Double Bay, Exchange
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9 Castlereagh-strect. Sydney. 'Phone. B1668. BAY, DOUBLE BAY. DOUBLE MANNING-ROAD. Owner leaving for England, will sell a splendid Cottage Home, In perfect order; containing lnrgo drawing and dining rooms, small smoke room, 4 nice airy bedrooms, hall, pantry, linen-press, larg» bathroom, heater, etc., large kitchen, separate laun- dry, front and side verandahs, electric light and points, cottage will make three spacious fiats, roora for flats at side. Land 60ft frontage, 120ft depth. 'Bus passes door, 1 minute tram. Price £3975, quick sale. Inspection by appointment, 'Phone, FM1768. TTVOUBLE BAY-EDGECLIFF. MODERN DARK BRICK BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. (Built 12 months.) FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. Owner leaving for N.Z. in November, Is forced to sell this attractive Home quickly. The lntcrlcr comprises: Very nice entrance hall and five spacious rooms, tiled kitchen, tiled bathroom, Roman bath, pedestal basin, etc. Partly enclosed verandah, suitable s'.ceplng-out, separate laundry. Enclos-a back porch. Storeroom, with concrete floor. Good block land, exceptionally well laid out. Stone» front fence. NOTE: The hall, lounge, and dining rooms have polished floors, and every room Is verp nicely papered. PRICE £2350. (NO AGENTS. PLEASE.) EPPING.-Level HomeSite, 52 x 190, high position, 1li cheap. 139 Smlth-st. Summer Hill._ Homeslto, good posl. JJ^ASIWOOD-RYDE-Level Hill _ tlon. cheap. R. Miller, Summer P.O. x 120ft, kerbed, guttered, ele- EARLWOOD.-44ftvated, near now line, sacrifice, £150. Owner, 4 Dudley-street, West Marrickville._ Furnished Mountain Cottage, equity EXCHANGE£340, as deposit handy Suburban Cottage. _2 Beaconsneld-road, Mosman. CARLWOOD.-40ft x 180ft, good locality, 'buses 1li pass, only 10 minutes' wnlk Hurlstone Park station. Kerbed. £230, irtsy terms. 3000, Herald. best side, few minutes station, shops, EASTWOOD,and schools.-IDEAL LEVEL HOME SITE, easterly aspect Water, gas, electric light. Easy teims. No. 0319. Herald._ acres beautiful elevated, level Orchard EPPING.-2Land. 22 feet entrance from street, 5 minutos station. Splendid site for secluded home or school. £550. O. E. SHARP, 30 Essex-street. Epping. EPPING.-Good Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, kitchen, tiled bathroom, large enclosed verandah, sido veirndah, electric light, and all conveniences, big £1850. garage. 5 minutes station, £1850. K N. RHODES. ESTATE AGENT. EPPING. EPPING.-Good Building Lot, 50 x 132, near sta Ep tlon, all conveniences, partly fenced, good locality. £250. K. N. RHODES, ESTATE AGENT, EPPING. _Closed 1 p.m. To-day._ HILLS. Panania Estate, right ot Station. EASTBeautiful Lots, from £3/10/ foot, easier term» and exceptional investments. Secure early. Selling rapidly. Car inspection dally. Send for Utho. Pet. 4040. Lindley Wragge. 257 Homer-st, Earlwood. £1000. |j»ARLWOOD. " Jil Brick 5-roomed COTTAGE, on tramline. Land alone worth £600 Inspect to-day. N. B. LOVERIDGE. Tram Terminus, Eatlwood. _Open All Day Saturday._ EXCHANGE.-The owner of THREE BUNGALOW FLATS at COGEE, corner position, excellently situated, well tenanted, built 2 years, presentí RENTAL £410 (low), bedrock. PRICE £4000. will exchange for BUNGALOW, eastern suburbs, up to £2500. Owner, No. 1073. Horald. ENMQRE-MARRICKVILLE. PRICE £1150. Modem Brick Cottage, tile roof, front verandnh, hall, 4 rooms, kitchenette, tiled bathroom, laundry, etc. Every modern convenience, including elcctrlo light and power, bath heater, etc. Land 24 X 120. Torrens. Easy terms. E A. TURTLE and CO., LTD., L12RB. L3164._352 King-street. Newtown. ARLWOOD. PRICE £1373. MAGNIFICENT NEW DARK BRICK BCNOALOW. Portico Side Entrance, Vestíbulo Hall. Lounga room, expensively papered, 3 bedrooms, breakfast« room, Tiled Cooking Recess. Tiled Roman Bath, Bath Heater, separate Laundry, Car Entrance. Excellent Position. Glorious Views. EASY TERMS ARRANGED. J. R 8TEWART. Terminus, EARLWOOD. Pet. 2670. EASTWOOD. EASTWOOD. I J The most beautiful Allotments In this delight- ful suburb, situated on the Eastwood-St. Leonard» Railway, and within easy access of the Eastwood Station and shopping centre. Commanding gor- geous views. Every convenience available. Un- equalled Investments and home sites Torrens title. Prices from 45/ per foot; 10 per cent, deposit, nnd balance by easy terms. Homes financed on the allotments. Apply immediately. Sole Agents, NORMAN H. WHITFIELD. _0 castlerengh-strcet. Sydney. 'Phone, B1668. EDGECLIFF.DARK BRICK RESIDENCE. HARBOUR VIEWS. EASTERLY ASPECT. The Residence contains entronco porch, vesti- bule hall, large lounge (with fireplace recess), opening to spacious glnss-pnclosci verandah, din- ing-» oom, smokerooni. 4 bedrooms, spacious nur 3erv, or fifth bedroom, enclosed sleeplng-out ver nndoh, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, storerooms, etc. Lovely garden. Garage. FRICE ONLY £6250. SMALL DEPOSIT. EXCEPTIONAL EASY TERM& Full details from J. D. THANE, Tele., FM18I5._Edgecliff, opposite Post-office. GREATEST BARGAIN, ITIARLWOOlfS GREATEST BARGAIN, li BEING SACRIFICED ABSOLUTELY. A BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK-ON-STONE, AND right in the Heart of Developments. Yes, It's a WONDERFUL HOME for the money. Lounge exquisitely paperod, also hall, 2 fins bediooins, and glassed sleep-out, all-Roman tiled hot and cold shower bathroom, well placed, dining room with fireplace, and charmingly modern cook- ing recess; also laundry, carway-and right handy to everything. IT'S YOUR CHANCE-£975. EASY TERMS. Never before have we been able to offer such a Home tor the money. Yes, it's decidedly yo-ir chance. LINDLEY' WRAOGE. 257 Homer-street. 1 atop from Terminus. »Pit. 4040. (Continued on next page.) STATEMENT OF HERITAGE IMPACT – 1, 1A & 5 AVON ROAD AND 4 BEECHWORTH ROAD PYMBLE - PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2012 Appendix E – Mr J. Fraser. Former Railways Commisioner. DEATH ANNOUNCED., The Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 29 July 1936, p.10 OCP ARCHITECTS P/L 50 12015 HIS The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 29 July 1936, page 10 scope for the J: ability because of the difficult nature of the MR: FRASER. country. He was specially selected by the Chief Commissioner (Mr. E. M. G. Eddy) in 1889 to control railway duplication and other Railways large engineering works then being carried Former out by contract. Ho was appointed divisional engineer at Goulburn in 1890, with engineer- branches Gornmissioner. ing control over the main Une and south of Goulburn, a track mileage of approxi- mately 1000 miles. TOUR ABROAD. ANNOUNCED. assistant englneer-in-chief In , DEATH He became 1892, and, after acting as engineer-in-chlef six months in 1895, he was appointed to Mr. James Fraser, who was Chief Commis- for that position on March 16, 1903. In that the New South Wales Railways from sioner of office he exercised engineering control and 1917 until 1929, died at his home at Pymble supervision of a track mileage of 3790 miles. New Wales 74 years. He was recognised In 1905, he represented the South Railways at the International Railway Con- as a particularly sound administrator and an gress at Washington, U.S.A., and subsequently regret authority on railway matters, and deep toured the United States, Canada, and Britain of was felt at his forced retirement because investigating railway control and Improve- ill-health in 1929-two years before the ex- ments. piration of his term of appointment. Mr. Fraser was appointed Deputy Assistant Mr. Fraser entered the raliway service as Commissioner for Railways on April 27, 1910, it 4, a boy, and rose to the highest position in and Assistant Commissioner on April 1914. 39 years later. His wide experience during Subsequently hacbecamc Deputy Chief Com- those years piovcd invaluable to him In his missioner until January 1. 1917, when he was administration of the great undertaking, and appointed Chief Commissioner. In this posi- during lils term as Chief Commissioner the tion he had control of the biggest business efficiency and finances of the service improved undertaking in the Commonwealth, with a considerably. He supervised the construction staff, including the tramways, which were of many lines, and he was in charge when the then under the same control, of 52,208. The metropolitan service was electrified. He was turnover of the two concerns WRS then extremely popular with all sections of em- £33,259,515 a year. ployees in the railways. IMPORTANT WORKS. ' Important works carried out under Mr. Fraser's personal direction included the elimi- nation of the great "Zig Zag" and the con- struction of the Emu Plains to Glenbrook deviation on the main western line; the new railway line between Waterfall, Otford, and Coalcliff on the Illawarra Une; the recon- struction of the main southern line between Picton and Mittagong; the duplication and quadruplicate of long stretches of the main trunk lines; and the construction of the new goods railway from Flemington lo Wardell road and Glebe Island, During his term as Chief Commissioner the underground railway was in course of construction, and the electri- fication of the metropolitan lines was carried , out. He also rendered Important service In I an advisory capacity In the bulk handling of wheat and the construction of grain silos and elevators. He was reappolnted Chief Commissioner In December, 1924, for a period of seven years, at a salary of £5000 a year. However, in September, 1929, he asked the Premier, Mr. (now Sir Thomas) Bavin for permission to retire as soon as possible because of ill-health. Regret was expressed by the Government at the need for his retirement, and the Premier paid a high tribute to his long and valuable public service, and to his ability as an adminis- trator. Mr. Fraser relinquished his duties late in November. Subsequently, In September, 1931, Mr. Fraser was appointed a member of the Transport (Co-ordination) Commission by the Lang Gov- ernment. at Braidwood in 1861, Mr. Fraser Bom Mr. Frasei was a keen gardener, and was his studies at the Grammar completed Sydney very fond oí reading. His other hobby was service in School. He entered the railway painting. late 1878 as a cadet under the Mr.