...---.- ..­ .------­

7 ~. Submitting this form:

There are a number of ways to send your completed form to us:

Complete on~ine: Scan and e-mail: [email protected]

Freepost: Fax: Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 020 8708 2062 Preferred Options Report Extension Alternative Development Strategies By hand: Planning arid Regeneration Service, Planning PolicyTeam - Room Al, London Borough of Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall Freepost RSLR - JACE - HSUG 128-142 High Road,llford Ilford IGllDD