Appendix a – Vegetation Found in DMP 78-80

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Appendix a – Vegetation Found in DMP 78-80 Appendices This section includes all appendices referred to in the text. These are predominantly species lists along with a few other informative lists, including: Appendix A – Vegetation found in DMP 78-80 Appendix B – Hexapod taxa found in DMP 81 Appendix C – Fish species from DMP and Potomac River 82-83 Appendix D – Amphibians and reptiles found in DMP 84 Appendix E – Birds of Dyke Marsh field checklist 85-90 Appendix F – Mammals found in DMP 91 Appendix G – 2003 Dyke Marsh breeding bird survey 92-94 Participants of workshop address and information list 95-97 77 Appendix A List of vegetation found in Dyke Marsh Preserve, from Xu (1991). (+ = rare species in Virginia) Acalypha rhomboidea Acer negundo Calystegia sepium Desmodium spp. Acer rubrum Campsis radicans Digitaria sanguinalis Acer saccharinum Carex annectans Diodia virginiana Achillea millefolium Carex comosa Dioscorea villosa Acorus calamus Carex frankii Diospyros virginiana Aesculus glabra Carex grayi Duchesnea indica Ailanthus altissima Carex lurida Echinochloa crusgalli Alisma plantago-aquatica Carex lupulina Echinochloa walteri Alliaria petiolata/officinalis Carex scoparia Eclipta alba Allium spp. Carex squarrosa Egeria densa Alnus serrulata Carex tribuloides Elaeagnus umbellata Amaranthus cannabinus Carex vulpinoidea Elaeagnus communata Ambrosia artemisiifolia Carpinus caroliniana Eleocharis obtusa Ambrosia trifida Carya tomentosa Elephantopus carolinianus Amelanchier arborea Castanea spp. Elodea densa Amorpha fruticosa Celastrus orbiculatus Elymus virginicus Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Celtis occidentalis Epilobium coloratum Amphicarpa bracteata Cephalanthus occidentalis Erigeron annuus Anthoxanthum odoratum Ceratophyllum demersum Erigeron philadelphicus Apios americana Cercis canadensis Euonymus alatus Apios bractea Chelone glabra Euonymus americanus Apocynum cannabinum Chenopodium album Eupatorium altissimum Arctium minus Chenopodium ambrosioides Eupatorium perfoliatum Arenaria serpyllifolia Cichorium intybus Fraxinus pennsylvanica Arisaema triphyllum Cicuta maculata Fraxinus profunda Artemisia vulgaris Cinna arundinacea Galium aparine Arthraxon hispidus Circaea lutetiana Galium obtusum Asclepias incarnata Cirsium vulgare Germander spp. Asclepias syriaca Clematis terniflora Geum canadense Asimina triloba Commelina communis Geum laciniatum+ Aster lateriflorus Commelina virginica Geum virginianum Aster simplex Cornus americana Glecoma hderacea Athyrium filix-femina Cornus amomum Gleditsia triacanthos Baccharis halimifolia Cornus florida Gratiola neglecta Berberis thumbergii Cornus foemina Hedera helix Bidens cernua Cornus stolonifera Helenium autumnale Bidens discoidea Crataegus phaenopyrum Helianthus giganteus Bidens frondosa Cryptotaenia canadensis Helianthus tuberosus Bidens laevis Cuscuta gronovii Hemerocallis fulva Boehmeria cylindrica Cynanchum laeve Heteranthera dubia Botrychium dissectum Cyperus erythrorhizos Hibiscus laevis Botrychium virginianum Cyperus strigosus Hibiscus militaris Bromus tectorum Dactylis glomerata Hibiscus moscheutos/palustris Buxus sempervirens Daucus carota Hydrilla verticillata 78 Hypericum spp. Nyssa sylvatica Rhus glabra Ilex opaca Oenothera biennis Rhus radicans Ilex verticillata Onoclea sensibilis Robinia pseudo-acacia Impatiens capensis Osmorhiza longistylis Rorippa palustris Iris pseudacorus Osmunda cinnamomea Rorippa sylvestris Itea virginica Osmunda regalis Rorippa walteri Juglans nigra Oxalis erecta Rosa multiflora Juncus effusus Oxalis corniculata Rosa palustris Juncus tenuis Oxypolis rigidior Rubus argutus Juniperus virginiana Pachysandra procumbens Rubus occidentalis Justicia americana Panicum anceps Rudbeckia laciniata Kyllinga pumila Panicum rigidulum Rumex altissimus Lactuca biennis Panicum virgatum Rumex crispus Lactuca floridana Parthenocissus quinquefolia Sagittaria latifolia Lactuca serriola Paspalum spp. Salix babylonica Laportea Canadensis Passiflora lutea Salix matsudana Leersia oryzoides Peltandra virginica Salix nigra Lemna spp. Perilla frutescens Sambucus canadensis Lepidium campestre Philadelphus coronarius Samolus parviflorus Lespedeza cuneata Phragmites australis Sanicula canadensis Ligustrum obtusifolium Physocarpus opulifolius Sanicula gregaria Lilium superbum Phytolacca americana Saururus cernuus Lindera benzoin Pilea pumila Scirpus cyperinus Lippia lanceolata Plantago lanceolata Scirpus polyphyllus Liquidambar styraciflua Plantago rugelii Scirpus pungens Liriodendron tulipifera Platanus occidentalis Scirpus validus Lobelia cardinalis Podophyllum peltatum Scutellaria lateriflora Lonicera maackii Polygonum arifolium Setaria glauca Lonicera joponica Polygonum cespitosum Setaria viridis Ludwigia peploides Polygonum cuspidatum Sicyos angulatus Ludwigia palustris Polygonum pensylvanicum Sisyrinchium mucronatum Lycopus americanus Polygonum punctatum Smilacina racemosa Lycopus rubellus Polygonum sagittatum Smilax glauca Lycopus virginicus Polygonum virginianum Smilax rotundifolia Lysimachia ciliata Polymnia uvedalia Solanum americanum Lythrum salicaria Pontederia cordata Solanum carolinense Melilotus alba Populus deltoides Solanum dulcamara Menispermum canadense Potamogeton crispus Solidago spp. Mentha piperita Potentilla norvegica Sparganium eurycarpum Mentha spicata Proserpinaca palustris Spirodela polyrhiza Mikania scandens Prunus americana Stellaria graminea Mimulus alatus Prunus serotina Taraxacum erythrospermum Morus alba Pyrus communis Taraxacum officinale Morus rubra Quercus alba Teucrium canadense Murdania keisak Quercus bicolor Thalictrum pubescens Myriophyllum aquaticum Quercus palustris Thelypteris noveboracensis Myriophyllum spicatum Quercus phellos Thelypteris thelypterioides Nuphar lutea Quercus rubra Trifolium repens 79 Tripsacum dactyloides Typha angustifolia Typha latifolia Ulmus americana Ulmus parviflora Ulmus rubra Urtica dioica Vallisneria americana Verbascum blattaria Verbascum thapsus Verbena hastata Verbena urticifolia Verbesina alternifolia Vernonia noveboracensis Viburnum dentatum Viburnum prunifolium Viburnum recognitum Vinca major Viola spp. Vitis aestivalis Vitis labrusca Vitis riparia Wisteria sinensis Xanthium strumarium Zizania aquatica 80 Appendix B The number of hexapod taxa found in 1998 and expected in the Dyke Marsh Preserve. As found in Johnston (2000), data from E. Barrows (Georgetown University). No. of species No. of species Subclass and Order Common name found1 expected2 Subclass Entognatha (Entognathan Hexapods) Collembola Springtails 0 81 Diplura Diplurans 0 1 Protura Proturans 0 1 Subclass Insecta (Insects) Blattaria Cockroaches 0 1 Coleoptera Beetles 59 1,606 Dermaptera Earwigs 1 1 Diptera Flies 60 1,243 Ephemeroptera Mayflies 1 58 Embiidina Webspinners 0 0 Grylloblattaria Rock crawlers 0 0 Hemiptera Stink bugs and kin 8 272 Homoptera Aphids and kin 10 364 Hymenoptera Ants, bees, wasps 102 1,190 Isoptera Termites 1 1 Lepidoptera Butterflies, moths 29 684 Mantodea Mantids 0 4 Mecoptera Scorpionflies 1 5 Microcoryphia Bristletails 0 1 Neuroptera Lacewings and kin 3 33 Odonata Damselflies, dragonflies 6 71 Orthoptera Grasshoppers and kin 3 110 Phasmida Walkingsticks 0 1 Plecoptera Stoneflies 5 45 Psocoptera Bark lice 0 18 Pthiraptera Lice 0 37 Siphonaptera Fleas 0 7 Strepsiptera Twisted-wing parasites 0 5 Thysanoptera Thrips 0 33 Thysanura Silverfish 0 2 Trichoptera Caddisflies 3 17 Zoraptera Zorapterans 0 0 Total 292 6,000 1 These numbers are from a preliminary examination of 8 of the 21 sets of specimens and field examinations of living hexapods in the Preserve. 2 These numbers are based on an extrapolation of a count of 12,520 hexapod species in North Carolina (Wray 1967). It is hypothesized that there are 6,000 hexapod species in the Preserve because of its general location, habitats, and my (E. Barrows) experience with the number of hexapods in the Washington, DC, area. Some of these orders (e.g., Collembola, Diplura) are infrequently captured in Malaise traps. 81 Appendix C Fish species reported from Dyke Marsh Preserve and the adjacent Potomac River as found in Johnston (2000). Jenkins and Burkhead (1994) provided documentation for all species except the “lamprey” and “other” categories. Wayne Starnes (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences) (pers. comm.) provided documentation for the “other” category, and data on residency and feeding habits. The fish species reported by Parsons et al. (1976) from the Belle Haven estuary are all included except for the banded killifish. (+ indicates rare species in Virginia, 2004) Species Common name Residency Feeding Habit Lampreys: Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey anadromous external parasite Sturgeons: Acipenser brevirostrum+ Short-nose sturgeon apparently extirpated Acipenser oxyrhynchus+ Atlantic sturgeon very rare Gars: Lepisosteus osseus Longnose gar migratory predator Bowfins: Amia calva predator Freshwater eels: Anguilla rostrata1 American eel catadromous predator/ omnivore Herrings: Dorosoma cepedianum Gizzard shad permanent, breeding filter-feeding Dorosoma petenense Threadfin shad filter-feeding Alosa aestivalis1 Blueback herring migratory, breeding filter-feeding Alosa pseudoharengus1 Alewife migratory, larvae filter-feeding Alosa mediocris Hickory shad migratory, breeding, rare predator Alosa sapidissima American shad migratory, breeding predator Pikes: Esox niger Chain pickerel predator Minnows: Cyprinus carpio1 Common carp permanent, breeding omnivore Carassius auratus Goldfish omnivore Notemigonus crysoleucas Golden shiner predator on sm. inverts. Clinostomus funduloides Rosyside dace predator
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